Non-Programmed Emotions

Story by Mordecai Singvogel on SoFurry

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A story about a bat that bought a ship and shot off to space with his trusty robot

DAY 1:

Stars flew by as Atsumoro, the pilot and only organic crewmember of the starship he had just bought, sat in his cockpit looking out of the windows around him. He was a dark furred bat, wearing cargo pants with a tank top, which he always found the most comfortable as it gave his winged arms all the space they needed, unlike the stuffy formalwear he was made to dress up in when he was young. His ship was old, and on the slower side. Even though it had holes in its hull when he got it, it had come with a service robot, that spent weeks repairing it with him. Not all the systems worked as they should. The gravity didn't work quite right in his bathroom. Air didn't circulate as well as it should in half the ship. But it worked and was in no danger of killing him. Or anyone else for that matter with the malfunctioning guns. All the faults made it even more attractive to the bat. The perfect first ship for him. Something to fix, and fly through the galaxy. To see what's there, while making sure the ship will eventually be exactly like he wants it, and he'll know exactly how to fix things, he learned to fix the time.

The bat was always more the loner but starting a long haul business was taking it to the extreme. He had been dealing with calls from his parents for hours. Not that he blamed them. He had made the decision without a warning, and only informed them of it as he took off his home world. Much to his shock, they weren't furious. They had always been against him leaving the safety of the planet for the uncertainty of space, but they were worried instead. While he cared for them, and did all he could alleviate the worries, he wasn't going to turn around. He's going to see this flight through. He had to see what's out there. And if it doesn't work out, the parents made sure he knows he'll always have a place back home.

As he hung up the last call he could take from them, he smiled and looked to the stars. They were full of opportunities. Full of life and adventure. He kept daydreaming of the opportunities for a few minutes before he shifted his gaze back down to the ships controls. He had calculated his trajectory already. He was too far for it to be too accurate, so he'd have to redo them every few days. But that's the spacers life, and he was already enjoying it. His destination was on the other side of the galaxy. The longest trip he could make with his ship. Hell, there was no ships that he could go further in any reasonable time. He punched in the numbers, and turned on the auto pilot. He leaned back as it loaded, checked the course against the star maps, so it could do the slight adjustments so the ship wouldn't slam against a star or a planet. The bat rubbed his face with his hands, before looking at the passing space between his thin fingers. He was both excited and nervous for it. It'll be a long time without talking to another organic. But lucky him, he has his comms unit, if he needs to talk to someone desperately.

Once the controls started moving on their own, doing their micro adjustments, the bat pressed the button to move his chair back, and out of the sealed cockpit. The chair turned around, revealing the compact interior of the ship, and the bot, Twobit, making its way through the corridor, approaching the pilot. Its dark blue chassis shone in the dim lights. The scratched up paint didn't bother it. Nor the pilot that now owned it. "Sir, dinner is ready" It said in its monotonous, electronic voice. Just like its chassis, it's neither masculine nor feminine. Around its eye is a light-yellow light, used to make sure the sensors always got enough light for it to see. "Already? What's for dinner?" Atsumoro asked, slowly getting up off the less than comfortable chair. He stretched as he took the first steps towards the dining area. "I opened a container of the finer soup to celebrate our lift off, Sir. There's only two packs of it, so the other one we will save for our arrival at our destination." The robot informed him and took a step past the captain of the ship. It quickly wiped the chair, performing one of his many duties.

Atsumoro inhaled deeply, trying to smell the food, but couldn't over the scents of oil from the robot and the ship around him. A scent he wasn't the biggest fan of but found it somehow alluring. Like the unpleasantness of it was balanced with the ideas it brough to him. The freedom he got from the ship, and if the ship had the scent, it was the scent of freedom. Or at least that's how he thought about it. As he reached the stairs at the end of the small corridor, he looked over his living areas. The room was mixed eating and relaxing area, and sure enough, there was a small bowl filled with soup. The bat slowly made his way down the stairs and to the dinner. Sitting down, the pipistrelle sighed. The situation he found himself finally sitting in. He was truly alone for the first time in his life. With a smile, he took the first spoonful of the fruity soup.

Day 12:

With each passing day, the lack of face-to-face contact with other furs began to weigh more on Atsumoro's mind. The loneliness was more than he expected. But every time he really needed it, and there was no one to call to, he could rely on Twobit to pick up the slack. As the hours went by, and there was little for him to do, he sat near the robot, and talked. Just talked. Atsumoro's friends and family were there too from time to time, of course, but they couldn't be there around the clock. The sunlessness of space had also started to mess with the pipistrelles sleeping schedules, which made the contact with them harder. The robot itself was programmed to answer its owner but wasn't used to the capability to be tested so much. And the bat found it fascinating. How much could it do? So far, quite a lot, at least on the topics he himself was interested in.

"What did you do before I bought you? I assume not much, with ship being this degraded..." The bat said, leaning on the wall as he sat on a crate. "This unit was stored in a warehouse for 10 years, 5 months and 25 days, Sir." Twobit responded as he adjusted settings on a wall panel. The fans that blew fresh air into the room started spinning faster. "That long? What did you do before that? Why did they store you away?" "This unit maintained server systems of an office building since release from factory to the long-term storage. It was deemed unnecessary, as a newer model was bought." Twobit replied without hesitation or emotion. "I was only bundled with the ship, as the warehouse started filling up, and the ship wasn't selling, Sir" The robot turned its head and looked to the vents, and the lights around its eyes changed colour to red as it measured something. "Did you like the vacation the storing gave you? Did you even know what was going on?" "Everything seems to be in order, this room no longer poses a hazard, Sir. To answer your inquiry, this unit was not aware at that time. Only the clock was running. This unit does not come with a simulated feelings unit." "Awesome. Maybe we should fit one in you?" The bat smiled and leaned forward, supporting himself on his knees.

"Those things have been deemed illegal, and this vessel doesn't have a compatible model, Sir. This unit can perform its duties with the same efficiency as without that particular module. Some studies also suggest that the module would lower my efficiency." The robot answered as it turned and started to walk towards the kitchen area. And the bat followed him. His eyes wandered up and down Twobit's chassis, as he considered opening it up, and tinkering with his insides. Maybe make a version of the module he had mentioned. "The dinner has been warming for a while, Sir. Temperature seems optimal for consumption" The robots monotone voice informed as it started to portion out food for the bat. "Perfect timing..." He muttered, glancing at the food. "You know, I'm getting tired of eating alone. Can... Can you sit down with me?" He asked the robot. "I have duties..." It started, but the bat cut it off. "That's an order. Please, sit with me while I eat" He said, slightly embarrassed over it, but unwilling to let the robot to go now. "Yes, Sir." It replied obediently and walked to the table. It put the food on it, and pulled a chair out, like it did every day, and waited for Atsumoro to sit before it sat next opposite him.

He happily chatted away with the robot as he ate, and more he talked and asked about the robot, the more friendly his tone and questions became. More interested in the robot itself, instead of the machinery behind it. Twobit itself didn't realize the shift, working to answer the queries to the best of its ability.

Day 19:

Over the past week he felt worse and worse. The loneliness was ever present in the daily life. But that was fine, he had been eating with Twobit every day. And even when the robot didn't have feelings and couldn't hold a conversation, only replying with direct answers to questions, Atsumoro found comfort in it. And the more he thought about it, the module the robot had mentioned seemed like a better idea. He had done some research on it but didn't go in depth on it. It seemed complex, and that he was afraid he'd fuck it up. Leave his only friend in constant pain, or make it hate him. Either of those wouldn't be an option. He had a time he'd arrive. But today? He had started calling the bot his friend. And he couldn't leave his friend hanging.

He spent hours alone in the cockpit talking himself into talking a real look into the matter. He looked to the big screen in front of him. There were two windows open on it. One a camera inside, showing Twobit work around the ship, fixing this and that. On the other is a search page on the network of some colony near him. Atsumoro let out a deep sigh and started typing.

He went through article after article saying that it shouldn't be done, warning about how the robot will become murderous, or for models in wider use. Being technically minded, he studied the principles of it, and by the time Twobit sent him a message on the comms for dinner, Atsumoro had gotten the basic grasp on it. It'd be surprisingly simple. The problem were parts. He wasn't sure if he had them. The articles did mention taking apart some less used modules on the robots to make it. But could he do that? Break his friend to give him feelings? Twobit certainly wouldn't mind before the module was done. But would he after? The bat sat in the pilots' seat, looking at the article, thinking of his options. He wanted his friend to feel, but... And that's when the comm sounded again. "Sir, dinner is getting colder." The pipistrelle looked to the comm panel. The robot didn't have feeling in its voice.

He finally got out of the cockpit and made his way towards the mess area. He looked to his feet as he walked, deep in thought, weighing his options. "Hey, Twobit..." He began as he got close enough to the robot that it heard him. "Do you have arbitrary modules?" Atsumoro closed his eyes tight, waiting for the robot's reply. "One moment." The bat swallowed hard as it replied to him. Twobit stood there, holding the chair for him, but he didn't feel like it was appropriate to sit down. This was too biga deal. "I counted 3 that I have not used since boot aboard the ship. None flagged as arbitrary. None can be removed without consequences." It finally said. And the bat's heart sank. "W-What sort of consequences?" "The modules are as follows: Force regulator. Radiation Detector. Carbon monoxide meter. Each is needed in case of emergency." The bat licked his lips. "How... How likely it is that any of those is needed?" Atsumoro kept his eyes on the robot as it calculated. "10%. 25%. 43%." A long silence followed. The robot waited for its master to sit, while the bat thought about his options. "Would you mind if I took one out?" The pipistrelle finally asked. "I would advice against it."

Atsumoro sighed and took a step closer to the seat. The robot doesn't feel. Why would it care if something is taken out? But yet, he didn't want to do it without the robot's say so. He sat down and took the first taste of the day's rations. It was the same as every day after they had launched. He kept his eyes on the food. "But would *YOU* mind it?" He asked, putting emphasis on you. The robot stared at the bat from across the table, where it had sat every day when its master ate. "I do not have feelings. It would not matter to me. I would advice against taking any module out, Sir." Twobit replied. And the bat sighed. He had figured the answer would be about that. The robot said it was fine by it, even if it didn't advice, he'd do it. He'd have to think about it. Would it be OK for him to violate it, even with this?

Day 24:

Once more, the bat sat in the pilot's seat, thinking. Atsumoro looked at the passing stars. It had been a long time since he last had fixed the course. That meant that the trip would take even longer, since he wasn't aiming at his destination. It was half on purpose too. As much as he hated the lack of other furs, he had become satisfied with spending time with Twobit.

Atsumoro had started calling the robot him, instead of it. He knew the loneliness was getting to him, and it was bad. But it felt right, somehow. He had downloaded the schematics for the module. And set up a playlist of music that has always calmed him down. Atsumoro hadn't been this nervous in years. He had made up his mind: He'd make the module. He'll sacrifice the radiation detector. He had a hand-held one. Nowhere near as accurate as Twobits and meant only for emergencies. Hell, he didn't even know if it worked anymore. But he was sure. Atsumoro got out of his seat and slowly made his way down the narrow corridor. "Twobit! Where are you!?" He called out. The bat took a deep breath, waiting for the now all too familiar monotonous voice of the robot. "In the barracks. Cleaning." The reply rang out. Nodding slightly, eyes on the floor, the pipistrelle walked towards him. He made his way through the common area, to his bedroom. If there were more crew, it would indeed be the barracks area, as Twobit called it, but being the only organic onboard, to him it was his bedroom and nothing else.

As he reached the door it slid from his way and he looked at the robot, walking around, dusting the furniture. Atsumoro couldn't help but smile. He was afraid, but seeing the robot move assured him. It'd be alright. It had to be. "Twobit, mind laying down and powering down?" He asked with a quiver in his voice. And the robot looked at him for a moment. "Yes, Sir" was all Twobit said before he was laying on the floor, turned off. The pipistrelle took a step forward, pulling up the schematics. He reached for his tools, and kneeled next to his friend. He started working slowly, careful with the chassis. Scratching him was out of the question. The bat took a deep breath once Twobit's back was opened, and all the circuitry was before him.

Atsumoro looked over Twobits circuitry and carefully shifted through them, looking for the module he was supposed to modify. It took hours before he was sure which part he was supposed to remove, and he did so as slowly as he could. His hands shook. The bat couldn't breathe before the part was out and in his hand. And once it was, he let out a deep sigh of relief. That's when his real work started. Atsumoro sat at a desk for two days, soldering and resoldering parts, until the module was ready. He had been brought to tears several times over the course of those days over the feeling of betraying his only friend in the ship. But it was too late already. He couldn't go back. He felt he couldn't stop until Twobit was together again.

Once he had rechecked the solders and the placement dozens of times after his last work, the bat finally felt he's ready. He plugged it in to his multitool, and flashed the code he downloaded in. His entire body shook. Atsumoro was taking more than a few of risks with the work. He could have fucked the module. He could have broken code, or worse still, a virus. At least his checkers said it was clean, but what program was made for this? But worst of all, if he got caught, he'd spend the next 10 years in prison for illegal modifications. All there was left, was to install the module, and power Twobit up. And that's just what Atsumoro did. Slow as he could with shaking hands he put the board in, and put his friend together. And as he flipped the on switch, Twobits eyes lit up... And nothing else.

Day 29:

Atsumoro paced though the ship for days. He barely ate. Hell, he couldn't eat. He feared he had killed his last friend. He hadn't talked to anyone but the robot for almost a month now. He couldn't, and had started worrying that no one cared about him anymore. How could they? He hadn't been in contact with them. The bat was sure they had forgotten him already, and all he had left was the robot, and he had left him broken. All he could do was lift him to his bed and wait. He kicked himself and cried. How could he not? He killed his only friend! He'd reach his destination in a few days, but what was the point now?

The pipistrelle sat at the kitchen table, knife in hand. Why was he so broken up about a robot. He felt like an idiot. He could be fixed. He of course knew it. But still, he was overwhelmed by guilt. He shook and brought the knife to his wrist. If he had to have him fixed, they'd know. Everyone would. He was alone or get jailed. He was moments away from sliding the knife when he heard something from his bedroom. A whirr of fans and slow click of servos. His eyes darted to the door. There was nothing yet.

Atsumoro dropped his knife as he watched the door, hoping that Twobit would appear. Each second felt like an eternity. And as the robot appeared, the bat shot up and flew to it. He wrapped his wings around it. Tears flowed freely from his eyes as he sobbed to Twobits metallic chest. He didn't care if he did anything. He was just happy to see the robot up and about. "What is going on?" He asked, voice no longer monotonous. It had some life to it. "Something is not right. I can not find a required module. I'm finding an illegal one..." The robot spoke, staring forward and ignoring the bat for now. "What did you do?"

The bat kept sobbing as the robot asked the first question of its life. "I-I'm sorry. I removed the module, and modified it." The robot looked down to the bat, and wrapped one arm around him. "It was inadvisable. Why?" Twobit asked. "Because I lo..." he started. But couldn't finish it. Was he about to say he loved him? It made sense. But... A robot? He had been there though his loneliness... Before he could speak up again, Twobit wrapped another arm around him. He didn't need to say it. He knew. The module worked. "I thought I lost you... I'm sorry." Atsumoro said, still sobbing. "The module took a while to initiate. The code is inefficient, and there are faults in the connections." The robot said, slowly petting the small bat. "You seem thinner... You haven't eaten..." It slowly said, and picked up the boy. "You need rest. I will make something to eat." The robot said as it walked to the bed and laid him on it. "Do not worry, I'm functioning as I should." It said. And the bat couldn't help but smile as he cried. The voice was full of emotion.

But as Twobit was about to pull back, Atsumoro stopped him. "H-How do you feel?" He asked. The robot looked down to the bat. "You did something that can not be undone. I couldn't say no. And you did it anyway. But I think it was for the better." The robot sounded happy. "Whether this is the coding you uploaded, or the gratitude for giving it to me, I share your feelings." He said and patted his hand. "But now, rest. You need it."

Day 32:

The bat and the robot didn't talk much for the couple of days after Twobit woke up. Atsumoro wasn't doing the best. He tried getting up constantly, but the robot made sure he was bed bound. He brought him food and did all the work the bat would normally had. All but fixing the trajectory of the ship. It kept flying slightly in the wrong direction. Each day it did, added a few more to the total journey.

It had been a time for both to think. For Atsumoro, it was all about what had happened and recovering from his fear that he killed Twobit. The more he thought about it, and himself, the clearer it became. He wasn't just thinking of him as a friend. Far from it. He was ready to end it at the thought of doing breaking him. The robot doting on him didn't help it either.

As for Twobit, his time was trying to find himself with the newfound feelings. How did he feel about this and that. But more often than not it returned to the bat. He slowly started taking more care with the food he made. It started with the basic things. Adding some extra things that Atsumoro seemed to enjoy. Eventually it led to him cooking the food for him from scratch. Well, as from scratch as he could with the ship's rations. As he prepared the days food, Twobit thought about something. He wanted to show his gratitude to Atsumoro. The bat had been good to him, and he felt something. The robot couldn't quite process what it was. Then again, he could barely process the simplest of feelings. It was all new to him.

As he stepped into the bat's bedroom, Twobit stopped. Atsumoro was stretching and on his feet. His eyes were on the ceiling, and he breathed slowly. It took the pipistrelle a moment before he noticed the robot at the door. And as he did, he turned his head and smiled to him. "That smells amazing" The bat said, taking a step towards the robot. "You're too good to me..." "Am I?" Twobit replied, looking to the food he made. It didn't seem that big a deal to him. He liked to do things for him, but the effort he took for the food wasn't that much. But he was happy hearing his approval. Twobit made up his mind. He needed to do it. He needed to show his gratitude, and from what he had gathered, the bat would be more than happy for it. The robot started designing something. He searched lists of parts on the ship.

"Please, sit down and eat. I have something I need to do." The robot said, placing the food down on an end table. Twobit took the bat by his shoulders and guided him to the bed. "It shouldn't take too long, and I'll be back." He said, voice clearly distracted. "Ok...?" Atsumoro furrowed his brow at it, but didn't push further. He patted the robot's side before sitting down. "Well, have fun with what ever it is." He said, taking his first bite of the food while the robot slowly made his way out.

The droid started walking around the ship, gathering parts for his design. It wasn't easy to find them. It had to be just right. Bit by bit he gathered the parts. Silicone, steel and rubber. What he designed was an addon for his chassis. Twobit had no idea how big or small to make it, but he did his best to make it proportional. He first tried building it with a steel core, but found it more likely to damage Atsumoro than anything. The next attempt he used thick rubber. It wasn't perfect, but it would do. He finished the addon by coating it in silicone, making sure it was as smooth as he could make it.

Once it was finished, the robot looked at it. Certainly not the best make, but he was sure it would be more than enough for the two. But even so as he looked at it, he felt as if he shouldn't even bring it up after all. He had no word for it. The robot had made up his mind, but now that he was finished... He moved his gaze to the closed bedroom door, and back to the addon he made, processing for a moment before getting up. He had gone though the effort of making it using the materials, so might as well. Each step he took, the robot fidgeted slightly, second guessing himself. But he wanted to at least offer.

While Twobit worked, Atsumoro sat in the bed, eating and wondering what the robot was doing. He was obviously up to something, and he had no clue what. The sounds of building echoed though the ship, and the curiosity almost won over for the pipistrelle. But the robot would only carry him back to bed if he tried to walk out. Even so, he was about to get up as the sounds stopped.

The robots metallic footsteps got closer to his door as the bat leaned back, supporting himself on his arms. His eyes were glued to the door, waiting for Twobit to appear with what ever he had made. And as the door slid open, Atsumoro's eyes widened. He was holding what could only be called a crude dildo in his hands. The robot stood there, looking at his hands and the tool he had made. "I thought I should show my appreciation for all you've done for me so far." The robot spoke. "And somehow offering this felt like the right choice" As Twobit spoke he attached the addon on his groin and looked to the bat.

Atsumoro didn't know if he should laugh, cry or both as he listened to the robot. The implication of his words... He swallowed hard, blushing deeply and scooted back on the bed. Neither of the two spoke for a few moments. The robot patiently waited for the bats response, while he tried to get his head straight. Was it ok to? He had forced feelings on Twobit. He didn't know what the robot was thinking. But most importantly, did he care about the morality of it anymore? He wanted the robot. That much he knew but going this far wasn't something he had ever thought before.

Finally, the bat opened his wings, inviting the robot into a hug without a word. And the robot was more than happy to oblige, crawling on the bed to the bat. He wrapped his metallic hands around the pipistrelles hips while he wrapped his arms around the droid. The robots artificial member pressed against the bats groin, and his own cock started to get erect in response. The two held each other for what felt like an eternity to the bat. And he enjoyed every second of it. Twobit's cold chassis didn't bother him. He was happy there, in his arms. Atsumoro found he wants more. With a quick peck on the robots metallic forehead he whispered "Take me."

The robot pressed its cold metallic head on the bats chest as it looked down. Atsumoro's shaft tented his pants. Twobit slowly moved his hands on the organics back, towards his pants. He hooked his digits around the waistband, and pulled them down. The bat lifted his hip, hugging the bot tighter. Atsumoro's eyes were shut tight. He was excited and had to squeeze his fists shut to keep his hands from shaking.

"Are you sure about this?" The robot asked as he pulled the pants down just enough to expose the bat's rear. He nodded in response. "I am..." He whispered, just before Twobit gently, yet forcefully pushed him back on the bed. He looked down at Atsumoro, blushing and panting on the bed. His legs were up, and groin hidden behind the pants. The robot hooked the legs around his shoulders and pressed his synthetic tip on Atsumoro's hole. But before he went any further, he reached for a bottle of oil. Neither was sure what it was for, but it didn't matter much. He oiled his shaft, and pressed against the hole, almost penetrating and coaxing an exited gasp from the bat.

The bat nodded, urging Twobit to go for it without a word. And the robot obliged. He thrust forward, finally spreading the virgin hole around his synthetic length. Atsumoro gasped and jerked as the mixture of pain and pleasure. The robot stopped and leaned over his lover. He pressed his metallic hand on his chest, and the bat nodded in response. That was enough for him, and he started moving back and forth slowly, making Atsumoro squirm under him. The pipistrelle's cock twitched in his pants as his pre stained the fabric.

Little by little the robot moved faster, aided by the oil. His mechanical hips landed on a steady, hard and fast rhythm, keeping the blushing bat squirming and moaning in pleasure as he got used to the large shaft. As he found the acceptable pace for the mammal, he leaned forward, getting into a better position.

Tears rolled down Atsumoro's face. He was truly happy. It didn't matter to him if it was all born from his loneliness. His cock twitched as Twobit kept a steady pace, getting close to cumming. The bat rubbed his face, trying to hide behind his hands as he let out a long moan. He had reached his peak, shooting his load into his pants. As the bat tensed, Twobit let his legs down, and pulled him into his lap. The robot hugged him tight, still keeping his length in him. Atsumoro panted as he hugged the bot just as tight. "Thank you... Love" he whispered, almost quiet enough to be inaudible.

Day 33:

The ship was almost at the destination. It was only hours away, and the bat sat at the pilots seat, dreading getting caught and fearing for his and Twobits future. He hugged his knees, eyes watering. Thoughts raced through his head as he tried to rehearse what he'd say to the dock workers. But despite his best efforts, he was constantly distracted by the robot cleaning the ship.

"Fuck it..." he muttered before he got up from the chair, and made his way towards the robot for the last time before they arrived. He rubbed his eyes, trying to dry them. The bat didn't want the robot see him in that state, but he had no choice. "Hey..." He called out. "Can you come here for a bit?" "Just a moment, love" The robot replied from their bedroom. As he waited, Atsumoro sat down by the table, and leaned on his hands.

After a few minutes, the robot appeared. He looked to the bat, speeding up his pace as he saw his face. "What's wrong? Are you alright?" Twobit hurried to ask. Before Atsumoro could reply, the robots arms were around him. Without a second thought, he hugged back. "No... We're almost there, and I'm afraid." He said, voice shaking. "And... And you can't be you when we get there, or we'll get caught. And if we get caught, we'll be sent to prison" The bat started speaking, as fast as he could before letting out a sob.

The robot stroked Atsumoro's back. "It's alright. I can block the memory sections temporarily and turn off the module..." He tried to comfort his lover. "Or I can power off to recharge while we're there." The words helped, but the pipistrelle couldn't stop his crying. "Y-Yeah..." He said between the sobs. "And I'll take another job. The longer the better." He said, trying to smile as he looked to Twobits face. "That's right. Now, go clean up. I'll make some dinner. You'll have to be at your best when we get there." The robot said. Atsumoro took a deep breath and nodded before he finally let go and took a step back. "Yeah..." He muttered as he dried his eyes. He slowly walked to the bathrooms, trying his best to calm down. It was hard, but he managed. Somehow.

It didn't take long after he had finished his dinner before the ship was hailed. Atsumoro ran his hands through his hair. "I can do this" He muttered to himself. He opened his comms, and answered. "This is Atsumoro, captain of the CS Relentless. I'm carrying cargo for the Voidustries." He said, trying his best to hide his nerves. "This is the star port of Magni Colony. Proceed to gate 259. You're already a few days late." "I... I apologize. There was a stellar storm I had to dodge." " Ah. A first timer. I'm sure your employers understand. Don't worry too much about it." The woman's reaction reassured the bat, who let out a relieved sigh. He flew the ship to the gate he was directed to, slower and more carefully than he really needed to, too nervous to hurry. As he approached the docking clamps, he saw a few workers on the walkways, ready to unload the ships cargo.

Once good and docked, Atsumoro greeted them, trying his best to sound happy, but only asked for directions to where he could negotiate a new haul. The workers seemed weirded out by his enthusiasm for the loneliness of his ship, but directed him.

Day 35:

It was a few long days as the ship was unloaded, and refilled with the next job. He had managed to talk the longest possible haul for himself. From the edge of the galaxy to the other. It would take at least twice as long as this trip had and that was perfect for the bat. He didn't care about the weird look the old wolf gave him as he signed the contract. He'd spend a long time with the love of his life, unhindered by the laws or social judgment of others.

And the moment the ship had left the dock, Twobit powered back on. The couple were happy for their privacy, even if it clearly hurt the bat to have so limited contact with others. But in the end he knew he was happier with the robot, than he'd be with any other organic.