M Arbok x F Salazzle

Story by Axel Silverwolf on SoFurry

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#6 of Pokemorph Sex Stories

A Salazzle finds herself wanting to have some fun, and what better way than to have a sultry looking arbok bartender in the bar?

Feel free to PM me if you want a commission

In a place of social gatherings and celebrations, in a place of colorful lights and the hustle and bustle of the city, sat many pokemorphs and humans, but mostly pokemorphs of course, and they could be a place of innocent enjoyment... or sinful lust.

This place was a bar, whether or not you were a pokemorphs or human, it didn't matter, it was a place of meeting new pokemorphs and humans, there were many ways to enjoy a good drink here, and if you were a pokemorph, you will have even a lot more fun here.

The various drinks here may have various tastes, spices, and flavors, but if you were a pokemorph of a notable type except normal of course, it will be easy to obtain a clue about what you would usually like.

You see, there are a lot of bartenders in this area, whether it be a martini or a margarita, they all have it.

The unique thing with each of these bartenders though, is their type.

You an electric type? Look for the pikachu bartenders and they'll whip you up a drink that would give you a weak jolt, especially loved by electric, steel, grass types, whoever was resistant to electricity.

Ice type? These drinks are sprinkled with a pint of nevermelt ice, which could stay cold forever, and if you're not an ice type, it could even give you a temporary power to cast an icy breath by blowing.

A water type? You'd think that a water type drink would be pretty normal don't you? They'd usually help you calm your mind, especially if you're a hothead.

Rock or Ground type? We don't serve actual ground really, but we have several add-ons that are split into chunks that could seem to constitute as ground or rocks, but not actually the ground. Still experimental and have only been made with cookies and cream, and chocolate bars

Flying type? A little bit of gust from the Pidgeot bartenders would whip them all up literally. Sure there's nothing special in the drinks but if you wanna see your drink do tricks in the air before they come falling down in the glass without a single drop spilled is your cup of tea then be my guest.

Fairy Type? As it turns out, fairy types simply love to have sweet drinks, add some dazzling gleam and a bit of a draining kiss, you'd get the boyfriend or girlfriend experience from a sylveon bartender if that's your thing, maybe drink it from a sylveon's lips if you're into that.

Grass Type? Anything the meganiums make our absolutely refreshing, the one thing in common with the drinks they make is the minty flavor they give, plus its rumored that you'll get an even better coat of fur if you drink one from them.

Fire Type? These drinks have a spicy flavor that will leave your throats burning hard, only for the bravest and toughest of souls, fighting types love to take them. Plus, they can make a mean old cup of coffee.

Fighting Type? Well, there's no gimmick to the drinks, though you have to earn them. All your drinks are forfeit if you give up trying to beat the bartender, only the strongest of the customers are allowed to order here, and machokes and machamps love them.

Bug Type? This may seem odd but bug types have nectars they have stored, especially from the butterfree morphs who usually go out of their way to extract nectar from flowers. They may be slow making your drinks, but they can have some of the sweetest tasting drinks you've ever took.

Steel Type? There is only one thing they do add to the drink, and that's the really expensive rare candy. Sure you can take rare candy anytime you want but you can never crush it, no matter what type you are. Except for steel types, a steelix morph can easily cut the candy into small bits and pieces, thanks to their hard skin and sharpened tails, they could mince the candy into edibles small bits, perfect for anybody who wants to eat their rare candy easier with just a sip of a straw.

Ghost Type? Well if you're into horror and scary movies, this drink will make you almost scared of anything! A Gengar usually uses nightmare on the drink, making anybody who drinks it, literally scared! Just uh... Take it home when you drink them, or the movies, it can make turning boring horror films into a fight of your life!

Psychic Type? These drinks take time, usually made with a good 5 minutes of using calm mind, even the most anxious of people drink from the gardevoirs who make these. And if you have the mental fortitude, you can read people's minds for a short while.

Dark Type? Well the gimmicks of these drinks is that... Its hard for people to see what exactly you're drinking in the first place. All dark type drinks are swirling with dark energy, the best part is the guessing games that you can make with these drinks.

Dragon Type? Well few dragon types lend their services to the public, but if there's one thing they are best at, its their drinks. They provide a confidence boost, their dragon breath is used on the drinks and somehow customers have a slight ego boost, just enough to go through interviews, fights, and competitions.

Normal Type? Well... There really isn't much to normal types except that they can sometimes make drinks for you at record speed, rattatas and zigzagoons are impressive with their small but fast hands, perfect if you want one last drink and you're in a hurry.

... There is one type that is rarely discussed though. And that's the poison types, poison types aren't exactly popular with the stereotypes of their, well, type. Pokemorphs would usually think that a poison type bartender will kill them with their drinks.

What most pokemorphs don't know is the true specialty of a poison type's drinks. The specialty is aphrodisiacs, a discreet knowledge of people who go into this bar usually don't know, though for the sultry types who come to this branch of the bar...

An arbok was casually cleaning a glass as he only has a handful of customers at the time, and with good reason. He had a mildly muscular, but slim figure, he looked quite like the ladies man, that is if they ignored the fact that he was a poison type in the first place, he'd be quite popular.

A Lopunny came over to him, sitting in front of the counter as she leaned and exposing a bit of her cleavage to him.

"I understand that you have some, discreet services you can give me" The Lopunny gave him a sultry smile.

"I understand miss, if you're up for it, then join me in the back and we'll see how long you actually last" The arbok teased.

The arbok gave a confident grin in return, sliding a drink to the lopunny, who drank it.

The lopunny pokemorph licked her lips seductively as she finished it, lowering her shirt down to expose some more of her tits for the arbok, the arbok morph appreciated the gesture and coaxed her with a finger.

The arbok left the counter, and went to the backdoor, with the lopunny following close behind.

The door lead to a bedroom, and the arbok began to undress, the lopunny followed his actions as well, undressing and taking off her shirt and pants, leaving her in a seductive looking black lace bra and panties.

They soon joined each other on the bed, with her getting on the bed and swaying her ass, the effects of the drink getting to her as she began wetting her own panties with a dark blush on her face as the arbok took off his jockstrap, revealing two cocks, with ridges and bumps that could pleasure both the ass and pussy and began to take off the lopunny's panties.


The arbok wiped some sweat off of his body as he panted a bit, though not from the point of exhaustion, he could go on for one or two more hours but the lopunny didn't seem to keep up as she had already passed out from how long he lasted, her pussy, tits, mouth, breasts, and ass filled to the brim with cum already.

"Whew... You lasted for 3 hours max... not bad..." Arbok muttered, lopunny wasn't too bad but he was still not done, though she had passed out.

It was always like this for Arbok, always outlasting all the females (and some males) requesting to have sex with him. He sort of became a famous rumor to every horny male or females to every hear of him, someone who fucks until the other falls unconscious.

Like the passed out lopunny, she didn't stand a chance to outlast him, though he always intended to do this until he finds someone who would outlast him.

Its not like there aren't lots of poison types who would accept being a stud in the bar, although he was the first one to have been known to outlast so many.

If he ever found one that would outlast him, maybe he should settle down, its not like he was some dumb guy who didn't take his studies seriously before he graduated, in fact he had a promising resume, though he found this job to be a good one to let him live a little in life, he knew this wasn't gonna work long term.

So if he ever found the one and only person who could outlast him, he'd settle down with whoever fancies him, provided they accept. Arbok lit his cigarette as he began dressing in his bartender uniform, covering the lopunny's body with the covers as he went back to the counter, ready to serve whoever was next to take an interest in the counter.

*Later at night*

Arbok was about to close up as all the potential customers left, it was getting late and it was time to go home after all.

"Still open?" Someone asked.

He turned around to find a Salazzle morph eyeing him, her sharp purple slitted eyes looked intimidating and sexy while her curves accentuated her tits, looking like they got a hefty size on them, certainly bigger than his palms would be able to handle, with wide hips that gave her an hourglass figure.

"Sorry love, we're about to close" Arbok said, about to pull down the shutters to his bar stall.

"Not even for me? I heard lots of rumors about you and I'm absolutely itching to find out" Salazzle complained.

"Heh... That's a hard pass unless you want to end up locked in here and wait till morning to leave" Arbok told her.

Salazzle though only chuckled at that.

"What if I managed to stay conscious until the morning then?" Salazzle retorted, the arbok gave an amused look at her.

"You're saying you can outlast me then?" Questioned Arbok, the Salazzle leaned onto the counter, squishing her breasts on it.

"What? Afraid I'll break your streak? I outlasted three guys in two hours and they couldn't keep up with me. Though you look like a challenge, though maybe you're just too scared to actually have someone who can match you~" Teased Salazzle, who got up and began to leave.

Arbok wasn't going to let her leave though and grabbed her hand.

"You, me, in the bedroom now" Arbok said with a serious glare.

"Whatever you say, if it makes you feel better I might let you win~" Salazzle teased again, before following him into the room.

Arbok took his shirt off, revealing his scaly, swimmer type body and taking leaving himself with no underwear as he took his pants off.

"No underwear?" Asked Salazzle,

"Gets tedious when your profession involves this. Now why don't you quit your yapping and actually show me what you got unless you're insecure about yourself~" Arbok shot back at her for the earlier tease.

Salazzle raised an eyebrow as she stripteased him, taking off her crop top shirt off and pulling her skirt down slowly, her pink pussy and nipples showing from her purple underbelly.

"No panties and bra? Bold of you to come here without those especially with that short skirt" Arbok half lectured her.

"Hey, you have to live a little, besides, it gets tiring to remove and put them back on especially when males like yourself can't even last long enough for me to enjoy myself~" Said Salazzle smugly.

Salazzle looked down on her as he came close, muzzle to muzzle.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not like other males" Arbok tried to defend himself.

"We'll see about that" Salazzle said, pushing Arbok down on his front, making him raise his ass and pulling his tail up.

"What the... Hey!" Arbok yelled, not knowing what Salazzle was intending.

"Relax... You never got your ass ate out before do you?" Salazzle whispered teasingly.

"Hell no! I'm a top!" Arbok hissed at her.

"Well maybe you should consider giving more power to girls more often~" Salazzle said, spreading his firm ass cheeks and looking at the tight virgin pink hole and licking her lips, gave it an experimental lick.

Arbok gasped at the new sensation and feeling of having something wet and soft licking him back there. At most, he only ever felt someone lick his chest, stomach, or even dicks but not his ass ever.

Arbok's cock grow hard and twitch at feeling his hole licked, Salazzle grinned and loved the way Arbok was moaning, she loved to make studs break their streak of being fuckboys and started jerking his cock off.

Arbok shut his eyes, panting with pleasure from the intense rimming as he felt her forked tongue penetrate his ass.

"Didn't... Think of you... As an ass eater..." Arbok said while looking back behind him with a blush on his face.

"Maybe I want to turn you into a slut rather than a stud~" Salazzle began teasing him once more.

Arbok wasn't just going to let her tease him like that though and turned around, bringing her into a 69 position with her, jamming one of his cocks in her mouth and the other cock precumming on her tits.

"Don't you get cocky, I've yet to submit to anybody" Arbok retorted, countering her by licking her cunt deeply with his own forked tongue.

Arbok licked the inside of her pink pussy, licking different spots and licking up her juices as he tried to find her g-spot.

"Mph...!" Salazzle couldn't speak to make a witty remark, and licked the bumpy, rigid cock in her mouth.

But that didn't mean she can try something else...

Salazzle's fingers went for his ass, fingering his hole and making it loose, making Arbok lose concentration for a moment.

Arbok looked back, he couldn't see it but he knew Salazzle had a cocky grin right now if his cock wasn't fucking her mouth right now.

Arbok dove his tongue into her pussy again, not letting himself get outwitted by her again, he finally found her g-spot and directed all his efforts to make her grow crazy from pleasure.

Salazzle stopped her fingering and moaned around his cock, the vibrations of her voice pleasuring him further as she sucked harder than before.

The two flirtatious poison types were going at it like no tomorrow, as they neared their inevitable orgasms.

Arbok and Salazzle screamed as they came in each other's mouths, drinking up each other's juices all the while.

Arbok and Salazzle panted from the orgasm they felt, but Arbok still had several shots in him, Salazzle was raring to go too.

"Hope you can still go, cause I can go all night" Arbok remarked.

"I take on 3 pokemorphs everyday, what's one arbok gonna make a difference?" Salazzle smugly told him.


*1 AM*

Arbok took both her ass and pussy doggystyle, his rigid cock rubbing her walls and pleasuring her beyond the gangbangs she had partook in the past, her breasts getting squeezed by Arbok's palm, it was not helping that Arbok then bit her neck, giving her a dose of aphrodisiac venom.

Salazzle felt hot and bothered, feeling his venom enter her bloodstream and making her hornier than before, she gave him a lusty smile, Arbok responded by turning her head with a hand as he gave her a deep kiss as he thrusted into her.

Arbok grinned as he felt her cum for the third time now on his cock, her pussy and ass gripped his cock tightly and he came for the second time that night and he shut his eyes as he filled her ass and pussy.


*2 AM*

Salazzle was now riding his cocks, her hands now on his, Arbok puthis hands on her waist and watching her go with such passion and lust.

"You're not bad, I'll give you that, though you're not the first one to last this long" Complimented Arbok.

"You'll see just how good I really am in a few more hours~" Salazzle said, bending down and making out with him as they came simultaneously.


*3 AM*

Arbok took hold of Salazzle's legs and pounded her cunt and ass against the wall, Salazzle had her eyes rolled up from the sheer ferocity of his thrusts, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck.

"I must admit... I'm thinking you're actually special..." Arbok said as he felt her breasts squish against his chest with each thrust.

"Mmmm... I can say the same for you... No wonder everyone wants a piece of you...~" Salazzle said, moaning as she felt herself get to a sexual high she's never felt before.


*4 AM*

Arbok was now holding Salazzle's leg up with one hand, raising it high up to give his cock more access as they lay on their side as they fucked each other, Salazzle never got fucked like this before but she thinks she just found another good position to use regularly now.

"Didn't know... you had a trick like this up your sleeve..." Salazzle panted.

"Oh I got plenty more love, all the more to be satisfied when I prove you wrong~" Arbok said.


*5 AM*

Arbok thrusted against her pussy with both cocks, stretching and filling her hole wider as she practically was begging him now.

"Oh yes! Right there! Don't stop!" Salazzle yelled, the control in her voice was diminishing now as her voice was being reduced to slutty moans now.

"Grrr... I'm trying... My best..." Arbok was now getting more exhausted than he ever did while holding her flexible leg up and resting it on his shoulder, feeling her cum on his cock for the seventh time now, he unleashed another torrent of his seed inside her.


*6 AM*

Arbok and Salazzle were at their limit now, as they screwed each other in a mating press position, making her cum over and over with this position as she was now fully being pleasured by him, French kissing each other, their forked tongues dancing and wrapping themselves against each other with such passion their pupils turned into hearts.

"Fuck... I'm... Gonna cum... I can't... take it...!" Arbok gritted his teeth.

"Me too...! Cum inside! Don't stop and fill my slutty hole~!" Yelled Salazzle shamelessly.

The two poison types came one last time against each other as they passed out on the bed.


*7 AM*

Arbok and Salazzle cuddled up against each other as Arbok smoked a cigarette.

"Well... Looks like you really did keep your promise, you really can fuck all night, I gotta say, and I don't say this to anyone. You're the best fuck I've had for these two years" Arbok said, puffing a smoke in the air.

"Same with you, was getting tired of guys shooting their loads when I hardly got tired" Salazzle said, taking the cigarette from him and taking a puff of it.

"A girl after my own heart how about that" Arbok said, though with a bit more desire for her now.

"Say... Would you like to see each other again sometime?" Salazzle asked him.

Arbok wasn't going to let her go that easily, not when she was the first one to keep up with him, maybe she could get to know more of her in the future.

"Sure, you're quite the catch, I'd hate it if you got married to a poor sod who can't handle you like I do" Joked Arbok.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were genuinely interested in me" Giggled Salazzle, starting to dress up.

"And what if I am?" Arbok asked.

Salazzle took a small paper from her bag and handed it to him.

"Call me anytime, I'll be seeing you soon~" Salazzle said as she finished dressing back up.

Salazzle left Arbok with her number, leaving Arbok with his last cigarette with her.

"Heh... I think I've gone soft..." Arbok lamented to himself, still naked on the bed.

Arbok looked at her number again.

"Well... Looks like I finally found a potential wife huh?" Arbok grinned to himself.

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