Hunger and Hubris: Another Type of Feeding

Story by Phrenics on SoFurry

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Another chapter of Hunger and Hubris - Nicola wakes up to the consquences of her actions, no less hungry, but with a bed-mate that's a willing to give another solution to sate that hunger inside her. After a little getting to know each other, of course, in more ways than one.

Content warnings: Girls with penises, facesitting/faceriding, hyper proportions, all the way through, way too much cum, a very extreme type of fisting, cock and ball growth, unrealistic bulging and disregard for bodily capacity, anatomy, organs, and pretty much anything about how bodies work. If you're down for all that, enjoy!

"Oh, there you are, sweetie. Finally coming to?"

Nicola let a groan push from her lips, rubbing her jaw - the entirety of her upper half felt like she'd gone through a thorough tenderising and straining. Her body was snuggled against something warm and secure, though, and whatever it was, it was pretty comfortable... She turned her head, nodding in response to that low drawl of a voice, finding her muzzle pressing between two fuzzy, pillow-like objects and against the source of the warmth. So warm, and she could feel the steady breaths and soft thumping of a heartbeat against her cheek - reassuring and comforting.

"Oh, you adorable little thing... I take it you're feeling a little achy still?"

Hm... The voice again. Well, there was no harm in answering it.

"Mhm... Feels like I had a log shoved down my throat," came the mumbling remark. And then... giggling vibrated her ears, and the dawning realisation of where she was and the memories of just what had transpired coming to. That voice was Lilian, the buff rat that she'd invited over to try and eat and sate her hunger. And, to her memory, she... she did. But she was definitely not inside her right now. It certainly felt like she'd eaten something her size, but... Her brow furrowed, looking up towards the rat in question, searching for words for a couple moments before she spoke again, "Hey, why aren't you in my stomach?"

"You don't remember, huh? I guess you did pass out while I was coming up," she laughed, doing her best to stifle her giggles as she leaned down to kiss the fox on the snout. There was no harm in filling her in, she supposed, "I pulled myself back out, and you passed out for a while. It's been about... an hour or so? I've been chilling and looking at memes while I wait for you to wake up."

"... Oh. That explains why I still feel so hungry," Nicola muttered, and she leaned up to peer at what the rat was browsing on her phone. And... Porn. That was a lot of porn. Hypers of all shapes and genders, tangled in various positions, bodies bulging and stretching around shafts thicker than her own waist. She could feel her cheeks flushing with embarrassment, and all she could push out from her lips was, "Those aren't memes."

"Mm, guilty as charged~ I had to keep myself nice and ready - I wanted to make sure I could keep my promise to feed you, so I've been edging this entire time," came the response. Though that response raised more questions than it answered, and when their eyes met, Nicola opened her mouth to question - only to have herself shushed as she was reminded just what she was sitting on. Lilian pressed her hips forward, grinding messily between her legs, and it was at that point the fox finally noticed just what a mess she was sitting in.

She was kneeling with her legs spread either side of a cock that'd gotten even larger than last she saw it. Last time, she guessed it to be just under two feet. Now? It was proudly at least three, and as thick as her calf. And the stench of musk, the sticky fluid coating her thighs and legs, having soaked into her sheets, into her bed... Her mattress was going to be ruined, but that wasn't exactly the most pressing of her concerns. The main one was the feeling of those huge, churning cum factories that weighed heavily against her feet, and the sight of that proud member just continually pouring what was very much a stream of precum! There was just... so much of the stuff, and her curiosity couldn't help but make her cup her hands underneath the tip.

Hot precum quickly started pooling in her hands, dripping between her fingers, filling her hands in what she guessed to be half a minute. Maybe less. Lilian watched her in silence, a rather bemused expression playing on her face, and as Nicola stared at the fluid overflowing and trickling down he forearms, she felt her empty, abused stomach rumbling.

And that's when she realised what the rat meant by feeding her, unable to help but raise her hands to her mouth, drinking the thick, cloudy liquid needily, practically gulping it down, musk-laden fluid trickling down her chin, dripping and drooling onto her breasts.

"... Oh, fuck. That's a hot sight," Lilian remarked, snapping her lap-mate back to reality. Did she really just do that? Her tongue curled around her lips, licking the tray strands of fluid clean off her lips, with her unable to help but stare at the sticky, soaked hands. Her stomach, however, didn't have the same reservations - it rumbled, hungry for more, so starved for food that it wasn't exactly fussy whether it was a whole rat or the fluids of her desire.

"You're... You're planning to feed me your cum?" Nicola finally responded, turning to meet her dom's gaze. And she saw a warm smile returned, a tender hand stroking through the fox's hair.

"If you're into it, of course. I know we established you were into being ordered earlier, but since you passed out, I figure it's a good time to re-stablish consent, y'know?"

"I... I don't know,"

"You don't know whether you want to keep going, or you don't know about eating my cum, or...?"

"I... It feels wrong, you know? I just tried to eat you, didn't I, and you're here acting as if nothing's wrong, and you're trusting me and-"

"Hey, shhh. You're overthinking things. I know what it's like to starve, I've been there, I don't blame you. Just be glad it was me and I was understanding, yeah? I found it pretty hot, anyway," came the soft, reassuring coo of that deep, husky voice. Nicola couldn't help but fold her ears back in embarrassment as the rat continued to talk, "A lot of fetishes feel a little wrong, a lot of us get taught to be ashamed of our sexuality and to drive our wants back down. It's okay to be honest with what you want, though."

"I... Well..."

"How about this - let's sit here, and let's chat a little while, and we can decide where we go from here. We can get to know each other a little better, we can try something else first to get back into the mood, and if you find you want to stop here, that's just fine with me. Sound good?"

"Um... Sure. Thank you, by the way,"

"No problem," Lilian murmured, muffled as her lips pressed back to Nicola's and shared a soft, tender kiss. Her phone was set to sleep and put aside, and both muscled arms wrapped securely around the fox's plump body, stroking and caressing thick digits over the plump belly she was growing to rather love. And they sat there for a while, letting the silence hang, the rat nosing and kissing between the smaller critter's ears, enjoying the still strawberry scented hair that cascaded down her shoulders. Soft, satisfied churrs rumbled from her chest, mingling with the fox's embarrassed squeaks as lips peck over her hair and hands trail over her sides.

She felt the hesitant touch of sticky paws to the sensitive, thigh thick dick that jutted from her hips after a few quiet minutes. And wordlessly, she watched, as the fox started to familiarise herself with that oversized cock, fingertips tenderly tracing along thigh veins that pulsed beneath her touch. The gentle bumps and raises that covered it, the thick cum-vein and rather wide cock-tip - she felt two fingertips gently press to it, then three, finding it could rather easily slip inside, plugging up the flow and starting to back her up. That feeling, the soft digits and claws trailing along the inside of her shaft - she couldn't help but give a small buck of her hips and a needy groan, sliding those digits in up to the last knuckle, with it feeling as if the inside of her cock was sucking on her digits, her body noising churning as precum continues to back up.

"S-sorry!" came Nicola's startled squeak, pulling her fingers out with a noisy, wet pop, with a spray of precum shooting rather messily over the bed as if she'd uncorked a champagne bottle. Lilian gave her first little shiver - it was entirely by accident, but that was very much one of her fetishes. Being hyper meant that she was fit to take things just as large as she gave, and on lonely days, the best way she'd found to get herself off was stuffing her hands down there and roughly pounding 'til she was done.

"Oh, don't be sorry, silly. That felt pretty good. Am I your first time with a hyper?"

"Um. Yeah. I have some hyper toys, which was why I wasn't too intimidated by you, b-but... I've never been with a real, uh, hyper,"

"Oh? Maybe we can use some of them tonight if you end up wanting to go a little further, mmm?"

"I-I... U-uh..."

"You don't need to say anything. So... you said your family owned some big company, huh? Isn't it a little risky to be calling up random girls to eat with that much scrutiny?"

"... Oh, I said that, did I...?" Nicola spoke quietly, hesitantly, the question taking a little bit of the wind out of her sails - and it was clear to Lilian that she might have asked something a touch sensitive, and her voice dropped to a soft, reproachful tone, a finger guiding her gaze to meet her own concerned one.

"If you don't want to talk about it, I get it. We met literally, what, just over two hours ago? I just figured I'd get to know you a little better, and that seemed like a good place to start," she spoke tenderly, flashing that reassuring smile before letting go, letting her approach the conversation at her own speed, simply content to cuddle in silence if that's what Nicola would prefer.

"Um... no, sorry, it's okay. I just didn't expect the question. Is it alright if I call you Lily?" she spoke, receiving an affirming nod before continuing, "Well... my actual name is Nicola Welch. Alexandria Welch and Co would be the pharma company that my family owns, it's named after my grandmother, and, well... I'm not exactly close with my family."

"Honestly, I figured that much when I realised you were practically starving yourself. I mean, it could have been a kink thing, I suppose, but it didn't really come off that way,"

"... Yeah. That's kind of my fault, I get a somewhat generous allowance, it's enough for me to live on as long as I manage my money well, but... Well, yeah. I'm kind of dumb sometimes,"

"Shhh, don't put yourself down like that, sweetie. We all make bad decisions sometimes, it doesn't mean we're dumb,"

That remark got a smile and a giggle from the fox, shrugging her shoulders and leaning up to give the rat a kiss on the cheek.

"You're really sweet to me, and I'm not sure I deserve it. The company mostly develops performance enhancing drugs, and researches new surgeries and body modifications on the cutting edge - luxury stuff, and, well... I take advantage of that occasionally. But I didn't want to be as ruthless as the rest of my family, they want profit, and I'm not really, well..."

"You have a heart?"

"I guess you could say that. They prefer to say that I just don't have the guts or the business sense, that they raised me wrong. The family failure, and all that... So, they shipped me out here to keep them from having to be constantly reminded of their shame,"

"That sucks, hon. I'm sorry," the voice was soft, genuine, but didn't press for anything more. Nicola nodded and let the silence trail for a couple moments, her hands tangling with one another and fidgeting while she searched for her next words.

"So... yeah. I got access to some drugs and modifications. It's why I could try and eat you. They're not perfected yet, so it was still pretty painful, but... I'm still alive after all that, so..."

"Y'know, it meant you gave me a very unique experience tonight, so there's some positives that came out of it, right?" Lilian teased gently, trying to lighten and lift the spirits of the pudgy fox.

"Eh... You're right, I guess. Well, uh, speaking of... I decided that I want to keep going, if that's cool with you,"


"U-uh. Yeah. I want a little longer to think about being made to eat your cum, but... I think I want it. Let's just, uh..."

"A little foreplay first, right?"

"... Right."

Soon, the pair found themselves in a rather different position. Nicola was back on her back, legs spread, cock jutting proudly from her hips. And Lilian, she was kneeling over the fox's head, toned ass spread apart, showing off both her tight, flexing hole and glistening, puffy slit. They hovered just a few feet above that whining, eager muzzle, and all the while, that huge, pulsing member continued to drool directly down on to the waiting fox's torso, mussing more of her already splotchy, precum-covered fur.

"So, let's get this straight before we start," Lilian spoke, her tail loosely curling around her bed-mate's neck, the tip teasing and trailing along her lips, "You want me to sit on your face, and use that cute muzzle of yours like you're a dildo where-ever I'd like. Which, obviously, is going to be my ass, I'm not going to turn down a prime opportunity for some kinky ass play,"

"Y-yeah... And before you ask, yes, I'm sure. If I need you to get off, I'll, uh... I guess I put my hands on your feet 'cause I'm not exactly gonna be able to, well, speak,"

"That'll be our safe-word then. And... while I'm doing that, you want to give me free access to play with and stretch your butt?"

"M-mhm. I... I haven't gotten to do fisting before, at least... not with someone else,"

She was getting rather bold at this point, Lilian found herself thinking. It certainly wasn't a bad thing that she was becoming more and more comfortable around her so quickly, but usually it'd take a little longer to get someone to bare their full kinkiness so plainly. Maybe she was even kinkier than this, and this was just the surface level of what the fox was into? She was definitely going to find out in the future, but, for now...

"Okay, can do. You can do whatever you like with your hands, but lemme finish putting on this cock-ring... Why do you have such a big one, anyway?"

"It's another long story, I can tell you later. And... while we're asking questions, why did you get, uh... bigger?"

"Oh, you noticed. Uh, well, it'll keep getting bigger the more pent up I am. So... The longer you hold off on deciding to have a meal, the more you'll be getting. I can't really do anything about that, though,"

"...What's the largest you've ended up?"

The question was almost too innocent sounding - curious, genuine, but it gave her a twinge of need. Oh, she very much wanted to show this fox just how big she could get at some point. For now, she finished forcing the cocking to her base with a groan, feeling it squeeze tightly around the base, making sure she wouldn't keep making such a mess.

"Maybe I'll have you find out at some point, adorable. You ready?"

"U-um... Yeah. As I'll ever be," came the response, and Lilian wasn't exactly going to bother wasting any time. Her rear sunk back down, smothering the fox under toned, muscled rat ass, with her fur still ever so faintly sweaty - her hands slipped inwards, stroking over the fox's head as a tongue started eagerly lapping and licking at the tight, twitching hole that she oh so eagerly guided herself to. They'd talked before, and decided that the both of them liked it with no lube - for opposite reasons that were perfect for each other, one side with a sadistic streak, one with a masochistic one. It was too late to change her mind, though, and Nicola felt that hot, musk-laden hole spreading around her nose, sinking inward, clenched too tight to just let the muzzle just slip in. So that meaty entrance pressed inwards, tongue eagerly wriggling and pushing, being squeezed around by a rather strong ring - Lilian didn't exactly neglect any part of her body in her exercises, and she was rather proud of just how tight she could clench - but slowly, steadily, she felt a thick muzzle sinking in to her tight ass, smothering the fox in her heady, salty musk.

She shifted her legs outward slowly, pacing herself, her hands petting and stroking over her pet's face. She could feel the warmth, the shameful burning of the fox's ears and cheeks as she breathed in and out - she was so tight that she couldn't even open her mouth to start licking and tending to the velvety walls that she could feel stroking along her nose. She was forced to feel the firm ass press her against the mattress, the tight ring sliding further and further along her muzzle... And then pressed flush to the bridge of her nose, eyes forced to close tight or have soft fur poke them. And she knew how far she was planning to go.

Gentle groans punctuated the air above her, Lilian enjoying the slow, forceful stretch as her asshole yawned wider and wider around the fox's head, covering her eyes, slowly sinking in until her ring was forcing ears to fold down against her skull. And that's where she paused, knowing that if she pushed down a little further, she could easily swallow Nicola's entire head into her musky ass, but for now, she'd enjoy the feeling of the soft whimpering vibrating her velvety walls. The feeling of lips parting inside her, a muzzle yawning wide open as her tailhole no longer squeezed it shut, with a thick, broad, drooling tongue starting to lick and lap at the meaty tasting insides. She heard the familiar grumbling of the fox's belly, which to which, she couldn't help but giggle in amusement, starting to lean forward and slowly raise and lower her ass, knees pinning the fox down to hold her still, shallowly riding Nicola's face using it like she was a living sex toy.

"Just so you know, I wouldn't have thought of this. You're a very kinky little pet, you," her voice teased, with her paws starting to squeeze and knead at the still sticky thighs she'd been entrusted with. She had one objective, though, and for that, she'd pull those legs up, making her fold her legs up and lay them either side of her head - and she made a mental note, Nicola was rather remarkably flexible. This left her fat, jiggling butt spread apart and on full display, a tight, tiny asshole twitching in anticipation. Her hands both squeezed, kneaded and caressed the jiggly flesh, they traced thick digits from the base of her tail and ever so teasingly over her clenching hole - just comparing the two, even her fingers looked rather large for such a tight little ass, no matter how plump and round it might be. She did say she'd played with hyper toys, though, and she wasn't going to turn down an open invitation to fist and toy with a cute little thing's ass till it's forced to yawn and gape open enough that she could happily put both hands inside her, and manage not to touch either edge of her ring.

A digit from each hand started to press and wriggle slowly - using her claws to guide both in, letting her clench tight and moan needily in to herself, knowing that this was all just foreplay, teasing. The pressure slowly caved that tiny asshole inward, the lack of lubrication preventing her from spreading open just yet, but it was just a matter of time - tender whimpers reverberating inside her rear, encouraging her to go further, press a little harder, claws slipping in, digits slowly stretching and straining that tight little hole. Whimpers turned to whines - too slow, apparently, for the eager fox, and Lilian wasn't about to keep the enthusiastic little slut waiting.

She could even hear the sharp yip as she drove both thick digits forward, feeling the silky insides hugging and squeezing around her exploring fingers - making sure to shove them in up to the last knuckle, curling them inside and gently toying with the un-lubricated insides she had free reign over. Even still, she heard the little whines - prompting a shake of her head and a wry smile. Fine, she didn't like it slow and with plenty of teasing and build-up? She did say she wanted it rough earlier, and, well, Nicola hadn't given any reason to doubt the truth of those words.

"Now, pet, if I feel you slacking on tending to me back there, I hope you know what sort of punishment is waiting~" the teasing voice came from above, giving the fox a moment of pause. Still the roleplay - which, she didn't mind one bit - but what did she mean by punishment? She'd assume maybe it'd be something to do with -

All of her thoughts were shoved into the far corner of her head, just like the feeling of having a fist drilled hard and deep into her guts, raising a sharp squeal and the tight, hard clenching of her rear around the now invading foot of forearm joined with a closed fist, ramming up into the first bend of her rear and forcing it to stretch and strain just that little bit further - rather easily, given she was used to her hyper toys, but that didn't mean the suddenness or lack of lube didn't make her see stars.

Unfortunately for her, Lilian didn't plan on waiting for her to adjust.

Muscled thighs flexing and her rear squeezing around the fox's head, she started to ride rough and fast, moaning softly at the feeling of short, fuzzy fur tickling over her own innards, stretching her undertail and slipping a little deeper each time she slammed her hips down. Sinking in over her ears, feeling the squeals and moans and whimpers of the fox vibrating her insides as her hand moved in tandem - flexing her wrist and forearm, bending and pushing around her insides as she rocked her limb back and forth, testing how flexible her insides were just in case she needed to go a little gentler. But given how she felt those tight walls stretch and strain and pull with her fist, gaping wider as she opened her hand inside the fox - accompanied by a cute little yowl of course, as she made sure to shove her forearm in a few inches deeper to match - she wasn't going to struggle with the abuse they both wanted to put the little fox's rear through.

So, of course, she added another fist.

"I told you, get licking and kissing otherwise I'm going to make this punishment a whole lot worse~" she grinned, first lining up a couple digits along her forearm, pulling her first paw back and enjoying the way she felt her fingers hugged and clung to, almost like it was trying to pull her back in... Nicola, of course, felt like she was having her innards pulled out in a small way, and even though she immediately got to curling her tongue outside her lips, dragging it along the salty, moist walls of the rat's ass, she felt those fingers poking alongside, and she knew that the punishment would come no matter what she did. It was just an excuse.

Tight, plush fox ass stretched open further, squeals and screams of pleasured pain reverberating inside her bed-mate as pelvic bones shifted apart and tender innards stretched oh so wide around thick, muscled hands and forearms. Both paws driving in, Lilian watched with enraptured eyes as inch after inch sunk inside, feeling the struggling beneath her and the tight clenching as Nicola reflexively tried to push her invader back out - uselessly, as it only served to intensify the feeling of her guts slowly being rearranged in that familiar way she'd trained to make them do, being yanked and pulled upward inside her as her chubby belly stretched yet again around now familiar paws... Just this time, from the other direction.

The rat couldn't help but slam her hips down, grinding her ass all the way to kiss the messy bedcovers, sinking the fox's full head inside her and wrapping her tight ring around her neck, letting it clench and squeeze roughly and raise cute little choking sounds from her pet - her cock bouncing and flexing as doing all this was just too much of a -. She could feel it swelling involuntarily, growing inch by inch as she couldn't help but lean down and sink her forearms in further - soon reaching her elbows, and only going further, deciding to test just how much she could fit inside the fox's poor guts. She could hear the yowling and squealing, the frantic caresses of a panicked pet's pathetic plays at pleasing her mistress, tongue lapping and licking all around as she felt her own ass abused to its limits. She could feel bones shifting apart around her biceps, hips forcing apart... She'd shiver and groan with lust, curling her forearms inside the fox and leaning back, forcing the fox to bend her torso and lift upward along with bulging that soft, chubby middle that stretched oh so wonderfully to fit her.

In the end, the both of them ended up in an odd, twisted position of depravity - the fox's forearms wrapped around thick muscled hips, head sunk deep between tense, spread rumpcheeks with her torso bent and lifted to press against the front of the rat. Legs strewn across her shoulders, with Lilian's arms driven almost to the shoulder in pliable, stretchy fox rump. She could even pull her hands back, straining that belly further, able to feel up her sizeable bust and squeeze and play with her own breasts, at her own spire pulsing between them... but that wasn't what she was focused on.

She couldn't help but stare deep into the fox's straining guts, watching that ring twitch and squeeze, fighting to clench back down along with the rest of her pinkish-red innards straining around an invader far too thick and strong to resist. She'd flex her biceps, watching the clenching walls flex with them as a good couple inches more were added to that strain, feeling the fox squeal again... but she wasn't using their safe word, and by the feeling of it, she was pretty sure the spewing spire making a mess over her own front wasn't her own.

Nicola herself was seeing stars - her prostate being crushed flat, her guts rearranged and strained a good foot or so further up into herself, along with her rectum being strained not only around two biceps thick as her head, all the whilst having her rear gaped essentially as wide as Lilian's built torso was. She could even feel her playing with her flesh, groping at her chest, digits playing at the shaft pinned between them both and rubbing against soft fur - and all that was just too much stimulation already. Eyes rolling back, toes curling, orbs drawing up beneath the rat's muzzle and letting go - more sticky mess added to the smells of the room, just this time spraying not only herself but up against the mussed fur of her partner as she felt her shiver and moan.

This all, of course, just turned on Lilian further. Like, fuck, she can take this much, and she's getting off to it despite how obviously it's hurting the masochistic little thing, and she probably only wants more. I could let myself grow further than I've ever gone and she'd still beg for more, I bet, and - FUCK!

She gave a sharp buck of her hips, pulling the fox's head out of her rear and giving the oxygen starved thing a gasp of fresh air along with the sight of the still gaping rat ass, an untouched but slick and dripping pair of nether lips, one pair of thick, muscular, twitching hips - and the feeling of a five-foot rod grinding up against her straining flesh and past her thighs and past her head. That was it for this mistress, she decided - she was going to rail a depraved little slut until both of them were passed out and spent, and she wasn't going to stop until she'd sampled every single bit of her delicious body.

With those thoughts, she tore both arms back without warning or any pretence of gentleness - raising more screams from the barely recovered fox, her voice working overtime, her senses being forcefully returned to herself. With that clarity, she watched the rat lift her gaping rear and grab on to the fox's hips, groaning deeply as it only took a few moments to rut the tapered tip between chubby thighs, grinding over the twitching, spent orbs and teasing that barely recovered, still gaping hole that begged to be filled. Surprised, tired squeaks punctuated each movement, along with deep groans from the now lust-clouded rat, leaning down over her catch's body and letting the shadow of her spire dwarf her face, holding her hips up from the bed and keeping them flush to her crotch as she kneeled there. Barely kept restraint filled the face hovering above her own, lips leaning down to brush against one another, tongue slowly worming between parted teeth and curling around a timid tongue.

And that's where they stayed for a couple moments, groans spilling into the fox's stunned mouth as lusty grinds of hips dragged an oversized, still swelling shaft over a slowly recovering undertail - and plump, squishy rump-cheeks that served to elicit more eager throbs and pulses of a cock just begging to be given somewhere to bury itself. But after those moments, the groaning, barely restrained voice came - needy eyes fixating on the wide, submissive ones beneath with a string of drool connecting the two faces - and gave a few simple words.

"Please, I need you,"


"P-please, Nicola," the voice begged, catching in her throat with a needy whimper, watching, searching the eyes beneath her. They weren't unwilling, not even hesitant - simply recovering from the stars she saw a mere minute earlier. They looked past, appraising the cock bouncing and pulsing between them, grinding over her sensitive, spent nethers - it was still growing larger. Just over five foot, thicker than either of their thighs, straining the cock-ring that, thankfully, was made for growing hypers... Her largest toy was, what, two and a half feet? Three? And nowhere near as thick, but...

"L-let me... Just..." she mumbled in response; her hoarse voice already spent from her energetic noises. Her hands drifted down, trailing over the pulsing veins lining the length, giving small squeezes and gropes with hands that were now dwarfed by the size of it, searching for something at the base of the length. Her eyes drifted down with them, catching sight of the rat girl's sac - which, thanks to the cock-ring keeping her from leaking a single drop, were... Her hands couldn't help but drift further down, forgetting her initial aim - sinking her digits into the straining sac, kneading and stroking over the churning, twitching spheres within. She could hear the rat whimpering and groaning with only a thin veneer of restraint left holding her back, with both shaft and balls visibly swelling just at the tender, gentle attentions she was receiving. She knew she should probably tell her to hurry up, to get the circle blocking her desire off her before she gave in to her base instincts, to warn her how close she was to just ravaging the poor thing beneath her pulsing behemoth of a member... But even if she didn't, she was fairly sure the fox could take it. That she could take her. To see just how far the cock-ring would keep her from releasing herself, to see how big she could get, to see just where both of their limits lay. God, it was so tempting.

"N-Nic, hurry, I... If you don't..." she forced herself to croak out the warning regardless, her thighs tense, her spire jumping with every pulse of blood through it, each time slapping down noisily and heavily against the fox's body. Nicola, on the other hand, only briefly glanced up to meet the gaze, searching her eyes, considering, calculating... Reflected in them she could see the torn need, the want for release, how close she was, how hard she was fighting to resist breaking the critter beneath her, but also how that warning also hid a plea. The want for her to keep her sealed, to let her give in to that need.

But eager as she was for that...

"... It's okay. Use me as hard as-"

She didn't even get to finish the sentence.

Lilian couldn't help but grind her hips down, squeezing the fox between a now incredibly heavy spire and the mussed mattress beneath them both, forcing the air from her lungs and making her gasp the moment those muscled hips drew back. The shaft and orbs she was so gently caressing pulled back out of her grasp, leaving her with a chill as the sheer warmth of them left her too. But she didn't have to wait for long, soon feeling a tip rutting between her thighs, hands yanking them apart, missing once, crushing over her own dick and orbs and making her writhe and whimper tenderly, dragging back, aiming, pushing, squeezing and grinding over her fat, soft thighs as it missed the mark yet again. Her rear was still gaping rather wide, the damp, soft folds of her insides flexing and squeezing down around empty, cold air, her rump-cheeks spread open and exposing herself plenty wide. She felt her legs pushed upwards, twisted in the joints to rest her foot-paws either side of her head - and to help, she moved her paws to hold them there, letting the rat knead her eager digits into the fluff and chub of her thighs as she could see the restraint and thought melting away into pure, almost bestial need.

And then she hit home.

The thick glans rutted deep into her guts in one, easy stroke, forcing her hipbones apart with its sheer girth, sending fireworks through her nerves up into her skull as the un-lubricated length practically yanked on her guts and innards, straining and stretching her like rubber. It widened in girth gradually, straining the velvety folds of her bowels up into her torso yet again, straightening her out in that familiar way - just this time, it was more than double the girth of anything she'd tried to take before. She could feel it pulsing inside her, thickening bit by bit with each throb of it's mammoth size, compressing her organs and stretching what should be her ribcage to conform and squeeze to every bump and vein on it. It easily dwarfed her face as it continued to rearranged her insides, displacing every part of her, inside and out, until finally she could feel the rat's hips pushing against her own, her forced to pretty much sit back against her own orbs with legs spread.

Nicola could barely steal a breath, her heartbeat practically being worked by the member pulsing inside her. Her brain barely functioned, her senses sparking with pain, confusion and masochistic, depraved pleasure as she could barely even see a thing - face buried underneath a cock wrapped in her own chubby flesh and fluffy fur. She knew she needed to do one more thing before she let herself give, though - her clumsy, trembling hands drifting back down, meeting the rat's crotch, fumbling at the straining cock-ring and searching for the thing that would release her. It felt like on the verge of snapping already, but there was no need to waste it if she didn't have to.

Lilian, on the other hand, was staring down with wide eyes and a shuddering body, her hands caressing and squeezing over her own shaft through the strained fur of her bed-mates torso. Squeezing down around the soft mounds of stretched flesh that she could make out to be her breasts, tracing the veins that, with Nicola wrapped so tightly, she could make out in skin and fluff. She could feel the hands at her crotch, making her shudder, knowing that she just had to hold back for a little longer, letting herself be distracted by the taut almost-condom of a fox beneath her... And then, when she felt the pressure at her base released?

There was no need to hold back any more.

Her orbs immediately started spewing, pumping her productive pre-seed up her bloating cum-vein, out the tip, visibly bulging and bloating the skin with the sheer, backed up pressure that she could force into her. She wasn't going to last long, but she was going to make sure she did one thing before she let herself go.

Nicola could feel those hips leave her hands, the still spewing cockhead dragging back through her guts, forced to feel her insides tugged and pulled on, risking turning herself literally inside out with each gut-breaking inch. As it pulled past her head, and from her chest, she could finally gasp a breath - it wouldn't last long, surely, but it let her come back to her senses enough to see Lilian above her, her hands squeezing down on her thighs, holding her steady and flush to the bed with teeth clenched, groans spilling from her lips, pre pumping into her guts - enough to bloat her if she wasn't so filled already. The focused gaze, the trembling thighs, the way she lifted herself up to angle... Oh. That's what she was doing.

And then the second thrust came, pushing any thoughts from her skull as her guts were rearranged again - just this time, wrapping every single inch of it around the member inside her. Pushing the mass of precum up through it, up into her stomach moments before the throbbing glans followed. She could feel the odd pressure in her oesophagus, the bloating of her throat, the salty air that pushed over her tongue and through her nose and the thick, sticky fluids that followed. Spewing from her lips and nose like she was a fountain of the stuff, spraying over her now bulging chest and up against Lilian with the force that pushed from her lips. And then she felt another pair on her own, Lilian moving down to meet them, pushing a thick tongue into the fluid-spewing maw and tangling it with Nicola's own, tasting her own pre-seed and gulping it down, letting it spill down her chin and pour over the fox's face. The sheer depravity of it seemed to encourage even more productivity, making the rat choke and gag briefly as a wave of the stuff bloated her neck and pummelled the back of her throat, hinting just how close she was. And given where her tip was, straining a collarbone around the twitching glans, if she let go now... No, she wasn't even sure the fox could take that.

Instead, the vulpine in question felt the tree trunk thick member rut into her neck, straining the back of her jaw, giving her pause to let her paws trace the shape in her gullet. Her throat involuntarily gagged and rippled around it, the muscles squeezing best they could as she was made into a depraved cock-holster from hips to almost lips - but she knew with the sight underneath her, of her massaging and stroking her soaked neck as an oversized member twitched and jerked her body about, Lilian would only wait for so long.

Waiting wasn't her strong suit, anyway. Jaw stretching and straining, her head forced to look straight upward, she could watch the pumping, spewing glans push proudly from her lips, the urethral opening stretched wide to give way to the river of fluid that flowed up from her orbs. She watched thick ropes splatter against the headboard and wall as shallow thrusts yanked and pulled on her slickened innards - and then pause, a throb, the feeling of those orbs drawing up to the crotch now pushed flush against hers, the almost foot of girth thickening inside her and the swell of seed very audibly bloating the cum-vein and gushing up through her. The rapturous moan that punctuated it all above her, the feeling of her jaw straining even further just for the thick swell along the underside of that enormous shaft.

And finally, the release.

It was a veritable flood of the stuff that she could see fountaining from the tip, splashing over the wall and bed and painting the furniture the thick, translucent off-white of her essence. Hips grinding against hers, shallow thrusts matching each spew of seed that rushed through her body. The stench of the stuff filled her head with fog, soaking the mattress so much that she could see it building up and seeping off the edges of her bed, oozing back underneath her body with plenty splattering back from the wall and over the both of them.

Lilian, on the other hand, wasn't so lost to pleasure that she would forget her promise. Hopefully, halfway through the sparks of her orgasm, she wouldn't break the poor thing with the sheer volume - clutching her shoulders, yanking her hips back, foot after foot slurping back through cum-slickened innards until Nicola saw the glans yank back through her lips and in to her neck. The potent fluid burned in her nose as it poured back up and out each nostril, the amount keeping her maw and throat gaped open as she felt her chest left achingly empty, with the tip soon just plugging her guts, making sure the rest would fill her body.

Filling her body is exactly what it did - she could twist her aching neck to look down, squeezing down on her bloated neck with her lower jaw to see the flesh distort and bulge with fluid pumping against the front of her torso. A river of seed gushed from her lips and over her body, soaking both herself and the massive spire spreading her lower half far, far too wide, with her able to see the orbs slowly shrinking - still maintaining most of their mass and size, but noticeably losing a couple inches. Not that she could really focus on it, with her whole torso and belly being swollen like a simple condom, her maw not able to let enough out to stop herself being filled. It didn't take long for her arms to be trapped underneath the swell of creaking, squishy flesh, with her feeling another set of paws kneading and pushing down on it, feeling the hot fluid contents slosh and gurgle inside her. She couldn't make a sound herself, her throat too strained, her mouth constantly filled, but she could still hear the moaning, the gasping and panting as after a good few minutes of gallons being pumped through her and into her room, the orgasm finally tapered off.

As much as she wanted to keep the fox plugged, with herself spent completely, she couldn't help but feel her spire softening - and so, she yanked back, letting her body flop forward on to the soaked cum balloon and smush into the sticky mess she'd made of her, veritably ruined as a flood of fluid washed back over her thighs and crotch, Nicola left to drain from both ends oh too slowly, brain still enraptured with masochistic bliss, barely even capable of processing the feelings running through her body.

She should probably still check she was... okay, under there, though - and as such, after a moments respite, she pulled her body up over the cum balloon's, paws sinking into the yielding flesh as handholds and peeking over it at the still spewing, face hidden beneath - almost entirely submerged in a mess of pooled seed.

"Still in there, dear?"

In response, she could see the perking of ears poking through the sticky fluids, with a faint but audible gurgle as bubbles pushed through and out of flooded lips.

"That enough of a meal for you?"

The second response was a weak swat of a trembling tail against her side, raising a giggle and a merciful paw to wipe away just some of the mess covering her, letting her open her eyes to peek up at her as she burbled and gagged on the fluid escaping her swollen middle, tender lips pressing to the nose she could make out through it, giving a sympathetic smile - and settling in to wait for her to drain, closing her eyes and letting her body stay sunk into her temporary waterbed.

A Month's Toy: First Night

Checking his watch, the panther gave a soft grumble of complaint as the bus finally rattled to his stop - he was slightly late, the bus schedule delayed, but hopefully his date wouldn't mind. It wasn't his first time meeting her, they'd had a few nice...

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Hunger and Hubris

Grumbling and rumbling echoed through an otherwise silent apartment. Not of a dog, a dragon, not the sounds of some smutty sex act from horny furred creatures, but the grumbling of a hungry belly. She hadn't eaten in what, a week? God, she was so...

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