Her Brother's Innocence - The Family Secret

Story by Kalazee on SoFurry

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Her Brother's Innocence - The Family Secret

The summer morning sun shone bright and golden into the living room, despite the light rain that had begun to fall just moments ago. Somewhere, no doubt, a rainbow hung in the sky, but the two occupants upon whom the hazy amber light shone upon this morning were in no condition to notice it.

The room was wide and spacious, creamy pastel carpets and walls contrasting the warm brown earthy tones of the furniture. A pair of sofas accompanied by a single seat surrounded the large stone fireplace in which a few embers of last night's fire still faintly smouldered. Before the fireplace was a thick, furry rug, placed a comfortable distance from the hearth where flames of a wood fire often leapt, and it was upon this rug that Cassandra and her daughter lay in each other's arms.

The tigresses lay naked on the rug; their fur set aflame by the sunbeams that fell upon them. Cassandra lay on her back, one arm wrapped around the waist of her daughter Kali who lay beside her, her cheek against her mother's shoulder, her paw resting on Cassandra's stomach as the rest of her body pressed affectionately against her side. It was easy to see the shared blood between the two. Both women shared the same natural slim build, raven black hair and full, firm breasts, though an observer might assume that the pair were sisters before guessing that they were mother and daughter.

A stirring from Cassandra betrayed the fact that she had awoken, and soon her eyes fluttered open, her pretty blue eyes going at once to her daughter's sleeping face, a smile spreading across her face as she remembered the pleasures they'd shared in front of the fire the previous night. Cassandra did so love Kali; both in the way any mother loves her daughter and in the way a woman loves another woman. She admired her heart more than anything, the way her daughter could be so naturally sweet and kind yet so full of passion when inflamed. She was proud of them woman she'd watched her daughter turned into, and so thankful for the deep, loving relationship they'd developed... One that she hoped to soon share with her son.

A pang of nervousness made her heart flutter as she though of her son, thought of the things that she must reveal to him later today... But now wasn't the time to be worrying about such things, now was the time to take care of the beautiful 18-year-old woman that slept in her arms.

She almost hated to wake her, but she pressed her lips to the top of her daughter's head, brushing strands of black hair from her face.

"Kali dear, it's time to wake up..." She murmured as her daughter moved beneath her, laughing softly as her daughter frowned childishly, the way she always did when roused before she was ready.

Kali gave a soft mew, wrapping her arms more tightly around her mother, nuzzling against her shoulder sleepily.

"Mmm... Is it morning already?" she murmured, lifting one leg over her mother's waist to press her hips to hers. She was not nearly as tired as she made out she was, but she was reluctant to release the comfort that the feeling of her mother's soft body against hers brought her.

Cassandra received the same comfort from her daughter, and so allowed herself to be drawn into Kali's embrace, wrapping her arm around her daughter's shoulder as her paw ran through her hair. Finally though she would sit up slowly, gently unwrapping her daughter's arms and let her slide grumbling down against the rug. "I'm sorry sweetheart, but we've got a busy day today..."

The older woman got to her feet, linking her paws together and raising them high above her head in a back arching stretch as Kali snuggled into the warmth her body had left behind on the rug, still muttering sleepily. Soon though, after a few prods from her mother's foot, she managed to sit up on her knees, paws on her thighs as she stared blearily out of the window, noticing with a tingle of pleasure that a rainbow hung above the houses across from them. This brought a smile to her face... Obviously this was a sign of good luck for the day! She resisted the urge to point to it as she informed her mother of her discovery.

Cassandra turned briefly with a smile as she made her way into the kitchen, calling out as her paws padded across the polished hardwood. "That's wonderful dear, make a wish for me won't you? And would you like some breakfast?"

She made her way to the refrigerator, frowning as she searched for the orange juice... Every time the kids had any they'd put it back in a different place, to her extreme annoyance...

She was surprised to feel a pair of arms slide around her waist, the soft pressure of her daughter's body against her back as she embraced her mother followed by the moistness of her lips upon the side of her neck.

Kali giggled softly, letting her paws run up and down her mother's stomach, her belly pressing against her rump, her breasts pressing against her back. She let her kisses inch their way upwards on her mother's neck until she reached her ear, nibbling teasingly at it before she began to whisper to her secret lover...

"Thank you so much for last night mom... It's been so long..."

Cassandra smiled... It certainly had been a long time since she'd had the chance to make love to her daughter, far too long. She took Kali's paws in hers and gently extracted herself from her embrace, turning to face her, squeezing her paws affectionately. She leaned forward to place a tiny kiss on her daughter's lips, smiling happily. "Yes, it was wonderful honey..." She said, looking into Kali's eyes with a smile.

Kali simply stood and stared back, enjoying that buzzy little high she always got from moments of intimacy like this. Then, without a word shared between then and yet in perfect unison, the two women leaned towards each other, their eyes closing and their lips parting, meeting one another with the slow, sensual kiss of lovers, soft moans from each of the beautiful tigresses indicating their pleasure.

Then, Kali broke the kiss, flashing Cassandra a cheeky smile.

"I'm gonna like, grab a shower, 'kay mom?" She shouted as she skipped out of the kitchen.

Cassandra just smiled, turning back to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of milk from the shelf in the door... She was always amazed by how fast Kali's mood changed, going from passionate kisses to running about the house like a lunatic in a heartbeat. Her smile only grew as she heard the rhythmic thud of her daughter ascended the staircase, accompanied by a muffled cry.

"I want eggs!"

Cassandra giggled... And reached for the eggbox.

Reli grunted, his athletic, toned body covered in sweat as his hips thrust back and forth, plunging his throbbing member deep into the tailhole of his best friend, Caro. The horse beneath him groaned and shuddered on his hands and knees, his seven-inch horsecock bouncing as the force of Reli's thrusts rocked him.

"Well, guess this means we're not feeling awkward eh?" he said.

Reli turned with a grin to where his cousin Pargi, an extremely well built white tiger, lay panting beside them, his cock half erect against his rock hard abs. Reli could still taste the cum that his cousin had pumped into his mouth minutes ago, could clearly remember the cry of pleasure he'd given as he'd loosed his seed inside his mouth.

"Yeah, well," he replied, "I gotta admit this is a lot of fun, I could get used to this."

"Yeah, just a... little fun...." Caro gasped, his eyes closed tightly, little rivulets of sweat running down his arched back. "No harm in... A little fun!"

Reli groaned as the pleasure built and built, picking up the speed of his thrusting, pre leaking from his thick cock and into his equine friend... He knew he wouldn't last much longer now. He felt Caro shudder beneath him, felt the horse's ass squeeze tightly around him as Caro came hard, painting Pargi's bedsheets white with his seed.

Reli groaned with him, barely able to remove his throbbing dick from the tight embrace of his friend's ass before he came with a shudder, spurting thick globs of cum over Caro's almost femininely curved back, his hips bucking slightly with every spurt that came from him.

Caro collapsed face down on the bed, his stomach in the pool of cum that he himself had made moments before, gasping for breath. "Damn... I think I like being on the bottom even more than being on top..."

Reli grinned, sitting back, his chest rising and falling deeply as he too fought for breath, his penis slowly softening, leaking spent cum as it did so.

"Yeah, I could tell" Pargi called, grinning widely. "The way you were grunting and groaning I thought you'd cum in a fuckin' second."

Reli laughed, turning to his cousin. "You can talk man, you came in like a minute! And I thought you were supposed to be the experienced one!"

Pargi just grinned, lying back against his pillows.

"Yeah well, what can I say, I don't have to last a fuckin' hour every ti-"

"Morning boys! I just wanted to know if you wanted any... Oh my."

In the doorway stood the diminutive frame of Ellouise, Reli's aunt and Pargi's mother. She was frozen, her paws clasped to her breast and her mouth hanging open in the classic expression of shock as she took in the scene before her. She was dressed only in a small white bathrobe wrapped tightly around her small, pudgy body, a pair of fuzzy slippers on her feet. The only source of movement was that of her eyes as they darted from body to body, taking in their nakedness, their semi-erect penises, the cum cooling upon Caro's back...

Reli gulped... Now they were in trouble.

"Aunt Elly, I... erm... I mean we... We were just... This isn't what it err..." he stammered awkwardly before trailing off into silence, realising that if there was anyone in the world that could make this scene seem like some amazing misunderstanding, then that person certainly wasn't in this room.

Ellouise's paws slowly dropped to her sides, her face carefully blank. Her lips moved for a few seconds without sound, as if testing the words before they were released from her mouth.

Finally she spoke.

"Well... Boys... This is just... Just so..."

Reli flattened his ears, eyes dropping to the ground, bracing himself for the words to follow...

Disgusting? Immoral? Repulsive?

"...so damn cute!"

Reli's head snapped up, his eyed wide. "W.. What?" he stammered, unable to believe what he'd just heard!

Ellouise's face seemed to melt into a smile, and she giggled girlishly, leaning against the doorframe with her arms folded beneath her breasts.

"Oh my... I am SO glad you boys managed to get this out of your system." She said, her eyes wandering over the three naked males before her once again. "Well, when you boys have gotten cleaned up and everything, come downstairs and I'll make you some breakfast, alright?"

She smiled, stepping backwards into the hallway, one paw on the doorhandle.

"Oh and boys... If you want any female company..."

She leaned forwards a little with a wicked little smile, casually loosening her robe allow her generously sized breasts to bounce free before the eyes of the three stunned teenagers.

"...Just let me know."

With that, she winked to the boys, pulling the door shut, presumably heading for the kitchen to prepare the promised breakfast.

The three remained stock still for a moment, stunned beyond belief. Eventually they turned to each other, sharing a puzzled glance...

Then, in unison...

"What the hell?!"

Cassandra grunted with effort, sweat starting to stand out on her pretty face as she rubbed back and forth with all her strength...

"Oh... Sugar!" she swore genteelly, "It's not coming out... Why didn't you tell me about this?"

Kali sprawled on the sofa behind her, clothed in nothing save for a black babydoll shirt that hugged her slender form and a pair of white panties, watching amused as her mother scrubbed relentlessly on her hands and knees.

"Actually, it was you who knocked the wine over Mom." She said, trying her best not to giggle... After all, as sweet, kind and loving as her mother was, she had a temper that could melt steel. "Besides, I thought the carpet was stain resistant."

Cassandra straightened with a sigh, exasperatedly throwing the wet rag she'd been scrubbing with for the last 20 minutes down beside her. "It is stain resistant Kali, but you're still not supposed to leave it to soak in all night long!"

She ran her fingers through her hair, the motherly curve of her body jiggling gently beneath her shirt as she turned to look back at her daughter, finding herself unable to suppress a smile. She took a moment to study the young tigress... She was so beautiful with her gorgeous blue eyes, and her long dark hair, not to mention that slim figure and large, perky breasts. It made her proud to know she'd inherited those things from her. Cassandra herself still retained all of those traits, although if she was being honest with herself a little of the natural firmness of her body had been lost to motherhood.

She still had a body to be proud of though, her daughter had confirmed that for her last night.

"I'm glad you think this is so funny Kali..." She said with a grin, placing her paws on top of her thighs, her legs folded under her. "Perhaps, instead of watching and laughing as I slave away, you might like to give your Mother a little help, hrm?"

Kali giggled, going to her knees in front of her mother. She threw her arms around her shoulders and gave her a tight squeeze, feeling her mother embrace her too a moment later. "Aw, I'm sorry Mom... It doesn't look too bad anyway, I think you got most of it out." She pulled back a little, looking into her mother's eyes affectionately, giving her another, smaller squeeze. "Besides... It was worth it, wasn't it?" she asked, coquettishly batting her eyes.

Cassandra smiled warmly, closing her eyes as she let her lips meet her daughters, bestowing those soft lips with a slow kiss.

"Yes, it was more than worth it my dear... But lets try not to ruin the carpet every time we make love, alright?"

She giggled, her eyes glittering in response to the flirty stare of her daughter. She only smiled wider as she felt Kali's body shift, so that her daughter's breasts pressed sensually against her own, causing a shiver of excitement to run through her.

"Alright," Kali said, licking her lips suggestively, "but I think I'm going to need a little practise, just to make sure..."

With a laugh, Cassandra gently pushed her daughter away.

"You kids..." She said, shaking her head, smiling at her daughter's disappointed expression.

"You know I'd love to Kali dear, but your brother is coming home soon..."

Kali's ears pricked up at this, and she leaned forwards, whispering conspiratorially to the older woman. "You're going to do it today aren't you? You're going to tell him?"

Cassandra giggled, leaning forwards too, mockingly copying her whispering tones.

"Yes, I am!"

She sat back, smiling as her daughter flushed with embarrassment, picking up her rag once more and turning to once again face her foe, beginning to rub at the wine stain that blighted her carpet. Her daughter was right, she thought. It was looking better. Perhaps a few more minutes of scrubbing and it'd be gone.

The younger tigress stared at her mother's back, her eyes wide.

"How can you be so calm about this Mom?" She said with a whine. "What if he freaks out? He might like... I dunno, run away from home or something!"

She hugged herself, her gaze falling to the carpet. "I'm so scared that he'll be so disgusted that he'll like, hate us..."

Cassandra turned to Kali, eyes full of concern. She reached out, taking her daughter's shoulders in her paws and gently rubbed at them consolately.

"Now, now, there's no need to worry about that honey... That's the reason I left him with you all weekend."

She pulled her daughter to her, and she gratefully accepted the embrace, burying her face against her mother's chest.

"You're such a loving girl Kali," she murmured to her daughter. "I knew that you'd show him that you care about him, that this wasn't about sex, but love..."

She smiled, idly stroking her daughter's silky black hair. She'd had similar worries only the past morning, but her faith in her son and daughter had easily quashed them.

"Just leave it to me sweetheart... Even if he decides he wants nothing to do with it, I'll make sure he knows we love him... He won't leave us, I promise."

Kali squeezed her eyes tightly, able to stop all but two single tears escaping her eyes. She knew her mother was right, her brother would understand. In the weekend they'd been alone their newly sexual relationship had deepened with a speed that surprised her, and she saw no way that Reli would reject their mother now.

But there was so much more than just that, another level to the family that she herself had learned only a year ago, and she was so afraid that this secret would drive a wedge between them.

Silently, Kali made a decision. Her mother had never let her down before, and she would trust her with her brother's heart as she trusted her with her own. She raised her head, smiling, meeting her mother's gaze. "You're right... You were wonderful with me... He'll be fine."

Cassandra's heart swelled... Introducing her daughter to the pleasures if incestuous sex was a wonderful experience for her, and to hear that she'd enjoyed it as much as she had always brought a smile to her face. She leant forward, placing a little kiss on her daughter's forehead.

"Thank you honey... And yes, he will."

She leant back, framing Kali's pretty face with her paws, smiling to her.

"Now, you go away and leave me in peace for a bit. Play video games or read or chat on the Internet, whatever it is you kids do nowadays. Leave me to deal with this mess okay?"

Kali giggled, affectionately squeezing her mother before getting to her feet, heading upstairs to her room. She probably wouldn't be able to focus on a book long enough to absorb herself in the story with all these little worries floating around her mind, but mindlessly surfing Youtube was guaranteed to kill a little time.

Reli sighed in relief as he caught sight of home... And such a welcome sight it was! The three boys had spent the day at Pargi's, passing the time with video games, swimming, and even a little football. These things were not at all bad in themselves, but they'd had to deal with the lingering presence of Aunt Elly.

The woman had seemed to show up wherever the trio went, appearing in clothes that showed progressively more and more skin throughout the day. Reli and Caro had hurriedly excused themselves when it got to the point where she had followed them outside in a G string bikini and declared that it was time for a little nude sunbathing. The young tiger headed home faster than he'd ever done before, half convinced that his aunt would suddenly burst out of her house and drag him back.

The sensation that he was being pursued abated only when his front door was closed firmly behind him. As he stood relieved in the hallway he could hear his sister screeching along to Lady Gaga's 'Poker face'.

He loved his sister, that was true, but he was always amazed how someone could have such a melodious speaking voice and then turn into a wailing banshee when they sang. Her choice of song didn't make things any better... Now that he'd heard it the chorus would be playing over and over in his head for hours.

He kicked off his shoes and entered the living room to find his mother curled up on the sofa with a book in her hand, no doubt one of the romance novels she always picked up from the gas station. She was dressed in an orange T-shirt and a pair of jeans, both of which she'd borrowed from Kali. The clothes were a little tight on her, which Reli had no problem with at all, since it gave him the opportunity to take in an eyeful of his mother's generous curves.

He'd found his attitude towards his her changing after his incestuous relationship with his sister began.

He still loved his mother the way he always had, but she'd slowly transformed in his mind from a strictly motherly figure to an attractive older woman. His relationship with his sister was a wonderful thing, so why not his mother too? Sadly, his mom had shown no interest in him as anything other than a son, so it seemed that this little fantasy of his would have to remain just that. Yet he still felt his heartbeat quicken as he caught sight of his mom's nipples raising the fabric of her shirt...

Cassandra looked up as she noticed him enter, giving him a warm smile, placing her book in her lap. "Oh, hello there, finally remembered me have you?" She smiled to him teasingly, uncurling her legs from beneath her and sitting upright in the chair.

Reli blushed... he'd forgotten how he'd rushed off to Pargi's house almost immediately after she'd returned, barely even greeting her before he left.

"Sorry mom..." he mumbled, "It's just I said I'd go to Pargi's and I was already a few minutes late so... Well you know."

Cassandra stood opening her arms wide. "You owe me a hug young man." She said as she moved towards him, wrapping his arms around him and giving him a tight squeeze. Her son wrapped his arms around her too, although a little awkwardly, and Cassandra found herself liking the feel of his body against her. Reli did a lot of sport and had developed a body to go with it. Not big and bulky like Pargi, but slim and toned.

As she released him, Reli moved away, his cheeks hot. His recent fantasies had made the embrace uncomfortable in an oddly pleasant way, and he'd been more aware of her body pressing against him than ever before.

Cassandra just smiled to him warmly... His son's feelings were written all over his face. He had the same look on his face that Kali had before they admitted their feelings for one another that night two years ago.

She felt a pang of sympathy go through her... She knew how Kali's own seemingly unrequited love had tormented her for years, and she couldn't bear to allow her son to go through the same thing.

She decided that she couldn't wait the few hours until Reli went to bed.

She had to tell him now.

She released her son and moved to the sofa, leisurely sprawling along its length. She needed to think about what she was going to say to her son... After all, it was going to be a big shock for him.

"Build a fire won't you Reli?" she said, "I'd like to sit and have a little talk with you."

Reli gulped... A little talk never meant anything good. What if Aunt Elly had called her, told her about what she'd caught him, Caro and Pargi doing this morning? He thought he'd about die of embarrassment if he had to explain that to his mother.

"Um, okay..." He mumbled, turning away from Cassandra to begin to pile logs, his cheeks hotter than ever now. What if she'd found out him and Kali? As he worked in the fireplace he went over and over that in his mind. How had she found out? He was sure they'd left no clue... Had Kali told her?

Before long he had a good fire built, and only a tiny spark from the firelighter would be enough to set a small flame crackling in the hearth. He turned to his mother then, seeking her approval. She smiled to him, nodding, sitting up straight now to give him room to sit.

"Thank you Reli... Now come and sit with me."

He gulped again, apprehensively taking a seat on the opposite end of the sofa, bent forward with his paws clasped together nervously.

"No, with me." She said, patting the cushion beside her. He scooted over, sitting beside her with that same nervous posture, although he tried not to show it. Next thing he knew, her mother's paw was on his shoulder, and she pulled him to lean against her, gently massaging the muscle where his shoulder met his neck. This was a good sign. Surely she couldn't be too angry with him if she was being so companionable?

Cassandra sat with her son for a long time; silently watching the flames grow into leaping orange tongues as the darkness few in outside the house. He was an open book to her. She could see his apprehension through his attempts to hide it. She realised she hadn't sat like this him for years, the last time being when he was being bullied at school. She had known about it of course, and she'd watch him become more and more miserable over a couple of weeks. Finally she'd sat with him, just like she was doing now as he poured out his heart to her. This time though, it would she who'd be pouring out her heart.

"Reli..." She began quietly. "...I just want you to know that no matter what happens, I love you... You understand? Nothing would make me love you any less." She said, smoothing his hair.

Reli tensed. Whatever this was, this was bad...

"Yeah... I know that Mom... I love you too."

Cassandra turned her body towards Reli's, wrapping both arms around his in a deep embrace. She closed her eyes, resting her head on top of his, holding him silently for a moment, and summoning the courage to begin her confession. Then, with a deep breath, she began.

"I know about you and Kali."

Reli's body tensed, his stomach turning over as a deep pit of shame opened inside him, its yawning chasm seeming to swallow his insides and leave him hollow. "Oh god... Mom... I..."

Cassandra cut him off, gently rubbing his shoulders, massaging them with her paws.

"Shh, shh... It's alright honey, it's alright..." She murmured. "I wanted her to do it."

Reli was stunned for the second time today. "You... You wanted her to?"

Cassandra smiled, gently pushing her son away from her so she could see his face, though she kept her paws on his shoulders.

"Yes honey, yes... I asked her to seduce you, that's the whole reason why your father and I went on that trip."

She felt her son's body relax slightly, saw his gaze meet hers as he searched her face questioningly. He was finding it hard to believe, and she wasn't surprised. She smiled to him, stroking her son's cheek as she spoke.

"It's true sweetheart. She wanted to do it anyway, but your father and I gave her our blessing."

Reli stared at her, wide eyed... His own parents were behind his sister's seduction? He had found it hard enough to believe that his sister and he had become lovers without knowing that his mother and father had encouraged their coupling.

"But... But why?" he asked, the yawning shame in him becoming a whirling storm of confusion.

Cassandra left her paw on his face, starting deep into those bright blue eyes they shared.

"I've loved you since you were born Reli, but that much is normal. Any sane mother falls in love with their baby; it's natural. But you've grown into such... such a handsome young man..."

She hesitated then, letting her paw drop from Reli's cheek to rest on his chest, her gaze dropping to follow it. He could see the outline of his chest through the pale blue shirt he wore, and as always his strength excited her.

She gently caressed his chest as she continued, suddenly finding herself shy.

"Reli..." she whispered softly, "...your sister and I became lovers two years ago. And now I want us to become lovers too."

Reli stared into his Mother's eyes as they shyly rose to meet his. There was no shock, no surprise. Bizarrely, what she said seemed to make perfect sense. It was exactly what he wanted. He shyly let his gaze fall, lips moving silently as he tried to find the words to tell her that he wanted her too... But Cassandra's finger across his lip silenced him before he could speak.

"There's more Reli..." She whispered. "Your father and I... We're not just husband and wife."

She paused, taking a deep breath.

"We're brother and sister."

She saw her son's surprise, but still she kept her finger across his lips, her eyes full of concern as her story spilled from her lips... Now the family's biggest secret would be revealed to him, and she hoped and prayed that the knowledge wouldn't crush him.

"That's how our family works honey..." She continued, her paw moving from her son's lips to gently caress his cheek as she so loved to do.

"Your father, my brother... We fell in love, just as you and Kali have. When I was 18 we married, and within a few months I was pregnant with your sister."

Her eyes moved over her son's surprisingly impassive face. For the first time ever she found that she couldn't read his face and it scared her. But she could not possibly leave this tale half told.

"I know you and your sister's relationship is new but one day we want the same for you two. Your Father and I have such a deep loving relationship... And we want you and Kali to experience the same thing."

"So..." Reli said. "What about Aunt Elly? Is she your sister too?"

Cassandra giggled in spite of herself, giving the young tiger a tiny kiss upon his forehead. "Of course silly, or she wouldn't be your aunt would she?"

Reli blushed, an embarrassed smile spreading across his face. "Oh yeah... Kind of a stupid question huh?"

Cassandra giggled a little, letting her paw drop to her son's lap. She had though he might be uncomfortable, but his smile only grew.

"It's okay honey, I know what you were asking." She said, still smiling. "Everything your Aunt Elly told you and Pargi about her husband abandoning her after she became pregnant was a lie. Elly, your father and I were all lovers."

She paused for a moment, a naughty grin spreading across your face. "I hope this doesn't horrify you too much, but Pargi is actually your half brother."

Reli couldn't help but grin back. "Oh wow... Does Pargi know?"

"No, he doesn't..." Said Cassandra. "Elly doesn't think he's nearly mature enough yet to learn the family secret. Besides, I think she wants him to marry outside of the family." She leaned in, murmuring in hushed tones. "Just between you and me... I think Pargi might be gay anyway."

Reli blushed, nodding. So, it seemed that she didn't know about him and Pargi and Caro after all. At least not yet.

"Umm... Yeah, I think so too." He murmured.

Cassandra smiled knowingly... Her son was hiding something, she could tell. But there would be time to worm his little secret out of him yet. For now there were more important things to take care of, one more little detail that her son needed to know.

Cassandra's expression changed, her eyes narrowing, her smile becoming something a little more than just friendly. She shifted her body, letting her right breast press into her son's side, wrapping one arm around his shoulder to gently massage the side of his neck.

"Reli..." she purred in suddenly seductive tones, the paw that had been in her son's lap beginning to caress his thighs. "There's one more thing I need you to know."

Reli's cheeks flushed hot. Despite all that he had just heard, his mother's sudden alluring actions surprised him. Nevertheless he felt the familiar shudder deep in his belly, felt his body begin to respond to the older woman's sexual touch.

"Y-yes? What is it mom?"

Cassandra let her eyes drop to the Reli's shorts, noticing the slowly growing bulge there with a shiver of delight. He wanted her.

Oh good.

Her paw lazily drifted up from Reli's lap to press against that bulge, gently kneading her paw, feeling it's gentle throb against her touch.

"Before you and your sister get married and start a family of yours own," she breathed into his ear, "I want us to have a baby together too..."

Reli gasped, his eyes going to his mother's. She met his disbelieving stare with eyes full of nothing but love, honesty... And a healthy dose of lust too. Looking into those eyes Reli knew that she loved him, wanted him, needed him... Looking into those eyes Reli knew that he had already made his choice.

He was going to impregnate his mother.

He watched his mother's lips part as he leaned towards her, watched her eyes close. He felt her lips meet his and hesitantly at first, he kissed her. This hesitance soon melted as she returned his kiss, and soon his tongue was inside her mouth, soft moans of need coming from both felines as their tongues played against each other. It would seem only moments before their passion was burning like the fire they sat before.

Cassandra broke the kiss, pulling her son's shirt over his head and throwing it away from them. Her hands went to his chest; stroking and caressing at that hardened muscle there as his lips found her neck. Soon Reli's hands were on her too, and she arched her back to help him remove her shirt, her full, firm breasts bouncing free, only to be squashed against her chest by her son's hard body.

Both mother and son were panting, their movements frantic, their hands moving all over each other as their passion grew out of control.

Cassandra slipped a hand between their stomachs, delving into her son's shorts. She wrapped her paw around the hard member she found there, gasping in excitement at the feel of it, so like his father's. It'd take her mere moments to remove his shorts, would take him a moment more to pull off her jeans.

Each movement seemed to happen in a heartbeat, their bodies moving on pure animal instinct. Both were drunk with lust and both wanted nothing more than for their bodies to become one, to form with their bodies the connection they felt in their hearts.

And then he was on top of her.

She wrapped her legs around his, her underwear the only remaining barrier between them. She gasped as her son's lips found her neck once more, as his hard member moved roughly against her mound, feeling her wetness soak through her panties. God she wanted him, so badly...

Reli sucked and kissed at his mother's neck, kissing all the way up to her ear and back down again. He needed to be inside her, and he knew she needed him just as badly. Cassandra moaned as he slipped a paw between them, stroking over the soft fur of her belly, reaching for the final obstacle between him and the sweet embrace of his mother's sex.

With a gasp she pushed him away.

"No, not yet baby, not yet..."

Reli shivered in anticipation. He could feel the hot moistness of his mother against his cock, and it was driving him wild with desire... How could she stop him when they were so close to the coupling they both longed for?

Cassandra reached for him, calming her son with a soft kiss.

"This is our first time together... I want to savour this moment." She murmured in a voice that was more breath than speech, smiling up at her soon to be lover. "Don't you, Reli dear?"

Reli found his lips drawn to the beautiful tigresses' warm smile.

Kissing her gently he realised that taking things slow might not be so bad after all.

Upstairs, Kali lay on her bed, paws locked behind her head, staring blankly up at the ceiling. She was in what she called her pyjamas, which actually consisted of a black T-shirt she'd got from the martial arts school she had used to attend with her brother and a pair of men's boxers. She had been trying to get to sleep for what seemed like hours, but as soon as she'd heard her brother come home she'd been straining her ears for the slightest sound while trying to convince herself she wasn't.

She grumbled to herself irritably as she rolled onto her side to stare at the wall instead.

It wasn't fair!

How was she supposed to lie up here and sleep when she dying of curiosity?

Sitting up she swung her legs onto the floor, sitting on the very edge of her bed, speaking aloud to herself quietly.

"It's simple really, nothing to worry about..." She muttered. "Only two possibilities. Either it's too much for him and he rejects us or..."

Or her brother was downstairs right now, screwing their mother.

That was enough for her. She stood, tiptoeing silently across her bedroom floor, stepping over a small mountain of dirty clothes that had amassed in the centre of the floor and stealing quietly out of her door. She crept along the upstairs hallway, easily avoiding the creaky floorboards. After all, she'd stolen along the darkened hall many a night to slip into bed between her mother and father, only to slip back into her bedroom after an hour or two of lovemaking without once awakening her brother.

At the top of the staircase she froze. Had she heard a noise?

She stood still, holding her breath... There it was again! The unmistakable sound of pleasure... Her brother's soft moans.

Her heart pounding, she tiptoed down the stairs. About half way down she would have a clear view of the living room, and she was bursting to see what was going on...

She was not disappointed.

She gasped at the sight before her, sitting down on a stair before her suddenly wobbly legs gave way. Her mother and brother lay naked in front of the fireplace surrounded by discarded clothes, the warm glow from the fire giving their naturally fiery orange fur an ember-like glow.

Reli was on his back, his wonderful body picked out perfectly in the firelight. Her mother lay on her front with her head in his lap and as she watched, she slowly took his hard penis in one paw, guiding it between her lips. Kali heard a moan from her mother as her lips surrounded his pulsing cockhead, watched as her eyes slowly closed, suckling on her brother with the very same techniques that she'd taught her.

It was a beautiful sight.... Kali felt tears pricking at her eyes as she watched the two people she loved most make love, and she had to press the back of her paw to her mouth to stifle a sob. Yet even as the sight tugged at her heartstrings she felt a fiery heat build inside her.

In moments her boxers were pooled around her ankles, her paw caressing her own hungry sex as she watched her brother's cock vanish between her mother's lips again and again, more of the meaty shaft slipping into her mouth by the moment. The teenage tigress moaned as softly as she could as two of her fingers worked inside her quivering pussy, expertly pleasuring herself as she observed the passionate couple. She wanted so badly to go down there, to run into the room and throw her arms around them, to beg them to share her love with them as they shared theirs. But she knew this was their moment, and she would not interrupt it now matter how she was tempted.

Reli moaned loudly, his heartbeat pounding in his ears. When it came to oral sex his sister was good, but Cassandra sucked his throbbing member with a skill that came from years and years of experience, expertly working his shaft with her tongue, allowing her lips to run wetly over the crest of his cockhead over and over again. Every movement brought him more pleasure, and he found his hips twitching every time his mother's bottom lip rubbed over the sweet spot on the underside of his cockhead.

Cassandra almost enjoyed giving more than she did receiving and pleasuring her son in this way was a real joy for her. She couldn't stop thinking about how alike her son and her husband's malehoods were, and she noticed with an excited little shiver that they enjoyed exactly the same techniques too. She had to admit, (she thought as a dribble of precum ran onto her tongue), she found her son's taste more pleasing. He and his father had the same musky maleness about them that turned her on so, but her son's was tempered with a certain youthful sweetness that delighted her tastebuds.

The older woman suddenly released her son from her mouth, trying her best not to giggle as she saw his disappointed frown.

"Now, now," she said, squeezing the base of that saliva covered member firmly, "Your sister told me that you're most often ready to go again immediately, but I don't want to run the risk of having to wait for you to recover."

Reli gave a frustrated little groan... The pleasure had been intense, and he could feel his orgasm building deep inside him just as she'd stopped. But he had to admit he felt the same. He sat up, eyes wandering over his Mother's smiling face, then down over her prominent collarbones to where her large, lightly furred breasts rested against his legs. "You're right mom... let's take it slow."

Cassandra giggled a little as she got to her knees, brushing her hair back over her shoulders before letting it fly loose as she shook her head. As she knelt before him Reli could see the swollen, puffy lips of her sex nestled between her thighs, pearls of wetness clinging to her petals like dew on a rose. She smiled, pleased as noticed where her son's gaze lay.

Her paw, moving as if in slow motion, delved between her legs. Her two first fingers making a circuit of her sexlips, coming away covered in her honey. She slowly brought those fingers to her lips, then, closing her eyes; she sucked the sweet juices from her fingertips.

Unbeknownst to Cassandra, her daughter sat on the staircase, her legs open wide, frantically rubbing her engorged clitoris, engrossed in her mother's erotic display. She was panting, sweating, her body trembling under the force of her lust. Unthinkingly, she threw off her sweat soaked shirt, her nipples hardening the moment they were exposed to the air. As one paw toyed with her clit, the other came up to grope and knead at her breast, tweaking her nipple between her thumb and forefinger. She watched in rapt attention as her mother slid into the single seater chair, bringing her knees up against her chest and then parting her slender ankles, exposing herself, beckoning with a finger to her son.

"Come to me darling," she heard her say. "Come to me and show me what your sister has taught you."

Her breath caught in her throat as her brother crawled on all fours towards her, his head passing between Cassandra's ankles and between her legs.

Reli breathed deeply, his face mere inches from the beautiful sex before him, it's wonderfully feminine scent filling his nostrils. He tenderly parted those moist lips with his tongue, feeling his mother lay a guiding paw on the back of his head as he delved deep inside her sex, making her moan with desire. At once he decided he could spend hours inside her with those salty-sweet juices flowing onto his tongue. It tasted almost exactly like his sister's did, and he idly wondered what a delicious cocktail the two combined would make.

Cassandra closed her eyes, her lips parted, her hips bucking against her son's face of their own accord. Despite Kali's insistence to the contrary she hadn't expected him to be so talented... Her daughter was right; he was a natural.

She arched her back with a pleasured sigh as Reli turned his head on his side, running his tongue up and down the length of her slit, his fingers rubbing at her clit. She squeezed his head with her thighs, delighted. What her son was doing to her was a favourite of both hers and her daughter, and she was so glad that Kali had taught it to him.

Her eyes snapped open as she felt the moist warmth of Reli's tongue removed from her. Her son was sitting up now, his paws on her knees, parting her legs wide. She offered no resistance, throwing her arms around his neck as he kissed her deeply, the taste of her pussy on his lips. She arched her hips for him as his came forward, welcoming her son's cock into her body with a delighted sigh.

Reli moaned into her mouth, his tongue meeting hers, adoring the sensation of his mother's silky wetness squeezed tightly the first few inches of his cock. Breaking the kiss he buried his face against her neck, hearing her gasp as he slowly worked the rest of him inside her, feeling her walls quiver around him. Slowly, he began to fuck her, sliding his hips back and forth with the slow, measured pace his sister had taught him, his mother's breath hot against his ear as she moaned to him, encouraging him.

Cassandra moaned rapturously, guiding her son's mouth to her breasts. She arched her back as his lips closed around her hard, sensitive nipples, his paw groping lewdly at her soft flesh. Her eyes closed as she writhed sensuously underneath him, embarrassed to find herself squealing like a horny schoolgirl. She could feel her quim quivering around his cock as he plunged into her over and over again, making her toes curl, her paws groping at his strong shoulders.

In short, she was in heaven.

She wrapped her legs around him as he steadily quickened his pace. His cock felt wonderful and the knowledge that the hard organ inside her belonged to the very same boy she'd given birth to some 16 years ago sent a taboo thrill through her. She found herself regretting that she'd stopped him from spilling his cum inside her mouth, suddenly craving to know the taste of her son's cum on her tongue, to swallow his seed and feel it slide down her throat.

As his pace quickened again the tingles of pleasure spread through her entire body. Without any conscious thought from her, words spilled from her lips.

"Oh darling... Darling!" she moaned, "I love you so much Reli, so, so much..."

Reli felt his mother's soft, warm body shudder under his as he brought her to orgasm, the pressure of that spasming sex on his cock bringing him a pleasure so intense that he had to fight not to spill his cum inside her right there and then... But no, not yet, he wanted to fuck her to another orgasm before he was through.

That all changed when he felt Cassandra clutch him to her, urging him to cum inside her in a low, husky voice.

"Cum for me Reli," she groaned into his ear, "Cum inside me darling, please... I want you to make me pregnant... I want your baby darling, give it to me..."

That was too much for the young tiger, and with a groan he pushed his veiny cock as deep into his mother's body as he could, surrendering himself to orgasm.

Cassandra's eyes fluttered as she felt the familiar warm splash of cum inside her, her legs locked tightly around Reli's waist, making sure he couldn't pull out of her even though she knew he wouldn't. With every spasm of the thick member inside her body she imagined a new flood of her son's cum spurting deep inside her, filling her fertile womb with his potent seed. The thought alone brought her to another shuddering orgasm, her pussy spasming in perfect time with Reli's cock.

The two lay there silently for a while, but soon they began to move once again, kissing and touching each other's sweaty bodies tenderly, whispering to each other of love and affection. Reli's lips found Cassandra's breasts, and Cassandra kneaded at his strong shoulders, a happy smile on her face, her mind buzzing in the afterglow.

Their soft, sweet loving was interrupted by a sudden series of thuds from the hallway.

Reli leapt to his feet as his mother covered her breasts with her arms, sitting bolt upright in her chair, ears pricking. Who could it be? Was there an intruder? A burglar?

At the foot of the stairs, Kali lay in a happy little heap, her fur damp with sweat, her paws, sex and thighs covered with her own juices. She sighed contentedly as one arm came up to lie limply by her head, smiling up at the puzzled, bemused faces of her brother and mother.

"Oh my god, you guys were like... So beautiful... " She purred, letting her eyes close. "I don't think I've ever cum so hard in my life."

Cassandra giggled, taking her daughter's paw in hers, helping her up as Reli stood and watched, grinning. Once her daughter had found her feet she reached for her son, taking his paw in her other. She smiled to them both as she began to lead her children upstairs...

After all, the night had only just begun and this was a momentous occasion for their family.

It deserved to be celebrated.

An hour later, Cassandra lay sprawled on her marital bed, propped up against her headboard, her eyes wanding over the face of her beautiful daughter as she lapped, kissed and suckled at her pussy. Her brother was rocking her young, supple body as he thrust his cock into her from behind, making her breasts sway enticingly beneath her, lewd wet sounds coming from the two with every movement of his member inside her.

In her right paw, Cassandra held her mobile phone and she was speaking into it even as her daughter ate her, a happy smile on her face showing her pleasure at hearing the voice of the person on the line.

"That's right darling, it's fine for you to come home now..." She said, reaching out to her son. He took her fingertip into his mouth and began to suck on it softly, his eyes flashing naughtily. "We're all in bed right now, celebrating."

There was a giggle from Kali as took a momentary break from her mother's sex to call out "Yeah, come home soon Daddy, maybe you can join in!"

"Yeah dad!" called Reli as he pulled out of his sister. A moment later Kali had him deep in her mouth, happily sucking her own juices from the veiny member. "Hurry though, or there won't be any left for you!"

Cassandra giggled, and the sound of male laughter could be faintly heard from the phone's speaker. "Did you heard that darling? Better get home soon!"

A brief pause as her husband replied, teasing another giggle from his wife.

"Of course, dear. I love you too. See you soon!"

She flipped the phone closed, letting it fall onto the pillow beside her, beckoning to her lovers.

She moaned in delight as the warm bodies of her children pressed into her from either side, enveloping them in her embrace as the three of them began another round of loving, incestuous sex, strengthening the connection between their hearts that would bind them together for the rest of their lives. Once she gave birth to her son's child, he and his sister would be married, move out and start a family of their own. But for now, all that existed in her world were she and her children making sweet love until her husband returned to complete the loving circle.

As the three shared tender kisses, each thought about the new life that they'd begun tonight. And to every one of them it was perfect.