Forest Desire

Story by dragovwolvesbane on SoFurry

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David and his friend venture out into the forest for a bit of hiking with hungry wolves lurking nearby

It was a quiet afternoon hiking along the mountain trail with my best friend Aron. It had been a long time since Aron actually agreed to do something with me that didn't involve video games or movies, and I was very happy to get him off his lazy ass. The large green trees blocked the sunshine and the soothing echoes of the wildlife really seem to bring the world to life. It wasn't too hot or too cold everything was perfect.

"David? Are you zoning out again? Dude I didn't come all the way out here to talk to myself". Aron said shuffling the large blue backpack onto the dirt. He didn't bring much for a hiking trip, just essential water and food with a bare bones black shirt with some brown cargo shorts.

"Oh sorry. Was just thinking about how beautiful nature can be. I'm glad you decided to come out with me, life is more than just being cooped up inside all day ya know." I said as we seated ourselves against the wooden bark of a large tree sliding our butts down to the floor.

"You're lucky that the internet in my house is going to be out all week." He huffed crossing his arms. "Are we just going to be walking this trail all day? My feet are starting to get really sore." We had only been walking for about half an hour or so. Maybe I could get him to do this more often if I promised some type of reward at the end?

As the sun began to set, we set up a small camp. We just had the one tent thanks to me, and made a small firepit with some of the rocks and limbs that were lying about...also thanks to me. I just wanted my friend to experience something different for once, but I don't think he was enjoying it too much. Aron was sat in the only folding chair I brought looking on his phone. "Can you at least help me get some fire wood? Maybe cook or something?" I said with my hands on my hips staring down at him from the side.

"Ugh..dude I don't cook. I'll get some sticks for ya but don't say I never did anything for ya." He got up pocketing his phone and started walking into the forest. "I'll be careful don't worry". He said hopping between some of the stones that were popped out of the ground. I knew I could at least trust him not to get lost. Plus the only real predators in the area were the grey wolves and they were slowly in the decline of population. They don't usually come anywhere near trails anyways.

About a few minutes after Aron went off I heard a loud crash coming from his direction. "Goddamit." I said dropping everything and running over to the sound. There was a sinkhole in between large amounts of leaves and mud. Aron's phone was next to it. I looked into the hole and could only see pitch black walls with an ominous blue tint in the middle. "Aron! Are you down there?" I asked as I began to panic a bit. The simplest of tasks and this is what happens.

"I'm ok!" I heard from the shadows. " Can you get me out of here please. Everything hurts...fuckin nature." I gave a sigh of relief heading back to camp to see if I had any rope. The most I could find was the backpack. I unclipped both of the straps allowing the pack to become as long as possible. Then I returned lowering the makeshift rope into the hole. "Here try and grab on!" There was a brief shuffling inside the pit before he inevitably gave up. "Dude I think my arms are broken". That wasn't what I wanted to hear at all.

It took forever to dig a hole with the emergency shovel I brought. The sun was gone and replaced with a full moon that made the forest glow a blue hue. " How's that .." I said laying on my back next to the hole. I could hear him struggling inside but a few minutes go by and the dirt pops up. "Finally!". I pick my head up seeing a massive grey wolf coming out from the hole. Startled I crawled back and stood up.

The grey wolf shook his head the dirt and mud flying from its fur. "Dude next time bring a bigger shovel." The wolf said sliding out from the mud. I couldn't believe it. "Aron? Is that you?" I asked leaning down. The wolf cocked its head in confusion. "uhh yea of coarse its me...I feel really weird and everything smells funky. When was the last time you showered?" What was going on! My friends voice was coming out of a wolf.

I slowly approached him. I picked up his phone and turned on the camera feature with the light and showed him. "Oh cool what feature is that." He said pulling his arm up a bit. "Oh shit my arms still busted up. Guess we gotta call off the trip then." I sighed pushing my hands under his furry chest picking him up in my arms before waddling us over to the camp. I put him on his side next to the firepit before lighting it up with a lighter.

"Ok Aron that was not a filter it was just a regular camera app. Your a wolf." He snickered looking straight at me with his golden eyes. " Good one." I could tell that this was going nowhere so I reached down and grabbed his muzzle firmly in my hand clamping his jaw shut and moving my thumb over the top. "Humans don't have muzzles". I said jokingly. He very much understood the situation because he sat there frozen. "I don't know how this happened but don't worry I'm sure we will figure something out."

Aron silently looked over his body. He had a grey coat with a white underbelly. The mud somewhat hid it but its nothing a dip in the lake can't fix. He lifted his paw onto his nose and looking over his body. "Dude this is horrible." I put a hand on his shoulder and tried to reassure him that I was going to fix it. "I don't have thumbs! I can't play video games anymore!" He yelled flopping down on his forelegs. " You fore sure better fix this. I should have never followed you out here." He looked away from me rotating his body with his front legs".

Of all the things to worry about he was concerned about his life back home which I couldn't blame him . As I watched him I noticed that beneath his tail there was a lack of genitalia. There was just a plump looking spade witch could only mean that "he" wasn't a male anymore. "Aron...I got some bad news". I started to say but he interrupted me with " I know I saw...please don't say it out loud." I could see that he wanted to cry so I let him be. I crawled into my tent laying down staring up at the green tinted walls. Maybe when we wake up It will all be over.

The sunlight blasted through the slits in my tent waking me from my dreamless slumber. Rubbing my eyes I poked my head out searching for my friend. He or should I say she was no where in the camp. After a small bit of searching I found her sitting by a riverbed talking to herself. Likely trying to rationalize the events that befell her. I rustled up some of our rations and a bowl of water and brought it out to my dear friend setting them down next to her.

"Thanks David. I really appreciate you helping me out here. All My other friends would have just laughed at me." she said nibbling on the chicken rations very clumsily her mouth struggling to hold a single piece. I had to struggle with myself to not pet my friend. The big canine was just so cute and fluffy but I had to hold my ground.

"Do you smell that?" she said looking around cautiously. "It's a very musky scent." I looked around seeing nothing. I got up from the ground and walked over to were the hole was and wondered how I could get down into the dark depths without getting stuck. "David! Help!" I looked back and ran back towards the river to find Aron with her back against a tree with a large grey wolf pacing in front of her.

The wolf eventually got close enough that it started sniffing over Aron..from front to back. I know that wolves were very territorial so I didn't want to get too involved with this. It could very easily rip me to shreds. "Just remain calm Aron. Your a wolf now remember so just be calm and he will go away." I said watching the male wolfs nose push underneath Aron's tail inspecting the new female.

The wolf held up her tail with his nose and pushed out his thick tongue against her tri fold. "Whoa dude! Down boy!" Aron said getting a good look at what the wolf was packing. He had a healthy sized ballsack with a large grey sheath with a red tip poking out. He was probably exiled from his pack due to the scar over his lip probably from a fight and now was looking to start anew.

I could have done anything to drive away the wolf yet I was mesmerized by the impossible thing before me. A feral untamed wolf was courting my best friend. Aron was frozen in either fear or pleasure as the wolf lapped away at her virgin cunt. The male stopped licking his chops as Aron was panting softly. "Ok dude you had a taste now get lost." The wolf growled nipping her in the butt causing Aron to stumble forward still not used to her four new legs.

The wolf was loving the female, she was hardly putting much of a fight and he was eager to start a pack with her. Stepping over her he grabbed a tuft of fur in his maw lovingly pulling her up so he could get his forelegs around her waist. "Oh fuck! I-I can feel his.....Oh fuck do something!". Aron struggled against the wolf digging her paws into the dirt, but the male was too experienced and held his paws tightly around her slender waist.

I wanted to do something to help my friend not get fucked by the large canine, but the hard erection in my jeans and the fear of the wolf attacking me kept me still. "Brace yourself Aron". Was all I could come up with as her head jerked up when the male began to gently grind his sheath along her furry ass. She couldn't move, couldn't break free, and was about to experience something no human should ever have to go through.

I could barely see the male's dick poking around Aron's butt. She eventually got tired of struggling which gave the male the perfect opportunity. With a few short thrusts his tip caught the top of her pussy and pressed inward causing Aron to howl. "AHHH! Fuck! Anything but a dog!" her body tightened around the intruding cock. The male waited a bit as Aron adjusted to his size licking the back of her neck trying to get her to relax.

The wolf gave short thrusts as she gave a few loud grunts with her eyes shut. The indecency she was going through was completely unbearable. "Look away ....please". She managed to get out before moaning in a higher pitch. The male's hips began moving faster the female finally submitting to him. His canine cock drove along her pussy sparking feelings inside of Aron that forced her to moan. The tip of his cock prodded against the fertile entrance to her womb. She was lost in pleasure the male was satisfied.

His grip on Aron grew tighter and his thrusts grew heavier. The heavy ballsack between his legs hammering against her teats that would soon nurture his young. The friction of their fur growing warmer by the minute and the slick pre cum sliding around his cock was becoming too much. With a loud growl his knot expanded slowly inside his mate. "Shit! What is that! It hurts! Mother-" her words were cut short and her eyes nearly bulged out of her skull as the painfull knot swelled inside of her vagina.

With a few more short thrusts for good measure his cock began shooting his seed deep into the females uterus. Catching his breathe the wolf released his prize turning around so that they were ass to ass locked together. I could practically hear the wolf sperm being pumped into my friend. I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed. Aron was so exhausted he laid down with the wolf grunting with every pulse.

A few short hours later Aron returned to the camp hobbling. He couldn't even look at me as he ate some of the leftover meat I had on a stick. "Listen Aron, i'm really sorry for what just happened. I would have done something if I could ya know". I said to her. She looked at me then down at the ground. "The worst part of that was that I was starting to enjoy it. It was so primal and sickening all at the same time. " she shook her head unsure of what to think.

I patted her head. "Well I still don't know how you got this way or how to reverse it but I'll figure something out....however I would need to leave to do some research". Aron shot me a glance and spoke. " Dude I'm ready to get out of here. I don't care about games right now I just want somewhere to watch tv." she sighed still obviously in pain. "I'm afraid you won't be coming with me..this is a wildlife preserve area so I would get arrested if I took a wolf out of the area." Aron looked at me with massive concern.

"What! Dude you can't leave me alone I wouldn't survive on my own!" I pointed out that if I got arrested then I couldn't help him get back to his human state. She put both of her paws over her muzzle. I didn't want to leave my friend here in the woods with no survival experience so I had to think of something. " Well who said you would be alone? Wolves mate for life and he could house and feed you." Aron sat up on his hindlegs looking toward the river. She sighed. "Please promise me you will come here every week. I will go nuts ...please"

I promised him that I would bring him lots of things to eat and activities to do. I know how the wolves eat raw meat and have nothing really to do. I packed up my things and started walking down the trail back to my car. Looking back I saw the wolf from earlier sitting beside Aron licking his jaw. I also couldn't help but notice that Aron's belly had grown out a bit, but that could have been a trick of the light. I'll see you soon my friend.


Hopefully everyone enjoyed the read. Feel free to comment down below to let me know what you think.