The Nexus Island Resort - Departure
Havok sat in the suite and waited for Renzyl to come and pick him up, watching out the window at the dimension he had called home for the last few days. The stars shined brightly and the sky was clear, a perfect end note to the night as he watched...
Very Important Lycanthrope - Departure
Once Andrew and Luxe had been transformed back and led away from the influence of the hellhound by Sanzu, which involved a lot of coaxing from the werewolf to get them to think for themselves and not as extensions of Cal, they were informed that their...
Night's Pain (ending)
Night's Pain (Ending) By Felsune The next night came and the Fox moved forward through the deserted streets. He had gotten a notice the night before that he was going to get off work early. The Cat hadn't learned about this, and he decided to...
This is it, we are coming to the end. I think I've said all to you. As a result, I can't see what I can comment further. Happily, I have one last anecdote to share with you. Put down on my den, I laid on the sofa. Apart from classes hours, I like to...
Seasons Passed
_Epilogue: Seasons Passed_ It was still dark in the early hours of the morning. The sun was only just poking up over the snow-capped mountains, casting a glittering glow over the winter stricken village. Ponyville was like a post-card. The thatch...
The Society, CH 41 (the end)
Chapter 41 "How is everyone?" Martin asked. Most were okay, in the process of healing themselves. "What about them?" Colby asked, pointing to the three unconscious lackeys. "Tie them up, we'll bring them with us." Martin leaned against...
2626 CH 23 (An Orr World Story)
Chapter-23 "How far?" "It's a straight line through two security check points." "Any thought on what Taavir was doing here? I can't believe the Rogue moved him here to stop me, he didn't act like he knew me." "Best guess is that he was here on...
The Pornstar's Son 2: 05 - Foreclosure of a Dream
Alright, so, with this chapter, this story comes to a close. Does that mean you'll never hear of Brandon, Jake, Kyle, and the rest of the crew again? It's hard to say right now, but if people really want more then I'll probably end up...
Drawing Conclusions
The end of the year was drawing closed. Finals panic was sweeping all across campus. I had certainly gotten swept up in it. Both James and I had taken a larger than normal workload this semester, and it was coming back to bite us. Our game consoles...
Crystalline Conclusion?
Mary's fierce and piercing gaze never left Jose. Luke hadn't said much, but Mary was smart enough to put two and two together; it was Jose who had spoiled her perfect baby girl. She wasn't sure what she would do to Jose, but suffice it to say she was...
Origins: Conclusion
#2 of rs: origins here is the conclusion to origins. i know it seems lazy but i honestly can't write what transpired over the two years by continuing the road trip. i know it seems like my character is a mary sue, i'm not.
Conclusion: pain.
Groaning, he shook the fox gently, and then again, more firmly this time getting a faint response, the fox was very tired. "Awww piss." Just after getting somewhere with Grey, he had managed to get himself 'laid' by yet another yiffed up male...