Ch. 1. Joining the pride

Story by Meadowleaf on SoFurry

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#1 of Leo's chronicle

A lion prince leaves his pride to join a special one, where the traditional gender roles are reversed and females are dominant.

After over a week of crossing the sun scorched savannah, Leo had reached his destination. He would have made it sooner but for the circuitous route he had to take along neutral corridors between pride territories. Given the nature of his departure, he thought it prudent to avoid crossing even allied kingdoms. This put him at the risk of running into rogue males, roving bands of hyena marauders or leopard bandits, but luckily he had encountered none of those. It seemed that such ruffians did not venture this deep into the heartland.

An arduous journey, but here finally he was, just past a post that marked the edge of Madini's territory. Madini's pride was special in that it not only was it ruled by a queen rather than a king, here females were dominant and all males took on submissive and subservient positions. A complete reversal of the traditional roles.

As a prince, any female in Leo's pride was his to take--his father's wives excluded, of course. He had done so only once, mostly out of peer pressure. Truth be told, it hadn't been all that it was made out to be. Afterwards, she had complimented him on his skill as a lover, told him he had been the best she ever had, but her words had clearly been nothing more than comforting lies. It was, after all, the duty of a concubine to service not just a prince's carnal needs but his ego as well.

One day he had heard of Queen Madini and her pride. She had been the butt of a crude joke by an older prince, but Leo hadn't been able to stop thinking about it. The idea consumed him. He had discovered something about himself. While the thought of taking a female again filled him with anxiety, the thought of serving a Queen, the Queen taking her pleasure from him felt just so right in a way he couldn't put to words. He had resolved to leave his pride before he would be married off for political points and seek her out. It should be possible for him to join her pride. Supposedly, for a male, it was as easy as it was for a female to join a patriarchal one.

Leo had not made it deep into Madini's territory when a pair of lioness guards had spotted and caught him. Now lying flat on the ground with two kneeling on his back and binding his wrists, he was reconsidering if this had been such a good idea. They led him to shade beneath an acacia tree, where they cornered him with his back against the trunk. Their spears were not pointed in his direction, but held in a way that suggested they could be in the blink of an eye.

"Who are you?" one of them demanded. She wore short pants and a top made out of tawny fabric, not unlike the recreational hunting garb worn by males back home. She was also eye-catchingly muscular for a female. Looking at her partner, this was perhaps not unusual in this place. Leo was reminded of the claim that long ago, before the invention of farming, females had been the primary hunters of the pride.

Leo tried to muster the appearance of confidence. "I am Prince Leo, from the pride of King Septimus."

The guard leaned her spear towards him. "King Septimus is not on friendly terms with our Queen. What is your business here? Also... Leo? Ran out of names, did he?"

Leo ignored the barb and continued, "I wish to... abdicate my pride and join yours."

The two lionesses looked at each other, an amused and disbelieving smile on their faces.

"Is that so. And why would that be?"

"I... I wish to serve your Queen. Like... the way the females of our pride serve their King."

The other one snorted derisively. "For as long as our pride has existed, we've been inundated with cast-off princes with ambitions of turning it into a kingdom. But you're different, I'm sure."

"N--no. I mean yes."

She leaned in, and continued in a low growling voice, "As entertaining as teaching cocky pricks some humility is, it does get old. Just walk away and we pretend you were never here."

"But I am sincere!" Leo protested.

The lioness sighed. "Yes, yes, of course you are. At least say it like you mean it."

There was a lump in Leo's throat but his mouth was too dry to swallow. His eyes darted between the two lionesses. He crouched down to his knees and, putting as much conviction into his voice as he could, said, "I wish to join your pride and serve Queen Madini with all my heart, body and soul."

"My, my," he heard the other lioness say. "He's putting on a better show than most so far."

"Emphasis on the show."

"Oh, let's just take him in," the other one said. "He sounds serious and he's not bad on the eyes."

A sigh. "Very well, if you insist. But you take him, I do not want to walk all the way to the castle and back."

The one who had shown pity on Leo grabbed him by his arm and pulled him to his feet. She fashioned a makeshift leash out of rope to put around his neck and began leading him along a road that led deeper into the pride's land.

The voyage passed in silence, for when Leo tried to ask something, the lioness snapped back with, "Silence! In our pride, males speak only when spoken to."

At the castle, a great fortress of stone that greatly resembled his old home, he was walked in not through the grand doors, but down a flight of steps to an underground side entrance. The stone walled hallway seemed to radiate cold. Daylight streamed in from small narrow windows near the ceiling. She led him to a sturdy wooden door that opened into a room no more than fifteen feet in width and length. It appeared to be empty but for a high wooden table, long and narrow, standing in the middle. A heavy looking light fixture hung above it. The lioness guard ordered Leo to lie down on it. He hesitated but was not in any position to object.

"Arms above your head," she ordered.

Leo straightened his arms and the lioness removed his existing bindings, only to replace them with new ones. She bound both wrists individually, attaching the ropes to hooks at the corners of the table.

She then moved on to tie down his ankles as well and even added ropes around his thighs to keep his legs splayed wide. Satisfied that he was sufficiently immobilized, she began removing his clothes. First to go were his decorative armbands sporting the colors of his pride. The guard didn't even bother to untie their strings, she merely cut them with a knife. Next, she cut and tore up his vest, paying no heed to the fact that it was made of expensive imported silk with gold thread filigree. She undid his belt (with diamond inlays) and unceremoniously tossed it to the floor, then cut up his trousers, also made of silk. He was down to his underpants, but the lioness did not stop. Leo cringed as she brought the knife so close to sensitive areas but she wielded the blade with great care, the sharp edge always facing away from skin. After stripping him completely nude, she took a good long moment to look him over. She had a look about her that Leo could only describe as hungry, and he was the meat on the platter. Suddenly, she turned around and left, the door creaking and slamming shut, leaving him in the dark.

Time passed as Leo lied stretched out on the table. His arms began to tire and he tried to shift to a more comfortable position, but he was bound too tight. He shivered, not so much because of the chilly underground air, but of unease. What exactly was coming next? What would be required of him to be accepted into the pride? Some horribly painful initiation ritual where they cut off bits or put in new ones?

He had almost drifted off to a half-sleep when the door swung open again, casting orange light into the room. He saw the silhouette of a lioness. She reached towards the side of the door and he heard the clunk of a switch being thrown. A hot, brilliant light speared down on Leo and he had to squeeze his eyes shut. When his eyes adjusted to the light, she was standing over him. She was an older female, not the guard who had brought him in but not the Queen either. At least, Leo didn't think she was. She wore a short brown pleated leather skirt and a matching brassiere. Attractive, but not very queenly attire. In her left hand she carried a black leather bag, the kind visiting physicians carried. A worrying sign.

He heard the bag thump down on the table, above his head and between his arms. It's contents rustled and clinked. With a click she unlatched the bag and took out a strange item: a ring with two leather straps attached to it. "Open your mouth," she said. Her voice was strict; it was clear she wouldn't ask a second time.

Leo opened his jaw wide and she shoved the ring inside, behind his canine teeth. The little straps went over the top of his muzzle and under his jaw, locking it in place. Gagged, Leo could neither close his mouth or open it further, or even speak clearly.

The lioness then grabbed him by his mane. Although not yet grown to its full splendor, it was plenty enough thick to offer a good grip. She forced his head to the side and pulled at his ear with her other hand and inspected it closely. This she repeated on the other side as well. She did not bother to explain what she was doing, but she seemed satisfied by whatever she found--or didn't find. Ear mites? He hadn't had those since he was a cub. Or perhaps more likely, a tattoo marking one as an exile.

Next, she peeled back his lips and leaned in so close he could feel her hot breath on his gums. She gave a few of his teeth a couple of experimental taps with her claw. After the uncomfortable procedure was done, she let go, making a soft "hm," sound.

She continued her examination by running her hands through the fur of his chest, belly, sides and arms, squeezing and feeling the consistency of his muscles. Although Leo wasn't especially athletic by his pride's standards, he was still rather proud of his figure. She skipped over his groin and felt all the way down his legs as well.

"No scars," the lioness muttered to herself, barely audible but with a hint of surprise in her voice. Whether this was considered a good thing here, he wasn't sure. Back home, dueling scars were badges of honor and proof of one's lionhood. That he had been too timid to acquire even one was a shame he carried.

Finally, she turned her attention to his groin area, grabbing hold of his testicles. The touch made them try to recede up and slip from her grasp. Leo drew in a sharp breath. Like before, she was methodological and efficient in her examination, stretching the skin out and palpating the orbs firmly. Even as Leo had fantasized about being used for the Queen's pleasure, he had never imagined this kind of treatment. It was objectifying, humiliating, and turning him on like nothing before. His cherry red penis was out of its sheath, hard as a rock, throbbing and yearning for attention. He was simultaneously embarrassed of this involuntary reaction and hoping the lioness would touch him there next. And she did. She took the member in hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, then leaned down to sniff it.

"You appear to be in good health, at least," she said. She sounded... pleased? Surprised? Satisfied? Leo wasn't sure.

She reached into the bag to take out a small vial, from which she poured scented oil on her hand. With the lightest of touches, she began caressing his penis, running her hand up and down the shaft, teasing the tip with her thumb.

Already pent up, the lioness's soft strokes sent tense waves of pleasure coursing through his body. Breathing in quick pants, he arched his back and thrust his hips, but she put her other hand over his pelvis and held him down. Pressure built in in his groin, a rising tension that climbed up his penis until it erupted. He let out a roar as he climaxed. Thick ropes of semen spurted all over his belly. The lioness kept up the caresses until he was a spent, panting mess.

"Fine sensitivity," she said simply.

She raised her arm and snapped her fingers. On cue, the door creaked open once more. This time it was a male lion who entered. He was as muscular as the fittest of Leo's home pride, immediately obvious as the only thing that could be generously called clothing on him was a narrow and short loincloth that left only the bare minimum to the imagination. Around his neck, nearly hidden in his thick dark brown mane was a collar made of leather strips dyed red and green and woven into an intricate pattern. Affixed to the front was a small metal ring. He walked into the room and kneeled before the female.

The lioness thrust forward her oily hand and without hesitation the male began licking it clean. His licks were slow and deliberate, his tongue wrapping around each finger individually. Once her hand was clean of the oil, she wiped it dry on the fur of his chest.

Next, she pointed towards Leo and snapped her fingers again. To Leo's surprise and horror, the male walked up and leaned over him, bringing his muzzle down to his belly. This was not at all what he had been expecting. A lump forming in his throat, he suddenly felt very aware of his restraints, very vulnerable. Much to his surprise, this too excited him, even if he instinctively curled his tail up in an attempt to cover himself. When the other male began dragging his rough tongue through his belly fur, it was like an electric shock had gone through his body. A short moan escaped him and he felt his penis hardening again. A confusing sensation as he had never looked at other males sexually.

Even as the lion cleaned him, a new mess was in the making as the tip of his penis leaked a small puddle onto his lower belly. He licked that up too, then turned his attention to the source. He ran the edge of his tongue across the length of Leo's shaft, carefully so as not to hurt him with his spines. Even though he had just ejaculated, the other male's attentions were bringing him to the brink of another climax. Just as the pressure was building up again, it was over. Leo groaned in frustration and tugged at his bonds, the need for release was almost painful.

The lioness patted the male's back. "Good work," she said. "I shall see you tonight. You're dismissed."

He bowed and left the room wordlessly.

"Look up to him as an example," the female said to Leo. "If you have submission and service in your heart, you will find your stay with us most rewarding. Otherwise, you will find it... most unpleasant. Even a male who does not serve willingly has his uses."

She reached into the bag once more and produced a plain brown leather collar and a riveting tool. Leo leaned his head up as she wrapped the collar around his neck and locked it in place with two rivets. She then removed the gag from his mouth. A chill went up Leo's spine, a scary yet euphoric feeling. He was officially part of Queen Madini's pride now.

"My name is Imara," the lioness said. "You will call me Mistress and refer to me as Mistress Imara."

Leo nodded weakly.

"And what do you say?" Imara demanded.

"Y-yes, Mistress."

"Good. And what are you called?"


She slapped him across the muzzle. The strike was more surprising than painful; just a warning tap, no claws.

"Address me properly."

"I-- My name is Leo, Mistress."

"Good, at least you learn quickly. Keep it up if you wish to earn your true collar. We have little patience for untrainable males."

Imara took out one more object from the bag: a shiny gold cylinder. Leo's erection had retreated back to hiding and over his sheath she fitted the device. She pulled up his scrotum, heedless of Leo's groan of discomfort, and slipped a metal loop beneath. It slotted into the contraption, locking in place with a click. With his penis trapped in the metal cage, erection would be impossible.

"Your body belongs to the Queen," Imara said. "And your pleasure comes at her decree."

She moved over to his feet and began untying the ropes around his ankles. Having freed his legs, she walked around him to untie his wrists as well. As soon as she had released him, Leo sat up, letting his legs dangle off the edge of the table.

Imara grabbed him by his collar and snarled, "Did I tell you to rise?"

Panicked, Leo stammered, "N-- No, Mistress, I'm sorry, Mistress."

The lioness sighed. "Let's try this again. Back on the table."

Leo swallowed and lied down as he was, hands above his head. He waited nervously as Imara circled the table, dragging her claws across the surface around him. The circuit complete, she stood a short distance away and commanded, "Stand up."

Moving deliberately, but with no delay, Leo sat up then stepped down to stand on the cold stone floor.

"Hands behind your back," came the next order and Leo complied.

Using the same rope that had bound him previously, Imara tied his wrists again. Leo barely had registered the sensation of rope against his fur when she was already finished. He could only wonder at how much practice she must have had, and that she could no doubt tie him up even if he was putting up a fight. Finally, she looped the rope the guards had used for a leash through his collar ring.

"I will now lead you to your room. Tomorrow we begin your training. Although you show promise, you have not yet learned your manners and are in no state to be presented to the Queen."

The words stung. He had been called many things in his life, but rude or mannerless was not one of them. And not yet ready to see the Queen? Well, perhaps he had been overtly optimistic.

She tugged on the leash. Leo took a dithering step, then spoke up, "Um, M-- Mistress?"

Imara turned around and glared at him. "Yes, what is it?" she said, voice like morning frost.

"S-- Shouldn't I put on some clothes? At least... a loincloth?"

She kept her gaze level and continued in the same icy tone, "I understand you've never been taught manners so I shall let this insolence slide just this once. You have not yet earned the privilege of clothing. Remember your place or it will be a black collar you earn."

"I'm sorry, Mistress," Leo said. He didn't know what a black collar meant, but it sounded ominous.

Imara turned her back on him once more and gave the leash another tug. Leo followed her out the door and through the corridors beneath the castle. The sun had set, the only illumination came from the electric sconces arranged evenly along the walls.

They passed a doorway into a wider corridor with a row of doors on either side. Each door had a small barred window and a plaque affixed to it. The heavy iron bolts on them suggested these doors only locked from the outside. They walked the corridor until they came to a door with an unmarked plaque.

The room--or cell, rather--was small. A far cry from his luxurious quarters back home. Bare stone walls, a small bed with a thin mattress on it that had clearly seen better days, a single faucet in a corner above a hole in the ground that must have served double duty as a drain and a toilet. However, even as the room lacked in basic amenities, it was amply furnished with things designed for making one's stay even less comfortable: sets of manacles and leather straps of various sizes hung from anchors driven into the walls. Every surface was dotted with eyelets for ropes and chains. Here, already confined to a cell, someone could be further restrained in any imaginable way and position.

"You will stay here for now," Imara said. "When and if you have proven yourself worthy of wearing our colors, you will be given better accommodations upstairs and permitted to roam the castle grounds in your free time. Until then, whenever you are not in training or fulfilling your other duties, you will be returned here." She eyed the room, finally fixing on to a pair of iron manacles hanging off the wall on the righthand side. She untied Leo's wrists, only to order him to put his hands up and into the cuffs.

The length of the chain had been set for someone taller, as Leo had to nearly stand on the tips of his toes to keep his weight off his wrists. He wondered just what Imara intended next.

She told him. "As a reminder of your poor conduct, you will spend the night like this. Training begins at noon. I am not unreasonable, so I shall allow you time to rest and recuperate in the morning. Bear in mind, however, that as your training progresses, failure to live up to my increasing expectations will result in harsher punishments."

Having said that, Imara turned and left the room. Leo heard the bolt grind into place. Not that he would have been going anywhere.