Birthday Favours

Story by GingerM on SoFurry

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A gift story I wrote for Sinister in 2012, featuring quite a few of his characters.

Story (c) 2012 by GingerM

Sh'sthress belongs to GingerM

Demona belongs to Demona

Ardanis, Naira, Mina, Kani and Ginger all belong to Sinister

Ardanis didn't like this; he couldn't see and that made him nervous.

Funny, he mused, how one thing led to another. Naira had called him the week before to ask if he was willing to help out with a friend's birthday party. Not thinking much of it at the time, he'd agreed, not asking other than to get the date and time just in case of prior commitments. Naira had told him she'd pick him up so he didn't really worry about 'where'. As for 'who', he'd tried to think whose birthday was coming up. Ginger, he knew, but he hadn't seen a party invitation from her, nor had Mina called him to say he was supposed to be there.

He'd been rather surprised, then, when the doorbell rang and he'd found Naira waiting there, a good two hours early. His ears pinned forward inquisitively as the gorgeous Holstein cowgirl stepped in with a shopping bag in one hand. "Naira? You're kinda early, aren't you?"

"Early?" she smiled, closing the door behind her. "Well, a bit... but we need to warm up." Her green eyes were warm with love, but he noticed there was a distinct glitter, too; one he was very familiar with. She advanced on with with a remarkably predatory air, her fingers quickly undoing her blouse as she shrugged out of it, followed by her skirt being pushed down over the generous swell of her hips. He caught his breath as her full breasts bounced, barely restrained by her bra; Naira was a classic beauty in his opinion, and when she was aroused - as she was right now - she was a sight. Bra and panties quickly followed, marking a trail across the floor, then her arms were around him and his face was pressed into the sweet-scented valley between her tits.

Naira didn't waste any time fooling around; her blood was up and the grey-furred tom hastened to match her bareness. He was faster than she, simply because he hadn't expected her this early and thus was clad only in gym shorts. The cowgirl pulled him down on the living-room floor with her, settling astride him; he could feel her tufted tail tickling his thighs as she leaned forward, smiling lustfully. "You know what I want, sweetie," she murmured, grinding atop him, and truthfully he was more than half-ready; the sight of her stripping her clothes off had roused him as well, and his tom-cock rose eagerly to the challenge. Then she was lifting herself up to settle again, warm and wet around him.

After a shared shower and drying off, Naira brought out the shopping bag. "Now that you're nicely warmed up, we can get ready for the party," she giggled, her hands diving into the bag. "Let's see what we have, mmm?"

The first thing was a pair of briefs. Very _brief_briefs, made of shiny red latex. Closer examination revealed that the crotch area appeared to be removable. "Just what kind of party am I helping at?!" he asked, and Naira gave a lowing chuckle.

"You didn't ask, so I thought you knew," she replied.

Maybe I should have, he thought apprehensively, examining the garment. Wearing it he might as well be naked; it would cling to every curve, assuming he could get into it at all. _Of course, if Naira picked it out, she knows it'll fit._Reluctantly he stepped into them and pulled them up. The latex pulled at his fur a bit and he made a low growling noise of frustration; it was pulling against the grain and making his fur stand out in untidy tufts. The fit was every bit as tight as he'd feared; the red latex moulded to his hips and crotch; there was practically a glowing neon sign screaming "COCK HERE!!!" with a bright red arrow.

"Hmm... I hope those don't get too badly damaged, hon," Naira said, her warm gaze admiring him. "I think I like you in those!" She studied the tom intently for a few moments, enjoying the sight while he brushed futilely at the tufted fur. The contrast of deep red latex against the silky grey of his coat was startling, and the room lights reflected from the shiny surface, showcasing his tom-hood very nicely indeed. "Next," she reached into the bag again, "we have this lovely matching hood."

Ardanis' ears went flat against his skull. "I am _not_wearing that!" he stated flatly. It was the same deep, shiny red latex as the briefs that were sinfully cupping him. Two latex shells were moulded into it, clearly to encase his ears... in fact, he realized, it looked remarkably like a Batman mask. In red latex. There were a few straps and buckles not normally seen on the Dark Knight's headgear but the resemblance was remarkable.

Naira looked at him, disappointment in her large, liquid eyes. "You did promise to help," she said softly, her ears drooping, and Ardanis caught himself. For the life of him, he couldn't remember if he'd actually promised - or simply said he would. "I'm very disappointed... but I won't make you," she went on, and that did it. He hated to disappoint her.

"Okay," he acquiesced, closing his eyes as he tugged the hood on over his head. He was grateful to find it wasn't as tight a fit as the briefs; while snug, it didn't seem designed to clamp his head in a vise. Except, he realized, there were no eyes holes. "Naira...?!" he called, his voice rising in alarm. He could smell her nearness, and then her fingers were working at the buckles and he breathed out in relief. Only, he realized, she wasn't taking the hood off... she was fastening them! Something cold and metallic bumped against his Adams apple and his fingers rose to touch it. A square-ish metal thing, and a loop - it was a padlock; the cowgirl had locked the hood onto him! "Hey!" he hissed, lashing his tail, "this isn't what I agreed to! Take it off!"

He heard her rich bovine chuckle. "It's exactly what you agreed to, lover," she replied and he could hear the smile in her voice. "Don't worry - I'm not going to take advantage of you," her voice said and that calmed him slightly until the next logical question occurred to him - if Naira wasn't, who was?

He took a couple of tentative steps, the urge to flee, to escape rising strongly in him. Reflexively his claws extended and then he felt her hand on his, in a strong, reassuring grip. "Shhh...," she reassured him, "it's okay, you're safe. C'mon, turn a bit," her other hand settled on his hip, guiding him, "now just a couple of steps and turn again, then sit down." His heart pounding wildly, Ardanis did as she said and breathed out heavily as he felt the familiar softness of his bed under his thighs.

His soft-furred ears twitched, trying to swivel to catch sounds. He could hear her moving about the room and as he concentrated, he found he could form a picture of where she was. The soft, plastic-y rustling, that had to be her shopping bag; he could hear the muffled clop of her hooves on the carpeted floor, too. Other noises were somewhat harder to identify; a soft, insistent squeaking sound which he couldn't place, accompanied by a couple of muffled "hnnffs!"; a rude-sounding 'blort' which had to be some liquid or gel coming from a squeeze or pump bottle.

Her footsteps came back toward him, the timbre of her steps oddly different. That strange squeaking sound came with her, and something creaked softly near him. "He swore it was a size 14," she muttered, "but wow, that's hella tight for a 14... okay, kittycat, just a couple more things and we'll be going." The bag rustled again, then her footsteps moved away. The bed shifted suddenly and he instinctively reached back to brace himself. "Good boy," she purred approvingly, and something soft but unyielding snikked around his wrists.

Ardanis' heart raced while he thought furiously. He couldn't figure out who the party was for. If he'd gotten an invitation from Ginger, this would have made perfect sense; the petite mouse loved bondage games. It wasn't Mina's birthday and certainly not Naira's. Rapidly his mind flicked through mental files, trying to think who it might be.

Naira's hands distracted him, yanking him back to the moment as she opened the removable crotch piece from his briefs. The sudden cool draft across his tom-hood roused him and her voice held a smile as she noticed. "You bad, bad kitty!" Then she was sliding something cool onto his cock; a ring. "There... that'll keep things from going off too soon," she chuckled, tucking him back in and replacing the removable portion. The pressure of the latex pressed all around, moulding to the ring, and he had no doubt at all that it was perfectly visible through the shiny red material.

"Last touch," she murmured, and he felt her fingers at his throat. Something lined in softness snugged around it, and there was another click followed by a soft jingle, and then a tug. Ardanis felt completely abased. He'd been tied up before; he'd endured cock rings, he'd had anal plugs inserted - though in some ways those were a relief, compared to, say, Mina being inserted in him - but being hooded was new.

He didn't like not being able to see; not a bit.

Naira guided him out of the bedroom and to the front door; he heard the drawer of the front hall stand open and close as she took his keys. He heard a car approach and the engine slow to idle as Naira said, "Right on time, too!" Then she was leading him down the front steps - "step down, step down, last one... now you're on the ground" - and a fresh tug on the leash attached to his collar. "Come on, Ardanis, we're going to be late." He felt her hand on his shoulder as he neared the car. "Okay, sweetie, turn and sit and let me guide your head," she said, and he slid onto the seat.

His nose twitched; from the smells, this wasn't a taxi and it wasn't her car. Rich leather, the scent of wood, soft carpet under his feet; Naira had gotten a limousine. He felt the car shift as she climbed in and settled in the seat and the door closed. After a moment another door closed - the chauffeur's - and then the car pulled away with smooth, purring power.

The ride lasted about half an hour as nearly as he could tell, and while he usually had an excellent sense of direction, he had no idea where they were going. He was quite sure at one point that the driver had doubled back and almost spoke up, but something prevented him. Naira had gone to considerable effort to arrange everything and he very much doubted the route was by accident.

When they arrived, wherever it what, Naira helped him out again. The soft murmur of traffic sounded distantly; wherever this was, it wasn't on a busy street. Then she was leading him up a walk, up a flight of stairs.

A male voice spoke, greeting them. "Good evening, Madam. A pleasure to have you here..." A rustle, a light squeak. Ardanis shifted uneasily, then settled as Naira's hand - gloved, he thought - rested on his shoulder. "Ah, Mistress Milk. Of course. Please, this way." A heavy, muffled sound, and then Naira was leading him inside, following the measured tread of the male voice.

The carpet under his feet was soft and thick, and swallowed every paw-fall. He could hear people passing them; whispered comments following like stray scraps of insinuation...

"... ooo... look at those buns..."

"... let me know if you get tired of him..."

"... such a pretty kitty..."

Naira laughed softly at a couple of the comments but kept him moving, until their unseen guide stopped. Ardanis wasn't quite sure what warned him, but he stopped himself, just in time to avoid running into the man. There was a soft metallic scrape, a click, and their usher's murmured, "Your lounge, Madam," followed by a papery rustle which Ardanis was quite sure was money.

The door swung open, only the softest of muffled thumps indicating when it had reached the stop, and voices trailed off at their arrival. The room - the lounge - was rife with scents, tantalizingly familiar ones; he was sure he knew that heavy bovine musk as well as the equally familiar scent of mouse.

"Naira!" several voices called in welcome, and Ardanis recognized every one of them. Ginger.

Mina. Kani. And... he quivered, straining to identify the elusive, feline, female scent, but to no avail; it was partly masked by another one, reminiscent of sand and warmth... So intent was he that he stopped dead, until Naira's voluptuously curvaceous form pushed him forward.

The problem was that the floor had disappeared under his feet. He scrabbled wildly, his feline instincts screaming danger in contrast to his heart which told him Naira would never let him be endangered while he was bound and hooded; then his foot made contact with something smooth, slippery and very much pillowy, which turned out to be the floor after all.

"Oops... sorry, Ardanis," Naira apologized behind him, her large hand catching him around the waist to steady him. "I should've warned you about the floor."

"Ye... yes..." he panted, trying to calm his racing heart and catch his breath. "You sure should have."

"I said I was sorry, hon," she replied, her voice a combination of apology and reproof. "You okay now?" Her arm was still around him, supportive in case he needed her. He nodded and she went on, "Okay - just watch it, the floor's likely to wobble when I get off the platform." It certainly did, but forewarned, he was much better able to keep his balance. "Okay, sweetie," she replied. "Now it's time for the party, and you're the favour!" He could hear the smirk in her voice, and from further off, the sound of someone rubbing hands together.

"Come toward my voice, Ardanis," said a new, purring female voice, and his heart plummeted. _Demona? Demona's here as well?_He could easily picture her presiding over this party. "Everyone else, please keep still for him," she added, and the foam-attenuated motions of the floor slowed as they obeyed. He stepped carefully as he could, tail and arms outstretched for balance. Demona's scent and Ginger's grew stronger in his nose, so he must be going the right way... "Stop," Demona said in a voice of command.

"Go ahead, Ginger," she said after a moment, and Ardanis could hear her smile. Footsteps shifted the floor, coming closer, and he knew Ginger was right in front of him.

"What an awesome party favour!" she chortled. He could picture her as clearly as if he was unhooded; she would be standing with legs planted wide, fists on her hips, and there would be such a salacious, hungry smile on her face. He knew exactly what she would want from him, too. At first, anyway... "Mmm... on your knees, kitty," she said, and he felt a tug on his leash. He dropped to his knees carefully but didn't waste any time about it. Footsteps shifted the floor behind him and the warm earthy scent of Naira filled his nostrils.

He knew what was about to happen and quickly ran his raspy tongue over his lips - and sure enough, he felt Ginger's small paws on his head. "You know what I like, hon," she said in a husky voice, "and since it's my birthday -" he felt and tasted her mouse-hood on his tongue "- you should give me exactly what I want." Even if he'd felt inclined to answer her, he couldn't have; as she stopped speaking, he felt her fingers tighten, digging into the latex hood and her she-cock pushed eagerly in, seeking the back of his throat. All he could do was swallow repeatedly as she gagged him and cooed with pleasure at the sensations of his tongue along the underside of her shaft.

"Mmm! Oh yeah, hon... you do know how!" she sighed happily. He felt Naira's hands on him as well, one on the back of his head and the other on his latex-encased buns. "You should see yourself, sugar," she whispered lewdly. "Don't worry, though; there'll be pictures. Lots of pictures." That he could easily believe; Ginger and Mina were particular fans of recording their exploits - with him, with each other, with whomever else caught their fancy. He knew very well there were several very explicit photos of the three of them, as well as a memorable occasion in which five of them - and him the only male - had engaged in an all-nighter at Ginger & Mina's place.

Ginger's thrusting grew more urgent, needy; he could tell she'd been saving up for her party, which meant this was by no means the last time he would encounter her girlcock this evening. Normally she and Mina were quite capable of several rounds as it was; if Ginger had been abstaining for her birthday then he, as the party favour, was going to get it but good. On the other hand, judging by the sounds and smells around him, he wasn't the only one.

Naira gave a lowing 'oof!' in his ear, jolting against him from behind; that and the overpowering bovine musk told him who it likely was. "Oh FUCK, Mina!" she breathed out, confirming his theory. He was very sure the Holstein and the minotauress were no stranger to each others' bodies and knowing Mina's proclivities and urges, he was mildly impressed she'd managed to restrain herself until now. Wet slaps told him Naira was enjoying Mina's attentions, and soon the coupling couple shifted away from the mouse-and-cat show.

He was getting more and more aroused himself, responding to the raw sexuality radiating from the mouse-girl who was energetically face-fucking him now. His throat now relaxed, he simply accepted the enthusiastic pounding from the panting mouse. She was grunting lustfully and he gave a muffled yelp around her pistoning mouse-log as her grip on his head tightened and the latex hood yanked at his hair.

He felt and smelled another presence; a hint of darkness and elemental sensuality as well as a whiff of expensive liqueur - Kani. Her fingers cupped the latex bulge between his legs, making a ripping sound as the velcro parted when the removable part came off. The grey-furred tom felt his freed cock swing up eagerly, and Kani's small warm hands and mouth along it, massaging, tasting... he hissed around the mouthful of girlcock, pleasure coursing through him. Naira had known exactly what she was doing, though; as long as that cock ring remained in place, he wasn't going to be able to cum, however much he wanted or needed to.

Ginger, on the other hand, was going to cum, and from her lustful, panting grunts, she was right on the edge. Her balls slapped his chin fiercely with each rutting stroke, until a gasping wail escaped her and a sudden flood of thick, gooey mouse-cum spurted from her knob to coat his tonsils! "HnnnFFFF!! she groaned loudly, jamming herself hard against his face. "Nnnffuuuuuck!! Cumming!!!" she called in a half-chanting tone, like some high priestess conducting profane rites. He swallowed rapidly, as rapidly as he could, but it wasn't quite enough, as he knew it wouldn't be, and Ginger's spooge began leaking from his mouth, tracking down the short, plush fur of his jaw.

Two lowing, earth-shaking bellows behind him told him that Naira and Mina were likewise shuddering in the grip of pleasure, and a muffled howl broke from his throat past Ginger's cum-pumping pole as Kani's warm wet mouth engulfed him and he bucked involuntarily at the surge of ecstasy. It was a sweetly agonizing ecstasy; the unyielding ring around his rigid pole preventing the release his body craved.

"Hooo... oh yeah..." Ginger breathed out as she relaxed. She shook herself, pulling her she-maleness out of his mouth, one hand gripping herself as she jerked the last creamy dollops to send them flying in pearly, sticky strands, landing on his face. "Mmmm... best party favour ever," she chuckled. He could tell she'd turned her head as her voice moved. "Thanks, everyone, for setting this up, and for emceeing it, Demona," she called in her sexy, throaty voice.

"You're welcome, and happy birthday, Ginger," Demona replied warmly. "And now you can feel free to unwrap him," but Ginger wasn't waiting. Ardanis could feel her nimble fingers working at the hood's buckles, then the curiously slippery, tacky grip of the latex tugging at his hair and the shells of his ears. He looked around as the hood came free, heedless for the moment of the sticky remnants of Ginger's seed cooling and matting in his facial fur.

Ginger was kneeling in front of him, completely nude with her paws holding the hood and resting on her thighs. Between them, her substantial she-cock jutted arrogantly skyward, slick and gleaming with his spit and her cum; a fat, errant glob of girl-cum oozing down the glistening red-purple glans. She grinned then sat up, running her fingers into her heavy, luxuriant mass of raven-dark hair, making her tan-furred tits sway enticingly.

Behind her, on a chair on a dais, sat Demona. The grey cat-girl smiled lasciviously, one long, elegant leg crossed over the other. Both were encased in supple, shiny, green leather boots, matching the jacket she wore open, but from his angle and the way her knees were raised, he couldn't tell if that was all she was wearing. Next to her on a cushion knelt a pretty little lizard-girl; her green-and-gold scales might almost have been chosen to match Demona's outfit. As near as he could make out, the blindfold and ball-gag constituted her entire outfit. Now he understood that scent he hadn't been able to identify; Demona had a pet she'd brought. The serene mistress of the revels reached down, gently caressing the lizardess's auburn locks, so like her own, and the little creature gave a hissing purr of pleasure.

Kani smiled up at him from the pillowy floor, her amber eyes glowing brightly. The red oni shemale cupped his balls playfully, licking her lips. She was still dressed - sort of - in a very small black dress, now riding up the swell of her hips to reveal her girl-cock, erect and leaking. One strap was sliding down a smooth red shoulder, relaxing the otherwise taut fabric stretched over her bosom.

Behind - well sort of - he saw Mina; as he expected, the minotauress was as naked as her roommate and lover, Ginger. At the moment it seemed she wasn't quite finished, for she was rocking slowly and he could see the base of her shaft disappearing into Naira. Both of them had satisfied grins on their faces and it was clear that Naira might as well be naked as Mina, for her outfit was barely there. It was blue vinyl, stretched nearly to the splitting point over her heavy breasts and as a result of their exertions - and Mina's hands, he was sure - the material was sliding down, revealing the cow-girl's plump, rosy nipples. The front of her outfit was concealed since she was lying on her front, her legs spread for her lover, so all he could see was that the back was pulled to one side, making an indent in one firm, generous ass-cheek, and kept from slipping back in by Mina's meaty pole.

The minotauress laughed softly, giving Naira's generous rump a fond slap as she withdrew, her bullcock making a lewd sucking sound. "Love ya, babe," she said, her rampant, dripping member bobbing up between the Holstein's cheeks. The pungent scent of bull semen reached Ardanis' nose, sending a thrill through him. Naira rolled on her side, smiling up at Mina, then pulling the minotauress down for a long, lingering kiss. "Mmm... thanks, sweetie. Let me up, though; I want to give Ginger my present, too."

His hands still bound behind him, Ardanis could only watch as the Holstein rose gracefully to her feet, her tail swishing saucily behind her. The blue material was just as nearly-not-there in front; it was based on a leotard, though sleeveless and, for the most part, frontless. The neck was scooped low and wide, and there was a large centre patch out from just under her bust clear down over her belly to just above her mons; the effect was rather like a bikini with two straps running up the sides to join top and bottom.

Naira strolled over toward Ginger, towering over her by a considerable margin. "Happy birthday, Ging," she said softly, stoop to wrap her arms around the mouse-girl. Ginger murmured "Thanks, Naira," as she pulled the Holstein-girl into a smouldering kiss. The mouse-girl's hands were already picking at Naira's outfit, sliding the straps over her shoulders and down.

His attention was diverted by Kani. "Mmm.... gimme some of that kittycat," she murmured, licking his cheek; evidently the flavour of mouse-cum was to her liking, for she kept licking his cheeks. He could feel her warm against his back while her hands worked at the cuffs on his wrists. "Almost, lover," she chuckled, and then the cuffs snikked and opened.

"Thanks, Kani," he said gratefully as he chafed his wrists. The cuffs were lined, being intended for bedroom games and not as serious restraints, but he'd never worn them that long. His shoulders twinged a bit as he rolled them forward and back to loosen the muscles up a bit.

The red oni chuckled as her arms went around his waist, then began stroking his belly. "No problem, sweetie," she answered. "Besides, you need your hands free now," she added. "C'mon, pretty kitty; it's a nice, comfy floor." She prodded his feet with hers. "You know what I want, Ardanis."

He knew exactly what she wanted; her cock was a familiar visitor, and he could feel the warm flesh bumping eagerly against his backside. "Gimme a moment, Kani," he answered, still rubbing his wrists. He took a couple of paces to put a bit of the pillowy floor between them and Naira and Ginger, who were already engaged in some intense foreplay. Kani was right with him, keeping her arms around him, one hand straying to his crotch. He was still quite erect; her mouth had brought him to the brink and held back only by the cockring.

He was startled a bit by an extra-poofy pillow that suddenly landed in front of him, and he glanced up to see Demona swinging one leg. The lizard-girl was nowhere to be seen at the moment, but he was quite sure this was the same cushion she'd been kneeling on; it had the scent of a reptile. Thankful, he braced his elbows on the pillow, curling his tail up over his back.

"That's one of the things I love about you," she whispered. She was leaning over his back; he could feel her, warm and sultry against his skin. One of her hands was wrapped around him cock, stroking him slowly while her other hand massage his butt. Something cool plopped onto his bottom, and her fingers began working it into his skin. "You're such a sweet guy, always thinking of making us happy." Her hand on his cock shifted to cup his balls and he felt hers nestling between his butt cheeks against his snug hole.

Ardanis caught his breath momentarily as she pushed, concentrating on relaxing for her. The lube she'd applied helped numb things a bit, but she was quite well-built, if not as much as Mina. He appreciated that she was taking it slowly, too; Mina tended to get a bit carried away and forget that not all her lovers were bovines who were up to her level of enthusiasm. He had no doubt that Mina would be getting her turn as well this evening, but it was nice to work his way up to her.

Bovine moans of pleasure combined with squeaky, breathless exclamations caught his attention and he snuck a quick look. Naira was enjoying herself, evidently, and so was Ginger; the mouse-girl's hips rocking steadily, pushing up into Naira, who was riding astride, her head back, with an indecently pleased expression on her face. He licked his lips involuntarily as he watched, then turned back to find himself face-to-cock with Mina.

"I was feeling left out," she said with a grin. One minotaur-sized hand rested gently on his cheek; the other was pumping the minotaur-sized cock springing from between her furry legs. Knowing Mina as well as he did, he took a deep breath, then leaned his head forward.

The rich scent of Naira's juices mixed with Mina's semen assailed his nose. Ardanis didn't find it disgusting, but it was_strong; earthy and primal. Her cock-stroking hand went to his head as she worked her way in, and he puffed his cheeks as her girth stretched his mouth wide. His heart beat faster, as it always did when Mina wanted oral; there was something in the primitive part of his brain that was convinced he was going to choke. _Easy, he thought. _Relax; you've been here before._It helped that Mina seemed content to feed him her cock at a speed that suited him; the problem was that Kani's eager entry was pushing him forward onto Mina's she-bull meat. The oni was thrusting vigorously now, and had plastered herself against his back, her teeth nipping lightly at his shoulder blades in a counterpoint to her thrusts.

"Oooo... it's been too long, honey," she whispered, taking a break from nibbling him. "I need to have you over more often to play."

Normally he would have said something, but with a mouthful of bull cock it was a bit difficult, to say the least. He was a bit concerned; Kani, like other red onis, could be a bit temperamental and might choose to take his non-responsiveness as an insult. On the other hand, she was quite familiar with the other girls' tastes with him, particularly for having him fellate them.

A quiet clicking sound caught his attention and he rolled his eyes in its direction as best he could; it wasn't easy to look at what else was going on in the room while spitted between Mina and Kani. Still, he was able to make out the lizardess; though still gagged, she was no longer blindfolded and was taking pictures with someone's cellphone. Probably Mina's, he thought; she was the most likely to want pictures of the evening's festivities. Or it could be Ginger's.

He was finding it hard to concentrate between Mina's ample cock stuffed down his throat, making it necessary for him to breath through his nose, and Kani's girl-meat driving into his bum, teasing his prostate and making his need to cum even worse. At the moment all he wanted was for both of them to cum, and for someone - anyone! - to get that cock ring off so he could cum. "That's enough, Sh'sthress," he heard Demona dimly through the pounding of his pulse, and the lizardess returned - scampered, he thought - back to her side.

Mina was breathing heavily, her fingers flexing on his shoulders while she drove into him. Her heavy balls slapped against his chin each time she hilted herself in his throat, and Kani had moved into a counterpoint rhythm, her rocking thrusts in time with Mina's; both of them in unison. The oni's arms were still around him, though her hands had moved up to his chest and her fingers pinched his nipples lightly, sending little shocks of pleasure through him.

Kani came first; her hips bucked wildly, then she froze, jammed as deeply inside his ass as she could, quivering violently, and he felt hot, liquid warmth rushing into his bum from her throbbing girl-meat. "OOH FUCK YEAH!" she cried out, digging her feet into the deeply-padded floor and bracing her hands on his rump. "That's what I like; milk me, kitty!" and indeed, he was doing that; his butt contracting rhythmically around her pumping shaft.

That set Mina off, and he swallowed frantically as the minotauress's balls heaved and he felt her shaft flexing in his mouth, a warning as girl-cum surged along her cock to erupt in his throat. "Hrmmmm!!" he exclaimed, muffled by Mina's log, but it was unnecessary; Mina had likewise frozen in the grip of orgasm, shuddering while her balls churned up a bull-sized load of nut-butter. Pinned between both shemales like a fly in amber, Ardanis could only clench and swallow and do his best to keep up. Kani, though well-built and able to pump a generous measure into his butt, was not anywhere near in the same league as Mina's prodigious fleshy column and the massive loads she could produce.

At length he heard Kani's satisfied sigh and felt her eruptions trailing off, her cock softening in the grip of his anus, followed by the slick, squishy suction of the oni withdrawing. Mina, though, was in no hurry to finish; he could feel his belly filling, becoming heavy with the minotauress' apparently inexhaustible supply of thick, creamy spooge. At least she wasn't thrusting; she was content to simply keep her bullcock jammed down his throat while her baby-makers unloaded.

She too gave a deep, lowing sigh of pleasure when she pulled out, the last fire-hose-like jet of her bull-spunk splattering on his head and Kani's tits. The oni giggled and crawled around to give Mina's hefty shaft a long, slow lick while Ardanis wiped his mouth and caught his breath. Giving Mina head was always a challenge.

"Thanks, Ardanis," Demona said with a smile from her seat. "You've helped make this a very special birthday party for Ginger." She nodded at the mouse-girl who was still vigorously thrusting into Naira. "Since you've been so good about this, I arranged a treat for you, too." She undid the ball gag in the lizardess's jaws and gave her a gentle touch on her snout. "Now you may release him, dear," she said to her, and the petite reptile rubbed against her hand.

"Thank you, Mistress," she said in a soft, sibilant voice, then rose to her feet. She looks like living jewelry, he thought, watching how the light played off her green-and-gold scales. The lizardess stopped in front of him, then sank slowly to her knees as he sat up. "Do I please you, sir?" she asked, her slitted, liquid-gold eyes wide, and he nodded, not sure what to say. Women usually told him what they wanted rather than ask what he wanted. She smelled like warm sand, with a hint of some delicate musk.

"Mistress Demona permits me to free you, and then I am to please you," she informed him. With that, she leaned forward, her small hands working at the cock ring.

"What's your name?" he asked as she pushed her auburn hair to one side and a remarkably long, forked tongue flickered from between her very-sharp-looking teeth.

"I am Sh'sthress, sir," she replied. "My mistress has loaned me to Mistress Demona for the evening, you see." Explanation complete, she leaned forward, her tongue flicking lightly to caress his shaft, sampling the pre-cum oozing from the split in the crown of his cock. She stroked herself slowly, then brought her fingers up to his lips. "Will you taste me, please?"

Almost of its own volition, he found his tongue licking at her fingers. She tasted exotically different; for some reason her juices make him think of nectarines and desert oases. It was also clear that she was ready; more than ready, in fact. Knowing Demona, he wouldn't have been at all surprised if she'd had a vibrator or other toy keeping the lizardess at a slow simmer up to this point. "You taste just fine to me," he assured her, and her muzzle wrinkled in a reptilian smile.

"Then I am ready to please you," she replied and squirmed agilely around onto all fours. Sh'sthress looked back at him, her face a mixture of invitation and desire to please, waggling her rump as she swung her tail up and forward. Her nether lips gleamed like gemstones with her juices, the scaled outer parted slightly to reveal her ready, moist inner passage.

Having been the recipient of a few cocks so far this evening, Ardanis was more than ready to put his to good use, and rested his paws on her pert bottom, lining his shaft up. She hissed in pleasure as his glans rubbed along her slit and gave him a little rocking wiggle, as clear a signal of readiness as any words. She felt incredibly warm under his hands.

His world narrowed down to just the pretty lizard kneeling on hands and knees in front of him. He was peripherally aware that Ginger and Naira seemed to be coming to a climax, but right now all that mattered was the enticing warmth of Sh'sthress as he slowly thrust into her.

She was tight, very tight. He didn't think she was virgin, but she definitely exercised, going by the smooth, rippling grip around him. She was also much, much warmer inside that he'd ever encountered before. "Oh.... my god..." he groaned, pushing further; she was like a living oven around him, and he felt himself hardening rapidly, the blood rushing to his cock in response.

Sh'sthress hissed softly again, murmuring, "Yessss, pleassse, sssir!", drawing out her s's. The lizardess shifted, spreading her scaled thighs wider, and flattened her chest and shoulders against the floor, pushing her rump up against him. "I am yourssss, yourssss to ussssse...!"

Ardanis moved to brace himself atop her, thrusting hard. He knew he wasn't going to last long due to the way he'd been pent up with Ginger, Kani and Mina, but he was going to do her properly. Feet shifted on the cushioned floor; he thought it was Ginger and Naira - only they were on his right, he realized as Naira gave a mooing cry of pleasure, closely followed by Ginger's cries. So who -? He forced his attention away from the squirming reptile under him and looked back toward his own rump.

Demona had been wearing more than jacket and boots. The supple green leather gleamed under the lights as she stopped behind him, and the open jacket framed her gently-swaying breasts. She was also wearing a matching green strap-on, which one elegant hand had just finished smearing with lube. "Couldn't resist the opportunity," she grinned at him, a wicked gleam in her green eyes.

He clenched involuntarily as the comparatively cool latex cock snuggled in between his buns, and his rhythm faltered for a moment. _At least it's not Mina-sized_passed through his mind as she pushed in. He turned back to Sh'sthress, who was looking back at him with a slightly worried look.

"Are you displeassssed, sssir?" she asked, panting slightly. "Tell me what I musssst do?"

"No... not displeased," he replied, panting himself, though more as Demona worked her strap-on further into his butt. "You're... you're good," he added, and Sh'sthress smiled back at him.

"Thank you, sssirr. It gladdenssss me that you are pleasssed," she replied. She spread her arms a bit wider, bracing against not just his thrusts but those of the elegant grey catgirl pushing into him in turn.

The trio soon found a smooth, double-ended rhythm; Demona withdrawing as Ardanis thrust into Sh'sthress, then reversing. Ardanis wasn't sure how long he would last, though; he felt an incredible need to cum, and Demona's strap-on stroking his prostate wasn't helping any. He felt the floor shifting as Ginger and Naira parted ways, and from the sounds of things, Mina and Kani were just getting started with each other, though he wasn't inclined to look and see who was in who.

In fact, he didn't last very long at all, though from Sh'sthress's whistling moans, he judged she was quite satisfied as it was, and it was with a huge flood of relief that he crashed over the edge, his cock achingly hard in the lizard-girl as it spat cat-cream. She thrashed and writhed under him while he shot the rapids of orgasm until the languid feeling of completion stole over him. The pretty reptile gave a hissing sigh of pleasure as well.

Demona, however, wasn't quite ready, so he found it difficult to pull out of Sh'sthress. The catgirl's eager thrusts grew faster now that she wasn't trying to match his, and he braced himself to keep his weight off the lizardess still stuffed full of his tom-hood. It didn't take her long, though; he suspected she'd been on a simmer up to this point as well, and she yowled softly as she came, quivering for several moments. His sensitive nose scented her honey leaking around the pad of her strap-on as she withdrew, and the three of them rolled to one side or the other, panting softly.

Sh'sthress twisted lithely to look past Ardanis to Demona. "Did I do well, Mistresss?" she asked, still dragging out her sibilants a bit, and the grey cat-girl nodded, smiling.

"You did very well, Sh'sthress," she replied as she unbuckled the strap-on. Wetness gleamed on the harness and Ardanis saw that it was a double-ended one; so she'd been enjoying a stuffing herself while she mounted him. He rubbed his butt gently; by this point in the proceedings he was feeling a bit sore there. Demona saw his wince and chuckled a bit. "It's time for a break anyway, Ardanis," she said, rising gracefully to her feet. She strolled across the shifting surface of the floor to the throne-like chair, and he couldn't help but watch her tail swishing sexily behind her.

He stretched while she spoke softly into the phone by the chair, then helped Sh'sthress up. The petite lizardess seemed a bit taken aback and skittered away, apparently unsure that she should be standing without permission. He looked around as he worked the tight latex shorts down, sighing in relief as they finally relinquished their grip on him. Ginger and Naira were snuggled, spooning on the floor, and Mina had rolled Kani onto her front and was once again demonstrating her insatiable drives as she thrust vigorously into the giggling red oni's backside.

There was a discreet knock on the door a few minutes later, and at Demona's call of "Come in," a trio of svelte vixens in house uniform came in, bearing a cake, bottles, platters of nibblies and a selection of plates, glasses and other tableware. They seemed to cope with the shifting floor easily, nor did they appear to notice the various naked furs, nor the enthusiastically-rutting couple on the floor. The wide ledge along one side served for a table, where they set everything out, then turned and filed out, the last one giving Demona a small smile and nod as she closed the door behind her.

"C'mon, you two!" Naira laughed. "We're not going to wait forever, you know! Hurry up, or no cake and champagne for either of you!"

"Hey!" Kani called, and her forehead wrinkled with sudden concentration. With an explosive grunt, Mina shuddered, and Kani's eyes widened as the minotauress's cock erupted, hosing the oni's butt in response to her sudden clenching.

The incentive of birthday cake and wine prompted both to finish quickly, though Kani winced a bit as she stood, thick white cream running down her inner thighs. She seemed unfazed by it, though, and Mina simply let her bull-cock flop against her furry thighs.

There was something surreal about the scene, Ardanis decided. Not bad, but definitely out of the ordinary; seven furs mostly undressed, all of them thoroughly messy and smelling of sex, sitting back and singing "Happy Birthday". Ginger jumped up when they'd finished singing to cut the cake, then Demona and she were passing around plates and pouring champagne.

It was a pretty good party after all, Ardanis reflected some time later. The grey tom was leaning back against a couple of pillows, with Ginger snuggled against one shoulder and Demona against the other; he was feeding them both cake in turns. Kani was idly teasing Sh'sthress, her fingers wandering over the lizardess' smooth, scaled tummy and stroking her nether lips, while she swigged from a bottle of champagne which had somehow managed to fall into her possession.

Mina and Naira picked their way across the pillowy floor, making everything and everyone move rather like ships on a languid ocean. "Hey, Ginger," they said, "we're going to take off now." Naira's tail was wrapped around Mina's waist and vice-versa, and it wasn't hard to guess what the two had in mind. Ginger untangled herself from Ardanis and the two bovines hugged her thoroughly.

"Thanks for throwing a terrific party," she said, a bit muffled between them.

"Aww, you're welcome, Ging, and Happy Birthday!"