Good Friends, Great Slaves: Ellie's Big Debut

Story by ComfortableCreatures on SoFurry

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#3 of Good Friends, Great Slaves

The third installment of the series, commissioned again by ProwlingJinouga this time introducing a new character. Don't let her size fool you, Mistress Izzy is always in charge.

If you would like to support me to help me make more stories like this in the future, consider donating to my Ko-Fi or buying a commission.

Ellie reached out around her dorm room's door, wrapping a small piece of ribbon from the knob to signal her roommate she needed privacy, if she came back. The clydesdale blushed to herself, feeling naughty... even a little ashamed, like what she was doing was some big taboo. She peeled off her shirt, the plain white garment showing just a bit of her brown-furred midriff, barely enough to even show her belly button, but it was still the most risque thing she owned at the moment. Next she stripped off her knee-length blue skirt, leaving Ellie in her underwear as she approached her desk.

Her underwear was a matching set of rather plain, cream colored, bra and panties, they were nothing to gawk at, unlike what they tried and failed to hide underneath. The nearly eight-foot tall equine hooked her thumbs through the sides of her panties, breathing a relieved sigh as she pulled them down, letting her most closely guarded secret flop free. Her cock had been trapped in her panties all day to avoid embarrassments, its length and girth fitting for an equine of Ellie's stature as it swung between her legs.

She removed her bra, making sure to toss it in the same pile with the rest of her clothes for easy cleanup later as she sat down at her desk. Ellie looked down at her laptop sitting on the desk, the computer was unmistakably hers, covered in stickers of flowers and birds, one of the few things the big country girl was unashamed of expressing was her love for things that were quintessentially girly and quaint. She was already breathing slightly more heavily than usual as she opened it, her cock slowly starting to twitch and rise just thinking about what was to come. She opened a private browser and typed out the URL for a cam site, navigating directly to the only stream she watched.

Those naughty feelings did not go away, despite the fact that she was doing nothing wrong. Shame just came naturally to her, but even then she was no stranger to a lonely night with some porn to keep herself entertained. No, what made it taboo was the fact that she knew the people on stream. Everyone knew them, if not at least just in passing, but Ellie had been good friends with one of the members for some time now.

The transformation had been night and day, Eve had been a shy little feline, easily flustered and embarrassed... but now? She was live on the internet, down on her knees and servicing a german shepherds fat cock from the side while a vixen did the same from the other side, their pregnant bellies touching together. Meanwhile just on the edge of the frame, sitting on the bed and using a golden retriever wearing bondage gear as a foot rest, a small fennec watched, pleased by her slaves performance, sporting a pregnant belly of her own that her own pointed cock barely stuck out from under. Ellie couldn't help but wrap her fingers around her thick member, stroking it slowly as she watched.

The clydesdale had no idea how it happened, one day those five were roommates, nothing more, just regular roommates as far as anyone knew. Then suddenly all of them were coming to school wearing collars with tags that outright said they belonged to their fennec mistress and revealing clothing that pushed the universities lax dress code to its limits. At the time Ellie had thought that to be surprisingly bold of them, then when the stream started, they actually began telling other students to spread the word about it, no attempt to keep it secret at all. None of them had an ounce of shame.

Ellie envied them for how they seemingly got over all their insecurities overnight. They were living a life she wanted and she had been trying to overcome her own insecurities for months since seeing them. She kept stroking herself with one hand while watching the stream, her other hand fondling and squeezing her own breast. She watched as the canine they were servicing covered both of the pregnant beauties in his thick spunk. Then the golden retriever took his place, the girls repeating the same process until they got another helping of doggy cum. Ellie grunted, doing her best to keep her voice down as she took it slow, but she was starting to lose control. She wrapped both hands around her cock, pumping it with increased fervor as she watched the two females kneel down in front of their mistress, taking turns swallowing the fennec's cock.

Ellie grit her teeth, suppressing a whinny as she watched them get a third load of cum all over their fur. A powerful orgasm she had been working towards for so long burst forth, some of it splattering onto Ellie's own chest and face, the rest getting on her chair and shooting further back behind her... She breathed heavily for a few moments, before slowly looking behind herself at the mess she made, blushing while a bit of cum rolled off her muzzle down onto her breasts. She was going to need to clean up before getting some rest... tomorrow was going to be a big day.

The next day Ellie wore a floral sundress as she met up with Eve for lunch, the whole time she was unable to think of much else than the snow leopard on her knees, covered in cum just last night. They shared a pleasant conversation and things were almost... normal, if not for the felines skimpy clothes and pregnant belly.

"So, I've seen your streams..." She spat out, the words having felt like they had been buried in the pits of her chest all day.

"Oh?" Eve perked up. "What do you think?" She asked.

Ellie let out the breath she had been holding onto since blurting out the words. The first hurdle was over and Eve seemed... receptive. "They are great... you guys seem so lovely together..." She said, forcing a smile through how awkward she felt.

Eve grinned. "Thank you, they really are the best."

Ellie nodded along. "It seems that way. I'm a little surprised though... you used to be shy like..."

"Like you?" Eve shot the equine a teasing glance, smirking.

"Heh... yeah. Well.. maybe not quite like me... but close." The equine stammered.

"Izzy has a way of..." The feline brought her hand under her muzzle, thinking about her response. "Bringing out the person you want to be."

"That sounds... amazing. Do you think I could uh..."

"Meet her?"

"Well, that and uhm... join you guys on a stream?" Ellie's heart felt like it was made of solid stone as she finally got out the question that had been burning inside her for so long.

Eve looked genuinely surprised at that. "Well, yeah. That would be lovely but... are you sure? People here at school watch us, I know you are pretty shy about this kind of thing... you get embarrassed if people notice you have a..." She gestured downwards with her eyes a few times, making it pretty obvious what she was referring to.

"Well, it's not like I am ashamed of having a penis its just... I um..." She hesitated, twiddling her thumbs in her lap. "I don't draw attention to it because... uh... I get aroused if I know people are staring."

Eve's eyes went wide, her expression like a high school girl who just heard the juiciest gossip. "Oh my god. The shy country girl has an exhibitionism fetish? I can't imagine just how pent up you must feel all the time."

Ellie slowly nodded. "V-very... but seeing you guys, you have become an inspiration to me, so I really want to do this."

Eve laughed, not in a mocking way, but like there was an inside joke that Ellie wasn't privy to. "Well, I suppose that is fair. Swing by our place on Saturday then, early afternoon would probably be best. Everyone will be home then, we can hash things out from there."

The equine perked up a bit. "Okay... sounds great! I'll be there!" She said.

"Oh, before I forget to mention, we usually don't wear clothes around the house if we can help it. You okay with that?" Eve added.

Ellie blushed again. "Oh! Uh, yeah, that's fine."

"Great!" Eve clapped her hands together and with that out of the way, the pair finished their lunch while resuming a more casual conversation, though the pair of them were clearly more distracted by thoughts of the weekend to come...

The next two days passed by at a snail's pace, the anticipation nearly too much for the equine to bear. Saturday morning Ellie found herself agonizing over her appearance more than she ever had before, taking more than three times as long to shower and do her hair. Choosing an outfit was difficult, her rather modest clothes not offering much that felt... appropriate. As the time to leave drew near, she settled on another of her simple dresses, one that was solid pink with white buttons at the collar. At the end of the day they would all look the same on the floor...

Ellie took the bus, then walked the rest of the way to the house Eve shared with Izzy and the others. From the outside the single story home was plain and unassuming, nobody would ever guess the debauchery that goes on within.

Knocking on the door, she waited outside, feeling both awkward and nervous, until the door opened, Eve smiling at her friend and wearing naught but a bathrobe. "Ellie! Come on in." She said, beckoning her inside.

Ellie stepped inside, observing her surroundings. All told it was pretty ordinary. A table where class work lay sprawled across it, shelves with various items ranging from books, pop culture collectibles, photos of housemates with either family or each other and DVD's.

A couch faced away from the door towards a television set further inside. There she saw the back of a fox's and golden retriever's heads, nestled between them a pair of sand-colored ears sticking out over the cushions. The fox, Allison and the golden retriever, Charlie, both turned their heads, smiling as they saw the equine ducking through their doorway. Shortly after their smiling faces were joined by the fennec, Izzy, as she turned around and got onto her knees to see over the couch.

Behind her, Eve was hanging the robe up on a coat rack where two other robes of differing sizes were hung. Ellie couldn't help but stare as she glanced behind herself, seeing her friend fully nude. She had seen it dozens of times before, but that was on her tiny laptop screen, not in person.

Eve noticed the staring, winking at Ellie before stepping up beside her.

"How much touching are you okay with right now? We can get pretty grabby if left unchecked." She asked.

"Oh, um..." Ellie blushed a little at the question, she supposed boundaries were important given the nature of their meeting. "Touch away, when in Rome and all that." She said with an awkward, nervous smile.

Eve just grinned, before swatting the equine playfully on her rump, before walking back towards the couch.

"That's the spirit." A rougher... more tomboyish, but still undeniably feminine voice said. Izzy flashing a salacious grin towards the horse. "Come take a seat."

Ellie walked further into the house, stepping around the couch and sitting down in the chair off to the side, while Eve took a spot beside Charlie, giving a satisfied groan as the pregnant feline got off of her feet.

Ellie blushed as she looked over the other three on the couch, all just as naked as Eve, the fennec had her arm wrapped around behind the fox, rubbing her belly from the side.

"So Eve tells me you want to join us on our stream tonight. That right?" The fennec asked.

Ellie nodded. "Y-yeah."

"That's great. Any ground rules you want to lay down? Things that are off limits?" Izzy followed up.

"Oh, um. Not really I guess? I mean, I have my limits, but I've watched a lot of your stuff... anything you have done on there is fine." Ellie said after thinking about it.

Izzy nodded. "Good to hear you know what you are signing up for. I suppose I don't have to say that I am exclusively a domme? In there and over my four slaves, I am in charge."

"Yeah, I was counting on that... most people I dated wished I would take charge and it will be a nice change." Ellie said.

"Good, now that doesn't mean you have to do what I say. If you aren't comfortable or want to stop, just say something and we stop. If your mouth is otherwise... occupied, someone should always be paying attention to you, blink three times at them." Izzy explained.

"Simple enough." Ellie said, nodding along as Izzy spoke.

"Great. Eve also tells me you have a bit of an exhibitionist kink, you okay with us bringing attention to it? Once that's out there, it's out there." The fennec asked.

Ellie hadn't even really considered that, people around here watch the stream, once they draw attention to her kink, everyone will know. Some people might even try to rile her up by staring at her... trying to find the outline of her member in her clothes. Ellie could feel her heart rate slowly rising...

"Y-yeah. I'm okay with that." Ellie eventually said.

"Great, anything you wanted to ask me then?" The fennec slipped a hand between Charlie's legs, fondling his balls.

"Well, um..." Ellie gestured to Eve and Allison's bellies. "Are they... actually yours?"

Izzy nodded proudly. "Yep, why? Want one?" She gave Ellie a lewd grin.

"Is that a serious question?" Ellie asked, blushing.

"Only if you want it to be." Izzy casually said.

The horse scratched behind her head."Heh, well, I don't think it will be compatible with dorm life right now, besides I am on birth control for now."

Izzy flashed her another sly smirk. "I like that 'for now'... we'll just have to see what the future holds."

"Heh, I suppose we will! Oh, uh, where is Ray?" Ellie asked.

"Oh, he is finishing up his morning workout, he should be hitting the shower soon, then he will join us." Charlie said.

Izzy picked up and checked her phone. "Well since you are here, how about we get things started? Eve and Charlie will go get the stream set up and get the ball rolling. Once she has Charlie warmed up, she will come get you. Sound good?"

"Sounds great." Ellie said, the excitement in her voice obvious.

Charlie stood up, helping Eve to her feet. "Looking forward to it." The golden retriever said with a wink as he escorted the pregnant feline over to the bedroom that had been converted into a streaming room.

"Say, Allison, you should go give Ray a surprise before he gets out of the shower, he would like that. Be sure to wash up after." Izzy said, the vixen grinning as she too got up and padded out of the room towards another bedroom door.

As the three of them left the room, Izzy pat the empty space beside her. "Care to join me?" She asked, the two now alone.

Ellie nervously rose to her hooves, moving over to the couch, eager to take Izzy's invitation. As soon as she sat down, Izzy placed a hand on her thigh, then waited, looking up towards the substantially taller equine. After a few moments of silence, she moved her hand in further, slowly moving it until she felt a bulge in the loose dress.

"You know, nobody would ever guess you were so kinky. Was it hard to build up the courage to come here and do this?" The fennec asked, as she began fondling the equine's sheath and balls through her dress.

Ellie nodded, breathing a little heavily. "Very. I wanted to for months, it took me until now to finally build up the courage to ask Eve. Now I am committed, I have to see this through." The horse grunted, her shaft slowly growing out from her sheath.

"You don't have to do anything." Izzy said, tracing her fingers along Ellie's growing member. "But I get the sentiment."

"You guys just make it look so easy. I wish I could be so confident." Ellie said.

Izzy laughed, the same way Eve had laughed before. "For those four, it is easy. Easy as breathing. You want in on a little secret?"

Ellie nodded, eager to hear the secret behind their confidence.

"Hypnosis. They accidentally hypnotized themselves into eachothers kinks and into this whole situation. They wanted to be part of my breeding harem and the hypnosis did the rest. They have since used it to make themselves into the person they want to be." Izzy explained.

Ellie was a little shocked, that all seemed so... fantastical, but it would definitely explain the overnight change. "Wow... the way you say it though, were you not hypnotized too?"

Izzy shook her head. "Not from lack of trying. It doesn't work on me. Could be that it only works on people with weaker wills, submissive mindsets and all that. I have an aversion to being told what to do, so it's entirely possible if we tried to use it in a way someone didn't want, it wouldn't work at all. That if a person's will puts up any resistance, it doesn't work." The fennec shrugged. "But we have never tried, we're perverts, not scientists."

"W-wow, could you..." Ellie trailed off, nervous about what she was asking and losing her train of thought as Izzy's hand began to stroke the full length of her cock.

"Use it on you? Why not. Give it a few days to think it over though, make sure that is really what you want. You got here the hard way and you still got to see that through." Izzy smirked, glancing down at the equine's lap, tracing the outline of her shaft through her dress. "Oh we are going to have a lot of fun with you. Oh, and don't sweat it. Having those four around is a big boost to your confidence, once you get in there, you will find it very easy to lose yourself in the moment. Take it from me."

Ellie grinned, feeling a bit better hearing that.

Izzy pulled her hand back, leaving Ellie only partially hard. Only a few more minutes passed before Eve returned.

"Alright Ellie, we are ready for you." The snow leopard said.

"O-okay." Ellie stammered out, standing up and walking over to her on shaky legs.

"Nervous?" Eve asked, reaching out to take the equine's hand.

Ellie nodded. "Yeah..."

"Don't worry, people will find it cute. We will be right there with you." She told her, guiding Ellie towards the stream room.

As soon as the door was open again, Eve called out. "I have something special for you and everyone watching, pup."

As she walked in, Ellie couldn't help but have a surreal feeling. She had seen this room only on a screen and being there in person was quite a strange experience. Front and center she could see Charlie, he was bound on the bed, his legs folded and bound against his torso and his arms behind his back, forcing him to lay on the bed at a sloped angle so that his face was against the sheets and his ass was raised in the air. His tail had a rope around it, binding it to his wrists, his asshole on full display to Ellie. Though relative to the camera set up in the room, he was at a profile view.

Eve brought Ellie in, bringing her in front of the camera beside the bed. "This is my friend Ellie... and she has a big surprise for everyone." The feline reached up, loosening the horse's dress slowly and tugging it down, revealing her jugs to everyone watching.

At this point, Ellie noticed the screen that displayed chat beside the camera, already comments were flooding in commenting on her size, making horse related jokes. Hundreds of people were watching her get stripped, live. The dress was pulled down the rest of the way, her flared cock twitching as it was exposed.

"Don't let her shy look fool you guys... deep down she is loving all this attention."

Ellie watched the chat intently, waiting for the delay to catch up before it exploded with comments about her penis, people marveling at its size, expressing that she was going to break Charlie in half and general excitement. Some people even noticed how her cock had twitched again when Eve drew attention to her kink. The equine was so fixated on the audience response, she hadn't noticed what Eve was doing. Not until she felt warm breath against the flared tip of her member.

She looked down, seeing Eve on her knees, leaning forward and taking Ellie's cock straight into her muzzle. Ellie shuddered and moaned softly as the feline's tongue began to lather the head of her cock and watched as Eve took more of her shaft into her mouth. Slowly and steadily her member began to disappear into the greedy kitty, even as her throat bulged with its girth she showed no sign of slowing down.

"Oh... oh my... Eve..." Ellie moaned out, never having anyone take her cock like this before, all her previous boyfriends and girlfriends never having the experience or confidence to take all of her shaft. The equine looked genuinely amazed as the feline's nose pressed into her crotch. Her cock twitched and throbbed inside the feline's throat while Eve continued to work Ellie's shaft with her tongue, slowly sliding her way back. When she finally pulled free, she took a deep breath of air, a strand of saliva still connecting her to the thick horse cock she had just inhaled.

Ellie shuddered, her cock twitching with need. Eve smiled deviously, holding out her hand and allowing Ellie to help her to her feet, before guiding the pent up pony to the neglected golden retriever, who until now, had just been watching.

"You should be all ready for him now... and he is definitely ready for you." Eve said, Charlie backing her up with some needy whimpers and an enticing wiggle of his rump.

Ellie stepped closer to him, transfixed on that curvaceous rear, placing both her hands on either cheek. "Can he... handle me?" she asked nervously, so used to needing to be careful and considerate of her partners physical limits.

"Easily." Eve said, slipping behind Ellie, wrapping her arms around the horse and helping line her cock up to the canine's puckered and slightly damp hole. "Just push it in."

With a whinny, Ellie bucked her hips forward, a little surprise at how easily his sphincter relented to her intrusion. His ass felt tight, but relenting. She kept driving more of her rod inside, feeling no resistance, listening to the whimpering little moans.

Eve let go of the Clydesdale as she began to pull her hips back. She climbed onto the bed and spread her legs in front of Charlie, the pup immediately getting to work, burying his muzzle into the maternal feline's sex.

Ellie couldn't help but look back to the chat, knowing so many people were watching, and the viewer count just kept ticking up. Were more people jumping in to see her? It stood to reason... She could see chat egging her on, begging her to begin pounding Charlie for real. Not wanting to disappoint she began to pick up her pace, fucking Charlie at a speed she was more accustomed to receiving than being able to dish out. The pup seemed to respond positively to it, groaning and eating Eve out more vigorously.

"Mmm, that's it pup. You like having a thick horse cock in your ass?" Eve teased.

"Mhm." Charlie grunted out, without stopping as his broad tongue lapped at the pussy before him.

"You want her to fuck you harder?" She asked.


As soon as Charlie responded, Eve looked up into Ellie's eyes. "You heard him. Give him everything you have."

"E...everything?" Eve stammered out, the thought of going all out and fucking someone as hard as she possibly could had never even been a consideration to her in the past, all her previous partners had always been so eager to have a shot at horse cock right up until it was spreading them wider than they ever had before.

"As hard as you can, he can take it. Right guys?" Eve looked straight towards the camera, thirty seconds later chat was exploding with their own confirmations.

Ellie adjusted her stance, spreading her legs a little more, moving her hands for better leverage, one gripping Charlie's tail at the base, the other digging in right where his thigh met his torso. Then with a whinny, she began thrusting inside. She was putting all her power behind her hips, which for a horse of her stature, was quite a lot as she threw her weight into him. Her every thrust was rocking his whole body forward, pressing him hard into Eve's pussy. His little whimpers and groans were a cacophony of noise and between Charlie, Eve and herself, Ellie seriously doubted the viewers could tell one moan from another, aside from the whinnies of a clydesdale giving it her all.

However, everyone knows the candle that burns twice as bright, burns half as long. This pace was unsustainable, she could feel her cock throbbing inside of him, needy for release. She held out as long as she could, but eventually she relented and buried her cock deep in the Golden Retriever's ass, pouring thick loads of potent horse sperm into him.

Breathing heavily, Ellie pulled her cock free from him with a grunt, watching as cum leaked from his ass. Eve smiled, stroking Charlie behind his ears before scooting away from him.

Charlie rolled onto his side, a blissful look on his face and a small puddle of cum underneath where he had been laying. Before Ellie could really take her handiwork all in, the door opened. Izzy and Allison stepped into the room, escorted by the muscular german shepherd, Ray.

"Enjoying my slave, horsie?" Izzy asked, stepping closer, the fennec now wearing only a pair of fishnets, which made her look far more lewd than she had being completely naked.

Ellie nodded. "Yes mistress." She said, rather shyly.

"Good. It seems everyone liked watching you pound that poor pup silly." Izzy teased as she finished closing the distance to Ellie, their rather extreme difference in height made all the more noticeable as she drew so close, the tiny fennec practically eye level with Ellie's cock. "But now we got to show you your place, his ass belongs to me... and so does yours. Girls, hold her down."

Eve grabbed onto Ellie's shoulder from behind, guiding the equine backwards onto the bed. Meanwhile Ray was helping undo the bonds around Charlie's legs and move him away.

Ellie of course played along, allowing herself to be moved onto her back, Allison and Eve getting on their knees beside her and grabbing her legs, each lifting one of her powerful hooved legs up into the air, wrapping their arms around them and holding her legs open for their mistress.

Izzy crawled onto the bed, getting between the equine's legs, her pointed cock poking against Ellie's thigh as she fondled the horse's heavy balls.

"Who do you belong to?" She taunted.

"Y-you." Ellie stammered out.

Izzy shook her head. "Who do you belong to." She stated, louder and more clearly.

"I belong to you, Mistress Isabelle." Ellie said, also speaking louder and more clearly.

Izzy grinned. "That's right." She said, lining her cock up with Ellie's wet pussy. "What do you want your mistress to do to you? Say it for all the world to hear." She continued to tease.

"I want my mistress to fuck me, please, claim my pussy." She begged, the needy horse getting well and truly worked up as Izzy kept playing into the fact they had an audience, her cock already starting to get hard again.

Izzy drove her cock inside, her hands wrapping around Ellie's soft member, stroking it while her pointed vulpine cock pushed into her sex.

Ellie shuddered and moaned, her cock feeling incredibly sensitive after having cum so recently. But her excitement was already getting the better of her and she slowly started to grow hard again.

Izzy began to rock her hips back and forth, plunging her cock all the way into the base before pulling it back out again, building up a rhythm while her hands stroked and teased the equine's cock like a pro. She leaned forward, draping Ellie's member across her pregnant belly, pressing the tip between her soft tits.

Ellie moaned out sharply as she received double the pleasure. No longer in the driver's seat, she felt more aware of her noises and actions, shyly covering her mouth with her hands while the tiny fennec showed her a world of pleasure she had never experienced before.

As Ellie grew harder, Izzy then moved up to using her mouth, licking and teasing the broad tip of her cock, while Izzy's knot swelled up inside of Ellie, tying them together.

"Mmf, you're an amazing fuck... how can someone so big be so tight? The way your pussy squeezes my cock... it feels so powerful." She groaned out, grinding her hips against Ellie. "I could cum at any moment... you want that? You want your mistress to cum inside your pussy?"

Ellie nodded swiftly. "Yes mistress, I want your cum in me. Please." she answered, pulling her hands away from her mouth, getting lost in the moment as she moved them down to tease her own breasts.

"Then you better cum for me. I want a thick sticky load of my own. You remembered to save some for your mistress, right? You didn't leave every last drop in my pup, did you?" She began stroking the equine's shaft more vigorously, leaning down to tease the head with her mouth again.

Ellie just let out a whinny in response, her hips thrusting up involuntarily, forcing a few inches of horse cock into the fennec's mouth before jerking back out. Izzy seemed surprised, but not put off, pushing the horse to her absolute limits, the tiny vixen's hips slamming into Ellie vigorously.

Then she came for a second time so soon, a thick load of horse sperm splashing up into Izzy's open maw, covering her muzzle and face. Izzy returned the favor in kind as Ellie felt a rush of hot sperm inside of her.

Seeing the other girls in her peripheral, with their big, pregnant bellies, Ellie couldn't help but think it was a bit of a shame that she was on birth control... in that moment as Izzy came inside of her, she wanted nothing more than to join them and be bred. Ellie wondered perhaps if in a few days when she came back to be hypnotized... if Izzy might be willing to take a fifth slave into the house.

She had to hold the thought though, as Izzy pulled out of her, there was no rest, the show went on and it seemed they had a lot planned for their guest. She was rolled over, helped up onto all fours as the boys took their position. Charlie's throbbing cock brought to her face, while Ray pressed his muzzle between her cheeks, lathering her rear with spit before his tongue was replaced with his thick canine cock. Soon Ellie found herself being spit-roasted by the two dog boys. It was hard to believe, even for her, that this was the same shy girl who wore loose dresses that hid the outline of her cock and didn't even show the slightest cleavage so she would draw as little attention as possible, now being fucked live on the internet, watched by thousands of strangers, many of her classmates and likely a few of the professors... it was every bit as exhilarating as she had hoped and more.