Red Rooms
This is a little short story I wrote up that I'm looking to expand on possibly. I was thinking of making a novella series out of it. Basically set in a city a femboy wolf who works for a newspaper gets a chance to investigate the vanishing of a citizen who was last seen at a bar. What he comes across and ends is something horrifying that will stop at nothing but to live in whoever uses Red Rooms.
Red Rooms
Colin, a black furred puma with short green hair, walked down the alley with his bottle of whiskey feeling tired and drunk. He'd just lost his job and had decided to make the call to spend his wallowing day at the bar wasting whatever money he had on him. He could've spent it a bit more wiser, only, his depression was so deep, that the brain in this black furred panther's skull wished for something rich. To him, alcohol, was the richest element that there was, and he was not going to let his heart change his thought. I'll be fine in the morning, he voiced inside. A rattling from a trash can due to a blow of wind made him jump. Damn mother nature, he sighed.
Colin paused in his tracks as he saw before him a red glow stretching out into the alley he was in. What in the world is that? He proceeded forwarded until his shadow was touching the red color and then stepped into the sea of crimson light. His brain sent a message to his body to turn due to curiosity and he found that ahead of him was a door with a slit and that the light was flowing out from underneath the door. Colin felt nervous for something was not correct about this glow. He stepped slowly towards the door and opened the slit, but, to his surprise, he found only darkness. Colin shifted down to find that the light had vanished. I don't see the color...
"Hey, buddy, you lost?" Colin shifted his eyes up and the red light returned to blind him as also the door opened. "Then let me help you out."
Colin felt something grab him by the arm as there was the sound of clicks. He also felt horrible pains, ones, which made him scream. Colin cried out for help, but, his voice was silenced in a matter of seconds. He fell to the other side of the door. It closed and the glow died.
Julius, a skinny, purple furred, femboy wolf, sat at his work desk in his cubicle typing up his report on his latest news article about a small family bakery opening up in his city after being closed for remodeling after so long. It wasn't the type of work he wanted to do reports on, but, it was better than being the mail deliverer, which, he'd been for more than ten years before being given a desk job. He just really wanted to do more. Julius shifted his head to a picture on his desk of a purple furred fox that had a suit and tie just like him in the photo. It was his lover, the photo, the day they got married. If only I could keep my promise, Julius promised his dear wealth, but...
"Julius," the wolf sighed and turned to see his boss towering over him. "I need you to come with me."
Julius closed his eyes. "I'll save my report then." Julius clicked save, sat up, fixed his tie and suit, and followed his boss into the head office. Julius's boss, a large bear, who had a tight knowledge of the newspaper business in the city, had horrid news. "I'm getting fired, aren't I?"
Julius's boss sighed. "Your stories from polls show that they make the paper worthless."
"But, I've worked really hard. I've presented my shots well, made my stories as good as I can make them, what more do you want from me? You won't give me a good chance at the hard stuff. It's where I really shine. Tell me a scoop of something rough and you'll get a better profit."
"Mr. Metch, give me a chance, I need a job."
Mr. Metch closed his eyes and grumbled. "Look, supposedly, something happened. A puma has vanished being seen last around Lenkin's Bar. If you can get me a solid report on the situation, then, perhaps, we'll talk about you keeping your job for longer, get me?"
Julius walked down the street with his smart phone in his hand. "Hello, honey, I'm going to be late for dinner. I've got something the office needs for me to do, ok? Yeah, I love you to, and don't worry, I promise I'll be home in time for dinner. It's only five thirty, and it shouldn't take me less than less than an hour. Don't worry, I'm not going to substitute your cooking, hehe, ok, I'll talk to you later." Julius shut off his phone and pocketed. Love, you can really be silly.
Julius stopped his feet and switched focus to Lenkin's Bar. So, this is it, huh? He slowly grabbed the door knob and opened it up. A wave of cigarette smoke traveled out and hit his nostrils, which, in turn, made him cough. Shit, I hope I can get a clue as to what happened last night to this patron, and still be able to keep my health. Julius entered into the bar and wave the wretched smell only to find a small drinking establishment of different mammals staring at him with annoyed eyes. The bartender, a brown furred horse with black hair, cleaned glasses.
Julius walked up to the bar. "Excuse me, sir, I have a question for you."
"Need to order a drink friend."
"No, I don't..."
The horse shot a cold stare. "Order...a...drink."
"I'll take a glass of water."
The horse poured one. "Ok, water boy, what do you want?"
Julius could've gotten into it, but, the report. "A patron was told to have vanished not to far from here. He was a frequent drinker from what I was told."
The horse puffed air. "Yeah, he was, and I don't know where he went. Listen, water boy, we don't like reporters here. So, finish your water, and get your feet headed elsewhere, get me?"
The moon was out, it shone so brightly, with light encapsulating the city, which to had its own lights, but, they could never compete with the virgin in outer space. Little did Julius know he was walking down the very same alley that Colin had vanished down. Julius was lost in wonder as to how someone could be reported missing, but, not have their last known sighting be anything else but a place for a hornets nest on angry hour. Julius shuttered as to what would've happened if he'd pushed. For all he knew his body would be fish food, or to use an archaic term, his feet would have concrete shoes. I need to get home and figure out a game plan. I'm hungry.
Julius paused in his tracks as a figure completely covered in black clothing from head to toe hands and feet with its back turned stood in red light. "Hey, buddy! What are you doing? I need to get through!"
"What are you looking for? Maybe I can help."
The door where the light was seeping out from underneath opened. Julius became blinded and the figure exited from the street via other side of the door. What in the world is going on right now? Julius took off forwards, but stopped, upon sense in the glow. He shifted to his left to see the figure standing next to another door, which opened, and it entered into it. Julius wanted to run away, but, a compulsion of wonder grabbed him by the neck of his shirt. It pulled him into the other side and soon light lessened. Julius found the glow was coming from the second door.
Julius approached the second door and opened it. He found to his amazement that he was in a red room, but, its condition was poor. It reeked in a way of a sewer and its walls had much bacteria covering it. It made Julius sick to his stomach. He began to freak out as screams filled the room, but, then suddenly stopped. Julius noticed something hanging. Pictures of dead bodies.
Julius stood in his red room and examined the pictures he taken from the other. In detail from the first he found they seemed to come from a different timeline, which, he'd date to when the red room first came out. He noticed it by the clothing of the period and what was in the area where the photo was taken. The second photo was a red room, but, the outfits for the body, and environment suggested it was something of the future. The third to say was something to show of more alien like. I don't get it. Why are these photos here? I mean, forgive the brain, but I can't grasp how all this got here. Julius sipped his tea and yawned as his lover knocked on the door.
"Julius, are you ok in there?"
Julius turned, opened the door, and shut off the light for his red room. "Hey, you, ok?"
"What's wrong? You've been in there for some time?"
"Just looking at some photos, but, right now, I'm going to take a shower, and then get dressed for bed. I've got a big job to report on and it's going to take a while."
Julius headed for the bathroom and turned on the shower water, but, as soon as he did he heard his significant other scream. Julius opened his door and saw that his darling was surrounded by figures in black in number to the photographs. He wanted to charge them, but, horrifying screams and the sound of flames filled the air. The figures took out curved daggers, and, raised them high on aim at Julius's dear. Shit, they're going to kill, my beloved, I gotta...
Julius gathered his strength, charged, and knocked the figures over. "Stay away!"
A figure shifted its head up. "You brought us home. We can live forever and wherever."
Julius shot to the photos. He collected and ripped them up. Julius got his sweet and both moved into the bathroom. They watched as the figures writhed in agony and faded from sight.