The Frozen Apple (3/3)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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In the middle of a cold snap that has gripped the city two unlikely friends find refuge in a basement of an old building that has a hidden heat source, though what they don't realize is that there is fare more buried in the old electronics store than meets the eye.

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For a few seconds Hampton and Ari continued to stare at each other and the changes that were happening to their bodies, Ari seeing that the scales on the other man weren't just confined to his hands as a patch of them was in the spot where his thick patch of body hair had been. "What the hell man," Ari said as he looked around. "You sure they weren't like dumping toxic waste down here or something?"

"I think I would be dead by now if that was the case," Hampton said in response as he watched the other man moving back and forth in front of him. "Plus I've been down here for months without this happening, and then suddenly you came in here and I started to get these strange hands and feet just like you." Both of them looked down at the furry paws that Ari sported, watching as he shifted one of his toes as though to prove they were real. "Can I see them?"

"You want to see my transformed feet?" Ari replied. "Why?"

"Well look at these things," Hampton said as he lifted up his own taloned paws, Ari watching him flex the toes that made the scales shift about slightly. "Yours look like they could be some sort of footwear, mine are monsters. I want to at least see what yours look like compared to mine."

Though Ari wanted to focus more on why they were changing he sighed and nodded, taking the other bean bag chair and moving it over so that they were pressed against one another. "Before we do this I need to do one thing," Ari said, grunting slightly as he peeled off the pants and shirt that were tightening on him. "Whatever is happening to us it's causing me to grow, and if I have those on for one more second I was going to burst out of them."

"Looks like that's already going to happen," Hampton said, Ari tilting his head at him in question before he looked down and saw that not only had he gotten half-hard again but his cock once more had grown and was causing the fabric of his underwear to strain. "Look, I'm not sure what you're all about but given what's happening I think a little nudity is the least of our concerns. Plus if you do it I will too, my undies are starting to cut off circulation and if I don't take them off soon I might lose them."

Ari just nodded and with a sigh pulled down his underwear as well, showing off the bright pink flesh of his mutated cock. Hampton quickly popped up and did the same, removing his shorts first before his own underpants came off. When Ari saw his cock flop out it was also bigger than the last time he had seen it, easily eight inches long and with a more tapered tip. As Hampton turned to face away and toss them aside Ari saw another reason why his underpants were getting tight as a large bulge was throbbing on his tailbone just above the craft of his rear end.

For the moment Ari decided to keep that information to himself, though he did reach behind to see if he had one himself. Though at first he didn't think he found anything his fingers did pick up on a slightly raised part of his flesh in the same area. Given what was happening so far it appeared his dream was coming true... but was it the same for Hampton? Just like him the other guy was sporting half an erection, but that could just be from the pleasure that seemed to come from the changes as they both laid back down so that Hampton could look at his feet.

Once the two were laying against the bean bag chairs Ari lifted up his foot in front of Hampton's face, which resulted in him getting the same view of a paw that was bigger than his face. "Fuck!" Ari exclaimed as a jolt of pure pleasure came from his feet, looking past the dinosaur paw to Hampton who looked back at him in surprise. "Sorry, that was intense, what did you do?"

"I just... squeezed it," Hampton replied, grinning sheepishly. "I didn't realize that it would create such a response... do you want me to do it again?" Ari found himself nodding and even though he knew it was coming the experience of having fingers pressing against the pads of his feet was unlike anything he ever felt before. It was almost like having sex in itself and after a few minutes of Hampton causing him to squirm he decided to see if it worked the other way around.

From the moment his own furred hands touched the scaled paws of the other male Hampton suddenly had his back arch in his bean bag chair, moaning loudly from just pressing against it. It was surprising to Ari just how much Hampton was enjoying it... and he was also getting pleasure from watching it happen. On a whim he leaned forward and licked against one of the paws and almost got kicked in the face, fortunately for him he was holding onto the ankle of the changing human as he dragged his tongue all the way down to the heel and nearly caused Hampton to fall off of his chair. For a few seconds even wrapped his clawed hands around his thick member to start stroking it, but as soon as Ari finished Hampton recovered and quickly pulled his hands away.

"Seems like you were just about to have yourself a real good time," Ari said, watching the other guy panting as his face turned beet red. "What's wrong, why did you stop?"

"Well, I mean..." Hampton said as he slowly pulled away, his hands traveling down to his stomach which had flattened considerably as muscle was visibly thickening on his sides. "I've only had sex with women, which is part of the reason I left after the dream I had." At that point Hampton faltered in his words and it was only Ari spurring him along asking about the dream did he continue. "For some reason I turned into this T-rex creature, but with regular arms instead of the little ones they have and other human features, and for some reason I let you fuck me... and even though I've never had anything back there it was like it was really happening."

Ari was surprised at how candid Hampton was being with him, though considering the situation the two of them were in with their feet still almost up against one another's face. Ari was also starting to feel his cock shift and the semi-hard member was throbbing as it began to lengthen again, causing him to grit his slightly sharper teeth from the pleasure that it was causing before he looked at the other male again. "You know, there's nothing wrong with going a bit slow for your first time," Ari said as he slowly maneuvered himself out from underneath the thickening muscles of Hampton's increasingly scaly leg and slid towards him. "If you want we can just get fool around for a bit and go deeper until you decide that you need to stop."

"Are... are you sure about this?" Hampton said, though as Ari looked he could see that his cock was also rock hard from their previous playing around. "I just, doesn't this seem like something we should talk about?"

"As you can see I'm as hard as a fucking rock," Ari stated as he motioned down to his own member, which was now about ten inches long in his estimation.

"I mean about the fact that we're turning into weird creatures," Hampton stated, reaching up and placing a clawed hand on the furry black chest of Ari as he continued to approach. "I mean, look at us man, there's something weird going on here and we're just rolling with it! Normally I would just say that it was something that I smoked but we are way too chill with what's happening to our bodies."

The sudden realization snapped Ari out of the lust-fueled haze of desire that was clouding his thoughts and he found himself backing away and looking down at his body. His muscles were literally changing before his eyes, the sensation of his abs thickening underneath the fur that had completely enveloped his stomach. As he flexed his arms he could see his pectorals shift and he could feel the strength that was underneath him. He was turning into a beast of a man, in more ways than one, and as he watched Hampton slowly get up from his bean bag chair he could see the changes were starting to become more prominent on him too.

"Is that a tail?" Hampton said as he reached around behind him, Ari watching as he shivered from the scale-on-scale contact as he grabbed onto the nub of a tail that had grown out during their time together. He could tell that there was a growing hunger in the other male as well, but he wasn't quite ready to take the plunge into the arms of another male even if the idea was growing on him just like the tail that seemed to stretch another inch from his grabbing it. "Ah, I can feel it stretching out my spine... but like in a good way."

"I suppose it could be worse," Ari stated as he continued to investigate his own form. "It could be like one of those painful werewolf transformations that you see in those movies where the guy is all hunched over and screaming in intense pain. Though I am definitely feeling something else..."

Ari quickly closed his mouth once more as he realized he was slipping back into a horny way of thinking, and when he thought of that he brought his hand up to his forehead after remembering what grew from there. It appeared he hadn't quite progressed that far yet and it made him wonder if there was still a way to reverse it as he looked around the shop basement. With no way to get outside, especially with his new body making it impossible to put on his clothes as he had easily grown another foot since he had gotten down in the basement, if they were going to find anything it would be where they were. Though the two continued to leer at one another they eventually got a hold of themselves enough to look around and try to figure out what was happening.

About an hour later both of them had explored the dusty shelves with nothing happening but getting a layer of grime on their bodies. Ari found himself coughing several times as he flicked one of the manuals he found on the shelf, and after giving one particularly powerful sneeze he felt his whole face tingle from it. When he put his hand to his mouth to wipe it he found that his lips were protruding a few inches out, and as he continued to use his fingers he could feel his nose had altered in shape as well. When the two had gotten away from one another it seemed like the changes had slowed to the point where he thought it might have been their proximity to one another that was causing it, but as he felt a pair of fangs poke past his lips it was clear that it only seemed to affect the speed of their mutations.

Once Ari had completely gotten all the dust off of the magazine he looked at the cover and called over Hampton to see what he had discovered. "You ever heard of a company called Haleon Enterprises?" Ari asked, the other guy shaking his head as he started to flip through the catalog. "Looks like a gaming company that went out of business a long time ago, says here that their games promised a transformative experience unlike anything else."

"I would say that's taking things a bit literally but..." Hampton gestured down to their half-human bodies which caused Ari to chuckle. "Hey look, that tiger guy looks similar to what you're turning into, and that T-rex there looks like what I had turned into for my dream."

Ari looked down at the dinosaur guys as well as the tiger man accompanied by an avian-themed yellow-feathered male that Hampton was pointing at and noticed that they were all very handsome creatures and also completely naked. "It looks like this shit definitely wasn't made for children," Ari commented as he flipped through the book and saw multiple warnings stating as such. "So this company made games that turned people into horny video game guys, makes me wonder how they went out of business. The thing is we didn't even get the games to play, at least I couldn't make mine work."

"No, but you did cause one of the disks to explode," Hampton pointed out. "I did too, and mine had one of those dinosaurs on it but the image was too faded for me to realize exactly what it was. If that's the case than maybe there's something here that we can run that will do the reverse, like some sort of uninstall program?"

"Well I found the manual here," Ari stated as he put the catalogue down on the rusted shelves. "If there's going to be anything it'll probably be in this area. I'll check low and you can check high."

Hampton nodded and started to search the higher shelves while Ari squatted down and looked at the area on the floor. As he did he saw that the fur around his groin had gotten even thicker and his cock was still harder than ever before, the sensitive flesh having tiny nubs on it that reminded him of little spikes. Rubbing over one with his finger nearly caused him to fall over and as he did he could feel his own spine starting to grow once more. He had gotten as much height growth as Hampton did and when he looked back at his bare ass he saw the tiger tail that would accompany his form starting to grow out. The changes were starting to get more intense and it was likely because they were so close together, but as Ari turned to tell Hampton this he suddenly felt something press against his cheek and stared into the scaled groin of the other male before looking up.

"I... I can't help it..." Hampton said, panting slightly as his own human face started to become distorted and deformed while visibly sharp teeth filled his maw. "I feel like if I touch it I'm going to cum, and ever since you offered I can't get the idea out of my mind. Just... promise me that you're going to take this slow?"

"I'll take it as slow as you need me to take it," Ari replied, the need that he had been suppressing in order to search coming back in full force. "We're both a bit dusty though, why don't we hit the showers first." Hampton swallowed hard and nodded, jumping slightly when the other muscular male wrapped a hand around his throbbing member and walked with him towards the makeshift shower. He could feel the other man's heartbeat racing just from holding onto him as they got into the mop sink, which hardly fit one of their increasingly ripped physiques much less two, and turned on the water to wash all the dust off of them.

The water also helped to calm Hampton down; even though the other guy was clearly willing Ari knew that the previously straight male might still have some reservations about all of this. If there were though the saurian male wasn't showing it as he stood there and let the other male do what he wanted. With Ari able to more closely examine his body he was surprised as just how much he had changed so far, even areas that hadn't gotten scales yet like his thick upper arms and thighs no longer had the hair that was so prevalent on his body before. As his hands continued to roam and continue to rile up Hampton he leaned in and gave him a kiss on the lips, their morphed mouths pressed together as he slipped his tongue in and swirled it around.

Hampton quickly reciprocated the gesture and as they kissed both could feel their entire heads starting to morph. The hair on Ari's head grew longer and shaggier while Hampton lost his completely as scales cascaded over his scalp and his ears merged into the flesh of his head. Though Ari could feel his face starting to bulge it was nothing compared to what was happening to the one he was kissing, opening his eyes mid-kiss to see that Hampton's entire face and nose had stretched into a long saurian snout. Though he still looked humanoid in nature there was no mistaking what he was turning into as scales covered his new muzzle while Ari quickly felt his own starting to catch up to follow suit.

Not wanting to waste the expansion of his maw though Ari quickly broke the kiss and slid his clawed hands down the scaled muscled sides of the transforming T-rex. "You are so fucking hot," Ari said as he looked up just in time to see the last of the pudge disappear into the scale-covered washboard abs that formed on the stomach of the one he was kneeling in front of. "I've been wanting to do this for a while now..."

With Ari's mouth still mostly human save for the bigger teeth and slight protrusion he knew he wasn't going to be able to entirely fit the huge cock of the saurian male in one go, especially since it looked like it was starting to near a foot in length. He hoped that would change soon enough though and imagined that it would as he stuck his tongue out and licked the sensitive flesh. A shimmer of water hit Ari's face as Hampton shuddered hard from such a small amount of stimulation, making him wonder just how much he would be able to handle before he orgasmed. It caused him to change his plan slightly and after a few playful strokes of his hands and long, sensual licks the tiger man took a deep breath and began to spread his own lips on the thick cock in front of him.

Almost immediately the transformation started once more on Ari's face, letting out a muffled groan as his mouth seemed to stretch out in order to cover more of Hampton's cock while the rest of his fangs grew in. His feline muzzle was a little shorter than the dinosaur hovering above him but was still capable of getting a few more inches of the saurian length inside of him. After a few inches though he could feel the tip tickling against the back of his throat and knew that was how far he could go... normally. As he felt fur spreading down his throat and over his shoulders while they bulked up he grabbed onto the hard thighs of the other male and pushed himself down further. Hampton let out an audible groan as Ari suddenly felt the tip slide down into his throat, his gag reflex non-existent as he continued to impale his new snout down on the thick cock of the other male.

"Damn Ari..." Hampton said, surprising himself with his slightly deeper voice as he found himself growling. "You're better at that then any date I've been with. I think... I think I see it in your throat!"

Ari just growled in response and looked up at the surprised male, then with most of the cock sliding down to be massaged by his throat he reached up and grabbed onto Hampton's hands before putting them against the back of his head. He wanted the other male to become a more active participant, to embrace what they were doing as he felt those clawed fingers start to press against his skull. When he was sure that Hampton wouldn't let go he once more resumed having his own hands against the hips of the t-rex, though they were slowly migrating back towards his rear as he felt his ears brush up against the scaled arms while going to the top of his head.

It didn't take long for Hampton to start doing what Ari wanted, especially when the tiger man had managed to get himself completely impaled on his cock to the point his feline nose was rubbing against his scaled groin. He could feel his throat bulging and when he reached with one hand to squeeze it the sensation of grabbing the cock inside caused them both to shudder in pure lust. As his tongue lapped against the base of Hampton's groin he began to feel himself get pulled off of it, only to get about halfway before being pushed back. Ari's stretched muzzle formed into a grin as he could feel the lustful male in front of him getting more into it by the second as those scaled hips moved back and forth to slide into him.

It didn't take long after their initial oral ministrations for Hampton to cum, Ari feeling him spasm as he was practically smushed up against his groin while he came. He took the opportunity to finger the tailhole of the other male and watched the thick appendage that had grown just above it flick about and knock into things. This creature before him was a true apex predator, an eight-foot-tall muscular dinosaur man that roared as he climaxed. Any other creature would probably cower before him and be just as much a cock sleeve as Ari was and could intimidate any other male with his beefy physique...

And he was all Ari's.

Ari smirked as he felt the last of the jets of cum come from the t-rex and slowly pulled himself off, allowing the saurian male to untangle his fingers from his hair as he slowly stood up. "How was that for your first time with a guy?" Ari asked with a grin.

"I'm not quite sure if this counts considering what we look like," Hampton replied as he looked up and down Ari's equally impressive physique covered in black fur with white stripes. "But yeah, it was awesome. Can't believe what I was missing out on."

"Well... there is one last thing that we have to do before you've gotten the proper male experience," Ari said, feeling a growl rise up in his toned chest as he walked forward and patted Hampton on the shoulders. "I allowed you to fuck me in the mouth, I think it's only fair that I get to take you in the ass."

Ari watched as Hampton swallowed hard, this creature oozing with confidence and power suddenly cowering slightly as a look of anxiousness came over him. "Oh... I mean, I suppose that's true," Hampton said as he looked down at the thick foot-long cock the tiger man sported, which was still completely erect since Ari had made sure to save himself for this moment. "I don't... I mean... am I even going to fit? I've never done anything like this before."

"It seems our bodies have been altered to accommodate," Ari replied, licking his lips to accentuate the fact that he had just taken the sizable member of the t-rex into his maw with now ill effects. "Now why don't you go ahead and lie down on one of those bean bag chairs of yours, if you're lucky we won't pop them."

Though Hampton was still clearly nervous Ari could see that he also had a look of excitement on his saurian face, especially after the blow job he had just gotten. He hadn't been sure whether or not the t-rex would be able to fit him as he watched the hulking scaled physique of the other male slowly turned around so that he was on his back, but when he said the words they just seemed right to him. They were going to find out soon enough and if it was too much he would stop, even with his lusts peaking as Hampton finished getting into position with his legs in the air and his tailhole exposed. With the new thick tail they had decided that him going on his back would be the best way to do it instead of doggystyle, which meant their muscular chests were pressed together as Ari slid up on top of the dinosaur.

"I'm not sure man," Hampton said as he wrapped his thick arms around Ari once the tiger was in position. "This bean bag is creaking quite a bit, I don't think it's going to make it."

"That'll make two things I wreck today then," Ari replied, chuckling as he pressed himself harder against the one beneath him just to feel the pressure of their huge bodies together. "If I pop this bag I'll buy you a new one, for now just enjoy yourself and relax..."

The last word came out as a longer and drawn out as Ari began to position his hips so that he was able to slowly guide the head of his maleness between the cheeks of the male beneath him. As he did he could feel his muscles twitching again, but not from the pleasure of what was about to happen. He gasped slightly as he felt himself growing more, feeling his already impressive muscles twitching and swelling a bit more as he pushed himself into the t-rex. Hampton let out a sharp gasp and threw his head back into the bean bag chair as he was stretched open, to the point it brought Ari out of his lusts enough to ask if he was alright.

"Yeah, damn, that was just so intense," Hampton said while panting. "I can feel you pushing inside me, stretching me open. I want... I want more..."

Ari smirked at Hampton's eagerness, swaying him all the way over to wanting to have his tailhole stretched open as he more than eagerly obliged. As he felt the tight walls of the other male squeeze around him as he pushed forward something else began to push out, Ari squeezing his eyes shut as a black horn began to push out of his forehead. This was it, he realized, this was his final transformation as his tail flicked about in the air. It was very likely there was no going back and the two would probably remain like this forever if his changes finished... but Ari just couldn't bring himself to care and ended up sinking several inches into the other male at once in order to spur it on even faster.

Both males began to groan loudly as the last of their inhibitions were washed away in the sea of euphoria that came with Ari thrusting down into Hampton, as he had predicted there was no pain with their coupling and he was able to get all the way to the root with the t-rex merely calling out how good it felt. The bean bag chair began to shake and shudder as the horned tiger man began to pump in and out of the dinosaur, watching not only his member slide in and out of Hampton while his cock was sandwiched between their washboard abs but also their bodies move in rhythm to one another. It was like they had been lovers for ages, knowing exactly where to prod and grope one another as their muzzles once met into a passionate embrace while the two continued to rut.

After a while Ari could feel himself getting close to his orgasm and decided to try one last thing, using his feline flexibility to sit up more while still keeping his cock lodged deep into the other male. "What... what are you doing," Hampton gasped as Ari pressed the meaty legs of the t-rex against his own body, grinning mischievously before bringing his muzzle up against his wiggling toes. "No, wait, stop, I don't think..."

The last of Hampton's words ended it a loud roar as Ari nuzzled the scaled soles of his feet, causing an intense wave of pleasure greater than that of the tiger stretching out the t-rex went through his body. As he continued to lick and suck on the thick reptilian paws of the other male he also noticed something else that caused him a shiver of pleasure, watching with every thrust that completely pushed his cock inside he saw a lump bulge out of Hampton's scaled stomach. They were definitely made for pleasure, Ari thought as he tried to get in as deep as he could, bracing himself with the legs he had been teasing and watching it grow slightly bigger. His heavy thrusts also came with an increased pleasure against his sensitive flesh and though the tiger man had been trying to delay himself as long as possible it turned out to be too much for him and clamped his mouth around Hampton's feet while he came.

That turned out to be enough for the t-rex to also orgasm for a second time, the bean bag letting out a loud pop as his claws curled back into the thick material and caused it to rupture as he was overwhelmed. Both males suddenly found themselves surrounded by synthetic beads as their heavy bodies quickly caused the bag to deflate until they were both lying on the floor of the basement. "Looks like we did ruin it after all," Ari panted even as he still felt himself filling the t-rex with his seed.

"It was my fault," Hampton replied back once he had stopped himself, both creatures panting heavily as they laid on top of one another. "I think these new claws are going to get a little getting used to."

Both guys laughed and as they shared in a kiss once more it was quickly interrupted by an alarm that rang from Hampton's phone. This time it was the t-rex that cursed as he looked and saw that they were probably going to have to leave, especially with all the noise they were making... except as they looked down at themselves they weren't quite sure how that was going to happen. Both creatures were far too big for any of their clothing and even if they weren't then if anyone spotted them they would have to explain who a horned tiger and t-rex man was even possible. As the seconds ticked away however they knew that they had to try, it was either potentially get caught in a place where they were trespassing or go out and potentially get caught but in their own apartment building.

After Ari had slid out of Hampton, the t-rex shuddering and commenting how empty he felt without the other male's cock inside of him, the two quickly cleaned themselves off and gathered up their clothes to put in Ari's bag. On a whim Ari also grabbed the catalogue he had found and stuffed it inside too before they packed everything up and made their way out of the room after Hampton had shut down the generator. When the two had started to make their way back through the vents they found it to be a tight fit, both of them having to practically push themselves forward at one point before they got to the other side. Once they were back in their building Ari found himself stumbling forward as he popped out of the vent, Hampton doing the same thing before Ari caught him and they looked at one another.

"You are a sexy fucking beast," Ari said with a growl. "C'mon, let's get out of here before I do something that will really get us in trouble." The t-rex had a grin on his face and nodded as they went from the basement to the lobby of the building, both of them craning their heads around to make sure that no one was there before continuing. Just as Hampton was about to enter the stairwell though Ari reached out and grabbed him by the arm to stop him.

"What, do you hear something?" Hampton asked, the tiger shaking his head and looking out at the door where it was snowing.

"Do you feel that?" Ari said, pausing as he let the warmth of the lobby suffuse into his fur as Hampton suddenly let out a slight gasp. "Yeah, it's warm in here... they must have gotten the power back on finally."

"Thank god for that," Hampton replied. "We probably shouldn't hang around here though."

Though Ari was fairly certain that people would be staying inside and enjoying the newfound warmth of their apartments he knew that Hampton was right, plus he was looking forward to having the heat on in his own place. The two made their way through the stairwell until they got to their floor, finding the hallway just as empty as the lobby as they started to walk through it to their respective doors. "Oh, uh, this is actually me," Hampton said as he motioned towards the door they were about to pass. "But... um... I was thinking that we don't have to really stop hanging out just because we don't need to go down to our hidey hole anymore."

"I suppose that is true," Ari replied. The tiger man had actually been thinking about what was going to happen when they got to their respective apartments and was thankful that it was Hampton that broached the subject on what to do next. "Do you want to come over to my place and hang out for a while?"

"If you don't mind," Hampton replied. "I'm not even sure if the cable is back on or anything like that, so being able to hang out with someone would be nice. The fact that you're a big muscular tiger dude doesn't hurt either."

"Same for you," Ari replied, running a hand down the bare chest of the other male and causing him to shiver. "Plus it's probably still below freezing out there so we can't even think about trying to get something to cover ourselves up in, we're going to have to order clothes or something if this is permanent. Don't worry though, even if there isn't any internet signal I think we can find a few ways to pass the time... I do have plenty that I would like to show you in the ways that a guy can have fun with another guy."

If Hampton didn't have scales covering his cheeks Ari was sure that he would be blushing as he took the t-rex by the hand and let him towards his apartment door. While they hadn't solved what had happened to them neither really cared, especially as Ari practically pounced on the other guy as soon as he had opened the door to let them in. Eventually the weather would shift and they would have to address what happened to them, but for the moment they knew that their company would be more than enough as they slammed the door shut while kissing one another. It was almost a shame that the heat was back on, Ari thought to himself as he led Hampton to his bedroom for another round, he would have been more than fine with the two doing other things in order to generate a little warmth...