Mega Pleased
A woman has a hard time finding a job and worries about how to put food on the table, but a secret organization calling itself AWE hears her plight and is willing to flip the bill- if she helps them preserve and restore specific animal species. What is really more crazy- their experiments or the fact someone actually willingly signed up?
(F TF Megalodon/Plesiosaurus)
Maggie stood in the haze of the misty day waiting for her contact to arrive. She found herself dejected from her job interviews in England and landed back in the rolling hills, empty handed and near penniless. While bellyaching about her woes she was overheard and offered a deal by some shady business looking types. Maggie took up the offer right away, looking for anything to help her land on her feet again, so now she waited at the aggreed meeting place. She felt like a bit of a fool when she took out her cell phone and went to call them to ask where they were and heard their phone ring about twenty feet away from where she was standing. The mist was so thick she hadn't realized she was standing beside them the entire time.
A woman named Juno met Maggie and shook her hand, she had been one of the two who talked to her originally. With her was an odd looking fellow in a lab coat left open and rustling in the moist winds. His hair was deep grey even though he looked young, and he wore glasses that were so thick they looked more like safty goggles.
"Maggie, this is Magnus, the top scientist at AWE."
"Ya mentionedit before. What is this AWE company? I ne'er heard o' em."
Magnus pushed his glasses up about to blast off a trillion facts no one asked for before Juno cut him off. "Against Wayward Extinction. We are a... preservation group, you could say. We are mostly researchers and conservationists inspired by how abrupt and unfair the extinction of the dinosaurs was, and are working to try and undo some of that. Where this concerns you is we need test subjects."
"Y'mentioned free meals, eh?"
"Yes. We would ensure you are fed and tended the best we can offer, as one of our test subjects. We would need to use your body to try and harvest prehistoric genes."
"You're usin' me like a petri dish?"
Magnus snorted in laughter at that. "Technically. That is the low end of the spectrum."
"An' th' high end?"
Juno was a bit hesitant to answer. "You turn into the dinosaur."
"Well that sounds a bit like you"ve gone off the deep end, eh? Whatever, I get the eats one way or the other, right?"
Magnus glared at Juno. "It's not technically a dinosaur... you know that, right?"
"Oh whatever, splitting hairs."
The three of them walked over to a table they had set up with some paper work for Maggie to sign her body away for testing on. Right beside them was a table stacked with various kinds of cooked fish. They were right on the shore of Loch Ness, the largest body of water in the Great Glen. The water perminantly murky as hell because of the high peat concentration in the soil. Many believed these waters to be inhabited with many mysteries. Maggie was given a quick injection by Magnus and that was it. That was all she supposedly had to do. So, she skipped right to the payment part of the deal, the piles of delicious fish scooped out of the murky waters and cooked right on the spot. There was an insane ammount and they were still fishing more- there was no way Maggie could possibly eat it all, but she was told she could eat as much as she wanted so she did not intend to fold too quickly.
The tender flaky meat of the fish practically slid off the bones without her even having to try. They cooked it well so the skin was crispy and tasted great too- if it isn't crispy she usually passes on eating the skin. It was so delicious it seemed to awaken something in her, almost making her more hungry than when she started. Or perhaps she had not realized just how hungry she was till now. The more she ate, the faster she ate, eventually abandoning the silverware entirely and just sucking the tender flesh off the bones with her mouth while holding it up with her hands. Maggie was too absorbed in eating to notice as everyone else watched her form grow. Her gut started to round out and soften, her shirt was popped up over her tummy as a divot formed across the middle through her navel, creating a soft fold. It quickly started to round out more though, causing the fold to shallow from pressure and eventually vanish as her gut pulled perfectly smooth. Her hands felt cramped and her fingers a bit stiff. Between reaching for food she heard the joints crack on their own, but failed to notice it was because her fingers actually became longer, dragging some of the skin up from her hand creating a shallow webbing of skin between the longer digits. Her gut ran out of room even though it felt entirely empty still to her- Maggie's hunger having grown along with her size. Now as she ate the pressure was shoved uncomfortably against the bottom of her rib cage and her spine as her stomach struggled to find room- it stuck far enough out to fill most of her lap. Maggie finally paused as her spine seemed to pop dully below the skin and felt like it had yanked in half. Her lower body tingled a moment in numbness from a lapse in nerve signal. The nerves had never severed, but they had grown a new length in a very short time, causing a blip in the signal as it crossed the new section. Her vertebrae however had popped apart, and calcium deposits quickly formed in the void to form new segments. The new section had barely finished forming when it popped again and another new one was added. Her gut started to expand into the new space and her entire torso started to puff up and round out, making her oval shaped by the time the third new vertebrae formed. She looked in worried confusion to the two AWE members hosting her.
Magnus shrugged. "Lucky."
"How'd ya figure?"
"Well if something goes wrong, you are probably going to be in our protection program longer, right?" Maggie nodded. "Which means you continue to get free food and care from AWE. The contract states as long as you fall under the guidelines of our protection program we will do our best to protect you. So if you are permanently changed, we will care for you for the rest of your life."
A smile crept across Maggie's face just before she turned and resumed eating, not knowing she just flashed dagger-like sharp teeth. Her torso continued to give off a few muffled creaks and dulled pops as it stretched and grew. The humerus of her upper arms and her digits all seemed to continue growing too, though not her forearm. A similar effect happened to her legs, and the webbing between digits grew longer and thicker, making it harder to divide and move them individually. Her tailbone started to grow out, causing her to lean forward as to not sit on it as it extended. With her limbs not responding correctly though, she found it harder to eat. When Maggie leaned forward more she tried to scoop up food using just her mouth, and as if in reply her neck cracked rather loudly and extended! Even moreso than her torso itself, her neck bulked up and grew out quite quickly, adding mobility and allowing her to reach move food. The lower ranked AWE staff in charge of cooking started to really sweat, trying desperately to keep up with the rate she was shovelling it down. Maggie's neck was so long and she was eating so fast that food had barely reached the bottom of her throat by the time she was putting more in! Her neck thickened and with each bite her face seemed to stretch a little farther out. Her upper jaw stretched out, causing her nose to sort of vanish into it as her entire face leveled off with her forehead, and the angle started to become more severe. Her mouth filled with triangular teeth that ached as still more teeth demanded to have room made for them. The growth of her mouth could not possibly keep up, causing more teeth to grow in behind the ones she already had, giving her multiple rows of them! Seeing she had for the moment run out of food she awkwardly stood up, her already extremely stretched clothing creaking ready to snap. Maggie exhaled loudly several times like an enraged bull, before she grunt with exertion for a moment and air escaped somewhere other than her tiny nostrils. Three long slits opened up on either side of her throat just behind her increasingly wide jaw bone! She had gills! The staff scattered in fear as she looked like she was charging them in anger, but continued past and dove into the water. She was so determined to find more food, she was trying to catch the fish herself!
Juno looked at Magnus who just grinned and nodded back. In one hand he rapidly tapped information into his cell phone, with the other he swung a panel off his back pack to reveal it was a monitor, held up on a posable arm attached to a metal plate along the bottom. He looked into the monitor as he typed on his cell as a keyboard, smiling like a maniac.
"Preprogramming Neo Cells is easy enough- they mimic more evolved cells on their own as their initial responce... getting prehistoric DNA- now THAT is hard. So hard in fact that getting a pure sample of a complete genetic strain from a species is almost impossible- so what you can't find from one, you fill in with another. These cells were half Plesiosaurus, half Megalodon. Megalodon was the harder of the two to find, but worth the effort for the results to bring back this gigantic predator."
"Why, because it lives in the sea? So did plesio, though."
"No, it was harder because sharks don't have any bones. Their jaw and teeth are the only bones in their entire body- the rest of their skeleton is made of cartilage, which means it rots with their flesh and muscle, leaving nothing behind." He pointed at her suddenly, seemingly filled with much more energy now that things have kicked off. "And here is a fun fact, both plesiosaurus and megalodons give birth to live young!"
Maggie emerged from the murky water here and there, and every time they seen her, she was considerably bigger. Her clothing started to rip off from pressure before she even jumped in, as soon as the water softened the fabric it was gone. Her entire body was growing bigger now at a very quick rate. With her much longer and still growing neck, and her still expanding head she chased down anything that moved in the water and ate it whole! Her mouth was getting so big and dominating so much of her head that she did not even need to use her sharp teeth, the fish were tiny compared to her. Her arms and legs continued to lose shape as her digits and the skin connecting them grew still more! Just like humans, plesio have five digits on their hands. These digits are not visible at all however, as they make up the bulk of what are effectively giant flippers for swimming. The relatively flat but huge wrist bones occupied the middle, then what used to be the forearm became extremely stout and thick to the point where it was hard to distinguish against the large wrist bones. The bones of the upper arm continued to grow along with the rest and thicken, this put the paddle-like flippers off of the body a ways to make them more effective. The body continued to grow with an oval shape, resembling a turtle without its shell. Unlike a plesio however, her tail was not short, and still grew both longer and thicker- almost the same girth as the torso. Plesio have tiny heads, and Maggie certainly did not, her head was huge and almost entirely dominated by her mouth, forcing her neck to bulk up still thicker as well. Because the neck was both so long and thick compared to the rest of the body, it actually had ribs as well- though the ribs in the neck had blunted ends on them. Plesio had needle like teeth, and megalodon had triangle dagger teeth, Maggie's was much more like megalodon teeth, but slightly more narrow and long, so more like the blade of a shiv. The hip bones almost looked like they were backward, the spine did not go through it at the back. The two segments of the hip formed a girdle in the front and linked to the spine from the underside with a blade-like plate. Her shoulders became the same in the upper body, rotating around and growing together in the front along with her torso growth. Like a megalodon, the ribs were entirely cartilage, not bone like the rest, allowing them to bounce a bit before breaking, and heal faster when they do break.
Maggie grit her teeth and clenched her jaw, snapping at nothing several times between devouring another fish too slow and small to escape her. Her mouth was still getting bigger- her hair already having fallen out and been taken away by the waters. Her nostrils closed up entirely, no longer having a use. Plesio had nostrils and breathed open air, but megalodon had gills. Her large head was shaped like an anvil- triangular in overall shape and her top and bottom jaw both stuck out farther than her mouth itself. The plesio ribs arched so far up the spine was actually in a bit of a depression in the back, but Maggie's grew out at the top, developing a hard cartilage frame and thick skin, growing a gigantic dorsal fin. Her massive tail now matched her extremely long neck, but doubled it in girth as it developed several fins as well. Two fins near the bottom of the tail actually now flanked her cloaka- where her anus and vulva merged together. Then the end of her tail formed two very long, large, and sharp looking fins straight up and down as her tail fins. Plesio used their paddle limbs entirely for mobility, but Maggie also had the benefit of a powerful tail. Shark tails can be used as weapons as well- being muscular enough to slam into targets to knock them unconscious. Like a plesio, Maggie can use her giant neck as a rudder when swimming quickly, to allow her to turn quickly by turning her head. It also left a few blind spots though- since she cannot turn her head while swimming without making the entire rest of her turn as well.
Maggie's skin turned a pale grey in color with dark grey specks all over her backside. Finally her stomach started to feel satisfied. No where near full, just... full enough. She was also out of fish, she ate the loch dry. It was hard to tell when submerged but as she approached the surface she started to realise how different she had become. The waves on the water surface looked tiny. Maggie was titanic now! She gained the size of a megalodon- which are 18 meters long at least- and they could have been even longer, without skeletons to actually measure, their size are estimated according to the size of their teeth. With a biting force of 180,000 newtons, there was virtually nothing capable of even trying to kill a megalodon. Maggie could still bend her fingers, causing the paddles to curve, but because of the dense skin encasing them she could not divide her digits anymore. Her head and long neck erupted from the water into the misty air, causing everyone to gasp except Magnus who just smiled at his work. Using the nutrients and already opporating nervous system of a human base, he used neo cells to rewrite her DNA as that of the prehistoric remix. Effectively bringing the species back from the dead. Of course, they would have to create a male now, but this was a good start.
Maggie groaned and made some odd roaring sounds, only now realizing she could no longer speak english. Swimming toward the shore she reached her long neck over and knocked a barbecue flying, demanding they feed her more. She was almost satisfied! So close to being content but there was no food left!
Magnus chuckled and gave Juno a shove. She turned mid-fall and scowled at him as she hit the water. "What's the big idea Magnus? I know you're giddy about seeing this work finally come to fruition bu-"
"Supervisors are easy to replace."
Maggie lunged out of the water behind her and snapped her jaws down on Juno, biting into her and reveling at the juicy blood that squirted out when her teeth easily parted the skin and snapped her bones. Maggie swallowed Juno, letting out a long sigh as her stomach felt better now. Humans were bigger than the fish in the loch. Loch Ness now had its monster. Magnus gave her free rein to eat whatever- or whoever she wanted. AWE would need to get to work trying to assemble a complete male equivilant to her custom made genes. Their mission was to bring back the prehistoric world, that was so abruptly taken away by a stray meteor. Maggie would be the first of the new age. She did not care so much about that though, as long as she continued to get free meals, she would be mega pleased.