Somewhere Out There Act 21 - Doomsday

Story by Bartan on SoFurry

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#24 of Somewhere Out There

Thank BunsenDragon for this post.

A little bit longer than expected, both time taken and length. I was hoping to get it done on the 21st act (keeping a consistent theme of 7 acts per season) but this was going over 40 pages already. It'll take another act to finish up season 3, and the last one for a while. Will it continue in the future? I'm not sure. But right now I got a few other things I'd like to do. Considering it's nearly been 10 months of writing this series straight, I should take a break from it.

Angels With Scaly Wings © M. B. Saunders (of Radical Phi)

Somewhere Out There © Our Lady Peace

Doomsday © Architects

A little hard for this series, but I felt like it fit.

And if you're wondering who "she" is... Look into Ultra Heavy Black ( It has nothing to really do with SoT, but if you're curious about her...

Somewhere Out There Act 21 - Doomsday

By Bartan Tirix

"Isn't this...?" The purple eastern dragon half whimpered, walking down the dark hallway behind the armored Bryce and the wyrm riding him. Barely making out the metal plates that covered that thick tail and haunches everytime the red light became brighter. "Isn't this where that other... Thing came from?"

"Likely." Harrak snorted, doing his best to look around and remember which way he turned. "It's hard for me to recall right now."

"Because it snuck up on you?" A growl at the noodle.

"It didn't sneak up on me, I'm just suffering from a concussion. At the moment, I'm just trying to stay awake."

"You're welcome." The drake half teased.

"Your movements aren't helping. I feel like I'm being rocked to sleep."

"Well, you can sleep if you like. I'll wake you if-"

"Bad idea." The wyrmling grumbled, interrupting his transportation. "I might not wake up if I fall asleep."

"For another few hours, was it?"

"No even that. It's a risk to fall into a coma after a concussion, and right now, I can't take that risk until I make sure she's safe." A sad look from Ipsum that couldn't be seen by the black one. "Wait-!" The 'train' stopped in midstep, hearing a few sniffs. "That's her!" He whispered.

"What? The scent?"

"Yes, do you smell it?" The brown drake studied the area a bit with his muzzle, following to a hallway they just passed. "She went down there?"

"If that's actually her, yes. You said you locked her in a room?"

"For safe keeping, yes. I welded the damn thing shut." A grumble from Bryce. "I left her supplies! I needed to make sure she was safe, Bruce-"

"It's Bryce-

"Whatever!" Harrak hissed at both of them answering. "Just follow her! If she got out, she's probably looking for me."

"Are you certain you haven't come this way earlier?"

"Positive. We didn't reach the loading bay yet."

"What's so special about the loading bay?" A silence as the earth dragon's yellow eyes attempted to look at the wyrmling on his back after he went silent. "...Harrak?"

"Let's just say, I... Redecorated." Another bit of silence. "Trail getting cold, you! Move it!" A grumble from the other two as they cautiously moved forward. Following the scent a bit until they came to a flooded area. "Damnit..."

"The good news is that she's out. However..." The purple one started.

"She could be in danger..." The black wyrm grumbled. "I'll tear this entire ship apart to find her, if I have to."

"Don't do anything brash just yet." A bit of a grumble in response. "You can... Move things, right? Any limitations?"

"I can't really create something out of nothing."

"What about moving the water?" The noodle suggested, following the drake's thought. Soon spotting the flooded area start to divide and surround them. Yet, keeping a path that was mostly dry. "Astonishing."

"Yeah, sure. Take your time. Not like this is hard or anything." Harrak grumbled, getting the two to move forward into the cold area and spot a few pods. One of them already opened.

"Did you do this?" Bryce asked.

"I haven't been down this way."

"It kind of resembles the metal that you morph." The smaller one observed it closely. "Though a bit... Cruder." A look at the concentrating dragon. "Can she...?"

"I taught her how to manipulate metal, yes."

"It definitely doesn't look like a way I would get out of it." The three agreed a little too quickly with Bryce, making him look back and forth between them. "That obvious, is it?"

"You use what you have, I suppose."

"Thank you, noodle." A groan in response. "But the question is, which way?" The two looked back and forth.

"Decide quickly." Harrak grumbled in a rather serious tone. Getting the other two to share a look.

"I say back."

"Alright." Ipsum agreed, following the drake.

"If we can establish a safe perimeter on this side, or make sure Vara isn't over here..."

"Then we know where she might've gone. The issue is, if she entered water..."

"She wouldn't have a clear scent." A slow nod from the smaller one, as they watched the water move and drop back into the flooded area. Getting a sigh of relief from the wyrmling. "You okay, little guy?"

"I'll be fine. I just need some rest."

"Just try to stay awake. We'll look for her, and whoever she rescued." A mumble in response as they continued down the new path.

The two stared at the white dragon within the opened field, still quite far away from him and his constant grumbling. Some of them being whimpers as the bear and woman shared a glance. "Maybe I should talk to him." Izumi finally broke the silence.

"You think that's a good idea?"

"Well, you certainly won't get through to him."

"You're right, odds are he'll think it's some kind of ruse." The two nodded in agreement. "So, you're okay with this?"

"It's not really any different from you sleeping with the rest."

"Well, yeah, kinda. But at the same time, he was one of the few first ones..." A shrug from her.

"I've kinda made it a thing not to let my personal feelings interfere. I can't save everyone." A slow nod from Bartan.

"...But you ended up saving a lot." She made a gesture towards Marcus.

"He was in part responsible for that, you know this." The woman stated almost sternly.

"Yes." The furred one gave a solid nod. "I know..." She took a breath.

"Is this what you really want, Bartan?" Those brown discs looked at her own.

"I want what you want." A moment of silence as he looked over at the nearby town, letting her do the same.

"And his..."


"-Tail is the key?" A shrug from the bear, getting a look of study from the woman. "I can't read you. Even after all this time, I just can't read you, bear."

"Likewise, sometimes. But I need this."

"You_want_this." Zuzu corrected him, but got a shake from that furred muzzle.

"We want the same thing. You trusted me before, you need to trust me now." A breath from her as Izumi looked over the grown wyrmling still half hissing in the fields.

"I'll do what I can, Bartan. But I make no promises."

"That should be enough." A bit of a frown from her as the woman started heading down. "Just one question though:" She stopped and looked at Bartan. "...How did you explain the birds and the bees to them?" A long blank stare from her for several moments, then she turned around and continued on. "Went that bad, huh?" No response, but it made the furball smirk. Taking a breath before seeing someone lying in the grass somewhat nearby, recognizing his clothing. Staring for several moments before moving towards it.

He knew this day would come, let alone he would be around here somewhere. They died rather close together, expecting to see the tattered dress shirt as the human male was watching the clouds pass by. Not even moving when the bear laid down beside him, letting the two sit in silence, though once in a while getting broken by a hiss from afar. "...It's been a while." Reza said, rather calmly.

"...Yes. It has."

"Long enough?" Bartan didn't know how to answer that. "It kind of feels like the same day over and over again for me."

"...I'm surprised."

"Why?" The brown haired man honestly asked, not getting a response. "Why do you say that?"

"Because... Often enough souls who get trapped in an area like this tend to dwell on their mistakes over and over again. Eventually driving themselves mad... Then Violent."

"You've been reading too many ghost stories." Again, no response. "But... You've always seem to know more than you lead on." Silence. "I can see where you're coming from though, especially since I was innocent-"

"This_ one _time." The bear growled, getting a crossed look from the man's expression. Almost waiting for the white one to finish, but only heard a heated exhale.

"...We're going to have to talk about it eventually."

"I know."

"And I'll admit that I... Remember doing things. But I was trying to do better-"

"You were being lead not to-"

"Then why are you blaming me?" The two shared a thick glare at each other. "And not her?"

"Because she was only making sure things lead to the same destination on the timeline-"

"I tried to change, Bear!"

"You're the one who messed up to begin with!" The furred one snapped at him. "You forced Izumi to attempt to balance the timeline! She needed events to stay on that course in order to keep the reality around us from shattering!"

"So no matter what I attempted to do, no matter how much I suffered trying to be the good guy-the sacrifice for the human race, I was doomed from the start-!?"

"You_ Chose _That Path! In the beginning, you Chose to make yourself an enemy to the ones who were kind enough to help us-!"

"To spy on us! That damn dragon has been suspicious of me ever since I got here! You didn't know him like I did-!"

"That was no excuse to arm yourself on a peaceful mission!" Bartan growled. "That's the damn human in you: unable to actually trust anyone or anything! Not even your own kind!"

"I trusted you!"

"No! You didn't trust me to begin with!" A growl of frustration from the man.

"No one should've, if this is what you were planning to do to our world!" The furred one snarled a bit as the two sat up. "Have you forgotten why we were sent here to begin with!?"

"No." The two shared harsh glares. "Let's get one thing straight, Reza: I never thought of myself as the good guy. I never claimed to be some hero trying to rescue this world from humans, even though that's exactly what I did!"

"Are you joking!? Do you have any idea how many people back home suffered because of your betrayal!? Just because you don't have a family back home to think of, doesn't mean-"

"You're Not Seeing This _ Clearly _!" The bear roared at him, taking a few breaths to calm down before speaking again. "You seen it when you first came here. You even attempted to warn me about it."

"The fact that we're in the past-?"

"Yes." A thick glare from those brown eyes. "I want you to stop and_ think _before you answer me, understood?" A near growl from the man. "After seeing all of this..." A gesture to their surroundings. "Do you really think a few generators would be enough?"


"You're not thinking!" The furred one snarled. "Look around you! Fresh, undamaged atmosphere! Non-polluted waters! No nuclear fallout in the soil or lands! This place would be a brand new start for your species, you cannot tell me that you've never thought of this!" An angry look from Reza. "And you can't promise me that they wouldn't. Not when it's literally a gateway away for the Taking!"

"You're an outsider, Bartan. You don't know us-"

"I know _ Enough! _I've seen _ Enough! _" The white one growled. "Even if the dragons were generous enough to give humans a colony of their own here, what exactly would stop them from claiming more? Dragons are literally better than your species in every way, and everytime humans have made contact with such creatures, they act with hostility!"

"You say that, but you're forgetting that they have human instincts as well, bear."

"Yet they live in peace. Harmony with one another, negating their differences and disregarding their defects. They find a way to use their strengths to their advantages _within_a society. There are a few bad ones, more or less those who are just trying to survive. It's enough for them to need a police force. They're not perfect, but you can't tell me that humans have _ever_done any better!"

"We were at peace before you came! Before that solar flare hit and..."

"Detonated every arm and bomb you had tucked away in those Just In Case buildings?" The man went quiet. "Humans are so focused on self-survival that you don't even notice the damage done to the entire world around you. Not until it's too late." No response. "I changed sides because I know they don't deserve another chance. And I'll be damned if I sit back and watch them take another species as beautiful as this." The furred one stated, getting up and walking away.

Worry still filled her, though at least now she felt safe near the beige raptor. Both almost attempting to keep their thoughts clear, but she couldn't help wondering why the bear was missing from the soldier's history. Sure, none of them ever heard of such a creature until this year, but was this the last they seen of Bartan? Was he purposely erased from the past by his own doing? Or was it something else?

Several troops up ahead almost guarded a large door, giving the escort the signal to hold up until it was safe up ahead. Letting the yellow wyvern almost take a step closer towards the raptor, just to be safe. The messages echoed in her mind as commands were quickly given in fragments of a second. _Pry open the door. Hold it steady. Two aim inside in a cross view to ensure cover if needed._Not spotting anything inside but a single scientist. Checking the floors and ceilings thoroughly before giving the signal that it was clear, then moving in cautiously. Fanning out around the scientist, one that was nearly a leader or expert according to their thoughts.

It was no wonder Usite would state that she was safe with them, being well trained and organized. Though, those thoughts were cut short by some strange chuckle from within. "It's safe enough." They called back at the group, giving them permission to set forward towards the Bridge of the ship.

Another soldier started giving out commands as they entered. "I want this area secure and remain that way. Check and block all vents for the time being. Three bodies per exit outside at all times. Valkon and Lamb, get communications running enough to make contact with anyone still alive on the ship."

"Yes Sir!" A dozen of them started out of the door, while two others started working on the consoles that were bolted to the ceiling. Soon, the Captain that was giving commands approached Adine and the group.

"We'll send out a recon group soon, once we're sure everything is safe here." A few nods in agreement, even though Malic was uncomfortable with just sitting around. "I also want you to make the call, Sebs."


"We all know our orders for the time being, and know enough to follow through. If there's anymore of your folk around and awake, they'll need to hear a voice that they can trust." The grey captain overlooked the four for a moment. "Is that voice yours?" They took a moment to glance at each other.

"Yes. Yes it is." A solid nod from the soldier as he glanced over towards the two repairing communications, letting the four take a look at a few suits tending towards the lead scientist. Mumbling to himself about darkness. "What's wrong with him?"

"It's a long story, one I'll get someone else to explain while I prep for recon." A gesture towards one of the soldiers in the back. "Narull. Take over from here."

"Yes sir!" The two almost switched places. "I guess I should begin with where we came from."

"That would be a good start." The green wyvern grumbled.

"To sum it up quickly, we're from your distant future. Between our times, there have been a devastating amount of wars and fights, ones that morphed the lands into something completely unrecognizable from here. To the point where we wondered if it was the wrong place to stop going back, or if we just found another planet entirely."

"Wars?" The yellow one asked. "What happened?"

"We're not sure, but we all developed some kind of power from... Something. We traced it to around this time, but if it's not within your bodies now, that means you gain it in the future somehow."

"What do you mean by that? About it not being in our bodies?" Malic questioned, a bit worried.

"They have ways to scan it." Sebastian answered for him. "We were being observed for quite some time before the meteor was supposed to hit."

"Right, and that rock changed a lot of things for us. Just to be sure it didn't damage any of our systems, we escaped into temporary space..." Narull trailed off, getting several soldiers in the room to remain disturbingly quiet. "Something messed up. And we didn't teleport into the place we intended, but instead..."

"It was a living nightmare." Another troop spoke up in his place. "Everything was black, there was this constant roar that echoed over and over before that damn thing even took a breath. Visions of..." He trailed off, worrying the group.

"Most of our crew went insane and had to be put into stasis. Even just glancing outside was enough to ruin their minds, and..." Narull gestured towards the lead scientist. "He's one of the better ones, able to at least talk and respond to us without being violent."

"Violent?" Sebs questioned.

"Yes. Those who were still able to mentally function and didn't blow their brains out attempting to silence the noise were injured by some of our own staff. Not even our soldiers, but everything else. Even I'm..." A noise in question. "I'm going to be honest with you guys, I worked in the kitchen on this ship. When taath hit the fan here, and when I was able to move once again without attempted to stick icepicks in my ears, I found some maintenance crew. We found the armory. Got some suits, and armed ourselves."

"You're getting a little ahead of yourself." Klay grumbled. "Why arm yourself?"

"Because of us?" The female wyvern asked a bit sadly.

"No. At least I don't think. But something came with us when we left. We seen the meteor was somehow pushed away, and we resumed our mission before anymore interruptions..." Another bit of silence.

"What exactly was your mission?" The pink one questioned almost thickly. "To detect...?"

"Some sort of magic in your blood that spiked around this timeline." Another soldier answered. "All we were planning to do was remove it from your blood, or cripple its production process. Then we were going to leave, hoping your future would turn out better."

"But whatever you picked up on your way out of..." The beige runner trailed off.

"Hell." Narull mumbled. "If it wasn't literal Hell, it was damn close." He took a breath, trying to shake off terrible memories.

"We picked up something evil..." The lead scientist stated out loud, getting looked from all around. "Something ancient... Reckless and violent... Painted by the abyss itself... It manipulates everything. The darkness controls everything..." Another long silence.

"Can we stop it?" Adine asked, getting looks from the others. "I-I've seen it up close. I know it can be... Stopped. Killed, I'm not sure, but...?"

"The safest thing for us to do would be to drive this ship back into that hole and leave it there." One soldier admitted morbidly, sinking the hearts of others. "It's the only way we could be sure that it doesn't get out or spread."

"That is, until it brought down our ship." Narull grumbled. "There's no telling how much of it there is, let alone how much got outside."

"The waters that are coming in are freezing." The yellow one stated. "Is it possible that it might freeze as well?"

"Or spread to the entire world. There's no telling how much of it is needed to control people." Malic added in, looking over at the two soldiers working on communications and giving a few signals to the group.

"Looks like it's showtime." Narull stated, seeing their captain return and give a solid nod. Watching the raptor walk up to the intercom that was almost out of reach.

"It's a little crude, but it'll do the job." Lamb stated. "Are you ready?" A breath from Sebastian as he overlooked the others before giving a solid nod.

"Let's bring our friends home."

"I'll be fine. I just need some rest." Harrak grumbled.

"Just try to stay awake. We'll look for her, and whoever she rescued." A mumble in response to Ipsum as they continued down the new path. Making those frilled ears flicker soon after towards the ground as some feedback was heard. "Is that-?"

"Attention everybody still alive and... Uncorrupted." The speaker shouted loudly, hearing echoes of it through the ship. "This is Sebastian speaking from a safe place; the ships bridge. I know we're being attacked by something, and I know a lot of people likely need help. But if you can understand this, or even know me personally, you must head here. Hiding only delays the inevitable."

"Sebs?" Bryce almost called towards it.

"Odds are it's a one way speaker system." The noodle informed him.


"No one really knows the layout of this... Ship. And yes, we're on some kind of spaceship." Maverick and Vara looked at the floor for a moment before glaring at each other. "But I need you to pay attention to the floor. It's slanted, and the bridge is on the upper side of that slope."

"Told you we were on one." She snorted, getting another one in return.

"I know it can be difficult to trust others right now, but they're equally as scared and in trouble as we are." Anna's gaze didn't lift off of the two scientists, not until Lorem and Remy put a paw on each of her shoulders. "But you must make peace with them so we can all survive this. We're not safe here spread out, but together we can find a solution." A heated exhale from her. "For every person we lose, we are that much weaker. Stick together and get up here in once piece. There are soldiers in every exit guarding them and keeping the Bridge area safe."

"Though you might not be able to understand them without this glowing white collar, they can understand you. As long as you speak to them, they will keep you safe. If you have supplies, bring them, if not, don't worry about it. We'll send out scouts to see what we can gather, and we'll rescue those who we can. I already have Adine here safe and sound. Bryce, Maverick, Zhong... You guys better be alive." The raptor took a step back. "Can we possibly keep that running?"

"We can, but it's using up Emergency power. Once that runs dry, we're in the dark and running out of air."

"That is if the air system isn't damaged already." The two informed Sebastian, getting him to curse under his breath. "We can always turn it back on if something happens."

"Alright, let's try that then." The beige one took a breath, looking at the doorway to the bridge. Knowing he'll be staring at that for a long time until he knew they were safe.

The white dragon sat in the grassy fields, trying to exhale the stress from his head while those forepaws massaged it. Taking out the rest of his chewing gum and nearly devouring it in hopes that it would help him cope. Soon, his ears flicking and picking up some movement behind, getting him to growl in response. "Don't you start with me, Marcus."

"I have every right to _Start_with you!" He almost snapped back, though thinking it was someone else. Spitting out the foils around each gum wrapper like some kind of strange magic trick. "Why the hell are you forcing this, Zuzu!? If it's about that flowerbed you had, for the last time A: I'm sorry! And B: It was Bradley!" That actually made the woman smirk a little bit, even if the white one wasn't looking. "That's no reason to throw me to the bear and let him have his way with me!"

"Who's to say that's what he wants?"

"Are you joking? He's a freaking Horndrake! ADHDAS!" He snorted loudly, feeling the questionable stare from her and sighing in frustration. Tossing that snout as his paws reached the ground again. Now glaring at Izumi. "All Day He Dreams About Sex!"

"I still don't see it."

"Lucky you. I literally had Fate look into his mind and all it could do was blush!" Another snort, taking another breath. "Why condemn me to this? Why even _consider_this of all things?" Those purple eyes glared at her, getting a rather strong one back.

"So, you should get what you want from others, when you want it? Is that it?" He curled his neck a little. "To high up on the food chain to even consider bargaining with those below you?"

"I_gave_you that crystal for safe keeping! You were supposed to guard it-"

"I couldn't guard it if I was dead." The woman thickly stated, getting those draconic wings to lower a little bit. "You told me that if this started happening again, you would be right here to fix it." His gaze softened to a more sorrowful one. "Where were_you_?" No response as the wyrm's head lowered. "When you never showed up, after so many cycles... I gave it to the person I trusted most."

"And that just happened to be him." Marcus grumbled.

"Well, Bartan was the one cleaning up their mess." A heated breath from the wyrm. "And he cared for your... Kind. Like I do."

"He cares for their tail, you mean." He snorted.

"If that's true, he's done a lot of work for just a little bit of said tail." A growl that time. "And now you need something he has."

"Something that once belonged to me-!"

"That doesn't make it yours." Another growl, but Izumi stood strong. "He's not asking for a kingdom, or even immortality like anyone else."

"No, he's just asking me to _submit_myself to him, like that's any easier." The dragon snorted.

"So, that's what this is about? Your pride?" A loud grumble that time as a paw covered his eyes again in stress. "I raised you better than this."

"I'm the Force of Death! I've done a lot to get this far! I have a right to be a little prideful!"

"You have a responsibility to hold up! That title doesn't mean you can walk over everyone that isn't as powerful as you are-"

"He's an _ Outsider _, Zuzu!"

"So, Foreigner? Therefore he shouldn't even be considered, is that it?" A stressed growl from his throat. "Outsider or not, that bear saved everything around you. He saved your kind from a life of extinction or racism, he saved your home-"

"-I get it-!"

"- When You Wouldn't!" That got the wyrm to freeze in place, slowly drooping those wings and ears as he took a breath. "You can either tell me where you were when this all happened, or you can submit yourself to that bear." The woman thickly stated, not giving the white dragon and relief from her stare, and watching him avoid eye contact. Eventually taking a breath and turning about sadly, walking back to the furball in the distance. "You'll have to tell me sometime. I won't go until you do." That sunk his heart, but he didn't respond past stopping for a moment.

"Have I ever told you guys how much I hate stairs?" The earth dragon grumbled, walking up the slope the best they could manage. Attempting to be 'quiet', but it was difficult to do so with all the plates of armor strapped to Bryce.

"These aren't stairs." The purple one stated from behind, trying to keep up while being cautious about what was around every corner.

"Close enough. I need to step over every little bump and just hope there's still flooring on the other side." A heated exhale from the drake as he attempted to look behind him a bit, accidently squeezing that black muzzle and getting a growl in response. "Well, you're still alive at least. How are you holding up?"

"Absolutely Danderific." Harrak grumbled sarcastically. "Just waiting on the time you trip and roll onto your side, letting the weight of your titanic body crush my head and allow me to finally reset my damn body."

"Well, the damage to your body was your fault to begin with." A growl at the noodle behind them.

"Don't you start. I've had enough of the 'I'm too reckless' speeches in my life. So what if I over-estimated how much vibration my skeleton could take, you're welcome for killing the damn thing!"

"And you're welcome for giving you the time to... Whatever you did." Bryce added, hearing the smallest one snort on his shoulder. "What was that thing anyway-?" A sudden freeze in movement and defensive stance from the earth dragon as a couple of yelps were heard. Then a language he couldn't recognize. Barely seeing a few shadowy figures stumble back in the low light, before some sparks turned into flames and were hovering in the hallway. Allowing them to see a few white uniformed walkers that looked a bit off from the ones the drake knew, though they were terrified by the armored one's look. "Whoa, whoa. Relax." The earth dragon took a step back, nearly running into Ipsum in the process. "We're not here to hurt you."

"I don't think they can understand you." The purple noodle stated in a loud whisper, getting the attention of the three crew members. Hearing them speak almost around the drake.

"Can you?" Bryce attempted to look at Ipsum, giving the black wyrm a glance at the newcomers and almost release a growl. "What is it Harrak?"

"They're the ones that abducted us." A noise in question from the large one. "When we were teleported on board this ship, I remember seeing them in the room." Another growl as the drake's yellow eyes studied the crew for a moment. "There used to be more."

"But that stuff that attacked you got them?" A low growl in response, but nothing more. Hinting that was a No, but the black one didn't want to quite admit it just yet. "Still, if Sebs is right, we're in this together. We might need them." The earth dragon looked over at Ipsum once again. "Can you speak to them?"

"Maybe..." The purple one stated almost uncomfortably, stepping forward and attempting to do crude paw language. "We're. Looking. For. Bridge."

"This is going to turn out well, I can already tell." The black one grumbled.

"We. Won't. Hurt. You." The walkers said something else, enough for the purple one to look at Harrak for a moment. But then point towards the hallway they were going down. "Okay. Let's. Go. Together." A few nods from them as Bryce and Ipsum shared a look. "Lead the way, they look unarmed."

"Not like it really matters." The wyrmling snorted, putting out the fire and letting the group resume. Hearing the black one on his back sigh through his nostrils a bit.


"Nothing." Harrak answered the drake rather passive-aggressively. "Just tired."

"We don't need more enemies, especially in a place like this." Only a grumble in response to the chief. "They don't need to know, either."

"So far, you and noodle back there are the only ones alive who does." A heated breath against his plated shoulder. "But they seen what I'm capable of. So odds are they can piece together that I'm the one who brought down the ship." He whispered. "Just prepare yourself for their betrayal once we're out of here, Bryce." The large one didn't respond to that, just focused on walking forward.

The bear sat down on the grassy hill, taking a breath to calm down. Honestly, the talk went smoother than he expected it would, but there was still no telling how much grief Reza would hold onto. Especially if he wasn't passed on. At least it usually took years for souls to get corrupted, but at the same time... Bartan felt like he's been stuck in this portal mess for several years.

Words couldn't describe how much he hated that structure behind him, but footsteps within the grass interrupted those memories. Keeping track of the dragon that slowly walked beside the furred one and sat down, letting the two just overlook the now ghost town below. "...Can you be straight with me Marcus?" The bear asked, not looking up from the view.

"Kinda hard to remain Straight when you're being blackmailed by another male." The dragon snorted, meaning it somewhat as a joke but not getting a response. Taking a breath before continuing. "What? Is it about the-"

"Will they be okay after all this?" A noise in question. "With whatever you're planning to do with that data crystal, will the town and its residents still be there?" It was barely a question, really. Making Marcus look at the furred one for a few moments. "Will they be safe?"

"...Should be." The wyrm mumbled. "That is if the damn thing works to begin with, but..." No response, making the large one sigh. "...Why do you want to do this? If I can get them back to you, why not just... Do _them_instead of me? They'd definitely enjoy it more-"

"Why_don't_you want this?" That question made the dragon curl his neck, finally getting the two to stare into each other's eyes. "What are you afraid of?"

"That's a bad argument, for one." He snorted at the bear. "And who says I'm afraid-?" A sudden step back when Bartan touched his white scaled arm, nearly defending himself from the near prone furred one. "T-that doesn't prove anything."

"Except for how jumpy you are, for some reason." The bear looked over the town again. "If you want me to start, then I will."

"Start what?" A bit of silence as Bartan took a breath.

"I was born human, I guess you could call it my first life." Those purple eyes looked at him strangely, soon sitting back down beside him. "I won't bore you with all of stories, but... Early in that life, I tried really hard to be normal. I found someone I liked, not by her appearance, and I confessed it."

"And she let you down." Death mumbled, almost quietly.

"No, she accepted it. I thought I treated her well, I wasn't interested in getting into her pants or anything. I didn't even know what I was supposed to do during a relationship back then. I just wanted a close friend who happened to be female, and I think she understood that. That lasted a few months, but..."

Bartan continued. "I wasn't a very popular person in school. I got teased a lot for... Everything. Looks, colors, I even had a different name back then that I completely abandoned now."

"You don't need to tell me how terrible wyrmlings can be." A remorseful breath from the wyrm. "...I took my fair share of suicides as a reaper."

"And you know how relentless they can be. As someone who was rarely ever teased at all, she started getting that negative attention. All because I was hanging out with her." Another deep breath. "I still remember that dark classroom when she told me... And I stupidly asked if we could still be just friends, believing every one of her damn lies..."

"I hated them after that." Bartan continued. "Seeing the complete negatives in such a species that I was stuck in a world with. Everywhere I looked, it's like they were trying to manipulate me. Forcing me to constantly think of breeding with a creature that I had no attraction to, obsessed with flesh. For the longest time, I thought it was just me: one that felt trapped in a body that I didn't like. Unattracted to everything about them. Hell, I felt more comfortable, felt like I had more in common with animals and pets around me than with..." A breath from the furred one.

"...So, you were attracted to the animals instead or something?"

"I was attracted to anything not human. Okay, not literally, but anything with decent intelligence that wasn't an object. Not like I was attracted to the Teakettle from Beauty And The Beast or something. But you see my point." A faint nod from the dragon was seen in the corner of his eye. "But I suppressed myself instead of showing it. I know I didn't like humans, so I was comfortable expressing that. All I wanted to see was their destruction, and that desire was fulfilled with most horror or post-apocalypse movies."

"Oooooh yeah, that is the good stuff." The large one almost purred, getting a look and a small smirk from Bartan before clearing his throat. "You heard nothing. Continue." A head shake from the furred one.

"It wasn't until I met my wife that I started feeling again. I'm not sure why, but I couldn't help but look at her white coat and think... 'That must feel wonderful to snuggle up to.' Back then though, there still wasn't any sexual-are you okay?" The bear grumbled hearing the dragon snicker.

"Yes. Perfectly fine." Those brown eyes studied him for a few moments, finding it amusing himself to watch the scaled one attempt to keep himself composed. "Go on."

"It wasn't until quite a bit later that we got together, not because we were attracted to each other's bodies or any form of sexual energy. But because we both went through a lot of pain... We just didn't have to suffer through that pain alone." A breath from Bartan. "Even then, it was years after that point where I found the importance of no longer suppressing those feelings. Naturally, my sex drive was very low-and you just have to cringe everytime I mention-"

"Yes, yes. The S word. You got the feels to shag something, get on with it." A chuckle from the furred one.

"More or less, I became in tune with that side of me, now that I figured out what I liked. I admit, even in the beginning it was usually limited to females. Ones with fur at that." A noise in question from the dragon.

"...What changed?"

"I... I found a male that I actually liked. Damn guy was so cunning, reliable, good at just about everything you asked him to do. A bit aggressive, but he just..." A deep breath from the bear. "It wasn't long after that I started fantasizing about him. It was a bit weird at first, but it also felt..."

"Like love at first sight?" Marcus snorted.

"It felt wrong." A double take from the large one. "Wrong to judge him by a simple gender, I mean."

"Misleading son-of-a-"

"Shush you." The furred one smirked again. "But that was my conclusion towards gender as a whole; it never made any sense to me. You're taught to love a person by who they are on the inside, yet if they were born with-"

"Or hatched." A moment of staring at the scaled one. Getting an overdramatic gesture to continue.

"...Or hatched with certain equipment, then it's considered somehow wrong. I can't tell you how many times I was told that, how often I was teased for not liking females, when really I didn't like any humans. And if I stated that, then it was once again considered _ Wrong _by their god damn standards." A heated breath left Bartan's muzzle. "I wasn't human. I was born human in my first life, but I held next to nothing in common with them other than some dumbass biology. So when I finally..." Another breath as he didn't continue.

"...You were made into...?" A slow nod in response, as the dragon overlooked the bear. Then over at the town. "...It was my third reap. Or seventh, if you want to be specific." Marcus grumbled. "I took in this soul that... Had a rough background, let's just say that."

"One you listened to." A slow nod as those purple eyes stared into space.

"A dumb mistake for a rookie to make... Making their problems my own. They wanted their family to have some sort of last goodbye before..."

"She was taken?" The dragon took a breath and looked away from the bear. "Marcus?"

"...Before_He_was taken." A bit of silence and he felt that furred paw on his forearm again, this time not moving or bracing from it. "...He had this charm about him... All the ones I seen before were just so in denial about being taken. He didn't fight it, just wanted a last few moments with his family."

"And you gave it to him." A slow nod, even though the wyrm was still facing away. "What happened next?"

"...He didn't want to be taken just yet. Wasn't eager to go back to his old life, don't misunderstand. But... He followed me around for a bit, kept me company and actually helped me with the next few others that I needed to take." That furred paw rubbed him. "Nataline was wonderful in so many ways, I felt like I could listen to his stories for eons. I grew close, even though I knew someday that I would still have to take him. Because that's what my job stated, that's what we needed to do to keep the cycle going. And if you spare one..."

"Others will want to be spared." Another slow nod.

"My instructor eventually found out about us, and before I even knew it... Nataline was taking me hostage. Stating that somehow, if he fused his energy with mine or something, it could do some drastic damage to the fabric around us. I didn't know what he was talking about, but..."

"Your instructor knew about it." A defeated sigh. "They only warned you not to get too emotionally close to a soul, not because it would've been hard to take otherwise."

"But because it can bond itself with a reaper, and..." A heavy breath from the dragon. "I'm going to admit something to you, Bartan. I've never understood what they were talking about. Even after all this time being a Reaper or a Force of Death, I still..."

"It's like knowing that gunpowder if flammable." That time, the wyrm's eyes looked at the bear. "You don't really know how it's really done, but you understand the threat."

"And somehow, Nataline figured it out... Maybe he felt how volatile it was? I..." Another breath. "I messed up... So badly, because I felt sorry for him. I fell... In love with him. And he was willing to risk everything just so we could stay together."

"But it doesn't always work that way." A shake from his scaled muzzle.

"...At least, that was his own words. While in contact with him during that hostage situation, I felt his true instincts... There was no love in his core, just the driving will to escape and be free from torment." Those wings drooped to the ground. "I let my guard down, and nearly got everybody killed that day. I was almost fired, taken right then and there, but the Force wanted to give me another chance." Another look at the distance. "To this day, I never understood why me out of everyone there. But I do know this; I left those feelings of being attached to another behind. I wasn't going to make that same mistake again."

"That explains the love part of things, but why the-" A loud whimper that was half swallowed interrupted Bartan, soon getting up to put that paw on his white scaled shoulder. Forcing the dragon to once again step away with his head lowered, avoiding eye contact. "Marcus?"

"Please... Bear. Don't make me do this." He nervously whined, feeling the questionable stare from those brown discs nearly cover him.

"Marcus... I can only do this if you completely agree to it." Another whimper as that paw started up his collar and neck, nearly feeling the dragon's muscles tense up under those scales. "It may help you if you tell me." An awkward whine as the blushing red covered what little of that snout the bear could see. "Is it your first time?" A sharp breath that was nearly halted.

"K-kind of..."

"I won't make fun of you for it, Marcus. That accomplishes nothing."

"Then why do you want...?" The large one took a breath. "You never answered me that."

"Because that's how I get to know people."

"Because that's how you get people to like you, you mean." The wyrm grumbled, not seeing the furred one's shrug.

"I won't argue that. But it's not about me, it's about them."

"-You can't heal me, bear." A defeated sigh from Death. "You can't fix me."

"Who says I'm trying to?" That time, those purple eyes nearly looked at him. "All I'm trying to do is relax you, let you experience a form of contentment. Even for a little while."

"Only for me to be hooked on said Contentment. Reeling be back to you over and over again like some sort of drug."

"Some get addicted to it, yes. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't at least try it. Too much of anything is a bad thing." An exhale from that scaled muzzle. "Let me just give you a massage like before, if you feel like going further-"

"That won't-" Marcus cut himself off, taking another deep breath. "Bartan, I..."

"There is nothing to be ashamed of, dragon." A bit of silence.

"That still doesn't explain what you get out of this."

"I just get off seeing you get off." A sharp whimper the scaled one couldn't quite grasp. "If you're willing to go further, I can do a few things extra."

"Only for you to be disappointed..."

"Disappointed? I'm not asking you to impress me, Marcus." That time those purple eyes looked at the bear, watching him start walking down the hill towards the town. "You don't need to answer me right away, and I think you'd feel more comfortable away from any eyes or ears."

"You say that like the entire world won't be listening." The wyrm snorted, getting up and following regardless.

"Did you want to sing for the entire world?"

"I am pretty good a karaoke-wait..." A groan from the scaled one as he placed a paw over his eyes for a moment. "You're talking about-"

"A different form of singing, yes." Another whimper.

"Why must everything be about Sex with you!? And no using the S word!"

"But that was you-"

"Shut up!" Bartan just chuckled at him.

The pink runner didn't release her aggressive glare on the two scientists, regardless of the speaker turning on. Perking her ears a bit, but recognizing what it was from work. Though relieved to hear a somewhat familiar voice on the other end, it also irked her knowing it was an officer. One that nearly got her arrested and trashed her house a while back. However, Anna felt a paw on her shoulder, then another on the other one. Getting her to sigh, releasing a heated breath. "If they get us killed, I get to say I Told You So." The pink one snorted, reaching for her collar. "You!" A growl at the scientists. "If you wear these, we can understand you, right?"


"All of us?" The two nodded at her, then those green eyes looked at the small blue wyrm. "We only have two."

"Y-yeah..." Lorem admitted, agreeing with her decision as they took the collars off and handed them over. Watching the scientists place it on and wait a few moments.

"Thank you." The female one said, helping her injured co-worker up.

"I'm trusting you for now." Anna growled. "Attempt to either escape or fight any of us, I will not hesitate to hunt you down and torch you. Do I make myself clear?" A couple of loud swallows and faint nods. "I'm faster than I look." She snorted, looking over at Remy for a moment and see him smile. "Happy?"

"One step closer to getting others to like you, yes. But threatening them isn't-"

"Shut up." The runner tossed her snout, leading the way out and studying the floor. Hearing the white wyrm chuckle while everyone else attempted to stay out of the pink one's way. "The voice-"

"Sebastian." Lorem and Zhong corrected her, getting a bit of a stare from those green eyes.

"...Sebastian stated walking uphill, which would be this way. Let's head out before something comes this way." A couple of nods in agreement as the green walker helped the injured one from the other side. Letting the pink one take lead, Remy follow, the scientists and Zhong next, then the other two. Treading the dark hallways and hearing the walkers talk a few things out with the green one quietly. Leaving an uncomfortable Lorem with his own thoughts as they traveled, still processing what he read up.

By the sounds of their history... His kind's future, they end up going through a lot of warfare regardless. Even after obtaining peace, dragons obtain some kind of power that divides them once again? As depressing as it was, memories from when he met Bartan for the second time came to mind. Back within that bar, after getting a phone call and telling the white one to meet him there. "I'm working on a video game!" The dragon chirped a bit, though just realizing how young that must've made him look. Even after just recently telling the Outsider that the blue one was actually an adult.

But the bear just stared at him in question for a few moments, raising an eyebrow while sipping at his coffee. "A video game...?"

"Y-yeah. I suppose that doesn't really seem like it's worthy of your time, but I assure you-" A white paw interrupted him, making the young wyrm almost frown.

"You have me here already, Lorem. But it's just an odd request to want to talk to me about a video game. I've yet to play any here, and well... I didn't even know coding back in my own world." Bartan explained, something Lorem didn't really think of either. "What's it about?"

"Oh, it's about..." The younger one lost his words for a few moments, feeling those brown eyes study him and struggling to find a decent synopsis that could possibly impress the Outsider. Almost whimpering when the dragon kept running into road blocks within his own mind, then letting out a faint yelp when a furred paw touched his own.



"Relax." The white one said calmly, letting those yellow discs stare at him drinking coffee and signaling the bartender... The one currently in front of him, actually, to refill it when he could. Slowly, the blue one started to calm down, feeling the paw release his own. "Try again."

"It's..." A small breath, but he could think clearly once again. "It's a community simulation game. The player character starts by moving into a procedurally generated community, which is inhabited by all kinds of mythical creatures!" A nod from the white one made the wyrm smile a bit. "Humans included." Then he seen it for the very first time, this strange look in those brown eyes as the bear exhaled thought his muzzle. "R-right... You're not human."


"Then, what are you?"

"It doesn't matter." The furred one stated, getting his coffee refilled and thanking the bartender by his first name, surprisingly to the smaller one. "Whatever name I give you won't matter to those looking at the game. Whereas, you are using humans as a selling point." That actually made the blue one a little sad to hear. "Maybe I'm not the right person to talk to about this."

"W-well... I've already asked Reza, and he declined immediately." A noise in confirmation. "But you came from the portal, didn't you? You lived with them. All I'm searching for is the truth, Bartan." That look again, a mix between coldness and anger that nearly made Lorem's scales click loudly from a shiver. Only getting relief when they finally blinked and the bear took a breath.

"Lorem... You don't want that."

"To be fair..." The blue one started. "If I didn't, I wouldn't have asked." No response from the furred one. "I know that every species isn't what they seem, they've all done things... But there is good in them all-"

"That's a matter of perspective." Bartan interrupted, rather cross. Taking a breath before another sip of coffee. "You just told me how much you loved the species, Lorem. You see a magic in them, I don't want to ruin that."

"Then don't treat me like a child." The dragon actually started to get a bit angry, wondering if this was a good idea to begin with. A few moments of silence, and the bear spoke up again.

"Alright then. If that's what you really want, I'll tell you about humans in my own perspective. I'll let you decide if it's truth or just bitter misanthropy."


"Humans are a selfish, self-destructive species. Hell bent in keeping their own little worlds alive, and obsessed with any form of conflict. They worship the flesh of others, regardless of what lies are tattooed underneath their skin. They desire warfare, and will make profession after profession in order to make others suffer. They won't admit it, but they enjoy the pain. Be it suffering themselves, or causing the suffering."

"That can't be true, Bartan."

"Then explain why they never change." The Outsider stated rather calmly. "I've spent decades, literal decades watching them destroy the worlds they live on. Ruin the planets they create. Elect people into power that only make their lives worse over and over again. Even after they are taught that if they need things to change for the better, they need to stand up and stand against those who are making their lives miserable. Who constantly create walls and territories, only to envy those outside of such barricades. Until they can devise a plan to claim what they believe should be theirs, claiming it's in the name of justice. And that's just the _damn_beginning."

Sorrow and hurt filled his yellow eyes, as Bartan took a breath. "...You're not safe with one here, Lorem. If you want my advice? Give them what they want, and kick them off your world. Destroy the portal immediately after, bury it, and never look back. Because it won't take long for them to envy what you have." The dragon's gaze fell, and the furred one took another breath. "I don't want to do this, but I need to warn your kind about the dangers ahead of them. Regardless of how much you've praised that species within your fantasies and tales... They're not something you want to deal with."

"I can't believe..." The smaller one took a breath. "That can't be everything, Bartan. There must be good in there somewhere."

"Of course there is, but with nearly every few good ones, there are dozens of assholes. Attempting to persuade their vices under the veil of virtues to others and proceed to take a wrecking ball towards anything they disagree with until the next doomsday hits. Until they're the ones finally accused to being the false prophet they always were." Those blue wings drooped a bit. "Their idea of Good and Evil are purely subjective, to the point where it doesn't really exist. There is kindness, among other virtues within them, and I'm not going to claim that even your society itself is perfect. But there is so much here that humans would want to have, yet are too immature to obtain."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it doesn't seem like you have too much of an alcohol problem here, nothing terrible with drugs. Most of your townsfolk are employed, and those who live outside of this place seem to be able to survive on their own well enough. Even Bryce over there," A gesture towards the brown drake within the bar as well. "was telling me how little crime there is here. And even then..."

"What?" Lorem asked, trying to get the attention of the Outsider. Waiting patiently for the bear to take another drink from his coffee.

"Maybe... I shouldn't be talking about this just yet, but." A gesture to go on. "You have your stories about humans, yes?"


"And how they created your species?"

"Dragons?" A nod. "There are several, yes. No proof, but."

"What if they were true?" A noise in question as those blue ears perked a bit. "That if your kind have the genes of humans in them, what exactly would that mean to you?" Those yellow eyes looked at him puzzled. "After everything I told you about humans right now, how do you really feel knowing you've possibly been... Manufactured by them for their own selfish purposes. That deep inside your instincts, inside Zhong, Bryce, and Sebastian... That you have those vices. That self destruction." Those ears fell, getting Bartan to sigh a bit. "I don't want to hurt you, or your kind, Lorem. But I need you to just consider my words. They will be beneficial to your survival someday."

Could it really be what the bear was talking about? That later in all dragon's future, they give into those instincts and create war after war? It was a hard thing to hear or even consider, as the group continued to walk down the dark hallway. Hearing several gunshots behind them and causing his blue scales to click loudly. Almost remembering hearing such a thing go off like it was right in front of the wyrm, like from some nightmare. Then again, this entire place felt like one.

The two walked down the road mostly in silence, though the dragon was mumbling to himself quite a bit. Complaining about walking and how tedious it was that they needed to travel back down and then back up eventually. Actually starting to feel his body begin to tire out, as well as those muscles to ache a bit. Enough for Marcus to stop and overlook the grass in the fields beside them.

They looked so soft, blowing in the rather warm air that was gently leading the scaled one towards it. His body longing to take a break, but if he did- "Something wrong?" Bartan asked, getting a bit of a whimper from the Force as his head lowered. Likely following where that draconic muzzle was pointing and nearly getting a noise in confirmation. "It does look rather soft. Let's take a break." A grumbling whine in response, but the furred one ignored it.

Caving into his muscle's demands, the wyrm dragged himself over into the grass. Flopping down onto it like it was a soft bed, and hearing the bear come closer. Growling from instinct, but the furball wasn't intimidated, getting Marcus to sigh a bit afterwards. "...Don't make me do this."

"Last I checked, you weren't doing anything-"

"Seriously. You know what the Force of Death can do! Name something else, anything else! Immortality-" He stopped himself too late.

"Yeah, um..."

"Right, you're basically immortal-wait, how are you immortal?"

"Just ageless. And long story." A whimper from the wyrm. "But what about it for Bryce and them?" An awkward set of grumbles from the larger one.

"W-well... I can't..."

"Okay, extra lifespan?"

"Doubt it, considering this entire area is kind of messed up. They're technically living off of borrowed time anyway."

"So, they were supposed to..." A quite whimper from Marcus. "I'm not sure if that's a good idea anyway." A double take from the scaled one.


"Don't get me wrong, I do love them. But... It's not going to stop, is the issue."


"If it starts with Bryce, I'm going to want Maverick too. Then Lorem, Remy, Anna, Sebby, Zhong, the entire town, the city, the entire dragon existence itself. The list will go on." Those purple eyes just looked at Bartan sadly. "I'll be sad to see them go, but it's not like I haven't already before."

"...I suppose..." A breath and a bit of silence. "...So the only thing I can give you is..." A sigh in defeat.

"You are very uncomfortable with this-"

"I am super uncomfortable with this!" Death admitted, wishing he could just bury his face in the grass.

"But you never told me why yet." Another whimper. "Marcus, you are battling with a lot of issues. I can see that clear as day." A whine. "That stress isn't good for your body-"

"Here we go..." He attempted to sound angry, but it just sounded more afraid than anything. "You're going to tell me that it's for the best that I somehow submit myself to you, regardless of how many rules it's going to break."

"Rules? Against being a Force?"

"What? N-no. They don't..." Another awkward grumble as the bear got up. Causing the dragon to yelp and step back a bit. Continuing his steps when he realized the furred one wasn't going to stop, but walking backwards wasn't something the scaled one was used to. Eventually feeling Bartan hug his chest and instantly getting the dragon to whimper loudly while freezing his entire body.

For several awkward moments (at least for Marcus) they stood there in time. Until the large one was forced to exhale, taking deep breaths like he was a mortal defusing a bomb. Feeling those paws softly rub up his neck a bit and feel the dragon swallow. "Bear..."

"Stop and relax. This isn't good for your body." Another awkward whine, as they worked around his collar. Slowly bringing out a purr deep within that neck, along with the large breaths and whines. When that red tongue of the furred one's started touching those scales, those neck muscles tensed up and the wyrm whimpered loudly in a series of strained yelps. Followed by several deep breaths that were quite rapid, leaving the bear to smell the air around them a bit. "...Did you just-?" A paw over those purple eyes, trying to hide his face from the smaller one.

A few blinks and Bartan slowly let go, crouching down to see underneath the dragon. Actually amazed that he didn't attempt to hide it anylonger: that slit between his hind legs, slightly bulged and leaking a lot of white fluids into the grass. Almost feeling the curious stare from those brown discs and making Marcus whimper very slowly and very long. "Is that why you didn't want me to touch you-?" His wings suddenly covered the two of them up, getting the large one to sit down and whine almost like he was crying.

"I have a no touching rule for a reason!" The wyrm hissed.

"Because if people give you a hug, you climax nearly instantly-" A louder whimper that was trying to be a hiss, feeling those paws against his neck once again attempting to comfort the dragon. "There, there."

"I don't know how this happened!" The scaled one whined. "Maybe after what Nataline did...!?" A few breaths. "All I know is that I couldn't even touch... Anyone after, not without...!"

"Nearly hosing them down?" A sharp whimper-hiss. "...Is it supposed to smell like sugary peaches?"

"No!" A groan and a swallow. "That's... That's new actually..."

"It's fine though-"

"Don't patronize me! I can't even give someone a proper hug without nearly painting them white!"

"Really?" A growl that time. "Try me." A louder one. "I'm serious, dragon. Hug me." A grumble that time and those larger arms did so, feeling the furred one's do the same around his neck. "See? Not so bad-" Speaking ended up releasing Bartan's warm breath over the scales, causing the muscles to spasm once again and feel a bit of a spray that time on the bear's pantleg. "Spoke a little soon, but still not that-" Another series of whines and a few more sprays. Giving the dragon time to breath before moving again.

"See what I mean!?"

"It's not that bad, Marcus." A growl at the response. "It really isn't. Though, I am a bit concerned about how it may affect you, but it could be worse."

"How!?" He hissed. "I could be one fiber touch away from marking the ground under me!?"

"Or you could be a female." An awkward whine as that large neck curled. "One smell of you-"

"Okay-okay! Fair point."

"And it is better than needing to work for eight hours straight in order to reach..." A snout toss from the Force.

"So, one extreme or the other. I must be so blessed!" Marcus snorted. "I'm easily manipulated as soon as someone discovers this, and now my big secret is out. There, you stroked me off until I released! Where's my crystal!?"

"I never stated that your release point was when I stopped."

"What_ else _would it be!?" Another snout toss, but it stopped about 70% into it, causing the dragon's head to freeze with his eyes widened for a moment. Slowly looking down at the furred one, watching him finger off a stripe of the white goo and give it a lick. "No..."

"Kinda tastes like peaches too-"

"No...!" He nearly squeaked.

"You okay-?"

"No, No, No, No, No! Please not that!" Those larger paws covered his purple eyes again. "_ Anything _but that...!"

"I mean, I guess we could always try some group stuff when they get back-" A sharp whine from the large one as he collapsed. "Seriously, Marcus. It's not that bad-"

"Says you! Have you ever gotten Shaf-_ Nevermind _!"

"Do you really want me to answer-?"

"-I_said Nevermind !! " The dragon hissed, getting a chuckle from the bear. " Why _!? Why this out of all things!?"

"To be fair, we did talk about others-"

"Shut up!"

"And you did-" A loud hiss that was nearly in sobs of frustration. "Seriously, just lay back and enjoy it for a little, okay? I'll handle the rest." A long whine in defeat, but the scaled one didn't move. "The worst of it is over, Marcus-"

"Says you!"

"Well, have you ever found a limit to how much you can release?" A whimper in response was all he got. "Then maybe there's more to this gift-"


"-Gift," Bartan scolded. "Then you think." The furred paws started trailing down the dragon's side, under his wings and causing them to flinch. Feeling the large one attempt to stumble away, but he only left himself opened for the bear to get closer to those tips peeking out of his slit. Getting a whimper from the strokes and hearing the furred one attempt to soothe him. "Relax. You'll enjoy it, Marcus."

"S-says you-!" Another yelp when a soft paw caressed his pelvis, getting another few squirts as those weapon tips pulsed outwards a bit more. Revealing a total of three flares eventually squeezing out of the sensitive flesh, being watched patiently by those brown eyes as those paws massaged around the outside area. Trying to relax the dragon without forcing him to orgasm over and over again. Though, it took some trial and error to see how sensitive the wyrm was, it didn't take long for wyrm to calm into a steady hypnosis.

After the bear was done his tests, the red trio of weapons were more than ready. Set in a triangle, constantly leaking out what was likely backed up after so many years of neglect. Twitching a bit when Bartan moved a little closer. "Are you okay with me going forwards?"

"You know the answer to that, Furball." The large one grumbled, feeling a long pause that was likely the bear staring at him for an answer. "Don't make me say it."

"So, yes?" A growl in response. "No?" An even louder one and the dragon sat up, completely looking away, but not moving away. "Getting mixed signals here, Marcus-"

"Get it over with." He snorted. "And if anyone asks, you raped me."

"You would rather state you were taken advantage of than to agree to actually have S-"

"-Don't! No S Words! You know the rules!"

"I'm pretty sure I broke a few already." A snout toss from the scaled one.

" No ,_ really !?_Seriously, Captain Obvious!?"

"No need to be like that. Most people would be happy to get this." Bartan teased a bit, leaning in closer to the dragon's equipment.

"Most people aren't being blackmailed into-" A sharp whimper that morphed into a moan of pleasure when those furred lips touched the middle-bottom tip. Instantly getting greeted with a jolt of white flavor that also leaked out over the other two openings. Feeling those paws press all three of them together and softly stroke them a bit, letting the thick seed flow over that bear muzzle.

Slowly, that maw took in more and more of that somewhat small weapon. Lengthy, yes, but compared to others and the dragon's size, all three were a bit on the below average scale. Although, all three put together would be overwhelming within a single opening, making Bartan curious if he could fit all three into his mouth, slowly exiting and pressing all three tips together like a group of straws while hearing Marcus grumble. Fighting with the pleasure while looking under him to see what the furball was doing. "What are you-!?"

All three flares could fit, but barely. Leaving quite a bit of opened area within the bear's muzzle. Regardless of how those paws stroked, it was difficult to contain the amount of fluids the wyrm was leaking out. Though the pressure was rather faint, and the volume was quite a bit lower than a creature his size, it was still impressive how often the large one could release. Granted, making his entire body somewhat shaky.

Still, there wasn't much being accomplished with attempting to muzzle all three at once. His tongue could only attend to one of them, and the others were only being scraped by his teeth. Hardly considered pleasant, so Bartan reverted back to the default position. Letting the rest of that white leak out of his jaws in the process before muzzling that bottom one fully though and stroking off a weapon in each paw.

The noises the wyrm was attempting to hide was almost adorable, trying so hard not to show that he was enjoying such a feeling. Every soft brush from those paws along his lengths, and that tongue work, slipping around that spined shaft. Rewarding the furred one with squirt after squirt, letting it linger in his muzzle and wash the weapon with it, while the others dripped steadily over his arms and shirt. Making Bartan think that he should've actually stripped beforehand, but too late now. Not like it really mattered to him.

Meanwhile, that thick scaled tail was flailing in the tall grass. The dragon was shifting constantly, trying to remain still but those muscles tensed up and spazzed with every other stroke. Of either the paws or that tongue, banishing the breath from Marcus' lungs constantly as he gradually started to lower his body over and over. With every whineful orgasm, every attempt to paint the bear under him, he got that much closer to a collapse. Wondering if he should at least warn the smaller one that he couldn't stand much longer. Then again, the furball would deserve it.

But his conscience got the better of the dragon. Trying to call out to the furred one, but all that came out were whimpers of bliss in the form of terrible speech. Shifting one of his paws to support his upper weight, the other reached under to possibly get the bear's attention. Only for those instincts to kick in and press that muzzle deeper into his pelvis. Thrusting at the same time and feeling that black nose press into the wyrm's slit, the warm exhale was enough to trigger three barrages of low powered sprays. But Bartan stopped, waiting patiently for that paw to let him go... Which actually took several moments.

After a breather, Marcus stumbled back a bit. Feeling the bear move out from under him without a single word, though still brushing his side leading up to the dragon's neck. "Happy now-?" The large one attempted to hiss, only to get a surprise kiss from the furred one and a hold onto that scaly muzzle. Making him yelp in surprise and attempt to struggle free, but those paws were hypnotic. Then that tongue...! Nearly melting the dragon where he sat.

But there was something off about it. A strange flavor of peaches and sugar, then a large glob of it. Once again angering the Force and attempting to pull away again, but it was no use. His mouth demanded more of that flavor, regardless of what it actually was or where it came from. Yet, that anger didn't subside, getting the large one to press forward instead. Soon pushing Bartan onto his back within the tall grass and giving into the rather aggressive kiss.

Lap after lap from those larger jaws as the dragon nearly growled with himself, the motions sending him into another couple of sprays. But he stood up afterwards, licking his own release from the bear and hearing a chuckle as those arms pet his scaled muzzle. But it wasn't enough for Marcus, opening his maw a bit more and more during the 'clean up' and getting Bartan's head a bit more into his jaws. "H-hey, Marcus-?"

A softer grip from that powerful muzzle and the dragon stepped back. Pulling the bear upwards a bit before taking more of the furred body into his jaws. Lapping at the peachy flavor that covered his shirt while those soft paws carefully stroked his tongue a bit. "Easy there, buddy. Don't do anything drastic now-" Another pull that lifted the bear off the ground and caused him to yelp, making the wyrm purr a bit out of instinct.

That larger tongue pulling the furred one a bit further into his maw, now reaching his throat. Feeling the bear whimper a bit and nuzzle that uvula that pressed against his own snout, while that draconic appendage lapped away at his shirt easier. But Marcus knew there was more of it on those trousers, lifting his head up a bit more and causing the furred one to slide down his throat. Bulging it out and getting those muscles to massage the one inside.

The dragon's red appendage thrashed against the clothing while several mumbles could be heard from within his body, unable to completely make out what they were saying. But he didn't care, all Marcus could think about was that wonderful sugary taste. Lapping at it until he couldn't find it anymore, though swallowing a bit in the process and feeling a couple paws press against his throat in near desperation. Then there was something else... Another taste slightly hidden.

The large one lapped and wrestled for a few moments with the one inside his muzzle, doing something with that tongue and jaws. Almost like he was chewing, but no 'squishy' sounds were coming out. Eventually, he spit out Bartan onto the grass, somehow completely naked. Then his clothing towards the side as the furred one recovered, now coated with a drool-like substance. "...Well..." The bear grumbled a bit, trying to wipe himself off. "First time for everything. Thank you for... Not swallowing?"

"I fought the urge." Marcus snorted. "What is that... Taste?"

"Your release you mean?"

"Not the Peach one. It's like..."


"Yeah... Yeah. I think." The furred one shrugged. "What?"

"I get off when you get off."

"The hell is that supposed to..." Once again, the dragon spoke too soon. Getting those eyes to widen in almost fear and those wings to droop. But only for a few moments before it turned into anger. "Did you...!? In My Mouth-!?"

"No, it was just caught in my-"

"In My _ Mouth !?" The scaled one made a face. " Why !? How _!?"

"Do I really need to explain this?"

"I swear I'm going to eat you! Ketchup or not!" The large one hissed, only getting a chuckle from the smaller one, which irked him even more.

"Then what about the crystal?"

"I'll just have to wait until you lead me to it before I devour you." He snorted at the bear.

"So willing to stop already?" The dragon's neck curled a bit. "You've already got me undressed, why not continue at least for a little longer?" A bit of a whimper from the wyrm, as Bartan looked over at his clothing. "Neat trick, by the way. I swear you did that just to show off."

"I did that to get some peace and quiet for a few moments. Let alone, I refuse to be the only one naked and on display in the middle of a meadow!"

"Sure you do." A bit of a growl from the large one. "Alright, alright. I'll play your game, draggy." Another growl, and his scaled neck curled a bit as the bear got up. "If you want that necklace, then you'll have to do a bit more for me." A glare from those eyes, yet instead of anger being shown, it was almost... Excitement? "Lay down on your back."

A few moments of staring and Marcus exhaled, tossing his snout and snorting. "If I must to satisfy your lust, furball." He grumbled, not arguing past that. Laying down on the soft grass and watching the bear pet his hind legs. Resisting the urge to cry out in bliss as his red weapons began to leak out once again. Looking over the white substance with his purple eyes and almost wanting to taste it again, until he spotted Bartan's grin. Double taking at that and almost whining. "W-what?"

"Nothing. Just from certain angles, I kinda noticed something." A noise in question. "Sometimes you kinda look... Female." A growl that time. "I think it's the eyelashes."

"I like the eyelashes, shut up." Marcus snorted. "What now, pest?" Another chuckle and Bartan shook his head a bit, playing along.

"Lean forward." A strange look from those purple eyes, but he did so. Stopping about chest level. "A bit more, you might have to adjust yourself a bit." The stare continued, slowly becoming more and more puzzled as he gave into the bear's requests. Eventually leaning his snout far enough to reach the furred one sitting on his tail, getting those paws to cup his jaw a bit and feel them greet it.

Soon after, he lead the snout down towards the dragon's own equipment, getting a bit of an embarrassed whimper from Marcus. "A-are you... Serious?" The smaller one nodded calmly.

"You don't have to do all of them, I can take one if you like." Another whimper that was slightly interrupted by a pawstroke against that slit, throwing a wave of bliss that made those white scales click loudly in a shudder.

"Is it even... Safe?" That made Bartan chuckle softly.

"You just seen me take on all three, and you licked my clothes clean of it. It's safe." A bit of a nervousness was still shown in those purple discs, and the furred creature shrugged. Leaning down and taking one of the rods with ease, letting that tongue paint alongside it for a bit before giving the gesture for the dragon to try just one. Though the idea of it was awkward, Marcus took a breath and lapped at one of his own tips for a bit. Soon getting rewarded after a grunt with a couple of faint sprays, letting the flavor dance along that larger red appendage a bit before licking off the one running down the side of his muzzle.

He already loved that wonderful smell, though still puzzled where the hell it even came from. Still, watching the furball take one easily nearly made the Force envious. Not one to be outdone, he took one last heated breath before letting his tongue wrap around one of his own shafts. Feeling a paw tend to the other one for now as the two were being tended to. Slowly going up and down the length at first, but soon speeding up to gain more of that reward. Feeling the dragon's own body start to release more and more of it gradually, and the pleasure of such a thing only felt better the more Marcus continued.

It didn't take long for his tongue to bring two weapons together and take them both while Bartan took the other. The two purring loudly, no longer needing to worry about any type of pride or social status. Just two beings attempting to get a stressed dragon off, and enjoying the session without anyone watching. At least the wyrm hoped.

The two started going a little faster, as the squirts became more and more frequent. Leaking out of each other's muzzle, and trailing down the sides of those spineful shafts. Trekking across the sensitive ridges that caused that tail to thrash between Bartan's legs wildly, and repeat the cycle over and over again. Becoming more intense with each one.

Soon though, the bear withdrew. Instantly getting the dragon to growl at him, especially when those paws attempted to gather the other two within Marcus' muzzle. "None of that, you." The furred paw tapped his snout, signaling him to withdraw for a moment and hold all three weapons together, yet still getting that growl. "What?"

"Yours too." He grumbled, getting a raised eyebrow in question. "Don't give me that look! I trusted you not to bite any of mine off!" A shrug from those furred shoulders, and the bear adjusted himself up a bit more. Sitting nearly on the dragon's tailhole as his canine red rod lined up with the others. Not quite reaching the same length, but about the same girth.

A few laps from that dragon tongue across all of them, and the scaled one took all four into his muzzle with ease. Though a bit hard to close it completely, that tongue did wonders slithering between them. Stimulating the two quite a bit as the furred one stroked the back of his neck. Massaging it while Marcus focused on their tools, soaking up every squirt and release of Peaches, Sugar, and Oranges. Purring loudly, adding a vibration to it and only throwing another new wave of bliss into the mix.

For several minutes, the dragon kept at it. His whimpers climbing up higher and higher until a larger set of jolts released and were lapped up, repeating the cycle over and over again until his large body started to tremor a bit from it. Feeling like something was off, but the wyrm was so addicted to the new substance. Just one more set, then another set, then another...! Until his body stressed a bit, causing him to withdraw and lean back against the grass a bit. Fighting against it until Bartan placed a paw up to stop his instincts. "No, relax." A growl from the larger one. "Trust me, I'll take care of it. Just don't hold back, okay?"

Another grumble, and the wyrm submitted. Feeling the bear step back, then a tip against his tailslit. Hearing a yelp from the dragon that was expected, then a large wave of bliss that nearly stunned him before Marcus could hiss or argue further. Sending his entire body into a thick spasm until a few torrents launched from each weapon of his, painting his underside and getting a bit into the dragon's own maw. Lapping at it the best he could, but that canine tower started to slip into his tail deeper.

Slowly it moved in and out a bit, letting those paws work Marcus' armory like a series of joysticks. The steady streams coming from their tips were unreal, as Bartan slowly worked the dragon to a higher and higher state. Whimpering and struggling with himself, like holding back a sneeze before those paw lightly squeezed his ridges a bit. "Don't hold back." The bear ordered, seeing that white muzzle scrunch up in anger, but the large one caved. Shouting his whimpers into the air like relaxing a stiff muscle.

Marcus let the waves control his body, throwing every limb into this swaying and twisting motion. His blush invaded nearly that entire muzzle, turning it a faint red. His tongue lolled out of that singing muzzle, and his tail created dents into the grass. All while his own equipment showered over the dragon, the streams growing larger by the minute as the bear continued to nail into his tailslit. One that was squeezing the canine weapon, and swear it was growing inside the larger creature.

At this point though, his entire body was nearly numb with bliss. Screaming every breath he took into a loud song, while the pleasure forced his body to dance. Feeling a much bigger release on the horizon as a strange energy gather within the dragon's pelvis. The strokes became faster, the waves crashed harder within him. The thrusts from the furred one became heavier, and the weapon became more and more dense... Weapon? Singular? It was then his tailhole started to send out warning signs, feeling such a thing throb within it.

But it all added to the main goal, even as the thick sprays started entering his larger body and almost flooding his rear end with orange. It finally pushed Marcus over the edge, forcing his breaths into sharp gasps and unable to roar out. His large body stiffened up and stuttered, pushing his haunches and shoulders back. Unfolding his mid-section into an arch as his muzzle scrunched up. Each weapon thickened up to nearly double its girth and massive torrents sprayed out of each one in a final display of power. Launching over the dragon's head, then a dozen more feet.

A slight pressure was felt into his lower belly, and that only triggered more of a release from such a massive climax. Constantly being stroked and helped through it, the sprays didn't stop until nearly a full minute. Even then, dripping over the white dragon that looked drastically thinner in the process. Taking very heavy breaths that required the effort of his entire body before eventually passing out. Leaving the bear tied to Marcus' rear for a bit, overlooking the white carpet that painted over a large portion of the grassy area. "Well... Glad I didn't attempt to take that." He mumbled, though the thought of such a thing...

"I wonder how much further." The pink and white runner whimpered, still trying to warm herself up as she shared her body heat with Li. Worried about what was going on, and why the grey wyrm seemed to trust Vara a bit more. Even though they were about the same age.

"Not long, I'm sure." The pink and teal dragon mumbled in a whisper. "Last I came down this way, there wasn't anything..." She trailed off as those frilled ears perked off to the side. Hearing something metal far off to the right hallway, and calling out to for the large one to be quiet. However, doing so made Maverick nearly miss a step and claw into the metal grounds, sending a shriek echoing through the halls as the four almost cringed. "Nice going." Vara snorted a bit.

It got the attention of the thing down the hallway, hearing it stop for a moment, then start coming closer. Hearing the grey one curse under his breath and signal for the three to get back and prepare to hide once again. Positioning himself around the corner where the careful heavy steps were coming from, and exhaling quiet breaths from his maw. His heart racing, gathering energy for an upcoming conflict while it could. Waiting for the first sign of something large. Waiting for the first shadow to move. Waiting- "Hello?"

Several loud shhhh's repeated almost immediately afterword, getting Mav to tilt his head a bit. Following a few grumbles, then a whisper. "Give me the damn word, and I'll lock them in a sphere."

"Harrak?" Both wyrms questioned, hearing the large metal beast stop mid-step.

"Who's there?" The Chief demanded, fluttering the grey one's heart and getting him to turn a corner. The faint light from his collar seeing a metal creature before him, or one that was just covered in metal plate. Those golden eyes shined through, though. The same ones the wyrm admired for so long.

"Bryce...?" He almost whispered in response, instantly getting those discs to widen before bolting forward and getting the two large ones to hold each other tightly. Regardless of how something behind groaned. "You're alive!? And covered in...?"

"That's just the troublemaker's doing. Attempting to give me a bit of an edge." Regardless of the eyes watching them, the two hugged. Until Maverick noticed four others behind the drake staring at him, making him whimper slightly awkwardly. "Ignore them, they're not used to a bromance."

"I'm barely used to it." The grey one muttered, blushing slightly, but resuming holding the earth dragon.

"This is nice and all, but do you mind?" The black wyrm grumbled, finally getting the two to break the hold as the younger ones came around. Seeing Vara come into his sights made Harrak exhale with relief. "Thank all dragon kind you're alright."

"You locked me into a room, and brought the ship down." She snorted, seeing those purple eyes roll.

"It was water proof."

"No! No it wasn't!" The pink one playfully hissed, going up to him, but noticing his black body wasn't moving. "Why are you strapped to...?"

"I..._ May _have overdid it."

"Meaning what?" Maverick grumbled, still overlooking Bryce's new suit a bit.

"From what we can tell, he shattered his spine and nervous system around his neck." Ipsum stated. "He's been paralyzed since we basically found each other." He explained, getting another few looks from the scientists behind the noodle. Causing Maverick to lock eyes with them as well.

"And those three?"

"Well..." Bryce started.

"We... We ended up locking ourselves in the laundry room." One admitted.

"Laundry room?" The grey wyrm repeated, getting a double take and a curious stare from the drake. Then those eyes took notice on that collar, reflecting what Sebastian stated over the intercom.

"Yes, after... We took you aboard the ship, a few of you didn't respond well to sedation. A couple were just simply put into another cell, but..." A very uncomfortable look at Bryce, specifically the one on his back.

"And Harrak fought back." Maverick pieced together, getting a slow, guilty nod from the others. The larger wyrm took a breath himself and nodded, showing them that he wasn't going to make an enemy out of the crew. Possibly something he would've done if it wasn't for...

"We ended up escaping during the chaos and hid in a closer room. Locking ourselves in there, and well... A bit later, the ship went down. We were knocked unconscious, perhaps have a small concussion, but nothing serious." Another scientist admitted.

"We were only doing what we were told. Honestly, we were not doing you any harm-"

"What are they saying?" Bryce asked, getting a double take from those red eyes. "That collar must be the one Sebs was talking about. Me and Ippy never found one." A groan from the purple noodle as the children giggled at the nickname.

"We just thought they were terrible flashlights." The small green walker stated.

"But some light was better than no light at all." A groups nodded, hearing some gunshots in the distance. "We should continue. Have you fought any of them?" The drake asked, half leading the way with Mav right beside him.

"Yes, and was nearly..." A sad look from Bryce. "Vara ended up saving me from it."

"So she really can...?" A shrug from those grey wings.

"I'm not sure how, exactly, but yes."

"From what we were told from Harrak, it's got something to do with his blood." Ipsum stated from behind, watching the pink wyrm jump onto the earth dragon's back and cover the black wyrm. Hearing him grumble a bit in response. "A transfer of such."

"And you stated that it was in my pants." Vara snorted at him.

"Not your pants, your genes." Harrak grumbled again.

"So, you ended up giving her your blood? That somehow contains... Superpowers?" Maverick questioned, getting worried looks from the scientists behind them. Watching the brown one tilt his head in a shrug.

"It's all over my head, and I'm not sure if it works. I haven't felt anything."

"You did it...?" A casual nod from Bryce, making the large wyrm worried. "Why?"

"Any advantage over this scenario is a chance to save lives. If it means I can save one, it's worth it. But it takes time to take effect, if I'm understanding it."

"You're likely more adapted to the earth. Considering this ship isn't made out of dirt, you're not going to be feeling anything to attune to until we get off this damn thing." The black one muttered. "Even then, considering the cold..."

"Odds are it would all be under a blanket of heavy snow, or even ice." Vara added, getting a surprised look from the grey one. "I've been... Studying it all, quite a bit. It's the only reason why I'm able to even..."

"So, how... Good are you with it, then?" Mav asked.

"Definitely not his level, but Metal has been a lot easier than others." She looked up and around. "Even this metal, it seems to be more flexible than what we were practicing with."

"I found what I could." Harrak snorted, getting a lick from her and pestering those black frilled ears.

"What are you thinking, Maverick?" The Chief questioned, almost sternly.

"That if there are others out here, they might need help being escorted." A solid nod from the drake. "But first thing's first."

"Right. We get them to safety. With any luck, we'll find everyone from back home."

It was the mix of the sun beating down on his white body and getting his belly softly rubbed that continued to make the dragon purr, slowly becoming more awake, but those paws felt different from the furred one. Taking Marcus several long moments to finally realize what that could possibly mean, making those purple eyes open wide before... "So, how was it?" A familiar male voice asked, getting Death to suddenly spring up and yelp at his 'brother' staring at him. Scampering backwards and running into another rather large creature.

"Yes." A stern female one this time, nearly paralyzing the wyrm's heart. "How was it." It was barely a question, as Marcus slowly looked behind him. The very first sighting of gold was enough to jump into Fate's arms in one gigantic leap, staring at the theropod dinosaur who was staring at them with cold red eyes. Playing with a potato peeler in her paws as the white one nearly felt his blood drain from his entire body. "I'm assuming you're here to take some sort of small vacation, but a bit strange how this entire planet is lagging behind of everything else." Those never blinking eyes just glared at the two. Instantly getting the white dragon to scamper behind the other Force when the Allosaurus moved a hind paw, using it as a living shield.

"I-I've been..." He started, swallowing loudly.

"Busy? I've noticed. Granted, with such things doesn't seem like a good use of your time. Does it?"

"I wasn't..." Marcus whimpered, getting her to look over at the large 'carpet' of white in the field. "T-that wasn't my intent! I-I was..." His head lowered when the dinosaur stood up, getting both of them to whimper at the T-Rex like creature in a white labcoat.

"You told me you fixed this." She growled.

"I..." Another whimper as the wyrm was nearly paralyzed with fear.

"We tried, Reality. But there's more wrong here than what it seems on the surface." The red dragon stated. "I thought it was the bear's doing-"

"So you've told me."

"But apparently... It wasn't." Another thick stare that got the best out of both of them. Both other Forces spotting some movement in the background, something white walking the road out of the town. Getting the dino's attention and instantly making her furious.

"He is _ Not _still here!" The golden one roared loudly, glaring at the other two and making them yelp. "I'm going to skin him alive, then I'm returning for both of you!" She stormed off.

"W-what!? No-no-no-no-no!" The white dragon scampered in front of the theropod, trying to get Reality to stop her progress, but barely slowing her down. Having to move backwards, which we've already established, Death is kinda clumsy. "You can't!"

"I can, and I will. Unless you're volunteering to go first, stay out of my way!"

"Wait-wait-wait! You can't! I need him!"

"Of course you do-"

"Alive! The portal won't work without his DNA."

"Then I'll save a little of that for-"

"No, it doesn't work that way!" Those red eyes glared at him, finally stopping the dinosaur. "It won't work-it won't work. I've tried it. We need him and that crystal that I'm just _hoping_he got."

"Why." It was barely a question.

"Because otherwise you miiiight_be a little, tinsy, wincey bit mad that everyone here is still kind of... _Alive." A low growl left that golden muzzle, nearly exhaling steam. "_Diiid_I mention that I also need to be alive?" No relief. "...And unskinned?"

"I don't believe you-"

"I knew you would-wait." Marcus whimpered, almost cowering before the Force. "Please?" Another growl.

"Let us try one more time to fix this, Reality." Fate stated, placing a red paw on her coat shoulder, but not getting the dinosaur's attention. "Please. After that, we'll call you if we need anything else." Still no relief for the white dragon, making him whimper again. "We didn't tell you this because we were trying to fix it. It wasn't worth your time."

"Apparently it requires my attention if you two cannot fix this."

"T-to be fair-"

"No more talking."

"-Okay." Death whimpered at her.

"We're positive that this will work. Let us at least try it while we have all the pieces." Those red discs overlooked Fate's current golden ones, getting a bit of an uncomfortable look from the smaller Force as the bear came behind Marcus.

"...Is that?" The white dragon double taked at the furred one, soon standing completely upright like he wasn't afraid. Still not getting the attention from the theropod. "Xakoda?" Well, until now. "She's your Reality?" A growl from her.

"Your name is Xakoda?" A thick stare at Marcus made him yelp and lower his head, then flopping on the ground quickly like a weight was being pushed on him.

"Fate. Make him forget that name."

"I-I'm not sure if I should-" A growl and another thick stare made 'Remy' step backwards.

"A-actually..." Death wheezed. "Forgetting this entire day existed is just fine by me."

"I loved my time with you too, Marcus." Bartan muttered. "I got the necklace you asked for while you were sleeping."

"Oh, thank all dragon kind...!" Another whimper. "You may have just saved us all from being skinned alive."

"With... A potato peeler? Here I thought Fate was joking about that."

"To be fair, it gave me the idea." The golden one responded. Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. "You have one chance. If I have to erase everything here to keep this... Cancer from spreading, I will." Reality growled at Remy, seeing him nod a bit.

"Thank you." The smaller white wyrm responded, watching the Allosaurus turnabout and walk off. Double taking when the bear attempted to look under her tail and just biting his own tongue that the dinosaur didn't catch him. Soon seeing her disappear as Marcus stood up. "You okay?"

"Fine." He whined, clearing his throat. "Fine, yes." The two glared at Bartan for a moment, getting those brown eyes to double take. "Don't you even dare."


"She's a handful to deal with already." The largest one snorted. "Last thing we need is for you to attempt to seduce Reality-"

"Actually-" 'Lorem' started, instantly getting a heavy stare from Death.

"-No!" Marcus hissed. "Bad enough he raped me! If he gets her even _ more _angry, we're all going to be gutted!"

"How was it, by the way?"

"We're not talking-!"

"Absolutely wonderful-"

"-Shut up, bear!!" The white dragon growled loudly.

"Really?" Adine giggled, completely ignoring the other Force. "He did look really happy in his afterglow."

"We are not talking about this anylonger! Understood!?"

"Well, after a session like that, it's normal for anyone to sleep for a few hours." The bear informed, starting to walk up to the portal with the wyvern.

"Are you guys even listening to me!?"

"Is it?"

"Hey! Stop! No Bonding! I forbid it!"

"Yes, but I am a little concerned. He lost a lot of weight." The two stopped and observed the white one, his structure being quite a bit thinner, but still a bulge in his lower belly. Those purple eyes giving them both a harsh glare while quite a bit of white substance was caked onto him. "Well, in some areas."

"I think the belly is cute, honestly." Another giggle from the female, hearing Marcus give off a sigh in defeat.

"I'm... Just going to take a shower." He snorted, turning about and flying back to town.

"Enjoy yourself." Bartan called to him, hearing a groan in response. Double taking at those curious red eyes.

"Is it supposed to smell like...?"

"Peaches and sugar?" An excited nod as the bear shrugged. "All depends, really. But not usually."

"You must tell me every little detail." Fate giggled, seeing a slightly crossed look from the furred one.

"Sorry, but I really shouldn't. If you can convince him to talk about it, then that's fine. But otherwise..."

"It's not quite fair for Marcus, I understand. But..." A noise in question. "I'm just curious about how..."

"It's done?" A series of giggles from the yellow one. "Tell you what, I'll give you a personal session after all of this. Deal?" A heavy blush from Adine.

"Oh my...!"

"That is, if you're able to. Marcus told me that you're an... Enigma, I believe?"

"Correct." Back to the small blue wyrm. "We normally don't have bodies that are often 'physical' exactly."

"But you can be touched. I remember feeling it before when you were Bryce." A bit of a guilty look from Lorem. "Hey, it's okay. I understand."

"You're the only one able to, I swear." A breath from the dragon. "I don't want to deceive people, but that's just how..." A touch on his blue shoulder, still feeling rather real on both sides. Letting the two lock eyes for a few moments, that white muzzle just giving Fate a calm look with a smile, and the smaller one just returning it. "Thank you for being understanding."

"Yes. No hard feelings about it. Sorry for not being very cooperative, but I'd rather Forces be straight with me."

"Then to trick you, I can imagine how it feels. Believe it or not."

"How long have you been a Force?" A bit of a whimper from the wyrm. "That young, huh?"

"This is... Still my first GUY {General Universal Year}."


"Yes. And it's been a bit... Overwhelming, to be honest. Especially dealing with those two."

"You seem to have knack for calming others down though." A look away from those brown eyes.

"...You know that's part of being Fate. Even Reality knows I'm using my abilities to calm her down to a reasonable level." A breath from the small one. "It's honestly weird to see her just... Accept it. I mean, I could likely convince her to just calm down, or even remove all anger from her entirely. But I haven't been forcing those decisions on her. Reality herself has been..." Another breath as the two slowed to a stop, getting another paw as he lead Lorem to a nearby field to rest. "She's the one that suggested me for Fate, and I'm not really sure why."

"No Force ever really knows, unless it's specifically told to them. Some claim it's because they worked damn hard or sacrificed so much to get there, but really..." Bartan half shrugged, holding onto the small blue one for a bit.

"...You knew her real name." A slow nod from the bear as he gazed over the town. "I thought I was the only one besides her... Then you know what's she's done."

"Let alone why she was picked for Reality, yes." He almost felt the dragon's heart sink. "I can't argue the choice that your Counterweight made, but Xakoda will get things done. She does have initiative, and she is really smart when it comes to priorities. You know the stress that comes from her line of work."

"Regrettably so..."

"Then you know why she's often angry." A slow nod as the two sat there for some time.

The white dragon eventually came around, landing in the field around the two cuddling. Snorting at the sight. "I'm sure your hatchlings will be beautiful." A whimper from Fate, but 'Adine' couldn't help but giggle at the thought. "Let me guess, you have some_plans_after this is all over?"

"Maybe. Could make some with you if you want another-"

"Pass, Furball." The other two chuckled at the quick response. "You got your end of the bargain, now give me mine." Bartan put his hands up and nodded, taking the necklace out of his pocket and handing it to the white dragon. "Now, let's hope this works."

"Have you tested it before?" A grumbling nod at 'Remy' as they all started moving towards the large structure. Giving the bear a rather uncomfortable feeling.

"It was a long time ago, so it should. Granted, it depends on the state of the Portal itself. Considering everytime we've looked around here, the damn thing has been dismantled." Marcus snorted, going towards the control panel and activating it to the best of his ability. Placing the crystal into the side of the portal itself, and muttering something about its condition. "There. Stand on it, Furball. Fate, you send us back-"

"Wait-what?" The two double taked at the larger one, hearing him growl in frustration.

"Do you want me to say this slower to you? Send us back-"

"I'm not going back, Marcus! I've-"

"This isn't about you, Outsider! It's about the state this planet is currently in!" Death hissed back. "And you don't get a say in this!"

"I've worked hard to make sure-"

"And you think I haven't!? I don't want to do this either, but I don't have a damn choice!" The large wyrm roared. "Even if it means I have to swallow you and activate the damn thing myself, I will!"

"Marcus..." A glare at 'Adine'. "I don't know if the area can take another reset. Even back a few months-"

"You've seen what's here! Even if it means we have to erase this planet entirely, we can't keep things like this! It's too dangerous!"

"What are you talking about?" Another growl at Bartan. "What's here?"

"Nothing you have to concern yourself about, bear. Now stand on the damn platform already, that's your last warning!" A defiant look from those brown eyes. "I shouldn't even be _asking_you to cooperate! Move or be devoured!"

"Marcus, there's another way-"

"I Am A Dragon, And You...!" A heavy breath as the large one started to stagger a bit towards the bear. "And you..." A few grumbles as he started to get a migraine again. "I told you there was no fixing these damn...!"

"Marcus, what's wrong-?" Bartan stopped himself, seeing a trickle of blood come from that white scaled muzzle. "Are you okay?"

"Just do it before I...!" Another few breaths and the wyrm passed out, collapsing on the platform. A look towards Fate who was showing the same symptoms before falling over as well, getting caught by the furred one before hitting the ground.

"Guys? Guys!"

Somewhere Out There Act 22 - Relapse Collapse

**Somewhere Out There Act 22 - Relapse Collapse** By Bartan Tirix The group of soldiers and crew members rested in the bridge, or at least attempted to. After the raptor made his announcement, the only thing left for them was to wait. At least...

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Somewhere Out There Act 20 - To The Moon And Back

**Somewhere Out There Act 20 - To The Moon And Back** By Bartan Tirix The yellow wyvern nearly cried at the first sighting of beige, volting over the table and knocking it over with her crescent tail as she dove into the runner's arms. Holding the...

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All For You #4: (Male, Bottom)

**All For You #4: (Male, Bottom)** By Bartan Tirix Author's Note: This piece is kind of like a Your Character Here mostly made for a Western (Wyrm) feral dragon. It can be something else, but this is just what I had in mind at the time of writing....

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