Jenna love the wolfdog - Balto

Story by Rollriver on SoFurry

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#1 of Balto and Jenna

A story about Nome's hero, Balto, and his Husky friend, Jenna, and their love story.

_This is a story about how it happened after the first movie. And how Balto and Jenna return to the same place under the hospital, with the northern lights and their romantic moments and love time. _

This story contains sex, so do not read if you do not want to.

After Balto returned to Nome, with medication and the whole club, all the children in the village got well again, especially Rosy, Jenna's human friend. Rosy hugged and thanked Balto for managing to save her and the other children's deaths. For had he not done so, and even given Steele a lesson for his negative and selfish evil intent, then it would have ended badly. Jenna, the female husky, with red and creamy white fur, and her amber eyes, and wore an orange bandana around her neck, found that she likes the grey male wolf dog. Admittedly, he is expelled from different directions with wolves and dogs, but otherwise he is different for Jenna, and she really feels sorry for him. But all people thanks for the Nome-hero, and right now Jenna and Balto are always together every single day, and they were both so in love.

One day, so are Jenna out and went on the street at night time and looks a little secret. She went to the stranded boat, where Balto lived. She stopped outside and sat down and shouted at him.

"Hello ?! Balto ?! It's just me, Jenna !?" despite her cry, Balto woke up, but before he went to check out who was here, he saw that both the Goose, Boris and two polar bears were sleeping peacefully. Balto was gullible and never wanted to wake his comrades at night. He left the pilot's cabin and then looked for who was shouting. He looked down, and saw that was Jenna, she smiled and waited for him faithfully.

"Oh Jenna! It is you as yelled?" Balto said. But Jenna giggle over his question.

"Course i did, you silly wolf!" said Jenna with hers' low laughed a little.

Balto, on the other hand, is a bit of a mixed breed wolfhound, with big paws, but has hearts of gold, and his red eyes stared at her and felt she wanted to tell him something. He jumped off the boat, landed in front of Jenna, face to face and they smiled at each other in love.

"What is it about, my dear?" Balto asked curiously. Jenna did not know what to say, but she said.

"I thought that we would spend time together, and go to the same place, where you showed me the Northern Light. Should we go, Balto?" her words were calm and kind, and Balto feels a little nervous first, but he has a promise for his mate on this night. Balto smiled and nodded his head to Jenna, and then they both left from the boat and go to Nome. When they came to boiler room's door, Balto opened the door, then stretched his big paw up and said.

"The lady first." Jenna smiled and waved her tail under his chin when she first went in, Balto feels a little embarrassed about Jenna's way to thank him. Balto also saw a lantern hanging outside the boiler room, which was still lit, grabbed holders in his mouth and then he went in and closed the door behind him.

The wolf dog went over to a crawl area and Jenna quickly rushed after him. Balto brushed away some of the cobwebs and everything else along the way with his tail, while Jenna faithfully followed. It came to the place, and he fixed all the broken bottles and then put the lantern behind them, then they lit up the northern lights on a nearby wall. They both looked on northern light and felt so lovely moment.

"It's a beautiful one from the first time. Or how about Jenna?" asked Balto, Jenna looking at the Northern Lights, feeling she wanted to say something to him.

"Balto?" she asked. Balto listen.

"Yes, Jenna?" Jenna swallowed a little calmly but finally said.

"I know a little about you from the very beginning, when you handed over Rosy's hat, but after a while I realized that you're someone I've never met, before Rosy and I came here to the village. You're not the bad wolfdog like Steele: But you're different to me. " Jenna said, and Balto now understands what she's trying to say to him.

"So you mean i'm good? And that I am not like?" Jenna nodded at his question.

"Even though I heard a lie from Steele, I still knew you were alive, and you managed to do the impossible tasks, for me, Rosy and all the other children's guilt. You have hearts of gold in you, Balto. You are mine brave hero." when Jenna said it clearly, Balto took hers' word in his heart.

"Hey, Jenna? I know a little about you, me too. When I looked at you for first time at the sled-dogs race, I always thought you're too cute and pretty loving husky. And I have no evil intention of wanting to hurt you or Rosy. I just wanted to be kind and friendly to you all in Nome. " Balto said.Jenna smiled and gave him a cuddle with his head against his chest.

"I understood that, Balto. You're so kind and friendly. And so wonderful too, my handsome male." Jenna said, and cuddled him for a little while until she pulled back to look at Balto.

They both looked at each other and then without a word, they both approached with their mouths open, then locked their lips together and kissed. Their eyes were closed by the kiss, they both kissed nicely until Balto pulled her lips away from hers and grinned a little at Jenna.

"And you're my special girl, who's never teased or done stupid things to me, Jenna. You're caring and the most beautiful husky in Alaska." Balto said. Jenna agreed with him that she has never shown signs of bad or cruel ways. Jenna thought for a moment, then she smiled with a little half-closed eyes and probably a little pretentious naughty in the eyes, and then she laid with her front paws on Balto and pressed him down on his back on the ground, she stood above him and met his face, then she said.

"Well, then it's time for me to show how teasing I am to you." said Jenna with her sarcastic words and she pretends to be naughty towards Balto, and knows that it was just for fun, but also a little more than just fun. She start to give him a lick on his nose with her tongue, she continues just below his chin, further down her throat, hairy breasts, and stomach. Balto realized that what Jenna was doing was just calm and pleasers, but at the same time he gets a little relaxed about her licking on his body.

Until she licks his ball sack and makes him jerk a little at the feeling. He is so excited that his red organ began to rise from the mantle. When Jenna noticed what it is, and she stopped licking and looked at his cock that hangs a few inches out and she licked with her tongue around her mouth and nose and thought.

"He's so big this wolf dog." She put her head above his cock, she looked at Balto and he nodded and gave her approval. Jenna's head lowered and sobbed and then licked it, making Balto moan a little, but then Jenna took Balto's cock in her mouth and pulled it up and down, sucking his cock with a little slow speed, which makes Balto feel that he is in the kingdom of heaven. Jenna speeding little more and held the blowjob on Baltos cock. Jenna held on for a while, until she stopped sucking and withdrew, letting Balto get up again.

At that moment, they kissed again and hugged each other. Their mouths was closed together, their tongues wrestled and tied a little, while their paws caressed each other's bodies at the good times right now. Balto's instinct of the wolf took over his mind, and he grabbed Jenna's Bandana with his mouth and pulled it over her head, then laid it aside, she feels naked without it on her neck, but she did not care, she just continued and enjoyed as much as possible. Jenna's narrow front paws held his strong neck, while Balto's big paws pulled up and down her back so softly and smoothly. Until she lay on the ground and he over her and they continued to kiss.

Until they released their mouths apart and with their saliva in a little dash and pulled loose and they pick up their breath. Balto started licking her chin and made her moan softly with joy, then on her creamy white breasts, when he got to her belly, he licked her nipples and sucked a little on it, while Jenna moaned with excitement. When all the nipples pointed up, then he grabbed her hind legs, pulled her butt up at the top towards Baltos head, wrapped around her narrow body with his large front legs and grabbed her belly.

Jenna's back was pressed against his muscular breasts, and her narrow legs dangled in the air. Jennas head was lying on the ground and did not find it at all uncomfortable in any way, but she could feel Balto's cock pressed against her neck a little, but Jenna let her Forepaws rested on his hind legs a bit, while Balto staring at her pussy, began licking lightly on her vulva with his tongue.

"Ah! Right there Balto! Go on!" Jenna moaned and looked up at her friend between her legs, with her half-closed eyes and smile. Balto also looks at Jenna a bit, and knows she likes it. He licked her sanctity for a while until he felt they were ready for action. He stopped licking and laid her butt gently on the ground, and also saw how her liquid is wet on her pussy. Now Balto stood above Jenna and placed his front paws just above her shoulders, he prepared the ultimate love.

"This is my first time, Jenna." Balto said, and he looked at her beautiful face. Jenna breathed calmly but looked at Balto and said.

"It's also my first with you, Balto. Give me your big cock in me, my sweetheart." says Jenna with her seductive tone and Balto started to take his rock hard organ that hung under his stomach and tries to find her entrance and when his cock came her pussy, he pushes it through her outer lips. He pushed in a little more with his cock, makes Jenna yawn to feel how big his cock is.

With his cock inside he stood still and with his hind legs slightly extended, then he began to move. Balto grunts in both frustration and pleasure, because Jenna's pussy is so tight, but he puts in and out and fucks her pussy with all his strength he has. Jenna, who is under him, kept her front paws on her shoulders every time he fucked her.

"How does it feel, Jenna?" Balto gasped as he moved. Jenna's eyes were closed, but she could still tell her friend.

"Oh, my! It feels great! Go harder, Balto! Come on, go harder!" moaned Jenna. Balto looks down at Jenna with her half-closed eyes.

"Do not worry, my beautiful! You will get it from me!" Balto gasped and took everything he could. They were both fucked and moaned by their happiness.

"I like your cock! It massages inside me, Balto!" moaned Jenna, and Balto smiled at her pleasure.

It continues with more speed for Balto and his balls hit her ass with each stroke. Balto paused for a moment, to extend her hind legs a little more, then continued to push even deeper into her uterus. Jenna bounced under him and her hairy breasts rise and fall when she feels the hectic massage if the Baltos organ binds inward.

"That's right !! Deeper !! Go deeper, Balto !! Aaah !! Oooaaahh !!!" Jenna whined and with her tongue outside her mouth.

Balto's eyes were tightly closed and gnashing his teeth above in a smile. Jenna whined and moaned a little louder, until his knot came out of his sheath. And right now he's trying to get that knot to come through her opening.

"I don't know if it suits you, Jen?" Balto asked panting.

"Oooh, Balto !! I know you can handle it !! Push it in !! Give me your knot inside me !!!" with her wish, Balto took in everything he can, forcing his knot to come through, until, plop! came his knot through her opening. Jenna gasped at just that and feels the happiness of the young adult husky female. Balto grunts even as he tries to release his cum load.

"Jenna, hold on !! I'm coming !!" he shouted and increased even faster, Jenna whined much louder and his hips pumped on, until he finally shot his cum inside her uterus. His hips stopped reluctantly, the big cock squirted a little more before Jenna's body. They both moaned and shook from challenge next, Balto lay softly on Jenna's body and took a breath. Jenna opened her eyes and looked at Balto and smiled at her friend, cuddled on her back with her front paws for a while and they rested for the moment. After about 20 minutes they both came apart, his cock hung outside, but the knot went back to the mantle a bit, but she feels for another round. Jenna turned to look at Balto, with her amber eyes gleaming with more love and said in seductive words.

"Balto, my hero. Shall we not take another round?" Balto looked at her and nodded.

"Of course my beauty. This is just the beginning for the two of us, alone at night, Jenna. You will have a new experience of me." says Balto. Jenna stood on the position on four legs. Then she moved her tail away and presented her vulva.

"Come and get me, my wonderful wolf-dog." says Jenna, Balto went up to the back, leaned her head against her vulva first, started licking her vulva again and made her moan.

"Your tongue so incredibly beautiful, Balto?" moaned Jenna and Balto continues, and working with licking on her pussy, he licked around her clit and she definitely enjoyed the touch of Balto's hot licking on her vulva. Balto did not last long, but wanted to assure that she enjoys the pleasure a little, nurture every lick from the tongue. Right now she was ready for him. When he has licked and sucked completely, she kept her tail to the left even more and gave him full access. And carefully Balto put a big paw on Jenna's back and stood up on her hind legs to mount her. He wrapped his big paws and front legs around her hips and lowered himself a little on her. He was preparing for a new mating with his future mate.

Balto teased her pussy a bit with his cock and pulled back and forth and massaged.

"Oh good lord! Come on, Balto! Put your cock in me!" Jenna moaned. Balto did as she asked, brought his cock towards her entrance, he shoots his cock through her vulva and pressed in a little more. Jenna gasped, she felt a strong energy course inside her. With Balto's organ now inside her, she closed her eyes.

"That's good, Balto! Go on, my big-strong wolf-dog!" moaned Jenna and enjoyed the wonderful pleasure.

"You're not just a little narrow husky, Jenna! Yours is so tight!" panting Balto, who also keeps his eyes closed and concentrates.

He pulled out his cock before for her vaginal canal and then inserted it again. He repeated the same process for a while. He felt great pleasure as he continued to mate Jenna. He then kissed and licked Jenna's head, while shooting gently at slow speed.

"Does it feel uncomfortable, Jen?" Balto asked, Jenna moaned softly.

"No then, Balto. Just keep fucking me, honey." moaned Jenna. Balto began to move, holding her hips with his front paws and mating her with a little more speed first, but then he got more power for his body, Jenna's narrow hind legs opened a little wider, she tilted her head back to feel more joy, her nose pointed up. She wanted so much more from her handsome lover.

"Balto ... oh .... your .. oh ... so big !! Aah !!" moaned Jenna, Balto pumped with his cock in her pussy, her cervical walls stretched even more, every time he pushed in and out, in and out.

"That ... so ... good !! Oh god !! Taking me ... more, Balto !!" whined Jenna, because she can never get enough of this experience than ever.

"Aaargh! Jenna !! It's amazing !!" Balto grunts. He continued to mate his female husky and shot quickly and hard during the process and his light bulb expands out of the mantle again, but he continues to mate. Their bodies are sweating from their violent sexual movement, he rides deeper on her bottom with more speed. He bent down over her, rubbed her body and licked her ear.

"Oooh, Balto !! Ah ... never stop! Fuck me even harder !! Aargh ... ooh !!!" Jenna whines loudly, and they are mated with their efforts and a little violently as they lasted for a very long time.

Balto's body slid deeper and deeper into her vulva and his cock got bigger and harder, his light bulb was just outside her vulva, but then Taku slowly began to lower his violent force. Jenna knew what to do next and prepared with a powerful traction, plop! came his knot through her opening.

"It's inside now, Balto !!!!" whined Jenna, captivated by longing. Balto felt that his orgasm was coming.

"Now Jenna !! Now I bring you more cum !!" gasped Balto who hurried and finally he ejaculated, filled Jenna's womb with her hot semen, and all the juice ran past his knot and then out of her pussy and let it drip down to the ground. With his cock stuck in her pussy, he went to the side and lifted a hind leg over her and stood behind Jenna. Now the two couples stand back to back, and they both gasp, sweating from their glorious mating they did and they struggled to catch their breath. Jenna looked behind him and was almost tired. She smiled at her friend and feels that this was the best night she and Balto did together. They both knew they were in love with each other so much.

"How do you feel, my beloved?" panting Jenna. Balto looks behind Jenna and her worried face. But he smiles at her.

"It feels good. I'm just a little tired, Jenna, that's all." panted Balto. And they stood for a while.

After 20 minutes, they have come apart. Jenna saw his cock pull into the mantle, and then they licked clean between their legs after mating. When they were done, Jenna collapsed on the ground, Balto approached her and lay down next to her and they crushed each other for love.

"Do you know a thing, Balto?" Jenna asked her friend.

"About what, Jenna?" Balto listened carefully to what she was trying to say to her wolf dog.

"You're so sweet and nice, Balto." what it all she said, and Balto cuddled on her head and said.

"And you're so beauty, Jenna." Balto sighed and was relaxed and breathing smoothly and they nuzzle a while. Later, the two couples slept for the rest of the night, the two couples dream of a nice dream of family life with their happy puppies. While the lantern and glass bottles glisten out the northern lights so beautiful.