A Cushy Expedition | Chapter 2 [Archives]

Story by Horatio Husky on SoFurry

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#2 of A Cushy Expedition [Archives]

DISCLAIMER: All characters in this story are consenting adults, this story is rated 18+. What is the 'From the Archives' series?

Not all of the stories that I write end up getting finished or fully funded. I have several projects that I started and will most likely never return to, as others have caught my attention. I have recently decided to start releasing some of my unfinished content with the understanding that the story you are about to read will most likely not be finished. This allows my viewers to see some of the behind the scenes work I do while also allowing me to move on from these closed projects onto more exciting ones. :)

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A red panda finds herself meeting people and coming to terms with part of her identity she previously had no opportunity to express.Contains: Diapers, Fantasy, NSFW, Wetting, Messing, ABDL, Babying,Rating: General Audiences

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Commission for: Luci

Thumbnail art by: trashpandalucas

Cover design and story by: HoratioHusky

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If you are interested in commissioning a story from me, click here for information.

Make sure to follow me on Twitter for updates and previews of my writing!

Chapter II: Where one who is pink, purple, and blue, finds their dreams come true.

Breyer's gaze looked past the mirror as she looked at herself in it, brushing her teeth next to Star, was a little hazy as her mind hashed over what she had just seen, what it must have meant. The husky's gaze was drawn to the heart in the middle of her brow, and a pang of sadness and empathy ran through her, as she thought of the red panda's own heart-shaped mark on her cheek. Up, down, sideways, inside, outside her toothbrush went, following the same pattern that Jade had lovingly thought her when she had first entered under her care. Breyer remember how she'd ended up at Jade's house, those several years ago. She had finally escaped her parent's abuse but found herself completely open and exposed in the world. A teenager, she knew the likelihood of adoption was slim, and had already adjusted her mindset at beginning a parentless life, just wanting to be free of the biological ones who had no business having any children in the first place. That was until she found herself browsing through "Adopt-A-Bab" and had decided to post about her situation, in more of a cathartic rant than an actual plea for adoption. That was why she couldn't believe her luck when Jade had messaged her, telling her she found her story touching, and that she herself was suffering from the inability to have children. Reassuring her that her babish tendencies, wants, and needs were completely acceptable, the kindly pyrenees had asked if she would be willing to give living with her a try. After a few weeks of correspondence, Breyer realized that her happiest moments were when talking to Jade and expressing her true feelings about wishing to be little, so she eventually accepted the offer.

It took a few months before Jade was approved as an appropriate adoptive parent, but working together with Breyer the pink, purple, and blue hued husky soon found herself on the front doorstep of the same house where Amber had just arrived, a scrawny 17 year old excited to have actually found a person who seemed to care about her well being. Breyer's heart skipped a beat as Jade opened the front door and immediately enveloped the canine and in a warm, motherly embrace. Breyer had gasped, and then soon found herself hugging back ferociously, tears welling up in her eyes as her heart felt as if it might shatter with joy and relief at the attention she was receiving. Jade's own heart felt a pang as she noticed the husky was crying, apparently with relief. She spoke softly to the husky and ushered her inside, placing her on her couch, whipping up a mug of hot cocoa and sitting next to her while covering her with a blanket. The husky spent the next few hours bawling and talking about her past, the tears and feelings pouring out of her like a waterfall, relief and comfort filling her as they cascaded out of herself. Jade understood how Breyer felt, and kept up the reassurance and hugs throughout the entire ordeal. At last Breyer had exhausted herself, and looked up gratefully at the pyrenees for listening to all she had to say.

Jade smiled, and asked if she would like to lay down for a bit. Breyer had confirmed that this indeed was what she thought she should do. Jade had smiled warmly, and led the husky up to her new bedroom. Opening it up she was overwhelmed with the nursery that had greeted her, just as she had described her own dream to Jade on the site weeks before. A pink crib with giant fluffy pillows, a heavy looking blanket, and various stuffed animals stood proudly in the corner, the bars almost reaching up the ceiling, preventing any sort of escape without interference from the outside. A large changing table stocked with diapers, baby wipes, diaper covers, baby powder, and diaper cream stood at the wall of the room, even equipped with a few light straps to keep the subject from squirming too much. A fluffy, circular pink carpet sprawled across the center of the room, and a cuddly looking rocking chair stood next to a balcony window, pillows and cushions covering it, looking like the perfect place to read a book while rain pitter pattered against the window adjacent to the soft coverings. Breyer had gasped, and looked to Jade with more tears welling in her eyes. Jade only smiled back cheekily, as if to say, "Aren't we a little spoiled brat hmm? All this for you!"

As Breyer brushed her teeth she smiled absentmindedly to herself, as she recalled how Jade had taken charge then, and with a maternal firmness had walked over to the changing table and padded it cheerfully, stating, "Come on then pup! Let's get you diapered for bed so we don't have any accidents!" She had blushed but complied, and shivered with excitement and apprehension as Jade helped her out of her clothes. Noticing this reaction, Jade had been swift to withdraw a pacifier from her pocket and pop into the surprised muzzle of the husky, who then gratefully began to suckle on it, derving calm from it as she was stripped of her clothes. Still a little bashful at being stark naked in front of the pyrenees, Breyer allowed herself to be helped up onto the changing table and to have a two inch strap secured across her tummy. Jade expertly applied some cream into her fur and asked her to raise her bottom for her, Breyer blushed pure crimson at all of this, but complied as Jade slid a light blue, night time diaper under her furry bottom. Feeling the softness and comfort of the material against her backside, she shivered with giddiness as Jade applied a generous helping of baby powder on her diaper area. Pulling the front of the padding upwards, Jade snuggly fastened the tapes and scratched Breyer on the belly, commenting on what a good girl she was during the diapering. This did little to lessen the red coloration on her cheeks as the husky couldn't help but smile back at the kind canine, feeling like the luckiest girl in the world.

Undoing the strap on the changing table, Jade helped the husky off and strode over to a closet at the other end of the room, opening the door she leaned inside and withdrew holding a pink onesie with a cat-eared hood on a hanger, and once more raised an eyebrow at the husky. "Does my little baby feel like sleeping in this?" Breyer's heart fluttered as she nodded shyly, her hands clasped in front of her as Jade strode over and began to help her into the sleeper, which to her delight zipped up at the back, causing her to feel just a tad bit more helpless. Jade took a step back, holding Breyer by the sides of her arms and admired her handiwork, smiling, she drew Breyer in for a hug, and whispered in her ear sweetly about how incredibly cute she looked. Breyer sniffed, feeling the tears wanting to come back again, and hugged back, whispering a,"Fank you," through her pacifier. Jade withdrew, and padded over to the crib which after unhitching a latch she lowered the bars, and offered Breyer to climb in. She obliged, crawling onto the cushions and allowing Jade to cover her with the heavy blanket. Raising the bars up again and hitching the latch, Jade whispered a,"Sweet dreams princess," before leaving towards the door, switching off the lights, and gently closing the door, leaving the husky to sleepily close her eyes and clutch a friendly looking fox plushie close to her chest. For the first time since Breyer could remember, she felt safe, comfortable, and loved.

"Are you trying to brush off every bacteria in your mouth?" a voice asked her, forcing her out of her revery. Breyer glanced at Star who wore a coy expression as she moved her own toothbrush inside and out of her maw. Realizing from how tightly she was clutching her own toothbrush, Breyer relaxed his grip and resumed cleaning her teeth, this time with less forcefulness. "Sowwy, hehe" she replied, the brush in her mouth hindering her speech slightly. Star giggled, and poked the husky in the cheek, "You're still thinking about what happened to you before you got here huh? Mommy told you that you shouldn't dwell on such things." "I know I know, but sometimes I can't help it." she replied, removing her toothbrush and spitting, before gargling with some water and spitting that out too. Wiping her maw on a towel she padded past the Lynx and back down the stairs. As she heard the voices of the two she sat down halfway down the stairs on her padded behind and leaned her head on her arms, resting her arms on her crouched knees. The red panda sounded slightly uncomfortable as she spoke with Jade, Breyer noting that Jade was putting extra effort into sounding smooth and reassuring, just like she did to her when she first arrived, half terrified of everything, still stuck in her past abuses. "I know exactly how you feel, Amber. I really want you to have this." Breyer thought to herself, a tear welling up in his right eye. Jade had done so much for Breyer. She stayed up with her when she had a stomach ache, put up with endless changes and baths for when her digestive system became uppity, probably due to her own weak mental health. Jade had sung songs, cooked her her favorite meals, and bought her all the entertainment she had wished for. She'd done everything to alleviate the pain that Breyer had felt, and she'd done a great job.

Her tear of sadness shifted into one of gratitude, as she realized just how much she loved the pyrenees. She wanted to share this care and love with Amber, but knew it would be difficult for her. After all, Breyer was a nobody. Just some older kid that nobody really wanted, not somebody with any particular skill, other than above average academic progress. But Amber was at the top of her career, and if on top of that she was a babyfur at heart? That's a kind of stress not even the adventures and expeditions of an explorer could prepare you for. In the jungle you fight against nature and come out stronger, but fighting against your own nature doesn't guarantee becoming stronger, the husky knew this.

Breyer blushed slightly, and realized she had to pee. After almost a year living with Jade she still sometimes found this situation a little embarrassing, Star too she knew had struggled with this, but Star also was stronger than she. Star came from a military background, and was good at what she did too. True she had struggled and even fought at times this aspect of her, but Star's resolution was firm, and once she had become comfortable with this part of her she embraced with a vigor that Breyer admired. Star always complimented Breyer on how the teenager was more considerate of others, kinder than others, and more perceptive of how other people felt and thought. "You're a husky with a third eye that can read other peoples minds!" Star would say in a ghostly voice, raising her arms and wiggling her fingers like a ghost trying to haunt a greedy banker. Breyer would snicker back, and usually throw a stuffed animal or two at the cheeky lynx.

The two had hit it off immediately, having met when they both were still getting used to accepting this part of themselves Jade had watched the two mature, in the most ironic sense of the word, into adult babyfurs and allow themselves to enjoy what they really enjoyed. Star always felt like a little sister to Breyer, even though when the two spoke like adults the husky looked up and admired the lynx for her fortitude. Perhaps it was because Breyer was never able to regress as well as Star was, so Star's littlespace always superseded hers. Jade had worked tirelessly on Breyer, to get her to enjoy more and more aspects of being treated like a baby, but Breyer had a habit of clamming up at these times, which Jade would never push past, but always just hugged her and told her that she loved her. The husky took a deep breath, and allowed herself to relax. A slow stream turned into a steady one, and the adult pup wet her padding. Although still slightly embarrassed, she loved the warmth and pressure the thick padding provided after using it. Feeling better, she returned her attention to listening to the conversation between the red panda and the pyrenees. Hearing sips and the clinking of cups Breyer was happy to understand that Amber must have accepted Jade's warm hospitality and taken part in the tea that was being given her. Breyer wondered if Jade had slipped anything in Amber's tea, but then dismissed the thought. Jade had perfected the art of slowly integrating her subjects into the babying process, she had never jumped the gun on Breyer, and she didn't expect her to do anything of the sort on Amber either.

"Oh Amber, everyone looks up to you but you've had to hide this part of yourself. I can't imagine what you must be going through right now..." Breyer stood up, and quietly walked back upstairs, her used padded inducing a slight waddle as she retreated into her nursery. Grabbing her favorite stuffed animal, another husky, but colored grey and white, she snuggled under her covers of her crib, the bars still lowered. She knew that Jade would come and check on her and properly tuck her in later, maybe even give her a change. This knowledge was one of the things that allowed the husky to relax. After so many years of neglect and depression, it wasn't the diapers, the clothing, the stuffed animals, toys, or even the infantile treatment that allowed Breyer to relax enough to sleep. It was the knowledge that Jade would come and care for her, treat her well, love her, that allowed the pink husky to sleep soundly at night.