The beauty of a vixen... PART 3

Story by Hemnon on SoFurry

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#3 of Beauty of a vixen

**Author: Hemnon

Support: strawberry_reian**

If there is an artist among my readers who wants to draw my characters, send me a PM and we can figure out an agreement.

The beauty of a vixen... Part 3

when the vixen kissed the wolf...

... It was Matt!!

happiness and shame rushed over Jessica as she realized it was Matt. Glad that he Threw that sick guy off her, ashamed that he had to see her like this.... lying in the ground, her pants unzipped and partially dragged down and her top pulled up over her breasts.

As she quickly pulled her top back down, Jessica could see that Matt's eyes where filled with disgust... not towards her, but towards Joe who, at that moment was about to stand up. Looking pretty unstable on his feet, Joe turned around and stared at Matt. ''What the hell was that for? '' Joe asked angrily, and started walking back towards Jessica, who looked frightened and started crawling backwards and away from him.

Matt quickly stepped in front of her and growled ''What the hell are you doing Joe?! Are you out of your goddamn mind!'' Joe Froze where he stood as Matt growled. Matt moved a step towards Joe who still stood frozen, and not totally understanding what all Matt's fuzz was about. ''Come on man, I was just having a bit of fun...'' Joe Said. Suddenly Matt punched, only as a martial artist would do, Joe right in the guts and he collapsed where he stood, not getting up this time. Matt quickly hurried back to Jessica, who was still staring at Joe's limb body, lying on the ground. '' Jess?... are you alright, did he hurt you'' Matt asked her, pausing a few steps away from her... unsure if she would be comfortable with him near her.

Jessica then quickly snapped her head, so she looks at his face ''Ehm... N-no I d-don't think so'' she said in a shaky voice. Her eyes started to fill with tears, as she remembered Joe's disgusting hands on her body. Then the tears Broke and she started to cry, and feel very unclean... Jessica looked down as she cried, unable to look him in the eyes anymore. Jessica then felt a set of arms, lightly holding around her... she could see a pair of blue shorts and gray fur, and knew it was Matt who held her. She shied away from him and said ''leave me alone... I'm disgusting'' she sobbed, but Matt kept her tightly pressed against him now and murmured ''Shh... calm down.... he is not gonna hurt you anymore, and you are not disgusting'' his tone was soothing and sincere. As her crying stopped and turned into sobs, she snuggled closer into him, her paws against his muscular chest. She then realized that he wasn't wearing a shirt, but she was only being glad that he saved her before Joe really could have done some damage to her.

After a few minutes, Jessica's sobs stopped, and she looked at Matt again. ''um.. thanks for, you know... saving me and all that'' she said with a weak smile on her lips. Matt just chuckled and smiled back, glad that she was okay. ''do you want me to follow you home?'' Matt then asked, and Jessica just nodded. They both got up, Jessica then quickly pulling her pants up and re-zip them flushing a little. Matt could feel her fur heat up a little, and tried not to smile... he didn't succeed. As the both of them started to walk, Matt let go of Jessica, but he stayed right beside her. ''where are your glasses?'' Matt asked her as she peeked at him for the third time. Jessica's lips twitched a little but answered ''they are at home, I only you them when I read... why do you ask?'' as she finished her question, she then realized that he had never seen her without glasses. ''well I presumed that you might had dropped them back there... since I always see you wearing them I mean''. Matt then looking into her eyes, 'huh... green, never noticed that before' he thought and smiled at her. As they reached Jessica's house, Matt stopped outside, unsure if he should follow her in. as if Jessica had heard his train of thought, she asked ''wanna come in? My parents are not gonna be home until Tuesday...'' She looked at him, hopping he would accept.

''um... sure'' Matt answered and stepped inside, the hallway was long and there where four door frames, leading to there respective rooms. Jessica could feel her pulse quicken as Matt entered, 'Wow... Matt here, in my home. Her chest rose and fell quicker, and Matt noticed her increased breathing and cocked his head to the side. ''is there something wrong?'' he asked, worried that she might be sick or something. ''I'm fine..'' she answered, her heart still beating quickly. She then moved towards the staircase, witch Matt hadn't seen until now, and motioned with her paw that he should follow her. Matt slowly followed her up the stairs. She lead him into, what he presumed, was her bedroom. As he entered her room he could immediately smell an unknown scent, it was very sweet yet with a tint of something else he couldn't put is claw on what it was. He could smell that the scent came from under her bed. Matt could then feel her was getting a hard on by the scent, and he suddenly realized what the scent probably was...

Jessica sat on her bed and patted the bed with her paw, telling him to sit down next to her. As Matt sat down, Jessica saw the bulge In his pants and felt her cheeks burn. ''Matt... I.. I want to thank you for saving me...'' she said and leaned a little closer to him. Matt looked her in the eyes and replied ''you already have... remember?'' he teased. ''I know'' she said, '' but have something else in mind than words'' and then she leaned up to his face and press her mouth lightly against his. her arms reaching around his neck, holding him to her.

As their lips meet, Matt held her around the waist and lifted her onto his lap. Jessica was startled by it but she continued kissing him. She could feel the bulge in his pants press gently against her pussy, witch she now could feel was very wet.

She then could then feel one of Matt's hands reach down to her pants.... she didn't shy away from it... her heart beating even faster.

This is the end of part 3...

Remember to post a little comment :D