Born Anew

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#4 of Born Anew Ch.4

BORN ANEW Those last images were the last things I saw before I...

Ch.4 BORN ANEW Those last images were the last things I saw before I awoke in my strange prison, those hauntingly deep red eyes and the mischievous smile that was on her face. I could hardly see within my tiny cramped prison as I was held within the fetal position, but knew that I was in a place that I had no recollection of being put into. The place was strangely dry but the walls gave slightly as I placed a hand against them which gave me the impression of them being made of flesh. At first I was just confused as I tried to figure out exactly where I was and how I'd gotten here, but those thought slowly began to take a back seat as I began to panic. "What's going on here? Where am I? How'd I get here?" I said in rapid fire questions as I began to push harder against the walls. 'You have nothing to fear, little one. All's well.' Said a voice that sounded very familiar. "Lorelei?" I asked as I began to look around and try and find her. "What's going on here? Where am I, and where are you?" I asked as I slightly calmed down but was still freaking out a bit. 'I am here little one. You do not need to fear. Mother will always be with you.' I could hear her speak in a gentle tone as a pleasant feeling started to flow over me from my brain. "Mother? What are you talking about? Where am I and what is this place?" I asked again as I felt the walls and tried again to stand but was pushed back into the fetal position. 'Oh that felt nice.' I heard her say as the prison began to shake a bit as I could hear a slight chuckle. 'So you are still awake in there Tristan. I'd thought that the change would have already taken place by now, though by your words I can tell that nothing has truly happened yet.' After she'd said that I began to feel like my prison was starting to get a bit warmer and a bit humid. "Change, what are you talking about? What change?" I asked several times as I began to pant a bit from the humidity, then started to notice that the walls were beginning to take on this slightly moist sponge feeling that would leave my hand slightly damp when I ran my hand against it. "What is this place and how'd I get here?" 'So many questions, though there is but one simple answer. You are in me and you are going to be changed into the answer to all our silent prayers.' She said as I could tell in her voice that she was very satisfied with what was going on. I thought for a little while as I assessed the situation and took everything in. It was upon my realization of where I really was that caused my eyes shoot open and I truly began to panic. * * *


  • * * The fluid was everywhere now and there was no way of escaping it. The fluid filled every pore of my changing body and filled every part of my lungs, but for some reason I didn't drown. It was like I was swimming in a sea of liquid oxygen that kept me breathing though not breathing actual air. I could also feel my body was slowly loosing it's shape though as to what it was going to be, I didn't know for sure, but was thankful that their wasn't any pain. 'So this is what it's like to be back within the womb.' I thought as I'd lost the ability of speech once I'd lost the rest of my regular air. I was no longer freaking out as the liquid had some kind of a calming effect on me which was doubled from Lorelei's constant cooing in my mind which seemed to keep me sane. Looking around me, I could also see that their was now a type of thin membrane that was surrounding me. Them membrane looked like tissue paper that was wet with small red like lines through it. Reaching out to the thing I could feel it give slightly but with every touch it felt like it was hardening and possibly turning into some kind of shell. It was true then, I was being changed into some kind of thing that would eventually grow into a Pokemon and be every other female legendaries greatest wish. In the back of my mind I was cursing her and trying my best to remain awake as I fought against the hardening membrane and keep my human mind intact. Though with each passing moment I could feel myself slipping into the abyss of darkness as my eyelids fluttered slower and slower until I couldn't fight it any longer and closed my eyes for the last/final time. * * *

(An Indefinite Time Later)

  • * * 'Come on little one, keep at it. Your almost free.' I heard a sweet voice call out to me as I continued to peck at the hardened thing that kept me incased in this cramped/darkened prison. Using my beak some more, I pecked again and again at the hole that I'd made in the shell of this cramped space. The hole was not big enough yet to let me out, but it was big enough that I was able to poke my beak slightly out and take my first breath of fresh air. A second later I could feel something nuzzle against my beak outside of the shell and for some reason it felt...comforting. I wanted to be out there where this presence was, to be free of this confining thing shell/thingy. So bringing my beak back into the shell after a few more breaths of that wonderfully fresh air, I redoubled my efforts to crack this thing open. 'That's it little one. Just a little longer and you'll be free to come out and I'll be out here waiting for you to be born into the world.' The voice said which motivated me further to escape. Using my massive wings, feet, and my beak I was able to finally put a crack into the egg that made it split right in half across the middle and pop open. I was so surprised by the sudden act of the egg splitting open that I didn't have time to right myself as I was flopped into the larger/bottom end of the egg and upside-down in that half. Lorelei couldn't help but chuckle at the antics of the baby Lugia as it tried desperately to rock the egg and get it to toss it out of it. She had another good laugh at it's expense until she'd had enough and reached down and turned over the egg which made the baby Lugia tumble out and somersault out across the floor for a little while. Giving a startled cry at the sudden movement of the egg again, I finally righted myself and lay on my belly on the cold hard ground once I'd stopped rolling. Looking around for a while, I realized how small I was and how everything else looked so massive, so trying to get to my feet I realized how different and clumsy they were, then trying to use my wings/hands I...everything was so new to me. Once I'd gotten used to my clumsy feet and hands/wings I began to look around the place again but stopped when I saw a massive form above me, bathed in some kind of half shadow and white light at the same time. Giving a frightened squeak, I quickly started to back away until I backed into something soft. 'Now now, my little one. There is no need to fear me. Come to mama.' She said as she placed her right wing down and behind the little Lugia. The little one continued to squeak/peep in protest of having it's way blocked by her wing and continued to do so as she scooped it up in her massive wing and brought the little one closer to her face. Fear was the only thing that ran through my body as I was scooped up off the floor and raised into the air on the massive things wing. Not knowing what to do or who this person was made little difference to the fact that I was being lifted highly into the air and knew that one wrong step would lead me to tumble the long distance back down to the hard bone breaking ground. So staying as still as possible I crouched down in the middle of the wing and looked up at the massive face that I was being brought to. 'You seem quite afraid of me little one, but you should not fear me, for I am your mother. The one who brought you into this world and with it, all the love that I possess.' She brought on over her other wing and using one of her feather like hands/wing, stroked down the things back. Though when she did this the little one would move it's back just so much that she was touching as little of it's body as possible. More words came out of the massive one's mouth that made little sense to me, though they did sound like kind/caring words, though they still were words that I didn't understand. That's when another thing happened to further confuse/frighten me as I felt the wing that I was on shift and another wing appear off to the side. I didn't know what this other wing was going to do, but when it touched down right behind my head, I didn't want it to touch me. So as the thing moved along my spine I moved that part of me lower so that as little would touch me as possible. Once the thing had traveled all the way to the back of me and lifted away, I shook myself a bit and let out a bit of a squawk/peep and tried to nip at the wing to try and make sure that that didn't happen again. 'A feisty one aren't you,' She brought on over her wing again and tapped the little one on the end of it's beak. 'We shall be having none of that. Nipping you mama is a no-no and little ones who do no-no's wont be getting something tasty to eat.' She said as she reached down with the free wing and brought up a long piece of seaweed, waved it in front of it's beak for a bit until it tried to snap at it, then she happily/teasingly ate it instead. I watched her consume the slimy thing that she'd just waved in front of me and wondered if that is what she wanted me to do with the slimy thing which made me shake my head in disgust from the smell of it. I watched as she consumed most of the thing until she stopped for a while with a bit of it still hanging out one side of her beak, then brought her wing back down to stroke me again. This time, I avoided her wing altogether as I moved off to one side of the wing that I was on. It was like a little poking game as she would try and poke me only to end up poking her wing instead, which she only laughed with a smirk at each failed attempt to touch me. Again and again I tied to touch my newborn, but he avoided me quite well and would nip at my wing from time to time, though his nips would either draw short or miss altogether. It was a fun little game that we were playing but all fun and games must come to an end and with a final attempt he stopped at a rumbling sound. All this nipping at this wing had really taken a lot out of me and a massive rumble form my middle informed me that something was wrong with me. With a startled squawk at the sound, I started to run around the massive wing and tried to find out where it'd come from, only to end up running clean off the wing that I was on. I knew that I was in trouble at that moment as the ground came rushing up to meet me, only to stop abruptly before I met it as something grabbed my tail. Turning my head around a few different directions, I finally was able to look up and saw that the massive thing above me had grabbed my tail with the wing that I'd just run off of before I met the ground and was smiling down at me. 'Such a hipper little bundle you are. Scared at the slightest noise from your belly.' I set the little one on the ground where he seemed very happy to be on again, as he no longer ran about. 'Now, we must have you eat your greens. If you wish to grow as big as your mama, you must eat your greens.' I said in a bit of a motherly superior tone that all mothers seem to get. So leaning down I spat up the chewed up seaweed that I'd mashed up in my mouth, in front of the little one and motioned for him to eat. My stomach let out another rather loud gurgle that scared me. What was this noise and what did it mean. I looked up at the massive thing above me and watched as it lowered it's head down and spat up a large chunk of mashed up green stuff in front of me and my middle let out another long drawn out gurgle. I was about to hiss and back away from the mush when the scent of the stuff started to make my mouth water. Ever so slowly I watched as the big thing pulled away from the mush as I slowly approached it and take a nibble. Rolling around the mush that I'd taken a nibble of in my mouth, I tasted the stuff and it didn't taste all that bad as my nose had suggested and took a bigger bite. It was at that time that I realized that the more of this stuff that I ate, the less and less my middle stopped making those weird sounds. 'Finally he's eating.' Lorelei thought to herself as she watched her baby start to take larger and larger bites of the mashed up food. 'I was afraid there for a bit that I might have to force feed him.' I continued to watch him as he slowly but surely devoured the food that I'd mashed up. Eventually the pile of mashed up seaweed grew smaller and smaller and looked down at the little Lugia. He was starting to look quite bloated by how round he was now and it was quite comical on how he would loose his balance every once in a while to roll to one side and flail his wings to right himself. After another few more minutes, the little one stopped eating and finally rolled onto it's back and patted it's belly and let out one of the cutest little burps that she'd ever heard. Never before had I had such a filling meal and only after I'd finished up most of the stuff that that strange noise from my body finally stopped. Looking up at the pile of mush that was before me as I was looking at it while on my back, I realized that I'd nearly finished off the whole pile and was quite surprised that I'd been able to fit all that into my tiny body. Rubbing my blue stomach for a little while longer I started to get a little tired and it began to become a fighting game to try and stay awake. It was almost comical to watch the little baby as it would stagger to once side or another, desperately trying to keep it's eyelids from closing. Eventually he couldn't keep his eyes open any longer and fell asleep lying down on his back right in the middle of the cave. 'He will catch a cold if he sleeps there. Better to move him over to the nest so that he can sleep on something a bit more comfortable.' Lorelei thought as she scooped up the little one in her wing and carried him over to a pile of moss that she'd been growing in a corner of the cave and curled up around the little one while stroking him down his spine and fell asleep too. I didn't know how long I slept for but knew that it was one strange night. Over and over again I would dream of a thing that stood upright on two legs, a head full of hair, and wore strange things over his body as he walked around. The dreams would be of this person doing many things, some even looked routine but he looked happy, though throughout these strange dreams I wasn't seeing this person in a second or third persons kind of views, it was like I was looking through this persons eyes while he did these things. I didn't understand these things but I watched on and dreamed on in contempt as if watching a movie. Over the next few days it was pretty much the same thing, only that the only thing to really change was me. I was surprised on how big I was starting to grow and how much more food I was consuming to keep up my steady growth rate. The next thing I started to realize was that the larger creature that was constantly looking out for me was a larger version of myself, much larger. 'Would I one day be as big as it?' I thought as I'd just finished up another meal of seaweed and slurped up the last piece of seaweed like a wet noodle that seemed very eager to slap me on either side of my beak while being eaten. 'I have a special surprise for you tomorrow,' Lorelei said as she leaned down to nuzzle the little one who wasn't so little anymore. 'Actually two surprises.' I cocked my head to the side and looked up to the larger version of me and made a slightly confused mewling sound. Two surprises in one day, I must have done something right as I loved surprises, especially if it came from her. 'I have an old friend of...mine, that is visiting tomorrow and I plan on taking you for your fist swimming lesson soon afterwords.' She said as she stumbled on the word of friend. 'Though I did know this Latias from a long time ago when I'd visited her home, she was more a friend of...' She shook her head to clear the thought. 'He is my son now, his old life is gone.' That next day I couldn't help but run around the cave in glee. I was going to meet someone new today and shortly after that I'd be given my first swimming lesson. I'd seen my...mother dive under the turning blue water of the pool several time to be gone for long periods of time and often wondered what it would be like to do the same as well as see what was outside of this pladce. Though that did little to detour me from the first fact of a new person that was coming soon, so finishing off my breakfast of seaweed and a few pieces of fish that...mother had added to my diet, I began to run around the room in glee. 'I've never seen him so excited to meet someone, though I guess for him it's a bit of a big deal. This will be the first time that he's met someone since...' She stopped herself in mid thought as she remembered one big detail that she needed to discuss with the long lost relative of hers. 'She needs to be made aware/warned of a few things, on what not to talk about while visiting. Otherwise there can be some serious consequences.' So giving him the excuse of needing to find something for them all to eat while her friend visited, she flattened her back fins against her back and dove into the water with as little of a splash as she could. It didn't take her long to reach the surface outside of the cave and just as her head broke the surface she quickly looked about with a searching gaze. 'Good, it doesn't look as if there's any humans about.' So using her psychic abilities, she lifted herself into the air and pumped her wings to shake off any remaining water on her body. She quickly gained altitude and once she was high enough she looked about. Far off on the horizon she spotted a small red like dot that was swiftly approaching. 'Hail to you mother Lugia!' A psychic voice shot out and struck her head like it was being hit by an Altaria's wing. 'Not so loud. It's like your right next to me.' She shot back just as fierce which made the far off dot sway in it's path for a bit then right itself. 'Sorry about that. It's just been so long that I've seen you that I'm just a bit...excited.' She said back in a much calmer tone as she flew closer and closer. Finally the two of them were together and Lorelei brought her long lost friend into a hug and the two both just laughed as they hovered in the air by their combined psychic abilities. After their brief hug the two few down to the island and landed at the plateau on the top of the mountain and began to chat. "It really hasn't been that long since the two of us have chatted. Though I'm pretty sure I know the real reason that your excited." Lorelei said as she smirked to Latias. "You could always read me like a book." Latias said as she giggled. "How is he? How is my old train..." She began to ask but was stopped in mid sentence as Lorelei placed a single feather over her mouth to silence her. "Not another word of that. You know what we discussed the last time you were here. You are not to say a word about his...past life, while you are either speaking psychically to me or speaking regularly while you are within my home. His old life is over and he must fully embrace this one." Lorelei looked down at the mountain and thought of her little one that was eagerly awaiting the arrival of her/their friend. "If he were to discover what he used to be, it would prove disastrous to our plans for his future and his mind might just snap from the realization." Latias nodded to her as she too looked down at the mountain and thought of the last time that she was here and warned/threatened of the consequences of breaking her word with her. She looked down at the mountain once more before turning to look at Lorelei. "I hope that he is well. I worry about him some times. That's all." "I think it's more about what sort of life that you would have had with him while the two of you were traveling about in his past life." Lorelei said as she sat down and looked over at the floating eon Pokemon and saw her nod with a sad expression on her face as she too sat down. The look that she could see told her that she'd hit the thought right on top of the head. "Though you do have to remember that he would eventually expire from age at one point that you'd be left all alone in this world again due to being immortal. This way he will live on forever and grant us both our heart felt wishes." This seemed to cheer her up a bit as a smile slowly spread across her face. With that settled the two of them took the sky again while Lorelei flattened her back fins against her back again and dove swiftly into the water again which was quickly followed by Latias as she had her arms tucked into her sides to make her more streamlined as well. After a short swim in the ocean to get a few more things to eat while Latias was over, Lorelei lead the way to her home through the underwater cavern, and burst into her home. It was quite comical to see the reaction of her little one as it had been watching the water intently. When she'd burst through the surface of the water and into her home, he'd been so startled that he let out a squawk as he fell over backwards and quickly started running about in fear once he'd gotten his legs under him. It took a few moments for her to calm down her little one but when finally he did, he had a very upset look on his beak. I'd really wish she'd stop doing that. She always liked to scare the living daylights out of me for some reason. The reason why I'd been at the edge of the pool was often when she'd return from her outings, she'd bring me back something tasty as if to say that she was sorry for leaving me all alone in the cave. As I anxiously sat there, I could see her smile at me and I questioned why she was smiling until I noticed that my tail was swaying across the floor, just like that of a little puppy that was sitting at it's masters feet waiting to be given a treat for doing something good. She slowly lowered her head down to me and deposited a rather large fish down in front of me. Licking my lips I gave her a appreciative peep and dug into the fish. Just then their was another splash as something else came through the watery tunnel which made me turn and look around my mother with my mouth full of the tasty fish. It was almost like a small explosion from under the waters surface, as the water shot up after the new arrival of whoever it was and blossomed at the top where the occupant hovered there in mid air. It was almost like seeing an angle for the first time as the drops of water that shot out from the blossomed water caught the light from the crystals that made the whole scene surreal. "Where is he? Where is that new bundle of joy?" Latias said with glee as she looked about the room as small drops of water slowly dripped/slid down her feathered body. Lorelei turned to look at the new arrival after she'd placed down the few fish that she'd caught a little while ago for her little one and nodded over to Latias. "He is over here. Though you might want to approach him a little easy right now. He gets a little feisty when someone tries to interrupt him while he's eating." She warned as she waved over Latias with her wing once she was standing upright. Slowly Latias floated on over and looked down at the little Lugia that was currently digging into a fish with relish. It was hard for her to believe that it had been not that long ago that this thing used to be her old master. 'Could this really be him? Could he have truly changed that much since Lorelei took him into herself and done what she did to him? Could he truly be the one to answer all the other legendaries dreams?' So many more questions ran through her mind that it made her falter a little bit in the air and she decided that it would be best to go on ahead and sit down for a bit. "Is this him? Is he really the person I used to..." She was instantly silenced as Lorelei brought one of her massive wings on over and covered her entire head. 'Now what did I saw about revealing his past?' Lorelei sent mentally on over to Latias as she scowled with daggers in her eyes and a bit more of a bite to her mental voice. 'Sorry about that. I just was curious is all.' Latias said as Lorelei removed her wing and allowed Latias to look once again at the little Lugia. "Has he...spoken any words yet?" She asked as she looked up from the Lugia up to Lorelei. Sadly, Lorelei shook her head. "I'm afraid not. Plus, he seems reluctant to even cuddle up to me while asleep as if he doesn't view me as his true mother." She said as she turned to look down at the little Lugia. "He hasn't even spoken mentally yet either, and it's starting to get me a little worried that something might have happened to him while he was still in the egg." She reached down to him and stroked him along his back which he moved his back up to push into the rubbing. "Though I do not dwell on that too much. He is still young and there is no real rush to get him to speak." She turned to Latias and gave her a smile. "I was planning on taking him for his first swimming lesson later on today, so today is going to be very exciting for him." I really didn't know what the two large beings were talking about so I just paid attention to the yummy fish that the larger version of me had given to me. Though through all my meal I would constantly look on over to the other one that was just a bit bigger than me and something sparked in the back of my mind. I couldn't quite place it but something about that other being seemed familiar to me somehow, though for the life of me I couldn't quite place where I'd seen this other thing from or why it seemed so familiar. So pushing that though aside, I continued to eat and awaited the moment when the larger version of me would take me on my first swimming lesson.

A legendary deal

Ch.3 A LEGENDARY DEAL How could I refuse. Years upon years of therapy had just been rendered useless and the memories of my parents death had resurfaced. It would probably take even more/deeper therapy to help me get through it this time and here...

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A rare meeting and a deal

Ch.2 A RARE MEETING AND A DEAL By the time that I'd reached the place where Latias had pointed to, my whole body felt numb and my fingers bled. Though that was a small price to pay for my life, as if I let go from this height that I'd no-doubt be a...

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Born Anew Unexpected Meeting (Intro)

Ch.1 UNEXPECTED MEETING Here I was again, trapped in a hopeless situation because I let someone get to close and they ended up lying to me. Though this time it proved to be the worst consequence to date, and it was turning fatal. Pushing against the...

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