A Spirited Evening In

Story by Benji Bay on SoFurry

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A sweet story of two people finally making a connection they've been looking for for a long time.

This is my first commissioned work! Thanks Angell over at https://www.furaffinity.net/user/angellsview3/ for letting me bring your idea to life.

Damien had a secret. It wasn't one that he was ashamed of, per se. But he wasn't quite sure how he'd ever tell anyone about it. The son of wealth, his parents' passing enabled him to finally leave the shadow of their influence and leave to form his own future. He sold the family estate and used the money to buy a sizeable manor a few counties over, hoping to use the big old house as a project to lose himself in. He very quickly did, but not for the reason he thought he would. Originally buying the old manor to fix up and study the exotic plant life, he found the building to be somewhat less abandoned than he had originally thought.

It had started with small things, a cup refilled here, clothes put away there, before he finally caught on and realized he had a spectral guest. The mysterious presence almost seemed to be reaching out to him, so he reached back. That's how he met Morrigan, his secret. He had found a kindred soul in the spectral girl, both aching for companionship but both running into barriers keeping them painfully isolated. Their friendship grew alongside Morrigan's increasing power and presence until one day, he was able to actually look upon her.

He realized then that he was in trouble. Morrigan meant more to him than any other woman had ever before, yet she was, for all practical purposes, dead. He decided then that he didn't care what that meant for their future and pushed forward, learning to love himself by loving her. A year and a half has passed since he first opened the dusty doors to the old manor, and he found himself once more in the greenhouse, working over the only love he had besides Morrigan, botany. Stooping low over a small cluster of bright orchids, he gently lifted the petals of one and sniffed gently at the delicate fragrance.

"Those are coming in quite nicely, dear," Morrigan said, her voice carrying the barest hint of an echo. Damien straightened and dusted his hands on the worn apron he always kept while working in the soil. He turned to her and smiled, the lithe canine's gaze dropping slightly to match her shorter height.

"I had hoped you'd like them, I had found notes in the library about work your mother had done with flowers before..." he trailed off, realizing the misstep he had made. To his relief, the spectral woman made no sign of upset. Rather, she stepped closer and pressed herself to him, putting clear effort into making herself as solid as possible.

"She always did love when they bloomed, she used to help me pick a small bouquet of them to give to Father," she said, a small smile at the memory. "You needn't worry about upsetting me over what she did, you know. I've had a long time to come to terms with it." She gently parted with him and grinned wide, teeth on display and her dress swishing as she turned slightly. "Besides, if she hadn't done what she did, we never would have met."

Damien nodded with a smile as well, cleaning up and leaving the greenhouse. The setting sun and lack of proper lighting defeated his desire to continue, but there was always tomorrow. He set off for the spacious bedroom he had claimed as his own, chatting pleasantly with his partner as he did. Shortly later, he was bathed and ready for bed, sliding under the thick comforter with a pleased sigh. As if on queue, he felt the bed shift slightly as Morrigan took her place at his side as well, choosing to materialize herself in just her underwear. She's become a little bolder lately, Damien thought to himself. A month ago, she'd never even let me see her without clothing. Not that I mind.

With a placid smile, he rolled over and she scooted up behind him, her spectral form giving weight, but no heat. He felt her sigh with contentment as she snuggled against his back, arms wrapped in a tight embrace. Damien's mind began to wander just at the edge of sleep and he found himself wondering what it would be like if he could actually feel Morrigan's warmth as she said she felt his. He'd never admit it, but he was still a man with needs and he hadn't dared risk hurting Morrigan by finding a solution to a growing problem he felt. He loved her dearly, but he had absolutely no idea if what he was missing was even possible with her.

With a pang of guilt, he realized that she was more than enough and decided that he'd put it out of his mind for good. As sleep finally claimed him, he thought to himself, Morrigan would do anything for me, it would be poor of me to offer any less. That night, his dreams took on a more blue theming. His mind decided that his growing urges were best dealt with by conjuring old conquests and one-night-stands but replacing the starlets and gold-diggers with Morrigan's curvy, pleasant form. Again and again, he and she coupled in the realm of dreams in more ways than he would admit to remembering. As the activity reached a fever pitch, he awoke abruptly, sweat painting his body and a straining pushing against the front of his boxer briefs. Turning his head slightly, he saw the shape of Morrigan growing and fading in solidity in time with her breaths, her mind obviously able to maintain the form even when "asleep."

He decided to deal with his problem and moved to slide out of bed. With a soft groan, his ethereal partner stirred and opened one eye. "Don't worry, dearest, I just need to use the bathroom," he said placatingly. She sleepily nodded and pulled the covers back over herself. "Hurry back," she said and seemingly drifted off again.

Slipping on a pair of slippers and a robe, the canine padded down the hallway towards the palatial bathroom he used. He popped the latch and slipped inside, flicking on the light and settling himself against the countertop. With a sigh, he pivoted and looked at himself in the mirror. His shaft strained his underwear and his eyes were bloodshot, but he couldn't easily go back to sleep after such vivid pleasure with the woman he loved. He splashed water on his face to help clear some of the sleep from his mind and made his way to the library, hoping to distract himself with more of the departed lady of the house's botany journals.

Half an hour later, he awoke as he dropped the thick leather tome to the floor with a heavy thud. For the brief moment he was asleep, he had again dreamed of Morrigan. This time, however, he dreamed of simple things, like taking her down to the village nearby or going for a walk in the woods. He had enjoyed those more. Deciding he was clearheaded enough to attempt sleep again, he headed back to his room. With the stealth of a burglar, he slipped back inside, catching the display of his alarm clock on the nightstand and mentally groaning that it was three in the morning. He cursed his inability to sleep as he drew back the covers, only to freeze at what he saw underneath.

Morrigan still lay there, in whatever her equivalent was for sleep, but her underwear had vanished. Clearly, whatever focus she had to keep herself physical with him overnight did not extend to what she thought she should wear. His eyes drank in her curvy, well-endowed form and he felt a familiar stirring in his loins. He wasn't sure what color the smaller canine's fur was before she was made incorporeal, but she now sported ice blue fur from head to toe, her wide hips and generous thighs leading down to socks of slightly lighter blue. The only disruption of that uniform color came in two places: the barest hint of pink between her legs and the two small nipples atop her generous chest. She was every bit as beautiful as the first day she had taken physical form and his body surged with need.

Deciding that any attempt now to deal with the problem was a lost cause, he slid back in beside her and attempted to slow his pulse to a point he could try to sleep again. Neither his heart nor his cock would calm though and he was about to give it up for another attempt at distraction when he felt the presence behind him shift closer to him.

"Damien, you don't have to hide that from me," Morrigan's light voice said, clear as it had ever been. He felt her small hands glide back around his waist, but they only lingered there for a moment. Her soft fingers trailed through the short fur of his belly as they traveled ever lower, before gently pushing underneath the waistband of his boxer briefs. "I love you," she said. "Every part, every urge. I know that need. I feel it too."

He tensed slightly as he felt an entirely new sensation. Alongside the feeling her presence always had, that of a vague weight on wherever she touched, now her fingers elicited an almost electric tingle in his skin. His cock surged with delight as she trailed light fingers around the ring of his sheath. His tongue felt numb and ungainly for a moment before he managed to swallow past it and said, "I was worried what you'd think of me. That you'd feel hurt if you and I couldn't..." Morrigan cut off his sentence by pressing her lips to his, the electric tingle finding its way there.

With a smile, his partner, his lover, rolled over the top of him, her long hair trailing over her shoulders and pooling next to him. "There's only way one to find out if we work together, sweetheart. You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this." She gently urged him to sit up as she slid off the bed to kneel before him. Together, they both gently worked his underwear free, allowing his shaft to bob freely in the cool night air. Damien thought he saw a moment of hesitation in her, but he couldn't be sure. With one hand on his cock, she opened her mouth and took the tip inside, her small tongue circling the head. The lithe canine groaned in surprise as he felt her mouth close on him, electric tingles giving way to a dull warmth. To his shock, it felt as if he was with a normal woman, no sensation was lacking. Looking down at Morrigan, their eyes met and a feeling of mutual love and desire passed between them.

The curvy canine girl set to her task with eager energy, offsetting her lack of experience with pure enthusiasm for her partner. Her small mouth formed a tight seal around his flesh and she circled his sensitive rod with her tongue, leaving no part untouched by her tender ministrations. Damien leaned back onto the bed, resting his weight on his arms as he fought the urge to twitch with every bob of his partner's head. He was surprised with how sensitive he was and was spending a good portion of his energy just trying not to pop too soon. The tip of his shaft let out small spurts of pre in time with the pleasurable shudders running down his spine as Morrigan let out a hum of delight in return.

She dove down to the base of his cock for a moment, the tip of his dick touching the back of her throat momentarily before pulling off and smiling up at him. "How am I doing?" She asked. Damien ran a hand through her ice-blue hair and smiled in response, "There's no place I'd rather be, Morrigan, but I think it's time we move on to the main event."

Offering her an outstretched hand, he helped the ghostly girl onto the bed, pulling her close and kissing her warmly and passionately. Leaning into the kiss, he gently laid her down on her back, Morrigan looking back up at him, flushed and needy. The moment hung for a handful of heartbeats before the smaller canine spread her legs wide, revealing her soft, pink petals to him. Damien dipped his head down and gently ran his tongue along the outside of her entrance, teasing her clit and dipping inside for a moment. His attention earned him a soft sigh of pleasure from Morrigan as he leaned back up and moved over his lover.

"I'm ready, Damien," she panted. "Give me everything."

He nodded, a quiet smile on his face as he rolled his hips and pushed the tapered head of his dick into her warm, velvet grip. They both sighed in unison, the feeling of intimacy something neither had ever hoped for. Morrigan reached up, a hand behind her lover's head, and pulled Damien down into a warm kiss. They separated as he bottomed out in her, the muscles of her tunnel gently squeezing his member.

"I love you," they both said at the same time, resulting in awkward giggles. Damien rolled his hips again, sliding back up the way he came as the ghostly girl shuddered slightly beneath him. With only the tip still inside, he pushed with more force this time, earning a gasp of surprise. Morrigan looked at him with passion in her gaze and wrapped her legs around his waist, then urged him onward.

Not one to disappoint a lady, the lithe canine began to thrust in earnest, the soft clapping of his hips to hers the only noise besides their own panting. A small part of Damien's mind marveled at the sheer impossibility of what he found himself in while another part, a larger part, was only focused on Morrigan. He dipped his head and ran his snout between her breasts, her body smelling faintly of flowers and clean sheets. He ran his teeth, nipping gently at her skin before taking a nipple in his mouth and gently biting down. He couldn't suppress the smile the crossed his face as he heard Morrigan respond positively.

He worked without hurry, thrusting a steady pace in time with Morrigan's own clenches and sighs as they both enjoyed each other. Their embrace felt an eternity, but soon enough, Damien felt himself reaching his peak. He ran a hand over the ghost girl's face, and whispered softly, "I'm not gonna last much longer." She let out a gasping laugh and tightened her grip on his hips.

"I said I wanted everything, Damien."

He smiled and laughed in response, deepening his thrusts but keeping his pace steady. His knot slowly swelled, the thick bulb of flesh slowly widening Morrigan's lips. With a soft grunt and a single deep thrust, the knot slipped in and stayed locked, Damien making a few short thrusts before he climaxed. With a shock like electricity, Morrigan clenched around him when she felt the heat of his release and the two embraced passionately as they both rode through the high.

As they came out the other side, Damien let himself fully fall onto the curvy canine and the two rolled onto their sides, tired eyes and thrilled expressions mirrored to each other. The moment held for several heartbeats before a look of surprise broke across Damien's face.

"Morrigan," he said slowly. "You're, uh, completely solid."

The blue canine looked down her body, a look of wonder for a moment, before a satisfied smile settled in. "Well, I guess all I needed was a point to focus on hard enough," she said. He dipped his head to hers, their foreheads making contact.

"Well, good, cause I was hoping we could make up for lost time tonight," Damien said, a mischievous grin on his face.