Subject 143

Story by CryptidCreative on SoFurry

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This is sort of a follow-up to the Faith Containment Log: Diamond, , where the character is then captured and tortured by Cahleb. She is corrupted by necromancy and twisted into a hateful little thing by the undead bird.

Subject's Name: Diamond

Current Status: Alive, subservient, eager to please

Subject named Diamond was, quite easily, picked up in the Infra Red distract while she was trying to escape a male who had been chasing her down for reasons unimportant to this matter. I drugged her with a standard dose of anesthesia and was able to move her into the basement with plenty of time to secure her small form to a makeshift experiment table.

Day 1, important find: First day of testing brought forth much information. While the subject is small and on the fragile end of things, she also possesses one of the most powerful regenerative abilities I've come into contact with to date. Her anatomy makes sense on the outside, but after removing entire limbs I've witnessed them reconstruct from some form of white tendrils. They don't look anything like a functioning skeletal structure but once the healing process is complete they work all the same. Unfortunately, for her, as previously stated she is very frail which leads to it being rather easy to torture or even maim her as any removed limbs will grow back. Killing her however, well that's going to be the interesting part.

Other things of note: She communicates telepathically and while it isn't of any important note I feel I must write that her "voice" can be quite annoying. Either that or I could just be biased towards having any voice in my head other than my own.

Day 2, unexpected find: On the second day of testing I noticed something that had slipped passed my perception on the first day. Zed, my first successful subject, had grown paranoid about things one of his status should not concern himself with. Upon further inspection I realized Mors, successful subject number 2, also seemed uneasy. Neither of them had shown any such signs in the time I've been around them which has led me to believe that this new subject may somehow cause paranoia in those in her immediate vicinity. As such, I have sent Mors away as he is more susceptible to such things given his nature. Zed on the other hand has been made to stay close to the subject so that I may observe his behavior as the hours pass.

Day 3, getting to the bottom of things: I spent much of day two reading through files I've had on previous subjects as well as cutting through the current subject to make connections and I think I've made progress. Subject 143 seems to mostly be made up of shadows, perhaps even entirely made up of it which would explain the mimicry of anatomy rather than actual bone. Furthermore, as day 3 goes on I've noticed Zed's paranoia getting worse. Not only that but he seems to have trouble maintaining eye contact with the subject's form and will often be heard mumbling something about monsters in the room. As such I have decided to send him away as well, which is fine, Mors and Zed are no longer needed at this stage and it's time I get to the real meat of my work.

Day 6, brutal exploration: After three days of violent experimenting I settled on just exactly how this thing can best suit me. Clearly too small and weak for any sort of offensive measures but her ability to build up a paranoia in others can come in handy during torture sessions, not only that but he small stature and high level regeneration could make her suitable for ground reconnaissance as well as inside of buildings as my crows can't go inside without looking suspicious. With that all in mind I have decided to take my usual corruption methods a bit further. Instead of simply corrupting the mind I have decided to corrupt the body as well.

Over the next few days I will be pouring my necromantic energy into her mind and heart as I have learned that while the blood it pumps is not needed it will still spread the corruption through-out the body.

Day 10, corruption update: It has been four days now and 143's form has taken on a sickly purple and green color as the corruption does its work. I've also been feeding them suggestions and images through their link with my mind, forcing them to watch fake memories of the world turning their back on them, hating them, despising them with everything they have, twisting 143's world view into something I can use and something more pleasing to me. This frail little thing standing around me all the time would make me sick, I want her hateful and I want her feral and that's what I'll have.

Day 11, final log: And with that last dosage of pure necrotic energy I have created exactly what I set out to. No longer is 143 some weak little thing to be broken, now she is more lightly to sink her teeth into you before even saying hello. I've seen the look in her eyes and the foam at her mouth, she breathes heavier with the weight of the corruption but that should subside with time. The important thing is when she looks at me she sees someone who saved her and when she looks at the world she sees those who have abandoned her and kicked her to the curb. She hates them and because of that twisted view, she's eager to help me. Subject 143 is a success, she's useful.

Faith Containment Log: Diamond

Name on file: Diamond Reason for file creation: Diamond is a shadow amalgamation that has shown a few abilities that could potentially be a problem. The most notable of which a passive build-up of paranoia in those around her. She is also capable...

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Subject 190

Subject's Name: Moxie Nova, though these days she calls herself 190 Current Status: Living, functional and useful Subject 190, aka The Big One, is quite different than any other creature I've experimented on up to this point. First of all,...

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