Prince of the Hellish Night...
A few weeks later... I was on a throne...more like a soft one to be exact. I leaned my elbow on the arm rest as I leaned on my hand...the halls were dark and there was a blue candlelight next to me...the wax was attached to a skull, as a lovely...
_what the hell is going on?_ the irony of the question didn't occur to him. he gradually came to realize that all of his senses seemed to be unresponsive.
The year is 3012, things have changed. Many of the companies you know have joined together and so there are fewer choices to make. Crime is high and the streets are old. There's moss hanging from old, decrepit buildings and sirens everyday. Many...
Goodbye, Farewell.
Hello to hell... i'm sorry. goodbye. farewell. hello to hell, from me.
dragon's meal: part 2
He roamed the lands for a few years before being banished by a sorcerer to hell. he lived there for several long years. he was soon strong enough to be considered one of the demons that lived in the main areas of hell.
An Angel by force CH1.
The life of a hell's angel isn't an easy one it was 1966 i had a full head of steam, and an urge to fuck. but, he was so big and bad, i couldn't resist i was out on my own at 18 my parents threw me out for being gay, he was there.
An Angel by force CH1.
The life of a hell's angel isn't an easy one it was 1966 i had a full head of steam, and an urge to fuck. but, he was so big and bad, i couldn't resist i was out on my own at 18 my parents threw me out for being gay, he was there.
Hell awakes
#16 of work in progress a new hell awaits your group at every turn.. you wake up being dragged in a river three demons fly over it(xd) you stay quiet and pass out again. you wake up again on a table bleeding.
Hybrid The assassin
-Hybrids P.o.v- "Find Dkk and kill him Hybrid for all we know we kill him no more furs" Hybrid stopped daydreaming "Okay" -The next day The drop ship landed "Yea regroup before mid-Night" Hybrid nodded and held his combat knife The drop ship flew...
My p.o.v
#9 of work in progress plot twist my pov- my tail twitches as i wake up in the burning, bombed forest "hell..hello" i cough as smoke enters my lungs i follow the trail of blood and body's. i whimper as my tail touches a ember.
Okay this ish just for fun I'll work on de main story tommorow "Dare" "I dare you to Kill a tree .\_." "Wdf" You stab a tree Ide end X
The war
* * * You wake up Jem's head on your chest. "Hello Sleepy head." Jem smiles and kisses your neck. "Let's go train Jem." "Okay (y )." You go outside after changing. You start to train.