Faith Containment Log: Shatter

Story by CryptidCreative on SoFurry

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Another FAITH Containment commission. Been getting a good number of commissions for these and I've been having a lot of fun with them. Always interesting to learn about people's characters as well. Not really sure what tags to add to these.

Faith Containment Log

Name on file: Shatter

Reason for file creation: The main reason for this file's creation is because we have discovered that Shatter is a being made of pure magic. While he may appear to look like a normal jackalope-esque creature, he is actually far from it. He admits an aura that, put into simple terms, will make you addicted to being around him. If seen, keep your distance.

Threat level: Due to being made of magic, the strength and power of his aura, his naturally high charisma, and our lack of general knowledge of him, Shatter is to be treated as a Dangerous threat. Approach with caution. If any members of FAITH are to engage do so from a medium to long-range.

Containment: Shatter is currently on the loose and is only to be captured by a team with aura dampening equipment so that he will not turn any of our own staff against us. If captured he is to be contained within a containment unit with a considerably strong aura inhibitor so that it is safe to be in the same room if necessary. Due to his look and way with words, it is also suggested that any tests or visits be kept to a short length and that personnel visiting him be swapped out so he may not work his way out through them over time. Under no circumstances is he to be assigned an on-site therapist. Also due to his nature, we will not be allowing any training or experimental exercises on his aura as it'd be too much of a risk to the staff involved. As a final note for the containment procedure, I would like to state that Shatter should be given a high level of comfort inside said containment unit to make up for the lack of outside activities.

Comments or Notes: Attached to this file you will find an incident report describing a "kidnapping" involving Shatter along with a witness interview to confirm the details and to get another perspective on the situation.

Attachment #1

Incident Report

Incident Location: This "kidnapping", quotations used because the victim went seemingly willingly, took place not far from the club closest to facility #13.

Location Damages: No damage was done to the location.

Incident Type: As mentioned above this is a "kidnapping" where the victim appears to have gone willingly with their captor. However, it is believed by FAITH staff that the victim had actually fallen prey to a powerful aura. The witness interview attached to this report will clarify exactly what we mean by this.

Incident Description: Two males, in a relationship, we're taking a break from the loud noise and heat of the club. They were then approached by an individual matching Shatter's description and engaged in conversation. Over the course of said conversation, they both seemed to take a liking to him and moved out of the camera's sight range. However, a single male was seen returning to the club after where they then made a call to the police who then decided it best to get FAITH involved over the weird circumstances of the "kidnapping".

Injury reports No physical injuries. Though the witness claims to be suffering from "A broken heart" and wanted us to put it down in our report.

Actions Taken: Unfortunately, there isn't much that will help in this case. A lot of kidnappings go unpunished as the city is a chaotic and easy place to hide in. Despite that, however, we have launched an investigation and searched the area for any signs of the suspect or the missing person, but so far no signs of either. We have also begun hiring for a citizen that fits the description of the kidnapper's type to set a trap where we will have a capture and response team on the scene to apprehend the kidnapper and take them in for containment.

Attachment #2

Witness Report

This interview was conducted between [REDACTED], henceforth referred to as Citizen, and Agent [REDACTED], henceforth referred to as Agent.

Agent: I'd like to start by thanking you for agreeing to this interview, Mr.[REDACTED]. It means a lot to us that you are willing to come here and talk.

Citizen: Yeah, well, I'll do anything to get him to come back to me. I miss him so much.

Agent: We understand and are here to help. Do you mind telling me what happened? I know you've already made a report but I'd like to hear it from you directly if that's alright.

Citizen: Sure. Umh, where to start. I guess I could start in the club. My boyfriend and I were here there to unwind after a long work week, just wanted to let out some steam and get the stress out, you know? But it gets awfully hot in those places with all the bodies and the rubbing together and all that, anyway, we went outside to cool off.

Agent: Yeah, says here you two were then approached by an individual that matches the description of someone we are already aware of. Does he look familiar to you?

[Note that Agent then showed Citizen a photograph of Shatter. Also, note that upon viewing the picture that Citizen seems flustered.]

Citizen: Ohmygoshyes. Yes, that's him. That's the guy who approached my boyfriend and me that night. I'll never forget that face, that smile, that charm. Such a good looker, real easy on the eyes you know?

Agent: Uh-huh...anyway. What happened after he approached you two?

[Note that the Agent had to struggle a bit to get the picture back from Citizen.]

Citizen: Fine. Take it! Geez. Anyway, yeah, he approached us and we began talking. Nothing crazy, just small talk at first, but the more he stuck around the more my boyfriend and I felt drawn to him. Eventually, we were basically in his arms as he chatted and laughed about...well more lewd things to be perfectly honest with you. Seemed this guy here was looking for a good time and we were both ready for it.

Agent: I see, is that when you two walked off with him?

Citizen: Oh, honey. We did a lot more than just walk off with him. There was a lot of fun to be had not far from the club. After the clothes were off w-

Agent: There's really no need to go into detail about what happened.

Citizen: Fine, you're missing out on the juicy details though.

Agent: What happened after that?

Citizen: Well, after that this guy seemed to have his eyes all over my boyfriend but didn't really seem all that interested in me. We talked for a long while and I even begged him not to go, but in the end, they both left me and I didn't know what to do after I was alone.

Agent: And that's when you called in to report your boyfriend missing?

Citizen: not exactly.

Agent: What do you mean? Says here you were calling about a kidnapping and missing person and that you were quote "Heartbroken" about the whole thing. I assumed that meant you were heartbroken watching your boyfriend walk off with another man.

Citizen: There seems to have been a little mistake here.

Agent: Is that so? Why don't you clear it up for me then?

Citizen: Isn't it obvious? I'm calling cause that man is missing! My boyfriend, that slut, ran off with him and it broke my heart seeing that other man leave my life so soon. He left me behind and I don't know what to do without that man in my life. So, I called the police. Then you can find him and I can see him again.

Agent: So...this call isn't about your boyfriend. You called to report that your boyfriend had kidnapped this man you just met? Are you serious?

Citizen: As a heart attack! You guys are going to find him right? I'm so worried about him and where he could have gone. Please find him for me and call me when you do so I can see him smile at me again.

Agent: Ah, huh. Well, I think that's all the information I need then. Thank you again for accepting this interview. If you head out the door and go to your right to reception they will take down your name and number and we'll be sure to call you when Shatter is found.

Citizen: Oooo, that's his name? Shatter~ I think my heart just skipped a beat. Thank you! Thank you. Please find him soon.

Agent: You're very welcome. Have a good day now.

[Citizen then left the room and made their way to reception. His information was taken down before he was then taken to the back room and given a level 4 amnesia injection. Citizen was kept overnight at the nearby hospital and monitored to make sure Shatter was forgotten before he was then escorted home.]