Tales of Jasper VI

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#6 of Tales of Jasper

Jasper woke with a stir only to find his face buried against his lover's chest. Not something that he minded, but still a shock, especially since there was a lot of trouble that could become of it if the wrong people walked in at the wrong time. Either way, Jasper woke, somewhat early and feeling like he had just had the latest in energy drink innovation. He slowly rose from the bed, his tail swishing about as he looked over Naila, being careful not to wake her. He dressed back into his uniform and waited for the bus. He did not think about the fact that she had been issued an out of school suspension by the bus driver, but then again it had not necessarily been approved either, at least not yet.

There really wasn't anything for Jasper to do at Naila's house... he did not have any games to play, at least not by himself. However, he had to go through his morning routine and he decided to run to the restroom, remembering that he needed to get the things out of the drier as he went down the stairs. Naila's parents still had not returned yet, but they were sure to be coming back soon. However, it seemed that Jasper was slick enough to get her bedding back out of the drier and to her room before that happened and once he returned he saw that Naila had woken up.

"Jazzy, my kitten love, come here," Naila commanded with a cute growl at the end as if he were in trouble and he moved closer, holding her bedding in his arms.

"Naila?" Jasper inquired looking to her as she continued her little growl.

"All the way," she continued, patting the bed and he set her bedding down before hopping up on her bed, and the moment he landed she pounced over him and started lapping over his muzzle, rubbing herself against him.

"I love you, Jazz..." she said against his muzzle as she lapped against him.

Jasper could not hold back and he wanted the kisses, opening his muzzle to grant her a deeper kiss and their tongues warred for a moment, their saliva mixing as she pressed herself against him. Jasper was happy with the kiss and as she drew back she moved her hair out of her face simply gazing into his eyes. They stared for the longest time, searching each other's soul as they peered deeply into the other's eyes. Jasper felt warm fuzzies as he lay with Naila and he gently started petting over her back.

"Is the bus going to come here?" Jasper asked softly.

"Yes... I still have one more day of school, then I officially get the suspension," Naila huffed and sat up.

"I am sorry for getting you in trouble, Naila," Jasper whispered, blushing deeply.

"No! I love you, Jazz. I will break anyone who makes fun of you," Naila said, grinding her fist into her opposite palm.

"I wish I could protect you, Naila... Isn't that the boy's job?" he asked softly.

"But I am older and bigger," she said giggling and sitting up to tug Jasper into her lap.

"But you are still a puppy," Jasper whispered and he nibbled gently against Naila as she pet over his ears and pulled his head down against her shoulder.

"Momma and papa, should be back soon... Jazz, so you might want to wait downstairs," Naila said as she looked over to her clock.

Jasper simply nodded and he rose slowly, not really wanting to part from Naila. He slipped off of her bed and made his way back down the stairs and to the livingroom. He was happy that he was with Naila, and was even more excited just thinking about getting married. Maybe he did not grasp the entirety of marriage, but as far as he could tell it was a form of happily ever after.

After sitting for a moment, Naila joined Jasper in the livingroom. She seemed to be glowing with her unusually happy demeanor. She took a seat next to Jasper who had taken a seat on her couch. They dangled their feet and Naila leaned against Jasper, making him feel all giddy. He was happy and he purred lightly as she leaned into him and after a moment there was a knock at the door. Jasper looked to the clock on the wall, curiously. It was a little early to be the bus and her parents had no need to knock on the door.

"Open up! This is the police!" a familiar feminine voice called through the door gruffly.

Naila quickly jumped off the couch, worried, and Jasper followed close behind. Naila opened the door only to see her father in tears and Gliss escorting him. Jasper had no idea what was going on but something horrible had happened. He looked to Naila who seemed to be in shock for the moment and she suddenly screamed, running to hug her father tightly. He scooped her up and held her close and Gliss tilted her head to Jasper as she saw him.

"Oh, you decided to stay over with Naila, Jazzy?" his mother asked softly.

"What is going on, mommy!?" Jasper shouted and he looked over to Naila and her father.

"Lili is in critical condition in the hospital. She was driving under the effect of narcotics, and Aaron here was a victim. Someone probably slipped it in her drink," Gliss said softly, not really expecting Jasper to understand.

"Gliss, we need to get back to the station, right now. It seems there was another accident," one of her coworkers called out to her.

The police left, as did Gliss and Jasper looked back to Aaron and his daughter. He was at a loss for words and he looked to Jasper with tears in his eyes. Normally, Aaron had a stern look and seemed invincible, but having this happened revealed just how fragile he was. He released Naila for a moment and simply stared at her.

"I am so sorry, Nai... so very sorry. This is all my fault..." Aaron said softly.

"What happened to mom? What happened dad!?" Naila cried.

"Mommy is in the hospital... mommy did drugs," Aaron said trying to explain it to her, "Daddy is a bad man and gave her the drugs. I am so sorry, please don't hate me. Please Naila!"

"Daddy!? Why!? Why did you!?" Naila shouted pushing away from him and moving over to Jasper and grasping his arm.

"Mommy asked for them... and Jasper's mom was undercover. She caught us at the door and we ran. Please don't hate us!" Aaron pleaded to his daughter, dropping to his knees before her to at the same height.

"I don't like you right now, daddy," Naila said softly, and she stood slightly behind Jasper.

It was an odd sight, seeing the taller, bigger Naila, hiding behind Jasper. Aaron did not know how to take his daughter's words, but for the moment he understood her dislike for him. He accepted the reality of things for the time being and they were all silent for a while, time seeming to pass slowly as Jasper and Naila waited for the bus. Jasper gently reached up and pet Naila's ears, lapping sweetly at the side of her muzzle.

"We can talk later, daddy," Naila finally said as the bus arrived and Aaron smiled and nodded, going up to his room.

Jasper had never seen a man so broken before. Aaron was normally a very stern, strict man with an intimidating composure. Seeing him beg for his daughter's forgiveness on his knees was something that Jasper had never expected to see. Jasper was going to let the day go by just hoping that Naila was going to be okay. He was worried about her and it showed as he twined his fingers with hers.

"You know what Miss Adams says, Naila," Jasper said holding her paw and Jack looked curiously to the two of them as they got on the bus.

"Do you have your paper?" the bus driver asked, calmly.

"Here you go, sir," Naila said reaching into her bag and handing him the suspension form.

Naila and Jasper went to the back of the bus and took their seats, Jasper sitting next to Jack, and Naila between the wall and Jasper. Jack could tell that there was something wrong and even the other kids on the bus did not tease Naila. Whether out of fear, or respect for whatever had happened to cause her to have tear stained cheeks, they were quiet. Jasper would keep Naila's secret and he did not say anything about the event.

"Well, I don't know what happened, but I am sure you will be alright, Naila. You are the toughest person in our class," Jack said smiling to her and he looked to Jasper as if for some sort of recommendation on what to say.

"It's probably best not to talk about it at all, Jack," Jasper said softly, squeezing Naila's paw softly.

"No, it's alright, Jazzy. Jack is a good friend. I will tell him later, but for now," she said taking a deep breath and sighing it out, "I am going to pretend that it didn't happen and have a good day before my suspension."

Naila leaned into Jasper and rested her head on his shoulder. He scritched at the bases of her ears and Jack joined in petting over her ears. It was a slow ride to school and once they got to the school things seemed to go by all too fast. The classes went by quickly, and lunch came. Jasper, Jack, and Naila sat at a table a little more secluded from the rest. Naila had put on a great facade, hiding her feelings all day, but doing so only built it up until lunchtime.

"Jazzy, why did my mommy and daddy do that?" Naila said with tears in her eyes.

"Whoa, what happened?" Jack asked holding a sandwich in his paws.

"I don't know. They always told you that drugs were bad... so I don't know," Jasper said softly, reaching over and taking Naila's paw, and looking to Jack to explain, "Well, Jack, her mommy and daddy seem to have gotten in trouble with the cops and her mom went to the hospital. They did something with drugs, and got caught."

"It doesn't make sense..." she cried and stabbed at her food with her fork while Jasper explained to Jack what had happened.

"Wow... I never expected, Naila's parents..." Jack said with widened eyes, shaking his head.

"So that is the story," Jasper said.

"That is all? That is good. I am sure that things will work out fine," Jack said trying to be reassuring, and he took Naila's other paw, "If something happens you can come stay at my house."

Things got quiet again and everyone ate slowly, and continued the rest of the day with the same slow pace. At least until they got to the sex-ed class, only causing Jasper and Naila to squirm a little as they sat next to each other. It was weird hearing about all of the bad things that were spread during sex, and it worried both of them a little. So for they felt fine and they did not notice anything strange, but with all of the sexually transmitted infections going around, how could they possibly not have one, right?

After hearing about all of that they were sent out on recess, but Jasper could not help but stay behind as he thought for a moment. He was horrified by the consequences of some of the diseases and infections. Miss Adams smiled to him after everyone else had gone outside. Jasper stood awkwardly shifting, his tail swaying and he held his paws together behind him and his ears fell flat.

"What is wrong, kitten?" the dragoness asked moving closer.

"If a friend of mine did some of those things. Will he get sick?" Jasper asked.

"Has your friend been having sex with a lot of girls or boys?" Miss Adams asked.

"No, not really..."

"Well, have the girls or boys been having sex with a lot of others?"

"Definitely not," Jasper said blushing deeply as he thought about it.

"Well then, your friend should be just fine. Though if it is someone in class, they are definitely a little young to be experiencing things like this," Miss Adams said moving closer to Jasper her overwhelming figure a little intimidating as she stood over him.

It was strange that a school had let a dragoness become a teacher. She was far bigger than the students, and she could probably gobble them up in one bite a piece, and maybe even fit two or three in her mouth. The school was massive to accommodate for dragons, but even so, she was very big in the classroom. Jasper could not help but feel a little bit scared when talking to her.

"My friend just got a feeling one day, and he was alone with his girlfriend and couldn't control himself, like you said," Jasper said, suddenly picking up an arousing aroma.

"Well, you should tell your friend, and his girlfriend to come talk to me after class so I can help them out a little," Miss Adams said with a toothy grin.

"Alright, I'll tell him. But he wanted to keep it a secret so you can't tell anyone, okay?" Jasper said, moving for the door.

"You can count on me, I have no intention of telling anyone," Miss Adams said as Jasper opened the door and went outside.

Jasper quickly sought out Naila, and told her she didn't have anything to worry about. He was happy that they were going to be okay, and he figured that if they were okay until now, there shouldn't have been any problems in the future. He also told her that Miss Adams wanted to see them after class, not really explaining much to her on that subject, claiming he did not know why. Regardless, the bell rang shortly after he had finished talking to Naila and they returned to class.

The next video was on sex predators, rape, and statutory rape. Jasper was shocked by the video, finding that what his mother was doing was illegal, and that she was probably not all that trustworthy of a person to talk to about his problems. Jasper felt like he was caught in a web that was going to choke him out soon. He felt in love with Naila, and he was now worried about his mother, wondering if there was anyone who could help her. He did not realize what he had been doing was wrong, even if it did not feel completely right.

Jasper was blushing madly at the end of the video and the final bell for the day rang. Naila and Jasper hung around as they had planned and Miss Adams sighed, her smile fading as she looked to Jasper. She had a hunch that he had been talking about himself, but she had been hoping it wasn't him. After all he was one of her favorite students. Miss Adams moved closer to the two of them and she locked the doors with her tail.

"So, Jasper, I assume you have something you want to get off of your chest?" Miss Adams said questioningly.

"Yeah... I want to find my mommy some help... and I want to know what I should do with Naila," Jasper said and he looked to Naila, moving closer to her, pulling her tightly against himself.

"Jazzy... should we really tell her?" Naila asked, blushing deeply, as she wrapped her arms tightly around Jasper and he purred against her, looking to her then over his shoulder to Miss Adams.

"First off, let's talk about you two. You have been engaging in sexual intercourse then?" Miss Adams asked and she sat up, peering down at the two of them, looking a little worried.

"Yes," Naila said, followed with a nod from Jasper.

"You two are way too young to be able to accept the responsibility of pregnancy, and I must say I am rather shocked that either of you are interested in such a thing. I don't even know if either of you are physically capable yet, but you, Naila, are definitely not ready to carry a baby yet," Miss Adams said with a deep sigh.

"Well, Jazzy showed it to me one day after a special kiss. It hurt really bad at first, then felt really good," Naila said blushing, and lapping gently against Jasper's ear.

"And what about you Jasper?" Miss Adams asked.

"Well, my mommy showed it to me. She let me taste her and drink some yummy liquid from her. After that she showed me how to have sex. She told me not to tell anyone and that it was our secret," Jasper said with scarlet cheeks, beneath his fur.

"Oh dear... this is quite troublesome..." Miss Adams said looking to the kids.

Naila simply held Jasper close and pet over his ears, her tail swishing to and fro behind her. Jaspers tail curled nervously about her leg and he leaned back into her, purring a little. He felt safe in her arms and he watched Miss Adams as she thought for a moment. Jasper and Naila were at a loss for words, thus the awkward silence began, only to be shattered by Miss Adams.

"There isn't much we can do about this. Jasper's mom is the chief of the police force, and you two aren't really to be held accountable for something you had no knowledge of. I am sorry that you have been tricked into this mess, Naila, and I am sorry that you are in such a bad situation, Jasper. I will bring it up later, and I will try to help you two out. In the mean time you two should not engage in sexual acts," Miss Adams said her cheeks turning a faint pink.

Jasper felt slightly aroused for some reason, and he took in an intriguing scent. He was not sure what it was, but whatever it was it was making him want something. Jasper looked to the teacher whose, pink cheeks were turning darker and darker red, which stood out against her white scales. Miss Adams shifted her legs a little, feeling a little wet. Her giant tail shifted across the floor a couple of times, and Naila and Jasper watched her curiously.

"Are you okay, Miss Adams?" Naila asked quietly.

"Oh, don't mind me... I am just a little hot. It is that season..." Miss Adams whined, "Though I suppose I should take you two home."

Felicia's mind was in the gutter; her body wanted stimulation. She was trying her hardest to resist pleasing herself in front of Naila and Jasper, but she could not hold it any longer and her draconic paw dropped between her legs and she started rubbing her fingers against her slit. She was dripping wet already, and with the further stimulation she nearly came. Miss Adams growled a little as she started to work more furiously, forming a fist and forcing it into her slick crevice.

"Miss Adams?" Naila cried out in shock, blushing deeply, unable to avert her gaze from the spectacle.

"Oh, fuck yeah," the dragoness groaned, forcing her fist as deep as she could, hastening her pumping motions.

"Naila we should probably, go," Jasper whispered, his eyes fixated on the dragoness.

Felicia's wings spread out behind her and she leaned back as much as she could, revealing her hot snitch to her students. She moaned and cried out, a puddle of her cum forming below her. She looked greedily to the two students, wanting to stuff something bigger inside of her. She could work at it for a while and get her orgasm, or she could go for the ride of her life and use her students before her. It was an easy choice in her current frame of mind.

"Ah... god yes... fuck... Jasper... come her..." she pleaded, one arm supporting her as she frantically rubbed at her clit.

Jasper did not move, not wanting to get involved in her work. He doubted there was anything he could do to help her anyway. He was just a kitten! It didn't matter, voluntarily or involuntarily, Felicia was going to get what she wanted and she took a step toward her students, the heavy step shaking the ground a little. She was normally light footed, but in this state she had little grace.

"Let's get out of here!" Jasper cried and he tugged on Naila heading for a door.

The dragoness did not have any intention of letting them go and she snatched Jasper and Naila up in her hands. Naila and Jasper yelled out mostly incoherently, not sure of their fate. She looked to Jasper, then to Naila. Naila was the bigger of the two so Miss Adams bound Naila with her tail. She eyed Jasper greedily and he held onto her arm tightly, his kitten claws useless against her scales.

"Ah... I am sorry to throw this at you Jasper, but I really need you," Miss Adams said forcing Jasper into a sitting position and rising over him.

"What are you doing, ah! Miss Adams!" he screamed as her hot slit got closer and closer to him.

Felicia shivered with extasy as Jasper's head popped into her monstrous cunny. He slid a little into her, her body accommodating his shoulders and he wriggled in fear as he was being swallowed up in the tight walls. He was drenched in her cum and her scent was overwhelming, forcing a totally unwanted erection. Felicia slowly lowered over Jasper who was making her pussy shake as he wriggled about.

"Ah! Fuck yes... Jasper... that feels so good. Keep that up..." she moaned out spraying her fluid over him and nearly drowning him as he shouted inside of her, "Ohh... fuck... yes... yes!"

Felicia screamed as Jasper went deeper inside of her, and she assisted his legs up into her. He felt himself being enveloped into some sort of sac. As Jasper finished being sucked in and up into his teachers womb she screamed out in pleasure and doused the floor with her cum. He had no idea what was going on but as the sac finished forming around him he found that he could breathe. After being completely devoured by his teachers cunt he curled up in her womb.

"Ah... hah... that felt so good..." Miss Adams said looking to Naila with great expectations, while catching her breath. She felt even hotter with Jasper in her womb and she needed one more to feel full.

"What did you do to Jasper? Give him back!" Naila screamed pounding on her teacher's tail.

"Wriggle and make me feel good, Naila..." Felicia said closing her eyes and positioning herself over Naila.

"No! Noo!" Naila cried putting her paws up as if to block the drenched cunny from devouring her.

Felicia lowered herself over Naila and sank over her outstretched paws. She was sensitive from her last conquest and she jerked with the sheer touch against her. Felicia churred at the feeling, shivering and enjoying it. Slowly she lowered herself over Naila and she clenched tightly against her, another orgasm ripping through her.

Naila was nearly crushed with the orgasm, feeling uncomfortable as the silky walls clutched against her, shaking and pulling her up. She felt her entire body sticky with Felicia's cum and she shook trying to get back out. There was no way out and she sucked in the teachers taste and a huge whiff her her scent. It wasn't really unpleasant, but it was a scary situation for Naila.

"Oh god! Fuck me... ah... Naila you feel... so... fucking great..." Miss Adams cried out, holding Naila's feet down with her tail.

Naila thought it would be over soon, as quick as she had devoured Jasper, but she was wrong. The teacher pulled her back down a little, against the clenching pussy, and forced her back up. The dragoness nearly screamed with the pleasure of the squirming puppy in her cunt. Just a little more...

"Naila... Oh god... you are so perfect... you are going to make me cum..." she cried out her tail forcing Naila up and down in her pussy.

Naila screamed, barely able to get any air, and she felt like she was suffocating. She felt disgusting, drenched in the hot cum, her teacher was making. However, at the same time she felt strangely aroused and she almost felt the need to pleasure herself. She was getting more sensitive as the walls of Felicia's pussy stimulated her tiny breasts.

"Oh... yes... yes... so deep.... right there... fuck! I am cumming!" Miss Adams screamed as she shoved Naila deep into her burning crevice, forcing her tail part of the way up and Naila's head past her cervix.

In an instant, Felicias walls clamped tightly down on Naila and forced her up into her teacher's womb, and into Jasper's sac. Gallons of cum sprayed all over the classroom, and Miss Adams huffed as she came down from the throes of her orgasm. Jasper was somewhat relieved to have someone in the darkness with him and he wrapped his arms around Naila, crying. At least the could breathe for the moment. He did not know what was in store for them, but he did know one thing. There was no way they were going home now.

"Do not, worry, my little, babies... I will take you somewhere safe," Miss Adams said softly, rubbing her full belly.

Slowly, Felicia's mind was coming off of the heat, now that she had been satisfied, and she started to realize the horrible thing she had done. She was worried about what she was going to do. She couldn't kill the students... she was not a murderer, but she could not have them reporting her either. Miss Adams sighed, wondering what to do with her predicament with Naila and Jasper in her womb. First things first... she had to clean up all the cum in the classroom.

"Naila... I love you... I am sorry... I am sorry..." Jasper said traumatized by the strange event, and he felt responsible for having Naila join him after class.

"It is okay, my little kitten... I have you now..." Naila replied, wrapping her arms around him.

Both of them felt incredibly hot, but they controlled their drive for the moment. They needed the comfort of each others company at the moment, not sex. Jasper sighed and leaned into Naila, holding her tightly, both of them doused in the arousing scent of their teacher's cum. Jasper nuzzled against Naila trying to fall asleep against her to put a rest to his desire for a moment.