The Choice (Commission)

Story by Ralan165 on SoFurry

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#14 of Commissions

Julius is your typical popular college athlete. Skilled, good looking, the kind of guy his teammates say get all of the ladies. But Julius has a secret that only a select few know, one that his master keeps very close to his heart.

This is a commission for Critic over on SoFurry. I hope you all enjoy it!

Ten minutes overtime, twenty-five yards, six points down. Julius clamped down on his lips, fighting the nerves rippling through his body as he read the scoreboard. One shot left in the game, and it all hung on him.

"Pink fifty-two!" He called out, eyes watching over his linemen and running back. Occasionally he peered over to the crowd, watching for a certain pair of eyes that had locked onto him earlier. But they were gone now, and he knew where they were. "Pink fifty-two!" The jackal needed to end this game now. It was rude to keep others waiting. "Hut, hut, hike!"

No sooner had the center tossed the ball did the linemen clash. Grunts of strength and cleats digging into turf echoed through his ears. He caught the ball and pulled back, aiming for his running back only to see him surrounded by waves of green jerseyed outside linebackers. He looked left, finding the same problem. Did he really need to run? He couldn't, not with-

The enemy nose guard pushed through, roaring triumphantly with his arm stretched forward to grab him. Julius weaved aside as his reflexes took over. Digging into his bite guard, the jackal boosted over his line and cleared several players, hitting the ground in a mad dash. Speed wasn't on his side, no thanks to some discomforts, but he dodged and crisscrossed through defensive tackles on instinct, adrenaline, and his own teammates blocking where they could.

Ten yards down, then ten more. A lion lunged after him, but he leaped forward with the ball outstretched. The grassy aroma hit his nose hard upon landing, and the ref whistle blared in his ears. "Touchdown!" The announcer called out. Relief swept through him like a wave as he rolled backwards, staring up to the starless night sky. "Julius!" His teammates shouted, grabbing him and hoisting the Jackal above their heads before he could react. They chanted his name, again and again, ragdolling him into the air with their cheers. Pat after pat hit the back of his pads when they finally let him stand on his own two feet.

"That was too close!" One said. "Man I thought you had lost your edge today with those fumbles, but fucking hell you proved me wrong," said another. Julius forced a smile and nodded, remembering those mistakes dearly and hoping they'd drop them. "Give him space, give him space!" Coach Girk shouted, pushing aside his team to stand before the Jackal. The burly stag looked down at his player, noticeably already drenched in gatorade from Julius's touchdown. A heavy hand landed against his shoulder pad, "Ya did good, son. Ya did good." He turned to the rest of the players, "Now hit the showers! Y'all are winners tonight, so clean up and go fuck your prom queens!"

Everyone save Julius laughed, "Coach we in college!" one player called out. "It's a figure of speech ya dumb kids!" Girk shouted. Julius hung his head down on the way back to the lockers.

Julius's trip to the lockers were met with countless pats on the back and an occasional buttslap that he prayed never traveled further. Talk of partying, girlfriends, and jeers against the other team filled the air as they stripped down and headed toward the showers. The jackal kept a casual facade throughout it all, avoiding glances of the hanging cocks and athletic bodies of his teammates while grabbing stuff from his locker.

"Yo, Julius, you ain't takin a shower?" Called out one of his teammates. "What else is new? Dude keeps headin on out after every game. Julius you got an air freshener in your car right?" He nodded, forcing a smile while reaching the door. A wolf boy, naked from head to toe impeded him briefly. "Seriously man, what's the hurry? We're on a hot streak, time to celebrate."

"I am," Julius nodded, "Got someone waiting for me." His heart leaped at the fake whip sounds echoed from the mouths of several players upon hearing his explanation. "The jumping Jackal is pussy whipped?" Others laughed, burning his face red at the playful jeering of it all. If that's all they thought, then they'd be happy with it. He nodded along and waved them off, heading out into the gymnasium and, after seeing how empty it was, slipped into the girls locker room at lightning speed.

Heart pulsing in his chest, he clenched his back against the closed door and exhaled in relief. Breathing in, he noticed a different scent mixed in with the rubber flooring. A smoldering sage aroma. His ears perked up, noting the impatient tapping of a dress shoe against the locker room floor. Julius's throat grew tight, he straightened himself up and stepped down the white brick hall, turning to the empty ladies locker room to find his better.

"You're late," The rabbit said, not even looking up from his book. Dressed in a dark tan sports jacket, and matching khakis, the calico rabbit sat atop the bench with his back against the wall. Even with the pink collared shirt, Julius could see the muscle definition underneath, and his eyes, despite how rude it was, trailed down to the crotch to see the outline hidden inside.

"I-I'm sorry, Sir." His tongue grew dry as he spoke, "The game went on longer than expected and-" The rabbit slammed his book shut with one hand, "I did not ask for excuses, they are beneath you," He said, getting up from his seat, "I was merely noting a fact of your failure." He strutted around Julius, eyeing the jackal down like a cutlet at a butchery. "Strip."

The athlete followed without question. First he pulled his shirt off, revealing the white lace bra locked tight against his black furred chest. Next came his pants, a struggle to remove thanks to the nylon and pads, but revealed matching white stockings and garters, with a small crotchless thong that revealed the wide pink plug in his ass, and the chastity cage already dripping pre thanks to weeks of no release.

The rabbit kept a stern look as he paced around the Jackal. "It seems they held up well despite the roughhousing," He noted, slipping a finger under a garter and pulling gently, "Did you have problems moving around with my additions?" As he asked, the rabbit's fingers tapped against the plug lodged in Julius's ass. The jackal nodded, "Yes, sir." Walking around daily with them had been challenging, but practice and games with them were nerve wracking. Julius dreaded his plug slipping out with every failure of his protective line, and running with his cage on had been arduous.

"Would you like them removed next time?" The rabbit asked, hooking a finger underneath the Jackal's chin. Julius shook his head, his knees shaking and chest quivering underneath Mr. Godfree's earthly brown eyes. The smallest hint of a smile crossed the rabbit's lips. His master's satisfaction made Julius's cage oppressively tighter. "Showers, now," The rabbit commanded.

Training had helped Julius hide the giddiness in his steps behind refined movements. His spine shivered as Mr. Godfree's shoes echoed across the ceramic white tiles of the square public shower. "Hands against the wall, ass out," He ordered, and like a good boy he did just that, pushing his butt out for view while leaning against the wall. The rabbit kicked his feet apart until they were shoulder length, leaving him all the more exposed. His strong hands braced the tight athletic cheeks of his ass, kneading it possessively.

If he closed his eyes, Julius could still hear the raucous celebrations from the boys locker room. "It's good that your teammates are so loud," the rabbit mused, "They're less likely to hear your punishment."

A firm slap struck his right cheek. Julius gasped from shock, but didn't move even as another came on his left. The rabbit's strong hands gave him small moments to breathe, but they were never consistent. Five seconds, ten, thirty? It was all a blur as Mr. Godfree burned the black furred Jackal's bum red as punishment for tardiness. "Despite this being a punishment, I think you enjoy this." Julius stayed silent on his master's remark, knowing well not to give an opinion unless asked. Besides, his body was answer enough. From the tightness of his nipples, the shortness of breath, and the pre-dripping from his twitching cage with every strike. A soft buzz rippled against his prostate as the plug turned to life. He clung tighter to the wall, moans growing stronger as pleasure and pain mingled together.

He was not but a lump of clay before his master molded him with those very hands. A touch he dreamed of each night. Biting his lip, his hips humped the air on reflex, showing off his sore bottom while he imagined something else filling his ass.

The rabbit stepped back, admiring his work as the pain throbbed through the jackal's ass. "Present." Julius turned around and kneeled down, spreading his thighs apart and resting his hands palms down on them. He kept his chin up, eyes down, and chest outward, straining the bra ever so slightly that it dug into his fur. "Good. Now I suppose I have waited long enough. Service me."

The question of location and fear of being seen were absent from his mind as Julius raised his hands to unbuckle the rabbit's belt. He gulped at the outline of his master's erection, nostrils flaring as he unzipped the khakis and whiffed the dominant musk lying underneath. Julius's mouth salivated as he held the warm and pulsing cock in his hands, bigger than his own before the cage. With both hands, he pumped it slowly. His tongue softly lapping against the head to taste the salty pre before carefully engulfing it in his mouth. He closed his eyes, savoring the taste as the jackal dove further and further down the cock, his hands busy massaging where his lips had yet to reach.

"Hungry sissy, aren't you?" Mr. Godfree teased. Julius shivered in delight at the hand against his head. There was no need to guide him, he'd sucked the rabbit off enough to know how he liked it, though the possessive touch only edged him further. But he needed to savor it, needed to give his master an even better experience than before. Sir's happiness was his happiness, something that, deep in the back of his mind, a voice cried out in shame against.

He never saw himself being this happy under another's thumb. All thanks to one fateful day and some poor grades.


Julius looked up to the art gallery in contempt and confusion. The sign out front was colored purple and written in cursive, reading out as 'Le marché de Giton' with a masculine sculpture on each side. He grit his teeth and buried his hands deep in coat pockets, arching his head forward as he walked past the spinning doors to find the person his coach told him to meet.

Extra credit. His coach kept telling him that if his grades dropped Julius would be dropped from the team. But could he really be blamed? No one took art classes seriously beyond frilly dreamers who thought their creations were actually worth more than the canvases they painted on. Or whatever they used as a base. So he skipped a few classes, or most of them, his time was better served at the gym building muscle for practice.

And now, in order to keep his grades up and stay on the team, he had to volunteer at some damn art gallery. Inside was about as pretentious as he imagined: all paintings and sculptures. He ignored them and wandered, trying to find anyone inside to direct him toward what he needed to do.

Finding no one, he sighed and realized he must have come early. Pausing his search, he observed the decor on display. From paintings, busts, to full sculptures, the jackal noticed a theme they all shared. No women were presented in the art, and each piece was a little...he snapped his fingers trying to find the word, risque? He expected statues to be naked, sculptures seemed to get a kick out of masculine muscle. And why shouldn't they? He loved seeing his own in the mirror. The lack of leaves covering their genitals proved to be surprising, in addition to the size of the statue's members. His eyes focused on one statue in particular, of a dog kneeling with his thighs spread and hands behind his head, with a collar wrapped around his neck. The chest was puffed out, displaying an impressive set of pectorals that Julius was almost envious of.

"Can I help you?"

Julius turned around, finding a calico rabbit standing behind him with standing ears towering above the jackal and deep brown eyes. He stepped back in surprise, knocking into a stand and catching the urn with his trained reflexes. The rabbit's gaze remained contemptuous or...condescending? "Y-yeah," Julius muttered, clearing his throat after putting the urn back in place, "Sorry for touching, didn't mean for it to fall."

"I should hope not. It's expensive." The rabbit straightened his pink purple tie over the pink shirt across his body. Julius blinked, questioning for a second at how constrained the rabbit looked underneath the shirt. "I'll ask again, can I help you? You're not here with an audio tour so I assume you are looking for someone?"

Julius nodded, "Yeah, the name's Julius," He gave his hand out to shake, but the rabbit ignored it. "I'm looking for a Darian Godfree. My art teacher said he needed help at his gallery or something."

"Mr. Godfree," The rabbit corrected, "Sir would also be acceptable." Julius blinked, letting the cogs grind in his head before the realization clicked. "Oh. Oh! So sorry, Mr. Godfree, I didn't have a picture or-"

"Then that is your teacher's fault." The rabbit eyed him up and down. Julius couldn't help but feel pushed by the bun's attitude. He'd dealt with snippy professors on campus, but Darian acted as if he were not only born with a silver spoon, but found how to turn it to gold. "You will do. Come with me."

It felt more like an order than a request, but Julius followed closely behind his patron and ignored the sudden straining of his dick. "So do you need an extra set of hands or something?" He asked, eyeing out the artwork dotting the walls. "If I needed physical labor I'd hire professionals." Godfree's tone carried a hidden edge of control, "No, I need a model."

The jackal blinked. A model? Sure he made sure to keep his body sculpted at the gym, better to get the ladies, but he never considered himself a model. The two stepped through a black back door and past several curtains, revealing more works of art. These were more set about for storage by the looks of it. "What kind of modeling do you need?"

They stopped by a marble white statue of a male lion, standing tall with a spear in one hand, and nothing to hide from the hanging chiseled cock that Julius averted his gaze from. "Take off your clothes," The rabbit commanded, grabbing a prop spear from the ground, "And mimic the statue."

"Wait, what?" Julius raised his hands, "I don't really get what you're asking here." Darian rolled his eyes, "I'm holding an exhibit in a few weeks. One aspect I have planned is comparing these statues to the real physical body."

Julius looked to the statue, "Shouldn't you get a lion then?"

"The actual species rarely matters. It's more about showcasing the difference in era. I'm sure you use modern ways to gain muscle. Tools and machines that the original models did not have."


The rabbit raised a brow at the question, "Because it's art." Heading over to a nearby table, Darian grabbed a folder and handed it to him. Inside were pictures of sculptures and male models in the same pose, most naked, some clothed to match the statue. "It's a common theme I do with pieces."

"Well maybe I'm not comfortable with doing...this," Julius said, eyes still falling on the pictures themselves. The rabbit firmly took the folder from the jackal's hands, "Then don't. Go back to your teacher and let them fail you. It makes no difference to me."

Julius felt his throat tighten, like a noose around the jackal's neck. He needed to keep several grades up for his scholarship. He was already treading over science and math, spending too many hours in those subjects that attending art was a hassle. Failing art meant missing the games, and missing the games meant no more college. Pose naked for a rabbit who reeked of old money, or drop out? He looked to the spear in his hand, then the sculpture.

" many pictures we taking?"

"It's 'are we taking', Julius," The rabbit corrected, pulling out a professional camera and attaching it to a stand, "And we are taking several. They should be easy to move around with the platforms. Now if you please, get into position."

Mr. Godfree's photo shoots were...interesting. There was a different sculpture each day. At first, the sculptures were of heroes or recreations of other famous works like 'The Thinker'. But over time they grew to be more obscure. One had him stand straight with his chest out and exposed, arms behind his head with elbows spread wide. Another had him kneeling with his chest out, eyes to the ground, thighs spread, and palms facing upward as he rested on his legs. Some days required reshoots, with Mr. Godfree's commands being more demanding and yet strangely enjoyable to the Jackal.

Some days there were other guests behind the gallery. A second photographer for an angle, a makeup artist, people who spoke with Mr. Godfree just out of earshot, and more. Mostly men, but a few women watched him pose. Their gazes were at the top of his list as to why his erections kept interfering.

"Need any help getting that under control?" Mr. Godfree asked. Julius, now sitting at the fold out chair left for him, coughed from his water bottle. "N-no. I don't need any-"

"Lying is a fast track to ending this early." His comment felt more like a threat. The rabbit pulled a small metallic device from his pocket and tossed it over. "Put this on. Balls go through the big ring. You can ask Charlie for lube."

Fondling the device, Julius looked up to the rabbit in confusion. "My balls? What is this thing?"

"A chastity cage. It'll prevent you from getting erect. Might help deal with your other thoughts as well."

"Other thoughts?" He blinked, "Mr. Godfree I don't-"

"Your erections are ruining the shot. Put that on, or walk out." His icy stare brought a blush to the jackal's face as Julius nodded and started disassembling, then reassembling the device over his cock. Only, his cock wasn't agreeing, growing harder despite his efforts. "I...can I use the bathroom? Maybe just a quick-"

"Five minutes." Bowing his head in thanks, Julius raced off to the bathroom and locked the door behind him, leaving the jackal alone in a small boxed room. His erection stood tall, refusing to go down. "Damn it...fine," He muttered, grabbing his cockhead and pumping feverishly. He just needed to get off, then this stupid cage would fit. Wasn't his fault he was hard, just his dick acting up to attention. He'd never been naked in front of so many people before, never had the focus of such earthly brown eyes. Mr. Godfree appeared in his mind's eye, camera in hand and snapping photo after photo as he jacked off.

"Pump it faster," The apparition ordered. One of the many commands mimicked in his head as Julius's fantasy grew. He told himself it was the others watching, and put several women in his imagination. But Mr. Godfree's directions were deep on his mind. The wave surged through him. He bucked his hips, biting down on his lips to keep him muffled as seed splattered against the sink. "Fuck..." Julius sighed, eyeing the white goo plastered over his hand. The erection was gone, but the arousal...he shook his head and assembled the cage over his softened dick. With a click, the lock was sealed, forcing him to walk around with some added weight on his junk.

"Ok, gonna take some getting used to." Stepping outside Julius met the most peculiar sight: Mr. Godfree's soft smile. "It looks good on you." The rabbit nodded along with his open thoughts, circling the jackal carefully. "Adds some extra oomph to the art."

" when can I take it off?"

"When we're done."

"So in a few hours?"

"Weeks." Mr. Godfree didn't look up, "When we're done with this project. Don't worry about masturbation, need you focused anyway."

"I don't-" The rabbit quelled his question with a finger. "I'm sure you have complaints. But your complaints are not important. You are here to model, and you will model. Now, go put your hands on the pillar and bend your back."

The calico rabbit's tone, the intended pose, and the eyes watching made Julius's cage feel all the tighter as he nodded. "Yes, Sir."

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