Dancing With Fire - Chapter 11

Story by Blitz the Dragon on SoFurry

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#11 of Dancing With Fire Act 1 - The Kindling Ignites

Blitzø hunched over the wheel of his van the whole way to Stolas's estate. He had the radio blasting as always, but he hardly paid attention to the music. It was that time of the month again, and Blitzø didn't even have it in him to crack a disgusting period joke.

He parked the van in the designated, out of the way spot near the back gate. Were he a bit more clever, he might have drawn some sort of symbolism from the fact he was expected to use the entrance normally reserved for the help. As it was, Blitzø hopped out of his van and strode through the gate.

Boxley, Stolas's faithful butler and steward of the household, was in his usual spot to receive him, as well as collect the grimoire. "Master Blitzø," hooted the geriatric owl demon, "You are just in time. His Highness has something special planned, given the holiday season."

Blitzø looked up as he pulled out the book and handed it over. "Oh fuck, that's right! Heckmas is coming up, isn't it? Gotta make a list of what I'm gonna get everybody." He mentally filed a note that there would be one extra demon he'd be shopping for this year.

"Very good," Boxley replied, "but His Highness is waiting. Come along now. I will take you to his chambers."

"I know the way, jackass," Blitzø muttered under his breath, though he followed after Stolas's butler all the same. Either Boxley didn't hear him, or chose to ignore the slight.

He felt like he should be more impressed with the lavish finery surrounding him as they cut through the dining room and headed for a service staircase up. The novelty had worn off fairly quickly, and he'd been doing this for a few years now. Sometimes the route to the bedroom would change to dodge some of the nosier servants, but by now Blitzø had had more than his fill of gaudy upper class shit.

That got him thinking about his visits to Harper's mansion. While certainly fancy and refined - Blitzø couldn't hope to afford half the furniture in that house if he worked for two centuries non-stop - the dragon chose to be more modest in his decor compared to Stolas. Instead of paintings of himself and his family, Harper had paintings of colorful landscapes and still life portraits of people both in Hell and in the Living World. The rooms were smaller too, and felt more like a home than this cavernous palace. No creepy-ass plants to deal with either.

Blitzø was shaken from his reverie when Boxley stopped him outside a carved wooden door he knew all too well. The owl rapped three times on the door. "Your Highness, Master Blitzø is here to see you."

"Send him in~" purred Stolas from inside. Boxley opened the door and stood aside. He took care not to look into the room.

Blitzø felt a tightness in his chest as he crossed the threshold. He would have jumped when the heavy door slammed behind him had he not been so used to it at this point.

The Prince's oversized bed was situated almost dead center in the room. The canopy and curtains flowed like aetherium. Brilliant constellations and galaxies swirled around them.

There on the bed was the Prince himself. Stolas was laying spread eagle across the mattress. His spindly arms and legs were bound up in what appeared to be a single red ribbon, which crisscrossed over his slender torso and around his waist. A length of it strategically passed over his groin to form a prominent, bulging pouch. Its contents were all too familiar to the imp, who just rolled his eyes.

"Merry Heckmas, Blitzy~" Stolas cooed.

"The fuck happened to you?" asked Blitzø, "You get in a fight with Satan's Little Helpers and lose?"

Stolas's laugh was a high, avian trill. "Ohh Blitzy, you never fail to amuse me. That is hardly the reason I am tied up at the moment. With the holiday season coming up, I thought perhaps we could spice things up a little."

He tilted his head way too far to one side and grinned much too wide for Blitzø's liking. "Well? Aren't you going to open your Heckmas present?" He lifted his freakishly narrow hips off the bed to waggle them at the imp. His long tailfeathers flicked invitingly between his bound legs.

Blitzø was already in the process of getting undressed. "Well golly fucking gosh!" he snarked as he unbuttoned his shirt and pants, then slid both of them off, "You really shouldn't have, Stolas. I haven't even gotten you your present yet."

"Ohh, don't worry about that, my dear~" Stolas said in a husky voice. His blazing red eyes locked on Blitzø as he stepped out of his boxers and climbed up onto the bed. "Because all I want for Heckmas is that slimy red cock using both my holes from dusk until dawn."

The imp snorted derisively as he stroked his rapidly hardening length to attention. "Y'know, I almost thought you were about to quote lyrics from that God awful song they blast on repeat down in the retail district this time of year."

Stolas scoffed, then laughed again. "Certainly not! It would be unbecoming of my station as Prince of Hell to stoop to such a level."

"Yeah well you could've fooled me," said Blitzø. "The lube in the usual spot?"

"Of course," cooed Stolas.

Blitzø did his best to ignore the creepy-ass giggle Stolas let out as he crawled over his tall, skinny body to get to the night stand. Sure enough, there was the bottle. Looked like a brand new one too. The imp crawled back down the bed and popped the cap open. Then, he took a sniff. "Peppermint? Really?"

"'Tis the season, my studly little imp," Stolas purred, earning him another eyeroll from Blitzø.

"Whatever," grunted Blitzø, "Let's just get this over with. That bitch isn't in is she?"

"Language, Blitzy!" Stolas warned, before continuing, "Stella is in Pentagram City hosting a charity auction, and is not due back until tomorrow afternoon."

Blitzø mumbled "Good," in Stolas's general direction as he worked on slathering lube on his shaft before moving on to "unwrapping" the other man. His sharp claws made short work of the ribbon between the owl demon's legs. Stolas's own cock and balls sprang free, and the former began to rapidly harden.

"Eager slut as always, I see," Blitzø said with a smirk, before he poured a dollop of the flavored lube on his fingers and pressed them to Stolas's tailhole. The Goetic Prince moaned lewdly and arched his back as the imp tended to his supple pucker. The lusty bird's uncut dick flexed and spat a wad of precum into the soft tuft of feathers on his chest.

The imp wasted no time in getting down to business. Stolas loved it quick and dirty anyways. Blitzø hoisted the owl demon's long, slender legs up onto his shoulders, and planted the tip of his cock against the tight ring buried within that downy soft but hopelessly scrawny ass. How Stolas managed to stay so tight was anybody's guess.

"Oooooh~ just like that, Blitzy," groaned the lustful Prince of Hell. His legs curled around Blitzø's back to pin him in place, while still allowing him room to thrust.

Fucking leggy bastard, Blitzø thought. Still, a lay was a lay, so he was going to make the best of this. As he had done many times before, he thrust forward and rammed his length home. The soft down under Stolas's tail lightly tickled at his balls as he slipped in right to the hilt.

Stolas gripped the sheets in his talons and shrilled in ecstasy. Blitzø cringed at the harsh sound, but knuckled under and kept going. Soon enough, he was pounding the Prince's ass with a lively rhythm.

"That's it, you sexy beast," Stolas snarled, "Take me. Fuck me like a common back-alley whore!"

And here we go, Blitzø groused to himself. In short order the owl demon was weaving an elaborate tapestry of the most vulgar obscenities known throughout all the Circles of Hell. Vile talk that would make even the most veteran of sex workers blush. What all of this had to do with Heckmas, Blitzø had no clue.

Something warm and wet spattered over the imp's chin. He looked down to see Stolas's cock waving back and forth in front of him with each of his thrusts. Though the owl's member had remained neglected throughout, that didn't seem to matter. Blitzø briefly considered stroking it, but decided to focus on getting himself off instead.

Perhaps it was karma, then, that Stolas gave him no warning as he fell over the edge. Blitzø was taken completely off-guard when the avian dick bouncing in front of him suddenly jerked, and thick streamers of cum erupted forth. The first jet smacked the poor imp straight in the face, the second tangled in his horns and ran down the back of his head, and the remaining three or four blasts landed on his cheeks and chest.

"Hoooo, hooo, hooo," Stolas panted as he came down from his orgasmic high. Then, he looked up at his much smaller partner. "Blitzy, why did you stop? There's plenty more where that came from~" He nodded down to his cock, which showed no sign of slackening.

Blitzø only glared for a moment, owl jizz now plastered over his face. He was nowhere near close, so he really didn't have an excuse.

"Tsk! Fine, I'll keep going. But I'm changing positions." The imp carefully pulled himself free of Stolas's tight hole, then unceremoniously grabbed him by the hips. Despite being almost twice as tall as Blitzø, the Prince of Hell hardly weighed anything. It took little effort to flip him over onto his knees and chest, even with his arms bound to his sides and thighs.

Stolas obligingly lifted his tail and fanned it out. His rump swayed enticingly, beckoning Blitzø to get back inside. "Oh, you know how I like it. Go on, stuff me like a roast turkey for the big Heckmas feast. Fill me nice and full with that slimmmpmhhmphh." His descent into another lewd tangent was interrupted as Blitzø pushed his head down into the pillows.

"Can it, bitch," he said, "Lemme focus so I can nut already." The imp gripped the Goetic owl's hips and lined his cock up with his pucker once more. Stolas howled in pleasure as Blitzø rammed his length home.

As Blitzø obligingly "stuffed" his royal benefactor, his mind began to wander. Sex with this skinny nymphomaniac was getting old. It felt good, of course, but what was he getting out of it besides being able to use the grimoire? The imp's thoughts shifted away from the owl he was currently balls deep in and back to a few nights ago at Harper's house.

There had been no sex at all. It was just two friends enjoying a movie together, then falling asleep in each other's arms. Blitzø had relished the feeling of that dragon's strong body surrounding him and filling him with residual warmth. He was filled with regret at how quickly he had excused himself over the shock of waking up with Harper's erection hotdogging him through their pajama bottoms. The imp shivered with delight. If only he'd coaxed Harper into getting out of those clothes, and letting him explore every inch of that powerful, handsome body...

He was brought back to reality by the now deafening cries of ecstasy coming from Stolas. Blitzø was almost soaked through with sweat, and he was panting like he'd run a marathon. His cock throbbed angrily inside of its avian confines. Holy fuck had he gotten himself horny. Wait, what if...?

Blitzø let out a feral growl, and hunched over Stolas to pound him at a jackhammer pace. He grabbed a fistful of tail feathers and yanked upward. As he stood up and plunged down into the slutty owl demon ever harder and faster, Blitzø let his mind fill with all sorts of fantasies about Harper. What did he look like naked? What about his junk? The imp grit his teeth as he imagined the sights, sounds, and smells if he was banging Harper instead of this clingy privileged fuckboy. Blitzø wouldn't be on top, that's for sure. A big strong hunk like that wasn't likely to be bottom. When was the last time Blitzø caught instead of pitching? Way too long, and he wanted it - needed it.

With one final thrust, Blitzø let out a loud gasp. His balls drew in close to the base of his dick as it twitched and throbbed. Two, three, four gouts of cum flooded Stolas's ass. The owl demon cooed and curled his toes in delight. The loud tapping sound beneath him suggested he'd just nutted again onto the sheets.

The two men remained coupled in silence for a few moment, save for their winded breathing. Blitzø's heart was pounding out of his chest, and not just from the exertion. Had he just gotten off fantasizing about another guy during sex???

He was too drained and shocked to pull away from Stolas's needy afterglow embrace like he usually did. Unlike Harper, Stolas wasn't able to bury him in warmth and dense muscle. Well, he supposed the floof was nice. Wait, what was that scraping sound? Oh God, he's preening my horns, Blitzø thought with a grimace.

"Exquisite as always, my big-dicked Blitzy~" Stolas purred between loving pecks at the imp's head and horns, "Let us rest for a bit. Then we can go again!" It wasn't long before Stolas was running his freakishly long, slender tongue along Blitzø's face to lap up the seed coating his red and white cheeks. Truly, his original phone contact nickname "Creepy Mouth" was well-earned.

"Sure, sounds great," Blitzø said unenthusiastically, "Hey listen, is it okay if I take a nap?"

"Hmmhmm, I suppose you could," said Stolas, "but I was hoping we could talk for a bit."

That got Blitzø's attention. Usually the sexed-up birdbrain only wanted to cuddle and preen before the next round. "What about?" he asked as he eyed the owl warily.

"I just want to offer my congratulations!" Stolas explained. "It seems business is booming for I.M.P. Record profits, a steady supply of contracts. Why, I haven't had to send you work in well over a month! I've seen advertising for your services all over the Pride circle."

"Hehe, yeah!" chuckled Blitzø, with no small amount of relief, "Things are looking up for me and the fam. Course, you helped make it happen. Cause, y'know, the book."

Stolas stopped preening the imp and settled for putting his arms around him. "True," he said, "But this sudden growth has all been very recent, after a few years of stagnation. Something has changed in a big way."

Blitzø's blood ran cold as Stolas nuzzled the back of his neck. "What's changed, Blitzy?" he whispered, "What was the one missing piece that helped everything else fall into place?"

Oh fuck, thought Blitzø, oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. Can't lie to him, he'll know I'm bullshitting. Dammit! Gonna have to wing this one and thread the needle.

"Funny you should mention that," Blitzø said in an uncharacteristically meek voice, "You know how I've been trying to find some other investors for the company, right? Well I ended up landing a few! They were able to give me the push I needed to really get I.M.P. off the ground."

"Ohhhhh? And may I ask whoooooo else has taken an interest in my handsome little imp's business?" The way he drew that out was almost as creepy as that tongue of his. Blitzø chuckled nervously.

"Not sure I can just give out their names like that," he said, "Trade secrecy, attorney-client privilege, all that good stuff." His innocent grin quickly faltered under Stolas's skeptical gaze.

Before Stolas could press the matter further, there was a sudden, rapidfire knock at the door. "Your Highness!" called Boxley in a hushed voice, "Be ready. Stella has-"

"WHERE IS THAT FUCKING MANWHORE?" screeched a woman from elsewhere in the house.

Stolas shot bolt upright, then began to fumble to untangle himself from the ribbon he was bound in. "Blast it all! Blitzø help me out of this, then hide in the usual place. She was supposed to be gone until tomorrow afternoon!"

Blitzø frowned, then helped to cut Stolas loose with the scissors that had been conveniently left on the nightstand by the lube. Without a word, he gathered up his clothes and let the owl demon herd him into the little chamber behind the false back of the wardrobe.

Stella blustered into the room a few minutes later, which had given Stolas just enough time to clean up and throw on a bathrobe. Blitzø tuned out the argument that ensued. He'd heard it all before. Stella would accuse Stolas of sleeping with an imp in their bed again. Stolas would fervently deny it, then subtly lure her away from the bedroom so that Boxley could come sneak him back out to his van.

This had to be at least the third or fourth time Stella cut things short (though he supposed he should be thankful for her interruption this time around). These monthly trysts were increasingly being interrupted by the hiding, the muffled yelling, and the departure from the estate without so much as a goodnight or a thank you. Then the day after tomorrow Stolas would come to drop the book off at the office. No wonder fucking this guy wasn't fun anymore.

The shouting had faded. Stella must have taken the bait. Now all Blitzø had to do was get dressed and wait for Boxley. As he struggled to pull up his pants in the cramped confines of the hiding spot, he could feel liquid trickling down his cheeks. But he'd wiped the cum off his face before he hid, right?

Oh wait, it wasn't jizz.

(Note: Boxley is an original character belonging to LM_Studios. I accidentally incorporated him thinking he was canon, but thankfully she was chill with it.)