The Map of gilgama Chapter 4

Story by MrMidnightbear on SoFurry

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#2 of The Map of Gilgama

Thylin and Navajo finds themselves in the world, and soon will have to begin their adventure to try and find their way home

The crowing of the early hours caused Thylin to groan in annoyance. As he felt himself falling out of bed. THough thankfully the fall wasn't a rough one. His body hurt all over. Sure he was far more muscular than he was before, when he was more like a walking scarecrow. But god helping out in those feilds plowing off all day. He hoped Eileen had a better time,

Fuck I need to remember just to call her Navajor. She was really excited about using that name here," He grumbled some as it was hard to pinpoint Navajor's personality at time. Though he shuddered some. Her knew form, was simply sexy. But they were friends and she said she was dating someone. He couldn't try doing any funny bussiness.

After all that wouldn't be right. He could't do something that could fuck it up. Though a small part of him, the part that had no problem with that, imagined himself fucking her. His cock thrusting into her cunt. He imagined it would suck him in. A cold releif though. Since it was clear this body kept one thing from his original body. It managed to keep his well endowed penis. As he looked down at it. The morning wood, sprouting. That part of him seemed to have a sliver of energy.

I swear if my arm's didn't feel like they were about to fall off I'd take care of you myself. He pondered more while just taking long deep breaths. As he popped his back. Before heading towards the shower. It was clear that he was going to need a nice cold one to get rid of this bad boy.

A few minutes later Thylin walked out shivering, clearly not prepared for how cold it was. Though the shower did its job. Since he was no longer sporting a foot long erection.

"Better." He muttered before motioning towards the door. He wondered if Moonwing would provide them with some breakfast. That could do. He was hoping for eggs, and bacon oh, some sausage also. Just to really pack on the feel. As he could practically hear his stomach screaming at him for food. Especially after yesterdays work. He remember walking in after spending all day in the hot grueling sun, and just getting in his room and passing out right there on the bed.

He walked down the stairs and there in the kitchen was a large breakfast, enough food that Thylin wondered how it could even fit on the table. Moonwing was sitting on one end a cup of hot coffee in one hand a fork in the other, as he was eating breakfast. Sunwing, along with Navajo, hanging off across from each other Thylin couldn't help but notice that Navajo's hair was a little off center, quite wild.

"Have some bed head there Navajo?" Thylin asked not thinking much though Navajo looked at him shocked some though shook her head with a relaxed look on her face,

"Oh yeah, well more or less its bed head." She laughed at her slightly though Thylin really didn't get it. He shrugged and began eating his breath fast. It was quite good, Everything seemed to as he would continue eating, and when he finished that plate he had seconds, and than he had thirds. Beside there was enough food for everyone. It would be a pure shame to waist all of it.

"So shall you two be staying here a little longer or will you be on your way?" Moonwing asked his gruff voice bolstered some to catch their attention. Thylin shuddered at this as he shook his head,

"No I think we should head out after all, we have a long journey to go, and we don't want to be a bother." He felt sweat trickling off to the side

"Very well, I'll get you some cash we had save off and point you two off to town. I hope you find what you're looking for."

"I'm sure we will though we might need to head off before the sun gets to far in the sky, thank you-- I mean it thank you for letting us stay for the night." Thylin said his head bowing gently as an appreciation. He was far to tired to shake the other mans hand. Though Moonwing didn't seem to mind as he gave a nod, the way a horse like him would.

"Please stop by whenever you two can especially you Navy. Our homes always opened for you two." Sunwing moved over and gave them both each a kiss on the cheek Navajo blushed prefusely by this her pale cheeks turning a crimson dark. Thylin didn't pay no mind to that. They just headed off.

The would follow off in the direction Moonlight had pointed to, heading off into the forest. They would go on for over an hour, in pure silence. The sun slowly raising up across the mountains.

"So that was interesting," Thylin say as they continued on figuring that they might as well talk about something, anything at the moment as they made their way.

"Yeah- it's just weird. My body feels so weird." Navajo muttered as she grabbed her breast Thylin grunted some as he looked at her playing with her larger breast. He couldn't help admire his friends body.

"Yeah, I mean some parts of me haven't changed, but fuck its so weird how I'm so short." He kicked a rock as they continued on.

"I mean its not too bad, I actually quite like it. Everything feels so different. I feel great." She smiled flexing her arms with a light laugh.

"Heh lucky you," Thylin responded though a thought came up.

"So what happened with you and sunwing last night?" this would only cause Navajo to bounce up in shock muttering,

"What do you mean." You could practically see her sweating bullets.

"Come on the way she was looking at you, how she kissed your cheek longer than she did with me, did you do anything with her?"

"No, of course not, beside we just had some girl talk thats all. Plus she showed me how to really milk a cow."

Thylin looked at her for a minute before giving a simple nod. Just how it was, Thylin imagined that he couldn't get much out of her and dropped it for the time being.

It would've taken them a few hours but eventually they made it to the town. Their legs felt as though they were on fire by this point- They continued on pushing everything they had. As He stood in the center of Town. The sun was slowly begining to set, at this point as they took long deep breaths.

"Fuck, it took us a lot longer to get here than I expected." Thylin muttered as he hunched over.

"Yeah, I mean, It's crazy, Back at home this kind of trip would take what an hour, Two? But this took nearly all day, Thank god we didn't run into bandits or, smugglers who knows what this world would have as a threat." Navajo agreed. As she looked around figuring maybe they could take some of the money and go off to find a tavern to get a place to stay for the night.

"I think thats a tavern." Thylin muttered looking over towards a building. It was a large pub looking place as they headed over, trying not to be noticed by anyone as they walked inside. The door unlocked as they looked into what looked like a bar. All around diffrent species of animals were drinking and talking. Thankfully no one seemed to notice the two as they were focused on themselves.

They moved down, heading towards the barkeeper. Giving a long moment they saw a woman standing over wearing loose fitting clothes, as she bend over. Thylin almost imagined her breast were close to bouncing out if she moved up way to fast. Thylin looked at her, and found she was a simple Dog, as she looked over. Her ears flopping down the side of her head. Reminding him of a hound dog.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?" She said while whiping the counter.

"Yeah, me and My partner here is wondering if there was a place we could rest for the night? We've been traveling for a while."

She looked over for a minute as she examined the two of them. While trying to find the right response. Before shrugging--

"Well we have a few rooms up stairs but it'll cost you a bit, especially the big lady up there." She pointed over towards Navajo, who looked annoyance. But simply shrugged it off.

"Well how much will it be?" There was a second pause while Thylin tried making sure that no one got into a fight. He'd seen too many westerns to know how that would end up for a little guy like him.

"Well for two bedrooms, it'll be a 150 peices of gold, one bedroom and one bed about 50 gold, and if you want me all night thats 400 gold." The dog girl chuckled as she winked at him. Her finger reaching down caressing her breast, causing Thylin to gulp in suprise. Thylin stopped there, and did the only thing a man of his age could do...

He thought about it. Though before he could make his decision Navajo growled in annoyance taking the gold bag from her short friend.

"We'll take the one bedroom one bed room, than if you will. Also is there a local guild?" Navajo said with a hint of annoyance, while the bartender nodded, with a chuckle.

"One room, and one bed coming right up. As for the guild that's just outside of down on the other side of the town, They'll be opened in the morning." The Tavern girl smiled as she took the gold quickly giving it a count before reaching over hanging them a room key.

"You'll be in room 13. Please have a good time, and please come down for a pint or two, I'll be happy to serve you two." The wench smiled more as Navajo nodded, as she turned over practically dragging her companion away. They headed off towards their room, and closed the door behind them.

"What was that about?" Thylin asked, a little annoyed.

"I don't know, I just don't like her attitude ok. Beside we don't have 400 peices of gold so it'll be better off not getting into debt when we just got into town." Navajo, muttered clearly annoyed at her friend for a second but reached over patting his bed.

"Beside if we find a guild you can earn some money temporarily and fuck the tavern hooker." She giggled Thylin gave a grunt and threw a raspberry at her his tongue sticking out as he made the farting noise. Navajo returned the favor as they entered the room.

They never bothered using the bar or headed back down stairs that night. No they simply got into the large bed. Even though admittedly it was small for Navajo, Thylin fit in it perfectly. Sure they fought over for the blanket but sooner or later they were hit by sleep. Traveling into the small distant land we all know as sleep.

By the time morning came, Thylin groaned his back felt stiff, his joints ached, still feeling the effect of working on that damn farm. Then walking for hours just to reach the town. It was nearly impossible to say how long it would be till he finally felt comfortable. In some ways he missed being tall.

He motioned around as he wished he had a shower. Though at this point he was tempted to jump in the closest lake. That would surely wake his up. The cold sweat on his body. Though he couldn't help but think.

"I'm suppose to be the adventurer. But all I've done is complain. Fuck!" he growled under his breath though was annoyed. He always imagined himself as the large strong hero. But now, at this point he would be happy being the sidekick, or being his old size. Being as short as he was, it was a complete nightmare.

He turned around and suddenly noticed Navajo-- No Eileen-- Fuck he was having trouble at this point. He looked over seeing her large body. Strong, powerful quite busty and sensual. He was biting his bottom lip as she laid there the blanket covering her body showing off her her impressive pair breast slightly exposed revealing those dark nipples.

Fuck stop that, she has a boyfriend-- she's not into me. Beside we're friends thats all! He groaned as he looked down at his pants the way it stiffened up and pushed against his pants caused a groan. He might need to go off and jack off. Release some steam. But he pushed the thought away.

He sat down at the wooden chair waiting for Navajo to wake up since he imagined they would head off towards the guild. In a way they'd be able to get more work, and maybe find a way to get back home. Finding that stupid stone.

He imagined how it would go. As He gave a light sigh.

Eventually Navajo would awake and give that big confident smile. Something Thylin was use to a small smirk.

"Yesh, I feel so hungry I could eat a horse." A slight giggle though Navajo blushed as she suddenly thought of Sunwing. Though motioned over,

"Well we should get some breakfast and try and check out the guild."

It was just that. Them going though breakfast. It wasn't the best. Just something simple bread and cheese. For Thylin it was enough but Navajo. It was slightly a pain. She wanted more, her body clearly needing more food. Then her old body. Though what she had would make due. They quickly would make their way to the guild.

The guild wasn't as impressive as one might consider. It wasn't a large building. Hell it barely seemed like much at the most another local tavern. People hanging around two muscle guys off arm wrestling as they competed to see who might be the strongest between them. And off towards the end where the barkeeper might've been stood a woman. She was tall matching around Navajo size. Ample breast that popped out. A dark shade of blue and looked like a wolf. A smirk on her face as she was wearing a red Bikini armor that clearly wouldn't work in actual combat.

"Welcome- please enjoy yourself here at the Hunt's guild. I'm Raven please to meet you." She called out a smile spread against her wolfish face. As she watched the two finally come inside. They moved in closer though they were curious. Thylin couldn't help checking out her breast. They were plump and succulent. He wouldn't have mind watching them bounced especially with her on top of him. Though then again with his should stature maybe it was best that he was on top of her.

They started moving in closer to her ready to begin their new life as adventurer's and hopefully on the road to getting back home. And out of this strange and magical world.

The Map of gilgama Chapter 3

Navajo, sighed as she watched Thylin, and Moonwing heading off towards the Fields. All while The cougar woman sat there, all alone. Suprised that the chair could still hold her weight. Though it was far more comfortable than a normal oak wood chair...

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Married to a goddess

Chapter 1 Dan Fremont grunted. His head was pulsing with unrelenting pain, and it was the kind of pain that if it was given to a small animal, it might have killed it. This was something that Dan would realize was nothing more than an intense...

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The Map of gilgama Chapter 2

Chapter 2 It would be hours before Deloy woke up by than. It was clear that this was infact not a dream. His body had turned and jerked around as he woke up in the arms of Eileen. At least the cougar her. It was beyond shocking. His fingers trembling...

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