My Slave Family- Chapter 6

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#6 of My Slave Family (Completed)

Chapter Six

"Leggo Meets an Old Friend"


Furry Sith Lord

Leggo waved as he left his family and felt a pang of regret that he left them. He wanted to go shopping with the cubs and feared that Lou would make the experience very unpleasant for them. Not that he was trying to be difficult but being born prey is seen as a weakness. Species respected his money but not him so he tries to be the type of animal that inspires fear so that he gets respected.

Lou was adopted by an alpha red deer and CEO of Antler's Conglomerate. He described what a rough fawnhood he had growing up because although he knew his father loved him, he was very strict trying to raise him to be strong. He never talked about what had happened to his birth parents, but he loved his father and he knew his father loved him. The tough part was that he always struggled for acceptance; acceptance that his father never seemed to show him.

When he and Leggo met at the private school Lou seemed to hate him for some reason. No matter what he tried he could not win his friendship. Leggo never hated Lou but just could not understand why he could not be the deer's friend. It wasn't until one day gym class that Lou had been struck in the head with a ball and passed out. Leggo was ordered by the teacher to carry him into the locker room.

Lou was still pretty out of it when Leggo sat him on one of the changing benches. He retrieved an ice pack and held it against him. Suddenly the unexpected happened when Lou grabbed him by his face and kissed him passionately. At first it shocked him but it suddenly felt so right that he let himself go. It was at that moment that he fell paws over head in love with him.

Lou pretended that it never happened or that he couldn't remember it but they started to get closer and Lou would make excuses to visit him. After a couple of times Leggo figured out that the deer was looking for permission to kiss him again. One day his roommates were out and he was alone with the deer and before Lou could make an excuse of why he stopped over, Leggo grabbed him and they kissed again. This time for real to see if they truly were feeling what they both thought. It was undeniable that somehow a wolf and a deer had fallen in love.

Lou wanted to keep it secret but unfortunately for him, Leggo did not care what others thought about him. They kept the secret for as long as they could but once the other students started asking questions Leggo was the first to break the news. No one seemed to care that they were both males but the fact that one was a wolf and the other a deer had everyone wondering about their relationship. Plus since Lou was from a wealthy family and Leggoi's family barely seemed to be able to pay his tuition, the rumor that he was only after Lou's money was quickly spread around.

Lou's biggest fear was that once his father found out he was going to be forced to break up with Leggo. Lou did not care and was ready to throw away all his father's money if it meant he and Leggo could stay together. Once he told his father the alpha deer seemed undisturbed by it. His only complaint was that his son could not give him a grandson. The alpha himself had been born sterile due to an accident during his mother's pregnancy. It was not realized until years later that he could not have children of his own.

His father somehow met the adults that gave birth to Lou and they agreed to give him to the deer. Lou's father had hoped he could one day be a grandfather but the news ended any hope of that. Lou took the comment seriously and because of how strict his father was to him growing up this sparked an argument between them. He and his father stopped speaking to each other and a week later his father died in an automobile accident. Lou never forgives himself for how things ended between them.

"So how long until the mattress arrives so it can be delivered?" Leggo asked the sales clerk.

"I'm sorry sir but it will take exactly one week."

"OK, thank you." Leggo replied as he left the mattress shop. He found the perfect bed that he thought Tyger would love but he couldn't believe it was going to take a week to arrive. He was glad they were willing to build it and deliver it for free when they learned it was going to be delivered to Lou's mansion, bujt to have to wait a week made him feel for poor Tyger having to sleep on the floor until then.

Leggo made his way to the food court and bought a soda from McAlpha's as he looked around. Towards the center of the food court a yellow labrador retriever stood and waved to him. Leggo swiftly made his way over and Jon licked his cheek, soaking him with drool. Leggo tried to wipe his face as dry as possible while his friend was pulling his arm to try and get him to sit.

"Hey buddy, how ya been?" Jon said gleefully. "It's been a long time, I missed ya."

"Been too long." Leggo said and smiled after he wiped most of the drool away.

"So what's up? How are you and your boyfriend doing?"

"Husband actually." Leggo replied and the labrador retriever became even more gleeful.

"Oh my paws, you mean you two tied your paws together?!!!"

"Well paw and hoof but yes we tied the knot and are husbands now." Leggo smiled.

"Well congratulations! Who'd ever think that a deer and a wolf would get hitched. I remember he used to call you a puppy, does he still do that?" Jon asked. Leggo took a big sip of his soda before replying.

"Constantly, at first I thought it was an insult because I'm a wolf not a house pet.... no offence. I always thought I was too wild to be caged but Lou somehow managed to tame me."

"I always thought you'd settle down with a female canine and raise puppies together."

"Who says I'm not?" Leggo asked with a smile on his face.

"You have puppies? The two of you? So who gave them to you?" Jon asked.

"More like cubs. I was able to convince Lou to buy a couple of slave cubs and once we get everything settled we're gonna make them our own." Leggo smiled gleefully as he took his phone out of his pocket and showed a picture of them sleeping. He crept in and took the snapshot on his phone's camera before he woke them. They just looked so cute being sound asleep.

"Are they?" Jon said as his eyes opened in alarm when he noticed their white fur.

"White furs." Leggo said as he hushed his voice but his eyes beamed with pride.

"But you know about..."

"Stop that nonsense! They are two innocent cubs! I thought you'd know better than to believe old superstitions." Leggo interrupted but kept his voice low hoping to avoid unwanted attention.

"I know but..."

"If you know then STOP IT!!!!" Leggo again interrupted and shouted the last part then looked embarrassed as the other species around him turned to stare at the noise he made. Leggo felt himself blush then placed his chin submissively on the table and flecked his tongue in annoyance until those around looked away and returned to what they were doing.

Jon grabbed him by one of his ears and pulled him up to continue their conversation after they were sure no one was paying them any more mind.

"Why do you do this? Is it for attention? Is it like, Hey look at me I'm defying natural law for my own amusement? Do those cubs even realize this is just some game you're playing?" Jon asked and Leggo bared his fangs but tried to remain silent by not growling. Jon quickly released his friend's ear and a flash of fear again crossed his face.

"You have no right to speak to me in that manner! I love those cubs! You have no right to tell me otherwards!" Leggo shouted in a whisper.

"Is that why you called me here? To brag about those...things?" Jon said as he stood and collected his things.

"I thought we might get you to tutor them. We want to send them to school and figured that since you're a teacher, you might be able to help catch them up." Leggo mouthed grumpily.

"What?" Jon replied dumbly and he sat down as if Leggo had struck him across his maw.

"You heard me, I thought we could trust you. I guess we were wrong. See you around Jon." Leggo now rose to his feet and finished the last of his soda as he prepared to walk away.

"Wait. I don't want things to end like this." Jon gripped his arm.

"How are they supposed to end after you insult my cubs like that?" Leggo spoke and pulled his arm free from Jon's grasp.

"I'm sorry, I'm just a little surprised. Don't go away mad. I don't want this to b e the last thing we say to each other."

"What do you mean, last thing?" Leggo asked, wondering if there was something Jon was not telling him. His scent was colored by fear straight from the moment they met. He realized he had been ignoring his senses from the beginning but Jon was an old friend so why was he afraid?

"I'm just afraid if you go away mad we'll.... never speak to each other again. How long has it been since we last spoke? Years, right?" Leggo realized his friend was right; they had not spoken in years. It was not that they had been mad at each other but they just seemed to lose track as Jon focussed on his schooling and Leggo focussed on Lou. Jon was also right that if they left things as they were he'd never speak to him again. Insulting his cubs was the worst kind of insult you could do to him. He was ready to leave and never forgive Jon for the rest of their lives. "You think I'm gonna just forget what you just said to me?" Leggo responded.

"No, I guess I don't."

"Then we're done here."

"Wait, please... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." Jon begged. Leggo held back a second as Jon grabbed his hand and held it. His eyes were filled with tears and he used his free hand to wipe them.

"It's fine but I have to go." Leggo said dryly.

"About the job,"

"What about it?" Leggo looked at him sternly and Jon knew his old friend no longer trusted him.

"I'd like to still do it, If you'll still let me." Jon replied softly.

"How on earth could I possibly trust you with my cubs after what you just said?"

"Just give me a chance. I'll work for free and you can sit in and if you think I'm being inappropriate then fire me on the spot and I'll never bother you again." Jon pleaded.

"I suppose we could give it a try... but don't think this settles things between us." Leggo replied and Jon jumped up and hugged him.

"You won't regret it,t I promise. No matter what, things will work out for the best. They'll learn and be caught up in no time." Jon assured and Leggo smiled to himself.

"Lou will call you to set something up once we get everything finalized."

"I'd prefer if you called me instead." Jon countered and nodded and smiled back at his old friends.

Jon walked into a restroom and stepped up to an empty urinal that had a doberman wearing a sports jersey and a pair of black shorts. Jon found the openings in his pants and underwear then removed his member and lifted his leg slightly as he began to pee. He was never really sure why he did this but it made it feel comfortable for him. Even the doberman did the same so it must be a canine quick that has them do this.

"How did it go?" The doberman asked him without looking at him as put away his own member and closed the openings.

"He bought it hook, line, and sinker." Jon replied as his face expressed relief as he relieved himself.

"What was he after?"

"He wants me to tutor the cubs." Jon said.

"Excellent. You agreed, didn't you?" the doberman asked.

"Yes, this gives me a chance to get close and I can poison the cubs or something." Jon said and the doberman grimaced.

"As distasteful as that sounds, I guess it must be done."

"Do we really have to kill them? I mean they're just cubs, couldn't we try and guide them?" Jon asked softly.

"No, as distasteful as it sounds, society must be protected from their kind. I wish that silly book had never been published but while the simple-minded folks think the story is true, then we must stop species like them from causing a panic. We don't want another Great Animal War from happening and killing off all life on the planet." the doberman said solemnly.

"Just so we're clear the only reason I'm helping you guys is that you leave Leggo and Lou alone." Jon said as he finished peeing and tucked away his member.

"As long as you do your part I can promise we will uphold our end of the deal." the doberman replied and used his paw to tap him on the shoulder. The doberman quickly washed his paws and exited as Jon stood there feeling like a rock was in his stomach.

The look of love Leggo had on his face filled him with guilt that in order to save his friend's life he must kill the two things that mean the most to him. Could he bring himself to do it? Kill two cubs that he was going to have to trick into trusting him. Leggo was never going to forgive him and that hurt the most.

The doberman had approached him a week ago talking about how his company had researched Leggo and found his connection to him. They told him about the white cubs and how they needed to be eliminated. If he did not cooperate with them they said they'd kill his best friend and his lover also. Jon couldn't let that happen! He was told he needed to find a way to make contact with them and he was going to try and make up an excuse when Leggo called him out of the blue.

The meeting was set up and the doberman went over how he was to act and they gave him a bottle of stuff to use that once it got near his eyes he would start crying. They figured this was a way to manipulate Leggo's kind heart. He actually had to use the stuff and it indeed helped him manipulate his friend. The tough part was yet to come, the part where he ripped his friend's heart out... in order to save his life.

Leggo leaned against the limo as he waited for Lou and the cubs to return. They were taking longer than he had expected and he was not sure if that was a good thing or a bad one. Lou was probably arguing over every little detail and trying to squeeze the most discounts he could get his hooves on.

When Lou suggested trhey take the limo because of the room to store their purchases, Leggo was hopeful that he was going to be allowed to drive. Lou was too... frugal to pay for a driver and he figured the deer was too proud to drive himself. Lou had other plans and decided he was the one to do the driving. He was fine with it; it gave him more time to talk to the cubs.

Leggo jumped as he saw Lou pushing an overstuffed carriage with the cubs clinging tightly to the sides of it. Although he could tell the deer was exhausted his face was as calm as a placid lake. Leggo ran over and took over to give him a rest.

"Wow you bought all this?" Leggo asked, amazed as he started to stick his snout into the bags to investigate. Lou gave him a sharp slap on the head then pointed to the tired cubs. Lou unlocked the door and Leggo led them to the back seat.

"So, how did everything go?" Lou asked as Leggo shut the door and watched the two cubs fall asleep on each other.

"As expected I guess." Leggo said his voice lacked the mirth it had when they arrived.

"So what happened?"

"Jon was his usual self but when I showed him a picture of the cubs,"

"Wait, how did you get a picture of them?!" Lou interrupted.

"I took it before they woke up this morning." Leggo said and Lou reached into his pocket and took out his phone. Lou's hooves probing his pocket caused Leggo to squirm as his partner's hoof touched his private area. Lou didn't notice the reaction; he was too busy searching the pictures on the phone to notice.

"Awww." he replied when he saw the picture of them sleeping then he cleared his throat in an attempt to not be affected by it. "Cute, send it to me when you get a chance."

"Looks like you're turning into a softy." Leggo smirked and Lou gave him a cold hard stare. "Did you really buy all this for them?" Leggo said, trying to change the subject.

"Most of it but I bought a few things for myself and you." Lou sighed as Leggo stuck his nose back into the bags as he looked around. He heard Lou remark something about a puppy, but he was more interested in what the kids got.

"Wow, Power Fur Rangers! I didn't know they liked that. I gotta get myself a couple of shirts so I can watch with them." Leggo remarked.

"I... um... already did." Lou took out a couple of Power Fur Ranger shirts that were adult size. Leggo gave him a great big hug and kissed him.

"I love you." Leggo said as he released him.

"I obeyed your command, sir. I hope I pleased you." Lou said in hushed tones.

"You have no idea how happy this makes me." Lego replied then the sadness returned to his face.

"Is Jon still bothering you?" Lou asked as the last of the bags were loaded.

"I just don't get it, why are they being judged because of the color of their fur? If a rabbit is born white or a dove no one bats an eye but if a lion and tiger cubs are born white then everyone loses their mind. The look of revulsion on Jon's face broke my heart." Leggo spoke as they entered the front of the limo. Lou used his hooves to pull Leggo's head against his chest.

"You're a better person than I'll ever be, because when you looked at them you were instantly filled with love. I, on the other hoof, was the same as Jon. Just look at me now, I've become as much their slave as they are ours." Lou said as he petted Leggo's head but Leggo turned and licked Lou's face before he nuzzled him then kissed him. The drool covering his face annoyed him but the kiss seemed to make everything better.

"What I'm trying to say is," Lou continued after their kiss ended. "That you should give your friend a chance because he may end up falling in love like I did."

"OK." Lego finally replied and he sat upright as Lou started the engine and they drove towards home.

"Which reminds me, when we get home make a big deal about the clothes they're wearing. Lyon has your favorite sports team on his shirt, he asked which one was your favorite and he picked that one to wear. Tyger wanted one with a picture of a wolf to represent you." Lou said sadly.

"What's wrong?"

"Neither one cared about me. It shouldn't surprise me that they favor you, but I was hoping..." Lou remarked mostly to himself but he could not bring himself to finish the sentence.

"Are you kitty-ing me? I've seen the way Tyger looks at you, he loves you but wants your approval. You keep pushing them away so they can't get close." Leggo countered.

"I need to make them stronger because we won't always be here to fight their battles."

"They're stronger than you think. They had to deal with things I never thought a cub would have to. I can't imagine being sold as a slave at their age. Who would do that? They have filled a whole in my heart I never knew I had." Leggo preached and Lou nodded his head in agreement.

We woke up inside the limo with Leggo slobbering all over us. It felt strange because I didn't even remember falling asleep. but I tried wiping his drool from my face and looked at Lyon as he was rubbing his eyes.

I heard Master Lou calling servants to carry the bags of clothes inside. Leggo was busy staring at our shirts and he had a big smile on his face.

"Lyon, that's my favorite sports team. Do you like them too?" he asked and Lyron rambled about the team being his favorite too. He would ask questions like who his favorite players were and Lyon agreed that he loved the same players as Leggo did. It was obvious he was just liking what Leggo liked and had no idea what he was talking about. I could tell Leggo knew all this but he pretended not to notice.

"Is that a wolf on your shirt?" he asked me while Lyon was off putting away his clothes. Master was instructing him that the clothes that were his were about the same size as mine so we could share and if I borrowed any of his clothes he should not get mad and vice versa for me.

"Yeah." I replied bashfully.

"Is that supposed to be me?" He asked.


"Kinda?" he questioned.

"Well promise you won't get mad?" I asked nervously.

"I promise," he replied.

"I know the Master is fond of wolves... so I was hoping he might like me better if I liked wolves too. I'm not saying I don't like you or anything but I think he hates us. I just want him to like us better." I was confused because Leggo started laughing and I wasn't sure why.

Master Lou summoned me to our bedroom and explained that my new bed was going to arrive in about a week. He showed me where all our clothes were to be kept and in what draws they go in or where in the closet they are to be hung up. He instructed me about keeping my room clean and that was our new responsibility. He also said the maids were going to bring our washed clothes into the room but we were to fold them and put them away.

Leggo entered wearing a Power Fur Ranger shirt and asked when we'd be done because the show was going to come on the television soon. Master sighed and let me go join Leggo and my brother. As I sat next to them as the show started I felt like I had really found a family that I belonged to. The Adults I had lived with and the litter mates I had been born with, now seemed like a thing of the past. I have trouble remembering them now but all I could think of was that the adult that sold me always looked like Master Lou when I tried to remember him...

To Be Continued...