WIP Book Chapter 1 + 2

Story by Seija Vanesc on SoFurry

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#3 of WIP Book 1

I have made small edits to chapter 1 and here is what I have for chapter 2. If you can spare the time it would help if you left your thoughts in a comment so please leave one

Chapter 1:

New beginnings

The land was sparse and contained little shade from the blazing sun as the two crossed the Targen Desert within Drafon, a land known for the draconic inhabitants inside of the country's borders.

"Come on, we have been traveling this desert for days" shouted a turquoise and mint green coloured wolf as they drank the last of the water. "How can you walk through here without roasting?"

"Calm down," responded a semi-muscular fire red coloured dragon. "We can rest as soon as we get to the camp at the oasis"

The oasis or Faun Del Trai as others may call it is a landmark that resides in the middle of the Targen Desert. Although there are others, Faun Del Trai is the main area to refill their water and food supply for the rest of the trip.

The wolf sighed and thought as they continued walking where it seemed to be an infinite sea of sand with sand bubbles moving towards them. "Am I having a mirage or is the sand shifting," He said rubbing his eyes. "And you have yet to answer my question"

The dragon was not listening to his companion but was getting ready to fight the invaders of other dragons after them, "You can fight kid?" He asked. "Cause we may have too"

The wolf, although having little combat knowledge, decided to pull out his serpent dagger hoping there would be no fighting anyone from Drafon inhabitants, although he was already traveling with a Drafonian who was once a royal guard from the kingdom. "Why would the others be going after you Dractin?" the wolf quipped quickly.

Dractin shook his head "If there was a fight coming now there ain't anymore, now that you said my name, Senjin." The sand stopped moving. "Next time don't give out my name, would you?'' At this point Dractin sheathed his scythe and pulled the hidden Shifting Clan dragons, that are lightweight and protect the oasis, out of the ground with a grim face. "Now tell me why you were coming toward us within the sand?"

The leader, a dark sandy red coloured dragon with green marks on her arm, spoke up, "We were sent here to not let you continue to the oasis due to accompanying a wolf from outside the country." She pointed at Senjin, "If I remember correctly I've seen you with someone else about 15 years ago. Maybe your dad, maybe not. It might of just been someone random from the Corrupt Clan by the border."

Senjin was confused by how this person knew him from when he was just a year old when he didn't remember anything before he was ten years. "What do you know about me? Hell, how do you know it was even me that you saw," He shouted at her.

"Come on Senjin, though you may not know anything before being eleven doesn't mean others don't. Now can you not cause a scene?" Dractin calmly said. "Now Tendria, why can't I bring this 'wolf' to the oasis? Can't you see he is hurt?"

"I'm not hurt" shouted Senjin then took a few steps back and tripped when Dractin threw a demonic look at him. "Maybe I am..."

"You really believe I will fall for that dumb trick like I did when I was younger? You truly fell off your treasure hoard when the original royal family died, didn't you?" Tendria proclaimed feeling proud that she was overthrowing her mentor.

"Tendria, you do know the whole dragons hoarding treasure was years ago before we started working to fight together," Dractin started. "Though it didn't really work seeming that we are still all separate and fighting each other"

Tendria used her tail to launch sand into Dractin's face and backed away and looked at Senjin trying to find out why exactly Dractin would bring Senjin back to Dracfon. "Is it that he wants him dead, no can't be that, even if he did kill the royal family like they say it doesn't seem that he has that intent." Tendria says whispering to herself, "Does Senjin trust him? He shows no fear of Dractin nor marks that Dractin could have caused, hell he doesn't have any that I can see."

Dractin though he let go of her he didn't get blinded by the sand due to him being trained to deal with all of the tribe's tactics. "If you are done, we are going to continue to the oasis so we can get food and water for Senjin. He has been complaining about the heat for the past few days and I don't think you have the courage to fight me, do you?"

With a crimson look Dractin started to walk forward with Senjin behind him but they were stopped before they could get far by Tendria. "If you continue going to the oasis there are other Clans that may try to take Senjin back out of the country. I would just leave him with us and we will bring him back to the border so you don't have to make the trip back and overheat."

"I have been in the royal guard and traveled this very desert many times with little food and water. I can cross this desert with just two water bottles and a single day's worth of rations, so if I wanted to bring him back to the border I would have done it already" Dractin continued walking once he was done speaking to Tendia. ?

Chapter 2:

The Oasis

The Shifting Clan went back beneath the sand as Dractin and Senjin started to travel to the oasis once again. As they traveled for about fifteen more minutes they noticed an erry shift of the astrosphere, one that was quite unsettling even more unsettling than Dractin fighting 3 rouge clans at once. As they got closer to their destination they noticed there were no tents for the Loner Clan like there usually are.

"This is peculiar," Dractin started as he noticed that no one was at the oasis. "I guess they moved the spot where we get the food and water for the rest of the trip." He was curious why they would either not be there or move the spot for collecting for the rest of the trip.

They took a few more steps toward the body of water Senjin bent down and picked up a cloth from an outfit of the Loaner Clan and analyzed it.

"I don't think they are not here by choice Dractin," Senjin responded as he noticed the edges burned by a hot saber, "It may have been some rogue Lone Clan that made them leave because I don't think of an official Clan can use the type of saber that made a cut like this"

Dractin didn't like Senjin's oddly accurate analysis of all 'damaged' or pure items. A few days before the trip Dractin fractured his scythe and Senjin said there was more damage, though it was not visible, due to how much Dractin practices his scythe fighting styles.

"I am not very fond of this analysis you brought up, Senjin" Dractin quipped while he looked around. "There are no prints Senjin, so you can't conclude someone came to make them move"

Without prints the normal traveler would have trouble finding if anyone has come, even Shifting Clan leave tracks though not normal footprints, they leave small indents in the sand. Even the desert sands wouldn't cover them due to there not being wind for the last three days making even more puzzling why there are no footprints.

"No prints, no wind, no equipment nearby indicating they took everything," Dractin started again. "If, and that is an if."

"When have I analyzed wrong Dractin?" Senjin said, cutting him off.

"As I was saying, If your analysis is correct then it would have to be at least four days ago when they were driven out of Fuan Del Trai. It is still worrying that they are not here"

After they quickly rested, mostly Senjin, and refilled water and food, they started looking around the oasis to find more clues of what happened by shifting the sands and looking around rocks as well. After about ten or fifteen minutes Dractin found part of an illegal saber that was still hot.

"Senjin, keep note that there is a piece of saber that is still hot on the western side of Fuan Del Trai" Dractin shouted to Senjin who was looking at something himself.

"Yeah... I found something too" Senjin replied but not in the normal tempted tone he uses but with a questioning tone.

Dractin moved towards Senjin to see what he saw but the object Senjin was holding didn't register in what Dractin knew either. It was gray in colour with a glistering golden-red symbol on it, the shape of it was also peculiar as well with it being more blocky but withholding triangular parts due to possible erosion.

"Well, it is quite exsotic in shape with that symbol. I don't even recognize the symbol on that... thing" Senjin started not looking up to see if Dractin was the one there. "You know about the symbol?"

Dractin looked at the thing but he did not see the symbol that Senjin saw but a different one but not knowing that fact he answered, "You should know it, it's the symbol of the royal guard. That is my personal symbol to be exact"

"It's not that Dractin, It has wings and a sword tilted at twenty-four degrees with the blade shimmering more than the rest..." Senjin started but stopped.

Senjin started thinking again on how it looked like Dractin's royal guard symbol but a sword with wings behind it is no symbol has found in any book nor scroll that he has seen.

With personal symbols it is an object or shape that classifies the person and what type of clan they are in. For example, if you are a scythe user, only know how to use the scythe and part of the Lone Clan it would be either a swirl eye with a scythe in the pupil or a scythe with the swirl eye on the blade of the scythe. Though everyone has a personal symbol it can change within time and it does not become clear what it is until they are put in a clan, the only exception is the royal family they have the same symbol for their whole life.

WIP Book Chapter 1

## Chapter 1: New beginnings The land was sparse and contained little shade from the blazing sun as the two crossed the Targen Desert within Drafon, a land known for the draconic inhabitants inside of the country's borders. "Come on, we...


Help please..

Hello Hoomans and other Furries and welcome to this journal. I am having a bit of a writers block and i want to get your opinion on how it could possibly continue and if you think it would be something you would read. For this story I am putting a link...


The Hiding Diversity (writers block ah!)

# Chapter I On this day it was warm, a good 76° and very bright, in Dracanta, Vilehill. Some children were outside playing basketball, baseball, kickball, hopscotch, and other things, though others were inside playing Uno, Skip-bo, Monopoly, Dice, or...
