Murinae After Midnight 03

Story by vemberjudgement on SoFurry

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#3 of Murinae After Midnight

Murinae After Midnight

Written and Created by Vember Judgement

"A mother mouse, after a series of life altering events, runs herself afoul of a band of subway mice who are not like the norm..."

Artwork by Piromane

Murinae After Midnight

Written and Created by Vember Judgement

Chapter Three: Boss of the Alley Rats

Ama swiftly pounced past the open bedroom, taking full advantage of the night shadows. The giants inside were sound asleep after several hours of love making. The pungent smell of their mating caused Ama to brush her nose in annoyance.

Making her way to the kitchen, she climbed up the microwave's power chord. On the kitchen countertop, she squeezed through the slightly open window leading to the fire escape. Carefully navigating the stairs down two flights, Ama scaled the unfurled ladder to the pavement below and walked to the dead end of the alley. It was there she found a large mound of freshly dumped garbage bags. On top of those bags were two large rats, who curiously watched as she approached.

"What's this then?" asked the largest rat on the trash heap, holding onto a half chewed semi frozen chicken patty. Ama's eyes narrowed, recognizing hi right away; the Boss Rat, Jorn. She quickly rested on her knees and bowed her head.

"My family are moving from our home. We need food for the trip. You must give me some." The second largest rat scoffed, while playing with a rusted screw in her paws.

"Listen to this domestic telling us what to do, Jorn..." The Boss Rat tossed his food, leaned back and scratched his belly.

"You have nerve coming here, lady. Especially after what your mate did." Ama's eyes watered at the mention of her husband. A month has passed since he was killed and devoured by the alley rats.

"I apologize for his actions. I didn't agree with them." Jorn spat out a chuckle.

"Listen to you with that tone. You make it sound like it wasn't a big thing."

"I assure you-" Before Ama could finish her statement, the female rat threw the rusted screw as hard as she could muster. Ama was struck just above her right eye, immediately drawing blood. She flew backward, reaching for her fresh wound.

"You little filth! He tried to eat my babies!" The female rat screamed, tears welling in her own eyes. She attempted to jump down from the trash bag, only Jorn grabbed her from behind to prevent her.

"Simmer down, Lover. I'm taking care of this." Lover, though heavily annoyed, nodded her head in submission. Jorn proceeded to slide down the trash bag and stood over Ama. She quietly sobbed, trying her best to keep the small stream of blood out of her eye.

"My husband was just going to kidnap them! He wanted leverage so you can give us food! We were starving, we still are!" Jorn bent down and grabbed her head tuft, forcing her eyes to lock with his.

"You were always looking down at us. Thought you were so much better. Even wearing cloth over your bodies like those big apes. I don't give a shit if you starve." Jorn stood up and was about to walk away, when Ama reached out and held onto his tail.

"Please! I'll do anything you want! Give me what I need and you'll never see me again!" Jorn turned his head and looked down at Ama's desperate face. A seemingly wicked smile etched across his face.

Pulling his tail from Ama's grasp, Jorn turned to the largest of the trash bags and whistled. Over the course of several minutes, dozens of holes opened up as other rates tore through the plastic. Ama slowly rose to her feet, dabbing at her wound with her cloak. The rats began to hiss and laugh at her direction.

"So yeah, this female wants our food. She says she will do whatever we want to get it. What do you think we should do about her?" Jorn shouted to the others. The mob of rats becan to jeer and scream over each other.

"Rip her ears off!" screamed one, shaking an angry fist.

"Eat her tail!" another shouted, licking her lips.

"Let me have one of her legs, Jorn..." Lover whispered into his ear, rubbing up against him. Jorn thought for a moment before putting a paw in the air to silence everyone.

"Seriously guys and gals, you have no imagination!" Jorn walked over and helped Ama back up. She then promptly pushed him away. Jorn couldn't help but laugh at her.

"So you changed your mind?" he asked, rubbing his belly. Ama looked away and shook her head.

"Just say what you want so I can have the food and leave." Jorn suddenly grabbed her by the back of the neck and sent her down to the ground. When she looked back up at his face, Ama could see the perverted glare in his eyes.

"Lift your tail," he said, breathing hard with every word.

Murinae After Midnight 02

**Murinae After Midnight** **Written and Created by Vember** **Judgement** **Chapter Two:** _Family Structure_ Ama smiled at the welcoming musk of her burrow, slowly removing her robe. Her children's ears immediately perked as she entered. Her son...

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Murinae After Midnight 01

**Murinae After Midnight** **Written and Created by Vember Judgement** **Chapter One:** _A mouse named Ama_ Ama sniffed at the air in her desperate attempt to locate any scraps of food that might have been left behind. Having searched the...

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Alley Cat Blues: Prologue

**Diary Log #1** Shrink thought it would be a good idea to start a diary. You know, express my feelings on paper and whatnot. Said it would help me with my supposed anger issues. Said it was part of my release agreement, write in this thing and show...

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