M Lycanrocs (Dusk and Midnight) x F Lyranroc (Midday)

Story by Axel Silverwolf on SoFurry

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#29 of Pokemorph Sex Stories

Gonna try uploading more frequently now, this one is about a lycanroc dad and son trying to find a mate, and they finally find one, problem is she's hostile? What do they do? Use aphrodisiac of course!

PM me if you want a commission, I'm especially interested in bullying, gay, or heroes being defeated. That said, I don't mind straight pairings too.

In a forest in one of the cities, where a bunch of pokemorphs were living together as a tribe, were two lycanrocs, one had red fur as red as the bloodmoon, and the other as orange as the fur as the sunset: Midnight and Dusk.

It had been a long time coming, but Dusk was now officially considered an adult now that he was 18 winters of age, he had been thoroughly trained in the ways of hunting, just like his father was.

His father approached him, his son had been getting wet dreams and certain urges lately, as natural as it was when the time came for a young adult male to find a suitable mate, and Dusk never really lived with a mother figure in his life.

Both him and his father were fairly muscular, his father was more bulky while he was lean, and everyone on the tribe wore bikinis and loincloths most of the time, and wanted to live a more natural life away from technology.

"Son, it is time for you to finally find a suitable mate for yourself, and that means going outside of the village and attracting a female of your choosing" His father advised him.

The young lycanroc had his tail wagging already.

"Oh boy! Where do I start to find one?" The eager, young, virile male asked his father.

Midnight stopped his son in his tracks.

"Patience son, first we need to find a good potential mate, the sooner the better. Remember, choosing a mate is important, because you need to form a good relationship with them and find good qualities in them that are suitable for a partner in not just mating, since you will be spending your whole life with them, they need to be someone you can tolerate and mate with for life... Are you listening son... Son!?" Midnight said to him before realizing that his son was gone.

Dusk had left before running off into the woods searching for a mate.

"...! Son, wait!" Midnight called out to him, chasing his son as he desperately searched for him since he needed to guide him on how mating and to choose a good potential mate.

"Son! Where are you!?" Midnight called out for a few minutes, desperately searching for his son since he was his responsibility in the first place.

"Ah! S-Stop! Ngh...!" He heard from a nearby clearing.

Midnight rushed in and saw that his son was busy having his way with another female, a floatzel from the looks of it.

"Son! Stop it!" Said Midnight as he pulled his son off of the female, making the male whimper as the female floatzel scurried away.

Dusk was left blueballed and still having a boner, with the female gone, there was nothing to sate his lust as of now.

"Son, you can't rush things, you need to be careful who you pick as your mate and to not be forceful on the females that you come across, otherwise, they won't return your advances and accept you as theirs, alright?" Midnight advised his son.

His son nodded begrudgingly, despite his eagerness and horny state to release his load into one.

"I know but I want to get a mate now!" His son whimpered some more, while his father hugged him.

"Shhh.... It's alright son, we'll get you one, and she'll be worth it, I swear to you" Said his father, cradling his son's head.

They soon went back to searching for another mate, this time it was a typhlosion, who was rather curvy, with wide hips and had ample tits to match her size.

Dusk drooled at the sight of the typhlosion but Midnight was weary from her glaring, but thought it might just be her appearance.

"Hello miss, would you be interested in...!" The typhlosion readied a flamethrower, scaring the two wolves away.

"Get out and never come back filthy lycanrocs!!!" The typhlosion screamed hysterically at them.

"Gah... Hah... That... Whew... Was close..." Midnight said as he wiped the sweat off his head.

"What's her problem..." Dusk said, feeling disappointed while she was sexy enough for him.

"See son? This is why you should always pick a girl with personality" His father said as they caught their breaths.

After that debacle with the typhlosion, they decided to find a more tame pokemorph to be Dusk's mate.

"Ah look son, she's perfect" Midnight pointed at a certain pokemorph drinking water from the lake.

The pokemorph was turned around, and had her big ass exposed and raised, and judging by her appearance, she didn't seem like the violent type.

"Quick son, go court her for her affections" Midnight said as he pushed his son to talk to her.

Dusk certainly found her huge ass attractive, and decided to try asking her out.

"Hi! My name is Dusk, would you like to be my mate?" Dusk asked her.

The pokemorph turned around slowly... Too slowly.

"Um... Are you alri-" Dusk started to say before the pokemorph was done turning and talked to him.

The pokemorph, a slowpoke, had a derpy look to her face and spoke.

"... I... Would............................ Love........................ To......" Slowpoke said as she turned to him.

"Um... I uh... Nevermind, I think I'm out of your lea-" Dusk started to say before realizing Slowpoke wasn't done speaking.

"Be...................... Your................. Mate..." Slowpoke said as she finally finished.

"...Um.... Yeah uh.... Good day... I think we should see other pokemorphs instead..." Said Dusk, scratching his head.

"Oh.............................................." The slowpoke said and had Dusk worried that he might have hurt her feelings.

"Listen, I'm sorry if I hurt your feeli-" Dusk said before being interrupted again.

"Kay...................." Slowpoke said.

Dusk had enough of this and decided to leave.

"Goodbye!" Dusk said and turned around to leave.

"Good................... Bye................." Said Slowpoke, slowly turning around and going back to drinking from the lake.

"Definitely not that one" Said Dusk as he walked past his father, who was confused by what happened.

They searched around the forest some more, encountering more pokemorphs that seemed to be either hostile or just not Dusk's type.

"Oh come on dad, I am not gonna find a good mate in this forest" Dusk said as he whimpered.

"You'll find one, you just haven't searched hard enough" Said Midnight as they continued searching.

"But... We've looked almost everywhere, I'm not going to be able to find a suitable mate!" Said Dusk as he lost hope.

Midnight felt a bit bad for his son, not being able to find a good looking mate that had good qualities a mate should have.

"Alright son, we'll continue searching for one again tomorrow, we'll be eating your favorite stew in the meantime tonight" Midnight said as they began walking back home.

"Oh boy! I can't wait!" Said Dusk as he wagged his tail.

Dusk and Midnight began walking back home until they suddenly fell into a pitfall trap!

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH oof!" Dusk and Midnight yelled as they fell into the hole.

Dusk and Midnight realized this was no accident, somebody had made a trap, but what for? They didn't know, their tribe was too far away to even have a reason to make a trap this far away from their place.

"Who goes there?" Said a silky female voice.

The two lycanrocs looked up to see another lycanroc in midday form, her luscious huge tits and wide childbearing hips were there for the two of them to see, with her bikini not covering much of her body to begin with, she looked attractive and seemed like a stern pokemorph.

She snarled at the both of them as she looked at them with disdain.

"What are you two doing in my territory!? Have you come to have your way with me!?" she said, snarling with an intimidating expression on her gentle looking face.

"No, we were heading home and got caught in this trap... Wait... Did you make this trap!?" Dusk asked her.

"Of course! It's to keep nosy intruders like you from entering my den! You think you can just waltz in here like you own my land!?" Midday said as she prepared to attack them with her spear.

"Please don't hurt my child! He's only searching for a mate!" His father shielded his son.

Midday stopped herself.

"A mate?" She said, looking at the two males before her, and their hung cocks that were barely concealed in their loincloths.

She blushed before she relented her oncoming attack and decided to bring a ladder down to them.

"Very well, since you have a son to protect, I will le the two of you live, a father doesn't deserve to lose his family in any way. Now leave! Or you shall face my wrath and pay the price!" Midday said before leaving and entering her den.

She didn't take into account how they now know where exactly she lived.

"She's... She's so sexy and dominating! I wish she could be my mate!" Said Dusk who felt himself get hard.

His father had gone hard as well the moment he saw her sexy body.

"Oh you will have her my son. She is perfect, she seems to be a skilled trapper, and very terriotorial, she will be a great asset to our tribe, as a member and mate. We just need to come back here later, but first, we'll need some help from our tribal witch" Said Midnight as he and his son left to enact Midnight's plan.

"But what if she gets angry?" Dusk asked his father.

"She already did, and she didn't exactly say no to being a mate or accept it. But we can persuade her to be your mate" Midnight said as they came to their tribe's witch's hut.

There were several potions made from natural herbs and berries that decorated the place, while a cauldron was fuming from the mixed berries inside.

"Ah, Midnight and Dusk, what have you two come here for? I was just closing up and its almost midnight, do you have any stomach aches?" The female braixen asked them.

"No Braixen, we just need a little something to... Persuade someone to be my son's mate, and I do hope you know what I'm talking about" Said Midnight, winking at Braixen.

"Oh! Hehehehehe, I have just the trick for that!" Said Braixen as she took a potion, one had a picture of an arbok, presumably the pokemorph's venom, a vial of honey, and lastly, a dash of roserade petals, making the cauldron puff up a smoke of pink fumes along with the liquid inside.

"Ah... There we go, the perfect aphrodisiac, it's said to make anyone grow crazy if they have sex within the first minute~" Said Braixen, taking a potion bottle and filling it up with the new aphrodisiac she just made.

"A-Aphrodisiac!?" Dusk said, a bit appalled by the stunt they were going to pull.

"Relax son, if you didn't notice, she took interest in our cocks, meaning that she was not entirely opposed to the idea, we'll just help her with her decision~" Said Midnight as he looked at his son.

"...Ohhhhhhhh! So she wanted to be my mate then?" Asked Dusk

Midnight nodded.

"And with this, she definitely won't be able to resist us" Said Midnight, smirking as the potion glimmered.

"Just be careful, you two only have one shot at using this potion" Braixen warned them.

The two nodded as they left the tribe, the only thing lighting their path was the moonlight, but their nocturnal eyesight made navigating easy, still remembering the path to her den.

"Alright son, you shall follow my lead and see how to properly pleasure a female by the time we use the aphrodisiac, alright?" His father ordered him.

Dusk nodded and they eventually found the place where she lived again, and entered her den.

She seemed to live alone and they could see makeshift furniture and windows, some fish were hung outside of her den to dry, some fruits, a table, and finally, a bed made with leaves and all sorts of other materials which Midday lycanroc was sleeping in.

"Alright son, on 3, you hold her legs... 1... 2... 3!!!" Yelled Midnight, waking Midday up.

Dusk quickly held her legs down while Midnight put his knees over her arms and made her chug the potion down.

Midday thrashed as she was made to drink the aphrodisiac, and eventually manage to throw off the two males off of her, snarling at them, they had underestimated how strong she was as they stood up, though not afraid, and with hard, throbbing erections as they stood side by side.

"You're really going to get it you two! I told you to stay out of my territory! Now you two will...!" She couldn't continue as her legs suddenly gave out and her body became hot and horny, her pussy leaking out juices that she couldn't resist her body's sexual urges and started to finger herself..

"M-My body... W-What's happening...!" She said as she furiously fingered herself, her pussy was feeling hot and as if she needed something... Someone inside her right now!!!

She spread her legs, panting and moaning, presenting her pink, pussy as she tore her bikini off along with her bra, before returning to rubbing her cunt and squeezing one of her tits.

"W-What are you waiting for...? Come here and fuck me...!" She said as she didn't stop touching and molesting herself.

Midnight removed his loincloth before approaching Midday and started to rub his cock at the tip of her snout, making her already horny state even hornier as she sniffed at the musky cock in front of her.

Dusk followed what Midnight did, removing his loincloth and rubbing the tip of his cock on Midday's nose.

Midday, now that her anger had been overridden by her horniness, began licking the two cock tips and began jerking the both of them off.

Midnight and Dusk precummed, which was graciously licked and sucked on by Midday, eagerly thrusting her head onto their cocks and alternating between sucking Midnight and Midday's cocks like no tomorrow.

"D-Dad... S-She's sucking me so good...!" Dusk yelled, as he growled with pleasure, making the female slightly scared yet aroused by his growl.

"That's it son, let her... Get used to your scent, she will now warm up to us from now on...!" Midnight said, snarling as well from the pleasure, thrusting aggressively into her maw.

Midday was lost in the pleasure of having two cocks fill her maw up. She felt like she was in a dream, like this was the best feeling she's had in a long time considering she never felt this horny before.

She started to finger herself as she licked both of them, sucking the tips and looking up at them with adorable eyes.

"Fuck yes... Keep going... I'm gonna make you remember the taste of our cocks...!" Midnight said, grabbing her head to thrust his cock inside hard and fast.

"Dad... Please... I wanna cum in her mouth too...!" Dusk yelled, panting as he got close.

"You'll get your turn... I'm so close..!" Midnight said, getting carried away as he grabbed her ears and pulled her head until she took his whole length, making her breathe in his scent fully as her eyes rolled up and she felt herself prematurely squirt as she let a bit of her juices out underneath her.

"Ah... Go ahead son... Show the same ferocity I displayed..." Said Midnight as he let Dusk take control.

"Gladly dad... Here it comes...!" Dusk said, grabbing her ears just like his father did, and thrusted into her.

Her eyes widened at the sudden intrusion, her pussy was leaking more juices from the arousal she was experiencing.

"Yes... It's... Her tongue is licking me so good! She's giving it her all...!" Dusk cried out as indeed, Midday was crazed with lust now, circling her tongue around his cock as he thrusted into her.

Midday's eyes rolled up, she wanted nothing more than to drink cum now, cum from this energetic, strong male.

"I'm gonna cum... Please drink it up...!" He shouted, before thrusting his cock fully inside, not letting her pull away, forcing her to drink up his cum as his cock reached her throat.

Midday came and squirted her juices beneath her on the floor, creating a puddle as she drank up the cum.

Dusk pulled out, holding on tight on her ears, seeing her make a silly look on her face, smiling in ecstasy from the pleasure she felt from being fucked in the mouth.

"Wow... She's got a really silly look on her face now... She was... Hah... Really angry earlier..." Dusk commented.

"That's what happens when you pleasure a female, now my son, I will show you how to pleasure a female in her nether regions!" Said Midnight.

Dusk let go of her ears as Midnight pinned her down on the bed, rubbing his cock on her pussy.

"Do you want this cock?" Midnight asked her, her juices coating his cock like no tomorrow.

"Y-Yes... I want nothing more than to be fucked by two males right now..." She said while blushing, not wanting to admit to wanting to be fucked this easily.

"Louder!" Yelled Midnight.

"I want your cock...!" She begged.

"I said LOUDER!!!" Midnight yelled at her again.

"I want that co- Uwah!!!" She cried out as he suddenly penetrated her mid sentence.

Midnight bit into her shoulder lightly as he dominated her.

Midday gave cries of pleasure as she was screwed by his knotted cock, not a thing has been able to reach so deep inside her before and yet this male's cock had managed to hit her g-spot at the same time.

"Uwah.... D-D-Don't stop...!" She yelled out as she was fucked with enthusiasm by the canine.

"I will push that stubbornness out of you... Take this... And this...!" He said as he fucked her hard and fast.

"No... Please... M-Mercy...!!!" She moaned with tears of pleasure coming out of her eyes.

Dusk watched as his father taught the bitch a lesson and disciplined her with his thrusts.

"So this is what mating is like" Said Dusk as he stroked his cock.

Midnight stopped biting her before kissing her, locking their maws together in a passionate kiss.

Dusk saw it and it looked fun, he was definitely going to try that out when it was his turn.

"Here is my load...!" Midnight yelled as he pulled out and coated her fur in it.

Midday whimpered as she felt Midnight climax in front of her, but... She hadn't cum yet, she needed to cum, and she needed a male's load inside her or else this heat they were responsible for won't die down.

"N-No fair... You got to cum..." She whimpered, wanting to feel more pleasure.

"And that's what my son is for, now son, show this female how being in our tribe is a great privilege" Said Midnight, moving behind her, and rubbing his cock on her anus.

At the same time, Dusk approached her, and started to rub his cock against her pussy as well.

"T-Two at the same time... I don't think I can... Huwah!!!" She screamed as the two cocks penetrated both of her holes, throwing her head up and giving a pleasured face and drooling on the side of her muzzle.

"T-This is what it's like inside a f-female... Oh god... I wanna fuck her everyday so badly...!" Dusk yelled in celebration, thrusting eagerly as they both fucked her holes.

"It... It feels too good... I can't stop moaning... Help me... I'm gonna become a slave to this pleasure...~" She said, although her voice felt more like she was trying to get them to fuck her harder, which they both obliged.

Dusk started hitting her g-spot, while Midnight was hitting her prostate, ramming their cocks in her and attacking both her weak spots at the same time.

"I can't... My body feels like it's melting...!" Cried out Midday.

Dusk decided to shut her up by kissing her, locking their muzzles together just like his father did, before his tongue and hers intermingled with one another passionately like lovers were while he squeezed one of her tits.

Midnight started to rub her clit in rhythm with his thrusts, he was not gonna take any chances of his son facing rejection from this female at any point and he will do anything he can to help his son win her over.

"I'm... I'm gonna cum... Please don't pull out... Please let me cum...!" She begged Dusk as she looked at him cutely like a puppy would.

"I won't" Dusk said as he wiped one of her tears and proceeded to lock their muzzles once again in a passionate embrace.

"M-MMMMMMMMMPHHHHHHH!!!!" She came as she gave a muffled cry, feeling the two cocks cum inside her, triggering her own as both her holes were made into a juicy mess.

Dusk and Midnight let her go, looking down at her naked, sexually exhausted form, as they panted themselves from their own releases.

"Now my son... Its time to take her to our tribe and make her part of our family" Midnight instructed Dusk.

Dusk nodded and started to carry her body to their tribe.

[1 Year Later]

Midday was taking care of a baby rockruff in her arms as she breastfed it, as two more were on the floor, cuddling against her side as she hummed to herself.

Dusk and Midnight had caught two wholloping fishes, and brought it over the table and started cutting it up.

Ever since the day they decided to make her part of her tribe, Midnight and Dusk treated her like a queen, sure she set up some traps near the village to catch any intruders or get food, she would always be taken care of by the two males.

Of course, she would be getting railed when the children were asleep, and the two would go at it all night, but in exchange, they took care of her well, too well in fact she felt like a queen rather than a trapper now. But who's to say that's a bad thing when you have two studs doing your every bidding now?