My Slave Family- Chapter 3

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#3 of My Slave Family (Completed)

Lou and Leggo meet the cubs but will they buy both slaves or will their rare white fur scare them off?

Chapter Three

"Our New Masters"


Furry Sith Lord

We were finally locked back inside our cages as the sun was approaching the horizon. Normally we would be allowed to wash by reusing the water inside a large barrel of dirty bath water. Not the cleanest but definitely better than licking ourselves. Tonight for some reason Master Fox filled up buckets with the water and threw it at us as he sat in our cages. We figured he was getting a new supply of water by tomorrow but he had never just wasted it by throwing buckets of it at us.

He was very irritable and was screaming at anyone who got near him or dared to try and speak to him. Lyon and I sat in our cages shivering from the water and wondering what was going on. After weeks of following the same routine this break was very disconcerting. The angrier Master Fox got the more we feared what he would do to us.

I heard in the distance an approaching vehicle and we saw it was a large Jeep when it got close. It came to a sudden stop with the brakes screeching and blowing a cloud of dust everywhere. A deer wearing a suit climbed out of the driver's seat and a wolf that was dressed grubby climbed out the passenger seat.

"Hey look at what the wolf is wearing!" Lyon said to me.

"What?" I replied dumbly.

"On his shirt he's got a wolf saying OWO."

"So?" I again replied dumbly and wondered what the big deal was. Lyon shook his head and whispered the secret into my ear. Once I found out, I scrunched up my face and shook my head.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief.

"We had a butler and his lover would pick him up after work. The lover wore shirts like that and one day while he was waiting for our butler to finish I asked what it meant. I then learned the hard way that curiosity kills the feline." Lyon replied.

"Yeah but we're cubs, are we supposed to know about that stuff when we ain't adults yet?" I asked and Lyon just shrugged.

"Can I help it if you decide to park in a place without GPS?" I heard the deer saying as they neared the cages and the wolf ran away from them and headed straight for us. Instinctively Lyon and I tried to grab each other through the bars not sure what he was going to do. When he reached us he grabbed the bars of our cages and stared inside looking at us.

"Aww how cute they are both white." the wolf said and the same look of disgust my adult used when looking at me passed across the deer's face.

"White you say? Like solid white?" the deer asked.

"Well except for the tiger, he has black stripes." the wolf said back to the deer.

"Those are the cubs you have?" the deer asked Master Fox.

"Imagine my surprise when they were delivered like that to me. Had I known they would not have been bought. In a few days a new shipment arrives. You could wait until then and if you're lucky maybe none of them will be white... should any of them be cubs." Master Fox replied but he kept his eyes focused on the wolf. Lyon and myself backed up as far as we could in our cages but the wolf just kept looking at us with a big smile on his face.

"Leggo let's try someone else." the deer replied and the wolf ignored him and went over to his husband and the slaver.

"What's wrong with white fur? Look I got some myself!" Leggo said and he pulled up his tee shirt and revealed that his tummy and chest had white fur.

"Stop that!" the deer shouted at him and slapped his hands making him lower his shirt. "It's not the same and you know it. I never agreed to buy some white monstracities." I turned and glared at the deer and I saw the look of surprise on his face then his eyes softened and he looked away. The wolf ran and stepped in front of him blocking his way.

"Think of the rarity of them. It's not everyday a white lion and a white tiger are born. Image being able to tell your friends that your slaves are so rare you may be the only one to own a white cub. Think of how they'll envy you!" The wolf said and though I could not see his face when I looked at the embarrassed deer I guessed he was grinning. The deer gripped his tie and tugged at it as if trying to remove it. The color was blue with black stripes but the way he tugged at it reminded me of when Lyon was trying to get his red collar off. It made me wonder if the deer was a slave of the wolf just like we were slaves. Seemed funny he was wearing clothes but then that was an unusual wolf, especially with the shirt he was wearing.

"Which one do you want?" the deer asked and the wolf began to examine us again. I extended my paw when he got near and used it to shield Lyon as best it could.

"Listen wolf, we're brothers so I'm not going anywhere without him so if you only want one then take him," then I lowered my voice and almost whispered. "But if you ever hurt my brother and I find out about it then I'll make you pay!!!" I said but truthfully my heart was beating faster than it ever had because I had no idea what this wolf would do to me or my brother. Iff they took him I'd never see them again so how could I do anything? I just hoped maybe I could scare him into treating Lyon better than he had ever been treated before.

Lyon grabbed my paw and he said he was not leaving without me either. Not that either of us really had a choice. The wolf scratched his head and the deer stood by tapping his foot impatiently.

"Well?" Lou said impatiently and he sighed as Leggo turned to face him with a big grin on his face. His tail was rapidly wagging and Lou could feel the deal going sour in his favor.

"The tiger said they are a match set and we can';t break them up. heh heh heh he even threatened my life if I hurt his brother." Leggo continued to smile as the fox rushed to face Lou and try to reassure him.

"Please forgive the cubs there are just too young and I haven't had time to fully train them...." Lou frowned trying to hide the glee he now felt. This could help give him the upper hand in the negotiation. IF Leggo doesn't mess things up by appearing too eager.

"The wolf is very simple," Lou said to the fox and he tried to ignore Leggo's protest heard in the background. "I was looking for a cub he could play with and keep him from hurting himself. Apparently, your slaves will do nothing of the sort. I think we need to look elsewhere."

"So what are your names?" Leggo said as he returned his attention back towards the cubs.

"I'm Tyger."

"I'm Lyon."

"Oh my paws, that is too precious. So the tiger is named Tiger and the lion is named Lion." Leggo chuckled gleefully.

"Well actually my real name is,"

"Lyon! His real name is Lyon." Lyon interrupted. He didn't want the real name his parents gave him to be known to these two. It was humiliating enough.

"Well if we call you that then it's like we're just calling you by your species. I got an idea. If anyone asks your name and you tell them then after you say it mention that your name is spelled with the letter "y" instead of "i." That way people don't get the wrong idea and they'll know that those are your real names." Leggo replied and the cubs shook their heads agreeing.

"I barely have room for one extra cub... er slave. What am I going to do with two?!" Lou protested.

"It would be a shame to break the brothers up. After all, no one wants to buy the white fur ones. I'd be stuck with the other one till I'm forced to dispose of it. If you take them both off my hands it will benefit us both." Master Fox replied as the two continued bargaining over the cubs.

"Hardly. You heard the one threaten... my poor simplistic companion." Lou tried to suppress his fear as he heard Leggo growling at him. He knew he was pushing his luck to try and use him as a bargaining chip. He knew Leggo was going to punish him later tonight unless he could get him those cubs. That may appease his anger.

"Surely we can come to some sort of arrangement." The fox seemed to be pleading now.

"Such as?" Lou said and he knew he had the slaver on the hook.

"Is the deer your slave?" Lyon asked and Leggo showed his teeth as he smiled trying to not laugh.

"What makes you think that?" Lego asked.

"He keeps grabbing for his neck as if he was wearing a collar or something." Tyger replied.

"Hey I like them, they're really smart for slaves." Leggo shouted back to Lou and he glared back at him as Lou again felt his advantage slipping.

"We could be done by now, If someone wasn't acting like a puppy!!!" Lou shouted but Leggo just shrugged it off and turned back to face the cubs. He sat on the ground right in front of the cages and used his hands to grip the bars as he tried to peer inside. The cubs were now more terrified than before and pressed themselves against the far side of the cages.

"Naw our paws are tied, we've been husbands for years. We met in school and fell in love with each other. We haven't been apart since." Leggo said and both cubs stared at Lou in surprise. He saw them looking at him and it unnerved him and he was unconsciously reaching for the tie he wasn't wearing.

"But he's food? How could you fall in love with food?" Tyger asked. Lyon was watching Lou with his mouth watering as he remembered he had not eaten meat in a long time.

"I get you, but I assure you that he is more than that. Sometimes love is a funny thing and I know you're too young to understand but one day when you're older you'll get it. Then your lives will change forever." Leggo said and he turned away and heard the fox and deer still arguing with each other.

One thing Leggo knew was that when his partner was this determined then the deal was all bet set. He never gave up on something he wanted and even when his father had mocked them for their love yet Lou kept arguing until his father gave in.

"Were they cut or can they still breed? Lou asked, hoping to get another angle on the negotiation. If he gish-galloped he might be able to get the fox to become careless and he could squeeze the price down a bit more.

"I assure you all my slaves are uncut! They are at their peak performance to please their masters however you desire," This made Lou cringe. "It seems clear that your... puppy wants them. I want to be rid of them. So I propose a 2 for 1 offer. You get two for the price I normally sell one of my slaves for. It's a good deal!" Master Fox replied and he greedily rubbed his hands. Lou ribbed his chin as if considering the deal but only so far. He knew if he pushed a bit more he could get a better deal.

"Two white fur cubs for the price of a regular slave?! That deal is outrageous! Find another sucker." Lou replied loudly.

"Don't worry guys this is where Lou shines the best. I can guarantee you're both coming home with us." Legfgfo said turning back to the slaves and whispering to them then he put his finger to his lips and made a 'shhhh' sound.

"Alright I'll knock off 10 percent." the fox replied.

"30 percent." Lou responded.

"20 and that's my final offer." the fox held out his hand waiting for it to be shook. Lou hesitated and looked at his hand then smiled and shook it setting the deal.

The fox opened our cages and grabbed us by their arms and pulled us out. He unlatched our red collars then reattached them as we stood there once again unable to move. Lou paid the money to the slaver then approached us and pressed his thumbs against our collars.

"You will obey me." He said gruffly and the look I was giving him caught his attention. I just felt so humiliated that a deer was now my master. He forced his hooves away but kept his eyes focussed on me as I remained speechless. Next the wolf rushed over and pressed his thumbs against our collars.

"You will obey me." he said then quickly took his paws away and gave both of us a hug. "It won't be as bad as you're used to. I promise."

"Good luck boys... hope you enjoy your new slaves." the fox said to them but at first I was confused because I thought he was talking to us. I should have known better because it would have been out of character for him to care about what happened to us. All he cared about was his money and now that he had it, he no longer cared about us.

The jeep was relatively small and not much room for my brother and me. We both sat on Leggo's lap, each of us sitting on a leg. His long arms wrapped around us holding usd in place as if they were seatbelts. I heard the tires screech as we sped off and my heart beat rapidly as I wondered what was going to happen to us now.

"Are you happy now?" Lou grumbled to Leggo. Although he wasn't looking at us I could feel his eyes watching us waiting to see if we were going to do anything.

"I'd lean over and kiss you if I didn't have to hold these two in place." Leggo responded and I saw his tongue was hanging out of his mouth. I then noticed that Lyon had tears in his eyes and I reached over and grabbed his paw.

"Awwww they're holding paws." Lego said and Lou sighed before replying.

"You gonna do that everytime they do something?" Lou grumbled.

"As long as what they do is cuter then yeah."

"What is gonna happen to us?" I asked and looked towards Lou because judging by how he was acting he was the alpha of the two.

"Very astute question. What are we gonna do with them, Leggo?" Lou asked and briefly gave him a stern look.

"Seems old Lou has a case of the grumps. He hates spending money, so we'll give him a pass, won't we boys." He tried using his paws to tickle us and Lyon laughed and struggled while I was silent and groined trying to bear it.

"Not ticklish?" he asked me.

"Not with strangers." I replied then I heard Lou chuckle.

"Well we're not gonna be strangers for much longer! You're gonna live with us now and things are gonna be different." Leggo said.

"The tiger does bring up a good point. We should introduce ourselves and get that over with so we're not calling each other Tiger and Lion." Lou said and Leggo let out a huge laugh then he started tickling us again and I heard Lyon laugh uncontrollably.

"You have no idea what you just said, huh." Leggo replied and a confused Lou glanced at us suspiciously.

"You gonna let me in on the joke?" he asked, the annoyance filled his words and I just knew he was going to be a difficult master to please.

"OK guys introduce yourselves." Leggo ordered us.

"I'm Lyon but it's spelled with a 'Y.' "

"I'm Tyger spelled with a 'Y' also." I replied and looked at the deer who seemed unimpressed.

"I am to be called Master Lou or you can just say Master. I expect you to remember your place as slaves because I won't tolerate any foolishness. Just because my partner acts like a pup don't be fooled into thinking I'm one as well." Master Lou said. I sighed then felt the jeep pull over on the side of the road and a powerful set of hooves grabbed me by my chin and forced me to look into his piercing brown eyes.

"What did I say?!" I shook in his hoof and had to work up the courage to speak. I felt so humiliated that a lowly prey was now my master and could scare me so easily. Even the wolf turned and looked away and remained silent. I thought he might come to my rescue but it was clear I was all alone. I had to remind myself that I'm a slave and needed to act like one to at least protect Lyon and set a good exampol;e so he doesn't get punished.

"I will obey you, Master." I replied grimly and he released my chin with a slight shove demonstrating his annoyance with me. Leggo was busy keeping Lyon occupied so he was unaware of Lou correcting me. I was relieved in a way that he spared me from being shamed in front of my brother. I could tell I was going to like him!

"My name is Leggo and that's what I want you to call me, just plain Leggo." he said and I saw Lyon give him a hug and I couldn't help but feel jealous because after watching that I realized I wanted to hug him too. I could feel Master Lou's eyes and even though I wasn't looking at him, it was like he was looking through me.

"Let's get going." he said to no one in particular and we rode the rest of the way in silence. Eventually we came to a huge mansion and my jaw dropped as I looked at it. The house I had lived in looked to be about the size of one of the rooms and there was space for a dozen or so more rooms.

The mansion was white with black trim and had large columns decorating the doors. They stood at each side. The grass was evenly cut with an expert look so it was obvious he had specialists doing the landscaping. When we parked next to the garage and got it I saw a special area that was fenced off and the grass was a different color than the rest of the lawn.

We jumped off Leggo's legs and he stood with a groan as he tried to walk but with difficulty.

"Cramps" Leggo muttered as he attempted to walk straight and the cramps passed after a few minutes. In the meantime Lou grabbed Lyon and me by the ear and made us walk to the fenced area. There was a sign that had writing but I couldn't read yet so I had no idea what it said. Beyond leading to the back was an orchid and various fruit trees were lined up and several animals were collecting the fruit that was ready to harvest.

"Let me be very clear to you both right now. This is my special spot! I grow some of my favorite grass here and if I find your paw prints inside then the pain you feel in your ears will be but a pin prick of what I'll do to the rest of you. Understand?!" he said to ujs stermly.

"Yes Master.'' We both replied and I waited for him to release our ears but he kept us there watching the fence and grass as if he was making sure we committed it to memory.

"Lou be nice to the slaves, they're not bad kids. Listen guys, Lou grows his favorite grass in there and it's a special treat for him to eat when he wants to eat something tasty. So just leave it alone and make him happy. He's really not a bad guy and everytime I get a tummy ache he grabs grass from there for me to chomp on and feel better." Leggo said and Lou quickly released our ears and I saw him blush slightly and look away.

"I promise to respect the area that you love so much, Master." I replied to him but he seemed to ignore my comment although I saw him watching me out of the corner of his eyes.

"Wanna know a cool fact?" Leggo said and he knelt on the ground and grabbed us into his arms as he pointed us in the direction of Lou's pasture. "That area has grass that's called witch grass, though they don't look like witches and panic grass but the grass looks peaceful. Now in the center pink clover and red clover grow and they are his absolute favorite thing to munch on. Hold on a sec." Leggo stood and ran and jumped over the fence. Lou's eyes were burning with rage and he shouted at his husband but he was ignored. Less than a minute later Leggo ran back and held a red clover in his hand and gave it, like a flower to Lou.

I noticed the red color of the petals of the clover as it stood on the green stem. Lou was blushing again and he bent his head forward and ate the clover but his gaze turned to the paw prints Leggo left on the grass and he began to beat him with his fists.

Leggo seemed unaffected by the blows Lou was giving him but he just pretended to endure until finally the deer ran out of energy.

"Sometimes you have to endure for the ones you love." Leggo said to us as he began to pet our heads. Thinking back on it, that was one of the most profound lessons Leggo ever taught us.

"Master," I said meekly and Lou looked down at me wiping sweat from his face with a cloth he removed from his pocket. His face was unreadable so I was not sure if I was annoying him or if he found me talking to him curious considering how he was trying to distance himself from us. In a lot of ways he was like the adult that sold me yet the fact that he was prey and had power over me made it humiliating that a predator like me should be 'his' slave.

The whole situation had me feeling like an adult had dropped me in a deep pond of water when I had not learned to swim yet. I felt like I was thrashing my paws to try and stay afloat but I was getting tired and the water was covering me as I was helpless. The only one that could help me was just standing, unmovable, and waiting to see what I would do.

"What?" he finally said as he continued breathing heavily. Leggo went behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist and held him tight. Something passed between them but I had no idea what it was. I just never understood how a deer could ever love a wolf.

"Um... you have servants and people all over the place doing stuff." I said my voice trying to hide the fear he managed to give me. Even when I was an adult he had a way of scaring the fur off me and humiliating me because a predator, scared of a prey, was unthinkable. Yet here we are and even as a cub I learned sometimes you need to change your thinking. Leggo was right, we endure for the ones we love and I saw Lou as the father I wished my own adult had been. "So now that we're your slaves, what are we supposed to do to serve you?" I asked finally after working up the nerve. I watched Leggo continue to hug Lou from behind with his eyes closed and he was humming to himself. Lou was watching me with his piercing brown eyes as if both studying me and trying to think of an answer.

"In my line of work I deal with multiple issues like running a company that tries to both benefit animalkind and tries to turn up a profit. I need assistants to help me but I can't just trust anyone. They could try and sell my secrets and ruin my business. That's where you two come in! As our new slaves I could use you and because you are my slaves you must do absolute obedience. This way I can keep things running smoothly without fear of corporate espionage.

However being just cubs I need you educated in order to deal with business affairs. An adult slave would be difficult to teach so we bought cubs that will have an easier time learning. Because of this I'm going to send you to school to teach you the basics and then maybe in a year or two to a private school to complete our education so that you may serve me and make my job easier.

Plus I need you two to keep an eye on Leggo so he's not lonely while I'm at work." Lou said with his eyes fixed upon me and I saw Leggo rest his head between Lou's antlers as he continued to hug him. Lou softened and I turned and grabbed my brother's hand and turned him away from our masters. I just knew that Lou didn't want to appear weak or soft hearted, especially to two slave cubs. In order to respect our master, I hid his weakness from us, if you could call it a weakness.

I often judge things by their appearance and this has led me to misread how a person truly is. I tend to think my younger brother is weak because he is younger than I am but that usually causes me to fail to see how strong he really is.

To Be Continued...