M Rhydon x M Aggron

Story by Axel Silverwolf on SoFurry

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#15 of Pokemorph Sex Stories

A superhero in the making, Rhydon wants to become one after his idol disappears, but not all is sunshine and rainbows as a supervillain makes his appearance.

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In a neighborhood where children usually played outside, and played with their friends, there was one Rhyhorn that stayed in his house that watched tv.

But not just any tv show, this was a real tv show where a machoke superhero was being interviewed by a reporter while of course wearing a superhero costume, complete with a mask that made his eyes completely white, bulging with muscles, a sexy bulge, and a hero suit that symbolized his superhero identity with a letter M on his chest.

The superhero was just done dispatching of the criminals who were on a getaway vehicle with a truckload of money, and managed to stop their vehicle and fought off the bad guys one by one, which the news reporters had caught on camera with his crew and was already on the scene at the time.

As the police took the criminals and put them under arrest, a reporter came up to the superhero and was interested on his thoughts.

"It is such an honor to meet the amazing Mighty Knuckle himself, tell us, on our dire times of need, what can you say about the increase in crime rates of the city? Will you be there to protect us? Do you have any suggestions on what the people can do for themselves?" Asked the reporter who passed the mic to Mighty Knuckle.

Mighty Knuckle, in a proud and confident manner, spoke up to the mic and looked at the camera.

"People of Kanto, do not fear for your lives! I will always be here to help everyone, I have full faith in not only the police force, but also every one of you. Remember everyone, justice always prevails as long as good people exist, the evils of crime and greed will never win! Yes, I'm talking about all of you watching right now" Mighty Knuckle pointed at the screen, making Rhyhorn widen his eyes in excitement "You can be a hero, anybody can be, as long as they have the heart of a hero, anybody can become one, as long as you strive to carry out justice and believe in that you have the power to change the world, then anything is possible in your hands" Mighty Knuckle said as he finished his empowering speech.

"So cool! I wanna be a hero just like Mighty Knuckle!" Said Rhyhorn, eating some cereal in front of the tv and wearing a superhero costume of his own, complete with a cape and a mask that covered his eyes like Mighty Knuckle did, and a that had a reversed letter R on it.

His dad, a nidoking came in his room, chuckling at him.

"Son, aren't you going to go play outside with your friends? You're watching Mighty Knuckle again and I'm getting worried you might spend more time close to the tv than playing with your friends" Said nidoking.

"Oh boy! We could play and pretend to be superheroes!" Exclaimed Rhyhorn, and immediately headed out to the frontyard to his friends who were wearing superhero costumes of their own.

Nidoking laughed as he looked out the window and watched Rhyhorn play with his friends.

*Ten Years Later*

"So there are really no signs of Mighty Knuckle?" Asked a reporter on tv.

The interviewee nodded, who was a police chief.

"Back then we'd get assistance from superheroes, Mighty Knuckle was one of the few who helped us back then but now its just supervillain after supervillain these days" Said the police chief.

"So do you speculate that something may have happened to Mighty Knuckle then?" Asked the reporter.

The police chief shook his head.

"If my guess is right, Mighty Knuckle must have retired, heroes do have a life outside being a superhero and all" Speculated the police chief.

"So are you saying that the city is now without a hero?" Asked the reporter.

"Of course not, you still have the police to protect the city" Said the chief.

The reporter paused for a minute.

"But don't you think its strange that the supposed protector of our city would retire without a word of warning for everyone first before doing so?" The reporter asked him.

"He has his reasons, he deserves it after years of service without any payment or thanks" The police chief.

"Hmm, any comments whether or not there will be future heroes to take up his mantle?" Asked the reporter.

"Well there's a possibility, but I'm not too keen on it. Mighty Knuckle is one of a kind, even as a normal person, he really does believe in justice and doesn't believe in being paid for his service, unlike a lot of people in the city. I doubt another hero would rise in the ranks to have the same responsibility that Mighty Knuckle has kept up over the years" The police chief informed the reporter.

"I see, thank you for your time chief, it was truly an interesting to get your opinion on these matters" Said the reporter.

"It was nothing miss, besides, it'd be a miracle if we got another superhero waiting to take up Mighty Knuckle's responsib-" The police chief was cut off by the tv being plugged off.

"I... Wha.... D-Dad! I was watching that!" Said Rhydon, standing up off of the couch.

His dad was wearing an apron while he cleaned around the house with a vacuum.

"Sorry son... But you just have to accept it, Mighty Knuckle has retired and living a peaceful life now" Nidoking said sternly.

"But dad! Heroes don't give up! They should keep fighting crime!" Said Rhydon with a bit of a sad look on himself.

"Sorry son but even superheroes also have a life outside of being a superhero, maybe he needs to get his life back together. Maybe one day he'll return, maybe it'll take a few years before he comes back" Said Nidoking.

Rhydon couldn't accept it, shaking his head.

"No dad! He... Mighty Knuckle said he'll protect us all! He said so ever since I was ten!" Rhydon exclaimed, tears welling up in his eyes.

His dad hugged him as he cried a bit on his shoulder.

Nidoking had always worried about Rhydon ever since Mighty Knuckkle stopped appearing in the news, Mighty Knuckle has always been an idol to him, and sort of a crush.

"There there Rhydon, don't worry. I'm sure he would turn up one day, or another hero will appear in his place until he comes back" Nidoking comforted him.

Nidoking's words echoed to him, another hero huh? Another hero... If he can't wait for another hero... He could BE the hero instead!

Rhydon kissed his dad in the cheek and ran to his room.

"That's it! Thanks dad! You're the best!" Rhydon yelled without looking at his dad before going to his room.

Nidoking sweat dropped and scratched the back of his head.

"What am I going to do about him..." Nidoking muttered, before going back to use the vacuum on the carpet.

*In Rhydon's Room*

"If nobody's going to go and help Mighty Knuckle defend the city while he's gone, its up to me!" Rhydon said as he took out his sketchpad and started drawing a costume for himself.

"No..." Rhydon said, crampling the design he made.

"Nope" Rhydon said again, throwing the second drawing he made.

"Trash!" Rhydon said another time, his trash bin was already full and he was running out of ideas.

Rhydon closed his eyes, remembering the words of Mighty Knuckle

You can be a hero, anybody can be, as long as they have the heart of a hero, anyody can become one, as long as you strive to carry out justice and believe in that, you have the power to change the world, anything is possible in your hands

The words echoed in Rhydon's head, before opening the and saw that he had just created the perfect costume for himself.

"Wow... I can't believe I made this... But this is no time to celebrate, I need to train... Train to become as strong as Mighty Knuckle and become the hero that this city needs!" Rhydon said, taping the drawing on his wall.

*3 months later*

Rhydon had been training, he was now much more agile, stronger, and faster now, he had made sure to keep his weight while increasing his speed and strength, he was now much stronger and muscly than your average rhydon, the rest of his training can continue with common thugs and criminals... At least he thought so.

Rhydon also finally made his superhero costume a reality, he made a skin tight golden and black suit, a cape, black boots and gloves, along with a mask similar to Mighty Knuckle's, and finally a belt to complete the set.

Rhydon was in his room checking himself out and looking at himself in the mirror.

He definitely looked attractive but also intimidating with the costume on, not to mention sexy though he didn't pay much attention to that thinking how cool he looked now with a costume and muscles like his idol Mighty Knuckle.

He pulled on the suit a bit, it was a little tight and seemed to expose the curves and thickness of his body. His ass had practically sucked in part of the suit, his ass looked more exposed as if there was little left to the imagination.

"Awwww yeah I look so cool... I bet Mighty Knuckle would be proud of me if he saw me now... It's still tight though, I think I should adjust it first... No, the city needs a hero and it needs it now" Rhydon said to himself, looking at his backside.

He heard the locked door's knob try to turn, but it was a good thing he had locked it before he tried his costume on.

"Son? You've been locked in there for a long time... Are you ok?" Asked his Nidoking dad.

"Yeah dad! I-I'm fine! Just uh... Looking for my socks!" Rhydon said, trying to excuse himself.

"Well alright son, just don't forget to eat your breakfast before heading to school, and don't forget to close the lights, I'm heading off to buy some groceries" Nidoking told Rhydon before leaving his door alone.

"Phew... My dad would kill me if he finds out... Sorry dad, I will do this for everyone, and for justice! Look out evil doers, because Horn Drill is on the scene!" Rhydon yelled.

Rhydon had begun going on a crusade to fight crime, first starting out small and helping old ladies cross the street, which pokemorphs and humans found weird when they saw the costumed rhydon helping someone with a superhero costume.

'_New Hero calling himself Horn Drill helps old woman cross the street? (Rise of a small time hero?)' _Said an article about him.

And then stopping others from being robbed in alleys, getting the jump on thugs and curb stomping them to the ground, anybody wielding guns didn't do much since he had rock hard skin and helped the innocents get back to safety.

'Horn Drill foils robbery, catches two thugs' Said the next article.

Then stopping children from being kidnapped, the van would be driving down to possibly ransom the children or worse, and then come to a full stop as Horn Drill landed on the van's windshield, chasing the van and pulling the van to a halt with his strength and then punching the windshield open and pulling the driver and his accomplices out, letting the children escape and escorting them back home.

'Kidnapping stopped by Horn Drill' The next article said, now being read by more pokemorphs.

A public hostage situation in the town square, jumping up from a distance and landing near the criminal, making them fly in the air from the impact, picking the hostage up and letting the criminal land on the floor confused and then being arrested, while Horn Drill was thanked by the police and the hostage.

'_Horn Drill stopped a hostage attempt, everyone praising new hero of Kanto' _Said a now booming news article.

Rhydon was making a name for himself, being known by the citizens, police, and even his dad.

Nidoking was watching tv and drinking coffee in the kitchen, as Horn Drill left the scene of another crime on tv.

"What do you think of the new superhero?" Asked a reporter to a group of people.

"New strong, hunky superhero huh? Heh, sounds hot" Said a Raichu pokemorph.

"He protects us you know, he protects the people" Said an old Alakazam.

"He stinks! And I don't like him!" Said a Glaceon.

"This is no ordinary Rhydon, my brother said he saw him from outer space!" Said a Muk.

"He always comes and whenever I see cracks and footprints along the road, I think that, Horn Drill was here" Said a Zoroark.

"Meh, must be a fetishist who likes bodysuits idk" Said a Snorlax.

"I like that bodysuit of his, I just wanna touch him and grope him in the a-" A Luxray was about to finish before the camera was cut off toward the reporter again.

"Anywayyyyyy that's enough opinions of everybody in the town to say that, pretty much everybody loves this new costumed vigilante, can he protect this whole city singlehandedly? We'll find out next time, now back to you Karen" Said the reporter.

"Heh... Rhydon would be glad to know there's a new hero in town now, and a rhydon at that, he'll probably fanboy just like he did when he was a kid" Nidoking chuckled to himself.

Rhydon immediately returned to his house after that, back to his casual clothes he usually wore.

"Oh Rhydon, you just missed the news" Said Nidoking excitedly to tell his son about the new Rhydon.

"Really? What's the news about?" Asked Rhydon, pretending not to know though he felt really giddy knowing what his dad was talking about.

"There's a new hero in town who calls himself Horn Drill, he's... Well a rhydon too and he wears a yellow costume and seems to look a bit like you too" Says Nidoking as he told about him.

"Was he... Is he cool?" Rhydon asked his dad.

"No, he's not cool... He's very cool! I mean, he would save many pokemorphs and humans, he's also very handsome too, just like you Rhydon, and I know how you feel about handsome heroes like Mighty Knuckle ;3" Nidoking teased Rhydon.

"Heh, s-shut up dad! I do not X3" Said Rhydon while blushing.

"That's not what it seemed like when you were fanboying over him~" Nidoking teased again.

Rhydon jumped on his dad as they fell on the floor and laughed.

*Months Later*

Horn Drill was on the action again, this time with a bank robbery.

"Give all your money in the bag sweet cheeks!" Said a Lucario wearing a black mask, making a blaziken accountant put the money in the bag.

He was joined with an infernape and primeape, who all had guns, not that they needed them to fight but it was enough to make non steel and rock types scared.

"Let's take the bags and blow this joint before that superzero Horn Drill appears" Said the infernape, before being smacked by someone off the wall and making him drop the money.

It was Horn Drill of course, ready to save the day.

"You called?" Said Rhydon in a heroic pose.

"Horn Drill save us!" Said a gardevoir.

"We belive in you Horn Drill!" Said a ampharos.

"Bah! You think you're hot shit Horn Drill but you're just an ordinary pokemon! Get him!" Said Primeape, charging at Rhydon, who tripped the angry fighting type.

'This is bad... These guys are fighting types, I better be careful' Rhydon thought to himself.

Rhydon wasn't paying attention and got hit from the aura sphere, feeling the effectiveness of the sphere and hurting him, getting blasted onto the wall and getting a bit of rubble thrown on top of his lying form.

"Amateur mistake superzero! Didn't anybody tell you to watch your back?" Said Lucario.

Rhydon got up and tried to shrug off the rubble, only to be pushed back and restrained by the infernape and primeape, before being approached by the Lucario, who groped his crotch, making Rhydon gasp.

"You may be a strong superhero but you're still a normal pokemorph underneath the costume" The lucario smirked before groping his slowly growing erection.

Primeape and Infernape began licking his clothed pecs, licking his nipples, and one of them made a grab for his mask to unmask him.

Rhydon panted, before remembering his duty, plus it was embarrassing being molested by these criminals in public and he had to keep his identity a secret, so he pushed them all away with all his might, blowing them away and knocking infernape unconscious when he hit the wall solid concrete wall.

Primeape charged at him once again, with Primeape jumping up to attack him while Lucario shot another aura sphere.

Knowing that the aura sphere was the biggest threat to him, so he jumped up at Primeape and grabbed him, throwing him onto the aura sphere and making the sphere explode, sending the Primeape unconscious.

Lucario used high jump kick, and Rhydon side stepped away before he used bulldoze on Lucario, finishing the canine off and injuring the Lucario.

The guards quickly restrained Lucario with cuffs, and then tying up the other two unconscious fighting types.

Rhydon huffed, having his semi-hard cock bulging in his bodysuit, the lucario was right, he shouldn't get distracted and watch his back more often.

"Thank you so much Horn Drill, even with your dignity on the line, you still rescued all of us" Said an arcanine security guard.

"You should partner up with the police, that way you can solve more crimes at once" Said a houndoom guard.

"Ah, that was nothing. I uh... Gotta go now, take care everyone" Rhydon said and ran away back to his place.

Rhydon was back at home, and sneaked back to his room in his house.

"Whew... I got to be more careful, those criminals were getting too touchy with me back there" Rhydon said, wiping his sweat off and took his costume and hid them in his trunk.

Rhydon locked the door to his room before plopping himself back down on his bed, tired from the ordeal.

"Ugh... Where are these guys coming from? Shouldn't they be afraid to commit crimes by now?" Rhydon asked to himself before falling asleep.

Rhydon woke up somewhere dark, and in his hero suit.

"Ngh... Am I... Am I here to stop some bad guys?" Rhydon asked himself, looking around the dark room. He was still in his hero costume so he was here to catch bad guys.

Rhydon looked around him, complete silence overtaking him.

"Come on! Show yourselves! I'm not afraid of any of you!" Rhydon yelled out to no one in particular in the darkness.

Some pokemon came out alright, the same three pokemon that robbed the bank earlier, all naked and with their muscles exposed including their cocks, standing tall and precumming at the sight of him, twitching and eager to fuck him and didn't hesitate to walk towards him.

Rhydon was alarmed by their naked forms, stepping back as they came closer.

"Stay back you two... I'm warning you!" Rhydon threatened them, which they seemed unphased by.

Lucario closed the gap between them and began kissing Rhydon, locking their muzzles together and then French kissing him while frotting his canine cock with his own still clothed cock constricted in his costume, while rubbing his ass and rubbing his paws between his ass cheeks.

Rhydon tried to push Lucario off but his body wouldn't obey him, instead his body grew horny and returned the Lucario's gestures.

'What... What's happening... I...' Rhydon said, feeling his mind melt with each smooch and kiss from the Lucario, as Primeape and Infernape surrounded him and began undressing him of his costume, and he let them for some reason.

Rhydon slowly grew hard which the Lucario noticed, and moved aside to take a look at his cock.

"Well well looks like the zero's got quite the cock on him" Said the Lucario as he pulled Rhydon to his side and gently jerked their cocks together before making out with Rhydon.

'What am I doing...? I should fight it... Fight it damn it!' Rhydon thought to himself, all the while giving more loving smooches to the Lucario.

The other two thugs instead lifted his tail, and took a look at his tailhole.

"Boss, he looks like he's a virgin, he has a tight pink hole" Said the infernape and stretched his hole a bit and taking a look at his cavern.

"Ngh... No... Stop it" Rhydon tried to sound defiant but came off as horny and longing to be penetrated.

"Shut up superzero, you're just a slut, why else would you dress yourself in this slutty costume?" Primeape asked him, squeezing his pecs and then sucking on his nipple.

Infernape positioned his cock against his hole, Rhydon could feel the cock prod on his anus, the warm fire type cock could enter at anytime now, while he panted with desire for cock.

Lucario meanwhile had their cocks precumming against each other, feeling his bigger cock get lubricated by the precum.

The three of them then nodded to each other, bringing Rhydon onto the floor with them, falling on top of Primeape, while Lucario positioned himself near his mouth while Infernape kneeled down to penetrate me.

"Open wide slut" The lucario put his cock inside Rhydon's mouth while the Primeape frotted with him, he never felt such pleasure before feeling Infernape penetrate him...

Rhydon opened his eyes to wake up in his room, and realized that it was a dream.

"Whew... It was just a dream huh?" Said Rhydon, before realizing it was night now.

He looked at his cock which formed a tent in his costume with the tip dribbling precum and making the costume stained with precum, probably from the dream... He found it hot... He just wanted criminals to play with him and kiss him and use him like...

Rhydon shook his head, he shouldn't think like that, heroes are not supposed to have thoughts like these and fantasize about criminals having their way with him.

He took his costume off and looked at the stain.

"I should put this in the washing machine... Can't be a superhero with this stain" Rhydon said as he changed his clothes and left his room to get his suit cleaned.


"_A bank robbery was foiled by Horn Drill who was quick to come to the scene and help arrest the three criminals. Though he was almost defeated, he seemed to have everything in control before the three criminals, a lucario, infernape, and primeape have been arrested and yet to be identified and will be taken to the authorities for questioning. Looks like our hero has not disappointed everyone and continues to be a competent and capable supe-" _The TV was cut short by an aggron who turned it off with his remote.

"Another superhero huh?" The aggron chuckled evilly while someone sucked his cock off while sitting on his couch.

"Shall we ambush him boss?" Asked someone from the shadows.

"Let me handle him, I want to see just how strong this new kid is... Its been a long time since a hero arrived and converted to our fold" Aggron got up, pushing the slut that was sucking him off before heading to suit up.

*The next day, in the town square*

Rhydon was riding along a bus to the university he was studying in, he was falling a bit behind due to his superhero work so he had to make up for it.

"Geez... And I thought college was already hard enough, now I have to cram just to keep up" Rhydon mumbled to himself.

Rhydon was just browsing the internet on his phone when the bus he was on suddenly crashed onto the car ahead of it, making Rhydon jerk forward onto the back of the seat in front of him.

Rhydon rubbed his head and looked outside to see that several cars ahead of the bus suffered the same fate.

"What the hell is going on..." Rhydon muttered and got off the bus as several of the drivers got out of their cars and started running away, including the bus driver.

Rhydon then heard the booming voice of someone ahead of all the cars and he took a peek.

"BRING ME HORN DRILLLLLL!" Yelled an aggron, who threw a car (thankfully there were no passengers) onto a store, easily breaking the display glass window of a store.

"Damn... If it's a fight he wants, it's a fight he'll get!" Rhydon said while running inside a telephone booth, opening his bag and started suiting up for the fight.

"I AM IRONCLAW! WHERE'S YOUR HERO? TOO SCARED TO FIGHT ME!?" Ironclaw yelled in the air, picking up another car before he was hit with a brick on the head.

Ironclaw rubbed the spot where he was hit though he was not hurt one bit before turning around to see who threw it at him.

"Save the tantrums when I take you to jail big guy" Rhydon said, now dressed as Horn Drill.

Ironclaw smirked and put the car down, finally meeting the hero he had recently been hearing about.

"So you're the new hero I've been hearing about" Ironclaw looked at him up and down, observing his form, he looked attractive and cute he gave him that.

"You don't look much, you're just a kid way in over his head thinking he's as good as Mighty Knuckle and the sort" Ironclaw commented on him.

"Um... Excuse me? I'm just as good as Mighty Knuckle!" Rhydon felt insulted by what he just said.

"Pffft, as good? Kid, you're just a costumed baby who thinks he's a hero, quit now while you still can before you really regret your decision" Ironclaw's words stung but he didn't let it show.

Rhydon felt bad about this, on one hand he really wanted to show this guy what he was really made of, on the other hand, this guy can really hurt anybody nearby if he went all out.

"Tell you what buddy, why don't we take this fight somewhere else and we can settle things between us, if I win I'll take you to jail" Rhydon asked Ironclaw.

"Bah! Like I'll play by your rules... But what do I get if I beat you, you little shit" Ironclaw asked curious what Rhydon was proposing to him.

Rhydon didn't really think this through, but he did know of a place where they could fight without anybody getting involved.

"Follow me" Rhydon said, before bending his knees and jumping far away to lead Ironclaw over somewhere.

Ironclaw followed Rhydon, jumping after him, his landings were much heavier, sending cars bouncing up and back down to the ground around him.

This continued until they were by a wide, open space along the plains of a countryside, with nobody to bother them.

Ironclaw landed not far behind Rhydon when they made it.

"You still didn't tell me what I'll get if I beat you" Ironclaw said, Rhydon still hadn't come up with a good trade before saying.

"Then I'll let you go" Said Rhydon, it was not clever but it was the only thing he could think of, Ironclaw just looked at him like it was the worst insult in his life.

"Let you go? That's rich! Tell you what! If I win, you'll become my bitch forever and have to do whatever I say! But I don't need a bet to turn you into that, you'll be my bitch whether you let me or not" Ironclaw said while laughing mockingly.

Rhydon tried to keep calm, knowing that he was just trying to get to him.

"Like that'll happen, if you're done bragging about what you wanna do, we can start fighting now" Rhydon said, before getting into a stance.

"Ooooooh did I hit a nerve? Little kid can't take a little insult?" Ironclaw taunted Rhydon once again.

That really ticked Rhydon off and used Drill Run, charging head on to Ironclaw while spinning his body and pointing his horn at him, looking like a giant drill that was headed toward Ironclaw.

Ironclaw smirked and held his ground, waiting for him to get to him before grabbing the end of the giant tornado-like drill, making it slow down until Ironclaw made Rhydon stop his spinning.

Rhydon was now trying to pull away, trying to pry Ironclaw's hand away from his horn while Ironclaw yawned.

"What? Is that all you got? That's what the great Horn Drill can do? I'll show you a REAL attack can do" Ironclawsaid before using iron tail on Rhydon.

Rhydon's eyes widened and felt his breath leave his body as he was sent flying away and crashing to a tree, he got up trying to catch his breath and clutching his stomach from the impact of the iron tail.

Ironclaw quickly caught up near him.

"Bwahaha! That all you got? Here I thought I was gonna have a good fight but you're even more underwhelming than I thought you would be!" Ironclaw said, laughing and slapping his knee.

Rhydon gritted his teeth and started to gather energy in front of his horn, his horn turned silver and slowly turned back to normal as the energy turned into a large silver rock, then firing it at Ironclaw, missing him as the rock exploded into chunks.

Ironclaw dodged the rock, which Rhydon quickly made and fired another rock blast at him, firing 4 of them in a row before stopping, panting as the move had hit him at least two times, making him fall on the ground in pain.

"How's that for an attack? Can't keep up with a rookie?" It was Rhydon's turn to taunt Ironclaw.

Ironclaw growled and got up, and charging at him as his claws glowed white, he was going to use metal claw!

"Don't test me kid! I'll put everyone you know and love in danger!" Ironclaw yelled with violent intent.

"Not while I'm around to stop you!" Rhydon retorted, making his whole arm glow and using hammer arm to counter the blow.

The impact of the two moves made a mini earthquake around both of them, the ground shaking and the trees and plants rustle.

Rhydon was fairly new to the Hammer Arm move, flinching from the strike (Yes I know it just reduces speed but this isn't the game so whatever), and Ironclaw took his opportunity, using iron tail once again which Rhydon barely caught, pushing him far away from Ironclaw.

Ironclaw wasn't done yet though, while Rhydon tried to get back on his feet, he charged at him, all the while his body began glowing gold, and leaving behind a gold trail.

Rhydon recognized the move, it was double edge, one of the most dangerous moves and he barely had time to move away before being hit by the move.

Rhydon felt the move's full force hitting his body, rolling around the ground until he was gasping in pain on the grass, but still, with all his power he stood up.

"Give up already, because you're finished kid! Heroes are meant to lose and serve the stroooooooooooong!" Ironclaw yelled, his head glowed white which meant only one thing, he was going to use iron head!

"I... I'd rather die than serve you!" Rhydon countered with a move of his own, horn drill!

Rhydon's horn span like a drill and met Ironclaw's iron head dead on, the two pokemorphs using all their strength on their finishing moves, Rhydon forced the horn drill to go harder, spinning faster as his horn drill tried to counter the iron head, glowing orange as it heated up until...

Rhydon felt something crack, before feeling Ironclaw's iron head make contact with his forehead, sending him falling on the ground in pain.

Rhydon grabbed his head in pain from the impact, his hands gripped his head painfully, but felt something else odd, his horn... It was broken!

He saw that his horn was fractured, the pointed end now gone, replaced with a now broken horn.

Rhydon felt tears well from his eyes as he looked at the pointy end of his horn on the ground, now broken and no use to him.

Rhydon wiped his tears away, remembering Ironclaw was still around before glaring at him.

"Awww, lost your horn little baby?" Asked Ironclaw, Rhydon felt bitter, having lost as a hero for the first time.

"Pffft, whatever sore loser. A deal's a deal ain't it? Stand up and remove your mask" Ironclaw ordered him.

"No... Anything but that" Rhydon said, trying to plead with him.

"Tch... Typical heroes... I agreed to your petty demands and you take your word back? I've seen heroes who honor their words better than you" Said Ironclaw.

Rhydon felt bad, he was taking his words back, which was unlike what Mighty Knuckle would do and would look down on him for doing it, but he knew if he did that his dad would be in danger.

"No... I won't! Removing this mask means giving up in everything I believe in!" Rhydon yelled at him defiantly.

"Tch... Can't even keep your promise, fine, I'll take it off myself!" Ironclaw said angrily and tied Rhydon up, with him being powerless to resist in his weakened state.

Rhydon was hanging on a tree branch with a rope, leaving him completely exposed to Ironclaw and whatever he wanted to do to him.

Ironclaw headed over to Rhydon, and held Rhydon's head still.

Rhydon looked down shamefully, he had let everyone down, their new hero was defeated and he couldn't do anything about it.

Rhydon glared at Ironclaw as he was caressed in the face, turning away as best he could as the older pokemorph touched him.

"Heh... You look cuter than I thought you would... I wonder... Did you ever kiss someone before?" Ironclaw asked, putting a thumb and finger on Rhydon's chin.

Rhydon blushed, and tried to look away, tried because Ironclaw didn't let him look away.

"N-No... No I haven't yet" Admitted Rhydon, hoping Ironclaw would take mercy on him.

"Heh... Young and innocent huh? Looks like I hit the jackpot" Ironclaw said, caressing his head before taking Rhydon's lips with his and holding him close like a lover, rubbing his back and ass through his superhero suit.

Rhydon's eyes widened before he tried to fight back, struggling to turn away before he succeeded and spat on Ironclaw's face.

Ironclaw wiped the spit off of his face, before smirking back at Rhydon's eyes.

"Feisty I'll give you that" Ironclaw muttered, before taking his head back in a kiss again.

Ironclaw opened his mouth and began French kissing Rhydon, licking and wrapping their tongues around each other, locking their maws together and biting down on their jaws to continue kissing with the young hero and preventing Rhydon from pulling away.

Rhydon felt their tongues make contact, tasting Ironclaw and feeling the passionate kiss as he then bit back and used his tongue to push his tongue back, only deepening the kiss further much to his dismay.

Ironclaw raised his knee to rub it against Rhydon's cock, which Rhydon immediately moaned out from being touched by someone else, cursing himself from feeling good from a supervillain.

Ironclaw continued making out with Rhydon for a few minutes before he tried to pull out, Rhydon didn't want to admit it, but he was getting addicted to kissing and pulled secretly loved the taste and feeling, but hated that it was from someone who was threatening everybody in the city.

Ironclaw smirked as he knew, no matter how Rhydon tried to hide it, he knew that Rhydon was enjoying the kiss to an extent, and began to caress Rhydon's muscles underneath his superhero suit.

He touched Rhydon's muscles, feeling up his belly, his pecs, his biceps, even his ass, the superhero was the epitome of a sexy superhero, he wanted him, no needed this superhero as his own property.

Ironclaw finally had enough and pulled Rhydon away from him, leaving Rhydon wanting more and panting with lust.

"Are you sure your name is Horn Drill? You should change your name to Horny drill!" Ironclaw laughed, while Rhydon just looked away in embarrassment.

Ironclaw rubbed his hands on Rhydon's ass, feeling up the suit which was from what he felt alone, was really tight on his body, his ass was perfectly showing from how tight it was on his body.

"Damn for a hero you sure do dress like a slut! Is that it huh? You like dressing like a slut so people can ogle you? Hah! You must really like it when you're on tv, lot of pervy old daddies looking at you to take a look at your ass?" Ironclaw said, slapping his ass on him, making Rhydon groan.

"N-No... That's... I didn't..." Rhydon tried to defend himself before he felt Ironclaw pull his costume up, feeling his costume to dig in to his ass further, giving him a wedgie inside own suit, and spinning him around so the camera could see the embarrassing worldwide superhero wedgie on his ass, with Rhydon groaning from the increased tightness.

"A-Ah! S-Stop... It's a symbol of my heroism!" Rhydon cried out as Rhydon pulled on the ropes binding him, as Ironclaw groped his ass.

"Heroism Shmeroism! This is a symbol of how slutty you are! You might as well be an exhibitionist!" Ironclaw berated him, before ripping a part of his costume, giving a nice view of Rhydon's sexy ass and cock.

Rhydon squeezed his legs together, the ropes not letting him cover himself properly as he blushed in embarrassment, and truth be told, he was now thinking he was not fit to be a hero with what was happening to him.

Ironclaw smirked and took his costume off, revealing his equally sexy body to see along with Rhydon, spinning Rhydon around to make him face him, grabbing Rhydon's cheeks and forced him to open his mouth with his hand.

Ironclaw closed the gap between them and gave another kiss, this time there were no costumes to block physical contact on their cocks, and now their bare masculinities were exposed to each other.

Ironclaw thrusted their precumming cocks together, keeping Rhydon close to him while looking at him lovingly and possessively at him, while Rhydon squirmed to get away, only to further frot against Ironclaw and pleasuring both of them, shutting his eyes as he moaned.

"You're beautiful..." Ironclaw said before embracing and kissing him, not that he genuinely felt that way about him but to manipulate him to break him and make him fall in love and see him break.

Rhydon's mind was posed with a question for a split second before the kiss melted his mind once more, why is his enemy thinking this way about him, he felt his heart flutter from the ENEMY, he shouldn't be feeling this way!

Those thoughts were quickly diminished as Ironclaw continued their foreplay before pulling away and looked at their precum soaked cocks.

Ironclaw smirked and before Rhydon could recover from the pleasure, he walked behind him and had grabbed his legs and put him in a full nelson position, the position ensured that Rhydon couldn't do anything as he felt his cock twitch, rubbing his precum soaked cock on his ass.

"Ready to be a true slut?" Asked Ironclaw, licking Rhydon's cheek.

Rhydon gave a gulp, panting as he turned his head to the supervillain.

"No... Not here... I'm a virgin!" Rhydon begged him.

Ironclaw smirked at that.

"Jackpot" Ironclaw whispered in Rhydon's ear, giving Rhydon's lips a kiss before bringing him down on his cock.

Rhydon's eyes rolled back in pleasure as he was penetrated rather deeply, his moan muffled by the kiss.

He was soon released from the kiss as Rhydon was now free to moan out as Ironclaw thrusted him down on his cock with ease, with each thrust making Rhydon moan like a bitch in heat.

"Oh... Oh god... Its so deep inside... It feels so good... Fuck... I'll... Get you for this... I swear it... I'll defeat youuuuu" Rhydon yelled out, panting as he felt his prostate get hit with how his ass was angled for Ironclaw to thrust into while his cock dribbled precum, showing that his body liked it as much as he didn't want it.

"Fuck yeah Horn Drill! Moan for me! And show how you, a hero, has fallen in love with a villain's cock!" Ironclaw yelled out, angling his ass to better hit his prostate effectively.

"Mmm... Oh god yes... I mean no..! It doesn't feel good...!" Rhydon said with a blush and desire for Ironclaw to keep pumping his cock into his ass like his life depended on it, blinded with lust for the steel type.

Ironclaw thrusted fast, keeping up the pace as his balls slapped against Rhydon's own, before thrusting one last time, gushing cum into Rhydon's untainted ass, marking him as his.

With that last thrust from Ironclaw, Rhydon's cock twitched before cumming and releasing his seed all over the grass and soil, a silly look of happiness in his face as he roared in bliss.

Ironclaw cut the ropes and set him down and let him fall onto the soft grass, before jerking himself off and letting the rest of his cum land all over Rhydon.

The last thing Rhydon heard before he passed out was...

"Heh... Pathetic... He's passing out... Yeah he gave me a bit of trouble but I'm bringing him with me, its nice I'm getting a new plaything" Said Ironclaw, holding a radio on his ear as he put his costume back on.

That's when Rhydon fell unconscious from how tired the battle and sex he had.


*Somewhere probably...*

Rhydon suddenly woke up when he was poured with a bucket full of ice water by a raticate pokemorph who scurried away, Rhydon immediately getting on his feet while he was still tied up, realizing he had his mask back on, and with his ass-torn suit still on too.

He woke up in a dark place, almost like his dream he had a few days ago, except he wasn't alone based on the many moans and gasps around him.

His eyes then adjusted and realized what was happening.

All around him were heroes who had disappeared in the past, his eyes widened as he saw many pokemorphs from when he grew up.

Robin Hoot, the Decidueye superhero who gave to the poor and focused on taking down rich bad guys.

Spark, the Jolteon who saved countless lives thanks to his superior speed.

Flash Fire, the Arcanine who used his fire abilities to protect others, prioritizing nighttime patrols and high-profile criminals who form gangs and crime organizations.

And many more pokemorph superheroes that had disappeared over the years. They were all being fucked by many other pokemorphs... He even recognized some of the heroes doing the fucking, though none of them seemed to be in charge, in fact, they still looked submissive.

Ironclaw was sitting on a throne, and before him, someone was sucking his cock off, someone familiar... Wait... He recognized him!

It was Mighty Knuckle! His childhood hero, his hero costume was missing but he recognized the mask he was wearing as he sucked Ironclaw's cock on his throne.

"Well well well... Looks like our little princess is awake" Ironclaw said, as he put a hand on Mighty Knuckle's head and made the superpowered pokemorph bob his head up and down his cock.

"Mighty Knuckle! You... Ironclaw... You were behind all this!? All the heroes... They didn't retire... They were captured!" Realized Rhydon, coming to a conclusion.

Ironclaw pretended to be shocked before kicking Mighty Knuckle off, his bound form falling to the side with an "Oomph" as he landed on the cold steel floor.

"Oh no! Our hero has finally found out our secret! Whatever shall we do?" Said Ironclaw with exaggerated faces.

Rhydon glared at him.

"I will free them... Then we will destroy you! You and whatever your plans are!" Rhydon declared.

Ironclaw chuckled.

"Still as defiant and bratty as I just met you... I love a feisty hero when I see one... Well then, Horn Drill... Oh wait you've lost your horn, forget about that then slut!" Ironclaw laughed.

Rhydon gritted his teeth, his horn... He used that in many battles and was used with many of his signature moves.

"Awww don't be angry. I have a proposal for you slut... Join me" Ironclaw offered.

"Huh?" Said Rhydon with a baffled expression.

"Join me and I will free you from your invisible shackles of being a hero! Heroes are slaves to the public! Why should the strong serve and protect the weak when they themselves can do and take whatever they want!" Ironclaw tried to persuade him.

"Join me Horn Drill, I promise you wealth, luxury, hero slaves, even give you a new horn, I will personally train you and under my tutelage, you will be among the most powerful people in the world! I see much potential from you, be by my side Horn Drill, I can be your mentor! And if you agree, maybe even my lover... If you refuse... Then your fate will be just like these other failed heroes... Bitches for my own amusement, just like Mighty Knuckle, here... So what do you say?~" Ironclaw offered to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Rhydon's response was just as expected, immediately spitting on Ironclaw's face and snarled at him.

"Who'd ever want to join you? I became a hero to fight for something bigger than myself! Not to be selfish and arrogant like the likes of you!" Rhydon spat at Ironclaw who wiped the saliva off his cheek in annoyance.

"Very well, I'll make sure to properly discipline you thoroughly like Mighty Knuckle has been... Even though his stubbornness is futile all these months, which is why he's my favorite, isn't that right Mighty Knuckle?" Ironclaw said, walking to Mighty Knuckle and gently landing his boot on Mighty Knuckle's head.

Mighty Knuckle gritted his teeth in anger, he had been humiliated and angered several times already the whole time he was here.

"...Leave the kid alone..." Mighty Knuckle said with gritted teeth.

Ironclaw pulled out a remote and pressed a button, shocking mighty knuckle as surges of electricity ran through his body and became limp once the shock collar stopped shocking him.

"Oh Mighty Knuckle tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk... You of all heroes here know that heroes need to be disciplined and eventually know their place... And especially to never tell your superiors what to do" Ironclaw said angrily while looking down at him.

Rhydon, not being able to take his idol suffer, started hitting Ironclaw's chest with his shackled fists fruitlessly.

"Stop it! Let him go!" Rhydon said, Ironclaw didn't like that and pulled him close.

"Oh? And why should I hm? Give me a good reason to stop then" Ironclaw said, knowing what a goody two shoes hero like him would do.

Rhydon gritted his teeth, before sighing and...

"I... I'll do anything you say..." Rhydon said forcefully to him.

Ironclaw clapped his hands and had a happy look on his face, almost like he was acting like he wasn't doing something depraved.

"Well that's a good start! See Mighty Knuckle? This rookie here is far more disciplined than you ever were the first time he were here, you could learn a thing or two from him. Now lets get you two into position~" Ironclaw teased Mighty Knuckle, before he smirked and began conducting what he would do to the two heroes.

Soon, Mighty Knuckle was hog tied, with his ass raised high on the air, with his hole clearly seen by whoever was in the room.

Rhydon was on his knees, his face was in front of Mighty Knuckle's hole, while Ironclaw kept him still with his foot pressing on Rhydon's back to keep him kneeling and trying to force Rhydon's face onto Mighty Knuckle's hole.

"Pucker your asses up cause you will be showing your beloved fans your love soon. Its amazing you know, the advantages of having people on the inside of the broadcasting network in your pockets, coupled with the bonus of using heroes as a plaything, you can almost persuade anybody to do anything, even install bugs and viruses that can't be discovered on the broadcasting towers~" Ironclaw said as he turned lights on, revealing the cameras on the walls and standing on tripods surrounding them.

Cameras were surveying them from different angles, specifically their holes, as Ironclaw pressed a button on a laptop, what this did, Rhydon and Mighty Knuckle didn't know.

From across the kanto region, the signals from all phones, tv, computers, laptops, tablets, all electrical devices had shifted from shows and news networks to the

"Hello ladies and bitches, Ironclaw here. Wonder where your superbitch Horn Drill is? Well he's right here eating ass with his favorite partner, Mighty Knuckle~" Ironclaw announced.

Every television in the city suddenly was broadcasting the footage, no matter what channel they were on, all pokemorphs were now forced to watch the two superheroes do everything the villain told them..

Nidoking, who was also watching TV on the couch, was shocked by what was happening.

"W-What!? Horn Drill!?" Nidoking said, his jaw dropping upon seeing the lewd footage live on tv.

Rhydon turned around, widening his eyes as he realized that Ironclaw was going to broadcast his humiliation on tv! Rhydon was gonna yell at him, to cut out the public recording of his humiliation until Ironclaw waved his remote, threatening to electrocute Mighty Knuckle again.

Rhydon cursed himself, how weak he was from saving himself or Mighty Knuckle, his own idol.

"Now... Horn Drill... Why don't you lick Mighty Knuckle's ass hm? Bet you want to do this right now huh? Have your way with another superhero? I'm giving you that pleasure you know so be grateful and lick his hole" Ironclaw ordered him, zooming in on Rhydon's masked face and Mighty Knuckle's hole.

"Its... Not your fault Kid... Y-you can stop... No need to do this for me..." Mighty Knuckle tried to convince Rhydon to stop.

Knowing that the machoke superhero would get shocked if he didn't do what Ironclaw asked, he began eating out the hole.

"H-Hey.... Ngh... Guwah... Hah...!" Mighty Knuckle cried out as Rhydon ate his hole out.

"Hah! Knew you would've liked it! Bet you always dreamed of fucking Mighty Knuckle weren't you? Bet you want to fuck this guy right now don't you huh? Don't you?" Ironclaw laughed as Rhydon ate the superhero's ass, slapping Rhydon's butt, the slap reverberating across the place as Rhydon gave a muffled groan, his cock hardening as he was actually enjoying it deep down in his heart knowing that he is eating out his idol and crush.

Rhydon gave sloppy licks, as much as he was forced to do it, he actually wanted to please Mighty Knuckle, wetting the hole and imagining his cock entering himself, he wanted Mighty Knuckle's cock to enter him actually, his mind running wild with possibilities and horny thoughts as his cock grew hard.

Mighty Knuckle tried to endure the rimming he was experiencing, but the way Rhydon was eating him out made it impossible. He didn't expect Rhydon to be this eager to eat him out, he can't but moan and groan loudly from the eager meal that Rhydon was given.

"S-Slow down... K-kid... Ngah...!" Mighty Knuckle tried to say, only to interrupt himself with a moan.

The people watching the tv was mesmerized and began jerking off to the sight of the heroes doing lewd activities, even Nidoking had become hard, the apron not helping his cock hide underneath it and stroked it a bit.

"Hahahahaha, you two are so into it" Ironclaw laughed, wiping a tear from his eye before calming down and undressing himself, touching himself, squeezing one of his pecs and jerking his cock off until he became hard and placed the camera on a table nearby.

Ironclaw smirked as he looked at Rhydon's hard cock, smirking as he looked at him and took his place, standing just above Mighty Knuckle.

"Bet you wanna lick mine too right? Wanna smell and lick strong manly asses of heroes and villains aren't you? You may think you're a pure, strong hearted hero but in the end you're just a pervert wanting to service better pokemorphs than you" Ironclaw said, taunting the fallen superhero.

Rhydon was angered, but at the same time, another feeling came to him as Ironclaw's words made his imagination run rampant, imagining all the strong, muscular thugs, despite being smaller or equally as large as him, all naked, their asses presenting towards him, their cocks hard and eager to fuck the now submissive superhero, not to mention how Ironclaw was teasing him with his own ass, reminding him of his situation as he waved the remote around, making Rhydon's cock precum and rationalizing to himself that he's being forced, he's not enjoying it.

Rhydon pressed his face onto Ironclaw's ass, kneeling up to meet the hole and sniff it with the alluring scent of sweat and musk of a villain, just the thought of this villain using him as a slave to pleasure his own needs was... No... He shouldn't think like this... He's a villain... And yet this villain was sexy and made him feel a whole new sensation and kink he didn't know he had.

Due to Rhydon's new position, Mighty Knuckle felt Rhydon's cock rub up against his own ass, feeling his body grow horny for cock, just like he had felt all these months he was imprisoned here.

"Ngh... Wait... Rookie..." Mighty Knuckle cried out, knowing that a good fucking will leave him a moaning mess, on camera nonetheless.

"Do it... Don't you want to... God yeah get your tongue in there... just make him writhe in pleasure?" Ironclaw asked him, teasing Rhydon to fuck the machoke's ass right there.

"S-sorry... But I can't stand it anymore...!" Rhydon, with his slowly draining willpower to resist the pleasure, Rhydon thrusted inside inch by inch of his cock entering Mighty Knuckle's ass, moaning with a big, goofy smile with his tongue lolled out of his mouth.

"Guwah! Ngh... Y-Y-Yes....!" Mighty Knuckle moaned to himself, as pleasurable as he felt the penetration of his sexually trained ass, became half lidded with his tongue hanging out while panting, swallowing his saliva as he tried to endure it.

Everyone on tv now were shamelessly masturbating from the sight of them fucking, licking, basically wanting the superheroes as their playthings, a majority of them all anyway, except Nidoking and a few others in the city.

"Good... Good... Yeah... Just like that supersluts!" Yelled Ironclaw, pulling his ass away from Rhydon's face and positioned himself behind Rhydon.

Rhydon felt something rub on his ass, and before he could turn around, Ironclaw had entered him, teasing him as he angled his cock and gyrated his hips, teasing the Rhydon as his cock poked his anal walls for any weak spots in his ass.

"Gonna really make you moan this time superslut... We're just getting started!" Ironclaw groaned, loving how Rhydon's ass was still clinging to him lovingly despite taking his virginity already.

"W-wait... G-go... Uwah! G-Go slower...!" Rhydon tried to beg for Ironclaw, which fell on deaf ears as the steel type villain continued pounding him.

Rhydon moaned, getting the familiar feeling of a cock inside his ass, just like the previous encounter, Rhydon moaned as the twitching cock touched different spots of his ass as Ironclaw gyrated his hips.

Ironclaw pushed his cock further in Rhydon, causing Rhydon to push his cock into Mighty Knuckle's ass, causing the fighting type to cry out in pleasure.

"Guwah! W-Wait... T-Take it easy...!" Mighty Knuckle moaned out and tried to relax his ass muscles, his ass meeting Rhydon's crotch as he tried to resist the pleasurable feeling of cock hitting his prostate that his body yearned for, months of being used had let him know not to resist the cock and it's thrusts, feeling surges of pleasure deeply embedded into memory that left him crying out like a dog in heat, drooling on the floor as he felt rhydon plow his cock into him, while Ironclaw smirked, using Rhydon as an extension of his will to fuck Mighty Knuckle

Everyone in their tv were now jerking their cocks off, including Nidoking who couldn't resist himself from touching his cock at the sight of three sexy, strong males, two of which were submissive like bitches and the sounds of their sexy moans were not something to be easily ignored.

"Want me to go harder bitch? Want me to make you cum again?" Ironclaw asked Rhydon, licking his neck slowly, teasing the young mon, to make him beg for it.

Rhydon precummed and twitched in Mighty Knuckle's ass as he was forced to thrust in as Ironclaw's hips pushed him forward each time.

"Ngh... I.... I..." Rhydon tried to say, though he knew if he did, and especially now that he was being recorded live, he shouldn't say it, not like a superhero would do that.

"Yes? You know I could free you of your shackles right now and let you have your way with Mighty Knuckle. Think about it hero, this young sexy hero all to yourself to use, a hero is so overrated anyway, be a villain... Be like me, a strong, free, ambitious villain, being a villain is much more rewarding than a hero, you don't even get paid for it, I promise you all the heroes you can use here, don't be like these losers, as long as you pledge your allegiance to me, I'll give you everything that you ever want~" Ironclaw whispered sexily to Rhydon, tempting him to become a villain.

"Ngh... I..." Rhydon tried to say but Ironclaw began thrusting faster, interrupting him.

"Yeah? You made up your mind Rhydon? Want to be on the winning side?" Ironclaw asked Rhydon.

"Don't do it Horn Drill...! He will only turn you into a monster...!" Mighty Knuckle yelled, to the annoyance of Ironclaw.

"Tch... I wasn't talking to you Knuckle!" Ironclaw yelled and pushed his cock further into Rhydon, making him get closer and closer to orgasm, in turn doing the same to Mighty Knuckle using Rhydon's cock.

"Guwah!" Mighty Knuckle groaned, leaking precum as the thrusts became rougher.

"Grrr... Can't even keep your mouth shut Mighty Knuckle... I'm going to punish both of you for that! But that's what I love about you, you're still defiant in a way despite months of pleasurable torture" Ironclaw said both angrily and pleasurably, laughing as he got closer and closer to cumming.

"No... I... P-Please... Turn off the cameras...!" Rhydon begged Ironclaw since he was a few thrusts away to cumming, not wanting to be a public sex symbol.

"Awww so we're all please and thank you now are we? Too late for that I'm afraid, I gave you a chance!" Ironclaw said and continued thrusting again at full speed now.

Mighty Knuckle and Rhydon rolled their eyes up as their impending orgasms came, their hard cocks making a mess as they shot their loads, Mighty Knuckle shot his cum all over the floor hands-free, while Rhydon himself shot his load with one final thrust into Mighty Knuckle and giving his ass a creampie, with both pokemon giving a silly, pleasured look on their faces as they came with great pleasure and ecstasy.

Ironclaw himself bit Rhydon's shoulder as he thrusted one last time, cumming and painting Rhydon's walls with his creamy load, some of it even spurting out as he pulled out and observed the two.

Everyone on tv had also came all over their screens, their two idols' images were now tainted with sex and horniness from many citizens, now viewing heroes as sexual playthings. Well, not all of them but a majority of them.

Nidoking had just finished cumming all over the couch, himself, and the tv, before shamefully remembering that he shouldn't be doing such a thing like this in the first place, the heroes were suffering after all.

Ironclaw laughed mockingly at them.

"See? Wasn't so bad huh? Maybe you ought to know to shut the fuck up and take it like the bitch you are next time. Now... For a grand reveal!" Ironclaw huffed and announced, looking at all cameras and then walking in front of Rhydon... And ripped his mask off!

Everyone gasped as Rhydon's identity was revealed, everyone saw his face, everyone including his friends had now seen who he was! Especially Nidoking

"W-What!? S-Son!?" Nidoking said, standing up and looking closely at the tv to confirm whether or not it was really Rhydon.

Rhydon took a moment to realize that he was unmasked, before he pulled his cock out of Mighty Knuckle's ass, leaving the fighting type to moan as he pulled out, and tried to snatch his mask back despite still being shackled.

"Give it back! Give it back!" Rhydon said, trying to reach for his mask again, which Ironclaw just backed away from him easily.

"Too late, I gave you a choice Rhydon to be my ally, but it turns out that all heroes are actually too stubborn to be what they were destined to do, and dominate the entire world. There is no room for enemies here Rhydon, so I will ruin your superhero career starting now.

Ironclaw laughed and cackled at both Mighty Knuckle and Rhydon, the former just panting and moaning on the floor as his ass leaked cum, while the latter got on his knees and showed tears of sorrow and hatred, knowing that his dad now knows and is probably worried about him knowing that he's at the hands of a villain... Rhydon only hoped his dad wouldn't do anything to endanger himself. Too tired to keep his bravado and the shame of humiliation washing over him, he felt too tired, and passed out on the floor, hoping this was just a nightmare.

Nidoking fell back to his seat as he now realized why Rhydon was never present whenever the tv showed Horn Drill fighting crime, or the suspicious activities that he did, the exercises, the protein powder, the drawings of various superhero costumes... He had been Horn Drill all along!

Nidoking didn't know what to do... But he'll get his son back... Wait... There was one thing he could do... And that was to be a hero! He wasn't too keen on the superhero business but if he didn't know any other to find him, he'll have to make this Ironclaw guy come to him!

Nidoking stormed into Rhydon's room and looked around... He didn't seem to have many things but he did have many costumes... Must have been prototype costumes he had before he settled on one...

Nidoking looked around and saw many costumes which looked like they were the same size as Rhydon and him, they were pretty chunky and had the same size of clothing after all.

Nidoking found one that seemed to fit his form after trying out the many costumes he had... An equally tight fitting purple suit with a black and gold design that suited his needs to be a superhero dad... Which was as tight and form fitting as Rhydon's suit was, exposing his ass through the suit despite covering it at the same time, thought it was not the time to be embarrassed now that he was a superhero dad. Not that he ever planned on becoming one before, plus a lot of people would be questioning him about his son being a superhero and whether or not he knew about his secret. That didn't matter, he wanted to be known, all the easier to lure Ironclaw and take the fight to him.

"Hang on son... I'm coming... Your superhero dad, Poison Sting, will be strong enough to lure Ironclaw to his doom and save you" Nidoking, now known as Poison Sting, said to himself.

Meanwhile, in the middle of the night, Rhydon woke up but found that he was bound to something... Wait... He felt warm...

Rhydon opened his eyes and discovered that he was bound to Mighty Knuckle and completely naked, Mighty Knuckle was in the same predicament, no costume and completely bound against Rhydon too, his mask also gone now.

The way they were bound made them hug each other, their legs were wrapped around each other's waists, their arms wrapped around each other's bodies, both of their hands and feet bound together with metal clasps so they couldn't get their hands and feet off of each other, or pull away from each other, including their cocks which rubbed against each other with each slight movement.

A U-Shaped Dildo was inserted inside their ass, meaning that if they even tried to move, the dildo would go in further and explore their caverns whenever they did.

"Ah, my two guests are finally awake! Horn Drill and Mighty Knuckle!" Ironclaw said somewhere on a microphone.

Mighty Knuckle and Rhydon looked around for him.

"Dammit Ironclaw... Stop being a coward and show yourself!" Mighty Knuckle grunted as Rhydon looked at his idol's unmasked face, he had to admit, he liked Mighty Knuckle's red eyes and got a bit distracted from how handsome he was.

"Tsk tsk tsk... Still as rude as ever Mighty Knuckle, because of you, BOTH of you need to be punished! Now... Let's play a little game then shall we? Whichever one of you can resist longer than the other from cumming won't be punished for the next day... That's right, I'll leave you alone! Buuuuuut the loser will have to then be punished by the winner in return~" Ironclaw cooed in the mic.

"Dammit Ironclaw stop fooling around and release us!" Rhydon yelled with arousal and anger.

"The game begins now, and may the best slut win!" Ironclaw announced as the dildo that was deeply inside their ass suddenly started vibrating and making their asses go wild with pleasure.

"Guwah....!" Mighty Knuckle groaned as the vibrator started buzzing inside both of them.

"Ngh... Hah... T-T-This is noth.... Guwoh....!" Rhydon tried to say and keep his dignity but the vibrator stimulated their sensitive muscles, pleasuring them too greatly for them both to resist.

The cameras recorded their moans, no longer being able to resist this type of ordeal, the two heroes were screaming their moans without hesitation as the dildo vibrated with differing intensity, as Ironclaw toyed with the remote, setting the power at different levels with each moment.

"Guwah... T-T-Take it ouuuuuuuuuuut.... Too good... I-It feels too good!" Mighty Knucke panted as his ass muscles had already had enough from his months of anal torture, wiggling his hips in an attempt to take the dildo out, making it further go inside both of them.

"Uwah! My... My ass... My ass feels so good...!" Rhydon yelled as the cameras zoomed in on their slutty looking faces now, their tongues hanging out from the stimulation,

Ironclaw smirked as the two heroes gave in to their pleasure, loving the not so consenting sex they were having.

In their ecstasy, Mighty Knuckle and Rhydon kissed each other, locking their jaws and began kissing each other deeply, wrapping their tongues and exchanging saliva onto each other.

Despite the unfortunate circumstances, in Rhydon's mind, he was at the very least glad that he was doing it with Mighty Knuckle, his hero and crush, rather than the vile villain Ironclaw.

The two horny mons started humping against each other, thrusting the dildos up against each other's ass and frotting their cocks as they got closer and closer to climaxing against each other... The question was, who was going to cum first?

"No... My ass... I can't take it anymore...!" Mighty Knuckle panted with a silly smile, french kissing Rhydon.

"My ass... My ass is cumming...!" Rhydon panted as well, humping against Mighty Knuckle's cock as best he could.

And with that, the two pokemorphs came and came on top of each other, their eyes rolling up once again as they gave silly looks as the cameras zoomed up on their faces, watching as they came all over their bodies and falling limp, well as limp as they could be considering they were still bound.

Unfortunately for one of them, Mighty Knuckle had came first, which was caught on camera and Ironclaw had anticipated one of them losing.

Ironclaw kicked the door down to the room they were in, giving a slow clap towards the two of them as he walked.

"Well well well, looks like our winner here is Rhydon! I'm impressed! Or maybe Mighty Knuckle here just really wants to be punished huh?" Ironclaw laughed as he took a key and released their shackles, and started dragging Mighty Knuckle into a room, leaving behind Rhydon who looked at them, too tired to chase them down in the afterglow of his orgasm.

"Just as expected of Mighty Knuckle, you still need more training! I got just the perfect method! Nothing like lifting weights while lowering yourself on a king size dildo wouldn't you say Mighty Knuckle?" Ironclaw smirked evilly as he dragged the veteran superhero.

"No... N-Not again... Have mercy...!" Mighty Knuckle tried to pull away, Rhydon could only watch as the door closed and the slam of the door echoed in his head as he looked at the door that Mighty Knuckle and Ironclaw entered in.

"Dad... Please don't come looking for me..." Rhydon said, hoping his dad wasn't going to do anything reckless...

*One week Later...*

Rhydon was lying down on his own cage, Ironclaw had made sure to thoroughly break him, he tried to keep his will strong just like Mighty Knuckle was trying to do but he didn't know if he could take more of it, his mouth, his cock, his ass were used everyday and he felt like Ironclaw could come in at the very minute and use him again, if he were lucky, Ironclaw would be in a good mood and use either Mighty Knuckle or him as a pretend boyfriend in his bedroom, although the both of them felt too weak to even try and just let Ironclaw use them as he wanted.

The live recordings had stopped but Ironclaw kept uploading their videos online, he even read some of the comments regarding him and Mighty Knuckle, he didn't even know if he could even show himself to society anymore...

Rhydon heard the familiar sound of the metal doors opening with Ironclaw's footsteps coming in and the sound of his door's cage opening.

Rhydon lifted his head to see Ironclaw standing before him, holding someone who was slumped on top of his shoulder.

"Wakey wakey superslut, someone's out here to see you!" Rhydon said, before tossing the guy he was carrying at Rhydon.

"Guwah!" Both Rhydon and the pokemorph cried out before landing on the floor on top of each other, the hay had cushioned their fall for a bit.

Rhydon got a better look at the guy now that he was on top of him, and recognized his face almost immediately.

"D-Dad!?" Rhydon blurted out, sitting up and hugging Nidoking.

"Son! Son I missed you so much! Son... My beautiful son... I was so worried..." Nidoking hugged him, in a partially ripped hero costume, mainly his crotch and ass area have been ripped off and has been leaking cum out of his ass.

"Aha! So the DILF bitch is actually telling the truth! Incredible! I got not one but two superheroes all on the same week! How lucky I am to have two bitches! Looks like the apple didn't fall far from the tree considering your stupid dad has challenged me so foolishly only to lose and get ass fucked by a real pokemorph!" Ironclaw gloated, who received a glare from Rhydon.

"Don't call him that you bastard!" Rhydon said defiantly with newfound anger rising up within him just like before he was captured.

"That's a bad call Rhydon, and I thought you already knew your lesson... Shall I go have you lift weights with Mighty Knuckle while sitting on a king size dildo? Whip you until your cock decides to cum by itself again? Or maybe hook you up on the fuck machine for 2 hours... No, 4 hours straight again" Ironclaw threatened him.

Rhydon shrunk and backed away to the corner.

"N-No... Not the fuck machine again... I-I can't possibly survive from the overstimulation!" Rhydon said, instantly timid.

Nidoking looked at his son and thought of how much he must have suffered under the tyranny of Ironclaw.

"You bastard! What have you been doing to my son!? I swear I'll kill you if you touched him after those videos you sent!" Nidoking yelled threateningly at Ironclaw.

"Go ahead! Try it then bitch! I'll just punish both of you later then! I'll make it extra for both you and Horn Drill if you try anything" Ironclaw said sadistically.

Nidoking wanted to punch the lights out of Ironclaw but knew that he would easily overpower him considering he was just defeated by him a few moments ago.

"Please... I beg you... Just spare my son... I'll do anything!" Nidoking resorted to begging.

"Oh? Anything? Is the great Poison Needle actually begging for his son? How pathetic... But I'll humor you. If you do everything I say, I might spare him for the time being. How's that sound?" Ironclaw asked Nidoking.

Nidoking nodded.

"I will do anything... Just don't punish my son" Nidoking said with concern for Rhydon.

"Oh I won't be doing anything... On one condition... Your son has to participate with you! I'll even let you be the one to fuck him, bwahahahaha!" Ironclaw said in mocking laughter.

"Why you...!" Nidoking was about to fire a poison needle at Ironclaw when Rhydon stopped him, grabbing his arm so that he wouldn't do anything rash.

"Its ok dad... As... As long as its you, I'm completely fine with it" Rhydon said, assuring Nidoking it was fine.

"Rhydon... But..." Nidoking tried to protest again.

"If you don't, he'll be fucking me instead one way or another" Rhydon tried to convince him.

Nidoking felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Heh, your son's right you know, aren't you, his dad, supposed to help your son?" Ironclaw said sarcastically.

Ironclaw clenched his fist, how dare this person dictate what he should do with his son... But Rhydon had a point, at the very least, he could go as gentle with Rhydon as he could if he was going to fuck him.

"... Alright... I'll do it..." Nidoking said, whispering it angrily.

"Perfect! Now let's get you two into position~" Ironclaw said, undressing himself and Nidoking in their bare, naked, muscular/chubby forms.

Ironclaw had Rhydon submissively lie down on the edge of a table, spreading his legs for him, his cock was hard, twitching for more pleasure, much to Rhydon's shame.

Ironclaw and Nidoking were standing next to each other, Ironclaw made out with Nidoking to force him to get hard, and was holding and rubbing the tip of Nidoking's cock against Rhydon's anus, precumming against the hole.

"Heh, impressive length, even bigger than me, which will make it all the better for you to fuck Rhydon like the bitch he is" Ironclaw smirked at him, Nidoking ignored him, thinking he was doing it so his son wouldn't be fucked by Ironclaw.

Nidoking tried to pull away but Ironclaw only pulled him back and make the kiss deeper, smirking as he felt his cock become fully hard in his clawed hand.

"There we go... Ready to witness your son's 'training' first hand?" Ironclaw asked Nidoking as he held his cock steady on the anus, the tip kissing the hole.

"S-Shut up... I'm only doing this becau- Guwah!" Nidoking cried out as he felt Ironclaw push him, pushing Nidoking's cock inch by inch into Rhydon.

"Huwah...! .... Hah.... Hah..." Rhydon moaned with pleasure, his eyes half lidded and tongue hanging out, Nidoking was easily bigger than Ironclaw was, panting as Nidoking was forced to hilt into him, his anal walls clutching onto his cock snuggly.

"Answer me... Is your son's ass tight? How does it feel hm? Good? Incredible? Say something, your son's fate is on the line here" Ironclaw teased Nidoking.

Nidoking couldn't say a word, his son was the best thing he had fucked in a long while, he didn't want to admit it but the feeling was so good... No... He shouldn't think like this! He decided not to give Ironclaw the satisfaction of answering.

"Tch... Silent treatment huh? What about you bitch junior? How does the feeling of your dad's cock feel?" Ironclaw turned to Rhydon.

Much to Nidoking's surprise, Rhydon answered willfully.

"It... It's the best cock I ever felt... It feels so good!" Rhydon admitted, shocking his dad as Ironclaw forced him to keep thrusting.

"See? You should learn to follow orders from your betters from your son! Maybe it will help you be more submissive like him... Not that I need your cooperation to enjoy punishing you" Ironclaw told Nidoking, before aiming his cock near Nidoking's entrance.

"W-Wait, what do you thi- NGHHHH" Nidoking shut his eyes as he felt Ironclaw's own cock enter him in one go without remorse.

"Damn your ass is tight! Don't tell me the big tough Poison Needle was a slut before this...~" Ironclaw laughed and thrusted into him with pleasure.

Nidoking thought back when he let his imagination go wild and thought of his hot neighbor, a pangoro dad who occasionally watered his garden shirtless, imagining that he would approach the DILF, and started kissing, moaning and fucking him in the bed like a bitch.

Nidoking shook his head and glared at him, while Ironclaw laughed at him, knowing that he had perverted thoughts in his head.

"That look is evidence enough that you were a slut deep down inside!" Ironclaw said, hitting Nidoking's prostate much to the dismay of Nidoking who began drooling a bit to the side of his face.

Rhydon wasn't faring much better, he had learned to accept the pleasure that he felt from the time he was here, it was easier than to let the pain get bottled up and it showed he was squeezing one of his pecs with one hand and holding onto Nidoking's arm with the other.

"G-Go harder dad...! Your cock feels so good, it's stretching me like... ah! L-Like never before... You're hitting all the right spots too... Go as rough as you can...!" Rhydon said, too lost in the pleasure to really care.

Nidoking was shocked by what he was hearing from Rhydon, his own son had said all those words...

"You heard your son, he enjoys your cock! Now where did he learn that hm? Looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" Ironclaw chuckled, licking the side of Nidoking's neck.

Nidoking gulped, he didn't want to do what he was going to do, but his cock yearned for more pleasure.

"I'm so sorry son... Forgive me...!" Nidoking half panted and yelled, grabbing his son's arms and pulling on them, thrusting into him roughly, pounding into Rhydon, who screamed pleasurably while Ironclaw repeatedly slapped his ass.

"Yeah that's it bitch! Give in to your lust! That's what you heroes are good for!" Ironclaw said behind Nidoking.

Nidoking looked at his son, his precious, wonderful son who he had raised and nurtured, now a slut that he was currently fucking.

"Dad... I'm sorry... It's all my fault...!" Rhydon said while moaning.

"Its... Its alright son... I'm still... ngah... Proud of you...!" Nidoking leaned down, getting a bit tired.

"Tch... No time to rest old man, do something useful!" Ironclaw said, pushing Nidoking's head down onto Rhydon, ending up with the two accidentally kissing.

Rhydon then made the kiss more intense, his tongue entering his dad's mouth, meeting his and french kissing his own dad.

"S-Son... I... This is...!" Nidoking tried to continue but the kiss and the tightness of Rhydon's ass wasn't letting him think straight, feeling his tongue return the lewd kisses his son was giving him.

"Hahaha! Knew you two were pervs deep down!" Ironclaw mocked them, getting closer and closer to cumming.

"Get ready Poison Needle! I'll cum in you and seal your fate as a breeding bitch hero!" Ironclaw announced, as he thrusted faster.

Nidoking tried to resist the pleasure building up, looking down at his son and wiping a tear of pleasure from his son's face.

"Son... I'm ... I'm going to...!" Nidoking tried to say.

"Dad... Ngh... Let's..." Rhydon tried to say in return.

"Let's cum together...!" Nidoking and Rhydon yelled in unison, as they simultaneously came, along with Ironclaw who hilted himself inside, as Rhydon and Nidoking creampied and bred each other like horny sluts.

Pulling out, Ironclaw wiped the sweat off his head and smirked as he looked down at the two of them, looking at the mess that was flowing out of Nidoking's used ass, and giving it one more slap, which barely got a response from Nidoking as the purple hero now was too tired, lying down on top of his own son.

"You better get used to this Poison Needle, because my plans are coming to fruition, and I have so much more in store for all you heroes" Ironclaw laughed evilly.

Evil had won, but that was not going to satisfy him, he will bring the city down on it's knees as well, and he was going to make these heroes as sluts who opened their arms... And legs, to the thugs of the city.

M Toxtricity x M Hypno x M Toxtricity

A male, yellowish toxtricity walked down the hall and whistling to himself, and entered the school counselor's office. A nerdy, chubby hypno looked up from his desk, with a pocket watch laid down on it while he wrote down something on his notepad, as...

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M arcanine x M nidoking x Ditto

The whole wrestling entertainment industry was shook by the events that Incineroar did to Machoke the champion of the wrestling arena. The audiences no longer wished for fights, they wished for more sex and degeneracy from the looks of it. So PWE was...

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M Machoke x M Incineroar

The PWE (Pokemorph Wrestling Entertainment) was a big part of many pokemorph's lives, whether it be seeing legendary fights, muscles, hot bodies colliding against one another for a domination of strength, whether it be male or female pokemorphs...

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