The more, the merrier?

Story by AlasNegras on SoFurry

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#2 of Short stories

Hello, I bring you a new story, this time more focused on romance. I remind my readers that English is not my mother language, any correction or help will be welcome.

Is there such a thing as a perfect couple? Sara and Daniel seem to be, and yet there is one thing, one secret that could break the beautiful relationship that has just been born between them.

Enjoy the reading!


by Alas Negras

"I won!"

The arctic fox plopped down on the couch, letting out an enthusiastic little shout. She gulped her soda to down the last piece of hot dog and looked at the fox -a regular one- on the other end of the couch. Surprise and resignation were clearly visible on his face, accentuated by the white fur around his eyes.

"You weren't kidding, yeah," he said, licking his lips and hands, covered in ketchup and mustard. "Do you feel better after ruining my record?"

"Absolutely," she replied shamelessly, trying to wipe her fingers with a napkin. "And I certainly wouldn't turn down another competition, was good fun. Is there another personal best you'd like to see trampled?"

"Yeah, sure. How do you know I've tried my best? I might have let you win."

"Deceiving a poor lady? Oh, that would be very Mre, Mr Barrier," she twisted his head in mock indignation. "Such an affront could only be fixed one way: a spa trip--this weekend.

"Tempting offer. While studying it, I think this poor lady would settle for some ice cream I happened to bring in earlier. Strawberry they are," he added, winking.

They both laughed and clinked the sodas together, sharing a long look.

"I'll get them," she said. "Turn the movie back on, I want to know what happens to the zombie mechas."


Looking for a partner had never been in Sara's plans. Four months ago, like most foxes, she was living alone and enjoying it. Her job as a cook at Platos Platos - a small restaurant - left her enough time to go running, meet friends and pay the mortgage on a flat on the outskirts of Zootopia. With a thin snout, fluffy tail and cute black ears, most males found her highly desirable. If she wanted it, it was easy to find volunteers when she went out partying. They weren't looking for attachments, and neither was she, just a night of pleasure. She had never thought of pursuing anything more.

That had changed the night of her thirty-third birthday. She had returned to her flat, exhausted after a wild party, and as she lay in bed, she felt lonely for the first time. That feeling kept her from sleeping. Tossing and turning between the sheets, she mulled over the idea of finding someone. Not the typical flirts she was used to, but someone different: a partner. Someone who would really want to know her, who would support her through good and bad, and with whom she could share dreams and forge a life together.

Hours later, staring at the ceiling, she decided it was time to give up her bachelorhood.

She soon realised that it wasn't going to be easy. The hardest part was finding an uncached fox. There were none at work, and the ones she met in bars were like her before, looking for one-night deals. She considered trying other canids but quickly ruled them out: they were too different, and she couldn't imagine herself in a relationship with them for long. After trying here and there with no results, she decided to take the advice of a friend and try online dating. She located a site called Bonding, which was reputed to work very well, and prepared her profile for future candidates.

Once again, the disappointments began. Although Sara's profile was clear about what she was looking for, most aspirants just wanted to get her laid. Many lied about themselves and their lives to get a date. The remaining males were always seriously flawed in some way: possessive, self-centred or too square. Some took rejection very badly; insults such as cocktease or prude were common. Sara prided herself on not having stooped to their level, but it hurt, sometimes a lot.

Ten failed dates later, her doubts crept in. Was it really that complicated? Was she making it complicated? Although she wasn't dominant, she liked to take the initiative from time to time and be direct, with all the problems that entailed. Foxes were territorial; it was in their nature to want to feel in charge and dominate the females they encountered. It had never seemed like a problem to her, but now she understood why so many foxes chose to be single mothers.

As the failures piled up, her self-esteem dropped. She had even looked at herself in the mirror for hours, wondering if she had put on weight, if her nipples were asymmetrical or if she was too old. Her friends told her she was too demanding. They suggested she be more submissive and hesitant, let them take control before revealing herself as she was. She tried, but when it came down to it, she didn't feel comfortable. It wasn't worth starting a relationship by lying, whether it was too much or too little.

Tired of this situation, Daniel's notification came just as she was about to delete her account. She didn't remember why she decided to look at it, but she did remember the feeling: intrigue. His profile indicated eighty centimetres tall, the same height as her. That was very rare in males of his species; most of them reached ninety centimetres with ease.

In addition, the fox exuded a surprising amount of elegance and confidence for his twenty-five years of age. Looking at his profile, Sara discovered he was a carpenter, lover of classical things and sporty. Even with his record of failure, Sara couldn't resist: she needed to meet this young male.

They met in a small restaurant. Despite her interest, Sara didn't allow herself to get her hopes up. The number of assholes she had met was too high, and Daniel was quite young. He probably just wanted to get laid and show off to his friends. All she wanted that night was to enjoy a delicious meal, have an entertaining chat and not be chased down the street with him shouting 'slut' or else.

When she arrived, he was already there, dressed in a black suit that looked like something out of the last century. People stared at him, but he remained calm. When she told him about the reaction he was provoking, he had smiled and asked her to dance. "If everyone's watching, let's give them a good show." He said it so confidently that Sara couldn't refuse. His warm brown eyes made her lose all sense of time until dinner arrived. Unlike the others, Daniel knew how to show his interest in a subtle way. He let her talk, shared his own anecdotes and made her laugh more than a few times.

That night, a little groggy because of laps and wine, Sara slept contentedly for the first time in a long time.

Ignoring the advice of her friends, Sara had been about to propose the second date, but Daniel was faster. This one had been more casual, running together through one of the city's many parks. When the exercise was over, he had picked some wildflowers and made a wreath out of them. Sara saw him approach, and when she thought he was going to give it to her, he put it on his head and asked her for opinion. Sara couldn't help but laugh so hard it made her stomach hurt. Later they bought sandwiches, enjoying a day that was all too short for Sara. As they said goodbye, he kissed her on the hand, a subtle but unmistakable gesture of his interest.

Sara didn't need anything else to be sure: Daniel was the perfect fox, and she felt ready to take the next step. This time it was she who had issued the invitation, a movie evening at his house. Gone were the mistakes of past dates. The next night would be unforgettable.


She couldn't move. Her whole body felt nailed to the sofa, unable to move the metre that separated her from Daniel. Every time she looked at him, a sparkle ruffled her fur and made her feel breathless. Sara felt like she was back at school, dead embarrassed as she tried to deliver a letter to the boy she liked.

She plucked up the courage to move a little closer. Daniel, distracted by the film, didn't notice. Sara felt the toes of her paws curl, anxious. With each heartbeat, she forced herself to move towards him. One, two... ten. He was already as close as possible. After a deep breath, Sara leaned forward, gripping the back of the couch for balance. Her left hand rested on Daniel's chest, trying to pull him to her to press their lips together.

The support disappeared, making Sara lost her balance, falling headfirst into the cushions. When she lifted her head, she saw Daniel standing there, wide-eyed and smiling nervously.

"Excuse me, I need to use your bathroom!"

Without waiting for an answer, he rushed over before she could catch her breath or even nod. Sara struggled to understand what had happened. He was calm just a second ago. She worked to suppress her fears as she stood up and smoothed her dress. Daniel had had an emergency, that was all. She herself was feeling a little heavy after eating so much, it wasn't a big deal. Was it?

But maybe she'd gone too fast. Yes, her friends would laugh at her for waiting so long, but Daniel was a gentleman; he didn't like to rush. Maybe she had caught him by surprise, and he hadn't known how to react? That had to be it. Everyone had their little things, but she couldn't imagine him wanting to save a simple kiss at his age. They weren't teenagers to beat around the bush.

She heard the bathroom door open and forced herself to calm down. She assumed a relaxed posture and smiled, ready to make Daniel forget about this incident. She hadn't expected the look on the fox's face, however.

"Sorry, I'm not feeling well, and I'm running late. Raincheck?

Something wasn't right. Daniel's eyes were moving too much, his fingers twitching. He sounded confident as always though his smile was more strained.

"Can I do anything? "she said, leaning closer. "Do you want tea? A pill?"

"No, don't worry," he replied, adjusting his tie, which had become a little loose. "I'll rest and feel better in the morning, I'm sure."

Nodding, Sara walked him to the door. She felt like some kind of robot, acting on instinct as he apologised again. She knew he was still talking, but she couldn't understand him.

"Rest well," she said politely.

"You do the same."

The door closed softly. The sound pierced Sara's ears as she stood there, still, staring at the wood. A thousand heartbeats later, having given up hope of his return, she came back to the living room. The film was still playing. The refreshments were half-full. She sat down right on Daniel's seat, who had already gone cold, and closed her eyes. Two lonely tears fell to the floor. A thousand heartbeats later, she fell asleep, still wondering what she had done wrong.


Sara turned up the phone once more. No new calls, no new messages. The last one, from three days ago, was Daniel to let her know that he had a lot of work to do and that he would let her know soon. She had read it so much that she knew it by heart, just like the previous three.

She sighed and left the flat, trying to distract herself by thinking about the work that awaited her. It was Friday, so many families and couples would be filling the restaurant. The image of Daniel came back to her mind, accompanied by an uncomfortable pressure in her stomach. It was clear to her now that the cramps and the bathroom run had only been an excuse. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't understand what had gone wrong.

She turned the corner and went to his usual coffee shop. It was closed. Distracted, she'd forgotten that they'd announced the closure last month. She decided she would go to Café Reencuentro, which required only a slight detour. Passing between the legs of a giraffe, she picked up the pace. There was no point in regretting. She had sensed interest, but it was clear that Daniel didn't think so. She felt a pang in his chest. If she had at least given her a clear rejection, she might know if it was her fault.

Deep in thought, Sara dodged around people until she reached the café. A small queue of interested parties waited outside. Two rabbits, one otter, three dogs and Daniel. She stopped, still several metres from the entrance; his outfit was unmistakable. He hadn't seen her yet. She could leave now and avoid an awkward moment for both of them.

No, she decided; she wouldn't. Stepping forward decisively, she tapped him on the shoulder.

"Morning, Daniel."

"Sara?" he gave a little jump and turned around. "How are you? I've never seen you come to this coffee shop before."

"It's the first time. The one near my house closed."

"That's too bad. What do you want? I recommend the cappuccino, they make..."

Although he seemed cheerful, Sara could feel his discomfort. Daniel disguised better than that night, but she noticed how he avoided looking at her and how his ears fell back in nervousness. She let him speak as the line moved forward, waiting to hear an explanation or a rejection. Either would do.

However, neither happened. Daniel was only polite, only speaking to cover the silence. The more she heard, the more frustrated Sara became. She looked down as she picked up her coffee, not wanting to show how much this situation was affecting her.



"Things aren't working out between us. It was nice to meet you, I wish you the best."

She left the cafeteria, almost running, wanting to get out of there before she lost her cool and made a spectacle of herself, but then felt her arm being grabbed.

"Wait, wait a minute! What's the matter?"

Sara broke the grip. For an instant, she wanted to scream at him, to say, "you know what", and walk away. Her intentions were undone when he looked at her, this time for real. Daniel's face was filled with concern, so she clutched the coffee cup with both hands - and more force than was necessary - and calmed herself. She didn't want to go down that road, acting hysterical. He had asked, and she'd give him an honest answer.

"You've been avoiding me since the other night, and now you won't even look at me. I'm tired. I don't know what's going on, but I can't stand this situation. If you don't want to see me anymore, tell me."

"I do want to see you," he whispered. "It's not... I am sorry about how I left that night, okay? That's why you're angry, isn't it? I'm..."

Embarrassed, he hid with his tail between his legs. His confidence was gone entirely. Sara felt sorry, but it wasn't enough; an apology wasn't the answer. Disappointed, she turned around again and then she heard him.

"I have a physical condition!"

Confused, she looked at him again. He approached, much more nervous after having attracted the attention of passers-by. She wasn't entirely comfortable either but was too curious not to ask.

"What do you mean by that? You got an illness?"

"Not here," she swallowed, embarrassed. "Tonight, at your place or wherever you want, I promise I'll tell you everything, just not here, please. I beg you."

She thought about it, thought it through. She wanted to solve this mystery and give him the chance to explain. Even if she was angry and hurt, she wasn't going to act like a child.

"Come at eight," she said, sealing the deal with a handshake.


Despite Sara's fears, Daniel kept his word. He arrived punctually and sat down on the chair she offered him. Sara stood, looking up at him, her fur bristling and her tail fidgeting. It took him a moment to speak.

"Do you have any tea?" he said in a faint voice.

She poured it for him. She saw his fingers tremble. If she had any resentment left, it had just vanished, replaced with some fear. This matter was serious.

"Listen, I'm not going to run away or anything. I just want to know, why didn't you tell me before?

"It's complicated," he said, drinking half the cup. "Very few people know."

It had to be. Daniel couldn't seem to find the words. He tried several times, interrupting himself before he could get a single sound out. Sara dug her claws into the chair, holding her breath. Watching him sit up, with a single jerky movement, she feared he would bolt under pressure, but he just stared at her.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone."

"I promise."

Daniel took off his jacket. The trembling of his hands made it harder to undo the buttons on his shirt, but he managed. Sara's eyes widened at the sight of a corset. She was about to ask him, but he was already undoing the straps that held it tight. As he took it off, Sara's jaw dropped. She'd gotten the answer she'd been looking for; what she hadn't expected was that it would bring her a thousand more.

On that torso were eight nipples, pink and very visible, just like hers. Wrong. Sara's tits were almost flat; Daniel's were mounds that formed two small ridges along the length of the male. They were not quite the size of a nursing mother's but certainly larger than any female she'd ever seen.

Thoughts flew. Was he... a she?! The more she thought about it, the more confused she became. She froze, unable to stop staring at him until he twisted his head and went to the couch, face buried in his hands. It took Sara a moment to follow him. She sat next to him, not knowing what to say. Her fears and insecurities felt insignificant compared to this.

She wanted to comfort him, to do something. That wasn't going to change, fox or vixen. She rested her hand on his calf, smiling. Daniel jerked his hands away, surprised. He hadn't cried, but his eyes were wet. Sara moved closer. Now she understood everything better and was going to listen, ask questions and help him any way she could. Or help her. How complicated.

"I told you I wasn't going to run," she said.

"It's still hard to believe," he rubbed his eyes, letting out a relieved chuckle. "Forgive me; I've been a complete idiot. I shouldn't have kept it from you."

-Yes, you have," she said, still smiling. "So it's your turn to make amends and explain, don't you think?"

Daniel nodded, more cheerful. He crossed his fingers under his chin, sighing. Sara waited patiently, even though she was dying to know more.

"It took us by surprise. Me and my family, I mean. All the males in my family are tall and strong, so I never thought it would be any different with me. I measured myself every day, dreaming of being as big as my father. At twelve, when my puberty started, I was so happy that I brought the subject into every conversation, and my mother bragged about her 'little grown up'."

She laughed, her eyes lost in the past. To her surprise, Sara noticed no bitterness, just a hint of sadness.

"And well, then I got these. I went crazy. I remember that day, looking at myself in the mirror, like I was the weirdest freak in the universe. I was too embarrassed to confess, I thought everyone would laugh at me. It was a stupid decision, but then I didn't know what else to do. I convinced myself that they would go away on their own, that it was just a weird puberty thing. I stopped going to my football games, swimming, anywhere I could be seen naked. Eventually, my mother found out and took me to the doctor. The clinical name is oestrogen hypersensitivity syndrome; I think you get the idea. That's why I'm, well, like this."

There was a deep silence as Sara chose her words carefully. In Daniel's position, any hurtful comment - even if not malicious at all- could affect him. It was tough, especially when she was fighting the urge not to jump out of her seat since confirming that Daniel was a male; she didn't want to reveal her emotions after hearing something so severe, it would be too offensive.

"Say something," Daniel blurted out, having tensed up again.

"I'm sorry," she replied quickly, "To be honest, I'm nervous. I wasn't expecting something like this, and I don't know what to say.

"I think you could use some tea."

He walked to the table with a graceful movement and brought the cup she had offered him earlier. She drank the remainder, smiling again at the apparent change of positions.

"Don't worry, you can ask me anything you want. You can't do any worse than my father," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Your father?"

"When my mother told him about my condition, he said he wouldn't raise a male-female freak. He took the car and drove off."

"I hope a truck cached him and smashed his fucking head.

Daniel's laughter filled the room as Sara blushed.

"Not being very subtle, huh?

"I'm sorry, I'm too disgusted! I don't know how you can talk so calmly about that, that-"

"It's been ten years," Daniel said, waving it away. And, believe it or not, I'm partly grateful."

"You're joking."

"No, but I don't want to talk about him. I think you still have questions for me."

Seeing his determination, Sara dropped the subject. It was true; there was one question left, the most important one.

"Haven't you ever thought about, well, medical help?"

"You mean surgery? Yes, I thought about it many times. My mother tried to raise the money, but it was an expensive operation. She spent a year and a half with a second job until I asked her to stop."


"It was too much for her, she had no life. Even if I did all the housework and left her meals cooked, she was always tired."

"And what happened then?

"Afterwards, I decided it wasn't worth it. It's just..." Daniel rubbed his eyebrows, "it's my body. Weird, but mine. I used to hate it, yes, but I got used to it. It's oversimplifying, I know, but it didn't happen in a day. It wasn't the body I'd wanted, but it was mine. It wasn't worth changing it at the cost of my mother's health and filling my body with scars."

Her father, her mother. Sara was getting more and more impressed. He was letting it go so fast that it was almost easy to forget how hard it must have been for him. And then he grabbed her hand.

"Sara, does my body disgust you?"

Startled, all she could do was to stand still. It wasn't just the question, but his hand, gentle, onto hers. It was all she had wanted that night.

"I wanted you to know everything because I like you," he continued. "I've been rehearsing how to say it in fancy words, but it doesn't matter now. I want to be with you. And... and I don't want to impose anything on you, least of all my body, I just..."

When the voice faded, Sara felt transported to a different place. A new atmosphere full of stillness -not silence- enveloped them, robbing the words of all their power. They became poor, useless tools for honest and transcendental communication. Without them, they both looked into each other's eyes. They clung to them, sharing so much and so important that they felt as if in their previous lives they had been mere fools.

Their hands joined, their heartbeats bouncing in an endless echo. In a slow, inevitable movement, their lips joined, and they lost themselves, feeling complete on that pathless road. The need to breathe disappeared during an endless symphony, or so she felt. When they returned to reality, Sara knew the answer to her question with unmistakable clarity.

"Come with me."

She led him into the bedroom, smiling. Daniel was half-naked, so she felt it necessary to even the score. He stared at her, fascinated, watching each garment float to the floor until only red panties remained. His breathing almost turned into panting. Sara had never felt so desired.

She reached for his lips again, feeling his hot chest. The nipples hardened under her hand without losing softness. She explored more, letting his hand enjoy them, wanting to know better. So soft and perfect, reacting to the slightest touch. She felt a small pang of jealousy. She had compared his own to those of other females and sometimes wished they were bigger. She'd never imagined he'd do the same with a male. How odd.


She looked at him, surprised.

"Y-You'd better slow down if you don't want me to-

"Really? So sensitive?"

He nodded, shy. Sara could almost feel the heat boiling up in his cheeks. That made her cross her legs, feeling a sudden pulse of wetness between them. The desire was too intense; she couldn't stop, just slow down. He drove her close. Their nipples came together in sync, creating a shared moan. Daniel traced small circles down her back, parting the white fur until he descended to her hips. The grip felt firm, protective. Sara breathed in, enjoying the intensifying masculine scent. She reached down to her trousers, sliding the briefs and trousers down, but he stopped her.

"I... I want to warn you. Maybe it's not what you expected. I'm not that impressive down there. Perhaps you're used to something a little... bigger."

She looked at him for a moment, wondering how to proceed. The answer drew a mischievous smile.

"You're right. I like guys with big things. And these," she said, circling her tits, "qualify as big, don't they?


She licked his muzzle and backed away, making soft giggling. Daniel shook his head and went after her, unable to help himself from grinning. This time there was no opposition. Their hands were both looking the same. In slow motion, the last of Daniel's clothes fell away. Sara felt a finger tangle around the edge of her panties, tugging them down until she was just as exposed as him. A thin trickle of fluid connected them to her crotch. Daniel pressed her gently against the bed, pushing her thighs apart.

Even knowing it was going to happen, the first touch of his tongue made her shiver. Daniel waited, letting the anticipation grow. And he returned, more insistently, his tongue trying to sink in her spade, working the thick lips. She opened herself, letting one more drop of fluid slide down. He caught it, accepting the invitation. His fingers didn't stay still, wandering around her slit, moving up to the nipples on her belly. She moaned loudly, her tail quivering beneath her. Little spasms of pleasure ascended throughout her body, growing in intensity along with Daniel's boldness, invading her more and more.

She could wait no longer. She hauled at him, desperate, making Daniel fall onto the bed as she straddled him. She rubbed against the sheath, revealing the pink tip, as wet as she was. It only took three rubs for her to feel it throbbing, eager. She guided it inside her, feeling how it filled her almost completely at once. His knot began to form, pressing against her sensitive spots at the same time. There was no pain or discomfort; he was made for her.

Daniel rose, kissed her, bit her neck as she wrapped her legs around him. Their eyes met, shining, begging for more. Sara burned, thrusting against Daniel's member. Wild moans filled the room; control was an illusion now. More. His nipples, her nipples, their pleasures were one. More. Her body didn't want to stop. There was only the next pounding, better than the last. More! Every fibre of her being torn. She heard her scream along with Daniel's as their hands joined in one final glorious thrust. Their minds shut down, their pleasure became one catapulting them to the most satisfying climax of their lives. Exhausted, unable to move, they both fell backwards, blissfully.

Some time passed before either of them could do more than utter a few gasping sounds. Sara noticed Daniel pull out of her, his knot now diminished. He crawled towards her, taking her chin gently and bringing their nuzzles together. She looked up at him, almost crying as she saw once again the affection shining in his eyes. For a long moment, there was only kissing, caressing and laughter. Neither of them needed to talk after that.

Sara looked at the ceiling. The ceiling had seen her alone for so long, had seen her cry; it was where she had started her search. Now, at last, a male was sharing the same vision by her side. Her mate, one who was beyond any expectations she could have dreamed of. There was only one last thing left to say, the cherry on the top to that night.



"If we have children, will you nurse them?"

"Oh, shut up!!!!