
Story by Blitz the Dragon on SoFurry

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#6 of The Griffon of Paradise: The Full Account

January, February, whatever. We're calling this Day 1

Fuck me, that was a lot of work! It felt good to be standing and moving around, though. Must've gotten an adrenaline rush from the anticipation of getting back on solid ground as the island got closer and closer.

I checked my watch. It took a couple hours to reach the shore. I used the one oar on the boat to paddle the last mile or so. I jumped out onto the sand and fell flat on my face. Practically had to remind myself how to stand up again. Sucks that I got sand all over my shirt. The Vultures are my fave metal band. I can't soil their unholy sigil like that!

Whatever, I'll figure out how to rinse it out later. I spent most of my energy hauling the boat up onto the beach. Least that way the tide doesn't carry it off. Breaked for a late lunch on what little is left of the emergency biscuits.

Standing up and walking really helped me shake the lead out. I was sore from pulling in the boat, but I needed to make sure I could find more to eat, and some water. So I took the broken plank in case I ran into something unfriendly, and walked into the treeline a ways.

The underbrush and trees around here are pretty dense. Thankfully I was able to find some worn paths, probably from the local wildlife. That made it a bit easier to get around. As I got further away from the beach, the trees got thicker and crazier, and the forest got a bit darker from the canopy overhead.

The trees are pretty fucking gnarly too. No, literally. Haven't seen branches and trunks that twist and bend like the ones overhead. Maybe once I've gotten a good night's sleep I can climb one of them and see where it goes.

Think it was about an hour or so in that I heard running water. Jackpot! I followed the sound into a clearing and found this big pool of water at the base of the waterfall. Took some time to walk around it, and I dipped my hand in. Water's only a little cool, and a taste test says this water is fresh. Actually, it could make for a pretty sweet pool if I'm stuck here for a while.

I climbed up the slope next to the waterfall to find the river feeding it. That's where I refilled my water bottle. Course, I might've quickly emptied and refilled it a few times. I'd been going easy on what water I had left, and it's easy to forget just how thirsty you can be until you start drinking. I'll come back with the other empty bottles later.

Before I left, I looked through the gap in the trees and saw a big bald mountain taking up the far side of the island. Looks like much of the land sloped upward toward it. Almost reminds me of Griffonstone, but just a little.

I'd just come back to the beach when I heard a thud behind me. I whirled around, ready to kick some ass, but there was nocreature there. Took me a minute to notice the coconut laying on the ground under the tree it came from. Score!

Okay, maybe not a score. I peeled it and tried to break it open on a loose rock just now. Fucking thing wouldn't break, I got pissed, and then I swung too hard and it split clean in half. All the water inside's gone, and I'm left trying to peck out the white stuff with a busted beak. Good thing it's not the only one. I heard a couple more fall, so I'll go find them later.

The sun was just starting to set proof I'm here down. Went out along some rock flats in the shallows of the surf and grabbed some rocks. That took a while and didn't help with how sore I am already. Feels like I got the shit kicked outta me in a bar fight. Least it was worth it to get a nice big "HELP" written on the beach. Hopefully somecreature sees it eventually.

Last order of business was setting up a place to sleep. I pulled the tarp out onto the beach, propped it up with the planks, and put a shitload of discarded palm leaves down under it. I'll worry about making it more sturdy later. With me on solid ground and something resembling a bed under me, I think I'll get some good sleep for the first time in weeks.

I can't write much longer. The sun's almost below the horizon and it's getting pretty dark. Only source of light I have is the display on my watch. Okay, I'll admit it. The watch has kinda been my nightlight the past few nights on the boat. Reminds me of you, Rainbow Dash. It's even colored like you.

That's all for today. I'll let you know how things went tomorrow. Gotta figure out what I'm gonna do about these fingers and toes before they go septic.


(P.S. Any chucklefucks reading this who start spreading around that I sleep with a nightlight are getting put through every wall between Manehattan and Vanhoofer as soon as I get off this island.)