My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E2

Story by MasterYubelMarik on SoFurry

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Ms. Hackney's class gets a rude awakening as both student and teacher square off against one another.

Battle of the Bulge

[At Melody's house...]

"Bye, mom," said Melody.

"Melody, dear, are you sure your school will allow you to wear that?" asked her mother.

"Mom, I can't cover up my belly any more than it is," said Melody.

"Then perhaps you need to lose those extra pounds and start eating right," said her mother.

"I'm happy with my weight, mom," said Melody.

"I'm not sure your teacher or I agree, dear, but you're late for school," said her mother. *Melody gets on the bus, which groans from the excess weight*

"Wow, Melody cool shirt," said Starlight.

"Thanks," said Melody. It's too small now though.

"I wonder how this will go over with Ms Hackney," pondered Sweetheart.

"She probably won't like it," said Bright Eyes. We'll soon find out though. [At school...]

"Good morning, ponies," said Hackney. I see we all have put on a few pounds and I think I know just the thing for that. Today's lecture is on proper diet and exercise. When both of these are performed properly, that is eating healthy foods and using equipment at the gym or your own at home if you have them. It is not a good idea to gain weight because it leaves you with less ability to do your favorite things and makes it harder to breathe. Not to mention your clothing doesn't fit as well as it used to and I can clearly see this from all of you. I take it you all have noticed that it's harder to get in and out of your desks or you'll find out when class ends today. I expect you all to lose that weight by the end of the week. Outside of class, it's up to you but inside class, I cannot allow this. *the clock strikes 3PM and the class slowly walks out* [Outside school...]

"We need to make Ms Hackney see our ways," said Bright Eyes.

"How?" asked Melody.

"Maybe we could put something in what she drinks or eats," said Bon Bon.

"Won't she notice it beforehand?" asked Starlight.

"We can mix it in," said Bright Eyes. [At Bright Eyes' house...] Just a bit more and we're done,

"Hopefully this will change Ms Hackney's mind," said Starlight. [The next day at school...]

"Sorry I'm a bit late, ponies," said Hackney panting. For some reason I feel much slower than usual. My body feels heavier and I don't know why. Now then, today we'll make sure you all lose those extra pounds day by day as I have brought in some exercise equipment. *the class groans* Now, this is for your own good and.....*she looks down* What has happened to me? I have been exercising daily so this can't be possible. Would any of you have anything to do with this?

"Yes, Ms Hackney," said the class.

"My goodness," said Hackney shocked. I cannot believe my own class would make me fat! My own normally well-behaved class of all things!

"We're sorry, Ms Hackney but we wanted you to feel how we feel," said Bright Eyes. The important thing is to accept us for who we are and if we're fat, then you just have to go with it.

"Maybe you ponies are right," said Hackney. I suppose if you all want to stay this way, then I shouldn't force you to lose weight. I should let you discover whether or not you want to lose weight on your own. I suppose I was a bit harsh yesterday in trying to make you all lose weight so I've cancelled that. *the class cheers* If I may ask, why did you all decide to gain weight?

"It's a bit hard to say, Ms Hackney," said Bright Eyes. I guess it was an experiment we chose to see for ourselves and as it turns out, we're friends more than ever before because of our weight. We still do what we would normally do without the weight, it just may be harder.

"I see," said Hackney. I suppose I'll have to have the desks expanded to fit you all more comfortably, though I think you'll all find it difficult to get through the door to here and to get inside the school.

"We know," said Melody. We understand all the things that are as a result of getting fatter. I know that our original counterparts across the river wouldn't accept us this way but they could also learn what we've all learned today.

"I'll do my best to accept you all for who you are and, of course, return to my regular body shape," said Hackney. *the ponies cheer* Even as a teacher, I can still learn something, even from my own students. We've learned much today and I think that was better than any lecture I could teach.

My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E1

It's a Fat World After All "Hi, I'm Bright Eyes," said Bright Eyes. Welcome to Pudgyville. You all know my friends Melody, Patch, Starlight, Clover, Sweetheart and Bon Bon, right? If not, let me...

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So it is Rewritten Episode 25

Whistle Worries \*At the Sweet Shop...\* "These look delicious. I can't decide what to get," said Triple Treat. "Why not all of them?"...

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So it is Rewritten Episode 24

Back in Time \*At Storybelle's Story Loft....\* "Hello there. You're just in time for a story. I just need to find my dragonfly Gossomer so we can get started. I wonder where he is. Gossomer?...

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