Biohazard Containment Protocols (2/5)

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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When Tanakeah is given a mission to infiltrate a research lab in order to steal some files he always knows that there is the potential for being double-crossed or to lose out on the payment, but when it turns out that the target is him it kicks off a betrayal of epic proportions that leads to the release of a parasite bio-weapon on an unsuspecting city.

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When Tana opened his eyes again he found himself in yet another place he didn't recognize, this time inside some sort of glass tube suspended over an open vat of some sort of thick liquid that was a mix of purple and green. The only other thing in the room was a small platform that was suspended to the side, one of them a white and black-striped tiger while the other was a steel-blue furred wolf. Both of them wore lab coats and as the cobra's head cleared he started to remember the blurs that he had seen while heavily sedated. Whatever drugs they had given him in that bizarre tube were quickly wearing off, and when he tried to move his body he found that the bindings which had secured him were no longer on his body.

In fact there was nothing on his body, the blue scales of his form completely exposed with nothing to hide himself with. None of that really mattered to Tana though as he banged on the glass and shouted for them to let him go. "I assure you we can hear you quite clearly," the wolf said. "I wouldn't bother attempting to escape, both the container you're in as well as the tank below have been constructed completely out of plasteel and even with tools you probably couldn't break out of."

Plasteel... that's very expensive, Tana thought to himself as he continued to look at the two angrily. Whoever is financing this operation has deep pockets to afford something like this, including the team that kidnapped him in the first place. "I would like to point out that the plaza you kidnapped me from doesn't have extraterritoriality!" Tana stated as he tapped a claw accusingly on the glass. "That means what you did goes against the megacorp code of conduct!"

"That code only applies to people, my dear snake," the tiger said, causing both of them to chuckle and making Tana even angrier. "No, the group that took you did a very good job of completely erasing your presence from the world, even liquidating those private accounts of yours as well as your identity. I'm afraid the only thing you are now is our test subject for a new prototype bioweapon that will revolutionize the way we wage war."

"A bioweapon huh," Tana replied, mentally cursing as he realized these two probably cared very little about any sort of code of ethics or laws. "You think you might have gotten rid of me, but in a day or two someone is going to notice my presence."

"Oh, they did, and we took care of that," the tiger replied, which caused Tana to recoil in shock slightly despite his attempt to keep a cool demeanor. "We put you on ice for a month while we set up the final preparations for this little experiment. Most were either paid off or told you were dead, and in your line of work that can be a very real consequence of your line of work."

Tana continued to grit his teeth but knew they were right, he'd personally known a number of people that just went off the radar and never came back. "You think I haven't been in worse jams than this?" Tana tried to bluff, though being suspended over something that was probably going to instantly kill him with no tools or equipment was definitely the worst situation he had been in so far. "If you let me out now I'll make sure-"

The cobra didn't get the chance to finish that sentence as the wolf rolled his eyes before pushing a button on the console that caused the floor to fall out from underneath Tana's prison. For a brief moment he attempted to hold onto the sides but he quickly slid down, eventually losing his grip completely and falling the short distance between the tube and the containment vat below. To his surprise he landed with less of a splash and more of a plop, sinking down halfway into the strange organic sludge before he stopped. When he didn't feel his legs instantly start to melt he wondered if the experiment was a bust before he tried to shift his weight and slosh over towards one of the metal walls to attempt an escape.

But as soon as Tana started to shift in the strange goo he froze when it felt like it had shifted back. With his body already naked he could feel every inch of it press against his lower body, including against his cock as it began to stiffen from the strange stimulation. What the hell was this gunk supposed to him, Tana thought with a grimace as the stuff seemed to become more animated by the second. He could tell it was starting to soak into his scales, but what concerned him even more was that it had started to push up inside of him. If this was some sort of bioweapon than it pushing inside him was not a good idea and instinctively he tried to reach back in a vain attempt to stop it.

Up above him Tana could hear the scientists talk about how they were glad that the test subject hadn't sunk completely and they could see the mutation of the parasitic material firsthand. There was more they discussed but the cobra's listening ended at the talk of some parasite that was swimming all around him. It was likely what was attempting to push up inside him, and with no means to grip onto it there was nothing to stop it from pushing up into his body. Already he could start to feel something changing about him, especially in his feet as he lost the sensation of feeling in his toes, though what surprised him he most was the feelings that were centered around his groin.

Tana continued to shout at the two scientists to let him out but it was being punctuated by gasps and moans as a surge of the alien substance flooded into him to the point his stomach swelled and his back arched. He brought his hands up in shock and saw that his scales had been completely coated with the pulsating purple and green flesh but had caused them to swell to twice their size. Even with more of it pushing into his tailhole and stretching him open, causing cascading waves of pleasure from the stimulation, he couldn't tear his eyes away from his fingers as he wiggled them. They weren't just covered in the strange sludge, Tana realized as he pressed a dripping claw against the webbing between the digits and felt the skin tug, but it had mutated his hands to become the monstrosities that were right before his eyes.

There was a sudden spasm of his arm muscles and Tana not only saw something pushing up the scales of his forearms but also out from his wrists. The cobra's mouth became frozen in shock as a bright purple, fleshy tentacle pushed its way out from underneath his forearms and slithered across his hands. Even though they were connected to him it felt alien to him, like there was another entity slithering around as a second joined the first, then a third as they extended outwards and dipped down into the surface of the liquid. The cobra's gasping increased as his forearms swelled and the tentacles he could feel inside them slithered up to his biceps, which bulged and thickened so quickly that the scales cracked to reveal pulsating purple and green flesh underneath.

This isn't happening, Tana tried to think to himself, but as his focus when back down to his stomach that continued to swell and pulsate a soft voice in his head told him to accept it. His whole body heaved forward as the mass that had corrupted and mutated his insides pushed upwards, causing the cobra to hiss and thrash from the transformation as thick tendrils pushed up into his pectorals. In a last ditch attempt to try and somehow stop himself from succumbing he moved towards the edge of the tank only to feel his feet were no longer there and that the movement of the liquid against his cock was earth-shatteringly intensely erotic. Though it was oozing up his chest to the point he could feel it assimilate his lungs what caused him to arch his back once more was seeing his increasingly thick shaft push up out of the surface of the liquid.

Before Tana's lust-soaked mind could even try to comprehend what was going on the tentacles that had emerged from his arms wrapped around it, which only caused the transforming cobra to become even more paralyzed with pleasure. With more of the parasitic fluid infecting his insides pushing up into his cock it suddenly swelled even bigger, the flesh becoming more prehensile by the second as something began to form around it. As the head of it continued to warp and shift the increasingly plump purple shaft suddenly formed into a divot, the wet flesh separating from itself as one cock turned to two. Almost as soon as they did the tentacles coiled down into the separating shafts to continue to keep the cobra enthralled in pure bliss while it continued to seep its way into every corner of his being.

It wasn't just the physical one either, as thinner tendrils slid their way up the neck of the cobra while his chest continued to bulk up with more mass that cascaded out from his bloated stomach. He could feel his eyes practically bulging as the parasite infected his brain. That soft voice, still faint but with the understanding of need, once more seemed to vibrate in his mind as he began to feel his shoulders bulk out and stretch. The parasite had completely flooded his chest by this point and the scales of his arms had turned into the same flesh all the way past his elbow and up his massively swollen biceps.

A strangled cry of pleasure came out from the cobra as he desperately tried to stave back the mutations to escape, then doubled over as an overflow of the goo pooled around his back. As he leaned forward until his muzzle practically pressed against the surface of the fluid that was draining into his body while his back muscles twitched and grew. The groans that came from the cobra began to deepen as the already distorted scales pushed out in four spots, two on each side of his spine that grew into thick pulsing tentacles that immediately transformed the flesh around it. They continued to stretch and grow and it caused the rest of his body to bulge and grow to further fill out his growing form.

With the last vestiges of his reptilian nature disappearing on the swelling mass of parasitic flesh Tana attempted one last ditch try to stop the growing corruption, pulling his hands away from his new cocks and gripping his swelling throat. The growing groans and shouts became gurgled as purple and green goo drooled from his lips, dripping from his eyes and ears as well. The pressure was becoming so intense that he couldn't hold it back anymore and as the tentacles on his back writhed about as he nearly completely arched back. Most of the goo had disappeared from the vat and exposed the thick tentacles his legs had become that slithered around underneath him while his hands stretched out to his sides.

The thick goo finally made its way up into the cobra's mouth, completely subsuming his face pushing out briefly into a tentacle as his eyes squeezed shut. Everything went black as the thick tentacle stretched out his maw briefly before it collapsed back on his face. Almost immediately the parasite merged with his head just like it had done with the rest of the body, warping his skull as his serpentine features became lost underneath the heavy goo. Soon there was nothing but the open maw that was still bubbling with the parasitic substance as the cobra went completely silent.

"Looks like the bonding process was successful," the wolf scientist said as he turned and shook the tiger's hand. "Congratulations, we're going to make ourselves a ton of money."

"This was certainly an unexpected series of mutations," the tiger replied as they looked back down into the vat and saw the creature that had once been a cobra seem to look up at them. "The head is always the most interesting change though, I can't wait to see what becomes of the smug look on that snake's face."

As the wolf pressed a different button on the panel and a clear cover slid over it just as the thick alien flesh began to contort over Tana's face. The entire time the two scientists had been talking the cobra started to feel his head clear, save for the fires of lust that came with the monstrous self-pleasure, it was his face that had started to contort. The suction that had been pulling into his mouth pushed out once again as his tongue swelled and lengthened until it begin to split into three. At the same time his muzzle did the same and Tana once more let out a loud, throaty roar as his muzzle split into thirds as well.

When Tana opened his eyes again the purple and green irises were extremely disorienting at first, and that was when he realized that he wasn't just looking through his normal eyes. It exposed the tentacle-lined throat that undulated as his tentacle tongues waved through the air while three pairs of eyes shifted their slit pupils with one set on each side of his three-jawed snout. Yet as the final shifting of the parasite that had completely engulfed his entire body there the clarity of thought that he had been getting was becoming more prevalent by the second. It was as if somehow his brain had already been saturated by the parasite and was getting him used to his body, which as he looked at the reflection at the tank was truly monstrous.

He was probably about ten feet tall with every inch of his scaled body gone, replaced with writhing, pulsating purple and green flesh. His lower body had been replaced with a thick set of tentacles that went all the way up to his waist where a thick sheath sat in front of his body. Within it were the two thick tentacle cocks that had already started to stretch out the tip, and once more the low buzz of lust began to sneak its way back into his mind. He slowly moved forward and saw that both his cocks and the tentacles on his back had petals on their tips that could open up to show off the sensitive tips leaking with more of the parasitic goo. Even with the voice continuing to whisper in his mind and the corruption leaking from every pore the reflection of his heavily mutated, infested body terrified him...

No, it did more than terrify him, it enraged him as his new claws raked against the side of the vat. With his new sense of hearing and the translation of the vibrations that were on the stainless steel he could hear the scientists laughing at his flailing tentacles and amorphous body. The cobra that had been dropped into that tank was gone, killed by the thing that infested his body, and his murderers were up there LAUGHING at him! With nothing else that his mind could latch onto to make any sort of sense all he had was his anger, and that was enough for him to distract himself from his fate as he slammed his arm tentacles upwards onto the roof.

But despite his augmented strength and new body there was nothing Tana could do to escape, though he managed to bow out the side of the vat it was not enough to break through. "Go ahead and work out all that anger, there's no way that you're getting through all that," the wolf said as they watched their latest creature thrash about before it stopped and looked up at them. "Oh look, it can understand, it'll make it easier to break you. Congratulations on being our newest, shiniest bioweapon, once we get done you are going to make the megacorp a ton of money."

The mere suggestion that Tana was going to let his captors, the ones that had infected him, make a single credit off of him only served to enrage him further. Strangely the voice in his head that had been whispering in his mind the entire time on the acceptance of his body seemed to share in his thoughts. It was as if the parasite that had infested him was... cheering him on? Want him to exact revenge on those that had made him that way.

Tana wasn't sure how many hours he had used the tentacles on his body to try and bust through any of the containment vessel they trapped him in, but even as he started to get used to his form there was nothing he could do to get out. When he looked up he saw that the two scientists has left and with the source of his anger gone he felt the rage start to ebb away. There was nothing that he could do at the point but continue to try and escape, though with each attempt it became more futile by the second. Even though his initial feelings started to subside though it didn't stop him wanting to escape and exact revenge on those that had turned him into a bioweapon... a monster...

Hours turned to days, and even though he occasionally saw the two scientists come back to monitor him there was nothing else that happened to the creature trapped in that vat. Not only did he continue to hear this strange voice but something else had started to eat away at him. Whether it was the time being spent alone or the fact that every time he looked at his reflection with his six eyes he saw the glistening flesh of the creature he had become it had started to eat away at the very core of his sanity. He cold feel the rational thoughts that had ruled his life and kept him safe in his job were being unraveled and started to become more chaotic in nature.

When a week has passed the careful planning that Tana had tried to make in order to make an escape had devolved into more simplistic thoughts of just rushing the two and transforming them both. It didn't even matter if he completely escaped the facility, and it would be unlikely that he did, but he just wanted to infest the two that had done this too him. So it was when he saw the tiger scientist suddenly appear over the lid of the vat that Tana practically slammed into the cover and caused the entire thing to shudder. When that didn't work he started to try and push the tentacles on his arms to pry it open before something large pierced into his side. He turned just in time to see a mechanical arm pull back with a syringe on the end of it, and as the seconds passed he suddenly started to feel more lucid than before with the voice in his head that had been driving him crazy calmed down as well.

"Oh good, it looks like the mutation blocker does have some effect," the tiger said as he looked down at the calmer creature. "Look... I know that I'm probably the last face that you want to see right now, but I want to tell you that I was betrayed as well. The parasitic substance coursing through your body is a bastardization of my work."

Up until that point Tana wasn't even sure his new anatomy would allow him to speak, but he decided to give it a shot as his strange jaws opened. "Bastardization... just like you did with my body?" Tana managed to reply, though his voice had an otherworldly quality to it as he felt his anger spike once more. "You two should be down here with me, I will personally show your work to you."

"Listen, I know that you have every right to be angry at me but it's my partner that's to blame," the scientist tried to explain. "My research was supposed to build a symbiote that would help those with terminal diseases, not the bioweapon that they used to turn you into, well, what you currently are now. Fortunately for the both of us I've arranged to defect as long as I take the research I've been working on, and after recently calling them they said that they can possibly reverse the infection and cure you as well."

A cure... it was something that he hadn't even considered up until that point and gave him a glimmer of hope. "You're saying that your megacorp can change me back," Tana asked, his mind starting to get fuzzy on his former cobra form after a week. "I'm guessing that you want me to not infect you and give you the revenge I so really, really want to give you."

"That... would be nice," the tiger said with a sheepish grin. "While I can't guarantee that they'll completely cure you since the bioweapon technology is new I'm sure I can at least get you under control and stop the mental degradation. Once that happens I can start to reverse the process and get you back to normal."

"I suppose anything is better than being a bioweapon for the one who did this to me," Tana stated. "I am very curious on how you plan to smuggle me out of here."

"Actually you are going to make an escape," the tiger said as he began to make a few adjustments to the control panel, but then hesitated and looked down at Tana. "You are going to let me go after I open this containment unit, right? If you transform me then you'll be this parasitic creature forever, even if you can escape your mental state will continue to deteriorate... and if it's revenge you seek than I happen to know my former partner is just a few rooms away."

Though Tana was about to say that was fine, the voice in his head pushed for him to take him, a thought that he dismissed. "It looks like you'll have to let me go and find out," the infested cobra said, wondering how he looked with his unusual jaw as he felt as if he was smirking. "I will say that you make a good offer."

The tiger gave a very nervous laugh but Tana could tell from the look on his face that he was extremely nervous. He couldn't blame the scientist; he would know more than anyone what he was capable of. It appeared that the tiger would take that chance however and pressed the last series of buttons and caused the lid to open. He only let it go up a few inches before he stopped the procedure, but that was enough that Tana could bash it open the rest of the way. For the first time since he had been dropped in the sludge that transformed him into a tentacle monster he felt the freedom of being outside that tank, and he was ready to raise some hell.

The wolf scientist was alone in the breakroom, stirring a cup of coffee as he mentally prepared himself for the day. Ever since they had made that bioweapon more pressure had been put on him in order to produce results that the will of their subject had broken. All they wanted was to start selling the weapon he had created for millions of credits that he wouldn't even see. It was a thankless job but it had its benefits, smiling to himself when he remembered the surprised look on the cobra's face right up until it mutated into that of a fearsome monster of his own creation.

When he turned around the wolf dropped the cup as he saw that face suddenly right behind him with its fangs bared. He let out a gasp and the second that he did Tana's jaws opened up and one of his tentacle tongues pushed inside. The scientist's eyes rolled back into his head as he gurgled while the parasite pumped the same fluid that had transformed him into his body. The claws on his webbed hands ripped off the pants of the scientist to expose his rear while he was pushed back towards the wall. The lupine started to go slack as his flat stomach started to become distended, pushing up his shirt as Tana's tentacle cock pushed up against his backside.

The pedals that surrounded the head of his mutant member clamped around the cheeks of the wolf and seemed to suction to him as the rest of his cock continued to slide in. Underneath the swelling body of the scientist his own cock had sprung to life and Tana used his other cock tentacle to envelop it, the shaft immediately start to fatten as the parasite infected the sensitive flesh. Tana could feel it swell as the swollen pink flesh turned a similar purple to the one that enveloped it as he pushed inside both ends. If his head had the ability too Tana would have smiled as he watched the wolf's head start to deform with the tentacle inside of it as his tongue seemed to stretch out past his lips.

With the skull of the scientist becoming more pliable Tana took the other two tentacles and pushed them into the ears of the wolf, which caused the lupine to squirm and writhe in his grasp as his mind was corrupted. The rest of the bioweapon's tentacles began to stretch over the wolf and against the wall and left a layer of the parasitic flesh over him to cement him to the wall. While the initial transformation was progressing quickly it would take some time for him to be ready, Tana's infested mind thought, and a little confinement would be justified for what they had done to him. As the wolf's body disappeared underneath the layer of purple he could see the wolf's body swell and bulge from more than just his cocks thrusting inside of him.

Just as Tana basked in the intense pleasure that came from spreading the parasite he suddenly heard the door open and turned one of his outstretched maws to see someone step inside. It was a jaguar man that had froze in his tracks as he saw the pair of eyes on one of the muzzle flaps look at him. Despite his mass and size the bioweapon was extremely quick as the tentacles wrapped around him before he could escape. By that point the scientist was a wolf-shaped bulge that wiggled against the wall as Tana got ready to create a similar jaguar one as Tana slithered his tentacles over him and the counter...

A few minutes biohazard alarm rang in Tana's ears as he slithered his way through the hallway. Behind him was several cocooned creatures, the parasites within them gestating to turn them into monsters just like him. The wet, pulsating flesh had also started to spread along the walls and there was something about that which greatly satisfied him. The rational part of his mind however knew that he needed to find the other scientist and escape before they brought down the big guns to contain him. He had made his way towards the exit, quickly encasing the guards that had attempted to fire on him before he oozed his way through the door.

The second he got into the garage he saw a containment vehicle that was right outside that caused him to pause. It was a van that looked to be modified for the transport of a creature like him to wherever he would be deployed, and just as he started to stretch his tentacles to disable it he saw the tiger scientist hop out of the driver side. He quickly ran to the other side and opened the doors to let Tana in and the bioweapon made his way inside. The inner walls were a clear glass and though the voice in his head radiated a warning on stepping in Tana couldn't afford to pass up a potential cure, and once he was inside the doors sealed shut behind him before the van sped off and broke out of the infested building.