Something Fishy

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#149 of Commissions

This is a story about a cub who has a fantasy about shrinking his friend and having a little fun with him. The person who commissioned this wishes to remain anonymous.

Something Fishy By: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters in this story and have been created for use within the context of this story. Characters are depicted as underage are fictional and any resemblance to real-life persons, or anyone other characters, is purely coincidental. Furthermore, there is a prominent micro-macro theme presented in this story. You have been warned.

"Where there is great love,

there are always wishes."

-Willa Cather

Envy is a strong engine of desire. The omnipresence of want of something you do not, or cannot, have can often being a damning feeling that one has to deal with. Of course for each person, how one manages it is an entirely different scenario. There are those who fend it off by simply ignoring it while there are others who seek it with all of their energy. It is those people who often find themselves wanting, forever wanting, and forever empty until the realization is made that fulfillment cannot truly be theirs.

"I hate it, I hate it!." A small preteen cub is yelling and screaming in his room.

Inside the room, the boy is kicking and thrashing while sitting in his bed. Barely big enough to reach the floor with his feet, at 11 years of age the kid doesn't look anything close to his age. To an onlooker, he was very much still a hybrid of a german shepherd and river otter. Puberty had yet to lay the hands of maturity on the boy. Yet to Gavin, it didn't matter. He was by now the shortest boy in class. Even his best friend had recently surpassed him in height, much to the dismay of the hybrid dog boy.

"Why can't I get bigger....Why does the world hate me?" Tears welled up in the cub's eyes as he moped in his room.

His mother heard the commotion as she walked by. This wasn't the first time he'd thrown a hissy fit about a similar ordeal. In fact, the other time a close friend of the puppy outgrew him, he was equally if not more upset. To the boy, it was a great disgrace that he was smaller than everyone, especially the girls. The woman popped her head in to check on in. She dared not step in for she knew how he could get but she still wanted to check in on him. Gavin covered his eyes with his paws in an attempt to cover his obvious discomfort.

Gavin kicked his paws idly on the floor to dramatize his feeling small. "I'm tired of being small."

"It's okay, baby. I promise you'll get big soon. Not everyone grows at the same rate." The mother felt like a broken record as this wasn't the first time she'd explained this to him.

The boy huffed loudly and puffed out his chest showing his obvious frustration. "Hmph! You said that last time and I still haven't gotten any bigger."

"But hon...that was just last week. Growing takes time. I promise it will happen." She decided to step in and patted him softly on the back.

Gavin pulled away from his mother as if he was offended and faced the wall. "Just leave me alone. You can't do anything anyway."

She rolled her eyes and walked out of his room without saying another word. For the remainder of the day, Gavin said no more. Even for dinner, he was entirely mute. His parents decided to ignore him in order to allow him to simmer a bit. They had grown used to it by now and of course, they realized that it wasn't really an issue. After all they understood what he refused to. Once dinner was over he retired to his room again. They even allowed him to skip his chores since they didn't want him to break any dishes in his childish state of rage.

Once Gavin was back in his room, he wandered around a bit unsure of what to do. It was late but it was still pretty far off from his usual bedtime. Looking at the clock, it seemed he had some time to burn but there wasn't really anything he wanted to do. So he went over to his wardrobe and disrobed before changing into his bed clothing. Gavin moped and threw his used stuff into the corner hamper before finally flopping on his bed.

He rolled back into his bed and curled back up into a fetal position. His mind was very much still consumed by the dismay with his own image. Within a few seconds, he grew uncomfortable and flattened himself. Gavin could see out of a window that had been situated as a skylight into his room. The hybrid could see the moon shining through it. It wasn't quite a full moon but it was clear enough to make out all the same since it was a rather clear night. As he was staring into the distance he saw a shooting star streak across the sky.

"I wish I wasn't smaller than Chester....why can't he be the little one!" Gavin snorted as he called out to the sky above.

The boy had heard of the old folktale that if one made a wish on a shooting star, that it might come true. In his heart, he wasn't sure he believed it, and yet still he was desperate enough to make an attempt all nonetheless. As it passed over it glimmered a bit before disappearing off to the edge of the window. Once it was gone, Gavin allowed himself to relax a bit. He was rather restless and tossed and turned for quite a well. No matter how hard he tried his mind would not let him go to sleep.

Every once in a while he turned to face the clock. Each time he did so, he was met with a later and later display of time. By the point his parents came to check on him, he was getting frustrated. They each tucked him in and kissed him on the head. It took quite a while before sleep finally took him. In fact, his mind didn't even recognize it. For when his mind entered a dreamlike state, it was very much like he hadn't moved at all. Gavin was very much in his bed and at a loss for what to do since he was still believing that he wasn't asleep.

It wasn't terribly long before Gavin awoke. He glanced out of the window over top of him and saw naught but darkness peering in. He rolled over slightly and couldn't see much of anything. His vision was still very much blurred from fatigue. He wondered what time it was the clock he usually relied on seemed to be missing from its usual mantle. The cub began to wonder where it might have gotten off to. The boy decided to get up and relieve himself since he was awake anyway.

As he got up his backside felt a little colder than usual. Looking down he saw that he was wearing pants so it wasn't like he had gone to sleep naked or something. Upon looking back at his bed he saw something moving in the still bundled-up covers. Gavin pondered for a moment, knowing it couldn't be his pet cat since the critter normally slept with his parents. A sense of uncertainty began to set in as he stepped back towards the bed to check what it was.

It took only a few steps before he was at his bedside again as he hadn't ventured very far from it. Gavin hesitated for a moment and watched as the sheets shifted a bit. Slowly he bent over and took a hold of one of the flaps of the sheets hanging to the side off the bed before lifting it ever so slowly. He peeled it off to the side before revealing a familiar sight. Right there before his eyes was his best friend Chester sleeping there rather soundly all bundled up in a ball trying to maintain some sense of warmth in his body.

But there was something definitely different about him. Gavin peered ever closer to him, his friend looked smaller than normal. Even bundled up the other cub looked like a fraction of his normal size. Not only this but the fact that Chester was there right next to him was curious. He had not invited the squirrel over for a sleepover and yet there he was right next to where he was sleeping moments ago. Gavin pondered to himself, how was this even possible.

The bigger cub reached in and rested his paw on the smaller one. Sure enough, his body was warm and upon remaining there for several seconds, Gavin found that he could feel the other cub's heartbeat. Chester didn't move and remained at ease seeming fast asleep, though the bigger cub wasn't really trying to wake him up. The bigger boy found himself even more curious now than before and withdrew his hand to consider his options.

Part of him wanted to wake Chester and question him while the other didn't want to wake his restful friend. A moment later a rush of wind wafted through the room. Gavin looked around and saw no signs of the two windows being opened. Upon returning his gaze to the grey squirrel before him, Chester's whole body shivered from head to toe. Little by little, his already small form seemed to be withering before him diminishing into an ever-smaller ball right in front of him.

Gavin rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Chester barely covered any of the surface space of the bed now. In fact, he very much looked like one of those large plushes that the hybrid boy used to keep around when he was younger. The puppy leaned in and allowed his weight to be carried onto the bed. This sudden shift caused the mattress to bounce the smaller cub ever so slightly into the air. Chester's body jarred upward before pillowing back down on the bed beneath him.

The abrupt vibration on his body caused Chester to wake up immediately. His eyes opened wide open finding his body still coming to a rest. His vision still blurred by sleep as he saw the familiar sight of his friend nearby. Normally he would be happy to see his friend however, now the other cub was virtually peering over him. To the now miniature boy, Gavin looked like a giant though in actuality he was the small one.

"What happened to you...?" The bigger cub's curiosity was getting the better of him.

A series of squeaks followed but everything Chester said remained unheard by the other boy. "How should I know!?"

Gavin scratched his head as he tried to make out the incomprehensible sounds.

"What? I can't understand you?" Each time the hybrid spoke, the other boy's body trembled from the vibrations of the sound.

The squirrel pushed himself backward on the bed in an effort to distance himself a bit. "Oh...nothing never mind."

"What?" With each movement made by the other boy, Gavin moved closer, trying to hear him a little better.

Within a second or two their faces were right next to each other. Each time that Gavin breathed a rush of hot air rushed to the side of the smaller cub. To the squirrel, it was like being in a windstorm. Chester was happy that his friend wasn't slobbering today or he might need to take a shower. When he finally tried to stand up, the rodent found he was now barely tall enough to look over the tip of the other cub's wet nose.

"Gee your small now...what do I do with you? We should get you back to normal but I wanna have some fun first...?" The cub whispered feeling that it would help alleviate the other's situation a little.

Even whispering was forceful for the little squirrel. His fur ruffled and pressed back on his skin. Chester had to grasp the other's snout as hard as he could. He felt his footing lift as the other cub spoke and relax once the statement was finished. The tension in his body was paramount even when the ordeal was over. All he wanted now was to get back to normal and sooner rather than later. But hearing "fun" made him a little worried about what Gavin had in mind for him.

The hybrid boy laid himself down so that he was mostly flat on the mattress. His smooth furred tail wagged slowly behind in anticipation. The bigger cub sniffed twice, each time he did so the small critter before he lost some traction and was pulled in closer to the other cub's nose. After the second inhaled, Chester found himself square against the wet nose of the other boy. Gavin giggled a bit which caused a little bit of air to escape from his mouth forcing the tiny squirrel on his back as the air rushed past him.

Gavin sat upright and looked below him, not really feeling at all bad about the situation. It took a few seconds before the tiny cub stood up once again. Once he did, the bigger boy reached down with his right paw and rested it to the side of him. As Chester was trying to back up, his rear motion ended up squaring himself right against the folded fingers of the other cub. Gavin relaxed his paw a bit and held it open, half expecting for the other cub to walk right into it

Surprisingly Chester did just that. Step by step he entered right into the open palm. Slowly he picked up his hand, feeling completely in control of the situation. A smirk began to creep across Gavin's face as an idea popped into his head. He laid down so that he was now flat on the bed, his entire form on the mattress in an attempt to get relaxed again. The moonlight from above peered down on his form.

He was still wearing his usual pajamas a plaid oversized t-shirt and full leg length pants that dropped a little onto his feet. Gavin lifted his paw and guided it so that it was directly over his crotch. Before long he tilted his hand so that the tiny boy fell right on top of him. Chester found himself crashing down into a soft landing before rolling and coming to a stop. When he finally did, he found that he was resting right against the bulge of the other cub.

This sudden touch, even if not intentional, made Gavin's loins tingle and his eyes begin to twinkle a bit in desire. Gavin cupped his hand a bit and moved it ever closer to his crotch. Chester felt himself being eased in. Once the big hybrid boy was close enough to touch himself, very little light filtered below making the area where Chester was hiding a little darker. Each time that the squirrel took a breath, the smell grew increasingly strange to him.

The aroma was something he had not encountered before. Little did he know that it was the musk of the other boy, which while it was light was still enough to be noticeable. Gavin tightened his grip a little bit which caused the tiny boy to push against his bits ever so slightly. The smell became much stronger now as Chester's face was pushed squarely against the already hardening member. Already Gavin was lightly stroking himself and getting quite worked up while doing it.

Gavin had pleasured himself in the past but this was like nothing he had ever experienced before. The added warmth and touch from the tiny cub at his balls was sending him into overdrive. Within seconds he was already leaking from the tip, so he squeezed a bit harder and rubbed even more intensely. It took only a few moments before he was splurging all over himself. When he finally did, Gavin let out an intense sigh of relief.

Chester soon found himself doused in the warm white liquid. It wasn't enough to completely cover his body but it still left him a sticky mess. When Gavin removed his grip, the tiny cub pushed himself away from the crotch. The faint scent of musk became less prevalent and the squirrel flicked his arms trying to get the goo off. The hybrid cub relaxed by laying back a bit, his vision growing blurry and feeling overly tired once again.

Gavin woke up soon after, his head sweating for no apparent reason. Looking down, he saw that the sheets were still on his form. Below he saw a visible wet spot, down there. It was apparent he had a wet dream. He couldn't help but wonder; Was this something he wanted? He lifted the sheets and sure enough, his pajama pants were wet. He got up from the bed and into the bathroom to wet some toilet paper in an effort to clean himself.

Upon returning to the bed, Gavin began to ponder to himself. Once again he was restless and his mind was racing. He couldn't believe that he had that dream. A sense of confusion began to dawn on him, wondering what it could mean. It took him quite some time before he was able to go back to sleep once again. The dream slipping out of his mind and into obscurity as time went on.