A Cushy Expedition | Chapter 3 [Archives]

Story by Horatio Husky on SoFurry

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#3 of A Cushy Expedition [Archives]

DISCLAIMER: All characters in this story are consenting adults, this story is rated 18+. What is the 'From the Archives' series?

Not all of the stories that I write end up getting finished or fully funded. I have several projects that I started and will most likely never return to, as others have caught my attention. I have recently decided to start releasing some of my unfinished content with the understanding that the story you are about to read will most likely not be finished. This allows my viewers to see some of the behind the scenes work I do while also allowing me to move on from these closed projects onto more exciting ones. :)

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A red panda finds herself meeting people and coming to terms with part of her identity she previously had no opportunity to express.Contains: Diapers, Fantasy, NSFW, Wetting, Messing, ABDL, Babying,Rating: General Audiences

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Commission for: Luci

Thumbnail art by: trashpandalucas

Cover design and story by: HoratioHusky

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If you are interested in commissioning a story from me, click here for information.

Make sure to follow me on Twitter for updates and previews of my writing!

Chapter III: Sometimes sipping tea is best.

The tea was really good, Amber realized, as she nervously sipped her cup and looked down at the table, fixating on the swirling designs of the red tablecloth as her mind raced, thinking about where she sat and who she was talking to. Although she had originally been offered the lucradous choice of, "wine or juice?" the pyrenees had chuckled and offered her a warm cup of tea as well, in order to, "warm up her from that dreadful weather outside." Amber, having been rather taken aback at the polarized offer, had gladly accepted and found herself feeling a little relieved as she took small, tentative sips of her camomille. She looked up at the pyrenees, who had calmly sat across from cross-legged and holding her own cup of steaming tea, which she held up to her nostrils, her eyes closed as she breathed in the bitter sweet scent of her own cup. Without opening her eyes she spoke up.

"Well? What do you think of our little home we've got here?"

Amber cleared her throat, and drew a corner of her mouth up in a small smile,"it's quite lovely, really does feel very comfortable, especially the grounds you've got surrounding this place, so much space!"

Jade opened her eyes and smiled back at Amber, pleased with the praise her abode was receiving.

"I'm glad you feel that way, you can stay here as long as you like, our little guest if you will."

At the word little something inside of Amber squirm with pleasure, feelings of confusion and excitement bubbled up to accompany it, something about her brief internal distress must have been apparent, for the pyrenees cocked her head to the side, inquisitively.

"Everything alright dearie?" her voice was smooth and gentle, but firm enough that Amber felt compelled to give her a response. Still, she didn't want to tell Jade what she really felt, at least, she couldn't find the strength to want to just yet.

She shivered a little, and took another tentative sip of her tea, "Yes, I'm fine. Just a little chilly and tired from the journey, customs took forever after coming back from India... I'm sure I should be able to sleep it off, however."

Jade's smile gained a hint of amusement, and her eyes sparkled slightly as she leaned forward placing her cup down and leaning her elbows on the table. Resting her chin on her palms she looked directly at Amber, her glasses glinting off of the light hanging above the table, making Amber feel a little more uncomfortable as the pyrenees gazed at her intently.

"You know, I know of a little trick that might warm you up right quick, buuut you'd have to trust me a little, do you think you could do that, Amber?"

The last words of her statement came out of her like honey pooling into the tea she was sipping at, the squirming feeling Amber was feeling earlier bubbled up once more, and her long bushy tail curled around her legs, unconsciously trying to to make herself feel more comfortable.

"I... I trust you... Everything you've said and promised and helped me with so far has seemed truthful... What... What would you have in mind, exactly?"

Leaning back to resume her relaxed position the canine raised a paw up in the air by her head in a careless manner, her palm facing, "Putting you in a diaper, silly. You're acting as if we didn't have all those conversations online about how you just wanted to be little and helpless again, not exactly surprising seeing the independence and perseverance and courage your line of work seems to require."

Amber's ears pinned back on her head in shame as she heard what Jade was telling her, she set down her tea cup and placed her paws in her lap, twisting them over each other in discomfort, Jade picked up on this, and softened her tone.

"Alright Amber, no need to feel embarrassed or upset. If you want to take it slow or even wait a while we can, but believe me it is truly in your best interest that I say that starting tonight we keep you in diapers will only do you good, and help you ease into this new lifestyle. That's the whole point after all, to take your mind off of your life for some time and try and connect with a part of yourself that hasn't yet had a chance to flourish and grow. Just because you're regressing a sweet heart doesn't mean you're not going to mature in this experience."

Amber's lips quivered, and she looked down into her lap. The words coming from the pyrenees were those she had yearned to hear, only having been able to read them off of her computer and phone screen when she had first started communicating with this canine and opening up her most secret desires. Now that she was hearing them in real life, she found herself having difficulty keeping her composure.

A single tear dropped down her cheek, and she sniffled, wiping it away and attempting to mask her own emotions.

Warm arms enveloped her from her front, and Amber let out a soft gasp of surprise as her face was brought close to Jade's bosom. She began to sway back and forth, humming softly, and after Amber's initial tensing of her muscles, she relaxed and allowed herself to be consoled, closing her eyes and sobbing quietly into the pyrenees shirt.

Jade tsked and squeezed the red panda, softly whispering,"Oh you poor baby you, it's okay... it's okay..."

After a few minutes of this, Jade gently reached down and grasped one of Amber's hands. She looked up, and Jade pulled her up gently up to her feet. Amber wiped her eyes, feeling a little abashed at breaking down in front of somebody who she had just met.

"Come, follow me sweetie," Jade softly spoke to her, her eyes filled with kindness and understanding.

Hesitantly, Amber allowed Jade to lead her by her paw out of the kitchen and up the stairs of the house, the floorboards gently creaking and moaning as the two padded up to the second floor.

After they reached the top, Jade took them past two doors and entered a dark room whose door was slightly ajar. Amber followed suite, and let out yet another gasp, this time one of astonishment, as Jade flipped on the lights.

In the center of the small room stood a large, padded table with several straps and cuffs attached at various points. Beneath it's cushioned, plastic white surface were several shelves stocked with what Amber realized were baby supplies, and not for small babies either.

Various ointments, creams, and powders were organized on several shelves, along with baby wipes also containing various cosmetics according to their labels. In the large cubbies that didn't contain cosmetics were several kinds of diapers, ranging from what Amber presumed to be pull ups to large, thick darker blue diapers with patterns of stars and planets dotting them randomly. Pink diapers with frills, blue diapers, large white and plain diapers, diapers with patterns of various baby paraphernalia as well as diapers adorned with little diaper babyfurs in various comical settings, like in outer space, in halloween costumes, and even a kind that depicted a little tiger on a safari exploration.

Amber surveyed the scene with a degree of awe, and didn't even realize when her grip on Jade's hand tightened in excitement. The room was laid with a soft beige carpet, and the walls on either side of the door had several large cabinets, containing what Amber guessed were various types of baby clothes, probably as diverse if not more than the diapers stocked within the large changing table. Pit patterns of rain landed on the window opposite to the door, which was the only sound besides their breathing.

"This is... how did you... wow." Amber said dumbly, clearly very impressed by the room, her fluffy tail no longer was wrapped around her, but instead now twitched in excitement.

Jade looked at her and beamed, her sparkling white teeth sparkling almost as much as her glasses in the room's light,"I'm quite pleased to hear that you appreciate my little collection, but luck for you this isn't just a place to look at. How about you hop up on the table and we put you into something more comfortable?"

Amber was led over to the table, and the pyrenees padded the plastic padding on the table, indicating that she should lay down on it. Amber tentatively hopped up and sat her behind on the table. Jade placed a hand on Amber's chest, gently but firmly pushing her down on her back.

Amber yipped in surprise, and her tail once again began to curl around her leg.

Jade smiled reassuringly, and strode over to the side of the changing table to lean down and plant a gentle kiss on Amber's forehead. Amber, not expecting such a sign of affection, looked at her with wide eyes.

Jade smiled gently, and ran a paw through Amber's headfur, "Just relax, everything is going to be alright, just behave and be a good girl for me."

At being called a good girl, Amber blushed, she dropped her eyes from Jade's gaze but remained still, and allowed the pyrenees to gently work Amber out of her clothes, working quickly Jade made sure to gently maneuver her limbs out of her garments.

When Jade moved to remove Amber's panties she stiffened, and instinctively she covered herself with her bushy tail, blushing slightly.

"You know, if I diaper you up over your panties you might end up ruining a perfectly good pair of underwear, not to mention I highly doubt I'll see anything I haven't seen before. Could you move your tail for me pretty please?" Jade spoke gently, but with a tone of patient reasoning as she requested Amber to move her tail out of the way.

Shyly, but willingly Amber complied, allowing her tail to droop back off the side of the changing table, the end twitching every once in a while, indicating her nervousness.

Working diligently, Jade gently slid Amber's panties off of her and lifted her up slightly by the top of her back, removing her bra as well. Amber shivered, her shoulders high and tensed up as she lay there on the table, cool air washing over her privates while her nerves felt like they were beginning to burn with her heightened anxiety.

"Shhh... It's okay sweetie, we'll get you all wrapped up and safe soon enough, be a good girl for me honey it'll all be okay." Jade began to coo softly as she noticed Amber's discomfort reaching a peak.

Reaching underneath the changing table, presumably into one of the many cubby holes, he retrieved a small, pink plastic object. Amber had just enough time to see that she had gotten a pacifier out before it was placed in her own maw, much to her surprise.

She crossed her eyes, her naked body temporarily forgotten as she suckled on it experimentally. Jade giggled, commenting, "Gosh you look absolutely adorable looking at your paci like that, I'll have to try and get a candid photograph of that sometime!"

Amber blushed but smiled, the pyrenees really was trying her best to make Amber more comfortable. She looked at Jade, unsure of what to do with the soft, plastic bulb nudged not unpleasantly against her tongue.

"Well go on! Suckle on it you goof!" Jade encouraged, chuckling a little at the red panda's apparently unsure expression.

"Wight," Amber mumbled, and performed a few experimental sucks on the pacifier. To her surprise and delight, the action was much more soothing than she had anticipated.

Her shoulders slumped, and she allowed the canine to gently push her back down onto her back as her focus shifted to the object in her mouth.

She hadn't realized how orally fixated she could be as she couldn't help but smile a little bit, the pacifier really was giving her more comfort than she cared to admit.

She looked up to see what Jade was preparing next, and was greeted with the scent of baby powder hitting her nostrils. Set beside Amber's leg on the padded top of the table was a container of baby powder, furrash cream, and a rather thick, pastel pink diaper.

A little burst of excitement seemed to well up in Amber's chest, and her heartbeat quickened at the sight of the padding, unbeknownst to her this also increased the rate at which she suckled her pacifier, a detail that Jade's keen hearing picked up on.

The pyrenees smiled to herself in her head, "She's just as big of a cub as I imagined, too bad she's still too nervous to be open about her true wishes, we'll have to work on that," she thought to herself, as she placed a decisive paw on top of the diaper, which emitted a quite "poof!" noise as she allowed her paw to strike the plastic top.

At this point, Jade's visage changed slightly, she seemed more authoritative in her posture, although still maintaining her gentle movements and shining in her eyes her tone too shifted as she spoke up, "Alright baby, I want you to lift your tushie for mommy so I can get you nice and diapered up before you have any accidents, be a good girl now."

Amber, feeling cowed even though she knew very well she had not done anything wrong, nodded somberly and complied with the dog's request, and lifted her bottom slightly above the changing table.

Jade leaned over and pulled out a blue strap, like a cushioned seat belt, and drew it across Amber's stomach, fastening it at the other end.

Satisfied that her charge was secured, which made Amber feel even more helpless in the situation, Jade expertly untaped the diaper and slid it underneath the red panda's raised behind.

Amber settled down on it once Jade indicated with a nod that she was allowed to relax again, and marveled at how soft the padding felt against her backside. She felt as if she had settled down on a cloud, a feeling that was intensified when Jade began to generously shake some baby powder onto Amber's exposed body, and began to gently rub it into her fur, taking extra care to be gentle and thorough around Amber's privates.

Amber found herself wriggling in delight as her heart rate increased with her excitement, making her chest feel as if it was going to burst with joy. Still blushing madly she giggled, unable to help herself as Jade began to apply and rab the furrash cream into her fur, rubbing Amber's bottom in a calming, rhythmic fashion to maximize the amount of cream that was absorbed into her fur.

"Wow, I think my little panda cub is quite enjoying herself right now, isn't she?" Jade commented almost wryly, as she put away the furrash cream and powder.

Amber's ears pinned back in embarrassment, her tail once again moving towards covering her diaper area.

"Now now sweetie, I wasn't trying to chastise you. I'm happy that my little baby girl is enjoying having her diaper put on her! All good little panda bears like to be taken care of by their mommies!"

Jade's words floated into Amber's ears, making emotions bubble up inside her she hadn't felt in what felt like forever. She breathed in and out slowly, tensions in her muscles loosening and relaxing as her head felt like it began to float on the same cloud that her body was on.

Jade folded the front of the diaper over Amber, and began to snuggly place the tapes onto the landing area. Taking a finger she ran along the outer rim of the diaper, placing the leak guards towards the outside and adjusting the crotch area, ensuring that the infantile underwear was fitted properly.

The feeling of the diaper around her waist as Amber lay there, gently strapped onto the changing table woke up something small inside Amber that she had only been barely aware of. Something little woke up inside of the red panda, something...
