An inside job part two

Story by Shace2002 on SoFurry

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#1 of An inside job part two

I first read the Farren's fixer's novel back in 2016,

and I fell in love with it not just because of the wolves-which I love and are my favourite-but because I love well-written, engaging, detailed stories that grab you and leave you invested in the characters and outcome. I also have a personal type of story I enjoy which is spies, espionage, and military/special forces. I also like when credit is given to people in the shadows who make/keep the wheels of the machine turning. I love definitive endings, so I chose to write one that I hope oldcoyote1 and the rest of you like to finish off this masterpiece.

Koben and Zain were shaken awake when both undercover mercenaries were slammed into the left side of the cargo hold of the slavers' ship on it's way to Borgia with the two of them "sold" to the Davos family as pets with the goal of freeing the slaves, making it illegal on this planet, and stopping those from harvesting genetic material and profiting off copyrighted property. Both Zain and Koben groaned at the sudden impact as the back of their skulls hit the steel bulkhead along with their backs and shoulder blades, to add insult in injury, there was a stinging pinch as the metal clasps from their leather muzzles bit into the base of their skulls upon impact. The impact knocked the memory of the hours before back into him. Koben and Zain were standing in front of the lift as it descended in the processing warehouse. As the doors opened from the center, Koben, Zain the wolf Rys, and Keela, the muscled humanoid hyena went to all fours and stared at the floor subserviently. In struts an albino human, with light brown hair slicked back, a gold synthasilk suit with gold brocade work, and a dominant arrogance. All four picked up on the scent, it was as powerful and overwhelming as his spicy cologne that smelled exactly the same as the brand he and Zain were wearing when Keela cleaned them up gently. "I'm Adalvo, I'm Councilor Ergos Divornos' envoy, I trust that these animals are ready for transport? The counselor is impatient to present these pets to his son". "Yes, Sorra Adalvo, the master's presents are ready for delivery ser, Keela always obeys". The Hyena answered in a servile tone. Adalvo looked disdainfully, sweeping his head to the old wolf and muscular hyena before turning on his shiny black heels and walking back to the lift, clicking on the steel. As before, a flurry of canine and feline scents overwhelmed both wolves as they were surrounded by servants flooding out of the lift and just as quickly, flooding back in surrounding both canines. The ride up made both wolves light-headed, as it felt like their brains were rising in their skulls...Both wolves groaned and tried to open their muzzles as much as the brown leather encircling their length would allow. Both wolven heard the woosh of the thrusters as they rotated and controlled their descent followed by the sound of the hydraulics extending the landing gear with a gentle compression as the shock absorbers compressed then quickly rebounded as the ship touched down. Both wolves heard heavy footsteps on the steel and big, human hands grab each by their shoulders and roughly haul them to their feet. Koben's left claw on his big toe was caught on the floor pulling it, causing him to growl, which earned him a slap to the left side of his muzzle and jaw torqueing it to the right. "Hey, remember your place slave!" Koben heard the human infront of him say in a deep, smooth, authoritative voice. When his neck twisted, he caught a glimpse of the man standing in front of Zain, the human was tall and muscular, but athletic, muscled biceps and forearms, with a developed chest, yet a lean build. He was black with a platinum blond crew cut, bright emerald eyes stared back at Zain. As Koben looked back, his captor had the same build, but was tan, with jet black hair, his ice blue eyes staring back dominantly. As the loading hatch opened with another hydraulic hiss, both slavers stepped behind their cargo and pushed them forward with strong right hands gripping the right shoulders of both wolves. Their wrists were still tightly manacled together with a metal C on the bottom and a laser closing it. Their leg irons offered just enough slack in the chain, so when both wolves stumbled forward-Koben with his left, Zain with his right-both canines could catch themselves. "All fours dogs" both heard the slaver on the right order, both bristled at the degrading command, but knew it was to not draw suspicion. As both wolves got down-Koben fluidly, Zain clunky, but with improvement-they recognized the "slavers" as operators at Farren's who specialize in demolition. Also, their black, thick-soled boots that all operators wear as a trademark were another subtle sign that the first time undercover operatives weren't alone. As they walked down the load ramp, both were greeted by five anthropomorphic jaguars standing in front of the Davos estate.

When Koben and Zain stepped onto the smooth gravel pebbles, the sudden textural change caused both to flinch and squirm, kicking their feet and earning both swats on their rumps and gruff orders to behave. The motley quartet walked up to the emposing double doors, the black iron hinges and handles contrasted nicely with the light-coloured hardwood and the grey brick construction of the mansion. "Ah, these must be the pets Councilor Davos procured for master Agravaine". The lead jaguar queried, his bulging chest, arms, legs, and rump could barely be contained by his black dress pants, and white dress shirt. Koben notices the cat to the leader's right, holding a datapad to his chest, back out, in both his big golden paws. I'm Abizuha, head caretaker here". The cat purred with a basely, ominous tone. His gold eyes stared hard at Koben and Zain before diverting to the two men who delivered them. "I trust everything went well". "Yes sir, it did, no issues". The slaver behind Koben answered professionally with a servile tone. "Good, the credits I'm depositing from the Councilor's account should be enough to cover both your fees handsomely, plus shipping, handling, and storage." Abizuha, responds, looking over his eyes irritatingly as he taps on the older model datapad the pantherine servant to his left hands him. "Thank you sir, the Counselor is most generous", the black and blond "slaver" responds. Koben and Zain's big ears pick up the sound of the men turning to leave and walking back, the gravel crunching beneath their boots, the loading door closing, and the ship lifting off, with a deafening roar and a huge wash from the thrusters that blows the leaves on the big, mature trees in the yard and all the fabric on the house servants.

Now alone, Koben and Zain hear more crunching as a Jaguar they caught in their periphery walks forward with another member of the household from the far left, both holding leather leashes gripped in their hands, with little flat magnets dangling from the ends. Both bend forward and attach the magnets to the merc's house collars and walk forward.. "Come boys" the second one says cheerfully, but with a relish in his position over lessers. The four walk along a wide path of interlocking brick, the same grey as the house, past more huge mature trees and vast grassy acreage. Abizuha, in the middle, beside Zain, who was being led by the second cat walking against the wall, and Koben, right on the edge, trying hard not to slip and cut his left palm on the edge of the stone or stumble on the grass. As Koben walks, he discreetly turns his head, looking around, his head comp scanning the layout for the assault. The motley quartet reached a black door set into the stone wall, the second cat handed Zain's leash to Abizuha who grips them both tightly in his right hand as the second cat walks forward and steps toward the door, all three pick up four distinct beeps as a code is entered into a keypad set in the stone to the left of the door and see it slide open into the wall from left to right, as the second cat walks in, the room is instantly illuminated. Abizuha follows in, walking the two mercenaries. "This is your new home slaves, you should feel privileged, you have been bought for Massora Agrovine Davos to be his personal pets". Abizuha forcefully proclaims, while holding the males' leads while giving them a slight tug to emphasize his authority while his second smirks devilishly, a ravionious fire glowing in his golden eyes.

"Stand up dogs, arms out to your sides, shoulder height, and splay those legs!" The second in command suddenly barks, both wolves comply, looking like something from one of Leonardo DeVinci's textbooks. Abizuha then retrieves a small dongle the size and shape of a pen and presses a single black button to the front of it's silver length emitting an infrared laser. Both wolves stay perfectly still as they are scanned, Abizuha slightly bending his right wrist up and down to scan the entirety of their bodies. With the scan complete, he returns the device to his pocket. Told once again to get on all fours after the scan, both cats then took their leave, the second jaguar walking forward between the two submissive canines to join his boss as he turns around and both walk through a second door that seems to open on a proximity sensor as it noiselessly slides left to right into the wall, closing just as both are clear. Koban and Zain wait a second before looking at each other, their collars providing limited movement, acting like pseudo neck braces. Zain breaks the awkward, nervous silence: "What was that all about?" Zain queries, "don't know" Koben replies equally perplexed. "So, how do you want to play this?" Zain asks, "We should go along with whatever this family wants in order to get close to Agrovine and see about locating this Mister Aliz , he might be high enough up to be useful". Koben replies "Agreed, I want to also try and rescue the gladiators in the arena and Rhys and Keela-we own them that much". Zain responds. Neither wolf made eye contact-they didn't need to. Suddenly, the door in front of them slid open and two thinner jaguars identically dressed walked in, carrying trays with two bowls-one steaming. Koben and Zain recognized the one to their right as the servant who held their leashes. The two cats had soft, kind eyes that seemed to radiate a knowledge that all of this was wrong and they didn't agree, but had to acquiesce and conform. "Thank you", both wolves said in unison, the cats smiled by means of reply and backed out, the door closing behind them. Both wolves dug in ravenously, having not eaten since the stew Keela gave them back in the processing warehouse. Dipping their muzzles in, then washing them off as they inhaled the water. This stew was thick, meaty, and hearty, a lot better than what they received previously. Koben felt every mouthful because his throat was still raw from Scrim's feeding tube but he could manage, hunger overcame the pain. Being a rich slave owner obviously extends to your property to protect your investment and ensure your purchases will perform as advertised and be healthy and strong...The door opened again, and the cats returned to collect the empty food and water bowls, bending and picking them up and backing out...When they were sure they were alone, Koben and Zain stood, placing their hands in the small of their backs and arching backwards to stretch while also rolling their shoulders and wrists, grabbing them in each hand, squatting, and twisting their waists to loosen up their muscles and work out the kinks. Koben immediately walks over to the toilet mounted with a sink comprising the backrest against the left wall a half meter from the door where the wall angles and had a pee, cocking his right leg as he does so. The acidic urine burning his sore, abused penis, both from the catheter and semen collection as he groans and winces. "I'm not looking forward to when I need to piss". Zain says half-jokingly, "yeah, this hurts like hell, but at least my dick's back in place from my adventure with Scrim". Koban facetiously retorts, turning his head to the right to face his comrade. "What I'm not looking forward to is when I need to take a dump, with my abused asshole from the probe, it's so sore" Koben adds. Zain was sitting on the bottom bunk situated against the right hand wall. When the younger wolf finishes his business, the arctic wolf stands and turns around, grabbing the thick grey top cover with his right hand and pulling it back, revealing a white mattress and a single thick white pillow. Zain sits on the bed, and in one fluid motion, lifts his legs, swings them under the covers, lays down, and covers himself. Not surprisingly he feels the mattress give under his weight, but he doesn't feel the steel frame underneath, and the square legs hold firm. Koben, being more athletic, easily scales the front supports, using the horizontal braces as a ladder and clambers up to his bunk. Crawling into position, he also lies down throwing the covers over him. The stress of all of this-even though he was prepared-and Keela's drugs to dull pain sensation take their toll, combining to put him in a deep sleep fast.

Belly of the Beast

"Let's go, you filthy kerrs, we need to start your training". A familiar voice bellowed, shaking both canines awake, Koben felt the bunks shutter as Zain got out, hearing his feet hit the floor, then his hands as he immediately got on all fours and faced the door, Koben barrel rolled off his bunk, twisting as he fell the meter and a half his waist shifting sideways to get his feet under him as he landed silently-if a little hard-on the floor, causing him to grunt before joining his teammate on the floor to his right on all fours, his head downcast. The front door hissed open, Melagant and Agravine stepped through the doorway. "Stand dogs, greet your new master" Both wolves recognized the voice instantly from the processing warehouse as Melagant, both their noses twitching at his musky, spicy cologne, having smelled it through the door along with his distinct human scent. Now they were face to face with their owners, Melagant, still a more tan clone of his father, gazing with arrogance and disinterest, his blond hair cascading down his shoulders, swinging to the left as he swiftly turned abruptly around. Agravaine, standing, staring for a second longer, gave both wolves a chance to appraise their new owner. He was taller by ten centimeters than both his brother and father, his brown hair sported the same impeccable coif, but ended at the base of his neck, his light green eyes were like looking into sea glass, and they radiated pity, sorrow, anger, and disgust, Keela said he was kind, Koben thought-hoped-he was the "high up" person on the inside who wants things to change that he was briefed on. "You better follow my brother, we will train you to be good boys and show off to our friends this evening". Agravaine whispers in a soft, soothing, rhythmic voice, then, turning to his left the human walks out to join his brother.

Both wolves follow a couple steps behind the men, surveying as they go, stealthy shifting their eyes and necks. Both found it a little difficult negotiating the slim, concrete steps that let up to the second floor. They walked across a vast polished mahogany floor, with a large capital D in the center, in the center of a circle, connected by angled pieces on all four corners of the D-the Divornos family seal-it was made out of curly maple offering a striking contrast. The room was a circle, with large windows almost the whole circumference. Two red couches beside each other to their left, and two matching armchairs beside each other to their right. On the far right of the right-hand armchair was a squat ornate cabinet, it had a concave front that split open in the center made of two doors hinged with black, triangle hinges on the top and bottom of the outer edges of both doors with two round, black knobs in the center of the inner edges. The table was polished white limestone to contrast with the red-stained oak the cabinet was made out of. Koben assumed that was Divornos' liquor cabinet after seeing the self-serve bar to the immediate right of the cabinet, a tall, slim table made to match the cabinet, Koban's head comp revealed it was point four meters deep, one point zero six meters tall, and two meters long. It had a crystal decanter on the right side of the table. Zain looked up and saw the ceiling was vaulted and topped with a glass dome. He could feel his body becoming more coordinated at walking on all fours, his wolf ancestry coming back to him subconsciously. Koben's headcomp was also scanning the room and sending back the layout to his team in case they needed to assault the building. Having surveyed all they could from where they were, they resumed walking behind the brothers to wherever they were to be "trained". Both were still feeling comfortably numb with a tingle going through their bodies, a sign that Keeva's pain reducers were still working. The foursome reached a green door with four equally-sized raised panels at the other end of the room, glancing down a staircase Koben notices the front door at the base of a straight staircase, constructed of the same polished mahogany with wrought iron railings on either side. Once all four were in the room with the green door, the "training" commenced, "On your feet slaves" Agravine commanded, both mercenaries complied and stood at attention before the human brothers. "Now, you two will be perfect, you will be presented to my brother tonight as his presents, our father the Counselor will be there, along with a few of our close friends and I want to present him with perfection, is that clear?" "Yes ser" both wolves said in unison. "You will speak only when spoken to, the same goes for eye contact, do you understand?" "Yes Ser" both wolves acknowledged. "You will address any of us as Sorra, understood?" "Yes ser", again in unison. "Now, I have clothes for you two to wear, we can't have you animals running around naked". Melagant sneered, he walked over to a long folding table with a grey plastic top and black metal legs, on it were two gold synthesilk suits, along with socks, underwear, a dress shirt, and pointed black Oxford dress shoes. Melagant threw the items at both canines. "Here, put these on." Since both were still naked, they simply dressed. The suits were devoid of brocade, but fit perfectly, Koben and Zain figured those scanners took their measurements and sent them to an automated cutting machine, then they could be sewn together without any tailoring, or the requisite fine tuning. Both wolves looked at each other once dressed, running their hands along the sides and arms feeling the soft material and marveling at it. "You dogs have my direct permission to walk like the humans you aren't for the duration of the party, you will be serving my father and my guests their drinks. When Agravine arrives, you will be presented to him and be under his direct control, anything he orders, you do, is that clear?" Melagent forcefully asserts. "Yes Ser" Koben and Zain again respond in unison. "Good, we'll make respectable, evolved creatures out of you yet." Melagant barks.The training consisted of how to pour the Cognac and rum from the decanter and other bottles from the shelf behind the bar, and how to carry it around on round ebony trays, there were also ubiquitous canine-style obedience lessons, coming when called was an easy one, if still degrading even in the guise of maintaining cover, Koben found sitting fairly easy owning to his lythe frame and athletic build, he just squatted down like he was at the gym, when he was almost sitting on the ground, he walked his feet backwards and pulled his knees to his chest with the calves touching his hamstrings. Zain predictability was slower and more awkward, earning an electric shock from the house collar. "Please ser, be patient, we are trying to obey...." Koben's voice was cut off as he writhed and convulsed in spasmodic pain. "I don't have time to be patient, everything needs to be perfect, if you kerrs can't learn and understand, I'll just kill both of you and get my father's money back". Melagant hisses, enraged as he sadistically abuses the two mercenaries...The pain stops as suddenly as it began as the human calms down. That was the most severe shock yet, blowing right through Keela's drugs like a shotgun blast! Both wolves' chests heaved as they tried to catch their breath and pick themselves up. Zain for his efforts learns how to sit and the training continues into the night....

The party gets off to an immediate and noisy start, Koben and Zain look out the window roughly in the middle of the circle to see a row of six gleaming, expensive hovercrafts. Koben watches at Jongul climbs from the last one on the left, a side hatch opens like a gullwing as he descends down a ramp. He struts confidently walking a familiar bulky, muscular, black and brown humanoid hyena. His slim build, height, and alopecia are hard to mistake for anyone but Jongul from the warehouse. The craft is slab-sided with curves at the top and bottom, a curved dome mirrored canopy, while the front is almost flat, save for the corners being rounded and a huge oval grill with a bar through the center and twenty curved teeth. That must be the Amberlight. The wolves also notice in their peripherals-but don't acknowledge-Rhys, the lanky wolf are beside his mistress. Koben and Zain watch Jongul and Keela walk in. Keela sits with his bum on the floor and his knees pulled to his chest with his bare feet flat in front of him, and a garish red leather collar contrasts obscenely with his brown and black-spotted coat. The red leash leads to the Jongul's professionally manicured hands, his beady black eyes flick around noticing everything yet remaining indifferent, looking through a set of round glasses perched on a long, thin nose. Councilor Divanos, obviously doesn't want to take care of his "favourite pet" while he's partying. Koban spots a small weighted item in the man's left pants pocket and he figures it's the dongle for the Amberlight he borrowed from Melegant.

Rhys is laying down on his left side with his forearms and palms flat on the floor, his knees pulled to his waist. His identical red collar and leash look less obnoxious against his silver fur. His master-or mistress-is tall and athletic wearing an alligator skirt, high heels, and a white blouse. All four discreetly, notice a huge humanoid Mastiff dog with bulging biceps, forearms, thighs, and rear. There was a huge sheath with an equally impressive knot jutting out like a Roman Gladius sword, beneath a shriveled scrotum. Koben's keen vision, aided by the magnification of his headcomp notices all his teeth have been removed and he has this curious three centimeter long scar on the right side of his bulging neck. The anatomy section of his comp reveals the nerves to his vocal cords have been severed. As he stands there, arms to his sides-as best he can considering his bulk-legs shoulder-width apart, evidently some sort or muscle/security/bodyguard. A voice shakes the wolf from his trance demanding alcohol. A split second later Koben falls to the polished floor, the tray landing on him, expensive liquor spilling over the top of his jacket and onto his face as he convulses from the shock from his collar. "Pay attention slave, you will obey your superior". Councilor Davanos bellows". Koben picks himself off the hardwood, brushes himself off and cleans his stained coat and clothes as best he can before picking up the tray and glass, while one of the jaguars cleans the spill with a towel, the wolf returns to the cabinet, and refills the glass. Yes ser" Koban promptly says to the human as he walks over to serve him. Before the shock, his comp was able to transmit a picture of this dog back to base, more information to prepare the team.

Inside man

Koben walks over to the concave liquor cabinet and opens it, retrieving a green bottle from the middle shelf, his hand wraps around the concave body as he uncorks it with his left hand with the help of a wine screw, pouring amber liquid into glasses on his tray and replacing it. Zain is at the bar mixing rum and cokes. Zain looks and sees Melegant talking to a taller version of himself with a slightly shorter older version standing beside the other man. He whispers to Koben who looks over his shoulder as he stands up and turns..the newcomer is a head taller than Melagant wearing the same synthesilk suit as the older human. Father and his sons. "Come dogs, time for my brother to receive his gifts" Melegant sneers, emphasizing the word dog to remind the mercenaries of their place, both wolves leave the drinks where they are as they are retrieved by the jaguar servants go to all fours, and pad over to the generational trio, as all the guests turn and stare. "Agravaine, Councilor, may I present you with your new pets" Melegant loudly proclaims as to intentionally make a scene. "So these are the beasts I paid so much for". The senior Divornos says. His perfect Panlingua vibrating basely, arrogantly out of his mouth. "Yes, father they are, all trained and civilized, happy birthday brother". Melegant says, turning his head to address his brother after angling his body slightly to be face to face with his father. "Thank you brother" Agravaine responds, Zain notices a genuine appreciation, but an underlying disgust at being given pets. "Master" Zain and Koben say in unison to Agravine when the wolves make eye contact. "I've got to get back to my guests, father, please enjoy the party". Melagant says, turning to walk back to the open space, grabbing a glass of Cognac from a tray with his left hand as his hips sway.

Koben and Zain turn and watch him go, again their necks constricted by the house collars. Out of earshot-the music was too loud anyway-Agravine bends down, "come on boys, let's go upstairs where it's quiet and private, you can stand and walk like the men you are ''. With that Koben and Zain stand bending their knees and moving their feet to maintain balance, again arching their backs with their hands on their lower backs, rotating their waists and shoulders. The trio then walk back away from the party, through the round room of windows, past the green door and down the staircase, turning right, than turning with their backs to the front door in a J shape, they walked to the end, along more polished wood floors, Koban could see himself in it's reflective surface, with Zain to his left as they strolled towards another door, this one black, again, with four equally-sized raised panels, contrasting with the cream-coloured walls. Agravine placed his left hand on the wall beside the door and a biometric laser scanned it, unlocking the door and permitting entry, revealed on the other side was a winding, spiral staircase, made of wrought iron entirely save for walnut treads, the space between the construction was filled with elaborate curves of twisted iron. All three climbed the stairs with Agravine leading, Zain following behind, and Koben bringing up the rear. At the top of the stairs, there was another steel pocket door and Agravaine entered his biometric again and the door slid open. Agravaine and Koban walked in normally, Zain had to turn his body and walk in canted, leading with his left shoulder, then he straightened and the door closed behind them and locked! "Please, take a seat, Agravaine motioned with his right hand, palm up to two stuffed, leather armchairs, both wolves sat and looked around the space, lifting their heads, and moving their necks from side to side. "Here, let me help you with that." Agravaine said, pressing a button on his datapad releasing the house collars, and maglocks. Agravaine walks over and takes the items off the wolves' ankles and the collars that fell into their laps, turning and placing them on the edge of the desk as he walks around with the pad. "When your ownership-looking like he was gagging on the word-was transferred to me, so was the control over the restraints." The wolves resume surveying their new surroundings. The room was four meters square, with wall to wall plush grey carpet, butting up against the yellow walls that had no base molding. Soft light enveloped the space, they were of course staring at Agravine sitting at a solid Ash desk on a green-padded rolling chair. "I know all about you two and the Fixers, your exploits are impressive and I want to help". He starts, "I've been buying "slaves''-he grimaces and wrinkles his nose in disgust as he utters the word-effectively buying their freedom. Either they tell me or I find out from my resistance network their personal information and help them escape back to their home planets''. "At the processing warehouse, we heard of a Minister Aliz, is he high enough to be of any help?" Zain asks. "Yes, Minister Afron Aliz has drafted an amendment to the Borgian constitution and it has the support of the majority. It makes salvery illegal period, even if a citizen is imprisoned, their status remains unaltered with no loss of voting rights or rights governing treatment, if you'll excuse the language, they're treated as human". Agravaine finishes in a solomon and conspiratorial tone. The human then stands and walks over to the wolves, handing them his datapad, "here is a list of all the people involved in the slave trade". I know it's here, I just can't access it, father knows I know, but he keeps the business to himself knowing my views". Agravine says. "Here, let me see". Koben takes the pad and with a few quick taps, hacks through a back door, bypassing the password. Once in, he clicks on a file marked "Money for nothing" and up comes rows and rows of typed names. Koben and Zain lean in and look at the list together scrolling down the names. Koben immediately recognises names of slave holders who are also working with Scrim in stealing copyrighted genetic material. "I bet these people are also the ones doing the illegal experiments". Zain says. Koben nods. He also recognises a name he never thought he'd ever see, the mysterious "Aunt Aralia". His eyes go wide with shock. Zain looks at Koben, "looks like we'll be able to get two jobs done at once". "Looks that way, if things go well". Koben responds tentatively, trying to mask his emotions. While the young hacker looks at the information on the list, his headcomp is wirelessly transmitting it instantly back to the ship. "What about the gladiatorial arena?" Zain asks, "It's on the outskirts of Borgia." Agravaine answers. "The coordinates are here, along with a virtual floor plan, I'll transfer them back to Chief Officer Mohrgan Lieutenant Jax, and the team". Koben says. "How did you get the layout of the arena?" Zain asked. "Some of the slaves we helped were ex-fighters who explained the layout, that Mastiff I'm sure you saw outside", he nodded to the door, ``"Olympious, he was one of our father's best and most successful fighters until he became too aggressive and willful". I'm sure you saw how he was corrected, it was the second best fighter who told me the layout". "We saw!" Koben answers with disgust, remembering Keela. "There's a hyena and wolf down at the party, we must also rescue them too, they were good to us". Zain says forcefully, but with a slight plead in his voice. "Yes, Keela and Rhys, I know them and their masters''. "Koben uses Agravine's datapad to send a message to his team to send two teams to converge simultaneously on both locations he relayed, he gives the commander his physical location and is told to stay put during the assault....Back at the ship, the team studies a holographic reconstruction of the arena, discussing entry points, and how they'll exfil with the fighters....About two hours later-according to the time displaying on an analog readout on Koben's headcomp-Koben, Zain, and Agravaine hear explosions and comotion downstairs and all around them. Explosions going off, vibrate the room, and shattering glass, and running, heavy footsteps follow soon after. Orders are being called forcefully, but professionally but they are muffled from the distance...Koben and Zain's big ears pick up feet running up the stairs. Both mercenaries are quickly out of their chairs. Standing, equally ready to fight is Agravaine. The door slides open, and all three rush Councilor Davanos, his son Melagant, and several armed guards in a flurry of thrown punches, and snarled teeth, ripping out throats, clawing open chests, finishing with Agravaine killing both his brother and father with a slash to the throat and a deflated left lung and stab to the heart respectively, delivered from a concealed pearl-gripped Karambit. It's polished steel contrasting grotesquely with the fresh bright blood dripping from it, joining soaked carpet and the arterial spray to the right of the door. The wolves and human pick up the slain guard's rifles and rush down stairs to join the rest of the team...The main room was a mess, smashed windows, holes blown through walls shattered bottles and alcohol on the floor, and a smokey haze filling the space from grenades...Everyone who wasn't clad in black armour and wearing a balaclava was on the floor face down, hands zip-tied behind their backs. Two of the mercenaries walked over and grabbed, Rhys, Keela, and Olympious. "Face down", one of the team yells to Rhys' mistress, his voice altered by the patch attached to his throat. Koben walks over to Jonjul and reaches into his left pocket of the man prostrate on the floor and grabs the dongle. He and Zain follow the team out front, running to Divornos' Amberlight, they leave as quickly as they came, escaping in and heading back to base.

Doing the right thing

Back on the Indeterminate, Koben and Zain try and decompress from their baptism of fire along with the rest of the fixers, the quiet professionals that they are. "I kept my promise and made it back" Koben says to the shunki in wolvish. "I knew you would brother". Arrek replies solemnly. After getting a full workup from Doctor Arrek and getting the all clear from the small shunki, Koben and Zain were called in for debriefing. "Congratulations Koban on your first undercover op!" Mohrgan says, presenting his hand along with Lieutenant Jax who's standing beside him. "You improvised, adapted, kept your cover, and completed your objectives, a successful baptism by fire, you're learning and you listened to Lieutenant Jax calling your team to help complete the objective and not going it alone, good man for being mindeful of others." "Thank you chief" Koben responds modestly. Koben firmly shakes both human male's hands along with Zain. "Take a seat" Mohrgan offers, and both do. "Well done Zain, top notch work soldier the Lieutenant commended "Gentlemen, thanks to your efforts along with the bravery, and moral integrity of those at the top who refused to stay silent and tow the party line, we've been able to track down all the home worlds and families of the fighters who were enslaved when our team raided the gladiatorial arena, returning them home." The Lieutenant continued, with the unoffical assistance of Minister Whitefell, Mister Aliz was able to get his anti-slavery amendment passed". Jax finishes. "Thanks to what Agravaine Divanos shared with you two, everyone sold into slavery has been freed and all of Borgia's high society and power players are revealed as nothing more then theives who associate with slave buyers and traffickers and the illegal genetic experiments have stopped, everyone involved with them has cut business ties with either them persoally or the companies they own". Jax continues. "The copywrited genetic materal was returned to their owners, for the intellectual property theft, all involved are going away for a long time, espically Doctor Scrim along with his convictions for abduction, false imprissionment, torture, he also looses his medical license for life" Mohrgan adds. "Thank you Chief, Lieutenant." Koben and Zain say in unison, curtly nodding to each man in turn. As both wolves rise, stand to attention crisply salute. Koban catches a slight smirk on Jax's face, he has a feeling his uncle told him what he did to Scrim in his lab. Zain, you're dismissed along with Rhys and Keela, Koban, hang back for a second, I've got something to explain to you." Chief Mohrgan asks. "Yes sir" Koben replies smartly, as Zain salutes again, all four shake hands again, turn, and leave, followed by Jax. The young hacker sits back down. "Koben, we researched the other information you found and here's what we discovered" his uncle starts. "My brother's wife Alora was befriended by Aunt Aralia and sold to Scrim for genetic experiments, he inseminated her with a genetic cocktail he created from your father's stolen sperm, along with a mixture of different DNA traits spliced in, she died giving birth to you, As you know, those two Arctic wolves raised you as their own on our homeworld." Koben's uncle explained. "So that's why my parents never warmed to me, I mean, they loved, and cared for me, but there was never any closeness, I always just assumed it was our rugged, self-sufficient nature". Koben finally says, confusion, and a sense of shock and finality in his quivering voice. "Yes", his uncle confirms, opening his wallet and retrieving a photo, handing it to his nephew. It's of a slim, attractive, fit female wolf, she looks to be in her mid thirties, she's staring back with a huge smile on her face, her muzzle open as if caught in a laugh, her eyes sparkling with life, possibility, and excitment for the future. Koben just sits back in his chair and stares and his uncle looks at him with pride and sadness..."One other thing, we were able to retrieve", His uncle exclaims. Koben turns and sees a familular robot hover in, the young hacker smiles. "We grabbed him when we rescued you and the others from Scrim's lab, we reprogramed your hacking and now he's one of our newest recruits, he's been programed to fight, shoot, and follow verbal orders, he can also think for himself". The Lieutenant explains, walking in behind the bot. Walking in behind Jax, a familiar bulky, muscular hyena and tall, silver wolf. Koben smiles with pride as Keela and Rhys walk in confidently wearing their issued indego t-shirts and utility belts. "These two wanted to continue to help and serve and I couldn't think of a better way to facilitate that." The Leiutenant proclaims. "They'll be a fine additions to the team sir". Koben beams. "I had wanted to use this robot ever since it helped me escape Scrim's clutches, thank you for believing in me uncle". Koben says as he shakes the old wolf's hand-then the hands of his two newest teammates, with hugs and congratulations, than all soldiers salute.