Dire Consequences: Chapter 01

Story by skyebun on SoFurry

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Three unlikely besties - 2 cat-girls & a Direwolf - give in to their teenage curiosities, and discover an altogether new & passionate way to pass the time...


As you'll see, this story contains aspects of eroticism that require a suspension of disbelief. Originally written as a roleplay piece by two authors, Dire Consequences has been edited to better suit the erotic-novella medium. __My writing partner and I are always looking at ways of improving our literary skills, so leave a comment if you enjoy it - especially so, if you'd like to see Chapter 2. <3

CHAPER 01: Peer Pressure

Xavier Venax pulled over to the side of the street, right in front of the large apartment building. In the years past, this building was designated as one of the many sanctioned off specifically for humans and half-breeds alike, though with the recent movements and law changes it had been forced to open availability to all - even though stigma still remained. Xavier's vehicle was more of necessity than choice - the white-colored truck big enough to fit one of his size and stature. He'd pull his phone from the center console, tapping away a brief message to Katie.

"I'm out front. Better get here before Christmas does." He'd smirk, sliding his phone back away. Both Katie and her friend Jess had been hanging out - though Jess lived across the city. Xavier picking the two up was half with reason to take Jess home, and an excuse for the three to get to talk some for the first time since the new laws had been passed. He'd lean back in his seat, sighing to himself as he waited. His attire for the day was simple enough - a pair of denim jeans that fit him loosely, a necessity from the rather... Abundance of size that he had packed down beneath the material, along with a grey T-shirt, fitted with a few black design markings across it. He would idly tap away at the steering wheel of his truck as he awaited, glancing at the clock as it read out in the bright display "10:13 A.M.", smirking to himself for a brief moment as he mused over the fact that he'd actually gotten out of bed early enough to make the half-hour drive and still be here as early as he was.

"...yeah, but that brand is like, twice the price, for half the size!" "Katie, you can't skimp on moisturiser. It's all about nourishing your skin" The two cat-girls glanced at each other across the bed. Both were reclining across the smooth, pink sheets. Scattered before them were a multitude of different magazines - fashion, beauty, gossip. They were thumbing through the pages idly before Jess found her favourite type of face-cream. She raised an eyebrow expectantly at her companion. "We're not gonna be 16 forever..."

"Pfft..." Katie shook her head, smiling. "I intend to stop aging when I reach 25." This elicited a giggle from the other cat-girl, who playfully smacked her best friend's arm. Truly, where they lay was the pair's natural habitat. Relaxing together, hanging out whether at school or at home. Yet, there was equally something missing from the scene... A third compatriot, who was as much a part of the dynamic as the girls themselves.

A soft buzz broke each from their conversation. Katie picked up her phone. "He's here", she proclaimed triumphantly, already lifting herself up from the bed. Jess gathered up the magazines and shoved them back onto her friend's bed-side table. Before long they were padding down the hallway to the front door. "Cya mom! I'll be at Xav's!" A muffled acknowledgement came from her parents' bedroom as the front door swung closed. The air was still warm outside. Warm enough they'd both opted for spring-time clothing. Katie's summer-dress flashed about her shapely thighs, while Jess's skirt swished just halfway to her knees. "Seeeee!" Katie playfully sneered at Xavier once she'd buckled herself into the passenger seat. "30 seconds it took me to get out."

"Truly an eternity in my years, I can hardly cope." He'd tease right back. He was just as capable of dealing with the young teen girls as one would expect him to be. He reached down to shift into gear as he pulled out from the temporary parking spot, starting the rather manageable drive back from the apartment to his place. "My parents are out of town for the weekend, so we can crash at my place as long as you want... Now that we apparently can." He'd roll his eyes, never having been one for the laws before - given that he was quite fond of his two feline friends that kept his vehicle rife with the sounds of their back-and-forth conversations and giggling about. Before, they weren't allowed to have more than one non-anthro in an anthro household, and time for just one was limited. For the most part, the drive there would go off fairly uneventfully, with little chit-chat here and there between the trio. It wouldn't take long before they'd find themselves pulling into the driveway, with the truck being shut off and parked right in the typical place.

"Alright, here we are. you girls have enough to cover the fare? Gas ain't cheap." He'd say, giving both a serious look, before chuckling to himself a bit, shaking his head as he'd unbuckle the seatbelt he wore and popped his door open. Making way towards the front door, he'd slip keys from his pocket to unlock it, before opening it for them both. Of course, he'd catch eye of the neighbor walking past, casting a slightly judging glance in their direction, which he returned right back. A few moments later, he'd be in past the doors - tossing his keys aside. "Make yourselves at home, just don't go raiding the fridge and stealing all of my food."

The events unfolding - Xav's arrival, the kittens' mutual eagerness to hang out, the destination of his apartment - none of it was necessarily unusual for the trio. They spent much of their free time all together, since becoming firm friends several years earlier. What was distinctly 'new', however, was how the world had seemingly changed overnight... The law was different, now. No longer did they have to worry about where they would hang out, given restrictions on location & time. Now, for the first time, they were given the freedom to choose. And not unpredictably, each had a sparkle of excitement in their eye at the prospect of having the Venax apartment to themselves for a whole weekend. On that thought, Jess patted her backpack. "Got clothes in here with Katie and I until Monday!" She grinned, reclining casually across the expansive back-seat watching the world flash by outside - the new society where their friendship was no longer considered 'wrong'.

"Hah, you wish", Katie giggled softly when they'd pulled up. The pair extricated themselves from the car and followed behind the towering canine. Their sweet, girlish voices echoed across the space on the short walk to the front door. Once inside, Jess dumped the bag next to the entrance and padded alongside Katie to Xav's bedroom. "We're you're guests. You're meant to give us anything we want! That includes from the fridge." They hopped up onto the bed and made themselves comfortable - just as he'd bidden.

Xavier rolled his eyes. In all the years they'd known each-other, it was a sort of rule that they were to be nothing but friends. That didn't stop a young canine like him from noting just how good they tended to look to him. It was the first time he was aware that there was no reason he couldn't feel that way, now. Shaking his head briefly, he'd stop at the fridge to grab a drink before following on after them. "I could just put a collar on you, y'know. Probably some people that would still feel better that way. Keep my little ''pet'' out of the fridge." He teased, laughing - playing into how in public it was acceptable before to treat humans and half-breeds like pets, or servants, however an Anthro may have desired.

Though it had grown rarer in the later years, it wasn't strictly prohibited until just these past few weeks. He'd take a few slow steps into the room, before he'd settle himself right down on the bed, drink set aside on the nightstand, laying back on the bed with a deep sigh. "I'll never pretend to understand politics, just glad someone finally figured out how to make the world suck a bit less..." He'd start with that serious, heavier little remark, before lightening it up a bit. ".. 'Least I'll be able to hit on Katie in public now, though." He'd grin to himself through his little jest, that typical adolescent sense of humor rife in him.

"The only kitty you're collaring is one from the Pound!" Jess called back, fluffing up the pillows behind her so she could sit more comfortably. Her feline companion only laughed to herself softly, her mind too on the very -real- fact that there was nothing stopping those frequent 'threats' from potentially becoming reality. Of course, it wasn't something she'd ever considered - her family, like Jess's, had raised the cat-girl to dismiss those archaic traditions of servitude. Even now, the momentary thought was dismissed almost as quickly as it'd started.

"Hey- Gentle..." Xavier's weight made the whole bed bounce as he sat down to join them, rocking the two of them side to side while the springs settled. They turned to look at the canine as he spoke, nodding along silently, all the way until he made another totally-unacceptable jibe. "Oh, you can try. I'd just -love- to see what moves you think you've got." Katie grinned teasingly. She knew, as well as Jess did, that Xav had never had a girlfriend. Not that she could talk either, though, given that her experience with boys extended almost exclusively to her friendship with Xavier. "And if you did, you'd have to hit on me, too. Can't go spreading rumours you're picking favourites", Jess chimed in, her face illuminated already by her phone screen as she swiped through Instagram.

Xavier laughed with their playing into his little teasing. "Oh please, you're just lucky that law was around, keeping me from getting with you, or you'd have been swooning all over me months ago." He'd retort right back to Katie. It wasn't unusual for him to joke with them like this, given the girls' families raised them to disregard those old traditions as they did - though it still held the air about them that they were forced to be just that - only jokes. Now? That veil was lifted.

"The bed handles me every night. Seems to handle two pretty girls in it with me, just fine." He'd tease, bouncing his hips a bit - just to make that bed bounce and the springs creak just a bit, as well. He glanced over at Jess, moving an arm around her back. "Yeah, yeah. Don't worry, I'd be sure to flirt with the both of you. Careful though, Jess, or we might make Katie jealous." He teased, sighing to himself for a moment. "So, how long before Katie goes trying to get me to ask her out, Jess?" He nudged the girl as he asked - seemingly just as happy to cause trouble again... Though in a way, it was their own way of joking and coming to terms with the new freedoms that news gave them.

The way Xav gently thrust his hips to make the bed wobble around might've even seemed somehow...suggestive, to an outside observer. But then, the trio were close friends. Close enough that innuendo and playful snipes were a regular facet of their idle chatter. It was rare for the cat-girls to truly express their heartfelt, platonic feelings for their canine companion. As most friends do, they showed their affection in their eagerness to hang out, and spend quality time together. Whether at the mall, or the movies, or the beach, or even here, chilling out in his schoolboy bedroom.

"Oh, true, we wouldn't want to make Katie jealous..." Jess grinned, glancing up from her phone to put a hand dramatically against his chest, as if intently holding herself to his strong, broad frame. "But I have to be honest about my love!" Her tone was the pinnacle of melodramatic, and her swaying tail betrayed the teasing nature of her outburst. "Dream on, puppy-dog. Dream on." Katie glared at the pair of them, poking out her tongue. "Anyway, the other girls at school already think you wanna be more than friends. So, it wouldn't exactly come as a surprise to them."

Xavier hooked his arm right around Jess as he chuckled with their little joke, tugging her a bit closer. "Sounds like Katie doesn't want any of this... Guess I'll just have to hook up with Jess instead... More for her!" He ended off, reaching with his other hand to grab his phone, just to check the time. "Do they now? Wonder why that is... You're the one that's always talking to them, not me. I was hardly allowed to see them ever. Must be telling them all about your feelings for me or something, if they think that I want more." He challenged her little remark as he sat up, just to reach over and grab the remote, to turn the TV on in the background, volume low.

"Wouldn't surprise me. Probably day-dreaming about getting in this bed all day. Guess Jess and I will just have to share." He teased once more. It wasn't usual for such a pairing of male anthro and female human or half-breed friends, so the typical teasing that guys would do amongst one another had turned to this sort of playful remarks that were shared amongst the trio. Though the joking was normal, Xavier certainly was taking a bit of a liking to it...

The flickering of the TV attracted the attention of the cat-girls. The news headlines were playing, with the news reader's voice mostly muffled by the low-set volume. It was clear from the footage though what was being discussed - the change to the laws. Anthros and humans and half-breeds alike sharing society completely. Dining together, walking together. Still, though, there were the protestors, those who declared that a fully mixed world would change everything for the worse. Yet, Katie at least took heart by the vision. Of other people out there in the world, those with fur and those with skin, obviously enjoying their own friendships.

"Oh, yeah, you're half-right. They know how head over heels Jess is for you. She just won't say." The green-eyed kitten grinned with apparent 'sweetness' at her feline companion. "Because she knows I'm the apple of your eye" Jess rolled her eyes, removing her hand from Xavier's chest and leaning back against the headboard. "Katie? Sharing? Hah! You've seen what she's like with milkshakes, slurps the whole lot up before either of us get a taste. It'd be the same with you"

Without a doubt, Xavier would pull the innuendo out of that with ease. "Pfft! As if Katie's got that much talent with those lips, to get all of me before my pretty little Jess has even had a chance." He'd put an obvious little tone to that segment of his sentence, breaking it out of serious-ness, for the most part. "Besides, I'm sure there's plenty more 'Me' here than either of you two could handle on your own. Katie would probably need your help getting a real taste of me!" He laid right on back - that position of his leaving him between the two girls, head between pillows that rested against the headboard. He smirked to himself, partly letting his mind wander, indulging in the idea of both of those pretty girls over him for a few moments as he found it a rather enticing offer. They were his friends, after all... But now... Those 'Benefits' weren't exactly outlawed, anymore...

Finally, the innuendo had reached a point where neither kitten could hold back a girlish giggle. Did their cheeks flush red, with a hint of a blush...? Or was that just the light...? Regardless, never before had Xavier been -quite- so bold with his direct teasing. Even at 16, there was little doubt in either of the cat-girls' minds as to what he was referring to. For half a heartbeat Katie's eyes glanced down to those loose-fitting denim jeans, and the unseen thing hidden beneath. "You're probably right..." Jess spoke again, her face illuminated once more by her phone screen. "Katie needs my help with everything. Can barely tie her own shoe laces..." She knew just how to get under her bestie's skin, as was evidenced by the green-eyed kitten's hasty outburst.

"What!? As if. You're just as bad." Jess raised her eyes over the top of her phone.

"Am not. You're always asking me to look over your homework."

"Yeah, well..." Katie's mouth worked in silence while she tried to come up with the right retort. "...well, I wouldn't need your help with Xav."

A smirk spread across blue-haired kitten's lips. "Shame we'll never know for sure though, hm?"

He wouldn't have caught that glimpse Katie gave, though he'd grin to himself as the two girls bickered back and forth over him... He really was taking quite the liking to this attention. Normally he'd dismiss it - knowing he couldn't do a thing about it without trouble... But now? Those young hormones were easily being let to wander freely. "Sounds like Jess is right to me..." He'd start off, drawing a leg back as he bent the knee slightly, letting it spread to the side a bit as he lazily rocked it back and forth. "There is only one way to prove you wouldn't need any help with me... But we both know Katie wouldn't be able to, isn't that right, Jess?" He'd snicker, glancing back to his phone screen as he pulled it up, just to text out a little message to Jess behind Katie's back, nothing more than an Emoji or some-such laughing about the situation. "But if we're being fair... You'd both really have to prove it... Not like we've got a free house for the weekend to do anything like that." The sarcasm was near tangible in his voice as he scooted back a bit - sitting up to lean against the headboard of the bed, his arms draped out to either side of the girls.

Playful, wholesome banter was quickly evolving into something else... Something -new-. A different kind of teasing, one that threatened to unravel the perfect, platonic friendship that had existed for so many happy years. The meaning was becoming more direct, more suggestive, like a wildfire which was now gathering heat and ferocity. Once, before the change of the laws, one of them would douse those flames with a laugh or giggle. Back then it had just been make-believe. Now, though, they were without the restrictions. They could do exactly as they pleased, and no one would be able to stop them. The notion was a powerful one, for a group of teenagers left alone at home for the weekend.

"Don't forget, Xav..." Katie began, lifting a finger to 'boop' his snout. "Yeah, yeah... Your Alpha-canine routine is all for show. Deep down you're just a cute lil' puppy, aren't you?" She spoke to him in the same way one would a baby, even as her eyes continued to sparkle. Jess, meanwhile, silently returned a laughing-emoji of her own to Xavier. She knew this was all just a joke... Right? Nothing was really going to happen... Right? A part of her was curious to provoke her friend further, knowing just how competitive she could be.

"If he's just a pup, you should have no trouble, then" Katie glared back, a little bit of surprise evident in her expression. Jess wasn't dropping this... Neither was Xav. She paused, again finding herself somewhat speechless. "E...Exactly. He wouldn't stand a chance." "Go on, then" Jess said plainly, pretending to be busy checking her news-feed, even while she waited with interest to see what Katie would do - and how Xav would respond in kind.

The silence was easily felt in the room after that little remark from Jess, so plainly set out into the open air. There it was - his moment to dismiss it all for teasing, so very easily... Yet, that was the last thing on his mind. He could feel that little friendly teasing pushing down that pathway towards all of those possibilities. "You heard her, Katie. Put your money where your mouth is. If I'm such a 'little puppy', it should be easy..." He'd speak out just as plainly. He'd reach down then, one hand slowly working the belt free of its buckle that he wore, popping the leather strap open. His hand lazily worked the button next, before those denim bottoms were entirely freed up, leaving the view of his boxers beneath. The entire conversation to now had him more than a bit worked up - and that bulge down against his thigh was so very prominent now, hiding nothing to the imagination just how far down it hung against him.

The audible *pop!* of Xavier unbuckling his pants told Katie all she needed to know about the intentions of her Direwolf bestie: he was perfectly happy to join in with her fellow cat-girl's teasing, and see how far she was willing to go... In reply, she swallowed with a *gulp* and suppressed a nervous laugh. If they were so content to tease, then her best revenge was to surely call their bluff. She eased down the bed further, the springs jostling the trio as the kitten positioned herself between Xavier's strong, masculine thighs. Jess could barely contain her curiosity, and found herself glancing towards Katie to watch her movements. Neither of them had ever even so much as hinted at a physical, sexual attraction to Xavier - though plenty of their other friends had playfully suggested they must surely feel something. Now...

Their bond was at a tipping point, of potentially becoming something else entirely. Her fingers found the waistband of Xavier's pants, and tugged them gently. Enough for him to know what she wanted, and shuffle his hips to allow an unimpeded view of his boxers. "Uh-huh..." She murmured nervously, gazing at the bulge in his boxers. "Go on", Jess said plainly, with just a hint of tremor to her girlish tone. Katie frowned - partly frustrated at Jess's belligerence, and equally that she was so damned -anxious- in result of their playful encouragement. Finally, she grabbed a hold of his underwear, and tugged again... Drawing them down, and down... Exposing, inch-by-inch, Xavier's meaty length.

He perked an ear slightly, just as he felt the weight of the bed shifting, as Katie slipped from his side, shifting down the bed, taking that spot between his legs. He'd spread them slightly to provide ample space for her to fit, leaning up a bit, bringing his head slightly off the pillow. A tipping point, to say the least. Up to now, his consistent teasing, pestering and all was in line with his normal attitude, save for being a bit extra on top, with Jess around. But now, he was curious just how far Katie was about to take it. Not one to back down, he'd raise his hips, heart racing a beat faster... They certainly had never gone this far, before. That denim slipping down just shown the heavy, thick size printed down his thigh. Not to be outdone by Jess, he'd make his own little remark. "Not so 'little', huh?" Though that hint of excitement in his voice was tangible.

The fabric slipped free, pulling down boxers and jeans, sliding along to bare those fat inches of canine cock. It'd take over halfway down his thighs to get that cock free, that lengthy size half-hard from the light bits of teasing the trio had been up to - lofting slightly free one those boxers were pulled down, just to end up laid right up across his clothed abs, showing off the underside of that half-soft cock. 'Fuck...' He'd think to himself, glancing down at Katie, and then to Jess, to see her own reaction. 'Is this really about to happen?'. Without another thought, he'd keep his composure, the best he could with two gorgeous girls around him - holding up that 'alpha' routine he was mocked for, before. "I'm waiting..." He'd quip, in the same sort of tune that Jess had used with her own spurring on.

Even another mocking quip wasn't enough, this time, to draw Katie's attention away from what lay - no, *throbbed* - between Xavier's thighs. "...fuck..." Both cat-girls whispered, almost in unison. Though the Direwolf may have only thought the word, in that moment they couldn't help but verbalise it. Jess, looking over her phone, was as wide-eyed as her feline companion who was drinking in the first-ever sight of their best friend's canine masculinity. The thing was massive. At least, by the standards of what human-equivalents had been exhibited in their sex-ed classes at school. Clearly, with the steady influx of furs like Xav, the syllabus was in critical need of updating...

They watched the thing lift with bobbing tremors, until finally slapping down atop his abdomen. Seconds drew by. Silent moments filled with raw, nervous, sexual tension. Neither girl was willing to speak for the longest time. Who had the guts to offer a teasing comment, now? Evidently not Jess, who seemed suddenly cognisant of how -far- this playful game was taking them. Katie, on the other hand, had to endure the fact she was now meant to follow through on the challenge.

"How do you fucking hide this thing?" Finally, Katie blurted out, much to Jess's delight who's face brightened again. She giggled, which in turn made Katie smile and laugh a little as well.

"Just a 'pup', huh? Kitty all scared?" Jess doubled-down, her tail flicking eagerly as the intensity relaxed a little. Katie glared.

"Maybe you are. Scared I'm gonna prove you wrong." Jess's confidence faltered a little at that, her wide eyes watching as Katie then leaned forward- and down. She let her tongue loll free from her mouth, and proceeded to give a slurpy swipe to the underside of Xavier's shaft. Once, twice - before settling in to a kind of rhythm of exploratory licks.

The awkward silence in the air broke with that exclamation that Katie made, even drawing a laugh from Xavier himself, relaxing back on his elbows a bit as he sat back. "Why do you think I'm always complaining about my pants?" He'd smirk, knowingly - though he was quite aware both of those girls were acting rather surprised by the sheer size of what he was packing.

"Oah, Fffhhn..." He'd be taken by even more surprise, that wet tongue lolling across, starting to work those wet, lengthy laps up and along the underside of his shaft, leaving wet, glossy marks behind. "Hhhf..." He'd lightly tilt his head back, before fixing his eyes right down on Katie as he watched her tongue venture, feeling it pressing to that half-soft size, that taste potent against her tongue. He'd glance over at Jess briefly, with a confident little smirk, though that joking, playful attitude the trio always had slowly returning to place.

"Mmh... Not looking too confident anymore, Jess. hhhf... Katie might just have you beat this time... Fuckh..." He'd huff once more, turning his eyes back to watch Katie work, those licks working all across that shaft, each of them drawing an occasional Throb, the kind that made that entire length twitch, growing slightly longer, slightly harder with each passing one.

For once, Jess was speechless. Gone were the teasing jabs. Absent, finally, was the playful sparkle in her green eyes. Now... she was just a girl, watching on as her two best friends engaged in something unimaginable. She shifted in place awkwardly, smiling weakly at Xavier as he offered another snipe. His voice was so different... So gruff. So full of obvious -pleasure-.

"Top marks for effort..." Jess muttered, finding herself genuinely shocked by how far the taunts had pushed Katie. She knew enough that her cat-girl-bestie was as equally inexperienced in affairs of the heart & body - neither of them had ever had a boyfriend, before. But, surprisingly, that was proving little hinderance in the brunette's efforts to prove she could 'handle' their exceptionally masculine buddy.

Katie, at least, was benefiting from the distraction of the task at hand. She didn't have time to doubt herself. Not when her mind was being filled with such stimulating first-time discoveries. Like how she could actually -feel- him throbbing underneath the flat of her lolling tongue. Or how he tensed and cursed every time she drew her oral organ up from the base, to wetly slash the underside of his tip. He was growing. There was no doubting that. Gradually, yet inexorably... His cock was firming and coalescing to become the true sexual weapon Xavier had managed to hide from public view. The knowledge helped quell the potential panic that threatened to bubble over inside herself - the understanding that, even though her actions were blind and unpractised, she was doing -well-. She, Katie Belle, was successfully gifting pleasure to him: Xavier Venax.

"Mmnh..." She murmured softly, growing a little bolder, a little faster in her lapping licks; uncaring of how much drool and spittle was trickling down the sides his vein-encrusted girth.

"Hh-Hhfnnh... Ff-Fuckh..." He'd groan softly, not being any stranger to showing those pleasured, deep groans that she worked from him with all of those loving, soft laps that her tongue made. His eyes were all but divorced from glancing over to Jess, instead focusing on Katie while she worked... The way she left that hot, wet coating over him, the way that drool dripped down over that veiny shaft, the way that lovely thing felt up against him, it was bliss. He propped himself up a bit more, just to watch down at her with even more ease. Those soft breaths coming from him while he reclined back, panting gently out as she worked and lapped across that size. Slowly, ever-so-lightly pulsing as he started to grow harder by those passing moments, that tongue working those bare inches free, before after long, Katie was face-to-face with nothing more than that heavy, overly lengthy size, hotly pressed against her lips, showing off that manhood of his in pure show.

"Yy-Yyeah... FfuckhMe..." He'd grunt once more, letting the cat girl know just what she was doing to him, just how much he was adoring it, only glancing over to Jess, to cast her a knowing little smirk. "Nn-Nnfh... I don't know, Jess... Think Katie wants a piece of me even more than you do..." He'd tease, still managing to keep up that gruff tone of his, but that teasing little lift present as ever before.

"Mmnh... Mhnn..." Katie's soft little murmurs began to increase in frequency, her furry tail raising high above her rump to sway languidly in the air. There was little she could do but become drawn into the intimacy. The meaningfulness of the act itself. The sheer -heat- radiating from Xavier's naked cock against her face, intense enough that beads of sweat had begun to form on her brow. It was as if she was in a cocoon of passionate excess, there, between her best friends' legs. Alone with his cock... All to herself... To explore and indulge those ancient and unknown needs that, by teasing insistence, had now begun to manifest. But she wasn't alone. Far from it. Not only was the man - the beast - whom she now pleasured, there was her other bestie, too. The once-sassy blue-haired cat-girl who now felt like the one trapped in place. Unlike Katie, Jess had nothing to distract her from the doubts... The fears... Would she - could she - ever do what her gorgeous feline friend was now doing to Xav? It'd surely be expected of her... Either that, or the teasing jibes would be never-ending.

"Y-Yeah right..." She stuttered, pausing to control the pitch of her quavering voice. "At least she's trying her best. That's cute." That was enough to make Katie lift her face up from Xavier's crotch. Her lips and chin were drooling with saliva as she gazed up at them both. "Did I say I was finished?" At that Jess shut her mouth, cursing herself for pushing this further with another comment. Though outwardly she tried to hide her angst, watching as Katie dipped back down, this time zoning in on that shapely tip of the Direwolf's cock. A soft *mwah* audibly signally the kiss that was laid upon it, before the cat-girl eased her lips apart, imbibing an inch or so of him inside her mouth. Then she started to suckle, gently, like she had countless times before on her favourite brand of lolly-pop.

Xavier perked an ear at those words of hers, not expecting the girl to be dipping back down, for even more. Those lips, hot against his cock, just as they started to seal around that tip, those few inches pushed past them enough to have him grabbing and squeezing those sheets, tight. Of course, he'd teased them so many countless times... Even had a stray thought about Katie or Jess every now and then... But now? With that gorgeous girl down between his legs, that lovely brown hair falling either side as he watched her lips kiss down and suckle on the tip pressed to his abs, it was a bliss he'd never expected to feel so intense. He thanked the fact the house was empty, that he had the two of these girls all to himself for the entirety of the weekend. He wasn't a stranger to knowing plenty about sex - but when it came to really putting that dominant/submissive play to action, he was far less practiced than he'd let on from words alone now - he was simply adoring those bliss full lips against him.

His cock throbbed hotter against those lips, that suckling drawing more and more of those bare inches free, as that size slowly grew, it'd start to rise from the abs it rested on, heavy and able to hold under its own weight. In that pose, those overly plump, rounded balls would easily be pressing to Katie's belly, rubbing against her while she tended to working across that overly sized shaft, He reached down, without much thinking, to grasp and softly rub right behind one of her ears, giving that little spot of hers a few little scratching rubs. He knew in passing how sensitive that spot of hers was, and took right now as the best time for him to reward that eye-rolling display of sensations with some form of touch back from himself.

"Nnnfh... tongue's better at this than it is at being so Sassy..." He'd toy, never letting that friendly banter go from the situation, even now as he was getting blown by one of his best friends.

Katie knew her choice to move beyond mere tongue-lapping was a good one almost as soon as her lips wrapped around his tip. The Direwolf responded instantaneously, her tail twitching in delight at how he tensed and trembled. Inside her maw, she realised, was his most precious, sensitive organ... Such was his trust in her, to bequeath this opportunity for Katie to prove her worth. She was determined not to fail, choosing instead to focus on the moment. From the salty, musky flavour that immediately saturated her taste-buds, to the feel of his flesh. Firm, yet pliable. Delicate, yet rigid. A contrast of extremes - as Xavier was, himself. A gentle & warm pup, imbuing concurrently the raw, savage power of Alpha superiority.

"Thanks for shutting her up for a while..." Jess joked to Xavier, ensuring her voice was quiet enough to not directly incense her friend. She leaned back against the pillow, trying to relax while drinking in the unbelievable view. Katie had always been beautiful, even before puberty had brought on the generous curves of breasts and shapely hips. That rule was true even now - even while she was indulging in something so depraved. Her locks of chocolate-brown hair framed her face perfectly, affording a clear view of her plump red lips captured around the wolf's girth. Further down, gravity aided in a glimpse of her proud bosom. The fabric of her blouse and bra beneath hanging low enough to reveal the perfect roundness of Katie's large breasts. Bigger than Jess by a fraction - a fact often pointed out by Katie in jest. So it was that when Xavier started rubbing her ear that Jess found herself entirely accepting of the gesture. It was only right to offer affection in return. To one so pretty, and sweet, and obliging as Katie Belle. The visible shiver that rolled down the kitten's whole body proved how receptive she was to the touch.

"Good girl, Katie" She smiled, "Ain't no way he'll last with you working away like that. He's just a sheep in pup's clothing!" Her eyes twinkled playfully towards Xav, teasing -him- now as much as her.

The canine heard those words from Jess, enough to rouse him from that otherwise pleasure-drunken bit of a trance, with his eyes breaking away from Katie's face, finally. He'd lock eyes with Jess, that own grin across his face. After all - he was the one with Katie between his legs, with her lips wrapped around his cock - that challenging tease wasn't about to be lost on him.

"Hhhfn... What, hoping I get off that fast so you can have your turn? Hhhf... Practically drooling over there already, aren't you?" He'd grunt softly, that sly grin on his face. "Don't worry... Katie'll be busy for the next half hour. I'll let you - Nnnmh... - Have a turn after her..." He'd tease right back, without missing a beat. Truth be told, he wasn't going to hold out overly long on that first round... Having a pair of lips that good slowly sinking down around his cock was heavenly, that body of hers curvy in every right way, and he was so fucking in love with it. That hand of his on the back of her head started to push and pull lightly, making her bob those lips a bit lower, sinking those raw inches past her lips, only to pull her back, letting that glistening wet saliva spill down the sides of that fat rod.

"Ff-Ffuckh... That's a good girl... Mmnhf... Let Jess talk, she's just jealous you're getting to have me, first..." He'd groan down at her - now turning those teasing remarks back to Jess. Heavy, full balls tensed lightly, pre-cum dripping from the peak of that cock, he knew he was only ever-so close to the first of oh-so many climaxes. With his size, his species, one climax was far from all he could handle... And something Katie would come to soon learn - is that he wasn't a brief one about it. Enduring minute-long orgasms was exactly what she'd be signed up for, as she drew that shaft to that peak erectness, throbbing hotly in her lips now, pressing down his taste all across her mouth.

The blue-haired cat-girl frowned belligerently at Xavier, poking out her pink tongue in rebuke rather than actually saying anything. She knew that anything she -did- say was just going to be used against her. Even with Katie busy slobbering over his cock, he was still able to get under her skin. To Jess's mind that was hardly fair. He was the one with his pants round his ankles; his entire manhood exposed to the open air. He ought to be the one feeling awkward & embarrassed. She crossed her arms in a huff. The sooner this weird encounter was over, the better. How long had he said Katie would be busy for? Half an hour? "Pfft..." She murmured to herself. He was surely just exaggerating, as boys so often did. Time itself was a vague, unknown concept to the kitten upon whom all their attentions were focused. She might've been down there, suckling & exploring the Direwolf's enormous endowment for 5 minutes or 5 hours. The world had been stripped away from her awareness.

All Katie knew was the feel of the comfy blankets beneath her, and the tangible -heat- of Xavier's cock buried an inch-or-so inside her slavering maw. Never before had she experienced something like it... To give herself so fully to the task of pleasuring another living, breathing creature - in this case, an impossibly masculine brute, who happened to be one of her two best friends. She'd been sucking delicately, with the tentative nature of one who was performing an act for the very first time. Until, that is, his meaty paws started to 'guide' her actions.

"Mmnh..." She offered a muffled mewl as a pang of uncertainty welled up inside her core. For half a heartbeat the kitten was terrified he would suddenly try and plunge his whole length as deep as it would go. Yet... He was surprisingly gently; sinking her lips down only an extra couple of inches before drawing back up. She tried to relax again, listening and feeling his heartbeat throb within his hardened flesh.

"Nn-Nnnhf..." he'd groan out softly, gritting his teeth, lightly. He knew right where he wanted to be with those two girls - even if he was the one exposed, while they were both dressed. That massively hung canine playing that gentle, yet ever-so dominant presence as his hand rested on the back of Katie's head, gently to guide her lips up and down along his shaft. Transitioning from what started off as light teasing, into slowly, gently pushing her into what he wanted - her lips sliding and pumping up and down along that fat, hot shaft of his time and time again. He'd let his attention slip from Jess, focusing now on those words of rewarding praise for the girl busy sucking him off.

"Ff-fFfuckhh me... That's a good girl... Hh-hHhfnn... FucckhYeah..." He'd growl, legs spreading a bit more, just to present those warm, heavy balls of his even better. By now - he'd been worked to that full mast. That shaft standing tall on its own, under that throbbing hard nature, showing off just how excessively hung he was, complimented by that full, heavy pair of balls, easily the size of Katie's head, at the very least, resting at the bottom, beneath the base of that knot, between those muscled thighs of his, a few droplets of saliva dripped down on them already, just showing off those impressively masculine orbs to both of those girls.

He knew it'd be a challenge for the girl to take him down her throat, any human girl would be absolutely flustered at the mere thought of it, given just how big that cock was. For now, he continued guiding her, bobbing those lips along those first few inches, pre-cum already starting to spill against her tongue, letting her taste that potent nature of his. With that position, that entire length started to show those glistening streaks of saliva, spilling down and along his size, showing off for Jess just how much work Katie was really giving him. Of course, in the future he'd likely be able to hold those pleasured sounds a bit more, when that trio would slowly delve into blowing him as a near-daily event... But for now, this first time with Katie was simply bliss. "Ff-rRr-rRffhhhFf..."

There was no denying the increasing level of -effort- being expended by the sweet Ms Belle, in her unpractised attempt to prove she could 'handle' the beast that was Xavier Venax. Even when Jess tried to tear her eyes away from the indescribable sight - that of her besties engaged in something hitherto unimaginable - the sounds followed her regardless. The soft, audible wet *squelches* of Katie's suckling efforts, when the imperfect seal of her lips tightly enclosed around the Direwolf's girth would falter, eliciting a loud *SCHLURRP*.

She tried to look back on her phone, but even the sanctuary of social media couldn't shake the potent -awareness- of what was happening further down the bed. Xavier, himself, wasn't helping either. He seemed intent on vocalizing just how much sexual pleasure was being gifted via the kitten's oral efforts. In a tone of voice she hadn't ever heard, before... Deeper. Gruffer. A true animal-growl, with none of the playfulness that might suggest he was exaggerating or 'pretending'. Jess huffed again, wishing her heart would stop beating so fast, hating that this experience was affecting her so much. It'd all been a joke... A harmless challenge. Now? Now she had to endure this carnal tryst. Every second of it, as an enforced voyeur.

"Mnh-Nnhh-NghhH..." Oblivious to her fellow cat-girl's discontent, Katie could only whimper a stream of incomprehensible murmurings. Like half-formed words that devolved into sweet-natured mewls with her mouth so completely full of cock. She'd only managed the first few inches, and already her cheeks bulged every time Xavier eased her down. Whatever physical attributes were blessed upon a compatible, female Direwolf - Katie had clearly been born without. All she could do was keep trying her hardest... "Mnh-*SHCLP*-nHhghll..." To suck as he plunged her down. To use her tongue to slash and spiral around his massive, meaty girth. All the while tasting the increasing amount of salty, acrid, masculine pre-cum that oozed fitfully from the very apex of his tip.

Xavier felt those minutes slipping away, seemingly. The way Katie sounded, the feeling of her bobbing her head on his cock, that constantly pleasured sensation rolling through him. It didn't even matter if - for now - she couldn't take him much farther down. Every inch of that fat cock proved a pleasant challenge for him to issue them both in the future... Seeing which girl could get him farther down their throat on and given attempt, rewards for whichever pretty kitty could manage to do so. Jess would've been met with minute after minute of that panting, heavy, wet sounding endeavour beside her. Lurid slurps, wet dripping sounds, those lips being pushed down and back again and again, laying that hot, wet, messy layer all over that cock of his.

By now - she'd been bobbing and sucking him off for near half an hour, or so it seemed. That canine able to hold himself on for that long, but that limit was soon being hit by those sloppy uses of her tongue. A deep, throaty growl rang from his chest, just as he hit his climax - something both girls would come to realize meant very little in terms of how far his stamina might go. He'd hold Katie's head in place for a few moments as those first hot, sloppy streaks shot and pumped into her mouth, before he'd loosen that grasp. Gripping sheets, he'd toss his head back with panting, hot grunts. That entire shaft throbbed, pulsing heat flowing across it as those visible streams were pumped slowly into Katie's mouth. That climax wasn't over in an instant - oh no.

"Ff-FFuuuucckkhHH!... Aa-AahnngGgffFUCK..." He'd grunt, gritted teeth stifling words past a series of panting growls, staring down as he bucked his hips lightly, that climax shuddering through his body. Even with those grunting growls, he'd continue pumping that hot, virile load right into her mouth. Whatever porn they may have watched, cum-shots they may have seen, would never have prepared either girl for him. The typical few hot streaks followed by a slow ebbing away was nowhere to be found, as her lips and tongue were met with throb after throb, that hot, sticky mess flooding her mouth.

"Hh-HaaAAahnn...FFffh...!" He'd huff, those waves still crashing over him, sheets tightly held, as plenty of that hot mess spilled down his shaft, giving Jess more than a little show as she was forced to watch it all unfold before her.

Neither cat-girl, as it turned out, had any notion of what 'signs' to watch out for that might suggest Xavier was approaching the ultimate peak. They were well-versed in sex-ed, of course, being a mandatory part of their schooling. But the true emotional & physical truth of how a boy's orgasm would be made manifest - that explanation had been only given in the most sterile, clinical terminology possible. So it was perhaps little surprise that, in their own ways, Jess & Katie could do little but witness with stunned appraisal as the Direwolf offered a most tangible illustration.

Katie, to her credit, had been performing magnificently over the thirty-or-so minutes. Like Xavier himself who had slipped into a pleasured state of delirium, she too had gradually slipped into a kind of meditative frame of mind. One in which she could forget all the troubles of youth, and concentrate exclusively on the rhythm set by Xav's guiding touch. Up, and down... Up, and down... Occasionally a little faster... Sometimes pausing either to suckle at the very tip... Other times filling her mouth entirely and holding there around him for a time... Long rivulets of drool had long since coated every inch of his massive length, pooling at the base of his crotch and the curve of his huge ball-sack. A part of her yearned to touch them, and see if they were as soft and pillowy as they looked when occasionally she managed to catch a glance. Had his cock not been so gargantuan, perhaps she would've had an opportunity. As it was, in her attempts to do well, the central act of blowing him for all she was worth demanded her full focus.

Then... Then his groans had become louder, to a pitch & volume that alerted both kittens that something new was happening. Jess raised an eyebrow, lowering her phone and glancing from Xavier's growling face, to her bestie and his cock further down the bed. "...are you gonna...?" The half-murmured question was all she had time to speak, before the answer came directed by the visible tensing of the Direwolf's whole muscular frame. She felt a pang of concern for the fate of her friend, seeing how he stopped to hold her head in place. But there wasn't time to help. There wasn't time to do anything but watch as he hit his climax.

"mNh!..-MNngh...!" Katie shuddered as the first powerful jet of canine seed splattered into her maw. The second was only moments behind, arcing out inside that drool-filled oral cavern. She jerked as the thick jizz tickled the entrance to her throat, enforcing a powerful gag that rocked her whole feminine frame. Another followed, then again. And again. And again. His whole length throbbing harder than before, literally expanding with every monumental cum-explosion directed straight into the kitten's mouth.

Jess could hardly believe her eyes. "Fucking hell..." She whispered to herself, unable to deny the pure sexual -power- of this incredible moment. Time ticked by - far beyond the length of time that felt natural in any way. This was beyond the natural order... This was an Alpha exhibiting his potential, and all the selfish pleasure that enabled him. A minutes-long climax that poor Katie was left to endure.

He sat back on his elbows, grunting heavily under his breaths as that impressive length was soon coated down, those thick, sticky shots and streaks that didn't last within her mouth, spilling down that shaft of his. The mess was intensely large, dripping down in streams, covering those previously pristine balls of his, his lower body tensed, muscles in his thighs visibly flexed as that climax took over him, for what seemed like two... three? maybe even more minutes than that, before it had slowed, finally down to a manageable state, where those harsh, throbbing shots ended. Those genes of his shown right then and there. If either young girl had any question about the fact - it was immediately cleared with that display.

There wasn't a single doubt that he had the genes of an Alpha, and nothing less, the type that demanded such attention and pleasure, the type that was so potently virile to spill such an immense amount of cum over such a long climax. He'd toss his head back in the pillows, letting himself bask in that pleasure, and letting both of those girls attempt to drink in exactly what had just happened - all while he grinned to himself, taking a fair bit of pride in the view he had, the fact he'd just pumped his best friend's mouth full of cum, his cum, making her taste him, and making a mess of her face with all of his hot mess. Jess didn't get a reply from him, as those moments passed after his climax... Though that shaft never once started to go soft - not one bit. The entire time it stood rock-hard, those balls seemingly just as plump, just as soft and full as ever before... Even after that impossibly hot, heavy load was pumped across her mouth. Sex-ed had never covered these sorts of males... The few genetic wonders that were built for sex. Built to be breeders, the type that could last hours and hours of round-after-round sex, without breaking down for a moment of break. That little dare, that light teasing, now had Katie's face a mess, that potent cum all across her, filling her with that taste... That all-too addictive taste. Perhaps it was the fact it was her first time - or maybe those genes of his had something else in store, as that hot cream coated her tongue. A taste that girl might even come to crave - amidst that sexual energy all around her.

"Ss-Sshiitt... Yeah... Hhhnfh... Ffuuucckh me, Katie..." He'd groan. Those panting breaths heavy, but never once sounding as if he was done, or needing any pause of any type. Eyes flicking down to that curvy body... The view he could get of those lovely tits of hers, showing off to him... It was the icing on the cake, letting him eye her over, that best friend of his being the perfect treat to let his eyes drink in.

Katie could only try and hold herself in place there, shuffled up between his powerful thighs, riding out the waves - the spurts - of orgasmic ecstasy that was rolling through the Direwolf's body. Over & over & over again her mouth was filled with another explosive rope, each separated by a tremulous pause in which the previous load would tumble from her lips and lewdly slide down the pulsating pillar that was Xavier's meaty cock. There was no time to respond, no time to think, no time to curiously explore the moment itself. Not when she felt on the verge of drowning - her nostrils soon dribbling with the creamy-white pup-spunk.

The taste of it was extreme. Salty, organic, biological; an instinctual part of her psyche immediately determining the stuff to be virile, pure Alpha cum. Even Jess felt that truth in her heart, as if some ancient cat-girl ancestor was whispering to the pair of them from through the ages. An ancestor who had been a servant of Xavier's kind, and worshipped at his feet... By the time he finally - finally - began to ease back from that peak of pleasure, the pretty brunette's delicate teenage features were almost unrecognisable. Released from his grip, she lifted her lips from his still-throbbing tip with a loud, wet *SCHHLLLUP!*.

"Nhh...!" Katie gasped fitfully, panting hard, her proud bosom rising and falling as if she'd just run a footrace. In truth, this had been an entirely different kind of marathon. "...Katie?" Her best friend asked with a hint of trepidation. Jess's shining emerald eyes could hardly believe this was the same Katie Belle she'd always known. The kitten's face was almost entirely covered in Xavier's cum, with sticky, honey-thick droplets splattering down onto the Direwolf's huge puppy-balls. Katie rested back on her haunches; eyes lidded.

"You okay...?" Jess bit her lip, realising the significance of Katie's reply. Would she be furious with Xavier? Would she be mad at her for not stopping him? Or... Or, perhaps worst of all, would she be...satisfied? The goofy smile at spread across the brunette's tired jaw was enough for Jess to know. Katie gulped heavily, trying to clear her mouth and throat enough to speak.

"...Whaddayathinkofthat?" She eyed them both proudly, swaying a little, not unlike a drunk who believed they'd accomplished some important task...