The Nun's New Congregation (A Jeeves Prompt, posted with permission)

Story by FerretFyre on SoFurry

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#51 of Smut I Commissioned

Sister Ingrid continues to worship Hannah's dick, with the help of a rapidly growing cult of fellow devotees.

  • In a fun twist, we're doing another sequel to an OC related prompt, this time The Nun's Temptation. Which means local busty bear nun has decided to worship labrador futa dick all day. I'm sure this is one of the weirder prompts, if only because when I say "worship", I mean it in the most literal religious sense. Welcome to the Church of Horny. Big thanks to Jeeves, who was kind enough to write this for me as part of my Patreon reward, so give him a follow over on SoFurry or FurAffinity, and maybe donate to his Patreon.

The Nun's New Congregation

"For what we are about to receive, may the lord make us truly thankful."

Sister Ingrid knelt before her God. Before the manifestation of the divine which had been revealed to her some months before. She trembled in shame as she raised her head and regarded it, but not because she was looking at the thick, throbbing rod of knotted red flesh. Her shame came from the idea that she could ever have felt embarrassed, humiliated, conflicted about her worship of that perfect organ and the heaven-sent proof of miracles which it had offered to her. Nevertheless, she knew that she had to push through that shame. To repent, to seek absolution, and to do so the only way she could; by showing that her faith, her love, her complete devotion was now dedicated to Hannah's glorious cock, and of course the amazing, God-touched woman to whom it was connected.

The brown bear leaned forward and planted a delicate kiss upon the tip of Hannah's erection, a soft giggle escaping the golden labrador as the nun's tongue slipped forward and swept a bead of pre-cum from her sizeable cock's tip. Dressed only in a pure white under-robe, her habit cast aside across the small spare room in Hannah's suburban home where the nun had established her shrine, Sister Ingrid trembled violently as the taste of that pre-cum lingered with its tangy, salty sweetness upon her tongue. Her eyes fluttered and rolled back in their sockets, her toes curled and her stubby tail twitched, and the bear gave a deep, rumbling and reverent grunt as she felt her pussy convulse and spray a brief flurry of volatile, pleasure-induced liquid over the seat of her robe. She welcomed the pleasure; the addictive, indulgent, orgasmic bliss inherent to every drop of Hannah's addictive arousal. She welcomed it as evidence of the divine. Proof that required no blind faith, and which opened up the truth of God's creation to all who touched it.

The holy books, the ceremonies, the strife and bigotry and wars conducted in the name of countless faiths both by and against their practitioners. It was all a distraction. All mortal nature imposing itself over the truth of the divine's plan. Not one of tests and challenges to earn an immortal life beyond this one. Not one of quiet contemplation or devout, dogmatic study. God had returned to this world in their purest form, and had revealed themselves to Sister Ingrid so that she could begin spreading the true word.

God was pleasure.

God was heaven.

And God was a thick, throbbing cock, and a dripping pussy upon the same sweet, devout, endlessly horny labrador.

"For what we are about to receive, may the lord make us truly thankful."

Two more voices spoke in unison, and Sister Ingrid was pulled from her post-orgasmic reverie with a rosy blush. The bear giggled bashfully as she looked with longing up at the smiling, eager woman seated before her in a plush armchair. She didn't take her eyes off the divine form of Hannah's gorgeous body even as she shuffled backwards, but eventually she rose to her feet and gave enough space for the two newest members of her burgeoning congregation to move forward and show their own worship first-hand.

Hannah's neighbours, Riya and Dinesh Chennai, had been the obvious candidates for Sister Ingrid to reach out to when she started planning her new, private services separate from those she was still obliged to attend each Wednesday and Sunday. In sessions following on from the one where she had received her revelation, her God-granted understanding of his presence within not only the flesh of Hannah's cock but in every act of pleasure, every spine-tingling thrill of a kiss and every explosive orgasm, Hannah had told her how the Chennais had become regular features in her household after their first glorious bout together. How she adored their friendship, their kindness, and of course how she loved the way they were so eager to make her cum again and again and again. Needless to say the civet and wolf had been rather shocked when Sister Ingrid showed up at their door in her full habit just a week prior, neither one of them particularly active in any form of religion and certainly not the Christian denomination to which the nun's regalia suggested belonged. But once they had heard what she had to say, once they had realised the truth of what they had felt, what they had tasted... and most importantly, once they had been offered the chance to experience it more and more often, there had been no hesitation in both of them joining Sister Ingrid's new pan-religious, pansexual congregation.

Reaching down, Sister Ingrid pulled up the hem of her white robe until it was bunched around her waist, and slid a second hand down over her plump belly to rub her clit as she watched the naked pair collectively making out with Hannah's cock. The labrador whined and squirmed and moaned in her seat as the civet and wolf kissed around her erection, licking it, suckling upon it even as they adoringly smooched one another in elation at what they were experiencing. Riya's right hand clutched her lupine husband's left tightly, while her left hand cupped and squeezed Hannah's heavy, swollen testicles as her husband's remaining free paw reached beneath them, and began to finger the labrador's pussy.


Dinesh pulled back from kissing his wife and making out with the cock in front of him as he let loose a strangled cry, a cry that turned into a piercing yelp as thick ribbons of cum began to spray hands-free from his cock and paint the front of the labrador's legs, not to mention the fabric of the chair on which she was sitting. With his own attentions diverted, and with Hannah giggling as she reached out to stroke his ears and flushed cheeks, Riya lunged forward and pressed her muzzle down around a good five inches of Hannah's erection while both her hands rose to the swollen bulge of the labrador's knot.

"Oh! R-Riya, I... that feels so, ohhh gosh... please... you're gonna mhhhh... make me... oh! Oh!! Riya!"

Sister Ingrid said a breathless prayer as she watched the civet greedily suckle and squeeze at Hannah's cock, and watched the labrador herself undergoing the divine transformation which the brown bear had been privileged enough to see on several dozen occasions already. Hannah had already begun to transform from the guilt-ridden, ever penitent woman terrified that her lusts were going to send her straight to hell into someone who bashfully but joyously accepted the pleasures her body could offer, and the assurance from her spiritual teacher that there was nothing remotely sinful about them. Now though it wasn't just Sister Ingrid's assurances which filled her with bold and passionate enthusiasm for her own body's abilities, but Riya's suckling lips, teasing tongue and squeezing, stroking hands around her knot. Throwing back her head in a scream of ecstasy, Hannah began to cum, and as after just a few greedily gulps the civet collapsed back to the floor, spasming, trembling and beginning to scream herself in mindless orgasmic rapture, the small congregation's worship of their divine truth began in earnest.

Thick ribbons of Hannah's cum spurted out, her cock spasming untouched and unguided by any hands as Riya lay on her back, her whole body convulsing as Hannah's essence dribbled from the corner of her mouth and flooded her senses with white hot rapture. A fountain of ejaculate poured forth from between the writhing, gurgling civet's legs, and her screams only ceased when after several shots of Hannah's cum struck Dinesh square in the chest and face, he pounced upon his wife with a snarl and stuffed his cock down her eagerly waiting throat as he too began to spontaneously cum all over again.

When the first few ribbons of Hannah's orgasm struck the fabric of Sister Ingrid's white robe, the bear growled and desperately pulled the already lust-stained garment off herself. She dropped to her knees once more, clutching her large, bare breasts as though offering them up to Hannah, and felt the evidence of God themselves washing over her as no prior act of worship or faith ever had, undeniable and measurable by any scientific instrument, while Hannah's still freely twitching erection painted her with string after string of copious, still abundantly flowing cum. It wasn't that the cum enhanced the pleasure of her prior masturbation, or that it triggered some psychological arousal response in her mind to obscene and immediately orgasmic degrees. There was no physical mechanism behind it. No reasonable explanation for why it worked the way it worked. Yet the causation was undeniable. No sooner had the cum touched her fur and skin, Sister Ingrid was cumming. She could hear her own ejaculate fountaining from her pussy and drumming against the floor just as violently as Riya's own, and though there was no additional contact required with any part of her body, the brown furred, now increasingly white-streaked bear roared all the more deliriously as she roughly tweaked her breasts and felt that stimulation enhanced countless times over to its own orgasmically potent degree.

It took perhaps ten minutes of constant, mindless orgasmic pleasure; Riya and Ingrid masturbating and squirting while Dinesh fucked his wife's muzzle and flooded her belly half a dozen times, before the initial rush of ecstasy faded enough that the trio of worshippers could scramble up from where they'd fallen on the floor of the shrine chamber. Once vaguely coherent though, all three still leaking and trembling as though having been edged for hours and left desperately needy, they all dragged themselves to their knees and shuffled to rest in a semicircle around the source of their pleasure and the reason for their zealous worship.

"Blessed be the one who feeds the hungry, blessed be the one who brings love to the lonely..."

Sister Ingrid gurgled as she, Dinesh and Riya all began to nuzzle and kiss at Hannah's erection once more, the labrador stroking their faces, giggling, moaning in gratitude for their continued affection as her rigid arousal remained undiminished by her first protracted climax of the session.

"Blessed b-be the... oh. Ohhhyess..."

It didn't take long before with a strangled, gleeful whimper Hannah began to cum again, and as her cum sprayed out across the faces and bare upper bodies of all three of the bodies kneeling before her, coating them in dripping masks of her thick, white seed, they fought to keep on providing her with their worship even as orgasm consumed them anew. They pleasured and adored her until with a pleading cry Hannah begged for more, and as at long last the golden labrador rose shakily to her feet, each of the three of her devotees stared up through their cum-stained faces and pleasure-glazed eyes, begging to be the first to receive her next potent, divinely inspired release.

The first time Sister Ingrid had felt Hannah's cock inside her pussy, she saw the face of God. Unsurprisingly it looked very much like the face of the golden labrador herself, panting, moaning, gigging as she loomed over the writhing, shrieking nun and fucked her with steady, passionate strokes of her hips. But within those lustful eyes and behind that giddy, goofy smile which Hannah always gained when she was granted the relief of orgasm, that was where Sister Ingrid was certain that she saw the divine watching. Working. Inspiring the nun with their revelation. A wordless prophecy not of fire and brimstone, not of pale horses and angelic armies, but of a world bathed in eternal joy. A world indistinguishable from heaven, and perhaps indeed a world that from its very creation had held the potential to be heaven for its inhabitants, though normally only for fleeting moments at the heights of their orgasmic rapture.

Now though, as she was dragged up onto all fours by her lovers, by the Chennais, and presented with ass raised to Hannah as she giggled and moaned and squirted uncontrollably in anticipation of what was about to happen to her, Sister Ingrid knew the truth behind that thought with far greater clarity. Every time she had been with Hannah, the wordless understanding she had received from the divine had been made clearer and clearer.

These were the end-times, though not as so many doomsday prophets across the centuries had claimed.

These were the end-times, because heaven upon earth was now within their reach. Because no longer were they limited to cumming only for a few dozen seconds at a time, or a few minutes in the case of those extremely lucky enough to be capable of multiple back to back orgasms without outside assistance.

Hannah was the gateway. She was the prophet. The portal through which heaven could spill forth into the world and share God's divinity eternally with all the peoples of the world. And all that the world had to do in order to make that happen, was to let Sister Ingrid's congregation grow. To ensure that there were enough of them that they could always be stimulating the tireless labrador. Always be fucking her, sucking her, pleasuring her and driving her to orgasm after orgasm after endless orgasm.

Like in the times of Noah, God would send a floor to cleanse the earth once more. But this time it would not be endless rain, but rather a worldwide flood of ceaseless, intoxicating cum, which would carry all of creation to heaven through its mere touch.

Sister Ingrid screamed her joyous praises to Hannah and her divine cock as it speared the bear's already soaking wet, gushing pussy. She heard Riya and Dinesh moaning and wailing alongside her, urging Hannah to fuck the nun harder and fill her with cum before doing the same to them. She heard Hannah moaning, grunting with the effort of her own once more building ecstasy, and as Ingrid felt the pulsing girth of Hannah's knot grinding against her clit while the labrador spurted pre-cum deep inside her already spasming depths, the nun sang a screaming chorus of hallelujahs as she imagined that same pleasure not just wracking herself and the few small occupants of the same room, but the whole neighbourhood. The whole city. The country. The world.

For when they received that gift from on high, they would know its truth, and all anthrokind would be truly and eternally thankful.

By Jeeves.