vampirce bunny girl could she be your doom

Story by teardropandmagnum on SoFurry


a small black bunny girl lays in a dark red liquid you know what it is but her round breasts call to you lovingly wanting you to touch them. as you move to her, she ruds her black tummy in a slow circular motion. her brlight red glowing eyes are full of the need and lust, you can smell the dark forbidden scent that she eminates turly wanting somthing from you.

its not your cock she wants, it your blood your life but you cant, no you wont walk away from the beauty in the dark red liquid of life. You feel as if you need her your heart starts to speed up and you walk forward . feeling as the thick liquid touch your feetpaws, your fur starts to stand on end .... warning you not go any closer or you would turly be lost to the would of the normal furs . but the lust takes coutrol of you as you reach to caress her soft and loving breasts and hard purple nipples.


teardrop:" what do you think should i keep writeing boys and girl"

bio's and funsona's

name: Teardrop age:18 race: Cat/Fox/Snake colors: Gothic Rainbow with black flames sexuality: Bisexual (this next part is for the story only) personality: Careing, Loving, and always wishes to please past: Born to a cat/fox mother and a...