The Afterlife of Wolves and Lions pt.1

Story by Kitt Mouri on SoFurry

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This is an emotional love story about Night and Mhina and the depth of their eternal love.

The Afterlife of Wolves and Lions


"I don't get how anyone can enjoy this." Tod said, irritably, as he looked out a window to see curtain of heavily falling snow.

Mhina giggled as she sat on a comfy seat nearby and lazily sipped on a cup of hot chocolate. "Baby, it's fun for them." she said. "They love this bitterly cold, white, wonderland. It only feels cold to folks like you and me."

"Hey, yeah." Tod said, suddenly. "Where is Kit?"

"Out there in the snow with Night and your brothers." Slowly, Tod turned to his mother with a look that was a perfect blend of disbelief, annoyance and confusion. Mhina had to set her cup down to keep the contents from spilling as she laughed, boisterously. "Come on!" she exclaimed. "How in the world is that surprising? Kit has always liked the snow."

"Mom," he pouted, "the snow we get back home isn't like this. You can walk through that. This snow is so high that you have to swim through it."

"Yes, exactly." she said. "Imagine how mystifying this must be for him. He's never seen anything like this."

"...we are not related." the boy grumbled, sending peals of laughter from his mother, once again.

The season of frozen sleep had arrived on the lands of Adohi. Cold winds swept across the entire country, chilling everything its icy breath could touch. Though the touch of the frigid season spread across the entire expanse of the land, it was uniformly received in each region.

In the southern region called, Aponi, the climate enjoyed there was subtropic, so the cooling winds were nothing more than a refreshing breeze. But, for the temperate eastern region of the land called, Tayen, the season ravaged the land a bit more abrasively. The winds would frigidly chill the air, often bringing snow and even an occasional ice storm. This was the region of Adohi that the Bravewolf family called home. As such, they were familiar with moderate levels of snowy weather. Though moderate as it was, it was enough for Tod, Night and Mhina's elder lion cub, to know that he did not like it. It was no surprise that when the family decided to journey to the northern region of Adohi, the Chilali region, that the boy was not particularly thrilled. But, to celebrate the Moon Dance, the carnival of reverence to the night, going as far north as one possibly could was always best and Chilali was as far north as one could go. For the Moon Dance carnival, the northern area of Chilali also offered something that no other region could, a something that paired perfectly with the festival.

Unlike all of the other regions that yielded 4 different seasons, in Chilali, there were only 2: the season of long sun and the season of frozen sleep. During the long sun season, daylight hours dominated the day/night cycle with periods of the season where night would not come at all. It was a period of endless day, where the once shining moon did not hang beautifully in the sky. However, during the season of frozen sleep, the opposite was true. The nighttime hours now grew longer each day and where the sun had taken over during the previous season, the moon was the one that now commanded the sky. Inversely, during this time, there were periods of the season where the sun would not rise and the moon would not fall. This was when the Moon Dance festival was held, during the period of endless night and perpetual darkness.

Similarly to how the Sun Celebration was of great importance to lions, the Moon Dance was of great importance to wolves. Their lore and history were tied to the moon in exactly the same way that the legends and ancestry of lions were bound to the sun. It was important for wolves to pilgrimage to the north to join in the celebration. This was the first time that the blended Bravewolf family embarked on one such sojourn.

The family traveled by train from their home to as far north as the train would carry them. They arrived and took up lodging at the largest lodge in the entire country, the celebrated Great Aurora Spring lodge. Being the nearest inn to the Northern Chilali train station, size mattered, as they accommodated more individuals and families than any other hospitality establishment during the frozen sleep season, more

so during the Moon Dance.

Nestled in the warm confines of the building Mhina and Tod had retreated to the lodge's spacious lobby to lounge and relax and most importantly, to escape the freezing cold of the outdoor afternoon. Night, Shade, Blaze and Kit opted to stay outside. Out of the 4 tireless outdoor family members, Kit was the only one that was not a wolf. He was a bright, pale-blue eyed lion cub and Tod's biological younger brother. But, unlike his elder feline sibling, Kit thoroughly enjoyed the snow and although his little body was just as susceptible to the cold as Mhina and Tod's, such a thing would not hinder him from frolicking in the powdery precipitation along with his lupine father and brothers. As long as he was with Night, he would be safe.

"You are most certainly related." Mhina said. "He is your brother, bonded to you by blood. You do not have to have the same likes and desires in order to share the same gene pool."

Tod sighed, but said nothing more as he sank into the cushions of the fluffy chair he was sitting on. He picked up his own mug of hot chocolate and took a sip. Mhina smiled, then returned her gaze to the window and the snow-covered land beyond its glassy pane. It really was a beautiful world and if it weren't so abrasively cold, it would have been enjoyable, too."

"Hey, Mom," Tod called, "who does Kit take after, Mama or Dad?"

"Definitely Tam." she replied, without pause. "Your father would have loved this. All of this snow would have been magical to him. Lana, on the other hand, didn't even like rain and she hated being cold. She was just like you, or rather, you are just like her...except for looks. In that regard, you take after your father. Kit looks just like your mother."

"That's funny." Tod said, smiling. "I look like Dad, but act like Mama and Kit looks like Mama, but acts like Dad."

Mhina smiled and sighed. "I suppose it is a little funny when you put it like that." She took another sip of her cocoa and gazed out the window. "Actually, now that I think about it," she started, "Night is just like you, two; he looks like Twilight, but acts like Hunter."

"What about Shade and Blaze?" Tod asked.

"No, they look and act like the parents they resemble."

The boy paused and frowned, thoughtfully. "Shade is really like" he asked, with genuine confusion.

Once again, Mhina had to put her drink down to keep it from spilling, as she laughed, heartily. "Now, why is that so surprising?"

"I don't know." he said with a laugh. "Shade is" he said, trying to find the most appropriate word to describe his ever-cheerful elder brother. "He's so...goofy." he finally decided.

Mhina shook her head. " the word you went with?"

"It was the best I could think of." he replied, grinning cheekily.

"Might I suggest, free-spirited?" she offered. "Or lively?"

"No, I think goofy was spot on." Night said, walking up to the conversational mother and son pair. "Well done, son." he said.

"Thank you." the lion cub said, triumphantly to the wolf. "See, Mom? Night gets it." he jeered, returning his attention to his mother.

Mhina simply shook her head and watched her husband approach. Behind him, she could see Shade and Blaze at the milk bar getting drinks, but she saw no sign of her youngest child. She looked up at Night and was about to query where he was, when she noticed the bundle of coats on his back and a pair of little knees hugging the wolf's sides. Upon closer inspection, the pair of coats that were draped over lover's back weren't there because he was leisurely carrying them. The coats were, in fact, blanketing the little lion cub that was riding comfortably on his father's back.

Alarmed, Mhina started to rise out of her seat until Night motioned for her to be calm. "He's alright." he assured her, already knowing her distress. "He's just a little tired and a little cold." he added, sitting down beside her. He sloughed off the pair of coats and swung the boy onto his lap. Not surprisingly, the youngster had fallen asleep, nestled upon the coziness of his father's warm, soft back. Not wanting him to overheat, Night set about the task of peeling the outer garments off of the child. As he worked on that, Mhina collected the coats as they were removed.

"Hey, wait!" she exclaimed, examining the coat that Kit was wearing,, "isn't that Shade's coat?" she asked, pointing at the coat Night was currently unzipping on their child.

"Yeah." Night said, freeing the child from the jacket, only to reveal an additional coat, Kit's actual coat, encompassing the boy. "It was the only one that he could wear over his own coat and still zip up."

" then what did Shade wear? Your coat?"

"No, we used my coat as a blanket to cover him with."

"Wha--?! So, Blaze was the only one with a coat in this...this blizzard?"

Night smiled, apologetically. "Actually, Blaze was worried about his only younger brother, so he put his coat over Kit and under mine."

If Mhina's eyes could get any wider, Night couldn't possibly imagine how. Try as he might, he couldn't help but chuckle at his wife's adorable expression. She growled, lowly and leaned toward him.

"Mhina, Mhina, Mhina!" Night merrily cried, holding up his hands in surrender, hoping to defuse his wife's impending rampaging. "Sweetheart, he didn't need a coat, none of us did. Wolves love snow, you know that. How many times have we woken up to a snowy day and taken naps in the snow, in pajamas, no less, back home?"

"Night..." she growled, "we don't get 2 billion feet of snow like this at home!" she said, gesturing to the window where snow was still pouring down in heaving chunks from the sky. "We barely get enough snow to reach higher than your ankles. This sea of whiteness that you could literally drown in, doesn't compare to the puddle of snow we get back in Tayen!"

He studied her carefully for a moment, tapping his finger on his chin as he did. Eventually, he arrived at a discovery and smiled at his findings. " are absurdly cute right now." Night decided.

"Night?" she growled.

"I'm so glad we booked separate rooms from the kids."


"I can't wait to get back inside our suite." he said, saucily.


"Although, I don't think I can wait that long to get inside of you, love." he whispered.

"...I'm going to bite you." she warned.

"Sweetheart, please...not in front of the children." he said, with a seductive wink. "But," he started, leaning in closer to whisper, "once we get back to the room, you can bite me anywhere and everywhere you want." he said, licking her neck before biting it gently, causing her to gasp and jump at his subtly erotic foreplay.

When she opened her mouth to protest, he took the opportunity to capture her lips, kissing her slowly and deeply. Her breath hitched, arousing him even more which served only to intensify the magnitude of his already burning ardor. But, before he could lose himself completely, he remembered where he was and whose juvenile company he kept. Reluctantly, he ended their sensual play, sighing heavily.

"It actually physically pains me to say this," he grumbled, "but, we will definitely have to pick up from here, later."

Though out of breath, Mhina giggled. "See, that's what you get for teasing your wife."

"Sweetheart, I get that just by thinking of you." he replied.

"You...huh?" she asked, puzzled.

"Exactly. And on that note, we need to trade." he said, handing their sleeping child to her and taking the coats she had accumulated. Slowly, he got up and held the collection of outerwear in front of him, closely against his waist.

Mhina studied him for a moment, then arched a brow and grinned."Husband," she began, "if you let go of those coats--"

"They would not fall to the floor." he finished. "Not even close."

She rolled her eyes and smirked. "Do we need to go upstairs let our sleeping child, sleep?"

"Immediately would be best."

She smiled and shook her head. "...naughty."

"I will be once we get the kids upstairs." he said, his voice barely a whisper.

"What was that?" she teased.

"I said, we should let our son get a little rest before we head off for dinner." he said, hastily.

"And we should get this coat off of him before it gets, right?" she grinned.

Night said nothing, but offered her his cheekiest, sauciest half-smile, before turning and heading for the stairs.

Mhina chuckled as she picked up her sleeping child. "We should get your brothers from the milk bar." she said to Tod. "We will let Kit sleep for a bit, then we can all come down for dinner."

"And you and Night can have sexy time." the boy added, with a gleeful smirk.

"Get your tail up, my little know-it-all!" she laughed, scooting the giggling child up from his seat. She watched him dash over to his lupine siblings and adjusted her sleeping son at her shoulder. Laughing to herself, she walked over to the bar to join her children, knowing that once they were settled in their room, she could join her husband in theirs...for a little "sexy time".


The afternoon that was spent resting, playing and enjoying the pleasures of love, quickly came to an end and evening at last commenced. With the onset of dusk, the holiday's festivities could finally begin. Before joining the celebration, however, the family migrated downstairs for dinner.

The lodge's restaurant was large and mostly empty when they arrived, yet the kitchen staff were furiously busy, cooking and serving a bevy of aromatic, savory appetizers and entrees. During the Moon Dance, the restaurant dining room was virtually empty, because most families chose to enjoy their meals in the outdoor seating are instead. However, since 3 of the Bravewolf family members would be far from comfortable being forced to eat out in the cold, it was much better for the family to dine together in the warmth of the lodge, instead.

"Hey, Papa," Kit cheerfully called, as he pulled a crabcake from a plate at the center of the table, "will everyone be able to celebrate if it keeps snowing like this?"

Night took a sip from a cup of steaming hot tea, then glanced out of a nearby window. Indeed, the snow hadn't let up since it began to rain down from the sky that afternoon. If anything, it was coming down harder. "It's alright." Night replied. "Most of the people here thoroughly love the snow, so this will actually make the holiday even more enjoyable for them"

"Oh? Then, that's good. I'm glad people will have fun." he replied, taking a bite out of the appetizer.

Night smiled. "You are such a sweet cub to be worried about others, especially people you don't even know." Kit practically beamed with delight after being bathed in the light of his father's praise. Seeing his young son so pleased made Night smile a little more, even though he was full of concern for him. "You know, you don't have to go out, tonight. I know it's going to be very cold for you." he said.

"Can I try to stay with you for a little while, Papa?" the boy asked. "I wanted to try to ice skate with you again. I'll try really hard not to get cold, again." he promised.

"Kit, honey, of course you can." he replied, warmly. "But, if you get cold, you have to tell me right away. I don't want you overdoing it and pushing yourself too hard. This weather can be dangerous for you."

"Especially for you, kitten." Mhina added, as the child was terribly susceptible to respiratory illnesses. "We can't afford to have you getting a chest infection way out here."

"Okay." he sighed.

"Don't sound so miserable, little mouse." Mhina cooed. "Just listen to your father and tell him when you start to get cold, alright?" He smiled and nodded his head at that. "That's my cub." she said. "Tod, what about you, do you want to go out in this blizzard?"

He sighed. "I'll try. I don't know how long I'll be able to last, but I'll try."

"Don't you overdo it, either." said Night. "You may not have the medical issues your brother has, but overexposure is still something we have to keep in mind, as well."

"Thanks, Night." Tod replied. "But, you guys put up with the heat during the Sun Celebration, so I should be able to put up with the cold, too. OUCH" he yelped, looking to his side and the older brother that had smacked his head, Shade.

"Firstly," Shade, the free-spirited wolf pup that had earlier been the topic of discussion, "that didn't hurt. Secondly, that's dumb."

"What is?" Tod grumbled.

"The idea that you have to hurt yourself, or compete with others who love you to prove that you love them."

"That's not what I said."

"Actually, that's exactly what you said."

"That's not..." Tod started to protest, when Shade held up a finger to silence him.

"Just because we came to the beach, which was already near home, by the way, and were a little uncomfortable...I mean, there was an entire ocean of cold blue water to cool off in, but I digress...that doesn't mean you should freeze yourself to show your appreciation or your love to people that love you."

Tod regarded him for a second, staring into the bright leafy-green eyes that stared back at him. "Every once in a while," the honey-eyed lion cub began, "you say something that actually makes sense."

"That's only because you don't always listen. If you listened to me, your very loving big brother, all the time, then you would know that." Shade replied, brushing his overly abundant black hair from his face.

"Shade, you're so pretty." Kit said, appreciatively.

"Oh, my!" Shade exclaimed, feigning bashfulness. With playful melodrama, he clutched his chest and fanned himself with his napkin as though he had suddenly become too hot for the room. "Why thank you, child. I receive your generous compliment with the humblest of regards." he said demurely. "Allow me to repay your gallantry by giving you this gift." he said, blowing a kiss to his younger brother.

Playing along, Kit caught the imaginary kiss and pressed it to his lips. He gasped loudly and slapped his palms to his cheeks, then pretended to faint by dramatically placing his forearm to his brow, shutting his eyes and slumping backwards in his seat.

"I have taught you well, young one." Shade laughed.

Both Night and Tod pressed the palms of their respective hands to their brows, shook their heads and sighed, tiredly. Mhina and Blaze giggled, quietly, desperately trying to hide their amusement by covering their mouths with their napkins, seemingly wiping away nonexistent messes from their faces. Kit laughed merrily along with Shade, who had to pause to brush his hair away from his face, again.

Although he was the eldest of the 4 children, among his blood brothers, Shade was in the middle, below Night, but above Blaze. In wolf culture, it was customary that if a middle child was male, that child had to grow their hair out in the same manner that females did. Until he took a mate, or until another child was born into the family, he would have to let his hair to grow.

With his parents passed away, there was no chance that another child would be born. It would just be the three brothers, which meant that if he ever wanted to trim his long, straight, silken hair, he would have to wait until he took a mate. However, at merely 14 years of age, he was still a long way away from being able to wed. So, his hair, from the time that Blaze was born, at which point he became a middle child, all the way to the present, he had let his hair to grow without restriction.

At its current length, his midnight locks would trail on the ground behind him when left unfurled, so he kept it braided, just like the young females wolves did. Because of his lengthy hair, coupled with his natural, almost feminine beauty, Shade was often mistaken for a girl. His gender was so frequently mistaken that he kept a box under his bed filled with love letters from other boys, seeking his affection. ...the box had overflowed ages ago.

"Shade, honey, do you want me to braid your hair before going back out?" Mhina asked.

"Yes, please." he replied. "Thank you, Mama."

"You're welcome. I definitely don't want you to trip out there."

"Even if he tripped, there would be some dopey boy there to catch him." Tod chuckled. "Did anyone else ask for your address after Mom and me left?"

The lovely young wolf tossed his hair back in the most flamboyant of ways and answered, "Several."

Shade and Tod laughed at the situation, and quietly conversed about it amongst themselves while the rest of the family continued their table talk.

"Hey, Papa," Kit said, "why don't you and Blaze grow your hair?"

"Hmm..." Night mused, thoughtfully, as he pondered his son's question. "I suppose I just like keeping my hair cut. This is generally how male wolves tend to look, so I guess I am just like them."

"Oh. What about you, Blaze?" he asked, turning to his sand-colored brother.

"I just like looking like this because Night looks like this." he answered.

"I think you look like your father."

"Yup." Blaze replied, proudly. "I look like Father, Shade looks like Mother and Night looks like them both since his eyes are purple, like Father's."

"But, he looks mostly like your mother, because he's black and white all over." Kit pointed out.

"But, he's big and strong like Father."

"Oh yeah." Kit agreed. "Yup, Papa is like you mother and father put together."

"Which is what all children are. "Mhina said with amusement. "Every child is their mother and father put together."

"Oh, yeah." Kit said with a smile. Slowly the child's smile began to fade and it seemed that the wheels in his young head were turning. His expression became quite dismal.

"Kitten, what's wrong?" Mhina asked with concern.

The boy looked at his mother, his large pale-blue eyes wide and somehow piteous. He gave a start, as though he were about to reply, but seemed to think the better of it. Instead, he plastered what could only be described as an obviously artificial smile on his face and shook his head.

Mhina looked at her child, holding his gaze and urging, without a word, for him to speak what was weighing upon his heart. After a few moments of being comforted by her lovingly maternal gaze, Kit found the resolve to speak what he was previously unwilling to speak.

"It's just," he began, quietly, "Papa and Shade and Blaze look the same and me and Tod look the same, but..." he said, allowing the thought to taper off. Mhina smiled.

"...but, no one looks like me." she said, finishing the youth's thought. Apologetically, he nodded his head. "And you're worried about how that makes me feel." she said, a statement rather than a question, to which the child nodded his head once more. "Oh, my little love..." she sang. "That doesn't matter to me at all. In many ways, I prefer it like this."

"Prefer it?" he asked.

"Yes." she answered. "You are all my children, because I chose to love you and care for you all as a mother would. But also, I am your mother because you all accepted me and allowed me to call of you, my children. Every day, I know that I am truly blessed, because every day, you let me be a part of your lives. I am so grateful for that privilege. I love you boys so much and I always will. It's because of my love for you, that I am glad I didn't give birth to any one of you, because this way, you will never have to worry that I love one of you over the rest. You'll never have to wonder, 'Does she love her biological children more than me, her adopted son?' Since none of you grew inside me, that thought will never enter your minds and you will never doubt that I love you all, equally.

"So, if I had to decide between growing a cub within me, or having 4 perfect cubs that have the peace of mind of knowing that their mother loves them just as much as she loves their siblings, well you can guess which choice I went with, right?" she said, smiling warmly at her sweet child.

"Aww, Mama..." Shade said, unexpectedly leaping up from his seat and over to Mhina, hugging her warmly. "Thank you." he whispered.

"Me too!" Kit exclaimed, jumping from his seat and over to his mother to hug her as well, followed almost instantly by Blaze who did the same. The last to join the pile was Tod who leisurely walked over to the bunch and added his love to the top of the heap.

Night looked on with a heart swollen with love. This was his family and he couldn't be prouder or happier to be a part of it. Mhina's love for the boys spoke for itself, but it did his heart well to see the tender exchange, all the same. Her unbiased devotion to her children, children that she chose with her heart instead of her womb, meant so much to them and to him as well. Not every person would accept the lives of children that were not born of themselves, or at least from other members of their own family, but she did, without reservation. Children that didn't share her blood and even children that didn't share her species, all of them were hers and all of them she called, son.


The evening festivities were celebrated in reverent cheer. Music rang throughout the snow covered wood and lively dancing kicked up flurries of powdered snow around energetic feet. Children built snowfolk, played snow games and skated on the ice. Seers showed visions of futures, pasts and romances to those who sought them, while healers held demonstrations on the uses of tonics, healing herbs and other healing remedies to visitors that were interested. Sculptors gave demonstrations on pottery and woodcarving while weavers showed onlookers how to make dreamcatchers, bracelets, necklaces and charms.

Night and Mhina shared a courtship dance, while Shade taught Kit a festive lunar dance of joy. Tod sat with Blaze and watched the others swing and sway and dance their dances. Neither had any interest in performing a dance of any sort before a crowd of onlookers.

Later, the children learned how to make dreamcatchers and charms. Shade made a charm of love for Song, his sweetheart, and Tod made one for his special girl, Tess. Blaze and Kit made dreamcatchers for Night and Mhina while the parents were happy simply watching their children creating their crafts. But, it wasn't before long when cold began to creep into the bones of the feline members of the family. Sleep began to hit on the youngest members of the family, as well, making any further outdoor activities unfeasible. It was time to call it a night.

Once again, Kit climbed up onto Night's back and burrowed under his coat. Mhina and Blaze held hands as they walked back, while Tod and Shade walked ahead and chatted with each other as they all headed back to the lodge. Once the family made it back, they headed straight to the boys' room.

Shivering and sleepy, the youngest member of the family needed a little help from his father to get undressed and into bed. Blaze fared a little better as he wasn't at all cold. Still, he was very sleepy and unlike Kit, who got a lift to the room, Blaze had to walk. Now, he was even more tired than when they had started their return. Luckily, Mhina was there to get the pup situated and tucked into bed. Tod and Shade were fine on their own. With the room as warm as it was, Tod was quickly able to shake off the lingering chill of the outdoors.

With the children settled and taken care of, Night and Mhina kissed them goodnight and retired to their room.


Her soft moans and quickened breathing aroused him more and more. Every sound she made was like some wonderful drug to his senses. Spread across their bed, Mhina rested on her chest with her hips raised in the air while Night hovered over her, brushing her hair away from her shoulders and appreciating her naked figure. Slowly, he began kissing her back and biting her neck. His hands moved over every exposed portion of her body within reach. He massaged her shoulders then caressed her arms that were folded under her chin before returning to her shoulders. He slowly descended down her spine, his fingers making little trails in her fur as he did.

His touches were like magic. Mhina was on fire and his tentative caresses stoked the flames of her passion. As his hands slid down her back, she felt as though she were spiraling into a sensual madness. His hands kept trekking down her back until they were placed on her hips. He held them there for a moment, before letting out a ragged breath and continuing to trail his hands further down to her plump rear. It was too soon. He needed to draw their foreplay out a bit more to get her ready, properly.

He squeezed her rump and nipped at the small of her back, delighting in the way she shivered as he devoured her. It was funny; they had been married for years, had been making love for years, yet still even now, he could elicit a sensual reaction from her without even penetrating her. It certainly was ego-boosting. He bit a little harder, causing her to yelp in surprise.

He slid his hands from her posterior across to her sides, then to her belly, then down further to the secret place where would join his body to hers in mere moments. But, before he reached the flesh of her sex, he diverted his path and rubbed his hands across the inner side of her thighs. He ran his hands up and down the sensitive inner part of her legs and bit her back once more. He bit her again and again, but never in the same place twice and always licked the places he had bitten each time. She began to shiver and moan and when he heard her whimper his name, it was time.

He returned his hands to her hips, steadying himself and he grasped his swollen, eager shaft. He pressed it to the petal-soft folds of her womanhood, then thrust deep into her moist, dewy warmth. She gasped, loudly and arched her hips against his groin, pulling him deeper inside her. He churned his hips, rocking rhythmically and hotly inside her tight center. Her moans became a sensuous whimper and the sound was purely an intoxicating, thrilling, sensuous ringing in his ears.

"Mhina..." he breathed, still plowing into her warmth with sweeping strokes of his lengthened arousal. "...oh, Mhina..." he moaned, a euphoric heat roiling inside of him.

The feel of her lover boring deep inside her, over and over was beyond bliss. She shuddered within the heated grip of desire's hold. When he whispered her name, she began moving her hips to meet his powerful thrusts. His response was to meet the sway of her rear bouncing against his groin with greater urgency. His plunges delved even deeper and his movements came at a furious speed. Mhina cried out with reckless abandon and he knew that he wasn't going to last much longer. He could already feel his milky seed gathering in his lions, threatening to erupt out of him.

He wrapped an arm around her waist, holding her tightly against his lower torso. She was clutching the pillows, her claws digging into the fluffy whiteness in erotic desperation. Her breathing had turned into panting and her moans had become throaty cries of erotic excitement.

"Night! ...ah...ah...Ni--!" she cried, her power of speech failing her as her mind went numb from the dizzying ecstasy her husband was filling her with.

Hearing his name on her lips was going to be his undoing. "Mhina...I can't..." he groaned. He couldn't take it, he was going to burst and she was the one seducing him into breaking. But, reaching his climax before her was not an option. He needed to get her there and he needed to get her there, now.

Trembling with sensual ardor, he maintained his hold around her waist with one arm, then snaked his other hand down her belly, blindly fumbling his way down to the place where his engorged flesh was roughly plunging and moving inside of her sweet, wet heat. He buried his muzzle in her hair and bit her neck, sumptuously, as his hand moved over her lower region, searching for an unknown something. When his fingers at last came across a small, hot nub crowning the entrance to her secret center, he fondled it with gusto. Pressing , rubbing, squeezing, he massaged and stimulated the sweet pearl until he heard her scream his name, right before being assaulted in the most pleasurable way.

Her fiery moist inside where his stiffness was steadily pounding into, started to spasm and pulsate all around his hardworking member. The sheer carnal pleasure that engulfed him was devastating and with a loud groan and one final, powerful lunge, he sank his entire length into her, all the way to the tip of her core. The warm fluid of his essence streamed into her like a milky fountain and he thought he might die from the pleasure of it all. His energy spent, he collapsed atop her and struggled to breathe as erotic sensations continued to erupt inside of him.

Being fully inside of her at the moment of his release, his bulging bulbus glands had swelled so much that they could no longer pass through the fleshy crevice through which they had entered. Their engorgement prevented the wolf from withdrawing his extension from inside of her body. 'Knotting' or, "tying" were the common terms used to describe the phenomenon that was exclusive to male canines. It would be several minutes before their bodies would be able to separate, but during the period where they remained joined, Night would be the one to experience the true pleasure of knotting.

While coupled, he would intermittently and unexpectedly jettison more of his sperm in a series of secondary climaxes. The subsequent releases would allow him to enjoy the pleasure of multiple orgasms from just one coupling. Though they wouldn't be as powerful or as pleasurable as the first, they would still offer him the gratification of orgasmic exhilaration.

In the recesses of his mind, Night knew that he needed to get off of Mhina's back. She was being pressed under the entire weight of his body, so he needed to unburden her from that pressure. But, it was frustratingly difficult to get his body to cooperate while still in the grip of ecstasy. When he finally started to come down from his euphoria, he knew that he had to take the moment of clarity and use it to relieve his wife of his mass.

With his arm still around her waist, he start to roll over onto his back with her in tow, but just as he started to do so, a wave of sexual pleasure crashed into him. The first of his secondary orgasms had rushed through his body. He trembled and groaned and once again, he collapsed.

Mhina giggled. Night had explained to her long ago what knotting was and what it entailed, but even if he hadn't fully explained it to her, she would have at least been able to figure out some of what was happening, because she could literally feel it. She could feel his warm seed spraying into her body and she could feel the small spasms of his still engorged erection buried inside her when it did. She knew that this was exceptionally pleasurable for him, but that it also had a habit of taking his strength in lieu of that satisfaction. Quietly, she reached behind her and found one of his ears. Tenderly, she rubbed the appendage between her fingers and hummed, softly. A smile touched her face as she felt her mate's tail wagging behind her.

"Sorry, Mhina." he whispered, tiredly. "Just give me a minute."

"I keep telling you that it's fine." she replied. "You work hard to give me the most exquisite pleasure. The least I can do is support you for a while."

He shook his head. "No, the only reason I can perform and satisfy you on any level is because it feels so damn good doing it. Whatever pleasure I give to you, you give it back to me, tenfold."

She smiled, warmly, her heart spilling over with joy. "Put your head on my shoulder." she instructed. When he did so, she went from rubbing his ear to slowly running her fingers up and down from his brow to his ear and back. He murmured something incoherent, then suddenly tightened his hold about her waist and groaned loudly. His body shuddered and his breathing turned to panting until his body stilled and he continued to pant next to Mhina's ear.

"That's 2." she thought to herself, still stroking his head. "Babe?" she said aloud. He mumbled something in response that she assumed was him telling her to continue. She couldn't help but to smile at how cute he was. "Why don't you go to sleep? It's still going to be a while before we can separate, so just rest until then. You can roll us over when you can pull out."

He shook his head, again. "I noticed that the snow is beginning to let up. If I fall asleep, I might not wake up until much later, but who knows what the weather will be like then."

"Oh, the snow? Do you want to go back out? Was there an exhibit that you wanted to see?"

Once again he shook his head. "No, there's something I wanted to show you."

"Me?" she asked, earning an affirmative nod from her husband. "What is it?"

He opened his eyes and looked at her, startling her by the seriousness of her gaze. "It's something important." he replied.

Something was up, even if she didn't know what it could possibly be. She looked into his clear, violet eyes and after a moment, returned to massaging his head. Whatever it was, he was going to reveal it to her just as soon as they could uncouple their bodies from each other. She would just have to wait until then.