The Fertility Idol

Story by Shaylor on SoFurry

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#1 of One off stories

I'm back, this time with mpreg! It's my first time dabbling in it, and I had lots of fun on this story. This one was a rather inspired story that I just had to write out after talking about the concept in a telegram group chat. It's an odd one as I actually don't like second person, but this story wanted to be written in it, so here it is!

This was written to be mpreg, but technically, other than the mention at the start, there's no further mention of the character's sex, so you could imagine it either way if it's what you prefer.

Creepy comments are welcome I enjoy talking about fun things, so leave me some comments, especially if they're about sexy things or whatever.

You had been chosen. The thought ran through your head, constantly reminding you of your destiny. The oracle had spoken and your fate had been decided. Now all you could do was sit on the bed and await your new duty.

The temple acolytes approached you bearing silks and jewelry, draping them over your form. You felt a bit awkward in their presence, the only male in an entirely feminine group. They laid a robe over your shoulders, the flowing cloth sliding smoothly over your naked torso as they secured it around you. It was a decorative thing made from high quality silk and it enveloped your upper body except for your stomach, which it parted above, leaving your abdomen exposed.

They fastened shining jewelry to your robe and to you, laying necklaces and golden chains over your body, hanging fine trinkets upon you, and most embarrassingly putting a large ruby in your navel. Fingers tickled your belly a bit as the lady made sure it would stay in, gently fondling it to be sure it was securely placed.

You were pretty sure that you caught some jealous glances from some of the women during the whirlwind of activity around you, but there was so much movement that you couldn't tell which one it was. The group of women retreated after all the decorations had been place, exiting the room and leaving you staring directly down a long hallway. Left alone with your own thoughts, you knew it was time to get up and walk forth.

The Oracle's decision weighed heavily upon your mind as you approached the temple's main room, reminding you of the very real burden that you knew would be weighing upon your body very soon. You knew there was no backing out of this, every step forward bringing you closer to your fate, and your new life.

Each foot placed in front of the other jangled the jewelry placed upon your body, the cool metals and sparkling gems having warmed from your body heat by now. Each sway of your hips drew a tinkling sound from the finery gracing your form.

Your brow furrowed as you questioned what you were feeling... were your hips wider than when you started walking down the long hall? You ran your hands over them, trying to feel if they were thicker than before, but you couldn't tell if it was your imagination, or if your transformation had started already.

Trepidation bubbled up inside you as you approached the end of the hall, dancing fire light stretching from the wide doorway you were walking towards. Already you knew there was no turning back, but your breath still quickened anyway with the thought of what crossing that doorway meant. Your pulse beat faster as each step brought you closer. Emotions swirled within your breast... nervousness... embarrassment... uncertainty... excitement?

That last emotion surprised you, the feeling unexpected, but still present in some small amount as you searched your thoughts.

Your heart beat thudded through your ears as you neared the threshold, only a few steps left before you passed through the gateway. Massive braziers lit each side of the next room, bonfires licking towards the distant vaulted ceiling as the shadow and light from those flames danced and flickered over the whole stage before you.

A crowd gathered before the stairs to the raised dais, the flame's shifting luminescence playing over the many faces turned towards the altar. Your heart leapt and danced in your throat as you hesitated before the doorway, afraid to reveal yourself to the gathering below. So many faces... names... all the friends and family that you had lived and loved, the many that you never had a chance to meet, all assembled before you here, watching... waiting for something... waiting for you.

Here you were cloaked in shadow, still hidden from the many eyes gazing up from below, and that lent you some comfort, but you knew the time was drawing near. Your heart still beat like a drum, pumping hard in your chest as you felt the anxiety of being moments before starting a new chapter in your life. You knew that your life would be forever changed in but a few seconds, only a couple steps from tipping over a precipice that you knew had no way back from.

You take a deep breath, inhaling shakily, your chest expanding as you hold it in for a few seconds, working up the courage to step forward. Your lungs burn after a few more seconds of hesitation before you open your mouth and let the air rush free and meekly put your foot forward.

You tremble nervously as your foot crosses the threshold, expecting to feel something happen, some kind of force to take hold of you, to feel lightning strike you... but there's nothing. You're almost afraid to breath as you stand, one foot through the doorway as you wait for something... anything to happen.

Eventually your lungs ache in the opposite manner, begging you to draw in a new breath as you wait. Finally it becomes too much to bear and you break your silence to suck more air into your lungs. Still expecting something to happen, you freeze, but after a moment, you finally relax as nothing happens.

You close your eyes for a moment, gathering your confidence, and take a second step, finally revealing yourself in the dancing fire light.

Nervousness still dances through you as you stand on display at the back of the altar, breathing quickly as you feel the crowd's eyes on your exposed body. A new warmth smolders low in your belly as you stand there, looking over the gathered people for a few moments as they return your gaze.

You're not sure you're ready, but you step forward anyway, your foot coming down on the stone tile with a quiet tap as the heat within you starts to flare.

You lock your sight on the dais near the edge of the altar, studying your destination as your next footfall spreads that warmth through your abdomen, the heat easing your tight muscles, making them relax some from your nervous tension.

Your eyes roam over the massive raised bowl, the gold encrusted plate curving gently at the edges, with the middle filled with a soft covering and pillows. A padded seat rests before the bowl, arranged for someone to kneel before the dish and face the crowd. A thought suddenly echoes through your mind, one that you're not entirely sure is your own... "this is your seat."

The next step leaves you feeling a bit odd, the heat having entirely suffused your torso, but now you feel a bit heavier. Another step and you bring your hand to your stomach, and it meets your belly before you were expecting it to. You look down and see a gentle curve to your belly, the surface rounding out further than you remember it.

Your feet carry you further from the hall behind you and this time you feel your gut press against your hand as it pushes out further from your normally flat abs. You feel butterflies in your stomach, a nervous excitement quivering through you as your belly pushes your hand outward.

Another step and it leaves you breathless as your weight increases, your growing belly starting to gently press on your hips as well as your hand. You can't help but shift your gaze down to your abdomen as you bring your other hand to it as well. You tenderly press your hand against it, feeling its taut, curved surface resist your light push. Your tentative pressure draws a gasp from you as tingles race through your little dome and up your spine, making you hyperventilate for a moment from the unexpected sensations.

You continue moving forward and it draws a shudder from you as your hands are pushed further aside, the weight sitting more heavily on you as your middle grows gravid. You reach a hand under your belly and give it a little heft and it is surprisingly heavy in your grasp. The movement makes you exhale softly as your eyelids flutter, the weight momentarily lifting off your hips surprising you with how heavy it already is. Your legs tremble slightly at the sensation of the mass returning to its resting place in your middle, your hand letting go of your expanding girth.

Your hands part around your girth with its next growth spurt, another step taking you closer your throne. The heat reaches your hips as your belly rests in the valley of your pelvis, pressing softly against everything supporting it, your round bulk feeling weighty in the hollow of your abdomen.

Your next shuffle forward intensifies the warmth taking hold of your hips as you feel them shift as your belly widens, its taut bulk somehow pressing the bones of your pelvis apart. Your hips are forced to grow and spread to support the increasing weight of your gut, even as half of it juts out in front of you between your hands. Gripping the rounded curve of your belly, you're barely able to encircle its circumference without raising your arms to accommodate it.

That changes with your next pace forward, the gravid bulk of your abdomen pushing your arms up and out, your elbows no longer able to tuck back against your sides while clasping around your belly. You groan at the strangely gratifying sensation of your gut weighing heavily against your hips as it, along with your increasing girth, makes your pelvis flare wide into a set of hips worthy of a broodmother.

You pause for a moment, wiggling your hips as you feel the weight stacked atop them as you shift your hands to your hips, feeling how they've spread so wide. Your feet seem to move almost of their own accord, pulling you closer to the front of the stage. With your hands hugging your hips, you feel one final stretch as your pelvis spreads wide, nearly reaching double its original width as the supernatural heat fades from your bones. With its seat now fully grown, your expanding gravidity shifts backwards, slotting into place, directly into the cradle your maternal hip have created. The shift leaves you breathless as the full weight of your belly finally presses into its proper resting place, your hips warming once again, this time coming from a more conventional maternal warmth as your body acclimates to its new proportions. Your balance changes as your center of gravity lowers quite drastically, pulling downward and centering in the middle of your brood-bearing hips, helping you stay upright with your front-heavy load.

At the same time, your great dome doesn't escape unchanged. Even as it rocks back into its proper resting place, it grows bigger, pressing out above your hips and pushing against the top couple of your fingers as you explore your newly clutch-worthy width.

What would be lovehandles in some press against the inside of your elbows, but yours are much more firm, your growing gravidness expanding out to your sides now that it has centered down between your hips. Your sides expand tautly around your shifted burden, pressing your elbows outward to accommodate your ever expanding mass.

As you struggle to explore your birthing ready hips around your widened belly, the luxurious heat continues to smolder deep within your pelvis as your growing weight rests on it. Immense satisfaction runs through you as it feels "right", your fertile hips being tailor made for the immense weight now resting upon them. You can't help the pleasured groan that escapes your lips as you enjoy the weight resting deep within you, your hips radiating bliss as they fulfill their new duty.

Tucking your arms against your sides, you gently squeeze your rounded bulk, eliciting a coo from yourself at the new sensations running through you. You slide your hands up from your hips, tracing your fingers over the base of your roundness as it starts down low, curving gently outward. Your fingers glide upward over your taut frame as you bring your hands up along your sides, gently exploring over the area between your hips and rib cage, feeling how it bulges roundly and sticks out with your expanding girth.

Finally drawing your hands up to the top of your belly, you run your fingers over its apex, caressing its taut surface as you move your hands toward your navel. You take your time getting there, enjoying the tingles your tender touches inspire in your firm flesh, but your eyes widen in surprise as your arms reach the end of their extension... but you still haven't managed to touch your belly button. Looking down, you realize that you can't even get near encircling your full girth with your arms!

As the shock shakes you from your daze, you realize that your legs are trembling slightly with your growing weight. You make one more futile stretch, reaching around your girth as you try to touch your navel, but it's a fruitless attempt, nearly a foot of untouched belly jutting between your hands as you try.

Instead, you ease your hands beneath your lap-overflowing girth and clasp them beneath it, resting some of your immense gravid weight on your interlaced fingers. You sigh in relief as your overbalanced state eases, your legs standing firm once again as they don't have to struggle as much against your front-heavy body.

You stand and marvel at how much you've swollen in this short amount of time, completely unable to touch your full girth on your own. Some of the decadent chains and jewelry adorning your body have been pushed aside by your massive dome, the fecundity occupying your middle parting the soft cloth that had already left most of your midriff bare.

You breath softly for a few moments, watching your vast belly rise and fall in your hands as the flickering firelight plays over your huge curve. Your gravid gut weighs heavily upon your hands as you admire it, and after a few more moments, you're ready to move forward once again.

Taking another step, you feel your weight shifting on your wide hips, your gait taking on a definite waddle at this point with how encumbered you are, your hips swaying with every shift of your body. You feel your hips taking on more weight as you feel your belly swell, noticing how ponderous you've become as you take another step. Your gut sticks out several feet in front of you by now, and it's only growing with every stride you take. Your arms start to ache lightly at the increasing load they're supporting, your muscles still up to the task, but warning you of their not to distant failure.

Your arms are slowly pressed apart as you take another step, your dome widening in front of you as you waddle forward, feeling your heavy burden increase. Another step and you feel your clasped hands starting to be forced apart, interlaced fingers losing the battle with the sheer girth between your arms and starting to part from each other.

You shudder as you as you take another step, your hands sliding apart, fingers trailing over your engorged flesh, the tender skin there tingling at the gentle caresses of your hands being spread by your swelling girth. Each of your hands continue to hold up a side of your belly as you lumber forth, your secure hold beneath your dome undermined, but still holding on.

Bringing your gaze up from your vast fecundity, you peer forward, barely seeing your destination over the horizon of your belly. You're getting close, and had you waited a few more steps, you might have missed seeing it entirely as it was eclipsed by your immense curve.

Seeing it so close brings back the butterflies in your stomach, realizing how close your are to your new life. Nervousness takes you again as your breath quickens, but you close your eyes and swallow as you waddle your way forward.

With your eyes closed, the sensation of growth is all the more vibrant to your senses as your feel your arms pressed wider by your swelling bulk. The weight pushing down on your hips increases, adding fuel to the wonderful smolder going on down there, making you huff as the tension builds below.

Pushing forward one more time, you nearly stumble as your continued growth almost makes you let go of your belly, your fingers sliding on your smooth underbelly as it shimmies about in your grasp. You pant as you feel the cradle of your hips sag under your middle's weight, your legs forced into a splay as the underside of your gut pushes your thighs apart. Your legs start trembling from the burden you're carrying, your incredible mass starting to tired them out as you trundle towards your throne.

Another step and you can no longer see your seat, only half of the pillow filled dish still in view as you obscure the rest of it with your own bulk. Your legs still tremble as you force them to continue holding your tremendous form up, each shuffle forward now making your thighs rub against your hands as they try to keep your belly from pulling you down to the ground.

You feel soft carpet beneath your soles as you close in on your throne, fibers caressing your feet as your legs shake from the increased weight, your dome wobbling and swelling in every direction. You're no longer gripping the bottom of your pregnant gut, instead your arms are forced aside, leaving you hugging the sides of it as it pulls you forward, desperately trying to keep your balance with this immense mass pulling at you. Every small step presses your thighs and knees against your belly, that orb having filled out the space in front of you completely. Your splayed waddling gait rubs your thighs against your fecund middle, no longer able to touch each other with how your hips have widened and with the gigantic swell of your belly in between them.

Your knees shake against your belly as you take what you hope is your last step, your weight increasing once more, tugging on your spine and threatening to pull you to the floor.

Under your feet you feel the soft cushions of the seat you can no longer see and you gasp with relief. You made it!

Sitting down is a whole other issue though. Your legs creak and shake as you start trying to crouch down, leaning your whole body backward, counterbalancing the great gravid mass pulling you forward. You huff with exertion as you struggle just to not fall over, muscles straining against your massive dome. Slowly, you ease your way down, the underside of your protruding abdomen touching the lip of the bowl for just a second before you finally flop the last few inches into your seat.

You let loose a sigh of immense relief as your legs relax, no longer struggling to hold up the incredible weight of your fertile belly. Your hands gently explore the sides of your stomach, feeling the smooth, taut flesh stretched over it as you get to relax for the first time since stepping out of the hallway.

Your belly rests on the many cushions of the disk, finally allowed free from the tyranny of gravity trying to pull it free from you. It stretches out before you in a vast orb, smooth and round, your navel at least three feet from where it used to rest on your abdomen.

You gasp as your belly suddenly pulses, an invisible wave of energy rippling through it, making your eyes widen before it suddenly surges larger! You groan at the wonderful sensation, your skin stretching and growing as your fecund middle rapidly expands, now four feet wide. You're given no reprieve as another pulse rushes through you, your belly reaching six feet wide! Another crackle of energy and you feel your belly pressing up against the edges of the bowl, filling the entire dish as it expands to fill every inch of it.

You gasp and shudder as the last of the energy dissipates, leaving you entirely immobilized, your belly alone weighing at least thrice your original weight. You can't help but run your hands over it, caressing what little of it you can reach. Your own touch feels so small on your massive fertile swell, amazing you with your incredible growth, leaving you awestruck at your own immensity.

Caught in a daze, you caress your belly until you suddenly feel a pair of hands join your own around the side of your belly, gently touching and then rubbing over your taut curve. Looking up, you can just barely see someone over your horizon, a supplicant having joined you on the altar. Looking to the sides, you realize that there are several more coming up the stairs, all dressed in ritual garb, and all male.

A feeling of maternal love washes over you as a second pair of hands joins in caressing your round bulk. You feel yourself swell, this time metaphorically as a wave of joy passes through you at seeing your attendants approaching.

The one of the attendants still approaching from your right gasps and nearly stumbles on his way to you, his hands suddenly moving to his chest as he stops in his tracks. As you watch, his hands slowly push away from his chest, eventually his vertical press transitioning to an underhand hold as you watch his pectorals fill out his hands. His chest slowly rounds out, swelling into his waiting hands as they steadily become full breasts. They grow and expand into his grasp, full orbs with just enough sag to weigh down his outstretched hands.

Looking around, you see this scene repeated on all sides, all of these males growing a beautiful set of breasts as they approach your fertile form. The ones closest to you even seem to be lactating, their newly formed orbs letting trickles of white free at their tips as most of them seem to be exploring their new assets. These little rivers run over their grasping hands as they come to terms with their new feminine endowments. The two already at your sides leak their white bounty onto your belly, brushing their heavy breasts against your immense dome and gently rubbing it with their hands, inadvertently rubbing those rivers into your skin.

It takes time for most of your attendants to come to terms with their new additions, many of their hands roaming over their new swells and some taking longer than others, but eventually more and more of the milk-laden males join the first two, adding their hands to your belly in worship of your grand gravidity.

Streamers of white decorate your vast girth as more and more newly adorned males join you atop the altar, the spaces at the edge of your shrine filling with devotees to your great fertility.

Almost every new adherent pauses when he reaches the top of the steps, overwhelmed as his flat chest swells with liquid bounty, every one of them rounding out until a mother-to-be would be jealous as trickles of white leak between their fingers.

The most pious among them do not hesitate as their newly weighty chests grow, not letting it distract them from their duty to their newly anointed idol. They approach you even as their breasts swell, not pausing a moment in their march towards you. Some of them even reach you before they've finished growing, pressing their chests against your immovable gravidity even as they swell with new milk. These ones seem to be the most blessed, their gifts being the greatest with their unhesitating devotion to your new form. Their motherly mounds swell until they're fit to burst, milk erupting from their newly sensitive nipples in waterfalls and pouring down your great bulk as they writhe in pleasure against your beautiful form.

All around you a great motherly bounty flows, streams of milk gathering in rivers at the base of your incredible belly and flowing towards the steps. They pour from the mount, waterfalls raining down the steps as the copious liquid pours from your many disciples.

You glow with maternal bliss, feeling your many adherents grace your vast girth with their love, feeling it stream down your taut roundness, more than you could ever hope to encompass with your own arms. Your mind starts to fade into a blissful haze as you wonder how you could ever have been hesitant to embrace your true form... There is not a doubt in your mind that this is your destiny, and you wouldn't have it any other way, adoring and being adored by your many subjects, a monument to fertility for your people.

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