Like It Rough

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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She might seem kind and gentle publicly but she is an animal in bed. A boyfriend is left to try and wear her own before she fucks him into submission when he returns from a business trip and she just can't contain herself anymore.

(F TF feral Hyena TF anthro Hyena)

Annabel was an extrovert- she needed to be around others to survive. Whenever she was alone she feels drained and depressed. It was that pack animal nature that brought out her inner animal a few years ago. In her home city of Los Anul, everyone gets a sort of second puberty. According to personality, and the magnitude of it, people turn into anthros, or full on animals. Annabel works in the central city though, where most of the population is human, because she wears a supression amulet to keep her inner animal under lock and key. It is a bit too dangerous to let out all the time.

She worked as a waitress in a fairly busy but small place tucked away in one of a million lanes. The problem with central city is that its so tightly populated with buildings stacked ontop of buildings that any one place of business has a douzen competitors within the span of only a block or two. Annabel's boyfriend was coming back today though, so she was especially excited. He was away on a business trip for a bit over a week, leaving poor Annabel with no one to come home to. She had already told her boss, and was free to bail from work today when her man Leon came to pick her up. The customers were always happy to see her, she had a bright smile and a delicate voice. Annabel was always a shining example of a pleasent waitress. This made it a bit bizarre for the other women working behind the scenes, when Annabel finishes adeptly defusing a disgruntled customer and then punches a hole in the wall when she returns behind the counter. Anna was nice most of the time, but boy you do not want to get her mad. A divide in personality deepened by her sealed animal side.

Leon walked in with his arms already spread looking for a long awaited hug and Annabel practically jumped over the counter, tossing her aprin away to run to him! She jumped into his arms for a hug and almost tossed him back, luckily Leon is quite well built. What did worry him however was the loud clacking sound when she landed into him. Leon slowly pushed her back a bit and seen several dimly glowing blue crumbs fall from her pendant.

"I told you, you should have gotten that crack fixed..."

When she jumped into him, their suppression amulets collided, but hers was already cracked. Her amulet split all the way through, and as she examined it, an entire half of the transmuted spellstone fell out! They both started to frantically try to find it, but it landed on its rounded face and bounced out of view.

"Well I have been busy with work! And these damn things are so fucking expensive!" Her teeth sharpened a bit as her voice became a bit growly. Her personality already starting to slide the wrong way.

Another waitress came over to help look for the chunk, knowing how dangerous Annabel is without it. Annabel straightened, trying to fight back her changes mentally. They were linked to personality traits, but what linked her with her other half was her desire to be in a pack... and all she could think about was being with Leon again. Her back teeth remained blunt but her front teeth got even longer and sharper. Leon seen her staring at him, pratically drooling at the thought of him banging her again finally, and he started to back away. She was starting to shrink, causing her clothing to become loose so he knew her attempts to restrain herself were failing. Her other half is a spotted Hyena! Leon quickly spun around and made a run for it, trying to buy the other waitress time to find the missing spellstone shard. Or worse case scenario, Anna still catches him but hopefully doesn't have enough energy left to bite him. Unlike most animals, in hyena packs the female is the unquestioned leader. Much larger than the males and aggressive to the absolute extreme. The alpha females even exude hormones that drive the males into berserker rage- so they're so vicious they even make other things more vicious just by being around them!

Annabel bolted after him immediately as well, but luckily for Leon her now ill fitting clothes tripped her up. Blinded to everything other than her desire to get her mate, she thrashed around in her clothes as if attacking them, trying to get out. She did not shrink nearly enough for them to simply fall off. She tried to pull them off but her hands started to stretch! Her thumbs regressed and shifted slightly more central, being left behind at her wrist as a virtually useless nub. Her other digits shortened a bit and became bulkier, and the hand between them and wrist stretched by quite a lot. Her forearm also started to grow longer, and developed a bit of a curve to it. Her half-paws made it impossible for her to grab onto her clothes though. Eventually she thrashed and tore her way out of her clothes and charged down the laneway after Leon.

Annabel started off slow and clumsy because her breasts made it difficult to run. She was still far more human than beast but she was already trying to run on all fours- which caused her now nude breasts to flop around wildly and hinder her movement. Her transformation was already working on fixing that problem though- her breasts firmed up, then tightened and started to shrink. In their place more sets of small nipples formed down her torso. Her nails on foot and front paw grew out at the same time, becoming long and thick like claws, but ending in rather blunted ends because they were unable to retract so they just wore down against the ground. Her toes fattened and the bottoms bloated up into fat, dark pads to soften her footfalls. This caused her to step only on the front, raising her ankle off the ground but not nearly as far as most quadrupted have. Her wrists were far off the ground, but not her ankles- which meant her front legs were larger than the rear.

Leon slowed his run only slightly to look back. He could not see her, and took several turns to get where he is, he hoped he had lost her till this can get fixed. He heard a cackle echo down the laneway though, and knew she was dangerously near- she was just being more careful about letting him see her till it was too late. She charged behind large circuit breaker boxes, pipes, and garbage units to hide herself from his direct view while still charging forward. Her tailbone extended, but did not develop much in terms of muscle mass, so it did not wave around erect behind her, but rather just flop low. With a loud cackle she turned a corner sharply and seen Leon only a half foot ahead of her! She lunged forward to bite his legs but flinched mid-lunge and fell over completely, rolling several times. Annabel got up wincing at the feeling of her hip bone popping loudly in bursts of inward pressure. She lowered herself almost to a sit, and her increased breathing caused her torso to expand a bit. Rather than change size, her rib cage extended, gaining more sets of ribs which caused her torso to become much more barrel shaped. She jerked her hips up and got back on all fours, again from the sensations of her hips popping even more, and compacting again. Her hips became absolutely tiny for the size of her body before they finally stopped. No reason for them to be bigger- pups do not pass through there.

Annabel leaned forward to get weight off her hips as they finished their shrinking, but when she put more weight to her front limbs her shoulder blades slid out of place. They shifted upward till both blades virtually touched on her back. She was about to curse at Leon and force him to stop and come back with words but she was already too late for that to work- as soon as she tried to call out it came as growls and deep yips. Her throat stretched longer, and as she continued to make confused, angry animal sounds her skull started to narrow- pushing the compressed mass forward, extending her face into a muzzle. The end of her nose was pushed out farther and closer to her mouth, turning black and wet on the end. As her neck and skull streteched out, her hairline was compressed on the sides and pulled longer- growing down farther as well, forming a mane down her neck. Her ears flattened and spread out more and grew a layer of fur that quickly started to spread down over her like a shadow. Most of her muzzle was colored black, her mane remained blonde like her hair had been. The rest of her became a sandy color, broken up with around fourty black spots. Her tail got a bit more substantial when the fur reached it and increased its volume, but it remained simply hanging behind her, mostly ornamental.

Leon started to run out of breath. His lungs were burning from running so fast for so far. Hyena are not exactly slow animals. You run as fast as you possibly can, or you're already dead. The only reason he made it this far was because he had a head start and her changing body caused her to stumble several times. He had to stop at a three way intersection in the laneways and leaned on a wall to catch his breath. Another cackle could be heard but this time he could not tell where it was coming from. The sound bounced off the hard wall, obscuring the direction of the original sound. Leon spotted movement and immediately chose another path to bolt down, but only got a few steps before he realized he chose wrong! The movement he seen was a stray cat that had been spooked by the hyena cackling, and knocked over a garbage bag off a BFI bin. The alternate path Leon tried to run down is where Annabel actually was! He was not able to correct his course nearly fast enough and she pounced on him the moment he turned around. She was not much smaller than her human form, so when she pounced on him it slammed him to the ground easily and she quickly bit the back of his neck. Leon remained still, feeling all her fangs on his throat. He was her mate, but if he tried to move she would still bite him. Right now she simply held him still- she did not close her mouth.

She slowly slid off his throat and he knew he had been caught, so he rolled over onto his back and she quickly used her mouth to pull his pants down. Having just been running for his life, he was not erect so she moved to fix that. Anna straddled his torso, turning her rump to him and her drooling maw to his sleeping cock. She wrapped her glossy black lips around it and gently suckled it, waving her tongue under it to massage it awake. Meanwhile, Leon knew to get to work on her as well. Her vaginal passage had all but closed up- collapsing in on itself from the deepest part outward till it was completely gone- having been rerouted. Her clit on the other hand stood out and grew up. It throbbed with her pulse, but rather than settle back down it remained at the slightly larger size it pulsed to, adding mass with each throb. It became slightly pointy as it stretched out. It grew to the size of a finger by the time it hovered over Leon's face. He started to lick it gently causing her rear to tremble a bit from having her overly sensitive pleasure button stimulated directly. It grew to the size of a sausage allowing him to suck on it. Leon's dick now fully erect, and fully in Anna's maw. As a human she would have needed to take some of his shaft into her throat to hilt on it- as a hyena her mouth was already long enough to handle it. She pressed her lips to his scrotum and cupped his balls with her tongue. Annabel's own throbbing candy pink rod surged in one final growth, becoming even a bit bigger than Leon's dick, and considerably thicker at the base. The base to the end swelled in girth with the final growth, but tapered off as it travelled up the clit. She released his dick, having to move her head back to snap the last strand of saliva that connected her, and let out several hollow, nasally yips of approval.

Annabel turned around, looking him in the eyes a moment as she touched the end of her clit to the head of his penis. She tilted her head up toward the sky as she thrust her small hips down and squished the end of both shafts together, and the tapered end of her clit stretched outward- sucking the end of his penis! The vaginal passage of a female hyena travels down the length of their clit- males fuck their clit to get them pregnant! Unfortunately that also meant they -painfully- give birth through their clittoris as well. If you thought giving birth through a regular vagina was hard, try doing it through a chubby tube half its width. That is why her hips are tiny- the offspring don't go that way. Anna gave several shallow thrusts, pressing the two together, slowly getting more of his head and then shaft into her. Her clit bulged with its mass entering it- since his penis had the bulbous glans of a human phallus it wasn't exactly a perfect fit- but the extra drag and stretching only pleasured her more. She braced herself properly, placing her feet on either side of his gut but placing both of her larger front paws directly on his chest to pin him down. She pressed down hard enough that she left red paw imprints on his skin. She started to thrust longer and harder- pulling most of his penis out and then slamming still a bit more in with each go, till her clit devoured his entire penis! It was incredibly snug on his shaft, and an odd feeling. Normally the man would be the one thrusting in- and that would be true for hyena as well normally. But she was fully a beast and he was still fully man, so she was doing all the thrusting while pinning him in place. He could feel the soft point of her swollen clit poke his crotch on every down stroke. He could see the shape of his penis stretched into the neon pink clit. The pink skin started to develop grey splotches, which then developed black, slowly consuming the entire thing from the base up allowing Leon so sigh in releif. If they somehow finished before she was 100% changed he might get her pregnant, since he obviously did not have any protection. The skin turning to its normal black meant she was completed- so even her eggs will have converted to hyena, preventing them from being fertilized by a human. She started to shudder in orgasm, her rear legs getting weak and the muscular ribbing in her clit rippled rapidly, which then rocketed Leon into his own climax! When he started to cum, while she was already in shuddering orgasm she completely buckled her rear legs and slammed her clit down as hard as she could. It pressed in on his crotch at the base of his cock and yanked on it from the inside. Subtle folds appeared on its surface as Anna tried to crush it against him, pushing his shaft even deeper.

Her clit almost immediately went limp around him when they finished and she flopped completely over onto her side- popping her clit off, though the tip of her clit and his dick were still connected by a strand of cum for several moments. Leon's heart beat settled enough for him to hear approaching footsteps over it and he quickly rolled over and shoved his repressor amulet into hers, still hanging from her neck. The outward curve of the spellstone in his fit into the empty socket of hers, and split some of the mana between the two! Anna became confused with a burst of human intellect and her skull suddenly widened a bit, causing her face to sink back in giving her muzzle less of a slope. Her fur started to thin in some areas, showing some bare skin on her underside and exposing her nipples. Her paws compacted and her fingers grew longer and stretched more narrow, making them an odd half hand half paw. Her tail got a bit shorter as well as her neck and her body grew in size. Leon's facial hair started to grow rapidly, connecting his hair line around his chin which grew bushy and long, forming a sort-of mane around his face. His nails turned to large talon-like claws and his upper lip became slightly cleft. His still softening penis folded back on itself slightly at the base forming the beginnings of a sheath while the rest turned more pink in color and hundreds of tiny barbs formed on the shaft. Features of a Lion- his own animal half. He split the mana between them which caused him to be slightly animal and her slightly human, since neither repressor was at full power. It was enough to confuse Annabel terribly just in time for her waitress friend to catch up with the recovered fragment of the supression amulet and slip it back in place, putting a strip of tape over the front as a make-shift repair.

Anna whined at the feeling as her rib cage shrank, giving more flexibility to her torso and restoring some of its human shape. She lost one set of nipples and the hint of breasts returned to her chest under her top set. Her skin faded from black to dark grey, then to a pink-grey and remained there. Her fur regressed more, now only covering her lower legs and her tail. Her mane remained on her head and down her neck, but grew in length and became softer like human hair once again. Her head rounded out further, causing her muzzle to sink back almost entirely into a human face, though her lips and the end of her nose remained cold, wet, and black. Her hands turned the rest of the way back into human, but her nails remained claws, and her feet did not change at all- they were still fully paws. Her legs thankfully changed, bulking up and her hips gave several very loud, painful sounding pops as it grew tremendously. Her huge clit shrank down but it looked like it was more from the confusion and feeling of the changes than a change in itself. The transformation seemed to stop there. There was still a crack all the way through the spellstone, and several small chips missing entirely, so it could not restore her to fully human. She would absolutely need to buy a new one. Now that he was not sharing with her, Leon's few animal traits quickly regressed as his other half was fully suppressed.

All three of them were silent for some time, blushing brightly. Anna was fully nude in the middle of a laneway with a trail of cum drops leading from her crotch to Leons, with still more inside of her fat hungry clit that refused to give up its meal. Leon had his pants around his knees and his shirt rolled up his chest from how her paws slid while she thrust, paw prints pressed into the skin of his chest and red dots around his neck where her fangs pressed in. Well, at least Annabel got to be with her man not long after his return. She at least, likes it rough.

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