Marla Chapter 12 - A Death In The Pack

Story by SMWolf on SoFurry

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#15 of Marla


Chapter 12

A Death In The Pack

S.M. Wolf

Marla and Kayla are copyrighted by Kittiara and used with her permission. Master David Wolf, Valentia, Todd, Mike, Sensei Tenchi. Zubin, other miscellaneous characters and this story are copyright 2009, 2010 by S.M. Wolf. This story may not be reproduced by any means in part or completely without prior written permission of the author and copyright holder. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Requiem For The Dead

If we don't make it alive

Well it's a hell of a good day to die

All our light that shines strong

Only lasts for so long

And it's ashes to ashes again

Should we even try to pretend?

All our light that shines strong

Only lasts for so long


Taken from


**Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace

The Offspring**

"Wake up, Mike!" a pleasant female voice said.

Mike grinned as he started to rise from the depths of sleep. His night had been filled with pleasant fantasies of sex and other things. He sighed and wished they could be true. No doubt in a few moments he would find himself alone in his small bedroom lying belly down in a puddle of his own semen.

"If he doesn't get up in the next ten seconds I vote we turn him over and let Marla have a go at some cock and ball torture to get him out of bed," a less pleasant male voice said.

Mike frowned and started to stir as the word "torture" worked its way into his sleep befuddled brain. He also realized the voices were not members of Canaria Pack.

"I'll get him up," a different female voice said. Her voice had a bit of steel in it, and it caused Mike's cock to jerk as he remembered dreams with a very sexy female wolfess with that voice.

Mike felt a soft breath on his right ear. A nose brushed against his delicate ear hairs and tickled him. He twitched his ear and cocked it to listen. He did not open his eyes, though.

"Mike," the second female voice whispered almost inaudibly, "if you do not get up immediately I am going to give you a gallon enema with hot sauce and then shove the biggest butt plug I can find into your ass hole."

As Mike tried to digest her words he heard the femfur take a deep breath.

"Now wake up before you get fired again!" the female yelled in his ear.

Mike jumped straight up three feet from the bed and landed back on his belly. He bounced a bit on the mattress. He pushed his upper body up with his arms and wildly looked about.

Kayla was lying on the bed to his left. Marla was kneeling on the floor beside the bed. She had bent forward to speak to Mike. Master David was standing behind Marla laughing.

"See? I told you I'd get him up!" Marla said happily.

"And not just awake either!" Kayla added with a snicker.

It took a few seconds for Mike to take in his surroundings and realize that his "dreams" had been reality and that he had spent an entire weekend in Mister Wolf's penthouse having sex with three beautiful femfurs.

"Wha-? What's going on?" Mike asked in confusion as he tried to pull himself together.

"You are being a slug-a-bed," Kayla said happily. "Valentia and Todd left over an hour ago."

"It's nine o'clock, and you have to be at Wolf Enterprises for your job interview at ten. I know you're tired, but if you don't get up now you'll be in big trouble with your slave driver boss."

Kayla looked up at Master David and added, "Right?"

"I hear he is a really terrible fur when it comes to people who don't show up to job interviews on time," Master David said with a perfectly straight face.

"Nine o'clock!" Mike said in total shock. "Oh, my gosh, I've got to get cleaned up! I've got to get dressed!"

Mike bolted from the bed and headed for the bathroom. After two steps he stopped dead.

"Wait! I don't have any clothes!"

"That's not a problem with me," Marla purred as she stared at Mike's morning wood

"Down, Marla," Master David chided the wolfess.

"Spoilsport!" Kayla quipped back.

"Mike," Master David said, "get cleaned up. I'll loan you some clothes. You're leaner but about the same height. They should do fine.

"Now move because we need to leave soon."

Mike bolted for the bathroom again. Marla stood and headed that way as well.

"I'll help get him through the bath quickly," she said as she headed into the bathroom. Her alphas smiled at her and headed downstairs. They would have breakfast ready when she got Mike downstairs.

As much as Marla wanted to spend some "quality time" with Mike this morning, she was true to her word. She got him into and out of the whirlpool bath, dried off, and clothed in near record time. Together they went downstairs where they found Master David and Kayla standing beside the open doors of the private elevator. Master David had two bags in his paws.

"We'll eat in the limo while we ride into work, Mike," Master David told the younger wolf. He gave both Kayla and Marla a quick peck on the muzzle and got into the elevator.

Mike turned to look at Marla.

"Thank you for this weekend. I can barely believe what happened!"

"Better get used to it, Lover Boy! It's going to be happening a whole lot more! Every time I can arrange it, in fact!"

Mike gave Marla a perfunctory kiss. Marla was not having any of that. She grabbed the young wolf's head, pressed her naked body against his, and gave him a deep kiss that lasted several seconds.

When Marla let go, she said, "Come back to me."

"I will," Mike promised. "I'm not sure when I can, though. I need to see my pack as well."

Mike turned and started towards the elevator.

"What?! No goodbye kiss for me?" Kayla asked.

Mike seemed very surprised, but he turned and planted a quick peck on Kayla's cheek.

Kayla hurrumphed once, grabbed Mike in a bear hug, and planted a kiss on his lips every bit as passionate as Marla's kiss. When she was done she let the shocked wolf go and very cheerfully said, "Have a nice day!"

Marla laughed at the stunned look on Mike's face. He had to blink three times before he came to his senses. The fact that he was staring at the otteress' swaying posterior as she flowed across the living room on her way to the kitchen probably did not help his mental faculties.

"Let's go, Mike!" Master David called from the elevator. "You can have sex with your female pack mates later."

Mike turn and walked to the elevator. He still had a bemused and confused expression on his face as the doors closed.

"That was fun! I hope Mike has trouble waking up a lot!" Kayla called from the dining room.

Marla grinned. She had to agree with her friend. It was fun to play with Mike like this. Hopefully she would have a chance to play with him in other ways tonight as well.

Dusk was falling when the elevator doors opened again and two wolves stepped out. Marla and Kayla had been waiting in the living room. They stood and walked quickly over to the foyer.

Marla smiled and said, "I see that you got the job."

Mike was now dressed in the uniform of a Wolf Security guard. A sign of the times was the rather large, serious looking blaster strapped to his right hip. Less visible to the casual observer but equally telling was the body armor beneath his uniform.

Mike smiled and said, "Yeah, they let anyone in these days."

Marla sidled up to Mike and pressed her body against his.

"I always liked a fur in uniform," she said in a sultry voice.

"Uh," Mike said in confusion. He was still coming to grips with the sexy wolfess.

Marla just rubbed her breasts against his chest. Mike was rather disappointed that his armor stopped him from getting the full tactile experience. He certainly enjoyed the view.

"I really should be going home. My pack hasn't seen in me in a few days, and I'm sure my alphas want to talk to me," Mike said in a strained voice.

Marla heard Kayla giggle. She and Master David were embracing just to her right.

"Are you sure you can't stay for dinner, Mike?" Marla asked as she let him go and took a step back.

"Or at least-"

Marla undid two buttons on her dress and shrugged. Her dress slid off her body and collected in a small heap around her bare feet. Underneath she wore nothing but her collar.


Mike's eyes grew a bit wild as Marla turned back and forth provocatively to show off her ready and willing body.

"But...," Mike said as his resolve to go back to his pack started to collapse in the face of more potential sex with this horny wolfess.

"Go have some fun," Kayla told Mike. "Your alphas are not going to mind if you are a couple of hours late."

"But, Lady Kayla -"

"Mike," Master David interrupted, "go upstairs and enjoy some fun with Marla for an hour or so. We will have some sandwiches ready for your dinner when you are done.

"Your pack is not going to be the least bit upset if you are here enjoying time with Marla, especially if they think it will lead to the patter of small paws in the near future.

"Now go have some fun!"

Mater David turned his attentions to the otteress in his arms. They started to get a lot more serious with their kissing.

"Come on!" Marla cried as she grabbed Mike's left paw and pulled. Whatever reluctance he might have had dissolved in the face of her wanton offer. He smiled at her broadly and followed her towards the stairs. She was pleasantly surprised when he let go of her paw and slipped his arm around her waist. His paw found her left hip and stayed there.

When they got to Marla's room she gave Mike a quick hug and a kiss. She broke the embrace and walked to the bed. She crawled onto it and assumed a submissive position on her paws and knees in the middle of the bed. Her hips were pointed directly at Mike. She looked back over her right shoulder. He was staring at her partially hidden sex. She opened her legs a bit more and flicked her tail up to fully reveal her puffy labia. She could already feel her cunt moistening at the thought of having her young lover mount her.

"Want to come over and conduct a body cavity search, Officer Mike?" she playfully asked him. She batted her eyes at him playfully to help entice him over.

"I see you have a big 'baton' in your pants!"

Mike could not help himself. He laughed at her jovial offer.

Mike strode over to the bed and sat down on the edge. He reached out, grabbed Marla around the waist and pulled her into his arms. She looked into his face and realized that behind his smile he was at ease and happy. She grinned at him briefly before cuddling up against him.

"You," Mike said with some emphasis, "are irrepressible and insatiable!"

Marla giggled a bit and started to work on the buttons of his shirt. She wanted him naked and covering her.

"I don't know how I ever got so lucky!" Mike added. He used his left paw to turn Marla's muzzle up and kissed the wolfess.

"I keep thinking this is a dream, and I am going to wake up in a few minutes in my room back home in a very, very wet bed."

Mike kissed Marla again.

"The real surprise is that I know that this is real. Not only you, but Kayla and Valentia! I certainly never would have thought of them as partners in bed let alone pack mates.

"And it is great!"

Marla laughed. She worked her right paw inside his shirt. She wanted to run her fingers through his pelt, but his body armor was in the way. It was an unpleasant reminder of the current situation intruding into even this intimate moment.

"Well," Marla said coyly, "if you get out of all this stuff we can see if I can surprise you some more!"

The pair kissed again. When their lips parted Mike asked, "What did you have in mind?"

Marla propped her head on Mike's right shoulder. She looked up at him and grinned that special grin of hers. Even if Mike knew it meant intense sexual gratification for him, Marla still scared him a bit when she grinned at him like that. He was reminded of a snake and a mongoose, and he was the snake!

"Well, there are plenty of things we could do. For example you still haven't buggered me."

"Buggered?" Mike asked in a bit of confusion.

"Anal sex, aka, stick your cock into my ass hole and cum repeatedly."

"Oh," Mike said in a small voice. There was a notable lack of enthusiasm in his tone that told Marla he was not sure if he wanted to try anal sex or not.

"Hey, don't knock it until you try it! You enjoyed the light bondage we did this weekend, didn't you?"

"Well... Yes."

"Anal sex can be a lot of fun too. Master David has a pretty big anal fetish. Both Kayla and I enjoy him working under our tails, and I suspect Valentia enjoyed it as well.

"But you don't seem to be too interested in it yet, so perhaps something else..."

Marla had actually hoped when she got down on her paws and knees on the bed that Mike would take her doggy style in the ass. It had been nearly four days since Master David had used the entrance to her bottom, and she desired lots of anal stimulation right now. She wanted to start to share the experience with Mike as well. She was certain that he would eventually service her in that manner and enjoy it, but she also realized she needed to go at his pace, not hers.

A small light came on in Marla's brain. She grinned up at Mike.

"How'd you like to tie me up?"

"Tie you up?" Mike asked. His voice rose almost an octave as the words came out. The look on his face was priceless.

"Sure! Some 'payback' for what I did to you with the pawcuffs.

"Nothing very much, unless you want it that way. Just a couple of ropes to secure me to the bed,"

Marla batted her eyes at Mike.

"I'll be powerless. Forced to serve you as you ravage me and take your pleasure from my helpless body."

Marla laughed and leaned back a bit. She took Mike's right paw in hers.

"It will be fun, but we'll only do it if you want it."

Mike remembered his time at her paws. It had been one of the strangest experiences of his life, yet somehow despite his predicament he had actually enjoyed the time as her captive slave. He certainly never would have expected it a week ago, but now he had some small inkling of what Marla experienced when bound. He could understand a little bit why she would like it.

The more he thought about it the more appealing the idea of tying Marla down to the bed and making love to her became to Mike. It also made it a lot easier to control her. At times she still scared him with her raw sexual passion.

Finally there was the very real curiosity in him about what it would be like to tie up Marla and make love to her while she was bound.


"Do you have what you want here or should we get some stuff out of the dungeon?"

Marla yelped in pure surprise and bounced back a couple feet.

" YOU know about the dungeon?!"

Mike grinned at her shock.

"Well, someone had to sign for the packages and have the deliveryfurs bring in the boxes. There were the specialist who assembled the equipment as well.

"I certainly never expected to use any of it, especially with one of Mister W- David's sex slaves.

"So I do know at least some of what is in there."

"And you are not running off screaming into the night never to be seen again?"

"Not after this weekend.

"I never understood David's fascination with bondage and such. It really did not appeal to me. I wanted a live, active girl. At least that was my fantasy.

"Now I'm not so sure, especially since you seem to really like things like bondage.

"After this weekend, I think I want to try that and some other things with you. Not everything. Some of the things I saw in there still scare me a lot even if I know David would not deliberately hurt you or Kayla, but still..."

Marla stood up and grinned down at Mike. This latest revelation was a shock but a pleasant shock.

"So, if I bring back some cuffs and ropes, you will tie me up?"

"Yes, but only loosely!"

"Spoilsport!' Marla quipped with a grin before dashing into the bathroom and opening the door to the dungeon.

Marla thought about the implications of Mike knowing about the dungeon and Master David's preferences as she gathered what she wanted for tonight. He seemed to be a bit upset at the idea of Master David's kinks, but he obviously had kept his muzzle shut about it. She suspected he had at least a little bit of curiosity about them as well. Master David was a power figure in his life, and a pretty strong male role model too she was sure. Now there was the additional issue of Master David becoming Mike's alpha as well. If Master David enjoyed these diversions, she suspected that Mike had at least fantasized about them a bit. As she thought back, she wondered if his nervousness this weekend was actually him being afraid of what she might do or him potentially liking bondage and wanting to do it to Marla.

The wolfess suspected it was a combination of many factors. It did bode well for her sexual preferences that the young wolf was at least open to the idea of experimenting with new things of which he was unsure like bondage. She would have to go slowly and carefully in the beginning, but Marla suspected that she would enjoy a full sex life with Mike in the years to come.

While Marla mulled over her thoughts she collected what she wanted. She put on black leather wrist and ankle cuffs with nice large chrome D-rings on the sides. She also put a tail cuff on. She was not certain if she could get Mike to use it, but it offered a bit of extra bondage potential at least. She enjoyed the feel of the leather encircling her tail regardless. She grabbed four ten foot lengths of white rope from pegs on the wall and headed back to the bedroom.

Mike had not been idle while Marla was away. He had removed his armor and clothing. They were piled on the dresser. He had also stripped the bed back to the bottom sheet and tossed the bedding into the closet area. Marla picked up one of the thick memory foam pillows on her way past the pile.

"Ready to molest me, Officer Mike?" Marla asked as she stood leaning against the door frame with the pillow held low in her left paw and the ropes held up to the waiting wolf with her right paw.

Mike laughed a bit nervously. He knew she was teasing him more than anything else, but he had to make one point clear to Marla. He stood up and looked her in the eyes.

In a very serious voice Mike said, "Marla, I am not going to molest, rape, defile or in any other way abuse you or any of my other pack mates. You are far too important to me to even consider it.

"I realize you have some pretty serious sexual kinks. I've heard some stories about you and your... desires. I know that you want this, and I am willing to do it within reason.

"But I will only do it if you want me to do it, and you are a willing participant."

Marla walked across the room to Mike. She tossed the pillow and ropes onto the bed as she passed it. She wrapped her arms around Mike's neck and gave his a very long, very passionate kiss. It was one of the things for which Mike was starting to come to live. It told him of the depth of Marla's love of him.

When the wolfess broke her kiss finally she looked up at Mike and said equally seriously," I know. That is why I love you so much. You could do anything to me, and yet you do only what you think I will like. Still you are willing to try new things, even things that seem to frighten you, just to please me.

"I hope I never fail to fulfill your trust in me because I know you will always fulfill my trust in you."

Before Mike could say anything in reply Marla gave him another kiss.

"But for now," the horny wolfess added with a huge grin, "let's get me tied down. Time is wasting!"

Marla lay down on the bed. She placed the pillow underneath her hips to raise them a few inches off the mattress to allow Mike a better angle to thrust into her pussy. She adjusted her tail so it ran underneath her and between her legs.

"There's a bar that runs across the bed under the head board. Double up one of the ropes, run the loop around the bar, and pull the ends through the loop," Marla instructed Mike.

The wolf did as ordered.

"Now take the ends and put them through the rings on my wrist cuffs."

Mike reached out and pulled Marla's right arm up over her head. He slipped one of the rope ends through the D-ring He paused for a moment and then pulled Marla's arm closer to the head of the bed before tying the rope. Marla's right arm was comfortably above her head, but there was little slack to allow her to move it. Mike repeated the process with Marla's left arm.

Marla was a bit surprised that Mike would draw the ropes as tight as he did. She had expected to have to be careful not to flop around too much when he had told her he would only tie her up loosely. It appeared that her lover was a bit of a natural when it came to tying up helpless young women. Marla rather liked that in her male.

"Now double up two of the other ropes and put the loops through the rings on my ankle cuffs. You can tie the ends off the legs of the bed."

This particular bed was not really meant for bondage play, but Marla had been well taught in the art of bondage and had plenty of time to inspect the bed in the past. She had a good idea of what she wanted and how to get it.

Mike surprised Marla a bit again when he pulled on the ropes and opened her legs quite wide. She could feel the cool air from the overhead air conditioner vent blowing gently over her hot cunt.

"Now finish me off by running a loop through the ring on my tail and tying one end of the rope off to each bed leg so I cannot move my tail around."

Marla watched through the mounds of her breasts as Mike completed his task. She was surprisingly well bound for Mike's first time. The ropes did not pull on her arms and legs much, but at the same time she was not going to be moving around much while Mike had her tied up. She gave Mike an open muzzle grin. He responded in kind. The sight of the naked wolfess was amazing, and the scent of her arousal was almost overpowering. His cock had slid from its sheath some time ago, but looking down at the prone and helpless wolfess brought him to new levels of arousal and hardness. Precum started to drip from his knob as he surveyed Marla.

"So now what do you want to do to me, Big Boy?" Marla asked in a sultry, come-hither voice.

Mike slid down onto the bed and got down onto his paws and knees. He crawled forward a bit to get between her legs. He was enjoying the lewd view up the length of her body. The sight of Marla's open and inviting cunt was a magnet for his eyes.

"Well, David had a few suggestions of things you and the other femfurs might like."

"Oh? You talked to him about sex?" Marla asked in a bit of a surprise. This boded well for her future fun. Master David was an accomplished dominant male. If Mike emulated him it could be a boon for her fun.

"Well, we had almost an hour and a half in the limo together with nothing else to do, so we talked about the weekend, you, and what you might want to do."

"Really?" Marla asked in an inquisitive tone.


"He said if I ever got talked into tying you up that you liked the ropes nice and tight. He also said I was ignoring your breasts too much. He also suggested this if I got the chance."

Mike dropped his head down and began to lick and nibble Marla's inner thighs. He methodically worked his way up from almost her knees to her crotch. He covered the ground slowly.

Marla rolled her head back until she was staring upside-down at the head board. She smiled in pure bliss as Mike unhurriedly worked his way up to her slit. The wolf was largely untrained, but he had a good muzzle nonetheless. His enthusiasm and care made up for any minor shortcomings in technique. The fact that it was Mike and not some other fur also made all the difference.

When he got to Marla's slit, Mike did not even pause. He worked his tongue over her outer labia. He could already smell and taste her juices. He continued to work his way up until he reached her clit. The bar in her hood exposed it to his questing tongue and lips. After a few serious licks Mike started to suckle on it.

The effects were quite electrifying for Marla. Her eyes rolled back in her head. She cried out in pleasure as she felt herself mounting rapidly towards an orgasm.

Mike listened carefully, and, just as he thought Marla was ready to orgasm, he rammed his right middle finger all the way into her open pussy. He vigorously worked it in, out and around. The sensation of his finger in her pussy sent Marla over the top in a very loud, intense climax.

When she was done Marla lifted her head and looked at Mike. He was watching her carefully from the vicinity of her crotch.

"Did you like it?" Mike asked. For some reason he seemed a bit nervous.

" Liked it? Mike that was fantastic!

"So Mater David is teaching you things like this, huh? I am going to have to repay him tonight!"

Mike looked a little crestfallen.

"What's wrong, Mike?" Marla asked in a concerned tone.

"Nothing. Nothing really."

It took only a moment for Marla to figure out the problem.

"You don't like Master David and me copulating, do you?"

Mike turned his head away,

"Well, I know he still owns you - only on paper as you have told me repeatedly - and I know that you like to show your affection with sex, but..."

Mike's head dropped as his voice trailed away. He looked rather dejected.

"Mike, I love you," Marla said fervently. Mike's head came up, and he looked her in the eyes again.

"I also happen to love Master David and Kayla. I am coming to love Valentia and Todd as well. I am not going to hide that or what we do together from you. Heck, I want you there when we do it enjoying the fun as well!

"But at the end of the day it is you I am going to go to sleep with, and it is you who is going to sire my pups."

Mike looked away a bit. He seemed to have some problems meeting her eyes after her rather fervent declaration of wanting him to knock her up.

"I know it's a bit silly, and I'm being a bit jealous, but you are the best thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life, and I don't want to lose you, not even to Mister Wolf. Not even if he is our alpha male. I want you to be mine."

"Don't worry, Mike, you'll never lose me to him. If no one else will stop Master David from taking me from you, it would be him."

"I know. It's an irrational fear that I just have to grow out of."

There was a moment of silence.

"Still," Marla opined, "I think I rather like having a jealous lover."

Mike's head whipped up and he yelped, "What?!"

"It's nice having someone care about me so much they don't want to share me.

"It makes a girl feel kind of special!"

That got a laugh out of both wolves and lightened the mood.

"Now why don't you show me how special I am with that nice big cock of yours? We've still got some time and you look like you need some serious relief!"

Mike had to agree. His balls were aching from his pent up desire. He crawled on top of Marla and poised with his hips above her slit. He was pleased to see how the pillow positioned her perfectly to take his thrust. He worked his tip into the center of her slit and thrust hard. With a single shove his entire shaft including his knot disappeared into Marla's waiting cunny.

Marla arched her back and pulled at her bonds as Mike buried his tool into her. It felt so good being opened up by him that she creamed again. She could feel her nectar soaking the underside of her tail as it flowed freely from her vagina. Her cries of pleasure were matched by Mike's. She felt his dick jerk inside her and then let loose a torrent of hot jism. He spurted his seed deep into her for several seconds before his first climax ended.

Mike had to pause to catch his breath. He found himself looking at Marla. He was grinning rather foolishly. He just loved being with this sexy wolfess and enjoying physical and emotional pleasure with her so much that he sometimes did not know how to express himself. At times like these it even left him looking a bit like a silly puppy. Marla did not mind, though. She knew what she meant to him even if at times he could not put it onto words. Her grin back up at him was nearly as foolish. She might be the far more physically experienced partner, but she was nearly as virginal with true emotional love between a male and a female as Mike. She was still finding her own way in that respect.

When Mike regained his breath he shifted his body a bit so he could grab Marla's breasts in his paws and reach them with his muzzle. Trying his best to remember what David had told him in the limo during the trip home, he began to work on the two quivering masses.

Mike's paws gently kneaded Marla's tits. He started to lick her areola. She could feel them grow puffy as he worked them over with fingers and tongue. Her nipples grew rock hard. Mike alternately suckled on each as he played with her breasts. For Marla it was pure heaven. Mike had concentrated his attentions on her pussy all weekend. Nike playing with her breasts while grinding his hips against her crotch and spurting cum into her cunt every couple of minutes was pure ecstasy to the wolfess.

Mike lasted a good half hour. Both of them had multiple orgasms before his cock withered and slipped from Marla's vagina.

"Sorry," Mike apologized, "I don't think I'm fully recovered from the weekend."

Marla grinned up at the wolf as he shifted to sit on the bed to her left.

"Well, we'll just have to get you on the Academy stud training program so you can go all weekend and all of the next night with no problems!"

Mike laughed. He reached out and stroked her face.

"I wonder if I should leave you tied down while I make my escape?" he asked in jest.

"I'm sure Master David and Kayla would enjoy coming up here to find me all tied up and waiting for them!"

Both wolves laughed. They knew Marla was likely right. Master David and Kayla would just take it as a special opportunity to play with Marla.

Mike untied Marla and helped her off the bed. Together they went into the bathroom and slipped into a warm tub of water. The jets came on, and their bodies were enveloped in soothing currents of warm water.

Marla snuggled up against Mike for a moment.

"We used to have whirlpool baths in the Academy. We would be taken there at night to clean up from the day's training. It was one of the few times we could sneak in some talk. It's where I met and came to love Kayla and the others."

"You miss the others, don't you?"

"Yes, but now I have you and the rest of my pack mates.

"And someday," Marla added as she leaned away from Mike to grab the pelt shampoo, "I hope to have my other friends again."

The pair washed up quickly. Time was growing short, but they still managed to get in a fair amount of petting and kissing. Mike put his clothes and armor back on before buckling on his weapon. Marla went naked when they descended back to the living room for a quick dinner.

Mike was the only fur wearing clothes at dinner. Master David and Kayla had gotten rid of their clothes sometime while Mike and Marla were upstairs. It was easy to tell that they had enjoyed some sex before dinner as well. It had not stopped them from making a pile of sandwiches.

As the four furs ate at the dinner table Kayla asked Master David, "How did your day go?"

Marla could hear the tenseness and concern in the otteress' voice. She suspected that Kayla had jumped Master David to try to relieve some of his tension and worry after a hard day dealing with the aftermath of the destruction they had wrought the Friday night before. The otteress was better at reading their Master in that way.

"Well, I managed to get Mike to Fur Resources on time despite his terrible lack of energy."

Marla snickered.

"We spent the ride there and back home talking about various things. From the grins on their muzzles I suspect Mike took at least some of my words to heart."

Marla leaned in and said, "Yes, he did, and I am going to have some fun thanking you tonight."

Mike actually grinned at his irrepressibly sexy wolfess. He might have some reservations about her relationship with Master David, but he seemed to be growing more comfortable with it since she made it so clear to him that her heart ultimately lay with him.

"I spent the morning going over our losses. We are filing all of the paperwork and starting several legal claims against the Government. They are facing big problems since they unilaterally assumed control of security at our destroyed facilities. The law is pretty clear that makes them liable for Wolf Enterprises' losses.

"Each of the manufacturing plants was worth several billion dollars. The President is going to be very unhappy when he gets our bill and the courts tell him he has to pay it.

"That is, of course, assuming that the Government and the President do not declare martial law and nationalize Wolf Enterprises before then."

"Do you think that they will do that?" Kayla asked.

"They almost certainly will at some point. That is why I am not too concerned about the outcome of the legal actions. They are meant to be an annoyance and a diversion to distract the Government from the other things we are doing.

"I am going to lose pretty much everything in the coming civil war. If we win - and I think we will - the next government will only be able to partially reimburse me for my losses. I have made contingency plans for such an eventuality, and we will never have to worry about money or where the next meal for our pups will come from, but we also will not be living in the penthouse again unless the government gives it back to us."

Marla was a bit surprised at the losses Master David was willing to endure to end slavery on Elysium. She wondered if she would have the courage and moral conviction to give up his vast fortune if she were in his position. Still, the older wolf always seemed to regard money and power more as tools than as an end. His real desire was a free Elysium and freedom from the threat of slavery and repression for his pups and pack mates.

"We have also filed missing fur reports on all of our employees and their family members who did not report for work and cannot be contacted. Wolf Enterprises is alleging terrorist kidnappings have occurred, and we have made that statement publicly. The Government is either going to have to acknowledge having the missing furs or let panic spread in the populace as common furs begin to believe that terrorists are now kidnapping random furs off the street.

"That will be another headache for the current Administration and a tough sell to the public by their Press Office regardless of which tack they take. I have people working on grassroots anti-government campaigns both ways.

"I met with our dear President and Homeplanet Security Head this afternoon. I was not surprised to see the heads of all of the armed forces there as well. They probably realize how desperate their situation is. With the manufacturing plants gone they cannot get the electronics and other critical components for most of their advanced weapon systems. The new secret planetary sensor grid is also not going to be built without the now impossible to produce parts."

"Is that why you chose now to act? To stop this sensor grid?" Marla asked.

"In part. The sensor array would have allowed a lot easier tracking of the residents of Elysium and any inbound spacecraft. It had quite a bit of promise if it ever lived up to its specifications."

Master David grinned ferally.

"Unfortunately there is a small hidden design flaw that ensured it would never reach its potential and that certain furs could circumvent it entirely if it were ever built."

Marla was again amazed at her Master's multi-layered planning. Under the very noses of the Government he had gotten them to commit to a flawed system that diverted necessary Government resources from the coming fight and in fact could be used against them.

"The armed forces are desperate, and Homeplanet Security wants parts as soon as possible as well. After fighting for a solid hour telling them it could not be done, I suggested they try some of my competitors."

That brought a gasp from the other three furs. If others got involved there was no telling what might happen. A discovery of Wolf Enterprises' secrets could prove devastating.

"They already had. None were able to start production of our designs without building new facilities. They acknowledged that I had an effective monopoly on the technologies.

"That got the President pissed off!

"After another fifteen minutes I casually let slip that some of my off-planet facilities might be able to make the components. I am not sure if the President or the Admiral of the Navy hit the ceiling first. The President was demanding to know why I had taken this technology off of Elysium without his approval, and the Admiral was demanding to know how he could be expected to shepherd convoys to Elysium from all over the galaxy.

"It took some work, but I was able to show that none of the technologies involved had been moved off-planet. We just have small manufacturing plants on about twenty other planets that could be adapted to make the parts if the Elysium Government allowed Wolf Enterprises to transfer the technologies and plans.

"The President was still very upset, but at least he realized that I had not broken any laws. I think he was sorry about that. I get the impression he would have liked to arrest me then and there, but he knew I had him by the balls at the moment, and that did not go over well at all. In the end he told me to make the parts off planet and ordered the Admiral to get them to Elysium safely regardless of the cost."

Master David shifted a bit in his seat. The others were silent as they waited for him to continue. He grabbed a pen from a nearby coffee mug and pressed the clip twice. The end of the pen glowed green for a moment.

"I just wanted to check that we were really alone," Master David explained unnecessarily. All four furs knew that the Government would likely be watching them from now on.

"So in about four weeks we will start convoys between fourteen other planets and Elysium. The Navy will be responsible for their security. Wolf Enterprise and other merchant vessels will be used to transport the needed components to Elysium.

"We will make sure that the other convoy ships are transporting the flawed components. We will put the properly designed components on our ships and crew them with furs we want to 'disappear'.

"I expect that the convoys will take terrible losses from pirate attacks and the local quadrant will be flooded with shoddy sensor components in the coming months. Certain pirates and others will suddenly gain sensor upgrades at about the same time. I know Elysium Intelligence is already getting information about one or more pirate gangs buying new sensor technology several hundred parsecs from Elysium because we are making sure they know about it even though it is not true.

"With any luck we will move a fair number of ships and crew to our allies in space while dispersing the Elysium Navy. While they could easily defeat any pirate band if they could concentrate their ships in one place, the Navy will be much easier targets when they are scattered throughout space in small task forces. I suspect our allies will take advantage of the situation and inflict a heavy toll on the Navy in the coming months."

It was a bold but well calculated plan, and Marla saw no immediate objections. Of course, it could all change in a moment if the Government acted against Master David, but for now it was best to plan for both the long and short terms. This plan certainly had merit as it could greatly strengthen their cause and weaken the Elysium military.

The four furs finished their meal quickly. While Master David and Kayla remained at the table, Marla took Mike to the elevator. He turned to face her and took her paws in his.

"I have to go," Mike said in a sad voice.

"I know," Marla replied quietly.

"I'll be back as soon as I can, but I need to spend some time with my pack, especially if I am going to be leaving them."

"I know, but I'm still going to miss you."

Marla leaned in and hugged Mike.

"Why don't you just bring your pack here the next time you come? There is plenty of room downstairs, and Master David would not mind."

"He asked me the same question.

"My pack mates are old and set in their ways. They are also very proud even if they live in poverty. They will not accept a handout, even from my new pack alpha.

"I think," Mike mused, "that they will accept the job of nannies and mannies if there are pups around that need tending."

"Well, we'll just have to give them some to find out!"

Mike laughed, but he held Marla much tighter.

"Yes, I guess we will."

Mike broke their embrace.

"I have to go now."

"Goodbye, Mike," Marla said before giving him a quick final kiss.

Mike disappeared into the elevator. The doors closed, and he was gone. Marla felt an incredible emptiness in her soul.

Marla turned and went back to the table. She sat down, but she did not eat or drink anything. Her thoughts were a million miles away, or at least as far away as Mike.

Two warm paws were laid on Marla's shoulders. She came back to herself and looked up into the concerned eyes of her alphas.

"It's okay," Kayla told the wolfess. "He'll be back, probably tomorrow."

"I know," Marla said. "It's just so hard to see him leave.

"I never thought over the past few years I would ever have these thoughts about any other fur."

"The Academy and the slavery system pervert normal fur feelings," Master David said, "and corrupt the emotions of perfectly fine furs. That's part of the reason I want to end slavery."

Master David leaned down and nuzzled Marla.

"You'll have him and me and the rest of your pack around you from now on."

"I know," Marla replied. She suddenly brightened.

"Right now, I want you in me!

"And I want to know what the heck you told Mike to get him to tie me up and play with my titties!"

The three furs laughed as they headed upstairs.

A little bit later Marla lay face down on the foot of the bed. Her body from the waist down was hanging over the edge of the bed. Her arms were tied wrist to elbow behind her back. Her head was turned to the right, and she was kissing Kayla while the femfurs waited for Master David to return. The otteress was in the pleasant afterglow of forty-five minutes of anal sex. Marla was waiting a bit impatiently for Master David to do the same to her once he had cleaned up and recovered a bit.

Marla grinned as she looked past Kayla's head and saw Master David coming back. She felt him take the tube of petroleum jelly from the bed. She groaned as he started to coat the exterior of her anal rose. Her anal muscles flinched a bit as he pressed a finger into her.

"Too fast?" Master David asked in surprise. Marla normally craved penetration.

"No," Marla confessed. "I just really, really want this! It's been four days since anyone has buggered me!"

Master David laughed as he continued to coat the interior of the wolfess' rectum. Kayla slid her tongue into Marla's mouth and withdrew. Marla took the invitation and followed her alpha female's tongue back into the otteress' muzzle. They played while Master David finished preparing Marla.

Master David placed his strong paws on Marla's flanks and gripped her tightly. Marla broke her kiss and turned her head to face the head of the bed. She looked up into the mirror and saw Master David poised with his large, erect cock ready to impale her. She grinned in anticipation, and she felt her juices flowing down her inner thighs. She was really ready for this anal coupling.

"So what did you and Mike do this evening?" Kayla asked coyly.

"I got him to tie me up!" Marla replied enthusiastically.

"So you said. How did you get him to do that?"

"Master David - OH! - apparently said some - UGH! - things to Mike - OH, YES! - that made it easier.

"He also - DEEPER! - told Mike to stop ignoring -FASTER! - my tits."

As Marla spoke with Kayla Master David had placed the knob of his shaft on Marla's pink bull's-eye and slowly pressed forward. Marla felt first her ass cheeks and then her anus spread as her Master worked his way deep into tail hole. He continued his slow thrust into her bottom until his knot was pressed against the outside of her ass hole. He withdrew and began to thrust in and out slowly but with gathering force and speed.

"Mike told you all of this?" Kayla asked.

"Yes, and he even admitted to knowing about the dungeon."

Kayla giggled and said, "Oh, yes! I still remember the first time I took him in there to show him where we wanted something placed. I was wondering if he would jump out of his pelt if I yelled 'Boo!'. I was surprised he didn't throw up on me.

"He kept that secret and others, though!"

"Speaking of secrets, Marla," Master David said carefully, "you really should talk to Mike about what happens with us when he is not around. I think Mike understands what we share, but he might be upset if he found out from someone outside the pack.

"Lying to him would be the worst thing to do."

Silently Marla agreed with her Master. Mike could handle knowing that Master David was reaming her as long as he found out from her. Of course, Marla had little intention of having sex without the young stud around and participating if at all possible.

"We've talked about it some this evening, and I think he understands my feelings towards both of you and the rest of our pack mates. He knows that he is the one special fur for me. I'll tell him about the things we do when he is not around if if he asks, but I'm not going to rub his nose in it," Marla replied.

"Besides, I hope that he is going to be here with us when we have sex anyway so there will be nothing happening about which he does not already know."

"There's no reason to flaunt having sex with others," Kayla agreed as she wriggled closer to the wolfess to press her body against her and kiss her again. "Just never deny it or hide it from him. Mike thrives on honesty among those he loves, and that includes you now. One of the few ways you could actually hurt him and end your relationship is to lie to him."

"I pretty much guessed that. I am going to be truthful with him, and I want him to know about my feelings towards all of you, but I also know he needs some reassurances that I want and love him.

"I think with him coming here and sharing our bed it will soon be a moot point, but I will be careful, and I will always be honest with him."

Master David replied, "Likely yes, but just remember that Mike is a bit naïve and innocent in affairs of the heart. He might have problems with an open relationship at first."

Kayla grinned and added, "But I'm sure having three femfurs to screw is going to get him past that little problem fast!"

The three stopped talking and got very serious about their sex.

Marla spent the next half hour impaled on her Master's tool while Kayla licked and kissed her face and muzzle.

Later she licked Kayla to two orgasms as the pair of femfur slaves performed for their Master. She loved Mike and Master David, but she really wanted some quality time with Kayla tonight. It had been some time since they had played together. The otteress meant so much to her, and she wanted to show her love of Kayla in a very physical manner. Their sex play allowed her that special opportunity.

Marla could not help but wonder what Mike would do when the pair performed like this for him. She grinned at the thought, but she definitely felt her exhibitionist streak coming through strongly. She suspected that Mike and Todd would be incredibly turned on by a two- or even three-way lesbian sex show.

To finish out the night Kayla lay down in the center of the bed. Master David took her forcefully in her cunt while Marla straddled her muzzle facing the male wolf. She used her paws to play with Kayla's tits. Master David's thrusts rhythmically pressed Kayla's muzzle into Marla's sex. That as much as Kayla's skilled tongue got Marla off repeatedly.

Tuesday dawned bright and clear. At breakfast Master David announced that he planned to ask Mike's pack if they would like to meet Marla that weekend. He told her that it was nearly certain that they would say yes.

Marla's heart started to beat faster. It was one thing to play with Mike in bed, but it was a big step forward to meet his pack. She would be on display and judged by them. What if she was found wanting? What if they did not want a sex slave pairing off with their prize son? What if their attitudes about slavery got in the way of the young couple? What if...?

Marla spent most of the morning in a daze worrying about what might happen that weekend and worrying about how she could screw up the meeting. The cheerfulness of Kayla and her repeated assurances that Mike's pack would love her instantly did little to calm or reassure the wolfess.

Finally Kayla announced, "Enough! You need a diversion. Let's go see if Valentia and Todd can have lunch with us. Thinking about humping a young fox stud will get your mind off these needless worries."

Marla had to admit that sitting across the table from Todd and playing with him at lunch would be a good diversion. Even just watching Valentia do it would be good entertainment.

Marla and Kayla cleaned up and dressed. When they were ready Kayla used her com to call down for a taxi. Marla was not ready for what she saw when the elevator doors opened.

Mike stood in the elevator in full Wolf Security uniform. His back was ramrod stiff, and he very formally asked, "Lady Kayla and Lady Marla, may I and my security detachment escort you to lunch?"

Along with Mike were three other large young male furs that Marla did not recognize. Marla appeared to casually adjust her dress, but she pawed a small weapon in her left paw and got her right paw on a more serious piece. Her eyes narrowed as she saw the three strange furs shift their stance slightly. They were getting ready for action as well. None of them made a move towards their weapons, but the threat was implicit.

"Care to introduce your friends, Mike?" Kayla asked cheerfully. The otteress seemed unconcerned about this intrusion into their home. From the way Mike was acting outside of his formality Marla thought there was no real danger, but as a bodyguard she was not going to let any of these strangers make one move towards Kayla without triggering a fight.

"Detail, line up for inspection!" Mike barked in a surprisingly authoritative tone.

The four canines fell into a straight line facing Kayla. Mike was on the left, a fox was beside him, and two mixed breed dogs were on Marla's far right.

Kayla almost swaggered as she walked back and forth a couple of times. She looked at the canines carefully. Her gaze seemed to find every small defect in their clothing or demeanor. The otteress tsk-tsked repeatedly. The males, even Mike, adjusted their clothing and stance quickly after she passed. After her third time past the squad she stopped on the far right beside one of the dogs and said, "Better. However, if you are going to be regular Wolf Security guards you are going to have to put forth a much better appearance in public."

Marla's keen ears caught the slight accent on the word "regular".

"Now, the important questions."

Kayla turned to the dog beside her and asked, "How is your mother doing, Max?"

"Very well, Lady Kayla. I am sure she would have sent her greetings if she had known I would be seeing you today," the dog replied amiably.

Kayla moved to the next dog and asked, "And your father, Jake?"

"He is doing well though he still walks with a bit of a limp from his encounter with you."

Kayla smiled and replied, "Has he stopped grabbing young femfurs from behind?"

"No, though now he checks to make sure that they are not armed with 'a large carving knife'."

Kayla giggled a bit and said, "Well, that's a start. "

Kayla took another step and came to stand in front of the fox.

"Still the itinerant idealist, Rey?" the otteress asked.

The fox smiled and replied, "It makes for an interesting life. I get to meet strange people and do even stranger things. Lately I even get paid for it.

"Maybe one day I'll write a book about my adventures."

Rey frowned.

"I suspect it would be placed in the fiction section instead of the autobiography section, though."

"Likely it would. Likely it would..."

Kayla's last step brought her to Mike. The young wolf stood at ease. He obviously expected only a little patter from Kayla. Instead she asked, "Still walking bowlegged from humping Marla last night?"

Mike sputtered uncontrollably and looked at Kayla in horror. How could she bring up such an intimate subject in front of furs outside their pack?

"Of course it is a bit amazing you are even able to walk after spending all weekend up here screwing three femfurs until your balls were ready to drop off."

Mike turned absolutely beet red and looked like he was ready to faint at Kayla's unexpected words.

Kayla leaned in, took his face in her paws and kissed Mike deeply. There was no question about her feelings towards the young wolf. Marla noted the other three canines taking careful notice of Kayla's affection towards Mike. Their respect for Mike seemed to grow.

"Now that we have your largest secret that could cause us all problems out in the open, we won't have to do a lot of stupid things to try to hide the truth."

Kayla turned to the other three canines. Her voice took on a commanding undertone as she told them, "Mike is joining our pack. It will consist of Mister Wolf and me as alphas and Mike, Marla, Valentia, and Todd as the betas. That is not nor will it be common knowledge for some time. I am sure that the Government and others with ties to them have identified all six of us as 'furs of interest' and will take action against us at some point.

"You have proven through your late night extracurricular activities that you deserve to be on a high level security detachment even if you look like some young males just starting out in Security with an assignment to look after some of the boss' slaves. At least as importantly, you have shown that you know how to keep your eyes and ears open but your muzzles shut. This is another secret you will need to keep. It may be the largest one as well since there are many who desire to know how to hurt David badly. They would pay extremely well to get this information from you. They also will not hesitate to torture you to get the information if you fell into their paws."

Kayla paused to let the implications of her last sentence sink into the minds of the canines.

"Do any of you want to leave? You will get a handsome severance package and a well paying job off-planet if you so."

Kayla waited several seconds. Marla watched the three newcomers. She suspected that she had faced them in her training though she had no real way of knowing. They seemed to be confident, and she trusted Kayla when she implied that they were able and trustworthy. She examined their faces for any signs of doubt. None showed any signs of taking up her offer.

"Lady Kayla," Mike said when the silence got too long, "all of my detachment are volunteers, and all will stay."

Kayla looked over the three other canines. Each gave a small affirmative nod.

"Very well!

"Now that that is settled, let's do lunch!"

Downstairs the detachment split up. Rey and Mike took the lead in a large SUV. Marla and Kayla were in the middle in a Wolf Enterprises corporate car instead of a taxi, and Jake and Max brought up the rear in another large SUV. The very solid thunk of each door closing told Marla that the vehicles were heavily armored.

The trip to Valentia and Todd's studio was uneventful. Lunch was first, so Mike got the two designers from their studio into the car. Max and Jake kept watch on the sidewalk and Rey waited in the lead SUV. Valentia teased Mike a bit about his new tailor as she entered the car. Marla had to smile at the Ethiopian wolfess' ribbing of her lover.

Lunch was uneventful for the most part. Mike and the other guards saw their charges into the restaurant and did a quick sweep under the guise of using the facilities. Marla was certain that the maitre d' did not believe them, but the staff did not object, and most of the guests did not realize what was happening. A hundred credit bill slipped under the podium certainly mollified any hurt feelings on the part of the staff.

At lunch the four furs talked about many things besides the past weekend and the attacks upon Wolf Enterprises. Marla noted several in the crowd turning ears to listen to the group's conversation. Obviously they knew her three companions, and many were interested in what they had to say. She noted each fur watching them carefully in case they had any future encounters. She would speak to Sensei Tenchi or Zubin as well the next time she saw them.

The unwanted and possibly hostile eavesdropping bothered Marla even while she put on an unconcerned face. Their time in public was obviously not going to be as carefree and easy as in the past. She mentally noted the need to be more careful even as she joined Valentia and Kayla in running her toes up and down Todd's shins underneath the table.

When the foursome returned to the design studio Valentia pulled Marla from the car.

"The charity ball is coming up in a few weeks, and I want to get your dress done with plenty of time. When we did Kayla's we had to work twenty hour days to get it and mine ready."

Valentia turned to Mike as he stood holding the car door and watching their surroundings.

"Tell the rest that you are going to be busy inside for the next forty-five minutes."

"Wha- What?!" Mike asked nervously. It was pretty obvious what thoughts were crossing his mind.

"Get your mind out of the gutter or at least the bed, Mike!

"Do you think I am going to let one of my pack mates take another of my pack mates to the charity ball in a cheap rented tuxedo?" Valentia asked with some exasperation.

"But I'm not going to the charity ball!"

"Sure you are! You have to escort Marla."

Valentia ended further debate by grabbing Mike's left uniform lapel and dragging him across the sidewalk and into the studio. He was barely able to stammer out to the other guards that he would be back shortly before he disappeared inside the vestibule. Marla was the last fur in and caught Jake and Max nearly doubling over in laughter. Marla had to grin as well. Valentia certainly was an unpredictable but often entertaining force of nature.

"Now both of you get your clothes off so we can take some measurements. Kayla, you strip too. With all that fine food you've been eating I want to make sure your measurements are still the same."

Marla and Kayla had no qualms about disrobing, but Mike seemed strangely reluctant.

"What's wrong, Big Boy?" Marla asked as she batted her eyes at him. "Afraid I'm going to jump you?"

"Well, a bit...," Mike replied tentatively.

"The real problems are I am on duty, and I am not sure what to do with my weapons."

Valentia overheard Mike's predicament.

"The weapons locker is in the office behind the desk. It's keyed for your retinal print."

"How- ?!"

"I got the print from Wolf Security Monday afternoon five minutes after they did the scan, and I entered it as soon as I did because I wanted to make sure you had access to weapons if something happened.

"Marla, you are on there as well now."

Valentia stopped and all her jovialness disappeared.

"These are bad times, and they are going to get worse. I've lived through bad times back home. Probably not as bad as what is coming, but pretty bad. I'm going to make sure my pack mates have as good a chance to survive as possible, and that includes you, Mike."

The almost perpetual smile returned to Valentia's muzzle.

"Now go get rid of your weapons so I can see that cute tush of yours again!"

Kayla and Marla were measured quickly and efficiently by Valentia and Todd. Mike returned and watched the show as they stood on the little platforms and moved as the two designers commanded. Marla worked in some quick kisses as Todd measured her. The fox did not seem to mind. In the mirror Marla saw Mike watching, and there seemed to be no hint of envy or anger at her actions.

Mike had a different reaction when at the end of Kayla's measurements Kayla not only gave Valentia a very obvious French kiss but groped her as well. Valentia replied in kind with her paws roaming over the otteress' breasts and flanks.

"Not now," Valentia said gently. "We've got to get Mike back in uniform and you on your way, but save it for the next time we get a chance to get our paws on each other."

Kayla let go of Valentia and started dressing. Mike was not the only one surprised by Kayla's actions. Marla had not expected it even knowing the special place that Valentia had in Kayla's life. Todd seemed to take it more in stride, but he even looked a bit surprised at the sudden display of lust by the two femfurs. The large bulge in the front of his pants showed what he thought about it, though.

"Next!" Valentia called out.

Mike got up onto the platform and immediately covered his crotch. Marla had seen his hardening pink shaft. Obviously he found Kayla and Valentia kissing rather arousing.

"Move da' paws!" Valentia said with a mock New Yak accent.

Reluctantly Mike moved his paws. The three femfurs giggled a bit at his discomfort, but they also looked at the young wolf's erect penis with a mixture of desire and pleasure.

"Don't be upset, Mike," Valentia told the young male. "It happens more often than you might think, and normally I could care less."

Valentia stood up on the platform and gave Mike a quick hug and a kiss.

"When it's one of my pack mates, I'm just glad to see him 'happy'."

Mike seemed a bit more at ease, but he still kept avoiding the femfurs' eyes. Marla just enjoyed the sight of her naked lover. Valentia worked quickly through her measurements.

"One last one...," the Ethiopian wolfess said as she pulled out the tape measure and held it up to Mike's erect cock.

"Hey!" Mike yelped.

Valentia grinned up at him and said, "Just kidding! Not that you have anything to be ashamed of. You're well endowed and getting better with using it thanks to Marla. All of us are going to enjoy your attentions.

"Maybe I should toss Todd to Marla the next time we get together and have a roll in the hay with you to start the fun...?"

Marla had to love the utterly shocked look on Mike's face. Marla was coming to love the wild antics of Valentia. She was a free spirit much like Marla.

"Now get dressed unless you want me to tie you up with scarves so we can take turns screwing you until your balls fall off."

Mike raced over to his clothes and started putting them back on rapidly. The other furs just grinned.

Later at the door Valentia said, "I'll give you a call later this week. We should have Marla's dress ready for her first fitting on Friday. Getting it to drape right may take a couple of adjustments.

"Kayla, you are still the same measurements, so your dress should fit fine, but try it on before you come back and bring it along if it needs adjusting.

"Mike, be sure you escort Marla and Kayla when they come back. I want you to try on your tuxedo then as well. I'm going to give you, Todd and Wolfie the same style so you match."

The furs went their separate ways.

Later that evening Mike and Marla said their goodbyes. The rest of the security detachment had already left. Only Mike was left in the penthouse.

"I don't want you to go," Marla said as they waited in the foyer for the elevator to arrive.

"I don't want to leave either, but I have to spend some time with my pack. This is probably the last week I'm going to be a member of their pack. I- I can't just leave without spending time with them and saying a proper goodbye."

Marla hugged Mike.

"I know, but it still hurts to have you go."

"You have David..."

"Yes, and Kayla, and they fill a large void, but they are not you."

Mike kissed Marla.

"It's only going to be for a few more days, I think."

Marla mulled over his words. Then she asked a question she had been considering for the past two days.

"Do you think your pack will move in with us?"

Mike seemed surprised at her question.

"Well, normally that would not happen-"

"But it could," Marla pressed.

"Well, yes, it could."

"Would it happen if you asked?"

"I'm... not sure. They really don't want to live off of David, but they might consider it if I was doing the asking."

Impulsively Marla said, "Ask them."

The elevator doors opened. Mike stepped inside quickly to avoid a long conversation. Still, as the doors closed, he said, "I will."

Marla stared at the doors for several seconds after Mike left. She nearly jumped out of her pelt when Master David's right paw appeared on her shoulder.

"That was a very generous act, Marla," Master David said.

"I just don't like the idea of them being left alone when Mike leaves when they so obviously love each other so much."

Master David hugged Marla.

"Neither do I.

"Neither do I."

Marla did not leave the penthouse again until Friday. Valentia called early Thursday morning and left a message saying that Marla's dress was ready for a fitting. Kayla and Marla were to come by on Friday to have her try it on.

For Marla it was a blessing to get out and do something again. She had been reading about the Canaria Pack in anticipation of meeting Mike's alphas. It was an impressive history going back to the writing of the compact that would eventually lead to the colonization of Elysium. The pack had done well until about a hundred years ago when they started to oppose the incorporation of government sponsored and approved slavery on Elysium into the judicial system. The pack had committed considerable political and financial capital to oppose the creation of a slave system but had been unsuccessful. In the end all of the abuses that they had feared would happen had. Marla and Kayla were two prime examples of that.

The price the Canaria Pack had paid was immense. Now they were destitute and had no influence whatsoever in the government or with the populace. Most of the populace scorned them.

Marla picked apart the history carefully so she could understand her lover's pack mates as well as possible without meeting them. The more she read about them the more she wanted the Canaria Pack to be a part of her life and the lives of her pups when they came. There had to be some way to get them to join her pack or at least live out their lives with them.

"I think that the best argument in favor of the Canaria Pack joining ours or vice versa will be you, Mike and your pups," Master David told Marla after she expressed her desire to bring Mike's family into her life after dinner on Thursday.

"I know that you are incredibly nervous about this weekend, but I doubt you need to be. I also predict that ten minutes after meeting Mike's pack you will be completely at ease. They are very, very good furs, and they are going to love you because Mike absolutely adores you."

"Do you think there are going to be problems because I am a sex slave?"

"Not many. Mostly they are going to be concerned that you were coerced into a relationship with Mike. I've talked with them about it and made it plain that you were the aggressive one."

Marla had to laugh. Her first time with Mike she had certainly been the aggressor! Even the prior weekend she had taken the lead far more than her Academy instructors would have allowed. It was just so nice to have a young male wolf she loved willing to mate with her until neither could stand up. She would have gladly been his personal slave.

"Are you going to sell me to Mike?" Marla asked Master David.

"I thought about selling you to him or his pack. After discussing it with Mike's alphas we decided I would have more influence while we were still out in the open. Once we go underground we are not coming back up until the civil war is over. At that point it will not matter if I or Mike owns you regardless of the outcome of the war."

Marla nodded her head. It made sense, and being owned by Master David really made no difference in her private life. She would still have Mike whenever and however she wanted him.

Friday morning dawned bright and sunny. Kayla and Marla saw off Master David early in the morning as he had several conference calls and meetings with government officials that would tie him up all day. After a light breakfast they retired to Marla's room for some exercise. Marla was glad to workout. It took her mind off of the weekend.

"You really don't need to be so nervous," Kayla told the wolfess as she stretched to cool down. "Mike's pack is going to love you, and they already know everything 'bad' about you. You are a sex slave trained at the Academy. You are sleeping with Mike and corrupting him."

Marla gave a small snort at her friend's comment. She certainly was enjoying that last part!

"You just have to remember that Mike is joining our pack, not you his. You actually don't have to impress them even though you will."

"I'm just worried because this means so much to Mike. These are the furs that took him in and raised him. I really want to do well for him."

"You will!" Kayla assured Marla.

A slow smile spread across Kayla's muzzle.

"In the meantime, how about doing something else for Mike?"

Kayla picked up two weights designed for Kegel and Pubo-Coccygeal training. Both were made from bronze and fairly heavy.

"Loser licks the winner off?" Kayla asked as she held up the pair of dumbbell shaped weights.

"Sure!" Marla replied enthusiastically as she extended her right paw. Marla was working hard to catch up to Kayla in this area, but Kayla kept getting even stronger because she was exercising just as hard as Marla. Still Marla was determined to beat her alpha someday. Not that it really mattered. Marla enjoyed the exercises, and both Mike and Marla were going to benefit in bed from her workouts.

Both femfurs stuffed the weights up their love canals. The two femfurs stood facing each other with their legs spread wide and their right paws pressing the weights against their pussy lips. They grinned at each other for just a moment.

Kayla counted down, "3... 2... 1... Go!"

Marla let go of her weight. It did not move even a millimeter, but neither did Kayla's.

Several minutes passed, and neither femfur gave much. Both were showing the effects of the weights, though. Sweet nectar was starting to drip from the bottom of both weights.

Marla felt her weight shift downwards a notch. She recovered quickly, but her grip was definitely a little looser. She looked at Kayla's cunt. The weight was also down a bit, but not as far as hers. Marla worked her inner muscles and pulled the weight back up into her vagina, but so did Kayla.

The contest continued for a good fifteen minutes. The weights slid downward slowly, but in the end it was Marla's that hit the floor.

"Damn! I'm going to win this one day!" Marla swore.

"And when you do I'll be just as happy as you," Kayla told the wolfess.

"But for now, get licking!"

Marla went down on all fours and crawled over to Kayla. She could smell the otteress' arousal and see her pumping the weight up and down in her pussy. Marla knew that Kayla was close to cumming.

Marla licked Kayla's puffy labia and was rewarded with several low groans of pleasure. She moved quickly upwards to the region of the otteress' clit. Kayla gave a full throated moan as Marla worked the tip of her tongue around the sensitive nub without quite touching it. Kayla let loose with a full throated yell when Marla switched her tongue to Kayla's clit. As the otteress climaxed Marla continued to lick her clitoris furiously.

As Kayla's orgasm ended her weight dropped to the floor.

"Clean up and come to the bath when you are done," Kayla ordered Marla.

"What? Nothing for me?"

Kayla grinned impishly.

"Nope! I want you nice and sexually frustrated for the next time you get your paws on Mike."

Marla laughed. Part of the reason she had lost the contest was because she kept thinking about Mike pounding her with his tool and that really got her juices flowing. She wanted her future mate, and she wanted him in a very sexual way. Not having him was frustrating her! She hummed a bit and daydreamed of jumping him in bed as she cleaned the weights and put them away.

Marla joined Kayla in the small whirlpool bathtub. Kayla gave Marla a nice kiss and pawed her pussy.

"Good and hot?" the otteress asked.

"Yep! And I can't wait to get Mike alone!"

Kayla laughed and said, "That's the spirit!"

Kayla turned just a bit more serious.

"No hard feelings?"

"No. You won fair and square, and not getting off just makes me more ready for Mike.

"We better get some time together tonight, though, or else I'm going to hump him in front of his entire pack!"

Kayla laughed and said, "I doubt that they would mind. More likely they would be giving Mike and you tips. They are a rather... liberal thinking pack."

Marla grinned. The exhibitionist in her wondered about showing off with her stud for his pack. She certainly would not mind letting them know how much she wanted and loved Mike that way. As a sex slave she had performed for gatherings of furs before and had no inhibitions against doing so again. Mike might die of embarrassment, though.

After they dried and dressed Kayla went to take care of some housekeeping chores before they went out. That left Marla alone when the communicator rang. She recognized the number and picked it up.

"Good morning, Val!" Marla cheerfully greeted the Ethiopian wolfess.

Valentia seemed a bit surprised to see Marla. She took a moment to reply.

"Good morning, Marla," the older wolfess replied cheerfully. "Is Kayla around?"

"She's taking care of some things. Do you want me to go get her?"

Valentia paused to consider.

"No, just give her a message. I just wanted to confirm that I have everything ready, and she can stop by later today."

"Great! We will be leaving here in about fifteen minutes. We want o take you and Todd out to lunch as well as try on the clothes."

A sly grin appeared on Marla's face.

"I want to have some more fun with Todd under the table too."

It took a moment for Valentia to laugh, and her laugh seemed just a bit strained.

"Well, just make sure Kayla gets here on time."

"We will."

"Good-bye!" Valentia said and turned off the communicator before Marla could say anything more.

Marla looked at the communicator. That certainly was a strange conversation. The other wolfess had seemed rather distracted and distant, not at all like her vivacious self of the past weekend. For the first time in months Marla wondered if she had done something seriously wrong.

Kayla reappeared several minutes later. She found Marla still contemplating the communicator.

"What's wrong?" Kayla asked.

"Val called. She wanted to let us know that she is ready to have us over."

"Well, she probably just wanted to make sure we got the earlier message."

"Kayla, do you think Valentia likes me?"

Kayla was taken aback by her friend's question.

"I'm sure she does! Why do you ask?"

"She kept saying to make sure that you got there. She didn't seem to care about me at all, and I am the one getting fitted today."

"Odd..," Kayla said in a perplexed tone.

"Sometimes she gets caught up in her work, and then she gets rather single-minded. At times she comes across as almost rude if you don't know her well and recognize the signs."

Kayla thought some more.


"Yes?" Marla prompted her alpha. The otteress was being a bit frustrating this morning.

Kayla smiled.

"Val works in leather as well as lace. She might have something 'special' for this weekend ready for me! If she was talking with you she might want to get you to bring me so she can spring a surprise on me."

"Oooooh!" Marla said and grinned. Given the work she had seen from Valentia and Todd, she suspected a special leather outfit would be rather spectacular. She wondered if any of the males would get any sleep tonight.

"We'll have to go and see!" Kayla finished cheerfully.

After a short pause Kayla added more seriously, "I will talk to Val about being nicer to you. I think she is just tired, but we need to treat our pack mates well.

"We'll get some food into her and Todd and then see if we can get them and Mike into bed for some 'Afternoon Delight'.

"It'll do you and Mike good to relieve some tension too before you see his pack."

Marla grinned. She was certainly happy to spend her afternoon coupling with Mike and Todd. She was curious to see what the wolfess' and fox's living quarters were like as well. Privately she suspected that Valentia had a very interesting bedroom filled with lots of toys and a huge bed. Right now those and Mike were exactly what Marla needed. Now if they could just get Master David away from work early...

"In the meantime, it's time to go. Call down and tell Loverboy we'll be down shortly."

Marla dialed up Mike's Wolf Security number. His disembodied head appeared in the communicator.

"Yes, Ma'am?"

"We're ready to go. We'll be down in a few minutes."

"Yes, Ma'am!" Mike replied smartly.

Marla blew him a kiss before turning off the communicator. She saw just a slight bit of red appear in his inner ears.

The elevator ride down was uneventful. When the femfurs stepped off the elevator Mike and his detachment were waiting for them.

Mike touched his uniform cap and said, "Good day, Ma'ams! We're ready to take you to your appointments."

Behind the four Security canines were two very large black SUVs sandwiching the limousine.

Marla grinned and moved in close to Mike.

"Why thank you, Sir!" she said as she sidled up close to her wolf. Her right paw reached out and groped his crotch. She turned her muzzle just a bit and met his as he opened his mouth in surprise. Her tongue slipped into his unprotected mouth and played with his tongue for a moment. She could hear a couple of snickers from the watching furs, and not all of them were male.

Marla let go of Mike.

"I'm particularly interested in the 'appointment' I have planned for later today with you," Marla casually informed Mike. He blushed a bit, but his grin was so big it nearly split his muzzle. Marla noted that the other males were looking on with large grins and considerable respect for Mike.

Marla slipped into the limousine and was joined almost immediately by Kayla. The femfurs managed to keep from laughing until the door had closed. The look on Mike's face was priceless.

"Do you think he is ever going to get used to your open sexuality?" Kayla asked Marla.

"I certainly hope not!"

That caused both femfurs to start laughing again. Marla certainly was looking forward to having a lot more fun with Mike in the coming years together.

The three vehicles headed towards the industrial district where Valentia and Todd's studio was located. Marla and Kayla talked about Mike, Master David and Todd as the car drove along. It was a good thing Mike was not monitoring them because their very explicit conversation likely would have caused the inexperienced male to faint. Nonetheless both were looking forward to seeing more of both young studs as well as Master David in their bed in the near future.

The street and sidewalks were empty when the three vehicles stopped in front of the nondescript building housing the design studio. Mike was the first out of the lead SUV. Gone was the playfulness and hesitancy of the garage. He and the three other male furs were all business now. He went to the limousine and opened the door. All the time he was scanning the area for anything unusual.

The two dogs exited the trailing SUV. Max took up a position even with the rear bumper of the limousine to cover the sidewalk behind the car. Jake who had been driving the trailing SUV got out and stood on the far side of the rear SUV watching the street. Both had a paw on their weapons. Reynard stayed in the front SUV and revved the engine as he watched the street and sidewalk in front of him. It was hard to tell through the darkly tinted glass of the SUV, but Marla suspected he had a weapon out.

Marla and Kayla started to walk toward the doorway, but Mike placed a restraining paw on Marla's shoulder.

"Wait here with Miss Kayla," he ordered her. There was a strong tone of command in his voice that surprised Marla. He was taking his responsibilities very seriously.

Marla nodded assent. She also moved to place herself slightly in front of Kayla and to her left.

Mike walked across the broad concrete sidewalk towards the door to Valentia's shop. His head moved back and forth as he searched for possible threats.

Mike's steps slowed as he got closer to the door. Something seemed slightly amiss with the door. His paw moved towards his holstered weapon. He frowned. There was a small char mark near the lock, and a bit of the frame was broken. Small details came into focus, and Mike suddenly realized that somefur had broken into the studio using explosives and tried to cover the fact.

Mike turned and yelled, "Get back! It's a trap!"

Marla's body stiffened, and she reached for a petite laser hidden in her dress. Suddenly Marla understood the call! The very small delays she had taken for indifference had been somefur programming responses into a computer generated version of Valentia. It also explained the single-minded emphasis on Kayla, Valentia's near rudeness and the abrupt ending. The fur on the other end had been caught off-guard when Marla had answered and talked so familiarly with "Valentia".

Marla turned and started to get Kayla back into the limousine. They must be after her, so they needed to get the otteress to safety immediately. The other furs drew their weapons. The three male canines on foot scrambled towards the limousine to get Marla and Kayla to safety. Reynard reached for the comlink on the dashboard.

A red laser beam the size of Marla's index finger that came from Marla's right side struck Max in the chest above his heart. He wore armor, but it was no match for the heavy-duty antitank military laser beam. His chest exploded as superheated water and bodily fluids expanded rapidly within his chest cavity and forced their way out.

Jake fared barely any better. A second powerful laser beam coming from the other direction struck him in the gut. His armor fared no better against the intense beam of red light. Marla saw the instant of stunned recognition as the dog looked down at his abdomen. There was a huge hole where his intestines had been a moment before. The beam struck him again in the chest and finished the job it had started.

Reynard had just opened the comlink when the guided antitank missile came down the empty road and struck the SUV dead center in the front grill. The shaped charge burst though the frontal armor of the SUV and destroyed it in a ball of fire. Reynard was thrown from the SUV's cabin by the blast. Pieces of his burning body fell to the pavement.

"Get her out of here!" Mike yelled at Marla as he looked for a target and rushed to cover the two femfur's retreat.

Several blocks away a black clad fur knelt behind the parapet of a deserted warehouse. In his paws was a large railgun rifle with an electronic telescopic sight. He put his right eye to the soft rubber cup covering the miniature display. He stared at his view screen. In the middle was a crosshair centered on the head of the young male wolf a mile away. He took a deep breath to steady his body and let it half out. His right finger closed the switch that activated his rifle.

The core of the slug was made from depleted uranium. It was wrapped in a heavily alloyed ferritic stainless steel sabot. When the switch closed capacitors dumped their enormous charge into a series of electromagnets. Each magnet grabbed the sabot and accelerated it down the barrel of the railgun. In less than three feet the slug went from a standing start to ten kilometers per second. Only the special inertial damping in the rifle prevented the fur firing the slug from being thrown backwards off the far side of the roof.

The sabot fell away as soon as it and the depleted uranium slug cleared the end of the barrel. The slug continued on its deadly path. It shattered the sound barrier as it headed across the gulf between the rifle and the young male wolf, but the noise would come far too late to alert its target.

Marla saw Mike take a step towards the two femfurs he loved so dearly. He was grinning in youthful enthusiasm. His blaster was out, and he seemed ready to take on all of Elysium to defend his loved ones. His head fur was thrown to one side by his movements. The morning sun glinted off his polished buttons.

It was how Marla always remembered him afterwards.

Marla saw Mike's head disappear an instant before she heard the sonic boom and felt the wind push her back. She did not notice the slug continue on and bury itself three feet deep into the sidewalk. She barely comprehended the sight of Mike's headless body falling to the ground.

"Mike!" Kayla screamed and took a half step forward.

Marla grabbed her friend's arm and threw her back through the still open limousine door. Kayla landed on the floor of the limo and started to get back up.

"Too late!" Marla screamed as tears streamed down her muzzle. She wanted to break down in a fit of screaming and crying as she realized that Mike was gone, but she had to get Kayla out of here.

Marla heard Kayla curse and saw her throw a stiletto over Marla's right shoulder. A fur screamed behind Marla. She chanced a glance back. Several furs were pouring out of the doorway to Valentia's studio. One sported a hilt sticking out of the small visor slit of his helmet. He collapsed, and blood spurted from his helmet. Kayla had managed to kill one of their attackers, but a dozen or more were still coming at them.

Marla fired her laser over her hip at the heavily armored furs. Two more went down in rapid succession, but she doubted they were seriously hurt. Their armor was too good for them to be stopped by anything as small as her weapon.

One of the attacking furs raised a short barrel rifle and fired in the general direction of Kayla. In the tenth of a second between the fur deciding to pull the trigger and the rifle firing Marla managed to throw her body in front of her alpha as a living shield.

Marla felt two small pricks in her chest just before a jolt of electricity jumped between the two electrodes through her body. She screamed as tens of thousands of volts racked her body. She fell to the sidewalk and thrashed about.

When the electric jolt stopped Marla was surprised to find she was still alive. She had expected the shot to be fatal. She heard Kayla scrambling back out of the limousine. Marla looked up at the otteress. She was halfway to the door and appeared to be intent on saving Marla at the cost of her own life.

Marla remembered her lessons with Sensei Tenchi. He had once asked her if she would be able to sacrifice her own life to save Kayla or Master David. Marla definitively answered her Sensei's question then and there. She kicked the door of the limousine shut in Kayla's face and yelled, "Emergency escape sequence! Code Beta Two!"

The limousine sprang to life and rocketed away. The hidden armor slid up and covered the windows. The car turned left at the first crossroad and disappeared out of sight. Marla waited in terror, but no shots were fired. She had guessed correctly that they wanted the otteress alive.

"Damn!" a fur yelled behind Marla. She turned her head to see the fur that had shot her with the taser cursing at the retreating limousine.

The fur pulled off his helmet. Underneath was the enraged face of a male lynx. He threw his helmet down on the sidewalk. It bounced up and down several times before the infuriated lynx kicked it down the sidewalk.

"Nothing is going right today! First we miss the wolf and fox, and now we cannot get the otteress."

One of the other armored furs said in a dull voice, "Well, we still have the wolfess."

The lynx turned and looked at Marla. A cruel smile came to his muzzle.

"Yeah, we do!" he said as he walked over to the prone wolfess.

Marla tried to raise her laser pistol, but the electric shock had weakened her and the adrenaline rush that had allowed her to kick the limo door closed had died. She was barely able to lift her weapon up from the sidewalk before the lynx kicked her laser away.

"Not today, bitch!" he sneered at her. He raised the taser and fired a second time at point blank range. The electrodes struck her forehead. The world exploded in a burst of colorful fireworks as the electric jolt ran through Marla's brain. It seemed to go on forever.

Marla's last coherent thought was that at least her death would allow Kayla to escape. Master David would be able to protect her from now on. Marla had served her purpose that day, and now she would join her parents and Mike in the peace of death knowing that her best friend and pack mate was safe.