Pandarian Passion

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#2 of WoW - One Shots


This was a commission, request or collab

This is either the original, or partially edited but ultimately unfinished.

When I finish this(if I do), this version will be put in a folder called "Archive" and the finished version will be uploaded.

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Pandaren Passion

Since the small nation of Pandaria had come out of the mists, Syn thought that it would be the best to take a little time to get a lay of the land there. Never knowing when he would need some place to hide out, and still not have it get in the way of his 'hunts'. The culture was different to him, but it did have a lot of charm, especially the way that the women dressed, some dressed in loose fitting robes, they were the ones that he watched training. The others were dressed in a slightly wider range of clothing, some of them dressed in tighter clothes, soft silks that showed off their bigger, rounder shapes, namely those hips, some of them wore even less or even nothing at all. It was clear that Syn knew that this was going to be a good hunting ground, he knew that with all the training that the older ones went through, they would be a little harder to break, something that would give him more of a challenge, something to bring back the feelings of some of the first 'hunts' that he had been on.

He had been hiding out in the Jade Forest, watching from the tall trees, snickering a little as he would watch people coming and going from the small coastline, grimacing at the sight of the few Alliance workers coming through, he knew that they couldn't really touch him here, but he still didn't like them around his hunting grounds.

He wasn't going to let a few of the Alliance scum get in the way of his 'hunt'. The prey that he was after was just too good for him to give up. He had been tracking the small group of Pandaren cubs, three cute little girls that could have been no more than four or five. For the past few days he would sit on one of the higher branches of a tree watching the little cubs running around and playing different games, pretending to fight off monsters, even ending up wrestling and rolling around with one another. The worgen rogue knew that his time to strike was coming up and fast, he had it all planned out.

Smiling as he saw the trio of girls walking through the gate and into the forest, making their way along the same path that they always walked. They came to a stop not that far inside, it would seem that their mother and father didn't want them going too deep into the woods, most likely out of the fear of the fiends that were in the woods, even though something far worse was just outside of the gate watching them from his tree branch.

The night before, Syn had started getting things in order. Under the cover of the darkness he set everything in motion. Sliding down from his tree he made his way over to the area that the little cubs played around and laid out a few pieces of gold with a tattered looking scroll. In his time here he had found a small cave just along the wall, there were no monsters around, nor were there any Pandaren or other medal some people there. On the tattered scroll he had drawn a sketchy little map that would lead them to the cave, promising them some gold and other shiny things.

The cave that the map led to had been a nice little place for the worgen to sleep and plan everything out. At the mouth of it, he left a few more silver and a torch, something that he knew would spur the little trio to go into the cave looking for more treasure and if the idea of gold didn't cause them to go it, he was sure that their adventures nature would. He could hear them now, one of them saying that the other two weren't brave, that they wouldn't make it fifteen steps into the cave before running out like little cubs. It was so easy that it made him laugh, it almost felt like it was to easy.

His smile grew as he heard them talking and playing around, his fangs showing as he heard one squeak out happily as she found the gold, he knew that this was the moment that he was waiting for. It was just a moment later that he heard them talking about the map they had found, looking at it and pointing off in the direction of the cave. It was clear that his prey had taken the bait, he knew that it was time to just sit back and wait for his time to strike.

As he watched the three little girls making their way to the cave he would slip from tree to tree, never losing sight of them as he did. He could hear them taking about the things that they are going to do with the gold that they find. Each one of them planing something different for it. One of them planning on giving it to their mother to buy food and other things that they needed for the house, the middle, or the one that he thought was the middle planned on putting her part of the money up for later so that she would have some gold to buy adventuring supplies. The last snickering and giggling as she talked about how she was going to use her money to buy some food, some of the strange food that the people from off island would bring.

Syn's mind wondered when heard the cubs talking about their mother. Judging from the sight of the cubs he knew that she had to be a prize. He knew that after having three sexy little cubs, that she was a gloriously sexy milf. A sexy milf that was just waiting for him to come and sweep her off of her feet and right into his bed, or her bed, he was far from picky.

It didn't take long for the cubs to make it to the mouth of the cave, and like he thought, he could hear them talking about going into the cave, each one having different thoughts about it. The youngest was clearly the boldest, picking up the torch and fishing in her bag for something to light it with. The middle cub wanted to go in, but she was worried about what could be inside, and the oldest was of course the one that started poking fun at the others to get them to go in first.

"That's it, you know that you want to." Syn mumbled to himself as he watched the cubs still standing around talking to one another, waiting on one of them to get brave and go in. It didn't take too much longer after that for the youngest of them to head in, the other two following behind her, trying to talk her out of it. They might have been having second thoughts but it sure wasn't stopping them.

Having given them a few moments more to get good and into the cave, the worgen leapt down from the tree, landing at the base of it with a soft thud on his feet, showing just how practiced he was. He smiled as he walked to the mouth of the cave, taking his time and enjoying the feel of the hunt, knowing that soon he would have three, adorably fuckable pandaren cubs all to himself.

He moved slowly behind them making sure that he kept enough distance between him and them as to not be spotted. He moved with such grace and skill it was as though he was blending in with the shadows of the cave itself.

The cave itself was a straight shot, a rather tight corridor leading to a fairly large opening that he had been using as a camp. Soon they group entered the tightest part of the cave, Syn still behind him. He knew that even if they got scared and tried to turn tail that they would be running right into his arms.

"I think that we should turn back." The oldest one said, tugging at the the sister that was in front of her. "I mean, there is no telling how deep this goes.....or what might be at the end of it. Haven't you heard the stories about the monsters and stuff that live in places like this?"

"Those are just stories." The youngest one said happily. "And besides, if there is something down here then I know that my big sister's can beat it up." She said nodding, holding up the torch as the group got closer to the camp.

"And just think about the treasure that has to be down here. I mean, we found a whole gold piece and like twenty silver on the way here, just think of how much has to be down there." The one in the middle said.

It wasn't to much longer after that when the group came up to the opening that lead into the camp. Syn could here them letting out little gasps as they looked around the area, he even heard them talking about the bed roll off to the back of the cave, along side the fire pit. Though they didn't dwell on that for too long when they saw the large wooden chest sitting off to the side.

"That's got to be it." The youngest said as she rushed over to it. "And see there's no monster here." She said as she started looking the wooden box over.

"I didn't think that there would be something here." The middle sister said as she rushed over to the box and started helping her little sister try and open the heavy lid.

"I think that this stuff might belong to someone." The oldest said as she walked over from the bed roll and fire pit. "I mean the fire pit looks like it has been used not that long ago." She said as she watched them.

The whole time that the trio was working on getting the box open, Syn quickly pushed a large stack of wooden crates to block the entrance of the cave, blocking the little ones in. Moving quietly he moved back to the shadows to watch the cubs looking around, waiting for the moment that they realized that the door was blocked, or missing to them.

"Hey.....I think that's it time that we leave. I have a really bad feeling about this." The younger of the three said looking around, it was amusing to see how fast she changed her mind. "I mean, I feel like someone is watching." She said as she walked around the room, looking for the door.

"You were the one that was so excited about coming in here." The oldest one said, looking around the dim cave, shivering a little. "I thought that was just me."

"Yeah, that's the cue to get out of here." The middle one said walking up to the place where she thought the door was. "I.....I thought that the door was right here." She said reaching out and putting a hand on the boxes.

" was over here wasn't it?" The youngest said pointing to the wall in front of her.

"It's a cave.....the way out can't just disappear.....can it?" The oldest asked looking around. The tree starting to frantically look for the door.

"Well." A deep, masculine voice filled the room. "When it's my cave.....and three little thieves show up, it tends to lose track of the way out."

"We weren't here to steal anything." The youngest one squeaked out, all of them looking for the source of the voice. "We would never do that.....we just found the money and came to give it back."

"If that was the case, then the door wouldn't have disappeared." The voice filled the room, this time coming from another shadow. "It only does that when naughty people come into it." The worgen said as he watched the kids running around the room, looking for the way out.

"We're not naughty.....we didn't know." The middle cub said looking around. "We.....didn't mean to do anything bad." She said starting to run her hands along the walls, looking for some kind of switch or something.

"Well once the door closes cause a bad person has come in, there is only one way to open it." Syn said smiling and licking his chops.

"Then.....then it should open.....cause we didn't do anything." The youngest one said, on the edge of crying. "We will do anything to prove it." She said looking around the room.

"Well, like I said, there is one way to open the door, and that's for the bad one to be punished." He said smiling as he stepped out from the shadows. "And seeing how there is three of you, I will have to punish you all.....till I find out who the bad one is."

"Like she said, none of us did anything wrong." The oldest said looking up to the worgan, her eyes narrowing. "And what do we have to do to show that we are innocent?"

" will have to do everything that I say." He said smiling and licking his lips. "And....Absolutely no questioning me." He said glaring down at the group that was now standing in front of him. "Do you understand me?" The smile that he had grew when he saw the group nodding their heads. " the first thing....all of your clothing and belongs....put them in a pile over there on the bed." He said pointing a claw to the bed.

"But mom told us that we should never do anything like that." The youngest one said looking up to the older worgan.

"Yeah. It's not something a proper lady like us would do." The middle one said putting her hands on hips.

"I don't care what your mom told you lot......she's not here, and if you don't start doing what I say, then you're not going to get to see her again." He said shaking his head and tapping a foot, claws clicking on the cave floor. "And not listening to something that an adult told you is even lady like and're showing that you are a lot of bad girls."

"O.....Ok." The youngest spoke up first, catching the other two off guard. "Come on....if....if we show him that we are good girls and all that, then he will let us just get it over with." She said as she started fiddling with the buttons on her shirt.

"I still don't know about this." The oldest one said as she looked over to her sisters to see that the other two were already slipping out of their shirts and setting the on the bed, leaving their upper halves in nothing but their fur.

Licking his lips and smiling at the sight of the two cubs topless, drinking in the sight of their flat chestes Syn spoke up. "See, your younger sisters know how to be good girls.....but it's starting to look like you're the bad apple out of the group." He said smiling, pausing to think for just a moment. "And I'm starting to think that you're the reason that the door isn't opening, I bet that you're the one that needs to be punished."

"I.....I'm not the bad one." She paused for a moment. "Well I mean none of us are.....this is all wrong and....well un fair." The oldest said shaking her head for a moment before working on slipping out of her shirt, before tossing it on the bed with the rest. The older worgan smiled to himself as he looked her over, she was the oldest, though still just as flat as the others, not that he was complaining in the least.

"Mmmmh, why did you all stop." He said looking down at them before kneeling down, hiding the growing bulge in his pants. "I mean.....Didn't I tell you to get completely naked?" He said, his glare becoming a little more stern. " good girls and get completely naked."

It only took a moment for the two younger cubs to listen and start wiggling out of their pants and panties, tossing them to the side with the rest of their clothing. The worgan's gaze caught their attention and reminded them just how naked they were, hands slipping up in an attempt to cover themselves, but Syn got a good look at what he was going to get to play with soon.

"I still have a bad feeling about this." The oldest said shaking her head. "I mean....there is just something wrong about getting naked infront of a male...." She said, shivering a little as the wolf's gaze shifted from the two younger ones to her, eyes narrowing more.

"And I'm starting to think more and more that you are the bad one." He said shaking his head. "I mean, I bet that I could just let your sisters go and punish you and the door would open right up." He said scooting over to her. "So....Be a good girl......if you are one and finish undressing.....or I will help you with it." He said, it was clear from the tone of his voice that he was starting to grow impatient with the older girl.

"I.....Now I know that there is something wrong here." She said shaking her head. "Let them go and I will do what you want me to, otherwise I'm not going to do anything." She said crossing her arms and shaking her head.

"Oh come on sis....sure it's naughty feeling and all, but the sooner that you do what he says, the sooner that we can get out of here and go home." The middle sister said, turning to look at her, both her and the younger one still doing their best to keep themselves covered.

The oldest sister started to say something but all that came out of her muzzle was a squeak, followed by a very unlady like curse, this all brought a smile to the worgan's muzzle. Having gotten tired of waiting Syn had reached out and started undressing the oldest girl, snickering as, despite her struggling he got her pants and panties off and around her ankles.

"Well I can see why you didn't want to get naked for me." He said smiling and licking his lips again. "It's ok....I will treat you like I would any other little princess like you." He said putting a hand on her shoulder as he got her cloths from around her ankles and tossing them in the pile. Seeing her now, it was clear that the oldest sister was one of a kind, a tasty little sissy.

"O....ok....we took our clothes off.....see we're good girls.....can we go home now?" The oldest asked, looking down at her foot paws, fidgeting a little.

"You are showing me that you can be good girls." Syn said smiling, "but there is a lot more that you're going to have to do to show me that you're truly good girls." He said smiling and moving down to the youngest girl, reaching out to move her hands out of the way. "First. No more covering anything up."

After having moved her hand out of the way, he let his claw tip slowly start tracing from her neck, down her chest, slowly circling around one of her nipples that had grown hard in the cold cave air. He could feel her shivering as he traced his finger lower and it turned him on more and more. Soon his claw tip passed her belly, clearly making it's way between her legs, to her virgin folds. Without saying anything, other than letting out a squeak the younger sister reached her hand up to cover herself.

"No." Syn hissed out as he slapped her hand away. "It looks like you lot are nothing but bad girls....can't follow a simple order." He said shaking his hand. "I was going to be nice and take this nice and slow.....but now.....I'm going to punish you all the way that you deserve it."

"No....I'm sorry." She squeaked out as she was yanked by her arm and flung onto the bed. "I will behave.....please." She whimpered out as she rolled over and looked up to the male that was walking up to her, starting to slip out of his clothing, tossing his shirt to the side before starting on his pants.

"Mmmmh and it's too late for that." He said shaking his head. "You want to act like a nasty little brat, and misbehave, then I'm going to treat you just like that." He said as he let his pants fall to the floor and get kick to the side. "I have two reasons for you to be nice and a good girl."

As the male worgen closed the short distance between him and the cub on his bed, his hand moved down to his swollen sheath, starting to slowly rub it. A pair of red tips starting to poke out as he did, showing that he was already getting worked up at the thought of the things that he was going to do to them.

Syn smiled as he watched her starting to wiggle across the bed trying to get away from him, but in a flash the worgen had pounced and easily pinned his prey down, hissing and mumbling something in her ear that caused her to freeze up. The trembling little panda girl stayed still on the bed as Syn climbed onto it with her, coming to rest on his knees, his sheath out on display for her.

Turning and glaring at the other girls, anger and evil shimmering in his eyes. "You two....get over her now and get to helping your sister out.....this isn't a one girl job.....that and I'm going to make sure that I take all three of your cherries." He said licking his lips, letting out a little moan as he felt the smallest girl starting to lick at his cock tips. "And if you don't. The three of you won't be living to see light of day......and that's after a nice slow death." He said in a spiteful hiss. "Better yet. You, help her get me good and ready." He said pointing to the middle sister. "And you, get behind this little slut and start licking, get her good and her out like your life depended on it.....then again it might just."

The girls didn't say anything, just nodded and made their way up to the bed and joined Syn and their sister on the bed. The middle sister taking up her place next to her younger sister, their tongues darting out and starting to lap at his cock tips that slowly started sliding out more and more. Doing as she was told the other sister did as she was told and slipped up behind the youngest one, taking a deep breath before leaning down and starting to lick and lap at her sister's treasure.

The worgen let out a moan as he felt the girls licking at his cocks, more and more of them slipping out as they did, for some small cubs they were doing better than he had thought, though he was a little bothered when the youngest one would stop licking at his cock to let out a moan from her sister eating her out. It was clear that she was getting into it, just as much as her older sister was. Pulling back from the little ones, he smiled and licked his lips, reaching down to push his sheath out of the way, really showing off his huge foot and half long cocks.

"All right now." Syn spoke up as he got up off of the bed and stood in front of the girls, slowly stroking his cocks. "I want you." He said pointing to the middle sister, "to lay on your back with your lower half hanging off of the bed." Smiling as he watched her doing just that. "You," he pointed to the youngest. "Lay on top of her, facing her....that way you two can look in each other's eyes as you get to feel my cocks slidding into your lovely little holes." The worgen said smiling as he watched them doing just as he told them.

Once the cubs were in the position that he had told them to get into he slipped up to them and onto his knees. He leaned down and picked the middle cub up by the hips, the tip of his cock resting against her flower, with a little wiggle he got the other tip lined up with the youngest's hole. He didn't give them a warning in any sense of the word, he slammed his hips hard into them, forcing well over half of his huge cocks into them in one move.

"Fuuuuuuuck, you little sluts are tight." He moaned out as he felt his cocks twitching with in them, their walls quivering around his lengths. The canine shivered a little as he felt a hot little trick down his shafts, blood no doubt, he had just taken the two's virginity at once.

The sounds of whimpers and crying caused him to look down at the two that were impaled on his cock. He took in the sight of the two girls sobbing and holding onto one another for dear life. "Stop're hurting them." The oldest sister's voice chimed, causing him to glare at her.

"Well it hurts the first time.....but it's get better....unless you're bad girls." He said smiling as he started pulling his hips back a little, letting out a moan as he slammed back into them, this time pushing more of his cocks into them, causing their little bellies to bulge. "And I think that you like it." He said leaning in a little, never letting his hips stop moving. "I mean, just look at this naughty little thing that you're sporting."

She let out a little squeak as she felt the male's strong paw grabbing onto her little cock and squeezing it. The blushed dark as she felt him starting to rub it a little, that and the fact that he was right, that the sight of her sister's getting taken was hot. "St....stop it." She whimpered out.

"I bet that you want in on this to....I bet that you're a bad little girl." He said smiling and looking down at the youngest sister, still sobbing quietly. "You....make your sister there feel good." He said smiling as he saw her looking up a little confused, before she turned and opened her muzzle to start licking at her cock.

"Thi....this is so wrong." She panted out, letting out a moan as she felt the warm little tongue teasing her cock, the feeling causing her to move a little closer.

"Yeah, but you like it." Syn said smiling and bucking his hips harder. "Fuuuuuck, you little sluts are going to make me cum so many times tonight." He said licking his lips before bucking and thrusting his hips as hard and as fast as he could, causing the youngest sister's muzzle to move up and down the other cock.

The worgan moaned out as he kept pounding into the little pandaren cubs, his claws starting to dig into the middle sister's hips as he pounded into the two, the oldest sister letting out pants and moans as she was sucked off by her younger sister, the two getting fuck could only let out pained squeaks, whimpers, and gaspes.

The harsh fucking lasted what felt like for ages for the two poor cubs, Syn's pounding getting harder and rougher as he pushed more and more of his cocks into the two, the knot soon kissing their opening. He wanted to knot the cubs so bad, but he knew that if he did that, he would have to change his plans and he didn't want to do that. With one final, hard thrust he froze up and let out a moan that was more like a roar. The two could feel the hot rush of seed that poured from his cocks and into them, it only took a few spurts before the seed was pouring out of their abused cunnies.

A moment or two of nothing but panting and whimpering filled the room, but soon a soft, hurt sound voice filled the room. "Ar.....are you done?" The youngest sister asked, whimpering and wiggling a little as she felt him slipping out of her. " you believe us....that we are good girls?"

"Just about.....ok, not really." He said smiling and licking his lips. "I'm just getting started." He said snickering a little as he looked down at the two girls and the bloody, creamy mess that he left their cunts. "I still have your oldest sister there....and maybe another test for you." Syn said to the youngest.

"But...." The oldest said looking from the messy heap that her sisters were lying in. "I....I can't do it.....I told you that we're not bad girls." She said looking up to him.

"And I told you that I don't believe that." He said as he thought for a moment. "I know just how. Lay down on your back." He said glaring down at the oldest cub, waiting for her to do as she was told.

It took her a moment to listen to the older male, but she knew that she had no dog in the fight. Laying down on the edge of the bed she waited. It didn't take long for Syn to come up to her and lift her legs up. "Don't worry, you will like it." He said snickering as he turned and looked to the youngest. "You get over here and let your older sister feel what I did to your pussy." He said smiling as he watched her getting up and coming over.

The youngest sister let out a little whimper moan as she started to slip her sister's cock into her cum filled, stretched pussy. Syn could tell that the older one was enjoying it, he gave her a moment to slide all the way down on his cock and wait. It was just a moment or two after that, that the two felt the cum slicked tips of his cocks poking at their tail holes. He held them in place as he pushed them into the cubs, against slipping in about half of his monster lengths in one push, letting out a moan as he did, laughing at the pained sounds that they made.

"Oh come on it's not that bad.....Little sluts like you should be used to it.....and if not you're going to be soon enough..." He said trailing off for a moment. "You." He said pointing to the middle sister. "Come squat over your sister's face.....let her get a taste of your cunt and my seed." He said.

As soon as the middle sister was in place, letting out little moans as her sister started eating her out, he didn't waste a second more. With a hard, fast thrust, he pushed more of his cock into the cub's tail holes, letting out a loud moan that drowned out the pair's whimper and grunts of pain.

"Fuck.....I thought that you sluts had tight pussies....damn your little ass holes are tighter." He panted out as he started pounding into the, wasting no time and giving them no time to get used to the huge cocks.

Once again the little cave was filled with the sounds of sex. The loud moans of the worgen and the mix of pained whimpers, grunts and moans from the cubs. Syn's hard and fast rhythm pushed the oldest cub back and forth against the bed, causing her to push her cock deeper in and out of her sister, though he knew that she was starting to get into it, and was soon pushing in and out of her sister with the same, painfully fast rhythm that Syn was using, it made him smile at the thought that the kids were getting into it like him. That wasn't the only moaning that he heard, the middle sister was getting into it, the feeling of her older sister licking at her pussy, cleaning up the messy load that he had just left there.

Pounding into the girl's tail holes didn't take long to start pushing the worgen to the edge, he let out a little snicker as he had watch the cubs moaning and panting out, knowing that they had ended up getting off several times. Like before he wanted to knot them and make sure that his load was nice, deep, and every drop stayed in them, but he still had something planned. With one last, hard thrust, he forced all of his cocks into them, save for the knot. The tips of the hard rods starting to spray another load of hot seed deep into the cubs, this load being nowhere near smaller than the first one, it soon got to the point that the cubs thought that they might pop form the massive load that was filling them.

Again, Syn took a few moments to enjoy the sounds of the panting little sluts as he finished blowing his second load into them. He was a little surprised at how easy it was to break them, thinking that cause of the amount of training that they went through, that they might be a little challenge, maybe one day he would get that challenge. He let out a soft moan as he started pulling out of the cubs, smiling at the sight of their stretched, gaping holes that leaked his seed.

"I think that's enough testing for now." He said smiling as he walked over to the pile of cub clothing, collecting the panties. "You three can go home....though you really should tell you mom just how naughty you are." He said as he slipped the pairs of panties into a small bag, his trophy collection of sorts. "I'm sure that she will give you the punishment that you deserve." He said with a little snicker as he walked over to the stack of wooden crates and pushed them out of the way. "Now be on your way."

He turned to look at the cubs as they got dressed, smiling at the sight of the cum that was running down their legs and now standing their cloths. None of the cubs said anything as they all finished getting dressed and starting to head out of the cave, Syn just smiled at them as he watched them walking out. He knew now that all he had to do was wait, he knew that the cubs would tell their mother what he did, and he knew that she would come down here in an uproar to fix him. He knew that this would be his chance to taste an older pandaren, and find out if they are like the saki that they drink and only grow better with age and a full body.

It didn't take long for him to hear the sounds of the three cubs telling their mother that the cave was this way, and that the wolf that used them was here. Getting up and slipping behind the stack of crates, he knew that he would only have once chance to get the door blocked before having to deal with the mother and get her into her place.

"Where are you, you mangy mutt?!" The mother panda barked out as she walked into the opening in the cave that Syn was staying in. The moment that she and the cubs were in the room, he pushed the crates in front of the door, effectively locking them in the cave.

"That's not nice....I thought that you would be coming here to thank you for showing your daughters their place.....and teaching them that they are little sluts." Syn said smiling as he stepped out from behind the crates. "I mean I went through a lot of work to teach them." He paused for a moment, "Or are you here and all huffy cause you wanted my dicks all to yourself.....have me show you what a big slut you are?"

"No, I'm hear to kick your mangy ass for what you did to my girls." The mother said, glaring at the worgen. Syn just smiled at the sight of the older pandaren woman, taking in the sight of her large breasts that were just contained by her shirt, his eyes trailing down to her hips, her wide, baby bearing hips. He loved the older pandaren women for their full figure the most, he knew that he could give it to her the way that he wanted to without having to worry about physically breaking her like he did with some of the skinnier races.

"You tell yourself that." He said snickering at the thought of her beating him. "I know that you came here cause you want some of what your little sluts got." He said starting to walk up to her. "And I will give it to just have to get on your knees and beg for it like a good little bitch." He said smiling and licking his lips at the thought of the things that he had planned for her.

"There is no way that will ever happen." She barked out, the anger in her voice growing. "You're going to be the one on their knees, begging me and my girls for forgiveness. That is after I beat you senseless....and maybe give you a taste of what you did to my girls....I have a nice staff that I would love to see shoved under that tail of your's."

"Like I just keep telling yourself that." He said smiling, now standing in front of her. "You're going to be the one on your knees begging.....or better yet, face down in my bed with my cocks plowing that ass of your's." He said reaching out, his hand coming to rest on her large breast, starting to grope and fondle her through the thin fabric of her tunic.

The mother didn't say anything, but the moment that she felt the worgen's fingers pinch and twist her nipple, she let out a growl and took a swing. The pandaren's fist was brought to a stop by Syn's arms, thrown up in a defensive stance, he just smiled at her. The fact that he had stopped her attack so easily only served to piss her off more, and he knew it. She started swinging her fists, letting her anger cloud her mind and interrupt her training.

"Come on, you have to do better than that." He said smiling and snickering a little as he watched her kicking her leg up at him. The panda's leg was stopped quickly by his hand, "see what I mean?"

With that he pushed into her and back onto the bed, the moment that she hit the bed, he was on top of her, smiling down at her as he started ripping at her shirt. She started to struggle, but that was soon put to a stop by his paw grabbing her by the wrists. He let out a little snicker as he held her there as he used the scraps of her shirt to tie her wrists together and help keep them out of the way.

"That was a lot easier than I thought." He said smiling and shaking his head as he slid down her a little, sitting on her legs as he started ripping her belt apart and out of the way. "You're going to be like your cubs, act like you're not a slut and all even though that you are." He said laughing as he started wiggling her out of the pants, tossing her panties to the side to add to his collection.

He didn't say anything as he rolled her onto her belly and smiled at the sight of the milf panda's ass, taking in the curves, the little fluff of her tail, right down to the damp, pink mound hiding just out of view. It only took a moment for Syn to slip up behind her, letting the tips of his cock resting at her openings, teasing her a little of the things that were about to come.

Like the times with the cubs, he gave no warning at all before pushing his cocks right into her holes, one slipping into her damp pussy, and the other into her tail hole, he managed to slip more of them into her than the little cubs the first time. The feeling of the cocks pushing into her so fast and deep caused her to moan out in pain.

"My husband is going to kill you, you know that right?" She said in a near hiss, wiggling and trying to get away from the worgen that was starting to fuck her.

She started to say something but it turned into just a loud whimper and grunts as she felt him starting to slide his cocks out and slam them back in, this time making sure to get them deeper with each thrust. It didn't take too long or too many thrusts for him to get to the point that he was pressing his knots at her openings with each thrust.

"I know that you like this....just like your little slut cubs." He said smiling as he leaned in a little. "I mean, just look at them." He said snickering as he pointed to the three cubs, they had taken to keeping themselves entertained with one another's bodies. The oldest fucking the youngest sister just as hard and fast as she could, showing her that she was the boss of them, all the while the middle sister had her younger sister's head between her legs, holding her there and letting out moan after moan as she was getting eaten out by her sister.

"This is all your fault." She said hissing out and glaring back at the worgen that was fucking her. "If they hadn't run into a mangy mutt like you, then they would still be innocent little angels."

"Oh please." He said shaking his head and slamming his hips into her harder than before. "I know they were sluts before I got to them, I mean they took to liking my cock and fucking one another way faster than an innocent little cub would have." He said softly as he leaned down and started nipping at her shoulder. "Just like I know that you're a slut, you're the one that they get it from." He said as he bit down on her shoulder a little harder this time. "I mean, your body is giving you away, I can feel just how wet and hot you are."

He didn't say anything as he started nipping and biting her neck and shoulder harder now, his thrusting getting more frantic and harsh as he got closer and closer, his knots getting bigger and harder. With each, hard thrust he would manage to get a little more of the knot into her holes before pulling it back and then slamming it right back into her, stretching her a little more and drawing out the process. With a hard bite on her shoulder and a harder thrust into her, he finally got his knots into her, locking them together as they swoll up, to nearly twice the size. The moment that his knots were in her, his cocks started twitching as cum poured into her in hot, hard jets and thanks to the knots that locked him in place, none of it would be leaking out.

Much to his surprise, the moment that his knots slipped into her, he heard her letting out a moan of her own, it was clear that she was cumming just as hard as he was. He could feel her walls twittching and milking his cocks for the cum that poured into her, filling her up to the brim.

"See what I mean, I know that you're a slut." He said smiling and snickering a little as he bucked his hips a few times to tease her. "And I bet I know why you're mad that I fucked your just wanted a piece of them first....I bet that you want to be fucking them now....or have me double stuffing one of them as the other two clean you up." He said smiling down at her. "You know that you can come back here any time that you want to....and I will show you and your slutty little girls a few things.....or I can take you back to my little slice of pleasure filled paradise in the Emerald Dream." He said, watching her smiling at him.