Dragon Down

Story by TruPhantomWolf on SoFurry

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A commissioned story I wrote awhile ago about Skyrim! A fierce dragon attacks Windhelm and the town is saved by an unlikely hero!

It was a dreary, yet humid day on the docks in Windhelm, cloudy but bright, even as thunder softly rumbled in the far distance. Hinting and foretelling of a storm to come.

A day that would inspire some to be lazy, to take the day off and relax, head to the taverns, and have a pint of ale. But, Alas, the hard workers of the Windhelm Docks, could do no such thing. One such worker was just heading to her shift for that day, as she walked, she had her hood overhead, disguising her appearance, mostly to shield her sensitive eyes, from the bright, overcast. Her body was lithe yet, curvy, showing that she was indeed female. But, she was not human, "Morning Shahvee!" a fruit vendor said in greeting as she walked past. She grinned, beneath her hood and waved back cupping her hands, soon after to catch the complimentary apple, he tossed to her. As she bit into the fruit, she pondered about her life, she had made peace with the denizens of this town. It was for this reason that she was in high spirits. She recalled telling a passing Dragonborn that, despite her difficult life, she has learned to be happy with what she has. And she had much, more than people thought. She nibbled on the apple, as she made her way to the docks, finishing it down to the core, just as she arrived. "Shahvee!" The harbormaster exclaimed in greeting spreading his arms, invitingly. Finally, she lowered her hood, revealing her slender and scaled reptilian, face. Shahvee was an Argonian.

Argonians (or as they were also known the Saxhlee) were an oviparous race of reptilian people native to the large and marshy provinces of the Black Marsh. But they could be found all throughout the continent. Argonians were one of the few races completely unrelated to men and, they were known for their intelligence and enigma. And they excelled at tactics and were known to be experts at guerrilla warfare, and their natural aquatic abilities and stealthy attributes from their swampy homeland made them excellent spies and assassins. They were also known to0 proficient thieves, due to their increased lockpicking and sneaking skills.

Argonians had also developed immunities to the diseases that have doomed many would-be explorers in the region, and they are capable of easily exploring underwater locations due to their ability to breathe underwater. It was for this reason that Shahvee, had picked an occupation close to water, she made excellent tips from fishermen, fishing their fallen items, from the seabed. Coins, fish, bread, tools, 'pleasurable company', she had made a good life for herself here. She wasn't as battle-hungry as some of her brethren, as she gathered a saw file, and began to get to work. The calm, serenity was immediately disrupted by one loud, frantic cry; "DRAGON ATTACK!"

A horn blares somewhere in the sleeping village. Instantly, everyone snaps awake and sprints out into the streets. Shahvee herself, immediately, drop the saw file and ran with the crowd. What was going on? This was totally unwarranted and unexpected.

Why would a dragon be attacking? Dragons, seldom journeyed this far north. Everyone wants a better view of what's going on. Huge squadrons of knights spill into the streets, gazing up into the cloudy sky as they try to pinpoint the dragon who is supposedly attacking them. Nothing is burning, everything is quiet. What's going on?

The roar came again, closer this time. Shahvee turned around to see knights moving to battle formations. '" Prepare for attack!" The garrison commander shouted.

They had heard the roar already and had galvanized them into action. She watched them rush off frantically to find weapons and organize troops, but quickly lifted her head to the sky once more.

Time passed, agonizingly slowly. All around her, the knights were ready and scouts had been sent to watch out for approaching dragons in every direction. Once the preparations were done, the initial desperate rush slowly gave way to unbearable tension. As heartbeats and breathing slowed, hands gripped weapons tightly and faces went pale. Somewhere the children and other non-fighters were being escorted to a secure place for their protection. Shahvee continued to scan the sky, her mouth half-open and fangs exposed.

She suddenly felt horribly vulnerable. Then, from somewhere off to the left, there came a rush of wings. And a huge, dark shape moved overhead, blotting out the stars. Shahvee tensed, not daring to move a muscle. The dragon flew on, straight over her, and for a moment she hoped it would continue on over the valley. But then it turned around in the sky and flew back toward her, more slowly this time. She could hear it breathing, the sound a deep rumbling and sighing, and it struck terror into her heart. Against this dragon, who was more than twenty times the size of most creatures, the knights would stand no chance. All they could do was stay still and will for it to leave, hoping and hoping with all her might. But their wish was not granted. The dragon circled overhead once more and then flew lower, raising hushed cries of fear from the humans below.

Yet, another deafening roar filled the sky and all noise ceased immediately. Then, a humongous shadow glides over them and someone screams. Shahvee squints through the darkness, trying to figure out where the dragon is. Suddenly, as if out of nowhere, a shadowed figure zips through the square.

The dragon roars and spins through the air, dive-bombing a house, It jumps, light on its feet, and lands on the roof. The entire building shatters under the beast's massive weight. The great leathery beast shifts, its head at the crowd of villagers, breathing hard through its nostrils. Its lips peeled back showing, razor fangs, big as a child's torso, Shahvee, stood amongst the villagers, and she knew this wasn't a show of aggression, but arrogance, the beast was grinning at them, condescendingly. It exhaled a plume of smoke from its nostrils and snorted out flames. Then, the beast gave a low rumbling snarl, so powerful that its vibrations could be felt, down to the bone. As one, the townsfolk all screamed bloody murder and took off running panicking, like mice. "Gods save us!" one of the villagers screamed.

The town square was chaotic with citizens running around in a panic. Shahvee hadn't seen an attack this severe since the days before the village relocated. With another roar and a plume of flames, into the sky. The dragon jumps to the ground, tremoring the earth with its landing. Reaching the ground, he slammed into the ranks of his enemy sending many of them flying while also smashing those with his tail and breathing fire down upon them.

A deep snarling cackle escapes its lips as it looks at its tiny opposition of the knights. "I claim this village as minnneee!" the dragon spake in its demonic voice. "First I shall kill your King!"

The black dragon walked forward, his claws digging deep into the soil, and the army maneuvering behind and around him, their faces hard and determined and their weapons sure and firm in their hands. But their fear was obvious to everyone, even Shahvee. This was a day all of them had feared and hoped would never come. Their time of peace, order, and tranquility was over. Now was the time to fight, or to die, and though they were afraid they looked to the shining flanks of the black dragon and took heart.

The soldiers were rather intimidated by the hulking beast looming over them. The captain, while anxious, stared back at the dragon defiantly. The garrison leader snarled in fury at seeing the death of his comrades. "For Windhelm!" he shouted, running towards the dragon. If he was going to go down, he wanted to do so in such a way, that the bards would sing songs about him.

"Protect the King!" his men shouted, gathering around him, protecting him from the side and from the back. The Dragon let out a snarl before yelling causing fire and earth to spray all around him, he roared out a challenge with flames still burning around him. Foolish, knights. They didn't show it, but the dragon could easily smell their fear. "If you're ready to join your comrades in death; then I accept your challenge!" Letting out another roar he slammed into the enemy's ranks.

He tossed the bodies where they slammed into their comrades. Turning he swung his left claws knocking three knights away killing them. Turning towards the remaining ones he saw them fleeing. Growling at their cowardice, he gathered fire in his lungs before spraying a fireball towards the group where it engulfed them. He simply turned to ignore their dying screams to face the knights on his right flank he roared again, laughing at the fear he smelled from them.

A few of the Knights ran for their lives while others still stood their ground despite their far.

"Hold your ground!" One of the knights shouted. Probably their captain yet the warriors...no...cowards still ran. The Dragon chuckled and prepared to roast them where they stood, until a feminine but assertive voice, rang out through the carnage. "ENOUGH!" Everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to see a feminine silhouette walking through the cloud of black smoke. The few knights that were fortunate enough to survive the dragon's wrath laying coughing in the smoke dust and debris. But Shahvee stood tall, confidently approaching the dragon.

Rather than coughing, Shahvee suddenly burst through the smoke with her mouth closed and her eyes wide open. For a split second, the black dragon felt a presence come from Shahvee he had not felt before. The same feeling all prey feels when a predator eyes them down. A sense of impending death that triggers the fight or flight response. He could not comprehend the fact he was feeling it from someone so much smaller than him. Yet in that moment, Shahvee seemed more terrifying than the largest dragon. Not willing to appear weak before his prey, the dragon advance towards the Argonian. "Mmm, an Argonian living amongst the sheep, the world is full of never-ending surprises!" the dragon rumbled. "What do you want, little lizard?" the dragon bellowed. "My name is Shahvee, I've come to ask two things of you" "Ohh? Is that so?" the dragon asked. The two reptilian-esque creatures, stood silent in a staring battle for several moments before the dragon reared back his head and laughed loudly. "Ha ha ha ha! This should be good! What do you ask of me?" "First, why do you attack my home? Second, after you've explained yourself, I'd like you to leave peacefully and never return!" The dragon laughed loudly again, the vibrations from its throat rattling the ground. "HA HA HA HA, I have to say I didn't think Argonians could be so humorous!" The dragon grinned and lowered snout, until he and Shahvee were centimeters apart. "Well to answer your first line of inquiry, I am doing this, because humans deserved none other than death! They are a plague upon this world! For too long have dragon kind hid in the shadows of the world that used to be ours! I will take back the world from the humans! One village at a time, starting with this one! And as for your second question!" The dragon moved its massive head even closer before whispering a rumbling; "Never!" Shahvee, sighed. "Then great dragon, you leave me no choice" Flaring out her hand, Shahvee channeled the very complicated spell she had learned from a wise and powerful mage long ago. The only spell she knew that could affect any living creature, regardless of power or size. The dragon's eyes widened as he realized he couldn't move! "What!? What is this!? What have you done to me!? He realized that the Argonian had cast a paralysis spell on him! A very powerful one! But thankfully he knew a counterspell to negate its effects, but he needed to channel his energy to cast it!

Before the dragon could react though, Shahvee's jaw unhinged astronomically. For the first time in the dragon's life, it found itself looking into the mouth of a hungry predator. Not that he had long to look as Shahvee's maw clamped down across his snout. The hungry Argonian got as far as the dragon's horns in just a single mouthful. Her scales showing off the outline of the surprised dragon in her cheeks

The black dragon felt his face seep into Shahvee's throat, the pulsating flesh around being a truly alien sensation for the experienced pred. As soon as Shahvee's teeth brushed his throat, the black dragon started to panic. He tried to flap his wings, and swing his tail, but to no avail!. "That's it, Shavee you got this!" cheered a nearby knight. Shahvee dug her claws harder into the ground before letting out a snarl which reverberated around the black dragon's ears. For in a ridiculous feat of strength, Shahvee began to lift the dragon. Arching her back, Shahvee raised the dragon off the ground till he was completely vertical. The villagers stared in disbelief as they watched the massive dragon, which was held up by nothing but Shahvee's throat muscles.

Now directly above Shahvee, she let gravity help her. The huge dragon slid down Shahvee's throat at such a speed that it felt like he was falling. His head hit the inside of Shahvee's stomach before hitting the ground. His form crept along the ground as Shahvee's belly grew bigger to accommodate him. The dragon's, whole body pushed into her stomach. Shahvee was subsequently lifted off her feet as more of the dragon's mass piled into the much smaller female reptilian.

This resulted in a mountainous bulge protruding from Shahvee as more of the dragon entered her. Until only his clawed toes and a great portion of its meaty tail remained outside.

By the time only the tail was left, Shahvee simply slurped it up like a strand of spaghetti. A deafening belch followed this tremendous feat as her burp echoed throughout the village and surrounding mountains. Her meal was now completely inside her stomach.

It was an unbelievable sight. Shahvee was now resting atop of her dragon-sized stomach like it was a boulder, the fearsome dragon reduced to a rolled-up bundle of meat inside of her. "Phew~" Shahvee breathed in pure and unadulterated joy, "That sure hit the spot!" she said to the surviving villagers. "HOORAY!!!!!!" cheers and thunderous applause sounded all throughout the village and everyone chanted Shahvee's name as her stomach began the task of digesting the monstrous amount of protein. Word spread all over the realm of the brave Argonian, and no dragon ever dared attack Windhelm again.