Nuru’s School Day: Part 4

Story by muzzlesndiapers on SoFurry

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#26 of The Hyena’s Concubine

CH26 of The Hyena's Concubine.

Part 4 of Nuru's School Day.

"Good afternoon class.", the athletic-looking hyena said. "My name is Mistress Uzima."

Nuru looked about the academy's gymnasium, a large, bare room.

"Please put your heels in the cubbies over there, then form into nice orderly rows.", Uzima said commandingly.

The lion shemales did as they were ordered, glad to be out of the unfamiliar shoes the'd wore most of the day.

_I'm glad our stockings are open-toed, _Nuru thought as he walked across the polished floor.

"Welcome to Physical Education.", Uzima said, fiddling with the long whip affixed to her belt, her only clothing consisting of a bandeau and panties not too different from the sissies' uniforms. "Here you will be trained and exercised to promote petite, fuckable bodies and good health."

They all seem to reasonably good physical forms, _the hyena thought. _No doubt rationing has helped with that.

_ _

"I see that the lot of you aren't too sore after spending a class with Mistress Kutawala.", she chuckled. "Of course I realize that won't always be the case."

Uzima paused to chuckle at their nervous expressions.

"Now let's see what you sissies can do, give me ten push-ups, ten sit-ups, ten jumping jacks, ten squats, and ten crunches!", Uzima ordered loudly, cracking her whip for emphasis.

The students promptly began exercising as she had ordered as their mistress watched them with a critical eye.

Whenever one the lion shemales began to slack off, she cracked her whip at them, swiftly quickening their pace.

"Hmm, could be worse.", Uzima commented as her class finished the exercises. "Line up there, girls!"

The class assembled on the line that the hyena had pointed to.

"Now jog around the gym until I tell you otherwise.", she ordered. "Just do the best pace you can."

Nuru, along with the rest of the students, began jogging around the perimeter of the room.

I never realized breasts were so...jiggly, _Nuru thought as he jogged. _Though the bandeau helps a lot.

_ _

The lions continued their repeated circuits of the gym as Uzima watched the sweaty, scantily-clad shemales, making notes on her clipboard.

After around forty-five minutes, Uzima cracked her whip again and ordered her tired students to line up again and sit down, much to the exhausted shemales' relief.

"Alright, girls we'll have a little lecture, then, a new exercise.", the instructor said.

Uzima then began her lecture, on the subject of venereal diseases.

_Ewww, _the class thought collectively as the hyena showed them a few specimens of horribly mutated and diseased organs preserved in jars.

"Alright girls, we've another half an hour before class is over and you sissies are free for the day.", Uzima said as she put the jars back into her desk.

_Yay!, _the class thought collectively.

"No need to look so excited.", Uzima chuckled. "Now to teach that new exercise."

The hyena laid down on her back. "Now do what I do."

The lions mimicked the teacher and laid down.

"Now relax your butt and abs.", Uzima said. "Spread your legs slightly apart."

She watched as the class followed her instructions.

"Now squeeze your buttholes and pelvic muscles, like you're trying to stop pissing mid-stream."

_This is strange, _Nuru thought as he did what the teacher said.

"Hold for five seconds, then release slowly.", Uzima said. "Then repeat until class ends."

She got back up, watching as her students continued with the new exercise.

"This should strengthen your pelvic muscles and anus, enabling you sissies to better please your masters and mistresses when receiving anal sex.", the hyena explained.

Uzima then walked back to her desk as her students continued their exercise, filling out paperwork and setting a stack of books onto the desk.

"Alright class, you can stop now.", the hyena said. "Stop by my desk and pickup your textbook before you leave and be sure to read the intro tonight."

Ugh, homework for all four classes, _Nuru groaned mentally. _On the first day, too.

_ _

_ _


CH 27: Nuru’s School Day: Part 5

_Free at last, _Nuru thought as he and the other students walked out of the school. _Sort of._ _ _ The lion shemale looked around the street, seeing hyenas and lions going about their afternoons. _There's a lot more hyenas,...

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CH 25 Nuru’s School Day Part 3

"Mmph...mmph.", Nuru muttered as the hyena strapped a leather muzzle to his face. "There, all done.", the young female said sweetly, petting the hogtied lion on the head. Nuru and the rest of the shemale students had been stripped of...

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The Hyena’s Concubine CH24: Nuru’s School Day Part 2

_Well, at least Basic Arithmetic & Literacy was a normal class, _Nuru thought as he stood in line at the school's mess hall. _Mister Mwalimu seemed nice._ _ _ Indeed, the previous class period had been a welcome change from the...

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