Lesanir Faction Wrap Up

Story by DragonfilmsAndOCs on SoFurry

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#12 of Lesanir Universe Lore

Lesanir is my Sci-Fi universe i've made from scratch. Originally, the universe was made with minimal detail and based around a character named Hacksaw Skadi, a space pirate and escaped experimental soldier. Though, due to certain... events, regarding the people who I thought were friends originally, I discontinued the series. In its wake, I decided to create something much more vast- Lesanir. An entire universe driven to conflict. Lesanir is a universe divided between several corporations and a dwindling government- all seeking to seize total control of all civilized space. Though, that's not to say they're the only ones seeking to put out the fires of war- independents, pirates, mercenaries- all have been on the rise. Now is the time to capitalize on suffering, while colonization is hot and the engine of hatred is chugging.

Lesanir is open source- you are welcome to do as you please with the idea, just credit me where credit is due. I am also soon to be opening a discord RP server based around it, you'll have to message me personally if you want in.

I do all my writings in google docs, its just outright much more... friendly and formattable to work with, I hope you don't mind the link!

This is the master document that intends to wrap up most loose ends about the factions, and states what all differences they have. At least, for the current "core" factions.

Lesanir Faction Wrap Up