Wess, All in a Days' Work

Story by AbbeyKie on SoFurry

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Wess drew his gun from his belt, and as he set the man in his sights, he remembered well the faces of his fallen friends. Four shots rang out defiantly sealing the dark man's fate. Unsure of the kill, Wess took a few steps towards the man. Wess stared on in horror as the realization of his mistake struck him.

"Heh, didn't work, nice try though kid." The dark man said as he rose to his feet.

"I give you the choice. You can bow down and accept me as your Emperor, or you can die, like your little girlfriend did." Wess, in a full fury now, lunged forward and pushed the man back, claws striking, but having little effect.

"I will never bow down to a Wretched fuck like you! You will never be my fucking ruler!" Wess said quickly, as he dashed to the side of the man, intending to fake left. He was immediately struck down, and soon fell silent.

"Alright then you pathetic fool... FEEL THE WRATH OF THE EMPEROR IRON!!!" The dark figure yelled as he slammed an iron fist in Wess's direction. Wess took the full impact of the blow and felt his jaw break as he slid backwards, landing on shards of glass. Although the pain was excruciating he drew his gun once more. He quickly loaded four more bullets and took aim once again. At that same moment a blinding light filled the room and Wess closed his eyes while covering his ears. This motion was pointless because the blast still deafened him as all he could hear was ringing. His vision was blurry and the world was moving in slow motion, all he could do was wait for the effects of the flash-bang to wear off. But as he turned his head, he nearly screamed as he saw...

-Four Years Earlier-

"CREEEAAAAAK! CREEEAAAAAK!" 'An unusual sound for an alarm clock to make' he throught as his senses slowly returned. He sat up urgently realizing what had taken place before he fell asleep. Wess turned to face the cause of the noise and saw his boss standing above him rubbing a fork against a plate.

"This is the second time you've fallen asleep at the station this week dumbass." The bright wolven sang, stressing the word dumbass.

"Sorry Chief, I really want to get this case out of the way so I can take my paid vacation..." He muttered. Wess Weasle was an odd inspector for sure. His last name being the oddest thing about him. Wess is, in fact, not a Weasel at all. The 22 year old orange fox was constantly being teased for this fact. His boss, Elizabeth Parsons, is the Chief of Police at their Pricinct. Her Lupine features were easily distinguishable to a stranger, and she takes pride in the fact that she is pure bred.

"All that sleeping at the desk can't be good on your back, you know, you must feel like shit right now. I suggest a cup of coffee and since your here, you might as well continue working on that case. Well, I'll leave it you then, buh bye!" She spoke using the cutest voice she could muster.

"Sometimes I really hate myself..." Wess moaned as he began shifting through the case files. He was currently investigating the murder of Jacob Myres, a well respected Vulpine lawyer. The Victim was found at the local park with a bullet wound in the left side of his head. They had found only his footprints in the area of his death, indicating that he probably wasn't shot close up.

"Yo Wess, I got something you might want to see" Wade, his assistant, said.

"Alright, bring it over, and while your at it, bring me some coffee..." He replied wearily. He took the cup and the papers that Wade handed him and began sifting through them.

"I found some tablets in that grove of trees, you know, the one near the crime scene. There was this strange old Wolf sitting there, he looked dead but he growled when I tried to feel his pulse. I noticed the tablets so I copied them down to paper. Look, this has nothing to do with the case but just read it okay?" Wade pleaded.

The paper read:

*As the years go by my eyes go blind and I see nothing still,

but as I am blinded I open my eyes anew, and what I see is the path of fate yet to come.

This prophecy is of a girl and of a boy, who friends alike will split their path, one to evil, one to stay with good.

The girl was of the Fox and followed the path of justice, the boy was also a follower of good, but he craved power.

The girl her name began with C and middle began M, and the boy his name was unknown. At fourteen the girl would make ensuring justice her job.

The boy would constantly seek her attention and his attempts to impress her would fail.

In his search for power the boy would become of metal, and his heart would harden.

In a fit of rage he would cut her down, but she would live.

He would leave the lands for a kingdom he would take for himself.

The girl in despair of her lost friend would walk though a cave, the cave of ages.

In her own anger she would scratch herself and a fragment of flesh would fall into the mystic waters of that cave.

As she left the water would shimmer and glow, affecting the flesh in ways of its own.

Of the fragment grew a boy, of her he was the same, but male he was, with a spirit of his own.

This boy he walked her path and over the years he caught up.

He would bear the false name of the Weasel.

He would find love in the girl and they would grow together, unknowing of her metallic "friend's" evil.

Along the path they find a Coon, evil is he not, nor of good is he.

He was a thief so a friend he could not truly be.

But try as they might the girl of justice and the Coon would develop a sense of friendship. The Coon he was of the Grinder clan, and his two friends were two sides of the same coin. It was at the age of twenty two that the girl would find her old friends evil.

His empire had spread across the land, wreaking havoc on anyone not loyal of the emperor. He chose his name to be "Iron".

The chosen to fight his reign are named within this prophecy.

The girl of Fox, the boy made of her image, two master thieves, one of which would steal the emperor's heart, and the two sides of the coin.

They would have one last ally, who I am unable to see, yet his form is that of a rodent found in trees.

They only can fail once, and to fail, any member of this team would have to die.

This failure would result in the emperor, and the entire team to vanish from the world for two hundred years.

The evil would still be there for the years but would not directly affect the world.

If the first failure would occur then there would be no second failure, as they would from then on have fate on their side.

If failure occurs they will enter the world in similar, yet different ways, the Weasel boy would still be a fragment of the girl of Fox.

But should this failure not occur then for 4000 years there will be peace.*

At the bottom of the paper was a picture of another inscription. The inscription looked heavily damaged, probably by the elements, and this was all Wess could make out.

I a[] old []nd d[]af now, b[]t to[]ay I h[]rd [] []ws tha[]he girl of []ox wa[] slain by em[]ron, I will pa[]iently []it for []em to []ll r[]rn in []0 y[].

"Wade, this looks like a prophecy. 'He would bear the false name of Weasel...' That is close to my last name... 'He would find love in the girl and they would grow together...' Wow... This is really starting to creap me out Wade, this almost sounds familiar..."

"Yeah, thats what I thought when I read it. By the way, Ilana just arrived so no playing kissy face when the doors closed yeah?" Wade chuckled to himself as he sat down at his desk.

"Shut up you fat fuck, you know me and her don't do that at work!" Wess said, with a little frustration, mostly sarcasm.

"Yeah? Well I'm pretty sure I smelt cum in here a few days ago, you know, when I went on lunchbreak. I'm also pretty sure that you two didn't realize the mess you made. Eh?" Wess had turned a slight shade of red by now and was shuffling nervously in his chair.

"Fuck you wade, dammit my back hurts... I'm going to go stretch for a moment!" Wess stood and walked by the door of his shared office labled 'Ilana Fox, Inspector' and under that 'Wess Weasle, Inspector'. He made a sharp left down one of the many hallways that were so present in the Precinct. The lobby was his destination. He found his target and was soon caught up to her. His hand touched her shoulder gently, and as her head turned, he planted a delicate kiss upon her lips. The light kissing soon turned into passiontate, lasting embraces as they gripped each other fiercely, milking as much as they could from the kiss. His hands rested upon her hips, and hers upon his. They broke their kiss so that they could properly great each other.

"Hey honey, I love you..." Wess said softly into her ear.

"I love you too, more than I can say" She replied back, drunk on love. Like all good things, their passionate embrace was drawing to an end, and they compensated by holding hands as they walked back to the office. Wade passed them on the way and gave Wess a wink and a smile. Upon reaching the office Ilana locked the door and drew the curtains, Wess clearing off a space on the desk.

"So how is my oh so lovely vixen this morning" Wess said eagerly.

"Hmmm, I believe she is oh so horny, thank you very much" She replied.

Ilana removed her coat and shirt and tossed them into a pile. Wess did the same, and soon they were down to their undergarments. Wess ran his hand over her sides and slowly moved his way to her ass, feeling for a few moments before moving back up to feel her breasts. They were wonderful things, c cup, and firm, the nipples erect, and he began rubbing those nipples through the bra she had on, slowly running his finger back and forth. She removed the bra and began to take down her panties, as he worked on her breasts. A soft moan escaped her lips as he put his own lips around her hard left nipple, beginning a gentle suckle. She took this time to remove his underwear, and began to rub his growing fox hood. Her loins ached and she wanted him more and more every second. He saw her need in her eyes, and positioned her on the desk. Their eyes met at this moment and he gently pushed his cock into her, and she let out a deep moan of pleasure. He moved it slowly until it reached a hilt and then he began pulling back. She felt in heaven and let out a lustful moan at this joyous union. He began to thrust gently into her with a slightly faster rate, not wanting to waste his energy. He kissed her deeply and they continued their act of love. They both had needed this badly, and they both got what they needed. He began to thrust faster into her, massaging the walls of her pussy, causing slight tremors from within her. He felt his knot beginning to grow, and so did she. He kept his powerful rythm up and began to thrust more powerfully. She moaned in pure bliss as she felt his knot, almost it's full size, sliding past her lips, as he hilted her each time. His thrusts became haphazard and he felt close to his climax. He pushed his knot, now full size, into her and hilted her one last time before he reached his release. His creamy seed shot up in deep spurts, one after another, while she nearly screamed as this triggered her own orgasm. They held each other closely and breathing hard they looked into eachothers eyes.

"I love you Ilana, and no matter how many times I say it, I can never say it enough..." He breathed into her ear.

"I love you too Wess... Thank you so much..." She replied gently. They held eachother for another three minutes before he finally pulled out. There was a slight plop sound as his cock was pulled gently from her depths. They slowly dressed and just watched the other, smiling a smile of pure satisfaction.

"Well, I better go see what the Chief wants me to work on today honey... I'll be back later kay?" She whispered, and she put on her jacket, quietely walking out of the room.

Wess sat back in his chair, looking back on those last few minutes, and he smiled as he thanked God, and the man Jesus, for all the good in his life.

Whatever the future held for him was just that, the future.